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布氏田鼠是我国内蒙古草原的主要害鼠之一,具有明显的季节繁殖特征,不同季节出生个体可能具有不同的繁殖策略,但尚缺乏内分泌证据支持。本研究采用标志重捕法,连续监测大型自然围栏中不同年龄雄性布氏田鼠的繁殖状态和应激水平的季节变化,分析各年龄组雄鼠的繁殖发育策略。结果表明,越冬雄鼠可保持较高的睾丸下降率和睾酮水平至8月初;而部分5月生雄鼠的繁殖期睾酮水平较接近越冬鼠,但8月初已降至年内最低水平,而6月及以后出生雄鼠睾酮始终处于较低水平;这说明越冬鼠的繁殖状态可贯穿繁殖期始终,只有部分5月生雄鼠可能参与当年繁殖,而6月及以后出生雄鼠则不能在当年繁殖。越冬鼠皮质醇水平高于当年鼠,繁殖期高于非繁殖期,这可能是越冬鼠由于繁殖需要而保持较高应激状态,从而造成繁殖盛期后死亡率升高。这些结果说明,不同时期出生的雄性布氏田鼠具有不同的出生后性腺发育模式和繁殖策略,反映出生存与繁殖之间的权衡。  相似文献   

 Plasma luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin (PRL) and testosterone levels were measured in nine eugonadal men in New Delhi and during the 1st week of different months of their stay at Dakshin Gangotri in Antarctica. During their 12-month stay in Antarctica, they were exposed to a severely cold climate, long polar nights and polar days, high wind velocity, increased amounts of solar and ultraviolet radiation and geomagnetism, as well as physical and social isolation. Plasma testosterone tended to increase in March, but a significant increase (P<0.05) was not seen until April. The mean testosterone levels in May, June, September and November were also significantly higher than the March or New Delhi values. The absolute values of LH, FSH and PRL did not show any month-to-month changes in Antarctica. However, when the hormone levels were expressed as a percentage of the individual annual Antarctic mean, significant differences as a percentage of the individual annual Antarctic mean, significant differences were observed. The testosterone peak in April, May and June was associated with an increase in LH. The nadirs of testosterone, LH, FSH and PRL were seen in either July or August. FSH showed the highest values in March, whereas the highest PRL values were seen in November. These observations suggest the presence of circannual variations in gonadotropin, PRL and LH in Antarctica which are independent of polar days and polar nights. It appears that factors other than the duration of daylight might be involved in regulating these changes. The significance of maintenance of testosterone levels in the supra-physiological range in Antarctica remains unknown but may be important in acclimatization/habituation to the extreme polar cold by increasing basal metabolic rate, protein synthesis and erythropoiesis. Received: 13 October 1997 / Accepted: 13 February 1998  相似文献   

The psychological stress of competition is a powerful stimulus affecting numerous hormones, which in turn change how pain is perceived. This study investigated whether a kumdo (kendo) team competition may be related to changes in hormones and pain. Seventeen healthy male kumdo practitioners participated in this experiment. Pain experiments were conducted by applying noxious stimuli with a thermal stimulator 10 min before a kumdo competition and 30 min post-competition. Serum testosterone, cortisol, beta-endorphin levels, pain thresholds, pain ratings at 48 °C and during blood sampling (sampling pain), anxiety, blood pressure, and heart rate were measured pre- and post-competition. Anxiety, pain threshold, testosterone/cortisol ratio, and blood pressure were significantly higher pre-competition compared to post-competition, while cortisol and pain ratings were significantly lower pre-competition than post-competition. There were significant correlations between the number of previous competitions and testosterone levels both pre-competition and post-competition. In pre-competition measurements, sampling pain increased with an increase in systolic blood pressure, heart rate, and beta-endorphins, and a decrease in age. In post-competition measurements, sampling pain increased with an increase in diastolic blood pressure and a decrease in testosterone levels. These results indicate that severe psychological pre-competition stress was associated with reduced pain ratings, perhaps in order to improve athletic performance. This also suggests that competitors may be at risk of potential injury due to changes in pain perception, and careful consideration should be taken to avoid potential injury before and during competition.  相似文献   

