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Serine palmitoyltransferase [palmitoyl-CoA:L-serine C-palmitoyltransferase (decarboxylating) EC] catalyzes the initial and committed step in the biosynthesis of the long-chain bases of sphingolipids. A simple assay, based upon the incorporation of [3H]serine into the chloroform-soluble product 3-ketosphinganine, has been developed and demonstrated to be valid for analyzing this enzyme in rat liver microsomes. More than 75% of the serine palmitoyltransferase of rat liver was associated with the microsomal subfraction. The dependencies of activity on the incubation time, pH, temperature, other assay components (e.g., dithiothreitol, EDTA, and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate), and the concentrations of microsomal protein, L-serine, and palmitoyl-CoA were investigated. The requirement of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate for activity was established by formation of the apoenzyme by dialysis against cysteine, and recovery of full activity upon reconstitution with the coenzyme. Activities with fatty acyl-CoA's of varying alkyl chain length were distributed nearly symmetrically around a maximum at 16 carbons (palmitoyl-CoA) for the fully saturated substrates. Less activity was obtained with the CoA thioesters of cis-unsaturated fatty acids, but trans-9-hexadecenoyl-CoA yielded essentially the same activity as palmitoyl-CoA. Hence, this enzyme is capable of initiating the synthesis of the major long-chain bases, as well as compounds that may constitute the unidentified bases reported in analyses of mammalian sphingolipids.  相似文献   

Alveolar macrophages (AM) were collected by repeated endobronchial lavage from mice, rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits, and titrated into cultures of mitogen-stimulated syngeneic or autochthonous lymphocytes. Significant species differences were detected in regard to AM activity in the cultures. AM from guinea pigs and mice stimulated PHA-induced lymphoproliferation, while those from rats and rabbits were inhibitory; blood or peritoneal macrophages were not inhibitory in any of the species examined.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of transcobalamin II was investigated in primary cultures of adult rat liver parenchymal cells maintained in serum-free media. The data indicate that these hepatocytes secrete a vitamin B12-binding substance into the culture medium which is identical to rat serum transcobalamin II as judged by the following criteria: (i) gel filtration on columns of Sephadex G-200; (ii) ion-exchange chromatography on columns of diethyl aminoethyl cellulose and carboxymethyl cellulose; (iii) polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis at pH 9.5; and (iv) the ability to facilitate cellular vitamin B12 uptake by HeLa cells and mouse L-929 fibroblasts in culture. The secretion of transcobalamin II by the liver parenchymal cells was blocked by cycloheximide, puromycin, and p-fluorophenylalanine. The inhibition by cycloheximide, but not that of the other inhibitors, was partially reversed upon removal of the drug. The liver parenchymal cells incorporated radioactive amino acids into transcobalamin II which was absorbed from the growth medium using affinity chromatography on Sepharose containing covalently linked B12. Collectively, these data indicate that rat liver parenchymal cells, in culture, are capable of the biosynthesis de novo of transcobalamin II and the subsequent secretion of this protein into the culture media.  相似文献   

Adult rat liver parenchymal cells were isolated by the collagenase perfusion technique and cultured as a monolayer for up to 20 h. The quantity of zinc accumulated from the extracellular environment was significantly increased by adding physiological concentrations of certain glucocorticoids to the medium. The degree of stimulation was directly related to glucocorticosteroids potency. Sex steroids, certain peptide hormones and prostaglandins E2 and F2α did not influence zinc accumulation.Control cells exhibited a decline of zinc accumulation after 4 h in culture although uptake processes were still operative. When dexamethasone, the most potent glucocorticoid used, was present in the medium the cells accumulated zinc at a linear rate greater than that seen in control cells, for at least 20 h. The dexamethasone-induced stimulation of zinc accumulation was relatively specific since 45Ca, 14C-labelled amino acids and [35S]cystine accumulation was not influenced by the hormone. A lag of 4 h was observed before an effect of dexamethasone on zinc accumulation could be detected. Moreover, the hormone-stimulated phase of accumulation was blocked when the cells were simultaneously incubated with either actinomycin D or cycloheximide. The additional complement of zinc accumulated by the dexamethasone-treated cells was localized in the cytosol fraction. Gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatorgraphy confirmed that this additional cytosol zinc was bound to metallothionein. [35S]Cystine was incorporated into metallothionein in hormone-treated cells indicating that the protein was synthesized de novo during periods of enhanced zinc accumulation.  相似文献   

