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Although nests are central to colonial life in social insects, nests are sometimes damaged by predators or natural disasters. After nest destruction, individuals usually construct new nests. In this case, a sophisticated mechanism like the scent trail pheromone used in large insect colonies that recruit individuals to new nest sites would be important for the maintenance of eusociality. In independent-founding Polistes wasps, it is well known that queens enforce workers physiologically on the natal nests even if evidence of trail pheromone use has not been exhibited. We investigated the effect of the queen on an alternative strategy for the maintenance of eusociality by first females after nest destruction in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes chinensis. We predicted that the first females in queen-absent colonies have various behavioral options after nest destruction. Even if the females construct new nests cooperatively with other individuals, the new nest construction should be conducted more smoothly in queen-present colonies because the queens regulate the behavior of wasps. We made wasps construct new nests by removing the entire brood from existing nests. The presence of the queen did not cause variation in the alternative strategy of the first females, as the first females (workers) usually constructed new nests cooperatively irrespective of the queen-presence. Thus, the workers in the queenpresent colonies affiliated to the new nest construction more smoothly and constructed new nests more efficiently than workers in the queen-absent colonies. Our results suggest that the presence of the queen is important for maintaining eusociality in primitively eusocial wasps after nest destruction. Received 8 February 2005; revised 5 October 2005; accepted 17 October 2005.  相似文献   

Eusociality is one of the most complex forms of social organization, characterized by cooperative and reproductive units termed colonies. Altruistic behavior of workers within colonies is explained by inclusive fitness, with indirect fitness benefits accrued by helping kin. Members of a social insect colony are expected to be more closely related to one another than they are to other conspecifics. In many social insects, the colony can extend to multiple socially connected but spatially separate nests (polydomy). Social connections, such as trails between nests, promote cooperation and resource exchange, and we predict that workers from socially connected nests will have higher internest relatedness than those from socially unconnected, and noncooperating, nests. We measure social connections, resource exchange, and internest genetic relatedness in the polydomous wood ant Formica lugubris to test whether (1) socially connected but spatially separate nests cooperate, and (2) high internest relatedness is the underlying driver of this cooperation. Our results show that socially connected nests exhibit movement of workers and resources, which suggests they do cooperate, whereas unconnected nests do not. However, we find no difference in internest genetic relatedness between socially connected and unconnected nest pairs, both show high kinship. Our results suggest that neighboring pairs of connected nests show a social and cooperative distinction, but no genetic distinction. We hypothesize that the loss of a social connection may initiate ecological divergence within colonies. Genetic divergence between neighboring nests may build up only later, as a consequence rather than a cause of colony separation.  相似文献   

Summary In primitively eusocial wasps workers often retain the ability to become queens, so their continued performance in the worker role is partly dependent on elevated genetic relatedness between workers and the brood they rear. In colonies of the social wasp,Mischocyttarus mexicanus, workers were related to female pupae by 0.29±0.12, a value that is significantly below the full sister value of 0.75, but not significantly below 0.50, worker relatedness to daughters. Though individuals often build new nests within meters of their natal nest, there was no genetic population structure discernable among four nest clusters, or inbreeding of any kind.  相似文献   

Hamilton's theory of inclusive fitness suggests that helpers in animal societies gain fitness indirectly by increasing the reproductive performance of a related beneficiary. Helpers in cooperatively breeding birds, mammals and primitively eusocial wasps may additionally obtain direct fitness through inheriting the nest or mating partner of the former reproductive. Here, we show that also workers of a highly eusocial ant may achieve considerable direct fitness by producing males in both queenless and queenright colonies. We investigated the reproductive success of workers of the ant Temnothorax crassispinus in nature and the laboratory by dissecting workers and determining the origin of males by microsatellite analysis. We show that workers are capable of activating their ovaries and successfully producing their sons independently of the presence of a queen. Genotypes revealed that at least one fifth of the males in natural queenright colonies were not offspring of the queen. Most worker‐produced males could be assigned to workers that were unrelated to the queen, suggesting egg‐laying by drifting workers.  相似文献   

