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Activation of the pro-drug isoniazid (INH) as an anti-tubercular drug in Mycobacterium tuberculosis involves its conversion to isonicotinyl-NAD, a reaction that requires the catalase-peroxidase KatG. This report shows that the reaction proceeds in the absence of KatG at a slow rate in a mixture of INH, NAD+, Mn2+, and O2, and that the inclusion of KatG increases the rate by >7 times. Superoxide, generated by either Mn2+- or KatG-catalyzed reduction of O2, is an essential intermediate in the reaction. Elimination of the peroxidatic process by mutation slows the rate of reaction by 60% revealing that the peroxidatic process enhances, but is not essential for isonicotinyl-NAD formation. The isonicotinyl-NAD•+ radical is identified as a reaction intermediate, and its reduction by superoxide is proposed. Binding sites for INH and its co-substrate, NAD+, are identified for the first time in crystal complexes of Burkholderia pseudomallei catalase-peroxidase with INH and NAD+ grown by co-crystallization. The best defined INH binding sites were identified, one in each subunit, on the opposite side of the protein from the entrance to the heme cavity in a funnel-shaped channel. The NAD+ binding site is ∼20 Å from the entrance to the heme cavity and involves interactions primarily with the AMP portion of the molecule in agreement with the NMR saturation transfer difference results.  相似文献   

Members of the Leishmania genus are the causative agents of the life-threatening disease leishmaniasis. New drugs are being sought due to increasing resistance and adverse side effects with current treatments. The knowledge that dUTPase is an essential enzyme and that the all α-helical dimeric kinetoplastid dUTPases have completely different structures compared with the trimeric β-sheet type dUTPase possessed by most organisms, including humans, make the dimeric enzymes attractive drug targets. Here, we present crystal structures of the Leishmania major dUTPase in complex with substrate analogues, the product dUMP and a substrate fragment, and of the homologous Campylobacter jejuni dUTPase in complex with a triphosphate substrate analogue. The metal-binding properties of both enzymes are shown to be dependent upon the ligand identity, a previously unseen characteristic of this family. Furthermore, structures of the Leishmania enzyme in the presence of dUMP and deoxyuridine coupled with tryptophan fluorescence quenching indicate that occupation of the phosphate binding region is essential for induction of the closed conformation and hence for substrate binding. These findings will aid in the development of dUTPase inhibitors as potential new lead anti-trypanosomal compounds.  相似文献   

Oligopeptidase B (OPB) is a serine peptidase with dibasic substrate specificity. It is found in bacteria, plants, and trypanosomatid pathogens, where it has been identified as a virulence factor and potential drug target. In this study we expressed active recombinant Leishmania major OPB and provide the first structure of an oligopeptidase B at high resolution. The crystallographic study reveals that OPB comprises two domains, a catalytic and a propeller domain, linked together by a hinge region. The structure has been determined in complex with the oligopeptide, protease-inhibitor antipain, giving detailed information on the enzyme active site and extended substrate binding pockets. It shows that Glu-621 plays a critical role in the S1 binding pocket and, along with Phe-603, is largely responsible for the enzyme substrate specificity in P1. In the S2 binding pocket, Tyr-499 was shown to be important for substrate stability. The structure also allowed an investigation into the function of residues highlighted in other studies including Glu-623, which was predicted to be involved in the S1 binding pocket but is found forming an inter-domain hydrogen bond. Additional important salt bridges/hydrogen bonds between the two domains were observed, highlighting the significance of the domain interface in OPB. This work provides a foundation for the study of the role of OPBs as virulence factors in trypanosomatids. It could facilitate the development of specific OPB inhibitors with therapeutic potential by exploiting its unique substrate recognition properties as well as providing a model for OPBs in general.  相似文献   