Macrophage-like cell lines J774.1 and WEHI-3 as well as peritoneal exudate macrophages have been demonstrated to produce factors which induce the differentiation of memory cells into specific T killer cells in the absence of an added antigen. LPS stimulation was required for J774.1 cells and peritoneal macrophages to produce the factors but not for WEHI-3 cells. Interferon seemed to be one of the responsible factors. However, macrophages seem to produce other active factors; one has a molecular weight (MW) of more than 80,000 and lacks thymocyte mitogenic activity; another, with a weak thymocyte mitogenic activity, has a MW of 38,000 to 44,000. The low MW thymocyte mitogenic factor (interleukin-1) showed weak T killer cell differentiating activity.  相似文献   

Squalene epoxidase was purified from rat liver microsomes by DEAE-cellulose, alumina Cν gel, hydroxylapatite, CM-Sephadex C-50 and Cibacron Blue Sepharose 4B in the presence of Triton X-100. The specific activity was increased 50 fold with a yield of about 10%. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the preparation gave one major band and one minor band with apparent molecular weights of 47,000 and 27,000 daltons, respectively. The protein of 47,000 was the most probable candidate for squalene epoxidase. Squalene epoxidase activity could be reconstituted in the squalene epoxidase preparation with the addition of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, FAD, and Triton X-100.  相似文献   

A method is described for both visualization and quantification of the total complement of rat liver free and membrane-bound ribosomes, undegraded by nucleolysis and unaggregated by pelleting. The method involves: (a) differential centrifugation of liver homogenate which separates free and membrane-bound ribosomes; (b) treatment of the fractions with detergents to solubilize membranes and remove nuclei; (c) centrifugation of a portion of each fraction to remove all the ribosomes; (d) sedimentation of the samples and blanks on sucrose gradients; and (e) difference photometric scanning of the gradients, sample minus ribosome-free blank, to detect the ribosomes free of interference from nonribosomal materials. The use of the SW 56 rotor in the initial centrifugation and of a high Mg2+ concentration (20 mm) in the medium used to suspend the bound fraction prior to detergent treatment were found to be essential in obtaining bound polysomes of large size (~19-somes). The difference scanning technique is shown to be a sensitive, accurate, and reproducible means of eliminating interference from nonribosomal materials, principally detergents and protein, and of quantifying ribosomes in both fractions. The method is rapid (3.5 h), simple to perform, and well suited for the analysis of multiple liver samples. It can be used to assess the concentration, distribution, organization, and average size of the total complement of rat liver free and membrane-bound ribosomes in a single experiment.  相似文献   

Beating heart cells were isolated from the adult rat and the biosynthesis of ubiquinone was studied. These cells were able to incorporate p-hydroxy[U-14C]benzoate into ubiquinone and some unidentified compounds, presumably intermediates in the biosynthesis of ubiquinone. The unidentified compounds were labile to alkali and were also labeled by [5-3H]-mevalonate and [methyl-3H]methionine, but not by p-hydroxy[carboxy-14C]benzoate. They appear to be chromatographically different from 5-demethoxy ubiquinone and 5-desmethyl ubiquinone. Addition of unlabeled mevalonate stimulated the incorporation of p-hydroxy [U-14C]benzoate into ubiquinone and the other compounds. The addition of dimethylsulfoxide to the isolated cells or the isolation medium caused inhibition of ubiquinone biosynthesis. Adriamycin was not inhibitory to the biosynthesis of ubiquinone in the cells. The advantages of these cells are the rapidity and ease in studying the biosynthesis of ubiquinone from various precursors and its regulation.  相似文献   