Explaining the evolution of helping behaviour in the eusocial insects where nonreproductive (“worker”) individuals help raise the offspring of other individuals (“queens”) remains one of the most perplexing phenomena in the natural world. Polistes paper wasps are popular study models, as workers retain the ability to reproduce: such totipotency is likely representative of the early stages of social evolution. Polistes is thought to have originated in the tropics, where seasonal constraints on reproductive options are weak and social groups are effectively perennial. Yet, most Polistes research has focused on nontropical species, where seasonality causes family groups to disperse; cofoundresses forming new nests the following spring are often unrelated, leading to the suggestion that direct fitness through nest inheritance is key in the evolution of helping behaviour. Here, we present the first comprehensive genetic study of social structure across the perennial nesting cycle of a tropical PolistesPolistes canadensis. Using both microsatellites and newly developed single nucleotide polymorphism markers, we show that adult cofoundresses are highly related and that brood production is monopolized by a single female across the nesting cycle. Nonreproductive cofoundresses in tropical Polistes therefore have the potential to gain high indirect fitness benefits as helpers from the outset of group formation, and these benefits persist through the nesting cycle. Direct fitness may have been less important in the origin of Polistes sociality than previously suggested. These findings stress the importance of studying a range of species with diverse life history and ecologies when considering the evolution of reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

1. Workers in several bee species travel to conspecific nests (‘drifting’), enter them, and produce male offspring inside them, so acting as intra‐specific social parasites. This adds a new dimension to bees' reproductive behaviour and spatial ecology, but the extent to which drifting occurs over field scales, i.e. at natural nest densities in field conditions, has been unclear. 2. Using the bumble bee Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) as a model system, we sought to determine rates of worker drifting at field scales and the frequency of potential drifter workers in wild nests. 3. A field experiment with 27 colonies showed that workers travelled to, and became accepted in, conspecific nests that were up to 60 m away, although the number of accepted drifter workers within nests fell significantly with distance. The rate at which nests were entered by drifters was relatively high and significantly exceeded the rate at which drifters became accepted. 4. Microsatellite genotyping of eight field‐collected nests from Greater London, U.K., showed that a low frequency (3%) of workers were not full sisters of nestmate workers and hence were likely to have been drifter workers. 5. It is therefore concluded that workers can drift to conspecific nests over field scales and confirmed that successful drifting occurs in natural populations. Drifting appears to be a natural but low‐frequency behaviour permitting B. terrestris workers to gain direct fitness.  相似文献   

Restricted reproduction is traditionally posited as the defining feature of eusocial insect workers. The discovery of worker reproduction in foreign colonies challenges this view and suggests that workers’ potential to pursue selfish interests may be higher than previously believed. However, whether such reproductive behaviour truly relies on a reproductive decision is still unknown. Workers’ reproductive decisions thus need to be investigated to assess the extent of workers’ reproductive options. Here, we show in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris that drifting is a distinct strategy by which fertile workers circumvent competition in their nest and reproduce in foreign colonies. By monitoring workers’ movements between colonies, we show that drifting is a remarkably dynamic behaviour, widely expressed by both fertile and infertile workers. We demonstrate that a high fertility is, however, central in determining the propensity of workers to enter foreign colonies as well as their subsequent reproduction in host colonies. Moreover, our study shows that the drifting of fertile workers reflects complex decision-making processes associated with in-nest reproductive competition. This novel finding therefore adds to our modern conception of cooperation by showing the previously overlooked importance of alternative strategies which enable workers to assert their reproductive interests.  相似文献   

Lasioglossum malachurum, a bee species common across much of Europe, is obligately eusocial across its range but exhibits clear geographic variation in demography and social behaviour. This variation suggests that social interactions between queens and workers, opportunities for worker oviposition, and patterns of relatedness among nest mates may vary considerably, both within and among regions. In this study, we used three microsatellite loci with 12-18 alleles each to examine the sociogenetic structure of colonies from a population at Agios Nikolaos Monemvasias in southern Greece. These analyses reveal that the majority of colonies exhibit classical eusocial colony structure in which a single queen mated to a single male monopolizes oviposition. Nevertheless, we also detect low rates of multiqueen nest founding, occasional caste switching by worker-destined females, and worker oviposition of both gyne and male-producing eggs in the final brood. Previous evidence that the majority of workers show some ovarian development and a minority (17%) have at least one large oocyte contrasts with the observation that only 2-3% of gynes and males (the so-called reproductive brood) are produced by workers. An evaluation of the parameters of Hamilton's Rule suggests that queens benefit greatly from the help provided by workers but that workers achieve greater fitness by provisioning and laying their own eggs rather than by tending to the queen's eggs. This conflict of interest between the queen and her workers suggests that the discrepancy between potential and achieved worker oviposition is due to queen interference. Comparison of relatedness and maternity patterns in the Agios Nikolaos Monemvasias population with those from a northern population near Tübingen, Germany, points to a north-south cline of increasingly effective queen control of worker behaviour.  相似文献   

