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The stationary radial volume flows across maize (Zea mays L.) root segments without steles (sleeves) were measured under isobaric conditions. The driving force of the volume flow is an osmotic difference between the internal and external compartment of the root preparations. It is generated by differences in the concentrations of sucrose, raffinose or polyethylene glycol. The flows are linear functions of the corresponding osmotic differences ( ) up to osmotic values which cause plasmolysis. The straight lines obtained pass through the origin. No asymmetry of the osmotic barrier could be detected within the range of driving forces applied ( =±0.5 MPa), corresponding to volume-flow densities of jv, s=±7·10–8 m·s–1. Using the literature values for the reflection coefficients of sucrose and polyethylene glycol in intact roots (E. Steudle et al. (1987) Plant Physiol.84, 1220–1234), values for the sleeve hydraulic conductivity of about 1·10–7 m·s–1 MPa–1 were calculated. They are of the same order of magnitude as those reported in the literature for the hydraulic conductivity of intact root segments when hydrostatic pressure is applied.Abbreviations and symbols
outer surface of sleeve segment
concentration of osmotically active solute
v, s
radial volume flow density across sleeve segment
- Lps
hydraulic conductivity of sleeves
- Lpr
hydraulic conductivity of intact roots
- N
thickness of Nernst diffusion layer
reflection coefficient of root for solute
osmotic value of bulk phase
osmotic coefficient 相似文献
The pathway of water-stress-induced abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis in etiolated and light-grown leaves has been elucidated (see A.D. Parry and R. Horgan, 1991, Physiol. Plant. 82, 320–326). Roots also have the ability to synthesise ABA in response to stress and it was therefore of interest to examine root extracts for the presence of carotenoids, including those known to be ABA precursors in leaves. All-trans- and 9-cis-neoxanthin, all-trans- and 9-cis-violaxanthin, antheraxanthin (all potential ABA precursors), lutein and -carotene were identified on the basis of absorbance spectra, reactions with dilute acid, retention times upon high-performance liquid chromatography and by comparison with leaf carotenoids that had been analysed by mass spectrometry. The source of the extracted carotenoids was proved to be root tissue, and not contaminating compost or leaf material. The levels of total carotenoids in roots varied between 0.03–0.07% of the levels in light-grown leaves (Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh, Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv., Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Pisum sativum L.) up to 0.27% (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). The relative carotenoid composition was very different from that found in leaves, and varied much more between species. All-trans-neoxanthin and violaxanthin were the major carotenoids present (64–91 % of the total), but while Lycopersicon contained 67–80% all trans-neoxanthin, Phaseolus, Pisum and Zea mays L. contained 61–79% all-trans-violaxanthin. Carotenoid metabolism also varied between species, with most of the carotenoids in older roots of Phaseolus being esterified. Roots and leaves of the ABA-deficient aba mutant of Arabidopsis had reduced epoxy-xanthophyll levels compared to the wild-type.Abbreviations ABA
abscisic acid
- r.p.HPLC
reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography
The authors would like to thank Dr. B.H. Davies for helpful discussions and Mrs. A.F. Rees for her excellent technical assistance. A.D.P. was supported by a grant from the Agricultural and Food Research Council, from whom funds were also obtained to purchase the HPLC-photodiode-array detector. 相似文献
Growth response of barley and tomato to nitrogen stress and its control by abscisic acid,water relations and photosynthesis 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were grown hydroponically and examined 2, 5, and 10 d after being deprived of nitrogen (N) supply. Leaf elongation rate declined in both species in response to N stress before there was any reduction in rate of dryweight accumulation. Changes in water transport to the shoot could not explain reduced leaf elongation in tomato because leaf water content and water potential were unaffected by N stress at the time leaf elongation began to decline. Tomato maintained its shoot water status in N-stressed plants, despite reduced water absorption per gram root, because the decline in root hydraulic conductance with N stress was matched by a decline in stomatal conductance. In barley the decline in leaf elongation coincided with a small (8%) decline in water content per unit area of young leaves; this decline occurred because root hydraulic conductance was reduced more strongly by N stress than was stomatal conductance. Nitrogen stress caused a rapid decline in tissue NO
pools and in NO
flux to the xylem, particularly in tomato which had smaller tissue NO
reserves. Even in barley, tissue NO
