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Frog retinal rod outer segments appear to contain uncharacterized chemical components whose mass is roughly equivalent to 12--51% of the rhodopsin mass. Available data suggest that such components include soluble proteins and complex polysaccharides, and that hyaluronic acid accounts for a substantial fraction of this mass. Electron microscopic histochemical staining studies suggest that these polysaccharide components are located within the ROS disks. The oligosaccharide moieties of rhodopsin also appear localized within the disks. The interdisk cytoplasm may contain carbohydrates, but their quantity and identity are uncertain. Rhodopsin oligosaccharides as well as some fraction of the intradisk polysaccharide appear to have extended saccharide chains preferentially oriented perpendicular to the surface of the disk membrane. Possible roles for these polysaccharides in disk development and photoexcitation are discussed. The immediate need for complete rod outer segment chemical composition data is emphasized.  相似文献   

We purified retinol dehydrogenase from bovine rod outer segments using polyethylene glycol precipitation and hydroxylapatite, concanavalin A-Sepharose CL-4B, and Sepharose CL-6B column chromatography in the presence of NADP. We obtained 13-fold purification of retinol dehydrogenase with specific activity of 61.8 nmol/min/mg and 3.8% recovery. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that retinol dehydrogenase had a molecular mass of 37,000 daltons. The Km values of purified retinol dehydrogenase for all-trans retinol and all-trans retinal were 6.6 mM and 0.085 mM, respectively. The purified enzyme reacted with the all-trans retinal but not with 13-, 11-, and 9-cis compounds. In addition, we prepared antibody to retinol dehydrogenase using rat. The anti-retinol dehydrogenase antibody precipitated retinol dehydrogenase activity and was confirmed to bind to 37-kDa protein by Western blotting. We also found that anti-retinol dehydrogenase antibody bound to bovine rod outer segments specifically by immunohistochemical technique. The molar ratio of retinol dehydrogenase to opsin in rod outer segments estimated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was 1:140.  相似文献   

Retinal rod outer segments in frogs were studied by means of light microscopy, refractometry, microspectrophotometry, and electron microscopy. Analysis of the data obtained shows that an unidentified substance, which makes up about 50% of outer segment dry weight, is lost during routine biochemical investigations. The protein parts of the rhodopsin molecules make up 85% of the outer segments proteins and 25% of outer segment dry weight. Rhodopsin molecules can be arranged in a square array with a unit cell side of about 7 nm on one side of each disk membrane. Lipids in a single membrane occupy only 2 nm, and disk membranes are strongly hydrated.  相似文献   

Summary Using topo-optical staining reactions, the presence and molecular order of three structural components of outer segments of frog retina were studied. These components included (1) an acidic polysaccharide texture, (2) free aldehyde groups which arise during formalin fixation and (3) the oligosaccharide chains of rhodopsin. Quantitative measurements of the dye binding and birefringence effects arising from the individual structural components in rod outer segments were made. Results indicated that all three structural components had a rather well-defined orientation within the ROS.The spherulites phagocytized from the apical ends of ROSs by the pigment epithelium also demonstrate preferred orientation of the three structural components investigated.  相似文献   

Using topo-optical staining reactions, the presence and molecular order of three structural components of outer segments of frog retina were studied. These components included (1) an acidic polysaccharide texture, (2) free aldehyde groups which arise during formalin fixation and (3) the oligosaccharide chains of rhodopsin. Quantitative measurements of the dye binding and birefringence effects arising from the individual structural components in rod outer segments were made. Results indicated that all three structural components had a rather well-defined orientation within the ROS. The spherulites phagocytized from the apical ends of ROSs by the pigment epithelium also demonstrate preferred orientation of the three structural components investigated.  相似文献   