Sweat bees (Halictidae) exhibit great interspecific and intraspecific diversity in their social organisation, yet there is remarkably little information on the sociogenetic organisation of any species. Lasioglossum malachurum is a eusocial sweat bee with an annual lifecycle that exhibits considerable variation in its social organisation across its wide geographic range from northern to southern Europe. We collected all adults from 31 L. malachurum nests at Eichkogl, Austria, near the latitudinal centre of its distribution, and genotyped 148 workers using 5 highly variable microsatellite loci developed for this species. Nests were often queenless (48% of nests) during the second phase of worker activity, when colonies were provisioning the sexual brood. Pedigree reconstruction and estimates of nestmate genetic relatedness demonstrated that nests often (32% of nests) contained alien workers, probably as a result of worker drifting from their natal to a foreign nest. Queen effective mating frequency was variable (harmonic mean me = 1.24), but sometimes high (maximum 2.7). These data demonstrate that nests of L. malachurum do not have a classical eusocial sociogenetic organisation (monogyny, monandry) and thereby pose a challenge to exclusively relatedness based arguments for the evolution of eusociality in the taxon. Received 6 June 2008; revised 1 October 2008; accepted 13 October 2008.  相似文献   

Most social insect species enlarge their nests gradually and in close correlation with the growing need for space for brood and/or stored food. In contrast, some species of swarm-founding eusocial wasps construct the nest rapidly to a final size in the first two to three weeks of the founding stage. We considered four hypotheses on the functions of rapid nest construction in the wasp Polybia occidentalis and directly tested two of them. The first hypothesis is that rapid construction maximizes output of the worker force when there are few other work demands; it predicts that construction rate remains high until the first eggs begin to hatch, following which it declines as increasing amounts of worker effort are allocated to the feeding of larvae. The second says that rapid nest construction minimizes the time the adults in the swarm are exposed to predation and the elements; it predicts that nest-construction rate should drop steeply after the nest is large enough to house all the adults in the swarm. We measured pulp-foraging rates for the first 12 days of the founding stage in control colonies and in colonies whose nests we manipulated to prevent housing of the swarm. The treatment and control groups did not differ in construction rate for several days following the housing event, contradicting the adult-protection hypothesis. Late in nest construction, treatment colonies were building at significantly higher rates than were control colonies. If demand for brood care were a major factor in determining construction rate, both groups would have responded to the eclosion of larvae in the same way and shown a parallel decline in construction rate, but this did not happen. Instead, the patterns of nest construction rate we observed provided indirect support for the two remaining hypotheses. The first of these is that rapid construction minimizes exposure of the brood to natural enemies and desiccation. The second is that rapid construction promotes competition among queens by providing empty cells for oviposition, thereby facilitating the selecting out of the less fecund of the multiple reproductive females. Also consistent with this hypothesis is the apparent absence of explosive nest construction in monogynous, eusocial bees. Received 13 October 2007; revised 31 March 2008; accepted 6 April 2008.  相似文献   

Functional worker sterility is the defining feature of insect societies. Yet, workers are sometimes found reproducing in their own or foreign colonies. The proximate mechanisms underlying these alternative reproductive phenotypes are keys to understanding how reproductive altruism and selfishness are balanced in eusocial insects. In this study, we show that in honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies, the social environment of a worker, that is, the presence and relatedness of the queens in a worker's natal colony and in surrounding colonies, significantly influences her fertility and drifting behaviour. Furthermore, subfamilies vary in the frequency of worker ovarian activation, propensity to drift and the kind of host colony that is targeted for reproductive parasitism. Our results show that there is an interplay between a worker's subfamily, reproductive state and social environment that substantially affects her reproductive phenotype. Our study further indicates that honeybee populations show substantial genetic variance for worker reproductive strategies, suggesting that no one strategy is optimal under all the circumstances that a typical worker may encounter.  相似文献   

