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水稻(Oryza sativa)矮化是与光合效率及产量等密切相关的重要农艺性状。发掘更多的水稻矮秆资源,不仅能够进一步加深对水稻株高分子遗传机制的认识,而且还能为水稻新品种培育提供新的种质资源。在水稻T-DNA插入突变体库中筛选到1个矮化、宽叶小粒突变体(wld1)。经图位克隆将WLD1基因定位在第5号染色体长臂,位于分子标记In Del37与InDel48之间,基因编号为LOC_Os05g32270,属于AP2转录因子家族。该基因第6外显子处胸腺嘧啶缺失,造成转录提前终止。石蜡切片观察结果显示,茎部第2节间横向细胞数目增加,而纵向细胞数目未变。RT-PCR检测结果表明,LOC_Os05g32270在突变体wld1中不表达,造成功能缺失。该基因与已报道的水稻OsSMOS1(SMALL ORGAN SIZE1)为等位基因。水稻突变体wld1的矮秆遗传效应可直接应用于育种中。该研究结果进一步明确了突变体wld1的表型特征与遗传基础,为解析其参与的信号途径提供参考。  相似文献   

Gene conversions and crossovers are related products of the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks by homologous recombination. Most previous studies of mitotic gene conversion events have been restricted to measuring conversion tracts that are <5 kb. Using a genetic assay in which the lengths of very long gene conversion tracts can be measured, we detected two types of conversions: those with a median size of ∼6 kb and those with a median size of >50 kb. The unusually long tracts are initiated at a naturally occurring recombination hotspot formed by two inverted Ty elements. We suggest that these long gene conversion events may be generated by a mechanism (break-induced replication or repair of a double-stranded DNA gap) different from the short conversion tracts that likely reflect heteroduplex formation followed by DNA mismatch repair. Both the short and long mitotic conversion tracts are considerably longer than those observed in meiosis. Since mitotic crossovers in a diploid can result in a heterozygous recessive deleterious mutation becoming homozygous, it has been suggested that the repair of DNA breaks by mitotic recombination involves gene conversion events that are unassociated with crossing over. In contrast to this prediction, we found that ∼40% of the conversion tracts are associated with crossovers. Spontaneous mitotic crossover events in yeast are frequent enough to be an important factor in genome evolution.  相似文献   

High-resolution amplicon melting is a simple method for genotyping that uses only generic PCR primers and a saturating DNA dye. Multiplex amplicon genotyping has previously been reported in a single color, but two instruments were required: a carousel-based rapid cycler and a high-resolution melting instrument for capillaries. Manual transfer of capillaries between instruments and sequential melting of each capillary at 0.1°C/s seriously limited the throughput. In this report, a single instrument that combines rapid-cycle real-time PCR with high-resolution melting [LightScanner-32 (LS-32), Idaho Technology, Salt Lake City, UT] was used for multiplex amplicon genotyping. The four most common mutations associated with thrombophilia, F5 (factor V Leiden 1691G>A), F2 (prothrombin 20210G>A), and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR; 1298A>C and 677C>T) were genotyped in a single homogeneous assay with internal controls to adjust for minor chemistry and instrument variation. Forty temperature cycles required 9.2 min, and each capillary required 2.2 min by melting at 0.3°C/s, 3× the prior rate. Sample volume was reduced from 20 μl to 10 μl. In a blinded study of 109 samples (436 genotypes), complete concordance with standard assays was obtained. In addition, the rare variant MTHFR 1317T>C was genotyped correctly when present. The LS-32 simplifies more complex high-resolution melting assays by reducing hands-on manipulation, total time of analysis, and reagent cost while maintaining the resolution necessary for multiplex amplicon genotyping.  相似文献   

A new high-resolution, in situ profiling fluorometer maps fluorescence distributions with a spatial resolution of 0.5 to 1.5 mm to a depth of 70 m in the open ocean. We report centimeter-scale patterns for phytoplankton distributions associated with gradients exhibiting 10- to 30-fold changes in fluorescence in contrasting marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