reserves were too small and were mobilized too slowly (60% in 2 d) to support maximal growth for more than a few hours. Organic N mobilized from old leaves provided an additional N source to support continued growth of N-stressed plants. Abscisic acid (ABA) levels increased in leaves of both species within 2 d in response to N stress. Addition of ABA to roots caused an increase in volume of xylem exudate but had no effect upon NO
flux to the xylem. After leaf-elongation rate had been reduced by N stress, photosynthesis declined in both barley and tomato. This decline was associated with increased leaf ABA content, reduced stomatal conductance and a decrease in organic N content. We suggest that N stress reduces growth by several mechanisms operating on different time scales: (1) increased leaf ABA content causing reduced cell-wall extensibility and leaf elongation and (2) a more gradual decline in photosynthesis caused by ABA-induced stomatal closure and by a decrease in leaf organic N.Abbreviation and symbols ABA
abscisic acid
- ci
leaf internal CO2 concentration
- Lp
root hydraulic conductance 相似文献
Water and solute transport along developing maize roots 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
Hydraulic and osmotic properties were measured along developing maize (Zea mays L.) roots at distances between 15 and 465 mm from the root tip to quantify the effects of changes in root structure on the radial and longitudinal movement of water and solutes (ions). Root development generated regions of different hydraulic and osmotic properties. Close to the root tip, passive solute permeability (root permeability coefficient, Psr) was high and selectivity (root reflection coefficient, sr) low, indicative of an imperfect semipermeable root structure. Within the apical 100–150 mm, Psr decreased by an order of magnitude and sr increased significantly. Root hydraulic conductivity (Lpr) depended on the nature of the force (hydrostatic and osmotic). Osmotic Lpr was smaller by an order of magnitude than hydrostatic Lpr and decreased with increasing distance from the root tip. Throughout the root, responses in turgor of cortical cells and late metaxylem to step changes in xylem pressure applied to the base of excised roots were measured at high spatial resolution. The resulting profiles of radial and longitudinal propagation of pressure showed that the endodermis had become the major hydraulic barrier in older parts of the root, i.e. at distances from the apex ä 150 mm. Other than at the endodermis, no significant radial hydraulic resistance could be detected. The results permit a detailed analysis of the root's composite structure which is important for its function in collecting and translocating water and nutrients.Abbreviations and Symbols CPP
cell pressure probe
- IT
root segments with intact tips;
- Lpr
root hydraulic conductivity
- Lprh
hydrostatic hydraulic conductivity of root
- Lpro
osmotic hydraulic conductivity of root
- Papp
hydrostatic pressure applied to cut end of root
- Pc
cell turgor
- Pc, cor
turgor of cortical cell
- Pc,xyl
turgor of late metaxylem vessel
- Pro
stationary root pressure
- Pr0,seal
stationary root pressure of sealed root segment
- Psr
solute permeability coefficient of root
root pressure probe
- TR
root segments with tip removed
- sr
reflection coefficient of root
Dedicated to Professor Andreas Sievers on the occasion of his retirement 相似文献
Pêra sweet orange plants (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) grafted on Rangpur lime rootstock (1 year-old) (Citrus limonia Osbeck) were inoculated with Xylella fastidiosa, a xylem-limited bacterium pathogen, which causes Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC). Since it was known that water deficiency in the field enhances CVC-effects on the plant, the trees were submitted to three cycles of water stress during a one year period (March and October, 1998; and April, 1999) and divided in four treatments: healthy plants (HP); water-stressed healthy plants (WSHP); diseased plants (DP) and water-stressed diseased plants (WSDP). Stomatal conductance (g
s) of water-stressed diseased plants decreased in the first and second cycles of water deficiency, as the stress was increasing. The low stomatal conductance verified may be due to the high concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) found in these plants. In the third cycle, values of g
s in diseased plants were, usually, lower than in the healthy ones. In healthy plants, g
s was reduced when these plants were submitted to water deficiency, independently of the cycle. The drop in leaf water potential in healthy plants was faster after irrigation was withheld, because healthy plants transpired more and, therefore, the water content of the substrate decreased more quickly. When the irrigation of WSDP was withheld in the third cycle, it was not possible to detect increases in ABA contents, suggesting that other factors could be acting to diminish the stomatal conductance in these plants. The presence of Xylella fastidiosa did not induce an increase in indole-3-acetic acid content in the leaves. After three cycles of water deficiency, the concentrations of indole-3-acetic acid in WSHP and WSDP were lower than those concentrations in the irrigated controls on the day water stress was more severe. 相似文献