Every spring, workers of the Argentine Ant Linepithema humile kill a large proportion of queens within their nests. Although this behaviour inflicts a high energetic cost on the colonies, its biological significance has remained elusive so far. An earlier study showed that the probability of a queen being executed is not related to her weight, fecundity, or age. Here we test the hypothesis that workers collectively eliminate queens to which they are less related, thereby increasing their inclusive fitness. We found no evidence for this hypothesis. Workers of a nest were on average not significantly less related to executed queens than to surviving ones. Moreover, a population genetic analysis revealed that workers were not genetically differentiated between nests. This means that workers of a given nest are equally related to any queen in the population and that there can be no increase in average worker–queen relatedness by selective elimination of queens. Finally, our genetic analyses also showed that, in contrast to workers, queens were significantly genetically differentiated between nests and that there was significant isolation by distance for queens.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of eusociality is that workers forego their own reproduction to assist their mother in raising siblings. This seemingly altruistic behaviour may benefit workers if gains in indirect fitness from rearing siblings outweigh the loss of direct fitness. If worker presence is advantageous to mothers, however, eusociality may evolve without net benefits to workers. Indirect fitness benefits are often cited as evidence for the importance of inclusive fitness in eusociality, but have rarely been measured in natural populations. We compared inclusive fitness of alternative social strategies in the tropical sweat bee, Megalopta genalis, for which eusociality is optional. Our results show that workers have significantly lower inclusive fitness than females that found their own nests. In mathematical simulations based on M. genalis field data, eusociality cannot evolve with reduced intra-nest relatedness. The simulated distribution of alternative social strategies matched observed distributions of M. genalis social strategies when helping behaviour was simulated as the result of maternal manipulation, but not as worker altruism. Thus, eusociality in M. genalis is best explained through kin selection, but the underlying mechanism is likely maternal manipulation.  相似文献   

Social insects live in colonies consisting of many workers, where worker interactions play an important role in regulating colony activities. Workers interact within the social space of the nest; therefore, constraints on nest space may alter worker behaviour and affect colony activities and energetics. Here we show in the ant Temnothorax rugatulus that changes in nest space have a significant effect on colony energetics. Colonies with restricted nest space showed a 14.2 per cent increase in metabolic rate when compared with the same colonies in large uncrowded nests. Our study highlights the importance of social space and shows that constraints on social space can significantly affect colony behaviour and energy use in ants. We discuss the implications of our findings regarding social insects in general.  相似文献   

In central coastal California, USA, 3–16% of western bluebird ( Sialia mexicana ) pairs have adult male helpers at the nest. Demographic data on a colour-ringed population over a 13-year period indicate that helpers gain a small indirect fitness benefit through increases in the number of young fledged from nests of close kin. A small proportion of adult helpers (16%) that were able to breed and help simultaneously had higher annual inclusive fitness than males that only bred. These males comprised such a minor proportion of helpers that the mean fitness of helpers was still lower than the mean fitness of independent breeders. We used DNA fingerprinting to determine whether extrapair fertilizations alter within-group benefits enough to tip the balance in favour of helping behaviour. Overall, 19% of 207 offspring were sired by males other than their social father and extrapair fertilizations occurred in 45% of 51 nests. Intraspecific brood parasitism was rare so that mean mother-nestling relatedness approximated the expected value of 0.5. Extrapair paternity reduced putative father-offspring relatedness to 0.38. Mean helper-nestling relatedness was 0.41 for helpers assisting one or both parents and 0.28 for helpers aiding their brothers. Helpers rarely sired offspring in the nests at which they helped. Helping was not conditional on paternity and helpers were not significantly more closely related to offspring in their parents' nests than to offspring in their own nests. Although helpers may derive extracurricular benefits if helping increases their own or their father's opportunities for extrapair fertilizations, within-nest inclusive fitness benefits of helping do not compensate males for failing to breed. Breeding failure and constraints on breeding are the most likely explanations for why most helpers help.  相似文献   

