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At gastrulation, a single layer of cells is converted into an outer ectodermal covering, an inner ectodermal tube, and in triploblastic phyla, a middle mesodermal layer. This morphogenesis is driven by motility and directed by cell interactions, some of which involve adhesion and others that involve information transfer.  相似文献   

Recent work shows that Wnt signaling directly regulates the apical constriction that drives gastrulation movements in Caenorhabditis elegans, and also promotes invagination in sea urchins, providing a novel and possibly conserved mode of developmental regulation.  相似文献   

The three germ layers in Drosophila are established by both the invagination of the ventral furrow, which internalizes the anterior midgut and mesoderm primordia, and the invagination of the posterior midgut primordium. The invaginations of these primordia occur by similar cell shape changes. The gene hierarchies responsible for positioning each primordium within the epithelial blastoderm are well understood. By going further down in the hierarchy, we hope to identify the genes whose products are directly involved in the mechanisms that change the cell shape. Presumably these mechanisms are similar in Drosophila and in other organisms.  相似文献   

During vertebrate gastrulation, a relatively limited number of blastodermal cells undergoes a stereotypical set of cellular movements that leads to formation of the three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Gastrulation, therefore, provides a unique developmental system in which to study cell movements in vivo in a fairly simple cellular context. Recent advances have been made in elucidating the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie cell movements during zebrafish gastrulation. These findings can be compared with observations made in other model systems to identify potential general mechanisms of cell migration during development.  相似文献   

Post-traumatic inflammation is formed by molecular and cellular complex mechanisms whose final goal seems to be injured tissue regeneration. In the skin -an exterior organ of the body- mechanical or thermal injury induces the expression of different inflammatory phenotypes that resemble similar phenotypes expressed during embryo development. Particularly, molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in gastrulation return. This is a developmental phase that delineates the three embryonic germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. Consequently, in the post-natal wounded skin, primitive functions related with the embryonic mesoderm, i.e. amniotic and yolk sac-derived, are expressed. Neurogenesis and hematogenesis stand out among the primitive function mechanisms involved. Interestingly, in these phases of the inflammatory response, whose molecular and cellular mechanisms are considered as traces of the early phases of the embryonic development, the mast cell, a cell that is supposedly inflammatory, plays a key role. The correlation that can be established between the embryonic and the inflammatory events suggests that the results obtained from the research regarding both great fields of knowledge must be interchangeable to obtain the maximum advantage.  相似文献   

Gastrulation in Caenorhabditis elegans has been described by following the movements of individual nuclei in living embryos by Nomarski microscopy. Gastrulation starts in the 26-cell stage when the two gut precursors, Ea and Ep, move into the blastocoele. The migration of Ea and Ep does not depend on interactions with specific neighboring cells and appears to rely on the earlier fate specification of the E lineage. In particular, the long cell cycle length of Ea and Ep appears important for gastrulation. Later in embryogenesis, the precursors to the germline, muscle and pharynx join the E descendants in the interior. As in other organisms, the movement of gastrulation permit novel cell contacts that are important for the specification of certain cell fates.  相似文献   

Gastrulation movements: the logic and the nuts and bolts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The process of gastrulation has often been compared with thatof malignant invasion. In this paper, the terms "malignant"and "invasion" are denned and the characteristics of malignantcells are discussed. One of the best examples of invasion duringgastrulation takes place during the formation of the endodermin the chick, when the definitive endoblast invades the hypoblast.Experiments are described in which the hypoblast is invadedby a) definitive endoblast, b) other normal embryonic cells,and c) three types of human malignant cells. It was found thatnot only does the hypoblast react differently to normal andmalignant cells, but that the cell interactions differ alsoaccording to the type of malignant cells. In particular, thereare differences in the behaviour of the cells and in the amountof extracellular material laid down between the hypoblast andmalignant cells. It is concluded that even within the limitsof this experiment, chick gastrulation is not wholly analogousto malignant invasion.  相似文献   