Effect of nitrogen stress and abscisic acid on nitrate absorption and transport in barley and tomato
F. Stuart Chapin III David T. Clarkson John R. Lenton Colin H. S. Walter 《Planta》1988,173(3):340-351
The potential of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) roots for net NO
absorption increased two-to five fold within 2 d of being deprived of NO
supply. Nitrogen-starved barley roots continued to maintain a high potential for NO
absorption, whereas NO
absorption by tomato roots declined below control levels after 10 d of N starvation. When placed in a 0.2 mM NO
solution, roots of both species transported more NO
and total solutes to the xylem after 2 d of N starvation than did N-sufficient controls. However, replenishment of root NO
stores took precedence over NO
transport to the xylem. Consequently, as N stress became more severe, transport of NO
and total solutes to the xylem declined, relative to controls. Nitrogen stress caused an increase in hydraulic conductance (L
p) and exudate volume (J
v) in barley but decrased these parameters in tomato. Nitrogen stress had no significant effect upon abscisic acid (ABA) levels in roots of barley or flacca (a low-ABA mutant) tomato, but prevented an agerelated decline in ABA in wild-type tomato roots. Applied ABA had the same effect upon barley and upon the wild type and flacca tomatoes: L
p and J
v were increased, but NO
absorption and NO
flux to the xylem were either unaffected or sometimes inhibited. We conclude that ABA is not directly involved in the normal changes in NO
absorption and transport that occur with N stress in barley and tomato, because (1) the root ABA level was either unaffected by N stress (barley and flacca tomato) or changed, after the greatest changes in NO
absorption and transport and L
p had been observed (wild-type tomato); (2) changes in NO
absorption/transport characteristics either did not respond to applied ABA, or, if they did, they changed in the direction opposite to that predicted from changes in root ABA with N stress; and (3) the flacca tomato (which produces very little ABA in response to N stress) responded to N stress with very similar changes in NO
transport to those observed in the wild type.Abbreviation and symbols ABA
abscisic acid
- Jv
exudate volume
- Lp
root hydraulic conductance 相似文献
Abscisic acid and gibberellin-like substances in roots and root nodules ofGlycine max 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Summary The content of endogenous gibberellin (GA)-like substances of roots and root nodules of SOya, and GA production byRhizobium japonicum cultures, were investigated by a combined thin layer chromatographic (TLC)-dwarf pea epicotyl bioassay technique. GAs were
more concentrated in root nodules than in the roots, totalling 1.34 and 0.16 nM GA3 equivalents g−1 dry wt. respectively. GA production byR. japonicum cultures was demonstrated (1.00 nM GA3 equivalentsl
−1) and comparison of the GA components of plant and bacterial culture medium extracts, suggested that rhizobial GA production
may contribute to the nodule GA content.
Cis-trans abscisic acid (ABA) was identified in root and nodule extracts by TLC-gas liquid chromatography (GLC), and amounted
to 0.18 and 2.21 nM g−1 dry wt. respectively, whereas 0.30 and 4.63 nM ABA equivalents g−1 dry wt. were detected by a TLC-wheat embryo bioassay technique. ABA was not detected in extracts of bacterial cultures. 相似文献
The occurrence and distribution of abscisic acid (ABA), xanthoxin (Xa) and the carotenoid violaxanthin (Va) were investigated in root tips of maize (Zea mays L. cv. Merit). In roots grown in the dark, Va and ABA were present in relatively high amounts in the root cap and in low amounts in the adjacent terminal 1.5 mm of the root. Xanthoxin was present in equal concentrations in both regions. In roots exposed to light, the ABA distribution was reversed, with relatively low levels in the root cap and high levels in the adjacent 1.5-mm segment. Light also caused a decrease in Va in both regions of the root and an increase in Xa, especially in the cap. In the maize cultivar used for this work, light is necessary for gravitropic curving. This response occurs within the same time frame as the light-induced ABA redistribution as well as the changes in the levels of Va and Xa. These data are consistent with a role for ABA in root gravitropism and support the proposal that Xa may arise from the turnover of Va.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - GC gas chromatography - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy - Va violaxanthin - Xa xanthoxin 相似文献