Porphobilinogen synthase (PBGS) is essential for heme biosynthesis, but the enzyme of the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii (TgPBGS) differs from that of its human host in several important respects, including subcellular localization, metal ion dependence, and quaternary structural dynamics. We have solved the crystal structure of TgPBGS, which contains an octamer in the crystallographic asymmetric unit. Crystallized in the presence of substrate, each active site contains one molecule of the product porphobilinogen. Unlike prior structures containing a substrate-derived heterocycle directly bound to an active site zinc ion, the product-bound TgPBGS active site contains neither zinc nor magnesium, placing in question the common notion that all PBGS enzymes require an active site metal ion. Unlike human PBGS, the TgPBGS octamer contains magnesium ions at the intersections between pro-octamer dimers, which are presumed to function in allosteric regulation. TgPBGS includes N- and C-terminal regions that differ considerably from previously solved crystal structures. In particular, the C-terminal extension found in all apicomplexan PBGS enzymes forms an intersubunit β-sheet, stabilizing a pro-octamer dimer and preventing formation of hexamers that can form in human PBGS. The TgPBGS structure suggests strategies for the development of parasite-selective PBGS inhibitors.  相似文献   

d-Serine is a physiological co-agonist of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor. It regulates excitatory neurotransmission, which is important for higher brain functions in vertebrates. In mammalian brains, d-amino acid oxidase degrades d-serine. However, we have found recently that in chicken brains the oxidase is not expressed and instead a d-serine dehydratase degrades d-serine. The primary structure of the enzyme shows significant similarities to those of metal-activated d-threonine aldolases, which are fold-type III pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes, suggesting that it is a novel class of d-serine dehydratase. In the present study, we characterized the chicken enzyme biochemically and also by x-ray crystallography. The enzyme activity on d-serine decreased 20-fold by EDTA treatment and recovered nearly completely by the addition of Zn2+. None of the reaction products that would be expected from side reactions of the PLP-d-serine Schiff base were detected during the >6000 catalytic cycles of dehydration, indicating high reaction specificity. We have determined the first crystal structure of the d-serine dehydratase at 1.9 Å resolution. In the active site pocket, a zinc ion that coordinates His347 and Cys349 is located near the PLP-Lys45 Schiff base. A theoretical model of the enzyme-d-serine complex suggested that the hydroxyl group of d-serine directly coordinates the zinc ion, and that the ϵ-NH2 group of Lys45 is a short distance from the substrate Cα atom. The α-proton abstraction from d-serine by Lys45 and the elimination of the hydroxyl group seem to occur with the assistance of the zinc ion, resulting in the strict reaction specificity.  相似文献   

Uronate dehydrogenase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens (AtUdh) belongs to the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase superfamily and catalyzes the oxidation of D-galacturonic acid and D-glucuronic acid with NAD(+) as a cofactor. We have determined the crystal structures of an apo-form of AtUdh, a ternary form in complex with NADH and product (substrate-soaked structure), and an inactive Y136A mutant in complex with NAD(+). The crystal structures suggest AtUdh to be a homohexamer, which has also been observed to be the major form in solution. The monomer contains a Rossmann fold, essential for nucleotide binding and a common feature of the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family enzymes. The ternary complex structure reveals a product, D-galactaro-1,5-lactone, which is bound above the nicotinamide ring. This product rearranges in solution to D-galactaro-1,4-lactone as verified by mass spectrometry analysis, which agrees with our previous NMR study. The crystal structure of the mutant with the catalytic residue Tyr-136 substituted with alanine shows changes in the position of Ile-74 and Ser-75. This probably altered the binding of the nicotinamide end of NAD(+), which was not visible in the electron density map. The structures presented provide novel insights into cofactor and substrate binding and the reaction mechanism of AtUdh. This information can be applied to the design of efficient microbial conversion of D-galacturonic acid-based waste materials.  相似文献   