Considerable disagreement has resulted from experiments designed to test whether light-induced falls in cGMP in outer segment (OS) of photoreceptors precede their light-induced electrical responses. Different studies have reported initial declines at 50 ms, at s, or not at all for physiological stimuli. Such studies have employed whole retinas, isolated rod OS, or isolated rod OS with attached inner segments and involved a variety of techniques. We developed an apparatus that illuminates intact pieces of dark-adapted frog retinas at 22 degrees C for known brief durations and then rapidly (47 ms) presses their OS surface against a copper mirror cooled by liquid helium. Freezing occurs in less than 2 ms. Cyclic GMP was then assayed in cryostat sections of the OS layer. Six illumination intensities that bleached from 90 to 9 X 10(8) rhodopsin molecules per s were delivered for durations of 0.1-2 s. Compared to dark-adapted values, progressive losses of cGMP were seen with all illumination intensities. Because a significant loss in cGMP was seen after a 100 ms exposure to our dimmest stimulus, it appears that a loss of cGMP could play a role in rod visual transduction.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of phosphoinositides on the phosphorylation of endogenous proteins in the soluble fraction of the frog photoreceptor rod outer segments (ROS). Phosphatidylinositol (PI) stimulated the phosphorylation of two low molecular weight proteins, components I and II (12 and 11 kDa) which are known to be the preferential substrates of the cyclic GMP (cGMP)-dependent protein kinase in the ROS. Polyphosphoinositides (PPI) specifically inhibited the PI-dependent phosphorylation of these two components. On the other hand, PPI stimulated the phosphorylation of 38, 48 and 52 kDa proteins in the absence of PI. These data suggest that PI and PPI may function in the ROS by regulating the phosphorylation of some enzymes or regulator proteins in the transduction mechanism in the ROS.  相似文献   

The outer segments of retinal photoreceptors of the frog Rana temporaria were found to possess the adenylate kinase and creatine phosphokinase activities. It was shown that the activities found are not due to contaminations by the fragments of inner photoreceptor segments and pigment epithelium processes which are in direct contact with outer segments. The absolute value of the ATP resynthesis rate exceeds the rate of its hydrolysis. It is concluded that ATP synthesis in the creatine phosphokinase and adenylate kinase reactions is one of the pathways of ATP regeneration in vivo.  相似文献   

To test the “Ca2+ hypothesis of visual excitation”, we measured the total Ca2+ content of freshly isolated bullforg rod outer segments, and have compared the total Ca2+ contents of fully dark-adapted discs with discs exposed to small amounts of light. Discs were prepared by hypotonically lysing outer segments under conditions expected to remove Ca2+ from the cytoplasm but not from the discs. Ca2+ was assayed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. We find that both discs and outer segments contain a total of about 0.1–0.2 Ca2+ per rhodopsin molecule. Thus, each frog disc retains about 2 · 105Ca2+. If most of this Ca2+ were free in the aqueous space inside the intact discs, the Ca2+ activity would be a few mM. Since the light-regulated Na+ channels have been reported to be highly sensitive to cytoplasmic Ca2+, this store of Ca2+ in the discs is far more than required by the Ca2+ hypothesis. However, despite several variations in experimental conditions, we did not observe any light-activated release of Ca2+ from discs in response to stimuli that photoactivated a small fraction of the rhodopsin, as required by the Ca2+ hypothesis. In the 26 experiments reported here we could have detected a release as small as 20–30% of the Ca2+ content of the disc.  相似文献   

