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屠鞠传礼  王建军 《生物信息学》2010,8(3):254-257,262
为了研究CpG岛产生和消失机制以及位于基因启动子区域外的CpG岛保守性等问题,我们通过序列比对和进化保守性分析等方法,分析在人类和小鼠中保守的基因上的CpG岛。结果显示已有保守序列的突变以及序列插入删除是CpG岛产生和消失的主要原因,进一步分析发现52%的在小鼠基因组上保守序列完全缺失的CpG岛位于两个转座子之间,提示转座子所介导的序列插入是CpG岛形成和消失的重要原因。人类基因组上在启动子区域外的CpG岛中约有79%为新产生的CpG岛,显著高于启动子区域内新产生的CpG岛比例(41%)。GO分析表明与这些CpG岛相关的部分基因与神经系统发育显著相关,提示新产生的CpG岛参与神经发育过程。  相似文献   

从已获得的在隐睾和正常睾丸对照中表达量有明显差异的EST片段 (BE6 44 5 42 )入手 ,设计了基因特异性引物和载体特异性引物进行巢式PCR扩增 ,结合人类基因组草图搜索法 ,从睾丸cDNA文库中快速分离出人类睾丸凋亡相关基因TSARG2的 5′末端而获得全长cDNA ,GenBank登录号为AY0 40 2 0 4(保密期为 1年 ) ,同时应用生物信息学的方法克隆了该基因在小鼠中的同源基因 ,GenBank登录号为AF395 0 83。TSARG2基因的cDNA全长为 12 33bp ,包含 6个外显子 ,基因组跨越 115kb ,编码由 30 5个氨基酸组成的、分子量为 34 75 1的蛋白质 ,与已知蛋白质无明显同源性。查询最新的人类基因组工作草图 ,该基因定位在染色体 4q33~ 34 .1。  相似文献   

目的:采用一种高灵敏度的DNA甲基化分析方法,即巢式甲基化特异性PCR法(nested-MSP,nMSP),检测外科手术切除新鲜组织、石蜡包埋组织及纤维支气管镜活检组织中WIF-1基因启动子的异常甲基化状态。方法:将基因组DNA变性成为单链,用亚硫酸氢盐修饰单链DNA,所有未甲基化的胞嘧啶被转变为尿嘧啶,而甲基化的胞嘧啶则不变。设计针对甲基化和非甲基化等位基因的特异引物,进行巢式PCR扩增,最后经凝胶电泳检测目的片段。结果:在3种类型的原发性非小细胞肺癌标本中都检测出了WIF-1基因启动子的异常甲基化。结论:巢式甲基化特异性PCR是一种灵敏度高、特异性强的甲基化检测方法,可广泛应用于不同类型标本基因启动子甲基化的分析。  相似文献   

植物的基因对基因抗病性学说   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物的基因对基因抗病性学说促进了寄主与病原物相互作用分子机制研究的深入。介绍近几年来对Avr基因和R基因的特性,二之间的相互作用机制以及R基因信号传导途径等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

高等植物基因组中,大部分序列为非表达序列,基因序列所占的比例很小,了解基因在基因组中的分布是研究基因组结构的一个重要方面。在美国能源部资助下,一个毛果杨无性系的基因组测序已经完成并对公众发布。杨树全基因组序列的完成,为我们了解林木基因组中基因的分布提供了一个特例。在本文中,我们利用泊松分析对杨树基因组中基因在各个染色体上的密度进行了检测,结果表明杨树基因组中各条染色体的基因含量存在显著差异。杨树全基因组测序项目揭示现代杨树基因组起源于一次古全基因组复制事件(称为杨柳科基因组复制),所以杨树基因组不同染色体间存在很大的同源复制片段。但是我们的研究显示,杨树基因组中大多数高度同源的染色体上基因的密度与染色体间的同源性没有明显关系,这说明杨柳科全基因组复制事件后,各个高度同源染色体上的基因发生了流失,且基因流失的速率是不一样的。同时本文还对近九万条毛果杨EST序列进行了比对分析,结果显示这些EST序列覆盖的基因仅占杨树基因组中基因总数的16.8%左右。EST测序虽然是发现基因的一个重要手段,但小规模EST测序对基因的覆盖度很低,所以小规模EST测序的应用价值是有限的。  相似文献   

赵汉雄 《化石》2002,(3):28-30
《物种起源》问世时 ,曾有激烈争论。作者在第6版(1872)记载了“一位练达的自然学者仔细挑选了一些情况来证明自然选择不足以解释有用构造的初期阶段。现在我对他提出的这些情形已作了足够的讨论 ,或者已经讨论得过多了 ;并且我已指出 :如我所希望的 ,在这个问题上并没有什么大的难点。”读完全章(第7章) ,可以明白达尔文信心所在 :他是从极微细但已能从表象察觉的构造和功能起步 ,排出从简单到复杂、从低级到高级的梯阶 ,用自然选择贯串起来。以今天知识看 :这种极微细的表型必已有某个基因支持着。有基因在 ,自然选择是能够(一…  相似文献   