Histamine dehydrogenase (HADH) isolated from Nocardioides simplex catalyzes the oxidative deamination of histamine to imidazole acetaldehyde. HADH is highly specific for histamine, and we are interested in understanding the recognition mode of histamine in its active site. We describe the first crystal structure of a recombinant form of HADH (HADH) to 2.7-Å resolution. HADH is a homodimer, where each 76-kDa subunit contains an iron-sulfur cluster ([4Fe-4S]2+) and a 6-S-cysteinyl flavin mononucleotide (6-S-Cys-FMN) as redox cofactors. The overall structure of HADH is very similar to that of trimethylamine dehydrogenase (TMADH) from Methylotrophus methylophilus (bacterium W3A1). However, some distinct differences between the structure of HADH and TMADH have been found. Tyr60, Trp264, and Trp355 provide the framework for the “aromatic bowl” that serves as a trimethylamine-binding site in TMADH is comprised of Gln65, Trp267, and Asp358, respectively, in HADH. The surface Tyr442 that is essential in transferring electrons to electron-transfer flavoprotein (ETF) in TMADH is not conserved in HADH. We use this structure to propose the binding mode for histamine in the active site of HADH through molecular modeling and to compare the interactions to those observed for other histamine-binding proteins whose structures are known.  相似文献   

Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) is the fourth enzyme in the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway and has been exploited as the target for therapy against proliferative and parasitic diseases. In this study, we report the crystal structures of DHODH from Leishmania major, the species of Leishmania associated with zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis, in its apo form and in complex with orotate and fumarate molecules. Both orotate and fumarate were found to bind to the same active site and exploit similar interactions, consistent with a ping-pong mechanism described for class 1A DHODHs. Analysis of LmDHODH structures reveals that rearrangements in the conformation of the catalytic loop have direct influence on the dimeric interface. This is the first structural evidence of a relationship between the dimeric form and the catalytic mechanism. According to our analysis, the high sequence and structural similarity observed among trypanosomatid DHODH suggest that a single strategy of structure-based inhibitor design can be used to validate DHODH as a druggable target against multiple neglected tropical diseases such as Leishmaniasis, Sleeping sickness and Chagas' diseases.  相似文献   

Arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs), a class of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes, catalyze the acetylation of aromatic amine compounds through a strictly conserved Cys-His-Asp catalytic triad. Each residue is essential for catalysis in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic NATs. Indeed, in (HUMAN)NAT2 variants, mutation of the Asp residue to Asn, Gln, or Glu dramatically impairs enzyme activity. However, a putative atypical NAT harboring a catalytic triad Glu residue was recently identified in Bacillus cereus ((BACCR)NAT3) but has not yet been characterized. We report here the crystal structure and functional characterization of this atypical NAT. The overall fold of (BACCR)NAT3 and the geometry of its Cys-His-Glu catalytic triad are similar to those present in functional NATs. Importantly, the enzyme was found to be active and to acetylate prototypic arylamine NAT substrates. In contrast to (HUMAN) NAT2, the presence of a Glu or Asp in the triad of (BACCR)NAT3 did not significantly affect enzyme structure or function. Computational analysis identified differences in residue packing and steric constraints in the active site of (BACCR)NAT3 that allow it to accommodate a Cys-His-Glu triad. These findings overturn the conventional view, demonstrating that the catalytic triad of this family of acetyltransferases is plastic. Moreover, they highlight the need for further study of the evolutionary history of NATs and the functional significance of the predominant Cys-His-Asp triad in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic forms.  相似文献   