When rat liver mitochondria were suspended in 0.15 m KCl, the cytochrome c appeared to be solubilized from the binding site on the outside of the inner membrane and trapped in the intermembrane space. When the outer membrane of these mitochondria was disrupted with digitonin at a digitonin concentration of 0.15 mg/mg of protein, the solubilized cytochrome c could be released from mitochondria along with adenylate kinase. When mitochondria were suspended in 0.15 m KCl instead of 0.33 m sucrose, the ADPO ratio observed with succinate, β-hydroxybutyrate, malate + pyruvate or glutamate as substrates was little affected. A number of cycles of State 4-State 3-State 4 with ADP was observed. The respiratory control ratios, however, were decreased, particularly when glutamate was used as the substrate. Cytochrome c oxidase activity was also decreased to 55% when assayed using ascorbate + N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylene-diamine (TMPD) as substrates. Suspension of mitochondria in 0.15 m KCl resulted in an enhancement of the very low NADH oxidation by intact mitochondria and a twofold enhancement of sulfite oxidation. Trapped cytochrome c in outer membrane vesicles prepared from untreated and trypsin-treated intact mitochondria was found to be readily reduced by NADH and suggests that some cytochrome b5 is located on the inner surface of the outer membrane. The enhanced NADH oxidase could therefore reflect the ability of cytochrome c to mediate intermembrane electron transport. The enhanced sulfite oxidase activity was sensitive to cyanide inhibition and coupled to oxidative phosphorylation (ADPO < 1) unlike the activity of mitochondria in sucrose medium. These results suggest that free cytochrome c in the intermembrane space can mediate electron transfer between the sulfite oxidase and the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Sonically disrupted nuclei from proliferating liver cells were fractionated in Cs2SO4 equilibrium density gradients. Nuclear constituents were concentrated in three bands designated as light band (LB, 1.21 g/cm3), middle band (MB, 1.26 g/cm3), and heavy band (HB, 1.32 g/cm3). Analysis of protein and nucleic acid distribution in gradients suggests preservation of some macromolecular interactions. Studies comparing distributions of radioactively labeled DNA after 1- or 120-min intervals following tritiated thymidine injection indicate enrichment of nascent DNA in LB and MB. This enrichment is sensitive to time and pressure of sonication. Furthermore, DNA-polymerase activity was demonstrated in the gradient fractions following removal of Cs2SO4, with most activity once again in the LB and MB. These results suggest this procedure as an initial step in the isolation of an enzymatically active DNA replication complex.  相似文献   