水稻紫色柱头的遗传分析与基因定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
rdh是四川农业大学水稻研究所通过组织培养和连续自交得到的一个具有红色籽粒和紫色柱头,遗传上稳定的籼稻材料。抽穗期在rdh与3个无色柱头品种蜀恢527、蜀恢368和蜀恢168之间分别做正反交,结果显示F1群体在柱头颜色上正反交之间没有明显区别,全部是紫色的。F2群体发生分离成为两组,一组具有紫色柱头,另一组具有无色柱头。每一个F2群体的紫色柱头对无色柱头均适合3:1的比例,表明rdh紫色柱头性状的遗传是由一对显性核基因控制的。组合rdh/蜀恢527 F2分离群体中40个具有紫色柱头的显性单株和284个具有无色柱头的隐性单株构成定位群体。从两个亲本rdh和蜀恢527提取的基因组DNA,用涵盖水稻整个基因组的252对微卫星标记作引物扩增片段。结果发现有78对微卫星标记在两亲本之间具有多态性。然后用这78对标记作引物,扩增亲本、F1、F2显性单株和F2隐性单株、,结果显示位于水稻第6染色体的RM276、RM253以及RM111与rdh紫色柱头基因有连锁关系。再用RM276、RM253以及RM111作引物扩增剩余的全部具有无色柱头的隐性单株。结果表明:在RM276的扩增产物中,有20个单交换和2个双交换;在RM253中有2个单交换:在RM111中有3个单交换。因此,rdh紫色柱头基因被定位于水稻第6染色体。根据公式P=(h+2b)/2n,计算得到微卫星标记RM276,RM253和RM111与rdh紫色柱头基因的遗传距离分别是4.2cM、0.35cM以及0.53cM。根据已经发表的RM276、RM253和RM111在第6染色体上的位置以及计算得到的rdh与RM276、RM253和RM111之间的遗传距离,构建了部分连锁图谱,并暂时将这个紫色柱头基因命名为Ps-4。  相似文献   

Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of Purple Stigma in Rice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new double-haploid (rdh) rice plant with purple stigma and red seeds was discovered by tissue culture. Genetic analysis suggested that the trait of rdh purple stigma was controlled by a pair of dominant gene. Polymorphic analysis of microsatellite markers demonstrated that the purple stigma gene of rdh was located on rice chromosome 6 at 4.2 cM, 0.35 cM and 0.53 cM from microsatellite markers RM276, RM253 and RM111, respectively. It was believed that the purple stigma gene of rdh was the first mapped purple stigma gene on rice chromosome 6. This purple stigma gene was designated tentatively as Ps-4.  相似文献   

Mapping of Rice Rf Gene by Bulked Line Analysis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A method, bulked line analysis (BLA), was developed for identificationof the RFLP markers associated with a target gene. Instead ofsegregating progenies, conventional lines sharing the same traitwere bulked by the BLA method. This method is an alternativeapproach to the identification of DNA markers linked with atarget gene. A major advantage of this method is time-savingfor genetic stock development. The advantage is very significantfor organisms having a long generation period. This method hasbeen tested by using fertility restoration of rice cytoplasmicmale sterility of wild abortive type as a target trait. A fertility-restoringgene was successfully identified by linkage with RFLP markers.This gene was mapped in the middle of the long arm of chromosome10 of the rice genome.  相似文献   

We have used rice line Tetep as a resistant donor with the aim of mapping a durable blast resistance gene Pi-k h using RAPD and AFLP techniques in conjunction with bulk segregant analysis. An F2 mapping population consisting of 205 plants was generated by crossing Tetep with HP2216, a highly susceptible cultivar. Inoculation with specific isolate (PLP-1) of Magnaporthe grisea at seeding stage showed that the Pi-k h gene inherited as a single dominant gene in F2 population. RAPD analysis was performed with 240 primers to detect polymorphism between resistant and susceptible parents. Of these, 48 primers produced polymorphic banding pattern between resistant and susceptible parents. Bulk segregant analysis was performed with 48 primers of which 5 showed polymorphism between resistant and susceptible bulks. A 700 bp DNA band was obtained in resistant F2 plants with primer 5-129 indicating its linkage to the resistance gene. Out of 64 AFLP primer combinations used for polymorphism survey between HP 2216 and Tetep, 11 AFLP primer combinations were able to distinguish the resistant and susceptible bulks. An AFLP band of 75 bp obtained with primer combination, E-TAlM-CTC co-segregated with the resistance gene. The RAPD marker 5-129700 and AFLP75 were placed on the linkage map at a distance of 2.1 eM and 15.1 eM flanking to Pi-k hgene, respectively. The RAPD band closely linked to Pi-k h gene was sequenced and used for the development of CAPs markers which also co-segregated with resistant phenotype in the mapping population. On sequence analysis and homology search of RAPD fragment with whole rice genome sequence database and the information available on physical, genetic and sequence maps of rice, the co-segregating CAPs marker was placed at long arm of rice chromosome 11. CAPs marker developed in this study showed polymorphism in different rice cultivars grown in North-Western Himalayan region and is being used for the pyramiding of Pi-k h gene along with other blast resistance genes using marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