Trametes cervina lignin peroxidase (LiP) is a unique enzyme lacking the catalytic tryptophan strictly conserved in all other LiPs and versatile peroxidases (more than 30 sequences available). Recombinant T. cervina LiP and site-directed variants were investigated by crystallographic, kinetic, and spectroscopic techniques. The crystal structure shows three substrate oxidation site candidates involving His-170, Asp-146, and Tyr-181. Steady-state kinetics for oxidation of veratryl alcohol (the typical LiP substrate) by variants at the above three residues reveals a crucial role of Tyr-181 in LiP activity. Moreover, assays with ferrocytochrome c show that its ability to oxidize large molecules (a requisite property for oxidation of the lignin polymer) originates in Tyr-181. This residue is also involved in the oxidation of 1,4-dimethoxybenzene, a reaction initiated by the one-electron abstraction with formation of substrate cation radical, as described for the well known Phanerochaete chrysosporium LiP. Detailed spectroscopic and kinetic investigations, including low temperature EPR, show that the porphyrin radical in the two-electron activated T. cervina LiP is unstable and rapidly receives one electron from Tyr-181, forming a catalytic protein radical, which is identified as an H-bonded neutral tyrosyl radical. The crystal structure reveals a partially exposed location of Tyr-181, compatible with its catalytic role, and several neighbor residues probably contributing to catalysis: (i) by enabling substrate recognition by aromatic interactions; (ii) by acting as proton acceptor/donor from Tyr-181 or H-bonding the radical form; and (iii) by providing the acidic environment that would facilitate oxidation. This is the first structure-function study of the only ligninolytic peroxidase described to date that has a catalytic tyrosine.  相似文献   

AmpD is a cytoplasmic peptidoglycan (PG) amidase involved in bacterial cell-wall recycling and in induction of β-lactamase, a key enzyme of β-lactam antibiotic resistance. AmpD belongs to the amidase_2 family that includes zinc-dependent amidases and the peptidoglycan-recognition proteins (PGRPs), highly conserved pattern-recognition molecules of the immune system. Crystal structures of Citrobacter freundii AmpD were solved in this study for the apoenzyme, for the holoenzyme at two different pH values, and for the complex with the reaction products, providing insights into the PG recognition and the catalytic process. These structures are significantly different compared with the previously reported NMR structure for the same protein. The NMR structure does not possess an accessible active site and shows the protein in what is proposed herein as an inactive “closed” conformation. The transition of the protein from this inactive conformation to the active “open” conformation, as seen in the x-ray structures, was studied by targeted molecular dynamics simulations, which revealed large conformational rearrangements (as much as 17 Å) in four specific regions representing one-third of the entire protein. It is proposed that the large conformational change that would take the inactive NMR structure to the active x-ray structure represents an unprecedented mechanism for activation of AmpD. Analysis is presented to argue that this activation mechanism might be representative of a regulatory process for other intracellular members of the bacterial amidase_2 family of enzymes.  相似文献   

Humans express nine paralogs of the bacterial DNA repair enzyme AlkB, an iron/2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase that reverses alkylation damage to nucleobases. The biochemical and physiological roles of these paralogs remain largely uncharacterized, hampering insight into the evolutionary expansion of the AlkB family. However, AlkB homolog 8 (ABH8), which contains RNA recognition motif (RRM) and methyltransferase domains flanking its AlkB domain, recently was demonstrated to hypermodify the anticodon loops in some tRNAs. To deepen understanding of this activity, we performed physiological and biophysical studies of ABH8. Using GFP fusions, we demonstrate that expression of the Caenorhabditis elegans ABH8 ortholog is widespread in larvae but restricted to a small number of neurons in adults, suggesting that its function becomes more specialized during development. In vitro RNA binding studies on several human ABH8 constructs indicate that binding affinity is enhanced by a basic α-helix at the N terminus of the RRM domain. The 3.0-Å-resolution crystal structure of a construct comprising the RRM and AlkB domains shows disordered loops flanking the active site in the AlkB domain and a unique structural Zn(II)-binding site at its C terminus. Although the catalytic iron center is exposed to solvent, the 2-oxoglutarate co-substrate likely adopts an inactive conformation in the absence of tRNA substrate, which probably inhibits uncoupled free radical generation. A conformational change in the active site coupled to a disorder-to-order transition in the flanking protein segments likely controls ABH8 catalytic activity and tRNA binding specificity. These results provide insight into the functional and structural adaptations underlying evolutionary diversification of AlkB domains.  相似文献   

