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By in situ hybridization of probes for three cloned genes and eight genetically-linked polymorphic DNA markers, we have prepared a physical map of the distal long arm of chromosome 5. These results, together with the localizations of 11 genes and the genetic linkage map reported previously by us and by other investigators, represent a map that spans 55 cM.  相似文献   

A detailed genetic map of the long arm of chromosome 11   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
We describe 14 new restriction fragment length polymorphisms, corresponding to 13 loci on the long arm of chromosome 11. A detailed genetic map of chromosome 11q has been constructed from these and other loci (a total of 31 loci) typed in 59 reference families. The 23 most informative markers were selected to establish a map with a strongly supported order; regional localizations are provided for eight other markers. The loci span 88 cM in males and 148 cM in females and form a dense continuum on 11q. These ordered polymorphic markers will be of help in studying the genes responsible for several diseases that have been localized to this region, including genes responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (MEN1), ataxia telangiectasia (AT), tuberous sclerosis (TSC), and some forms of asthma and rhinitis.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of 96 loci on the short arm of human chromosome 3.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We constructed a genetic map of 96 loci on the short arm of human chromosome 3 (3p) in 59 families provided by the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humaine (CEPH). Twenty-nine continuously linked loci were placed on the map with likelihood support of at least 1000:1; one locus, D3S213, was placed on the map with likelihood support of 871:1; D3Z1, an alpha satellite centromeric repeat probe, was placed on the map with likelihood support of 159:1; 65 loci were assigned regional locations. The average heterozygosity of the uniquely ordered markers was 49%. The map extends from 3p26, the terminal band of 3p, to the centromere (from D3S211 to D3Z1). Multipoint linkage analysis indicated that the male, female, and sex-averaged maps extend for 102, 147, and 116 cM, respectively. The mean genetic distance between uniquely ordered loci on the sex-averaged map was 4.0 cM. Probe density was greatest for the region of 3p between D3F15S2e and the telomere. The sex-averaged map contained two intervals greater than 10 cM. Seventeen probes were localized by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The loci described in this report will be useful in building an integrated genetic and physical map of this chromosome.  相似文献   

A primary genetic linkage map for human chromosome 12   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
A primary genetic map for human chromosome 12 has been constructed from data on 23 restriction fragment length polymorphic systems collected in 38 normal families with large sibships. Linkage analysis of the genotypic data has ordered 16 loci into a continuous genetic map of 111 cM in males and 258 cM in females. Although most of the genetic map reflects a higher rate of recombination in females relative to males, significantly more frequent recombination was observed in males than in females in intervals between loci on the distal portion of the short arm of the chromosome. The mapping data shown here will serve as a first step toward a high-resolution genetic map for human chromosome 12.  相似文献   

A centromere-based linkage group on the long arm of human chromosome 17   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A genetic linkage group on the long arm of chromosome 17 is reported. A maximum likelihood of theta = 0.20 between the centromere-based locus D17Z1 and COL1A1 has been found, as well as a theta = 0.10 between COL1A1 and GH1. The most likely order of the three loci is D17Z1-COL1A1-GH1.  相似文献   

A refined physical map of the long arm of human chromosome 16   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mapping of 33 anonymous DNA probes and 12 genes to the long arm of chromosome 16 was achieved by the use of 14 mouse/human hybrid cell lines and the fragile site FRA16B. Two of the hybrid cell lines contained overlapping interstitial deletions in bands q21 and q22.1. The localization of the 12 genes has been refined. The breakpoints present in the hybrids, in conjunction with the fragile site, can potentially divide the long arm of chromosome 16 into 16 regions. However, this was reduced to 14 regions because in two instances there were no probes or genes that mapped between pairs of breakpoints.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of markers for human chromosome 20   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A continuous genetic linkage map with five polymorphic DNA markers, including one that defines a locus containing a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR), has been constructed from genotypic analysis of 59 large reference families. The map spans a genetic distance of 105 cM in males and 115 cM in females and provides initial anchor points for a high-resolution map of human chromosome 20.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of human chromosome 9q.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A genetic linkage map of human chromosome 9q, spanning a sex-equal distance of 125 cM, has been developed by genotyping 26 loci in the Venezuelan Reference Pedigree. The loci include 12 anonymous microsatellite markers reported by Kwiatkowski et al. (1992), several classical systems previously assigned to chromosome 9q, and polymorphisms for the genes tenacin (HXB), gelsolin (GSN), adenylate kinase 1 (AK1), arginosuccinate synthetase (ASS), ABL oncogene (ABL1), ABO blood group (ABO), and dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH). Only a marginally significant sex difference is found along the entire length of the map and results from one interval, between D9S58 and D9S59, that displays an excess of female recombination. A comparison of the genetic map to the existing physical data suggests that there is increased recombination in the 9q34 region with a recombination event occurring every 125-400 kb. This map should be useful in further characterizing the relationship between physical distance and genetic distance, as well as for genetic linkage studies of diseases that map to chromosome 9q, including multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma (MSSE), Gorlin syndrome (NBCCS), xeroderma pigmentosum (XPA), nail-patella syndrome (NPS1), torsion dystonia (DYT1), and tuberous sclerosis (TSC1).  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of chromosome 17   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have developed a genetic linkage map of 19 markers (including nine genes) on human chromosome 17, providing 13 reference points along virtually the entire length of this chromosome. The map covers an estimated 149 cM in length (sex-averaged), with a total length of 214 cM in females and 95 cM in males. This sex difference appears to be significant along virtually the entire length of the map. This map will be useful both for providing reference points for fine structure genetic and physical mapping and for genetic linkage studies of diseases, including von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.  相似文献   