A major approach to the study of development is to compare the phenotypes of normal and mutant individuals for a given genetic locus. Understanding the development of a complex metazoan therefore requires examination of many mutants. Relatively few organisms are being studied this way, and zebrafish is currently the best example of a vertebrate for which large-scale mutagenesis screens have successfully been carried out. The number of genes mutated in zebrafish that have been cloned expands rapidly, bringing new insights into a number of developmental pathways operating in vertebrates. Here, we discuss work on zebrafish mutants affecting gastrulation and patterning of the early embryo. Gastrulation is orchestrated by the dorsal organizer, which forms in a region where maternally derived beta-catenin signaling is active. Mutation in the zygotic homeobox gene bozozok disrupts the organizer genetic program and leads to severe axial deficiencies, indicating that this gene is a functional target of beta-catenin signaling. Once established, the organizer releases inhibitors of ventralizing signals, such as BMPs, and promotes dorsoanterior fates within all germ layers. In zebrafish, several mutations affecting dorsal-ventral (D/V) patterning inactivate genes functioning in the BMP pathway, stressing the central role of this pathway in the gastrula embryo. Cells derived from the organizer differentiate into several axial structures, such as notochord and prechordal mesoderm, which are thought to induce various fates in adjacent tissues, such as the floor plate, after the completion of gastrulation. Studies with mutants in nodal-related genes, in one-eyed pinhead, which is required for nodal signaling, and in the Notch pathway reveal that midline cell fate specification is, in fact, initiated during gastrulation. Furthermore, the organizer coordinates morphogenetic movements, and zebrafish mutants in T-box mesoderm-specific genes help clarify the mechanism of convergence movements required for the formation of axial and paraxial mesoderm.  相似文献   

Gastrulation in the mouse: the role of the homeobox gene goosecoid.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Mouse goosecoid is a homeobox gene expressed briefly during early gastrulation. Its mRNA accumulates as a patch on the side of the epiblast at the site where the primitive streak is first formed. goosecoid-expressing cells are then found at the anterior end of the developing primitive streak, and finally in the anteriormost mesoderm at the tip of the early mouse gastrula, a region that gives rise to the head process. Treatment of early mouse embryos with activin results in goosecoid mRNA accumulation in the entire epiblast, suggesting that a localized signal induces goosecoid expression during development. Transplantation experiments indicate that the tip of the murine early gastrula is the equivalent of the organizer of the amphibian gastrula.  相似文献   

The ventral furrow and posterior midgut invaginations bring mesodermal and endodermal precursor cells into the interior of the Drosophila embryo during gastrulation. Both invaginations proceed through a similar sequence of rapid cell shape changes, which include apical flattening, constriction of the apical diameter, cell elongation and subsequent shortening. Based on the time course of apical constriction in the ventral furrow and posterior midgut, we identify two phases in this process: first, a slow stochastic phase in which some individual cells begin to constrict and, second, a rapid phase in which the remaining unconstricted cells constrict. Mutations in the concertina or folded gastrulation genes appear to block the transition to the second phase in both the ventral furrow and the posterior midgut invaginations.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Comparative embryological studies of frogs and fishprovide valuable information about the mechanisms and evolutionof vertebrate development. First, by mapping developmental datafrom a range of species onto a cladogram, one can distinguishgeneral features of a ground plan from variation within it.Two studies illustrate this: comparison of gastrulation mechanismsin sturgeon and Xenopus, and morphogenesis of the dorsal mesodermin five species of anurans. Second, phylogenetic analysis ofdevelopmental data makes it possible to identify radical departuresfrom the ground plan among related groups. Teleost gastrulationis a highly derived process that appears to have little in commonwith the ancestral version. However, teleost gastrulation mayhave evolved as a result of two specific developmental changes:loss of bottle cells in the surface layer, and changes in theyolk. The phylogenetic distribution of developmental charactersforms the basis for mechanistic hypotheses about the originsof major evolutionary changes in development  相似文献   

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