DypB from Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 is a bacterial dye-decolorizing peroxidase (DyP) that oxidizes lignin and Mn(II). Three residues interact with the iron-bound solvent species in ferric DypB: Asn-246 and the conserved Asp-153 and Arg-244. Substitution of either Asp-153 or Asn-246 with alanine minimally affected the second order rate constant for Compound I formation (k(1) ~ 10(5) M(-1)s(-1)) and the specificity constant (k(cat)/K(m)) for H(2)O(2). Even in the D153A/N246A double variant, these values were reduced less than 30-fold. However, these substitutions dramatically reduced the stability of Compound I (t(1/2) ~ 0.13 s) as compared with the wild-type enzyme (540 s). By contrast, substitution of Arg-244 with leucine abolished the peroxidase activity, and heme iron of the variant showed a pH-dependent transition from high spin (pH 5) to low spin (pH 8.5). Two variants were designed to mimic the plant peroxidase active site: D153H, which was more than an order of magnitude less reactive with H(2)O(2), and N246H, which had no detectable peroxidase activity. X-ray crystallographic studies revealed that structural changes in the variants are confined to the distal heme environment. The data establish an essential role for Arg-244 in Compound I formation in DypB, possibly through charge stabilization and proton transfer. The principle roles of Asp-153 and Asn-246 appear to be in modulating the subsequent reactivity of Compound I. These results expand the range of residues known to catalyze Compound I formation in heme peroxidases.  相似文献   

Ciona intestinalis voltage-sensing phosphatase (Ci-VSP) has a transmembrane voltage sensor domain and a cytoplasmic region sharing similarity to the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN). It dephosphorylates phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate upon membrane depolarization. The cytoplasmic region is composed of a phosphatase domain and a putative membrane interaction domain, C2. Here we determined the crystal structures of the Ci-VSP cytoplasmic region in three distinct constructs, wild-type (248-576), wild-type (236-576), and G365A mutant (248-576). The crystal structure of WT-236 and G365A-248 had the disulfide bond between the catalytic residue Cys-363 and the adjacent residue Cys-310. On the other hand, the disulfide bond was not present in the crystal structure of WT-248. These suggest the possibility that Ci-VSP is regulated by reactive oxygen species as found in PTEN. These structures also revealed that the conformation of the TI loop in the active site of the Ci-VSP cytoplasmic region was distinct from the corresponding region of PTEN; Ci-VSP has glutamic acid (Glu-411) in the TI loop, orienting toward the center of active site pocket. Mutation of Glu-411 led to acquirement of increased activity toward phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate, suggesting that this site is required for determining substrate specificity. Our results provide the basic information of the enzymatic mechanism of Ci-VSP.  相似文献   