A centromere-based genetic map of the short arm of human chromosome 6   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A genetic map of the short arm of chromosomes 6 (6p) has been constructed with 20 genetic markers that define 16 loci, including a locus at the centromere. The 40 CEPH families and, for 4 loci, 13 additional Utah families were genotyped. All 16 loci form a single linkage group extending from near the telomeric region to the centromere, covering 159 cM (Haldane) on the female map and 94 cM on the male map. Sex differences in recombination frequencies are noted for the 6p map, with an excess occurring in males at the distal end. The genetic order of loci is consistent with their physical localization on 6p. Proximal to the three most distal loci on the map, markers are especially dense, providing an extended region on 6p useful for localizing genes of interest.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of 32 loci on human chromosome 10   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have constructed a genetic linkage map of human chromosome 10 based on DNA probes that detect 47 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at 32 different loci. Segregation data were collected on a set of multigenerational families provided by the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain and maps were constructed using recently developed multipoint analysis techniques. The length of the sex-averaged map is 178 cM and the sex-specific map lengths are 131 cM in males and 255 cM in females. Recombination is significantly higher in female meioses. The mean distance between loci is 5.6 cM for the sex-averaged map. The genetic map spans the length of the chromosome as judged by physical localization of probes by in situ hybridization techniques and mapping of the probes on human-hamster hybrid cell lines containing all or part of chromosome 10. The informativeness of two loci near the locus responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN-2A) has been increased by isolation of cosmids that reveal additional RFLPs at these loci.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of 17 markers on human chromosome 21   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
We have constructed a genetic linkage map of 17 markers on the long arm of human chromosome 21, including six genes and two anonymous loci with a variable number of tandem repeats. The estimated length of the map is 103 cM in males and 140 cM in females, assuming Kosambi interference. Recombination in females was approximately twice that in males between proximal markers. However, over half of the recombination events in either sex occur distally, in 21q22.3, although this region accounts for only about 15% of the physical length of chromosome 21.  相似文献   

The distal portion of the short arm of the human X chromosome (Xp) exhibits many unique and interesting features. Distal Xp contains the pseudoautosomal region, a number of disease loci, and several cell-surface markers. Several genes in this area have also been observed to escape X-chromosomal inactivation. The characterization of new polymorphic loci in this region has permitted the construction of a refined multipoint linkage map extending 15 cM from the Xp telomere. This interval is known to contain the loci for the diseases X-linked ichthyosis, chondrodysplasia punctata, and Kallmann syndrome, as well as the cell-surface markers Xg and 12E7. This region also contains the junction between the pseudoautosomal region and strictly X-linked sequences. The locus MIC2 has been demonstrated by linkage analysis to be indistinguishable from the pseudoautosomal junction. The steroid sulfatase locus has been mapped to an interval adjacent to the DXS278 locus and 6 cM from the pseudoautosomal junction. The polymorphic locus (STS) DXS278 was shown to be informative in all families studied, and linkage analysis reveals that the locus represents a low-copy repeat with at least one copy distal to the STS gene. The generation of a multipoint linkage map of distal Xp will be useful in the genetic dissection of many of the unique features of this region.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of 27 loci on the short arm of human chromosome 1 has been developed by analysis of the 40 families in the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) reference panel. Probes that recognize 14 novel RFLPs at loci designated D1S9-D1S22 were isolated from a flow-sorted chromosome 1 library. A linkage map of chromosome 1p was constructed from the genotypic data at these 14 loci, RFLPs at eight cloned genes (PND, ALPL, FUCA1, SRC2, MYCL, GLUT, TSHB, and NGFB), two previously identified RFLPs (D1S2 and D1S57), two blood group antigens (RH and FY), and the isozyme PGM1. All 27 loci form a continuous linkage group, from FY to PND, of 102 cM in males and 230 cM in females. This map provides a basis for highly informative multipoint mapping studies for most of the short arm of chromosome 1.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of 27 markers on human chromosome 21.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
We have constructed a genetic linkage map of the long arm of human chromosome 21 comprising 27 DNA markers. This map is an updated version of that reported earlier by group (1989, Genomics 4: 579-591), which contained 17 DNA markers. The current markers consist of 10 genes and 17 anonymous sequences. Traditional methods (restriction fragment length polymorphisms) were used to map 25 of these markers, whereas 2 markers were studied by polymerase chain reaction amplification of (GT)n dinucleotide repeats. Linkage analysis was performed on 40 CEPH families using the computer program packages LINKAGE, CRI-MAP, and MAPMAKER. Recombination rates were significantly different between the sexes, with the male map being 132 cM and the female map being 161 cM, assuming Kosambi interference and a variable ratio of sex difference in recombination. Approximately one-half of the crossovers in either sex occur distally, in terminal band 21q22.3, which also contains 16 of the markers studied. The average distance between adjacent markers was 6 cM.  相似文献   