To expand our understanding of the neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying human fatherhood, including its cross-cultural expression, we investigated the hormonal correlates of fatherhood in the greater Kingston, Jamaica area. We recruited 43 men, aged 18-38, to participate: 15 single men; 16 "coresidential" fathers (men who live with their adult female partner and youngest child); and 12 "visiting" fathers (men who live apart from their adult female partner and youngest child). The research protocol entailed biological sampling before and after a 20-min behavioral session during which single men sat alone and fathers interacted with their partner and youngest child. Hormone measures relied upon minimally invasive techniques (salivary testosterone and cortisol, finger prick blood spot prolactin, urinary oxytocin and vasopressin). Results revealed significant group differences in average male testosterone levels (p=0.006), with post hoc contrasts indicating that visiting fathers had significantly (p<0.05) lower testosterone levels than single men. Prolactin profiles also differed significantly across groups (p=0.010) whereby post hoc contrasts showed that prolactin levels of single men declined significantly compared with the flat levels of visiting fathers (p<0.05). No group differences in cortisol, oxytocin or vasopressin levels were observed. However, among fathers, vasopressin levels were significantly and negatively (r=-.431, p=0.022) correlated with the age of a man's youngest child. These results thus implicate lower testosterone levels as well as prolactin and vasopressin in human fatherhood. These findings also highlight the importance of sociocultural context in human fatherhood while exhibiting parallels with existing data on the non-human vertebrate hormonal bases of paternal care.  相似文献   

The physiological mechanisms of parental and alloparental care in cooperatively breeding nonhuman primate species such as the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) are poorly known. In this study, we examined prolactin and cortisol plasma levels of fathers and older offspring of both sexes, with and without previous experience in infant carrying, around parturition and during infant carrying. Blood samples were collected from fathers and older offspring and prolactin and cortisol were measured by RIA and EIA, respectively. Prolactin levels of both caretakers were not influenced by infant's birth, previous experience or proximity to parturition. However, prolactin levels increased in both caretakers while in physical contact with infants and also with the number of infants being carried in older offspring. These findings suggest that increased prolactin seems to be mainly due to physical effort rather than a physiological trigger of paternal and alloparental care in common marmosets. Cortisol levels were higher for experienced fathers shortly before parturition which could act to reinforce affiliative bonds between breeding males and females at this time or in the ability of males to detect the proximity of the parturition or both.  相似文献   

Certain cognitive processes, including spatial ability, decline with normal aging. Spatial ability is also a cognitive domain with robust sex differences typically favoring males. However, tests of spatial ability do not seem to measure a homogeneous class of processes. For many, mentally matching rotated three-dimensional images is the gold standard for measuring spatial cognition in humans, while the Morris water task (MWT) is a preferred method in the domain of nonhuman animal research. The MWT is sensitive to hippocampal damage, a structure critical for normal learning and memory and often implicated in age-related cognitive decline. A computerized (virtual) version of the MWT (VMWT) appears to require and engage human hippocampal circuitry, and has proven useful in studying sex differences and testing spatial learning theories. In Experiment 1, we tested participants (20-90 years of age) in the VMWT and compared their performance to that on the Vandenberg Mental Rotation Test. We report an age-related deficit in performance on both tasks. In Experiment 2, we tested young (age 20-39) and elderly (age >60) participants in the VMWT and correlated their performance to the circulating levels of testosterone and cortisol. Our findings indicate that the persistence of male spatial advantage may be related to circulating testosterone, but not cortisol levels, and independent of generalized age-related cognitive decline.  相似文献   