为了检测肺癌患者血浆中WIF-I基因启动子区的甲基化状态,收集肺癌患者及健康对照者的血浆标本,采用巢式甲基化特异性PCR(nMSP)法检测WIF-I基因启动子区甲基化状态,并与普通甲基化特异性PCR(MSP)法进行了比较,结果在58例肺癌患者血浆样品中经nMSP法发现20例WIF-I基因启动子的过甲基化,用MSP法只检出10例,有吸烟史组WIF-1基因的甲基化率高于无吸烟史组(P〈0.05).而20例正常对照血浆中都未检测到形胆J基因启动子的过甲基化;表明利用巢式MSP(nMSP)法检测外周血血浆中WIF-1基因启动子的甲基化,可为非损伤性筛选和早期诊断肺癌提供有价值的信息.  相似文献   

目的:检测精神分裂症患者外周血单个核细胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cells,PBMCs)标本中博尔纳病病毒(Borna Disease Virus,BDV)p24基因,探讨BDV感染与精神分裂症的关系。方法:用巢式RT—PCR方法检测黑龙江省精神分裂症患者及正常人PBMCs中BDV—p24基因片段,同时扩增β—肌动蛋白(β-actin)作为内参照。结果:66例精神分裂症患者中,BDV—p24基因的阳性检出率为28.8%(19/66);47例正常人中,BDV—p24基因的阳性检出率为6.3%(3/47),经比较两者间阳性率差异有显著性(P<0.05)结论:证实中国存在BDV感染,黑龙江省精神分裂症的发生可能与BDV感染有关。  相似文献   

要详尽刻画一种生物模型的特征,需要多少个基因组序列?对果蝇而言,一打可能是不错的开始。由美国国立人类基因组研究所(NHGRI)资助的一个国际科研组织11月8日宣布,他们完成了12种“近亲”果蝇的基因组对比研究工作,其中有10种果蝇的基因组是首次测序。对比分析确定出了数千个新  相似文献   

人类基因组上的假基因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周光金  余龙  赵寿元 《生命科学》2004,16(4):210-214,230
假基因是基因组上与编码基因序列非常相似的非功能性基因组DNA拷贝,一般情况都不被转录,且没有明确生理意义。假基因根据其来源可分为复制假基因和已加工假基因。迄今为止,明确鉴定的人类假基因多为已加工假基因,有8000个之多。在Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL收录的编码蛋白质的将近25500个基因序列中,约10%在基因组中有一个或多个近全长已加工假基因。其余的功能基因都没有已加工假基因。核糖体蛋白基因具有最多数量的已加工假基因,约有l700个(占已加工假基因数的22%),少数基因,如cyclophilinA、肌动蛋白(actin)、角蛋白(keratin)、GAPDH、细胞色素C(cytochromec)和nucleophosmin等则有很多份已加工假基因。总体上讲,假基因在人类染色体上的分布与染色体长度成比例,但已加工假基因在GC含量为41%~46%的染色体区域密度最高。已加工假基因的拷贝数和功能基因在生殖器官中的表达高度一致,说明许多假基因发生在胚胎阶段,另外也和基因中GC含量和基因大小密切相关。假基因的准确鉴定对基因组进化、分子医学研究和医学应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Gene duplication provides raw material for functional innovation, but gene duplicability varies considerably. Previous studies have found widespread asymmetrical sequence evolution between paralogs. However, it remains unknown whether the rate of evolution among paralogs affects their propensity of being retained after another round of whole-genome duplication (WGD). In this study, we investigated gene groups that have experienced two successive WGDs to determine which of two older duplicates with different evolutionary rates was more likely to retain both younger duplicates. To uncouple the measurement of evolutionary rates from any assignment of duplicate or singleton status, we measured the evolutionary rates of singleton genes in out-lineages but classified these singleton genes according to whether they are retained or not in a crown group of species. We found that genes that retained younger duplicates in the crown group of genomes were more constrained prior to the younger duplication event than those that failed to leave duplicates. In addition, we also found that the retained clades have more genes in out-lineages. Subsequent analyses showed that genes in the retained clades were expressed more broadly and highly than genes in the singleton clades. We concluded that the set of repeatedly retained genes after two WGDs is biased toward slowly evolving genes in angiosperms, suggesting that the potential of genes for both functional conservation and divergence likely affects their propensity of being retained after WGD in angiosperms.  相似文献   