A primary linkage map of the human chromosome 11q22-23 region   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have constructed a genetic map of the human chromosomal region 11q22-23 by multipoint linkage analysis of 13 DNA polymorphisms that we have condensed into eight loci. An analysis for linkage disequilibrium between tightly linked probe/enzyme systems allows us to make specific recommendations for future DNA typing at these loci. The resulting sex-averaged multipoint map spans approximately 80 cM and differs considerably from previously reported genetic maps of this region. Our mathematically derived "most likely order" of the markers is compatible with physical mapping data using somatic cell hybrids. The known localizations of at least 14 functional genes and several disease loci to 11q22-23, including ataxia telangiectasia, make the mapping of this region especially relevant to studies of disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

We have mapped 13 loci on mouse Chromosome 18 by Southern blot analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms among progeny from an interspecific backcross: (C57BL/6J X Mus spretus) X M. spretus. Complete haplotype analysis of 136 of these progeny was used to establish gene order and estimate genetic distances between loci. The gene order (from centromere to telomere) and recombination distances (in centimorgans) were as follows: PGK-1rs5-4.3-Tpi-10-11.8-(Egr-1, Hmg17-rs9)-2.1-Fgfa-2.2-Grl-1-10.1-(Cdx-1, Csfmr, Pdgfrb, Pdea, Rps14)-2.1-Adrb-2-22.9-Mbp. Pgk-1rs5, Tpi-10, Hmg17-rs9, and Rps14 had not been previously mapped in the mouse; Egr-1 had only been syntenically assigned to mouse Chr 18. Nine of the loci, spanning 18 cM, have homologs on the distal long arm of human Chr5--a region rich in genes encoding growth factors and receptors. An additional previously unmapped gene, Drd-1, predicted to be on mouse Chr 18 based on its human chromosomal location, was mapped to the middle region of mouse Chr 13.  相似文献   

A molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 7   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A M Saunders  M F Seldin 《Genomics》1990,8(3):525-535
The homology between mouse chromosome 7 and human chromosomes 11, 15, and 19 was examined using interspecific backcross animals derived from mating C3H/HeJ-gld/gld and Mus spretus mice. In an earlier study, we reported on the linkage relationships of 16 loci on mouse chromosome 7 and the homologous relationship between this chromosome and the myotonic dystrophy gene region on human chromosome 19. Segregation analyses were used to extend the gene linkage relationships on mouse chromosome 7 by an additional 21 loci. Seven of these genes (Cyp2a, D19F11S1h, Myod-1, Otf-2, Rnu1p70, Rnu2pa, and Xrcc-1) were previously unmapped in the mouse. Several potential mouse chromosome 7 genes (Mel, Hkr-1, Icam-1, Pvs) did not segregate with chromosome 7 markers, and provisional chromosomal assignments were made. This study establishes a detailed molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 7 that will be useful as a framework for determining linkage relationships of additional molecular markers and for identifying homologous disease genes in mice and humans.  相似文献   

A molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 2   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Interspecific backcross mice were used to create a molecular genetic linkage map of chromosome 2. Genomic DNAs from N2 progeny were subjected to Southern blot analysis using molecular probes that identified the Abl, Acra, Ass, C5, Cas-1, Fshb, Gcg, Hox-5.1, Jgf-1, Kras-3, Ltk, Pax-1, Prn-p, and Spna-2 loci; these loci were added to the 11 loci previously mapped to the distal region of chromosome 2 in the same interspecific backcross to generate a composite multilocus linkage map. Several loci mapped near, and may be the same as, known mutations. Comparisons between the mouse and the human genomes indicate that mouse chromosome 2 contains regions homologous to at least six human chromosomes. Mouse models for human diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of the human genome   总被引:164,自引:0,他引:164  
We report the construction of a linkage map of the human genome, based on the pattern of inheritance of 403 polymorphic loci, including 393 RFLPs, in a panel of DNAs from 21 three-generation families. By a combination of mathematical linkage analysis and physical localization of selected clones, it was possible to arrange these loci into linkage groups representing 23 human chromosomes. We estimate that the linkage map is detectably linked to at least 95% of the DNA in the human genome.  相似文献   

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