For the first time the well known drought stress hormone abscisic acid, which is involved in regulating processes increasing desiccation tolerance in many plant systems, was analysed in lichens. ABA was detected in all 26 species investigated. In contrast to higher plants and liverworts, the ABA content increased after hydration of air dry lichen thalli and decreased in desiccating lichen material. Experiments with Baeomyces rufus (Huds.) Rebent indicated that the mycobiont might be the major site of ABA biosynthesis. After incubation of hydrated lichen thalli with radioactive ABA for up to 72 h no metabolism to phaseic acid and dihydrophaseic acid could be detected. Fluctuations of internal ABA might be a result of ABA release to the external medium. 相似文献
The hydraulic conductivities of excised whole root systems of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Atou) and of single excised roots of wheat and maize (Zea mays L. cv. Passat) were measured using an osmotically induced back-flow technique. Ninety minutes after excision the values for single excised roots ranged from 1.6·10-8 to 5.5·10-8 m·s-1·MPa-1 in wheat and from 0.9·10-8 to 4.8·10-8 m·s-1·MPa-1 in maize. The main source of variation was a decrease in the value as root length increased. The hydraulic conductivities of whole root systems, but not of single excised roots, were smaller 15 h after excision. This was not caused by occlusion of the xylem at the cut end of the coleoptile. The hydraulic conductivities of epidermal, cortical and endodermal cells were measured using a pressure probe. Epidermal and cortical cells of both wheat and maize roots gave mean values of 1.2·10-7 m·s-1·MPa-1 but in endodermal cells (measured only in wheat) the mean value was 0.5·10-7 m·s-1·MPa-1. The cellular hydraulic conductivities were used to calculate the root hydraulic conductivities expected if water flow across the root was via transcellular (vacuole-to-vacuole), apoplasmic or symplasmic pathways. The results indicate that, in freshly excised roots, the bulk of water flow is unlikely to be via the transcellular pathway. This is in contrast to our previous conclusion (H. Jones, A.D. Tomos, R.A. Leigh and R.G. Wyn Jones 1983, Planta 158, 230–236) which was based on results obtained with whole root systems of wheat measured 14–15 h after excision and which probably gave artefactually low values for root hydraulic conductivity. It is now concluded that, near the root tip, water flow could be through a symplasmic pathway in which the only substantial resistances to water flow are provided by the outer epidermal and the inner endodermal plasma membranes. Further from the tip, the measured hydraulic conductivities of the roots are consistent with flow either through the symplasmic or apoplasmic pathways.Symbols
p, cell
cell hydraulic conductivity
p, root
root hydraulic conductivity
p, root
calculated root hydraulic conductivity
root reflection coefficient 相似文献
Xylem structure and water transport in a twiner,a scrambler,and a shrub of Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae)
Summary Wood structure and function was investigated in different growth forms of temperate honeysuckles (Lonicera spp.). All three species had many narrow vessels and relatively few wide ones, with the measured K
h (flow rate/pressure gradient) approximately 24–55% of the theoretical K
h predicted by Poiseuille's law. Only the twiner, Lonicera japonica, had some vessels greater than 50 m in diameter. The twiner also had the narrowest stem xylem diameters, suggesting the greater maximum vessel diameter hydraulically compensated for narrow stems. Conversely, the free-standing shrub, L. maackii, had the greatest annual increments of xylem but the least percent conductive xylem implying that a great portion of the wood was involved with mechanical support. The scrambler, L, sempervirens had low maximum vessel diameter, high Huber values (= xylem area/leaf area), and low specific conductivities (= measured K
h/xylem area), much like the shrub. The greatest vessel frequency occurred in the scrambler (901 vessels · mm-2), the highest thus far recorded in vines. The lowest Huber value and highest specific conductivity occurred in the twiner, suggesting little self-support but relatively efficient water conduction. LSC (= measured K
h/leaf area) and maximum vessel diameter of Lonicera vines were near the low end of the range for vines in general. 相似文献
Correlation between loss of turgor and accumulation of abscisic acid in detached leaves 总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37