It is well known that plasma androgens are rapidly released in response to aggressive or sexual stimuli in a broad array of vertebrates. However, experimental work on behavioral functions of rapid androgen elevation is rare. A combination of field-based behavioral experiments and lab-based neuroendocrinological approaches is beginning to show how steroid hormones rapidly regulate the expression of vocal communication signals in Gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta). Male toadfish emit multiharmonic "boatwhistles" and shorter-duration, broadband "grunts" during intraspecific communication. Neurophysiology experiments demonstrate that androgens and glucocorticoids rapidly modify vocal motor patterning in male toadfish. In this study, we simulated territorial intrusions (vocal "challenges") with acoustic playbacks to toadfish in the field, and observed simultaneous, rapid (within 5-20 min) changes in vocalizations and steroid hormones. Both plasma androgens and vocal activity increased following the presentation of pure tones that mimic the duration of natural boatwhistles (275 ms), while they remained unchanged following playbacks of tone stimuli that mimic the duration of grunts (75 ms) or the upper-range of boatwhistles (475 ms). Circulating glucocorticoids were elevated in calling vs. non-calling males but were unaffected by playback stimuli, suggesting a role in the energetics of vocalization. These results strongly suggest that one function of rapid androgen elevation in response to social challenge is to mediate similarly rapid changes in territorial vocal signaling. Given the conserved organization of neuroendocrine and vocal motor systems, rapid steroid action on vocalization mechanisms may be true of other vocal vertebrates as well, including birds and mammals.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of 6-weeks of heavy-resistance training on physical fitness and serum hormone status in adolescents (range 14-16 years old) 19 male handball players were divided into two different groups: a handball training group (NST, n = 10), and a handball and heavy-resistance strength training group (ST, n = 9). A third group of 4 handball goalkeepers of similar age served as a control group (C, n = 4). After the 6-week training period, the ST group showed an improvement in maximal dynamic strength of the leg extensors (12.2%; P < 0.01) and the upper extremity muscles (23%; P < 0.01), while no changes were observed in the NST and C groups. Similar differences were observed in the maximal isometric unilateral leg extension forces. The height of the vertical jump increased in the NST group from 29.5 (SD 4) cm to 31.4 (SD 5) cm (P < 0.05) while no changes were observed in the ST and C groups. A significant increase was observed in the ST group in the velocity of the throwing test [from 71.7 (SD 7) km x h(-1) to 74.0 (SD 7) km x h(-1); P < 0.001] during the 6-week period while no changes were observed in the NST and C groups. During a submaximal endurance test running at 11 km x h(-1), a significant decrease in blood lactate concentration occurred in the NST group [from 3.3 (SD 0.9) mmol x l(-1) to 2.4 (SD 0.8) mmol x l(-1); P < 0.01] during the experiment, while no change was observed in the ST or C groups. Finally, a significant increase (P < 0.01) was noted in the testosterone:cortisol ratio in the C group, while the increase in the NST group approached statistical significance (P < 0.08) and no changes in this ratio occurred in the ST group. The present findings suggested that the addition of 6-weeks of heavy resistance training to the handball training resulted in gains in maximal strength and throwing velocity but it compromised gains in leg explosive force production and endurance running. The tendency for a compromised testosterone:cortisol ratio observed in the ST group could have been associated with a state of overreaching or overtraining.  相似文献   