叶片的形态是理想株型的重要性状, 叶片适度卷曲能提高水稻(Oryza sativa)群体的光能利用率, 研究控制水稻叶片形态的相关基因能够进一步丰富株型理论。该研究在粳稻品系C275的群体中发现了1株自然变异的窄卷叶突变体nrl7(narrow rolled leaf 7)。与野生型相比, 突变体的叶片变窄且向内卷曲; 该突变体叶片连接中脉的泡状细胞严重变形, 中脉与小叶脉之间的维管束数量均减少至1个。此外, 突变体nrl7的株高、实粒数和实粒重均降低或减少, 分别为野生型的88.46%、69.77%和68.98%, 差异达极显著水平。叶片卷曲导致单叶光合速率减弱, 与野生型相比, 突变体的光合速率降低了17%, 达极显著水平。突变体nrI7叶片的气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度和蒸腾速率则与野生型相比无明显变化。利用图位克隆的方法将目的基因定位于水稻第3染色体短臂上的分子标记RM5444和MM1300之间, 物理距离约为185.14 kb。研究结果为该基因的克隆和进一步的功能分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Apiculus color of grain is an important trait which is used as a morphological marker in rice (Oryza sativa. L). In the present study, the purple apiculus mutant...  相似文献   

周纯  焦然  胡萍  林晗  胡娟  徐娜  吴先美  饶玉春 《植物学报》1983,54(5):606-619
衰老是植物发育末期自主发生且不可逆的适应性反应, 叶片早衰相关分子机制研究对水稻(Oryza sativa)遗传改良以及抗衰老品种培育有重要意义。LS-es1是通过EMS诱变粳稻品种TP309获得的稳定遗传的早衰突变体。对LS-es1及其野生型的表型观察和生理生化分析表明, LS-es1叶片中积累了大量活性氧且细胞死亡更多, 同时LS-es1与产量相关的农艺性状均显著下降, 这也验证了LS-es1早衰的特征。对LS-es1及其野生型幼苗进行外源激素处理, 结果表明LS-es1对水杨酸(SA)、脱落酸(ABA)和茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)更敏感。用图位克隆方法将LS-es1基因定位在水稻第7号染色体长臂46.2 kb区间内, 该区间共包括8个开放阅读框(ORF)。对该区间内的基因进行生物信息学分析, 结果发现Os07g0275300Os07g0276000两个候选功能基因与早衰途径相关, 并且这2个基因的表达量在野生型和突变体中差异较大。研究结果为进一步克隆LS-es1基因并深入研究其生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

控制水稻叶绿体发育基因OsALB23的定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶绿体的正常发育是高等植物进行光合作用的前提条件。通过电镜观察,我们发现水稻白化突变体Osalb23的叶绿体发育缺陷,内部缺少正常类囊体片层结构。遗传学分析表明该突变体属于单位点隐性突变。利用图位克隆的方法,我们将基因定位于水稻第二条染色体分子标记R2M501和R2M502之间约280kb范围内。通过生物信息学软件预测,这段区间包括6个叶绿体蛋白基因。  相似文献   

衰老是植物发育末期自主发生且不可逆的适应性反应, 叶片早衰相关分子机制研究对水稻(Oryza sativa)遗传改良以及抗衰老品种培育有重要意义。LS-es1是通过EMS诱变粳稻品种TP309获得的稳定遗传的早衰突变体。对LS-es1及其野生型的表型观察和生理生化分析表明, LS-es1叶片中积累了大量活性氧且细胞死亡更多, 同时LS-es1与产量相关的农艺性状均显著下降, 这也验证了LS-es1早衰的特征。对LS-es1及其野生型幼苗进行外源激素处理, 结果表明LS-es1对水杨酸(SA)、脱落酸(ABA)和茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)更敏感。用图位克隆方法将LS-es1基因定位在水稻第7号染色体长臂46.2 kb区间内, 该区间共包括8个开放阅读框(ORF)。对该区间内的基因进行生物信息学分析, 结果发现Os07g0275300Os07g0276000两个候选功能基因与早衰途径相关, 并且这2个基因的表达量在野生型和突变体中差异较大。研究结果为进一步克隆LS-es1基因并深入研究其生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa)是我国最主要的粮食作物之一, 其穗部形态直接影响着水稻产量和稻米品质。在秋光和七山占构建的重组自交系群体中发现了1个散穗突变体材料sp (spreading panicle), 田间表现为穗部一次枝梗向外延伸, 与穗轴夹角增大, 且向四周散开, 故暂命名为散穗突变体sp。与野生型相比, 突变体sp穗重、每穗粒重、千粒重、粒宽以及粒厚均极显著减少, 推测SP可能是1个参与调控穗部形态建成和颖花发育的基因。遗传分析表明, 该性状受1个显性核基因控制。利用sp与02428构建的F2群体进行基因定位, 将该基因定位在4号染色体长臂端, 位于E3和RM17578之间的62.9 kb区域内。该结果将为SP基因的图位克隆和揭示其作用机理奠定基础。  相似文献   