Mature leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (red kidney bean), Xanthium strumarium L. (cocklebur), and Gossypium hirsutum L. (cotton) were used to study accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) during water stress. The water status of individual, detached leaves was monitored while the leaves slowly wilted, and samples were cut from the leaves as they lost water. The leaf sections were incubated at their respecitive water contents to allow ABA to build up or not. At least 8 h were required for a new steady-state level of ABA to be established. The samples from any one leaf covered a range of known water potentials (), osmotic pressures (), and turgor pressures (p). The and p values were calculated from pressure-volume curves, using a pressure bomb to measure the water potentials. Decreasing water potential had little effect on ABA levels in leaves at high turgor. Sensitivity of the production of ABA to changes in progressively increased as turgor approached zero. At p=1 bar, ABA content averaged 4 times the level found in fully turgid samples. Below p=1 bar, ABA content increased sharply to as much as 40 times the level found in unstressed samples. ABA levels rose steeply at different water potentials for different leaves, according to the at which turgor became zero. These differences were caused by the different osmotic pressures of the leaves that were used; must cqual - for turgor to be zero. Leaves vary in , not only among species, but also between plants of one and the same species depending on the growing conditions. A difference of 6 bars (calculated at =0) was found between the osmotic pressures of leaves from two groups of G. hirsutum plants; one group had previously experienced periodic water stress, and the other group had never been stressed. When individual leaves were subsequently wilted, the leaves from stress-conditioned plants required a lower water potential in order to accumulate ABA than did leaves from previously unstressed plants. On the basis of these results we suggest that turgor is the critical parameter of plant water relations which controls ABA production in water-stressed leaves.Abbreviations ABA
abscisic acid
- me-ABA
abscisic-acid methyl ester
leaf water potential
osmotic pressure
volumeaveraged turgor
volumetric modulus of elasticity 相似文献
Metabolism of abscisic acid (ABA) was studied after wilting and upon recovery from water stress in individual, detached leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (red kidney bean). Loss of turgor was correlated with accumulation of ABA and its metabolites, resulting in a 10-fold increase in the level of phaseic acid (PA) and a doubling of the level of conjugated ABA. The level of conjugated ABA in turgid leaves was no higher than that of the free acid. These results indicate that accumulation of ABA in wilted leaves resulted from a stimulation of ABA synthesis, rather than from a release from a conjugated form or from inhibition of the metabolism of ABA. The rate of synthesis of ABA was at its maximum between 2.5 and 5 h after turgor was lost, and slackened there-after. In wilted leaves, the rate of conversion of ABA to PA climbed steadly until it matched the rate of synthesis, after about 7.5 h. Upon rehydration of sections from wilted leaves, the rate of synthesis of ABA dropped close to zero within about 3 h, while the rate of conversion to PA accelerated. Formation of PA was two to four times faster than in sections maintained in the wilted condition; it reached a rate sufficient to convert almost one-half of the ABA present in the tissue to PA within 1 h. In contrast, the alternate route of metabolism of ABA, synthesis of conjugated ABA, was not stimulated by rehydration. The role of turgor in the stimulation of the conversion of ABA to PA was investigated. When leaves that had been wilted for 5 h were rehydrated to different degrees, the amount of ABA which disappeared, or that of PA which accumulated during the next 3 h, did not depend linearly on the water potential of the rehydrated leaf. Rather, re-establishment of the slightest positive turgor was sufficient to result in maximum stimulation of conversion of ABA to PA.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - DPA dihydrophaseic acid - PA phaseic acid - leaf leaf water potential - osmotic pressure 相似文献
G. V. Hoad 《Planta》1978,142(3):287-290
Abscisic acid (ABA) was identified by combined gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in sieve-tube exudate collected from the cut stylar ends of white lupin fruit. Water stress caused an increase in ABA levels in leaf, seed and pod tissues and phloem exudate. When compared with levels in extracts of these tissues, the concentration of ABA in sieve-tube sap was very high. It is suggested that ABA is actively transported out of mature leaves in the phloem and this finding is discussed in terms of the ABA balance of the plant.Abbreviations ABA
abscisic acid
gas liquid chromatography 相似文献
Ricardo Aroca 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2006,25(1):10-17
Abscisic acid (ABA) modifies the hydraulic properties of roots by increasing root water flux (Jv). The role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in this ABA-induced process was evaluated. At the same time, some antioxidant
enzyme activities in root tissues were measured. Phaseolus vulgaris plants were grown hydroponically, and different concentrations of ABA in combination with catalase enzyme or ascorbate were
added to the nutrient solution. Catalase treatment had no effect by itself (no ABA) and had little or only a small stimulatory
effect at ABA concentrations of 1, 50, and 100 μM, but it partially inhibited the ABA effect at 5 μM. Ascorbate by itself
doubled Jv and root hydraulic conductance over the control value. In the presence of ABA, ascorbate partially or, at 100 μM, completely