Hexaprenyl diphosphate synthase from Micrococcus luteus B-P 26 (Ml-HexPPs) is a heterooligomeric type trans-prenyltransferase catalyzing consecutive head-to-tail condensations of three molecules of isopentenyl diphosphates (C(5)) on a farnesyl diphosphate (FPP; C(15)) to form an (all-E) hexaprenyl diphosphate (HexPP; C(30)). Ml-HexPPs is known to function as a heterodimer of two different subunits, small and large subunits called HexA and HexB, respectively. Compared with homooligomeric trans-prenyltransferases, the molecular mechanism of heterooligomeric trans-prenyltransferases is not yet clearly understood, particularly with respect to the role of the small subunits lacking the catalytic motifs conserved in most known trans-prenyltransferases. We have determined the crystal structure of Ml-HexPPs both in the substrate-free form and in complex with 7,11-dimethyl-2,6,10-dodecatrien-1-yl diphosphate ammonium salt (3-DesMe-FPP), an analog of FPP. The structure of HexB is composed of mostly antiparallel α-helices joined by connecting loops. Two aspartate-rich motifs (designated the first and second aspartate-rich motifs) and the other characteristic motifs in HexB are located around the diphosphate part of 3-DesMe-FPP. Despite the very low amino acid sequence identity and the distinct polypeptide chain lengths between HexA and HexB, the structure of HexA is quite similar to that of HexB. The aliphatic tail of 3-DesMe-FPP is accommodated in a large hydrophobic cleft starting from HexB and penetrating to the inside of HexA. These structural features suggest that HexB catalyzes the condensation reactions and that HexA is directly involved in the product chain length control in cooperation with HexB.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes utilize the unique chemistry of a pyridine ring to carry out diverse reactions involving amino acids. Diaminopropionate (DAP) ammonia-lyase (DAPAL) is a prokaryotic PLP-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the degradation of d- and l-forms of DAP to pyruvate and ammonia. Here, we report the first crystal structure of DAPAL from Escherichia coli (EcDAPAL) in tetragonal and monoclinic forms at 2.0 and 2.2 Å resolutions, respectively. Structures of EcDAPAL soaked with substrates were also determined. EcDAPAL has a typical fold type II PLP-dependent enzyme topology consisting of a large and a small domain with the active site at the interface of the two domains. The enzyme is a homodimer with a unique biological interface not observed earlier. Structure of the enzyme in the tetragonal form had PLP bound at the active site, whereas the monoclinic structure was in the apo-form. Analysis of the apo and holo structures revealed that the region around the active site undergoes transition from a disordered to ordered state and assumes a conformation suitable for catalysis only upon PLP binding. A novel disulfide was found to occur near a channel that is likely to regulate entry of ligands to the active site. EcDAPAL soaked with dl-DAP revealed density at the active site appropriate for the reaction intermediate aminoacrylate, which is consistent with the observation that EcDAPAL has low activity under crystallization conditions. Based on the analysis of the structure and results of site-directed mutagenesis, a two-base mechanism of catalysis involving Asp120 and Lys77 is suggested.  相似文献   

Versatile peroxidase shares with manganese peroxidase and lignin peroxidase the ability to oxidize Mn2+ and high redox potential aromatic compounds, respectively. Moreover, it is also able to oxidize phenols (and low redox potential dyes) at two catalytic sites, as shown by biphasic kinetics. A high efficiency site (with 2,6-dimethoxyphenol and p-hydroquinone catalytic efficiencies of ∼70 and ∼700 s−1 mm−1, respectively) was localized at the same exposed Trp-164 responsible for high redox potential substrate oxidation (as shown by activity loss in the W164S variant). The second site, characterized by low catalytic efficiency (∼3 and ∼50 s−1 mm−1 for 2,6-dimethoxyphenol and p-hydroquinone, respectively) was localized at the main heme access channel. Steady-state and transient-state kinetics for oxidation of phenols and dyes at the latter site were improved when side chains of residues forming the heme channel edge were removed in single and multiple variants. Among them, the E140G/K176G, E140G/P141G/K176G, and E140G/W164S/K176G variants attained catalytic efficiencies for oxidation of 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate) at the heme channel similar to those of the exposed tryptophan site. The heme channel enlargement shown by x-ray diffraction of the E140G, P141G, K176G, and E140G/K176G variants would allow a better substrate accommodation near the heme, as revealed by the up to 26-fold lower Km values (compared with native VP). The resulting interactions were shown by the x-ray structure of the E140G-guaiacol complex, which includes two H-bonds of the substrate with Arg-43 and Pro-139 in the distal heme pocket (at the end of the heme channel) and several hydrophobic interactions with other residues and the heme cofactor.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) zymogen from Streptomyces mobaraense has been determined at 1.9-Å resolution using the molecular replacement method based on the crystal structure of the mature MTGase. The overall structure of this zymogen is similar to that of the mature form, consisting of a single disk-like domain with a deep active cleft at the edge of the molecule. A major portion of the prosequence (45 additional amino acid residues at the N terminus of the mature transglutaminase) folds into an L-shaped structure, consisting of an extended N-terminal segment linked with a one-turn short helix and a long α-helix. Two key residues in the short helix of the prosequence, Tyr-12 and Tyr-16, are located on top of the catalytic triad (Cys-110, Asp-301, and His-320) to block access of the substrate acyl donors and acceptors. Biochemical characterization of the mature MTGase, using N-α-benzyloxycarbonyl-l-glutaminylglycine as a substrate, revealed apparent Km and kcat/Km values of 52.66 mm and 40.42 mm−1 min−1, respectively. Inhibition studies using the partial prosequence SYAETYR and homologous sequence SQAETYR showed a noncompetitive inhibition mechanism with IC50 values of 0.75 and 0.65 mm, respectively, but no cross-linking product formation. Nevertheless, the prosequence homologous oligopeptide SQAETQR, with Tyr-12 and Tyr-16 each replaced with Gln, exhibited inhibitory activity with the formation of the SQAETQR-monodansylcadaverine fluorophore cross-linking product (SQAETQR-C-DNS). MALDI-TOF tandem MS analysis of SQAETQR-C-DNS revealed molecular masses corresponding to those of NSQAETQC-C-DNS and C-DNS-NQRC sequences, suggesting the incorporation of C-DNS onto the C-terminal Gln residue of the prosequence homologous oligopeptide. These results support the putative functional roles of both Tyr residues in substrate binding and inhibition.  相似文献   