We tested first-time fathers with their 22-month old toddlers to determine whether social context variables such as pre-test absence from the child and presence of the mother affected physiological measures associated with paternal responsiveness. Heart rate and blood pressure readings as well as blood samples to determine prolactin, testosterone and cortisol levels were taken before and after the 30-min father–toddler interactions. Fathers were tested on a day when they were away from their child for several hours before testing (‘without-child’ day) and on another day where they remained with their child throughout the day (‘with-child’ day). Most measures decreased over the 30-min test period but relative decreases were context-dependent. Men maintained higher prolactin levels when they were away from their children longer before testing on the ‘without-child’ day. Cortisol levels decreased during both tests and they decreased more on the ‘with-child’ day for men who had spent more time alone with their toddler before the test. Heart-rate and diastolic (but not systolic) blood pressure decreased more on the ‘with-child’ day than on the ‘without-child’ day. Fathers' testosterone levels decreased when their partners were less involved in the interactions. Compared to men with high responsiveness ratings on both days, men whose responsiveness increased after being away from their child on the ‘without-child’ day maintained higher systolic blood pressure and had a greater decrease in testosterone levels. We conclude that context may be more important in determining fathers' physiological responses to child contact than has previously been appreciated, particularly for some individuals.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test whether testicular hormones secreted during puberty masculinize and defeminize the expression of adult reproductive behavior. Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that gonadal hormones during puberty masculinize behavioral responses to testosterone (T) in adulthood. Male hamsters were castrated either before puberty (noTduringP) or after puberty (TduringP). All males were implanted with a 2.5-mg T pellet 6 weeks following castration and tested once for masculine reproductive behavior 7 days after the onset of T replacement. TduringP males displayed significantly more mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations than noTduringP males. Experiment 2 tested the hypothesis that gonadal hormones during puberty defeminize behavioral responses to estrogen (EB) and progesterone (P). Eight weeks following castration, noTduringP and TduringP males were primed with EB and P and tested for lordosis behavior with a stud male. Behavioral responses of males were compared to that of ovariectomized (OVX) and hormone primed females. NoTduringP males and OVX females displayed significantly shorter lordosis latencies than TduringP males. Experiment 3 investigated whether prolonged T treatment or sexual experience could reverse the deficits in masculine behavior caused by the absence of T during puberty. Extending the T treatment from 7 to 17 days did not ameliorate the deficits in masculine behavior caused by absence of T during puberty. Similarly, when the level of sexual experience was increased from one to three tests, the deficits in masculine behavior persisted. These studies demonstrate that gonadal hormones during puberty further masculinize and defeminize neural circuits and behavioral responsiveness to steroid hormones in adulthood.  相似文献   

Diurnal and seasonal rhythms of cortisol, testosterone, and DHEA were examined, as little is known about the relationship between these rhythmicities and pubertal development. Salivary samples were obtained from 60 boys and 60 girls at approximately 07∶45, 08∶00, 08∶30, 12∶00, 16∶50, and 21∶00 h. The participants' ages ranged from 8–14 yrs, and each participant was tested three times at six‐month intervals. The study was conducted at a General Clinical Research Center (GCRC) and at the homes of the participants. All hormones showed diurnal fluctuations. The acrophase (peak time) of cortisol occurred earlier than for testosterone or DHEA and showed a seasonal effect, with the acrophase occurring earlier in spring than in summer. The cortisol acrophase also occurred later in the day for boys than for girls during later puberty. Seasonal effects were found only for cortisol with higher concentrations in the spring and summer. Cortisol concentrations were relatively stable across pubertal maturation, but significantly lower concentrations were observed at pubertal stage 3 compared to the other stages. Morning cortisol levels were also higher in boys at pubertal stage 2. Testosterone concentrations were higher in boys at pubertal stages 3 and 4, and DHEA was lower at pubertal stage 1 than 3 and 4 for both boys and girls. For the total sample, there was a positive correlation between DHEA and testosterone during early puberty (stages 1–3) but not later puberty (stages 4–5). Awakening secretory activity correlated with daytime secretory activity for testosterone and DHEA, but not for cortisol. These data provide novel chronobiological information on cortisol, testosterone, and DHEA as it relates to sexual maturation and encourage further study on both normal and abnormal endocrine rhythms.  相似文献   