inhibited that ABA stimulation of Jv. These results are discussed in relationship to the possibility that ABA signaling in the roots involves ROS. 相似文献
Abscisic acid (ABA) caused a 7–8-fold increase in volume flow in excised bean root systems and this was coupled with an increase in 42K, 36Cl and 24Na flux into the xylem. The transport of 42K and 36Cl increased by a factor larger than the stimulation of volume flow, resulting in an increase in the concentration of those ions in the xylem exudate. Carbonyclcyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone, on the other hand, eliminated ABA-stimulated 42K transport and caused a further inhibition of 42K flux, thus providing additional support for the proposition that ABA stimulation may involve an energised process of ion transport. ABA also increased the accumulation of 24Na and 36Cl in bean root tissue, but not that of 42K. 相似文献
A radioimmunoassay for (+)-abscisic acid (ABA) was developed and applied to the analysis of free ABA in extracts of apple (Malus pumila Mill.) and sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) leaves at various stages during extract purification. Conjugates of ABA, were quantified after alkaline hydrolysis. The validity of the radioimmunoassay was tested by comparison of immunoassay estimates of ABA at different levels of extract purity with high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The antiserum, raised against (+)-ABA, was almost equally sensitive to (-)-ABA. Serum cross-reactivity with the methyl ester of ABA was 160% and with the glycosyl ester of ABA was 34%. Cross-reactivity with protein-ABA conjugates was very slight for C4-conjugated keyholelimpet haemocyanin, but about 1000% for C1-conjugated alkaline phosphatase. Other compounds tested showed extremely low or undetectable cross-reactivities. Further evidence for the specificity of the assay came from the agreement between the results using different assay methods for both apple and pepper extracts, and from the observation that the only zone of immunoreactivity on HPLC elution profiles corresponded with authentic (+)-ABA. The use of polyvinylpyrrolidone in the assay minimised interference by other substances in plant extracts. In pepper, free ABA levels increased rapidly during water stress and recovered to pre-stress levels within two days after rewatering. Levels of ABA conjugates were significantly lowr than free ABA in unstressed plants, and also increased rapidly with stress, although not to the same extent as free ABA, and did not recover as rapidly as did free ABA. In apple, levels of free ABA and of ABA conjugates both increased more than twofold over a two-week period of water stress. In contrast to pepper, however, immunoreactivity of the conjugate fraction was increased by hydrolysis, indicating that different ABA conjugates predominate in the two species.Abbreviations ABA
abscisic acid
combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
high-pressure liquid chromatography
- Me-ABA
methyl ester of ABA
radioimmunoassay 相似文献
The tips of intact maize (cv. LG 11) roots, maintained vertically, were pretreated with a droplet of buffer solution or a bead of anion exchange resin, both containing [214-C]abscisic acid (ABA). A significant basipetal ABA movement was observed and two metabolites of ABA (possibly phaseic acid and dihydrophaseic acid) were found. ABA pretreatment enhanced the gravireaction of 10 mm apical root segments kept both in the dark and in the light. The possibility that ABA could be one of the endogenous growth inhibitors produced or released by the cap cells is discussed.Abbreviations ABA
abscisic acid
- 3,3-DGA
3,3-dimethyl-glutaric acid
dihydrophaseic acid
- PA
phaseic acid
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 相似文献
Abscisic acid and hydraulic conductivity of maize roots: a study using cell- and root-pressure probes 总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31
Using root- and cell-pressure probes, the effects of the stress hormone abscisic acid (ABA) on the water-transport properties
of maize roots (Zea mays L.) were examined in order to work out dose and time responses for root hydraulic conductivity. Abscisic acid applied at
concentrations of 100–1,000 nM increased the hydraulic conductivity of excised maize roots both at the organ (root Lpr: factor of 3–4) and the root cell level (cell Lp: factor of 7–27). Effects on the root cortical cells were more pronounced
than at the organ level. From the results it was concluded that ABA acts at the plasmalemma, presumably by an interaction
with water channels. Abscisic acid therefore facilitated the cell-to-cell component of transport of water across the root
cylinder. Effects on cell Lp were transient and highly specific for the undissociated (+)-cis-trans-ABA. The stress hormone ABA facilitates water uptake into roots as soils start drying, especially under non-transpiring conditions,
when the apoplastic path of water transport is largely excluded.
Received: 26 February 2000 / Accepted: 17 August 2000 相似文献