Rat liver was fractionated into template-active (euchromatin) and template-inactive (heterochromatin) fractions by controlled shearing and glycerol gradient centrifugation. The histone and nonhistone proteins associated with each fraction were compared. No qualitative differences in histone content were observed, but heterochromatin contained 1.5 times more histone protein than did euchromatin. The nonhistone proteins of each chromatin fraction were fractionated on the basis of salt solubility into loosely bound (those extracted by 0.35 m NaCl), tightly bound (those extracted by 2.0 m NaCl), and residual nonhistone proteins (those not extracted by 2.0 m NaCl). Euchromatin contained 3.7 times more loosely bound nonhistone proteins than did heterochromatin, while the latter contained twice as much residual nonhistone protein. Euchromatin was devoid of tightly bound nonhistone protein, a component of heterochromatin. Electrophoretic analysis of these nonhistone protein fractions revealed marked heterogeneity, with a number of bands unique to either eu- or heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Sertoli cell cultures were prepared from the testes of 20-day-old rats. The proteins which were secreted by the cells into the culture medium were labeled with [3H]leucine or l-[3H]fucose. The proteins were concentrated by ultrafiltration and analysed by polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis (PAGE) in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Autofluorography of the gels at ?70 °C showed that the rat Sertoli cells synthesized and secreted at least 7 major polypeptides. The polypeptides had molecular weights ranging from 16 000 to 140 000 D. Proteins which were secreted from cultures of testicular fibroblasts and myoid cells had electrophoretic properties on SDS-PAGE which were different from Sertoli cell secreted proteins. Addition of FSH and testosterone to the Sertoli cell cultures increased the total synthesis and secretion of [3H]leucine-labeled proteins. No qualitative changes in the proteins as a result of hormone application could be detected. However, the synthesis of a polypeptide of molecular weight 48 000 was increased relative to the other secreted peptides if the cells were maintained in FSH and testosterone. The Sertoli cell secreted proteins were shown to be glycoproteins which can bind to ConA-Sepharose and can be labeled with [3H]fucose. Tunicamycin, a specific inhibitor of N-glycosylation, inhibited the secretion of [3H]proteins by 50% but had little effect on the intracellular protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Effects of glucose concentration and anoxia upon the metabolite concentrations and rates of glycolysis and respiration have been investigated in the perfused liver of the fetal guinea pig. In most cases the metabolite concentrations in the perfused liver were similar to those observed in vivo. Between 50 days and term there was a fall in the respiratory rate and in the concentration of ATP and fructose 1,6-diphosphate and an increase in the concentration of glutamate, glycogen and glucose. Reducing the medium glucose concentration from 10 mM to 1 mM or 0.1 mM depressed lactate production and the concentration of most of the phosphorylated intermediates (except 6-phosphogluconate) in the liver of the 50-day fetus. This indicates a fall in glycolytic rate which is not in accord with the known kinetic properties of hexokinase in the fetal liver. Anoxia increased lactate production by, and the concentrations of, the hexose phosphates ADP and AMP in the 50-day to term fetal liver, while the concentration of ribulose 5-phosphate, ATP and some triose phosphates fell. These results are consistent with an activation of glycolysis, particularly at phosphofructokinase and of a reduction in pentose phosphate pathway activity, particularly at 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase.The calculated cytosolic NAD+/NADH ratio for the perfused liver was similar to that measured in vivo and evidence is presented to suggest that the dihydroxyacetone phosphate/glycerol 3-phosphate ratio gives a better indication of cytosolic redox than the lactate/pyruvate ratio. The present observations indicate that phosphofructokinase and hexokinase and possibly pyruvate kinase control the glycolytic rate and that glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is at equilibrium in the perfused liver of the fetal guinea pig.  相似文献   

Viable suspended hepatocytes were prepared from surgical biopsy specimens of pig and human liver by digestion with collagenase. Initial perfusion of the tissue through cannulated blood vessels with 0.5 mM EGTA followed by 0.2% collagenase gave the best results. 20−870 × 106 cells of which 60–95 % excluded trypan blue were obtained from 5–30 g pig liver pieces, while results with human liver specimens were usually less satisfactory. In some experiments, however, viable cells, as judged by vital stain exclusion and ability to synthesize lipids were obtained in sufficient yield. In the pig hepatocytes glycerolipid synthesis from [3H] glycerol and oxidation and esterification of [14C] oleic acid had the same characteristics as those observed earlier in rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The effects of VirTis shearing on chromatin subunit structure were investigated by enzymatic digestion, thermal denaturation, and electron microscopy. While initial rates of micrococcal nuclease and DNase I digestion were greater postshearing, limit digest values were similar to those for unsheared chromatin. Fractionated chromatin digestion kinetics varied with sedimentation. Digestion of all chromatins produced monomer and dimer DNA fragment lengths, but only unsheared chromatins exhibited higher order nucleosome oligomer lengths. Mononucleosomes and core particles were resolved in digests of sheared and gradient fractions analyzed by electrophoresis. All chromatins exposed to DNase I showed discrete 10-base pair nicking patterns. The presence of nucleosomes was confirmed by electron microscopy. Electron microscopy and histone content of gradient fractions showed that nucleosome density along the chromatin axis increased in rapidly sedimenting fractions. Thermal denaturation detected no appreciable generation of protein-free DNA fragments as a result of shearing. The results indicate that VirTis blending conserves subunit structure with loss of less than 12–15% of nucleosome structure.  相似文献   