Diurnal and seasonal rhythms of cortisol, testosterone, and DHEA were examined, as little is known about the relationship between these rhythmicities and pubertal development. Salivary samples were obtained from 60 boys and 60 girls at approximately 07:45, 08:00, 08:30, 12:00, 16:50, and 21:00 h. The participants' ages ranged from 8-14 yrs, and each participant was tested three times at six-month intervals. The study was conducted at a General Clinical Research Center (GCRC) and at the homes of the participants. All hormones showed diurnal fluctuations. The acrophase (peak time) of cortisol occurred earlier than for testosterone or DHEA and showed a seasonal effect, with the acrophase occurring earlier in spring than in summer. The cortisol acrophase also occurred later in the day for boys than for girls during later puberty. Seasonal effects were found only for cortisol with higher concentrations in the spring and summer. Cortisol concentrations were relatively stable across pubertal maturation, but significantly lower concentrations were observed at pubertal stage 3 compared to the other stages. Morning cortisol levels were also higher in boys at pubertal stage 2. Testosterone concentrations were higher in boys at pubertal stages 3 and 4, and DHEA was lower at pubertal stage 1 than 3 and 4 for both boys and girls. For the total sample, there was a positive correlation between DHEA and testosterone during early puberty (stages 1-3) but not later puberty (stages 4-5). Awakening secretory activity correlated with daytime secretory activity for testosterone and DHEA, but not for cortisol. These data provide novel chronobiological information on cortisol, testosterone, and DHEA as it relates to sexual maturation and encourage further study on both normal and abnormal endocrine rhythms.  相似文献   

In several cooperatively breeding species, reproductively suppressed, nonbreeding females are attracted to infants and routinely provide alloparental care, while breeding females may attack or kill other females' infants. The mechanisms underlying the transition from alloparental to infanticidal behavior are unknown. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that this transition is associated with cessation of reproductive suppression and onset of ovarian activity in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus), a cooperatively breeding rodent. Young female gerbils were housed with their natal family (FH), with a female pairmate (PH) or singly (SH). When females were either 11-13 or 16-18 weeks of age, we characterized their behavioral responses to an unfamiliar pup, reproductive development, and plasma progesterone, cortisol, and prolactin concentrations. In both age groups, FH females were significantly less likely to attack pups than PH or SH females and in fact never did so. FH females also had smaller ovaries and uteri, less developed scent glands, and lower progesterone levels, and were more likely to be anovulatory than PH or SH females, especially in the 11- to 13-week-old age group. Prolactin concentrations did not differ with reproductive status but were significantly higher in females that did not attack pups than in those that did. We found no other significant associations, however, between reproductive or endocrine measures and behavioral responses to pups. These results suggest that cohabitation with the natal family inhibits both infanticidal behavior and reproductive maturation in young female gerbils but that these two effects may not be causally related.  相似文献   

To test the influence of the accumulation of metabolites on exercise-induced hormone responses, plasma concentrations of cortisol, growth hormone (GH), insulin, testosterone, thyrotropin (TSH), free thyroxine (fT4) and triiodothyronine (T3) were compared during exercise performed under normal conditions (control) and under conditions of restricted blood flow of exercising leg muscles (ischaemia) in nine healthy young men. Blood supply was reduced by 15%–20% by the application of 50 mmHg external pressure over the exercising leg. During 45-min cycling exercise during ischaemia the increase in GH concentration was twice as large as under normal conditions. Despite the below-threshold exercise intensity for activation of the pituitary-adrenocortical system under normal exercise conditions ischaemic exercise elicited cortisol and T3 responses (concentration increases of 83% and 9.5%, respectively). Ischaemic exercise attenuated the decrease of plasma insulin concentration found under normal conditions. The concentrations of testosterone, TSH and fT4 were not changed significantly during exercise performed in either condition. The results support the suggested essential role of muscle metaboreceptors in the control of hormone responses during muscle activity. Accepted: 6 November 1997  相似文献   