Pasteurellaceae are among the most prevalent bacterial pathogens isolated from mice housed in experimental animal facilities. Reliable detection and differentiation of Pasteurellaceae are essential for high-quality health monitoring. In this study, we combined a real-time PCR assay amplifying a variable region in the 16S rRNA sequence with high-resolution melting curve analysis (HRM) to identify and differentiate among the commonly isolated species Pasteurella pneumotropica biotypes “Jawetz” and “Heyl”, Actinobacillus muris, and Haemophilus influenzaemurium. We used a set of six reference strains for assay development, with the melting profiles of these strains clearly distinguishable due to DNA sequence variations in the amplicon. For evaluation, we used real-time PCR/HRM to test 25 unknown Pasteurellaceae isolates obtained from an external diagnostic laboratory and found the results to be consistent with those of partial 16S rRNA sequencing. The real-time PCR/HRM method provides a sensitive, rapid, and closed-tube approach for Pasteurellaceae species identification for health monitoring of laboratory mice.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to generate high-resolution sea floor maps using a Side-Scan Sonar(SSS). This is achieved by explicitly taking into account the SSS operation as follows. First, the raw sensor data is corrected by means of a physics-based SSS model. Second, the data is projected to the sea-floor. The errors involved in this projection are thoroughfully analysed. Third, a probabilistic SSS model is defined and used to estimate the probability of each sea-floor region to be observed. This probabilistic information is then used to weight the contribution of each SSS measurement to the map. Because of these models, arbitrary map resolutions can be achieved, even beyond the sensor resolution. Finally, a geometric map building method is presented and combined with the probabilistic approach. The resulting map is composed of two layers. The echo intensity layer holds the most likely echo intensities at each point in the sea-floor. The probabilistic layer contains information about how confident can the user or the higher control layers be about the echo intensity layer data. Experimental results have been conducted in a large subsea region.  相似文献   

罗伟雄  李明  陈军  罗琼 《植物学通报》2011,46(5):506-513
在水稻(Oryza sativa)品种台中65的组培后代中发现一个花器官发育异常突变体flower organ number6(fon6),其主要表型为:双子房,多柱头,7-8枚雄蕊。遗传分析表明,该突变表型由一对隐性基因控制。以该突变体与籼稻3037杂交的F2代分离群体作为定位群体,利用STS标记将与突变性状相关的基因定位于第6染色体短臂上STS标记PL4和PL5之间约480kb的范围内。该研究结果为进一步的基因克隆及功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水稻抗白叶枯病基因Xa-25的分子定位   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Xa-25是从体细胞突变体HX-3中鉴定出的水稻抗白叶枯病基因。通过花药培养构建了02428(粳稻)和HX-3(籼稻)的双单倍体(DH)群体,该群体包含了129个稳定株系,以我国长江流域水稻白叶枯病的代表菌株浙173对DH群体进行抗病性鉴定,抗病株系数和感病株系数分别为62和67。共选用覆盖水稻12条染色体的300对SSR引物对02428和HX-3进行多态性分析,有74对引物在双亲之间表现差异。利用这些差异引物对DH群体进行连锁分析,从而将抗白叶枯病基因Xa-25定位到第4染色体长臂末端的两个SSR标记RM6748和RM1153之间,连锁距离分别为9.3cM和3.0cM。  相似文献   

分子标记技术及其在水稻基因定位上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分子标记作为一种新兴的遗传标记手段,因其特有的优势而得到广泛的应用,带动了许多领域的快速发展.本文主要对分子标记的一般特点,基于全基因序列、简单重复序列、已知的特定序列、反转录转座子、单核苷酸的分子标记的类型及各类型代表性技术的基本原理和各自的优缺点进行详尽的综述,并进一步介绍了近年来分子标记在水稻基因定位上的相关应用,如水稻高产、优质、抗逆和抗病等重要农艺性状基因的分离克隆.最后还对分子标记技术在遗传图谱构建、基因定位和分子标记辅助育种等方面的应用前景予以展望,以期该技术能发挥更大的作用.  相似文献   

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