Livers isolated from control or turpentine-injected rats were perfused for 3 h with human red cells suspended in Krebs-Henseleit solution containing bovine serum albumin, dextran, glucose, heparin, cortisol, insulin, a mixture of 20 amino acids and [3H]leucine. Changes in the concentrations of antithrombin III and α-1-antitrypsin were evaluated by rocket immunoelectrophoresis using specific antisera, and incorporation of the 3H radioactivity into the total protein, albumin, antithrombin III and α-1-antitrypsin in the perfusate was measured. The results indicate that both antithrombin III and α-1-antitrypsin are synthesized in the liver. Local inflammation induced in the liver donors moderately stimulated the synthesis of α-1-antitrypsin but it affected only marginally that of antithrombin III.  相似文献   

One month after induction of diabetes in adult white rats with streptozotocin or 4–10 months after its induction by pancreatectomy (in every case glycemia was over 3 g/liter), the following alterations were observed in liver mitochondria: (a) a decrease of amplitude and an increase of the damping factor of volume oscillations induced by potassium ions and valinomycin; (b) a 50% decrease of d-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (HBD) activity in mitochondria disrupted by repeated freeze-thawing; (c) a similar decrease in the rate of d-3-hydroxybutyrate oxidation by intact mitochondria; (d) a significant increase of cytochrome oxidase activity and cytochrome aa3 content. Measurement of succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activity, the cytochrome b, c1, and c content, and the P:O ratio for mitochondria oxidizing d-3-hydroxybutyrate did not reveal significant differences between control and diabetic rat mitochondria. In the streptozotocin-injected rats, the variation of HBD activity and the modification of the mitochondrial oscillation pattern were time-dependent phenomena, both effects reaching their maximal expression about 1 month after the onset of diabetes. The variation of HBD activity followed a biphasic course, since it rose to above the control level during the first 2 weeks of diabetes, then fell progressively to about half the control value after the third week. Treatment of diabetic rats with NPH insulin (5 IU twice daily, for 3 days, reinforced by the same dose 45 min before sacrifice) restored the mitochondrial oscillation pattern, HBD activity, and rate of d-3-hydroxybutyrate oxidation by intact mitochondria to their normal values.  相似文献   

The effects in kidney of streptozotocin-induced diabetes and of insulin supplementation to diabetic animals on glycogen-metabolizing enzymes were determined. Kidney glycogen levels were approximately 30-fold higher in diabetic animals than in control or insulintreated diabetic animals. The activities of glycogenolytic enzymes i.e., phosphorylase (both a and b), phosphorylase kinase, and protein kinase were not significantly altered in the diabetic animals. Glycogen synthase (I form) activity decreased in the diabetic animals whereas total glycogen synthase (I + D) activity significantly increased in these animals. The activities were restored to control values after insulin therapy. Diabetic animals also showed a 3-fold increase in glucose 6-phosphate levels. These data suggest that higher accumulation of glycogen in kidneys of diabetic animals is due to increased amounts of total glycogen synthase and its activator glucose 6-phosphate.  相似文献   

Rat cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus and Fujinami sarcoma virus bound 5-10% of the amount of epidermal growth factor (EGF) bound by normal cells. Scatchard plot analysis indicated that the reduction in binding by transformed cells was due to a decreased number of receptors rather than to altered binding affinity. In experiments with temperature sensitive mutants of Rous sarcoma virus and Fujinami sarcoma virus significant loss of EGF binding occurred within one hour of shift from non-permissive to permissive temperature. Conditioned media from various normal and transformed cell lines were examined for the ability to inhibit EGF binding to normal cells or to cause "down regulation" of EGF receptors. No activity of either type was found. EGF-dependent phosphorylation in isolated membrane preparations was also examined. Membranes from normal cells displayed EGF-dependent phosphorylation of a Mr 180,000 protein presumed to be the EGF receptor. This activity was absent in membranes from transformed cells. The data suggest a close correlation between activation of avian sarcoma virus transforming gene products and modulation of the EGF growth regulatory system.  相似文献   

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