Mammalian members of glycosyltransferase family 6 (GT6) of the CAZy database have a GT-A fold containing a conserved Asp-X-Asp (DXD) sequence that binds an essential metal cofactor. Bacteroides ovatus GT6a represents a GT6 clade found in more than 30 Gram-negative bacteria that is similar in sequence to the catalytic domains of mammalian GT6, but has an Asn95-Ala-Asn97 (NXN) sequence substituted for the DXD motif and metal-independent catalytic activity. Co-crystals of a low activity mutant of BoGT6a (E192Q) with UDP-GalNAc contained protein complexes with intact UDP-GalNAc and two forms with hydrolysis products (UDP plus GalNAc) representing an initial closed complex and later open form primed for product release. Two cationic residues near the C terminus of BoGT6a, Lys231 and Arg243, interact with the diphosphate moiety of UDP-GalNAc, but only Lys231 interacts with the UDP product and may function in leaving group stabilization. The amide group of Asn95, the first Asn of the NXN motif, interacts with the ribose moiety of the substrate. This metal-independent GT6 resembles its metal-dependent homologs in undergoing conformational changes on binding UDP-GalNAc that arise from structuring the C terminus to cover this substrate. It appears that in the GT6 family, the metal cofactor functions specifically in binding the UDP moiety in the donor substrate and transition state, actions that can be efficiently performed by components of the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

A new family of methionine-sulfoxide reductase (Msr) was recently described. The enzyme, named fRMsr, selectively reduces the R isomer at the sulfoxide function of free methionine sulfoxide (Met-R-O). The fRMsrs belong to the GAF fold family. They represent the first GAF domain to show enzymatic activity. Two other Msr families, MsrA and MsrB, were already known. MsrA and MsrB reduce free Met-S-O and Met-R-O, respectively, but exhibit higher catalytic efficiency toward Met-O within a peptide or a protein context. The fold of the three families differs. In the present work, the crystal structure of the fRMsr from Neisseria meningitidis has been determined in complex with S-Met-R-O. Based on biochemical and kinetic data as well as genomic analyses, Cys118 is demonstrated to be the catalytic Cys on which a sulfenic acid is formed. All of the structural factors involved in the stereoselectivity of the l-Met-R-O binding were identified and account for why Met-S-O, DMSO, and a Met-O within a peptide are not substrates. Taking into account the structural, enzymatic, and biochemical information, a scenario of the catalysis for the reductase step is proposed. Based on the thiol content before and after Met-O reduction and the stoichiometry of Met formed per subunit of wild type and Cys-to-Ala mutants, a scenario of the recycling process of the N. meningitidis fRMsr is proposed. All of the biochemical, enzymatic, and structural properties of the N. meningitidis fRMsr are compared with those of MsrA and MsrB and are discussed in terms of the evolution of function of the GAF domain.  相似文献   

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