Stress is thought to be a potent suppressor of reproduction. However, the vast majority of studies focus on the relationship between chronic stress and reproductive suppression, despite the fact that chronic stress is rare in the wild. We investigated the role of fasting in altering acute stress physiology, reproductive physiology, and reproductive behavior of male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) with several goals in mind. First, we wanted to determine if acute fasting could stimulate an increase in plasma corticosterone and a decrease in corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) and testosterone. We then investigated whether fasting could alter expression of undirected song and courtship behavior. After subjecting males to fasting periods ranging from 1 to 10 h, we collected plasma to measure corticosterone, CBG, and testosterone. We found that plasma corticosterone was elevated, and testosterone was decreased after 4, 6, and 10 h of fasting periods compared with samples collected from the same males during nonfasted (control) periods. CBG was lower than control levels only after 10 h of fasting. We also found that, coincident with these endocrine changes, males sang less and courted females less vigorously following short-term fasting relative to control conditions. Our data demonstrate that acute fasting resulted in rapid changes in endocrine physiology consistent with hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis activation and hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis deactivation. Fasting also inhibited reproductive behavior. We suggest that zebra finches exhibit physiological and behavioral flexibility that makes them an excellent model system for studying interactions of acute stress and reproduction.  相似文献   

Reports provide conflicting data about the effects of alcohol consumption on the hormonal system. Any study of these effects must control for a number of variables, including sex, alcohol status (alcoholic addiction vs. non-addiction), medical status (malnutrition, liver disease), and conditions of alcohol exposure, including an acute or continuous pattern of intake. The latter appears to be an especially critical factor in interpreting these effects. The authors therefore conducted a trial with a circadian design in which alcohol was administered repeatedly and regularly over a 26 h period for a total dose of 256 g. Because this protocol involves continuous alcohol administration, it is similar to administration among alcoholics and thus sheds new light on alcohol's effect on hormone secretion. Using healthy volunteers rather than alcoholics, however, prevents any confounding due to liver disorders and nutritional deficiencies, and thus makes it possible to focus on the direct role of alcohol in hormonal modifications. In these conditions, the continuous administration of alcohol did not affect cortisol secretion, but serum testosterone levels were significantly higher at all time points during the alcohol session than at the corresponding time points during the control session. These data are not consistent with previously reported findings for the relation between alcohol and both cortisol and testosterone, because in the current experiment the action of ethanol on steroid secretion should involve the circadian clock more than the hormonal system itself.  相似文献   

Reports provide conflicting data about the effects of alcohol consumption on the hormonal system. Any study of these effects must control for a number of variables, including sex, alcohol status (alcoholic addiction vs. non-addiction), medical status (malnutrition, liver disease), and conditions of alcohol exposure, including an acute or continuous pattern of intake. The latter appears to be an especially critical factor in interpreting these effects. The authors therefore conducted a trial with a circadian design in which alcohol was administered repeatedly and regularly over a 26 h period for a total dose of 256 g. Because this protocol involves continuous alcohol administration, it is similar to administration among alcoholics and thus sheds new light on alcohol's effect on hormone secretion. Using healthy volunteers rather than alcoholics, however, prevents any confounding due to liver disorders and nutritional deficiencies, and thus makes it possible to focus on the direct role of alcohol in hormonal modifications. In these conditions, the continuous administration of alcohol did not affect cortisol secretion, but serum testosterone levels were significantly higher at all time points during the alcohol session than at the corresponding time points during the control session. These data are not consistent with previously reported findings for the relation between alcohol and both cortisol and testosterone, because in the current experiment the action of ethanol on steroid secretion should involve the circadian clock more than the hormonal system itself.  相似文献   

本文用放射免疫测定法(RIA),测定了200~290例中国四川成都市郊30~73岁的正常成年男性血清睾酮(T)促黄体激素(LH).卵泡刺激素(FSH)及泌乳激素(PRL)的水平及其分布,进行了不同年龄水平差异显著性的观察,见到睾酮与泌乳激素水平无显著差异,促黄体激素及卵泡刺激素水平,随年龄之增加而升高,差异有显著性,并测得它们在血清中水平的分布:LH、FSH及PRL均为对数正态公布,T既非正态又非对数正态,但其频率分布较对称,接近正态分布。  相似文献   

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