密码对的偏爱与基因组进化的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王芳平  李宏  刘国庆  李瑞芳 《生物信息学》2009,7(2):150-154,158
以5种真核、15种细菌、10种古菌生物基因组为样本,对密码对使用偏好性指标Г与密码对随基因组进化的指标α之间作线性分析,发现部分密码对的r值与α之间有显著的线性关系;密码子第三位点与紧邻密码子第一位点的双碱基(cP3cAl)使用与基因组进化有关。结果进一步肯定了密码对的使用与基因组进化存在相关性,同时从密码对使用的角度揭示了真核生物、真细菌、古菌的基本差别。  相似文献   

The subphylum Myriapoda included four extant classes (Chilopoda, Symphyla, Diplopoda, and Pauropoda). Due to the limitation of taxon sampling, the phylogenetic relationships within Myriapoda remained contentious, especially for Diplopoda. Herein, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome of Polydesmus sp. GZCS‐2019 (Myriapoda: Polydesmida) and the mitochondrial genomes are circular molecules of 15,036 bp, with all genes encoded on + strand. The A+T content is 66.1%, making the chain asymmetric, and exhibits negative AT‐skew (−0.236). Several genes rearrangements were detected and we propose a new rearrangement model: “TD (N\R) L + C” based on the genome‐scale duplication + (non‐random/random) loss + recombination. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that Chilopoda and Symphyla both were monophyletic group, whereas Pauropoda was embedded in Diplopoda to form the Dignatha. Divergence time showed the first split of Myriapoda occurred between the Chilopoda and other classes (Wenlock period of Silurian). We combine phylogenetic analysis, divergence time, and gene arrangement to yield valuable insights into the evolutionary history and classification relationship of Myriapoda and these results support a monophyletic Progoneata and the relationship (Chilopoda + (Symphyla + (Diplopoda + Pauropoda))) within myriapod. Our results help to better explain the gene rearrangement events of the invertebrate mitogenome and lay the foundation for further phylogenetic study of Myriapoda.  相似文献   

Gene order in prokaryotes is conserved to a much lesser extent than protein sequences. Only some operons, primarily those that encode physically interacting proteins, are conserved in all or most of the bacterial and archaeal genomes. Nevertheless, even the limited conservation of operon organisation that is observed provides valuable evolutionary and functional clues through multiple genome comparisons. With the rapid growth in the number and diversity of sequenced prokaryotic genomes, functional inferences for uncharacterized genes located in the same conserved gene neighborhood with well-studied genes are becoming increasingly important. In this review, we discuss various computational approaches for identification of conserved gene strings and construction of local alignments of gene orders in prokaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

十字花科植物SAMDC基因同源序列的克隆与进化分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
丁淑丽  卢钢  李建勇  任彦  曹家树 《遗传》2007,29(1):109-117
腺苷甲硫氨酸脱羧酶(SAMDC)是参与植物多胺合成的一个关键酶。根据GenBank中已报道的SAMDC基因编码序列保守区域设计特异引物, 运用PCR技术分别从十字花科6属14个物种中新克隆分离了SAMDC基因的同源序列。比较分析结果表明: 这些同源序列的相似性达87%以上, 所推导的氨基酸序列相似性达90%以上, 且两者种间差异分别为0.2%~10.1%和0.3%~6.6%, 属间差异除“圆白”萝卜外分别是4.9%~13.6%和3.1%~10.3%; SAMDC基因的核苷酸及其可能编码的氨基酸序列差异属间较种间大, 可用于属间的分类等级研究; 且氨基酸序列间的差异比核苷酸序列间的差异小的多, 因而根据核苷酸序列构建了NJ与ME分子系统树。进化树直观地表明在亲缘进化关系上芸薹属与萝卜属较近, 其他依次为山芥属、蔊菜属、拟南芥属, 与荠菜属最远。研究结果有助于从分子水平阐明十字花科植物间的亲缘进化关系, 可为其种质资源利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

We used complete sequence data from 30 complete Herpesviridae genomes to investigate phylogenetic relationships and patterns of genome evolution. The approach was to identify orthologous gene clusters among taxa and to generate a genomic matrix of gene content. We identified 17 genes with homologs in all 30 taxa and concatenated a subset of 10 of these genes for phylogenetic inference. We also constructed phylogenetic trees on the basis of gene content data. The amino acid and gene content phylogenies were largely concordant, but the amino acid data had much higher internal support. We mapped gene gain events onto the phylogenetic tree by assuming that genes were gained only once during the evolution of herpesviruses. Thirty genes were inferred to be present in the ancestor of all herpesvirus, a number smaller than previously hypothesized. Few genes of recent origin within herpesviruses could be identified as originating from transfer between virus and vertebrate hosts. Inferred rates of gene gain were heterogeneous, with both taxonomic and temporal biases. Nonetheless, the average rate of gene gain was approximately 3.5 x 10(-7) genes gained per year, which is an order of magnitude higher than the nucleotide mutation rate for these large DNA viruses.  相似文献   

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