Although predation of individual social insect workers has little effect on colony fitness, nest predation may be a significant selective agent because it can result in substantial loss of reproductive success. Surprisingly, the consequences of predation on social insect nests are poorly understood. In the present study, we investigate the factors that correlate with the probability of predation by echidnas, Tachyglossus aculeatus , on nests and colonies of the facultatively polydomous meat ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus. In particular, we investigate whether colony fragmentation provides a mechanism for reducing the costs of echidna predation. Over 2 years, 138 of the 140 colonies on our study site were depredated. Nest predation was most common in woodlands but with no obvious seasonal patterns. The probability of nest predation was positively correlated with the size of the nest, and negatively correlated with the density of surrounding nests. Although polydomous colonies are at a similar risk of predation by echidnas, the proportion of depredated nests is negatively correlated with the number of nests; thus, the probability that one or more nests avoid predation is increased with increasing nest numbers. Surprisingly, we found no influence of the level of echidna predation on colony growth, measured by either changes in the number of nests or the number of nest entrance holes.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 1–8.  相似文献   

Among colonies of social insects, the worker turnover rate (colony ‘pace’) typically shows considerable variation. This has epidemiological consequences for parasites, because in ‘fast-paced’ colonies, with short-lived workers, the time of parasite residence in a given host will be reduced, and further transmission may thus get less likely. Here, we test this idea and ask whether pace is a life-history strategy against infectious parasites. We infected bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) with the infectious gut parasite Crithidia bombi, and experimentally manipulated birth and death rates to mimic slow and fast pace. We found that fewer workers and, importantly, fewer last-generation workers that are responsible for rearing sexuals were infected in colonies with faster pace. This translates into increased fitness in fast-paced colonies, as daughter queens exposed to fewer infected workers in the nest are less likely to become infected themselves, and have a higher chance of founding their own colonies in the next year. High worker turnover rate can thus act as a strategy of defence against a spreading infection in social insect colonies.  相似文献   

Division of labour is the hallmark of advanced societies, because specialization carries major efficiency benefits in spite of costs owing to reduced individual flexibility [1]. The trade-off between efficiency and flexibility is expressed throughout the social insects, where facultative social species have small colonies and reversible caste roles and advanced eusocial species have permanently fixed queen and worker castes. This usually implies that queens irreversibly specialize on reproductive tasks [2]. Here, we report an exception to this rule by showing that virgin queens (gynes) of the advanced eusocial leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior switch to carrying out worker tasks such as brood care and colony defence when they fail to mate and disperse. These behaviours allow them to obtain indirect fitness benefits (through assisting the reproduction of their mother) after their direct fitness options (their own reproduction) have become moot. We hypothesize that this flexibility could (re-)evolve secondarily because these ants only feed on fungal mycelium and thus could not benefit from cannibalising redundant gynes, and because queens have retained behavioural repertoires for foraging, nursing, and defense, which they naturally express during colony founding.  相似文献   

The role of disease in the organization of insect colonies has become an important focus of research in evolutionary pathobiology, in which the relationship of sociality and disease transmission can be comparatively and experimentally analysed. In this paper we use an individual-based model of disease transmission to assess how an epidemic is influenced by worker density and activity level, the probability of disease transmission, and the structural organization of the nest. First, we observed in our model a nonlinear interaction between worker density and the probability of disease transmission: high levels of both factors interact to enhance the likelihood of an epidemic. Additionally, when we incorporated in our model the empirical observation that only a fraction of the worker population in social insect colonies is active at any given point in time, results suggested that relatively low levels of worker movement can have a significant impact on the spread of disease, slowing its transmission through the colony. Finally, we found that nests having even a simple spatial separation of chambers could delay the spread of infection and diminish the severity of an outbreak. The effect of nest structure in delaying infection spread became more pronounced as nest architecture became increasingly unidimensional, as in the case of simple gallery nests. Therefore, nest architecture and worker activity patterns might indeed exert considerable influence on the dynamics of epidemics in social insects and should be incorporated into models of disease transmission.  相似文献   

This study aims to better understand the evolutionary processes allowing species coexistence in eusocial insect communities. We develop a mathematical model that applies adaptive dynamics theory to the evolutionary dynamics of eusocial insects, focusing on the colony as the unit of selection. The model links long-term evolutionary processes to ecological interactions among colonies and seasonal worker production within the colony. Colony population dynamics is defined by both worker production and colony reproduction. Random mutations occur in strategies, and mutant colonies enter the community. The interactions of colonies at the ecological timescale drive the evolution of strategies at the evolutionary timescale by natural selection. This model is used to study two specific traits in ants: worker body size and the degree of collective foraging. For both traits, trade-offs in competitive ability and other fitness components allows to determine conditions in which selection becomes disruptive. Our results illustrate that asymmetric competition underpins diversity in ant communities.  相似文献   

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