A spectrin-like protein in retinal rod outer segments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
S Wong  R S Molday 《Biochemistry》1986,25(20):6294-6300
Biochemical and immunochemical studies indicate that rod outer segments (ROS) of bovine photoreceptor cells contain a Mr 240,000 polypeptide related to the alpha-subunit of red blood cell (RBC) spectrin. With the use of sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis in conjunction with the immunoblotting technique, monoclonal antibody 4B2 was found to bind to a Mr 240,000 polypeptide in ROS that is distinct from the prominent Mr 220,000 concanavalin A binding glycoprotein. The Mr 240,000 polypeptide is highly susceptible to degradation by endogenous proteases. It does not appear to be an integral membrane protein but is tightly membrane associated since it can be partially extracted from ROS membranes with urea in the absence of detergent. The 4B2 antibody cross-reacted with RBC ghosts and bovine brain microsomal membranes. Radioimmune assays and immunoblotting analysis of purified bovine RBC spectrin further revealed that the 4B2 antibody predominantly labeled the alpha-chain of RBC spectrin having an apparent molecular weight of 240,000. Polyclonal anti-spectrin antibody that bound to both the alpha- and beta-chain of RBC spectrin predominantly labeled a Mr 240,000 polypeptide of ROS membranes. Two faintly labeled bands in the molecular weight range of 210,000-220,000 were also observed. These components may represent variants of the beta-chain of spectrin that are weakly cross-reacting or present in smaller quantities than the alpha-chain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Protein complement of rod outer segments of frog retina   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
H E Hamm  M D Bownds 《Biochemistry》1986,25(16):4512-4523
Rod outer segments (ROS) from frog retina have been purified by Percoll density gradient centrifugation, a procedure that preserves their form and intactness. One- and two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis reveals a smaller number of proteins than is observed in many cell organelles and permits quantitation of the 20 most abundant polypeptides. Rhodopsin accounts for 70% of the total protein (3 X 10(9) copies/outer segment), and approximately 70 other polypeptides are present at more than 6 X 10(4) copies/outer segment. Another 17% of the total protein is accounted for by the G-protein (3 X 10(8) copies/outer segment) that links rhodopsin bleaching and the activation of cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase (PDE). The phosphodiesterase accounts for 1.5% of the protein (1.5 X 10(7) copies/outer segment), and a 48,000-dalton component that binds to the membrane in the light accounts for a further 2.6%. The function of approximately 90% of the total protein in the outer segment is known, and two-thirds of the non-rhodopsin protein is accounted for by enzyme activities associated with cyclic GMP metabolism. The relative molar abundance of rhodopsin, G-protein, and PDE is 100:10:1. Apart from these major membrane-associated proteins, most of the other proteins are cytosolic. Thirteen other polypeptides are found at an abundance of one or more copies per 1000 rhodopsins, nine soluble and four membrane-bound, and their abundance relative to rhodopsin has been quantitated. ROS have been separated into subcellular fractions which resolve three classes of soluble, extrinsic membrane, and integral membrane proteins. A listing of the proteins that are phosphorylated and their subcellular localization is given. Approximately 25 phosphopeptides are detected, and most are in the soluble fraction. Fewer phosphorylated proteins are associated with the purified outer segments than with crude ROS. Distinct patterns of phosphorylation are associated with intact rods incubated with [32P]Pi and broken rods incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP.  相似文献   

Retinol dehydrogenase from bovine rod outer segments was solubilized in detergent and partially purified 25-fold through a combination of hydroxyapatite and retinyl-Sepharose chromatography. Alltrans retinol solubilized in protein solutions of bovine serum albumin or β-lactalbumin was a better substrate for the enzyme than retinol solubilized in detergents or suspended in buffer. Retinol dehydrogenase was sensitive to the carbonyl reagent pyridoxal-5′-phosphate but was not inhibited by retinal followed by reduction with NaBH4. The solubilized enzyme requires phospholipids to maintain enzymatic activity, as was evidenced by the inactivating effect of phospholipase A2 on the partially purified enzyme.  相似文献   

It is shown that nearly 70% water--soluble protein of the frog retina outer segments (ROS) consist of three polypeptides with molecular weights 39 000, 36 000 and less than 15 000 daltons. These proteins are present in equal proportions and are, apparently, the subunits of a tightly bound protein complex. The subunit of 39 000 daltons is responsible for guanyl nucleotides binding. Parameters of the investigated GTP-binding complex are similar to transducyn which transmits excitation from bleached rhodopsin to PDE molecules in the bovine retina ROS. The thermodynamic state of GTP-binding protein in frog retina ROS depends on the functional state of the photoreceptor membrane, as shown by microcalorimetric method.  相似文献   

Bovine rod outer segments (ROS) contain soluble superoxide dismutase (SOD) which from cyanide sensitivity and electrophoretic mobility appears identical to CuZn SOD of erythrocytes. Enzyme activity of ROS extracts is 200–400 times as much as remainder of retina. Frog ROS also contains a cyanide-sensitive SOD which is not due to erythrocyte contamination since the retina is avascular. SOD in ROS may inhibit free radical oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. In light, high oxygen concentrations in developing retina may activate lipid peroxidation leading to retrolental fibroplasia. High concentrations of ascorbic acid in the retina may act as a protective mechanism against superoxide.  相似文献   

Vertebrate retinal rod Outer Segments (OS) are the site of visual transduction, an energy demanding process for which mechanisms of ATP supply are still poorly known. Glycolysis or diffusion of either ATP or phosphocreatine from the Inner Segment (IS) does not seem to display adequate timing to supply ATP for phototransduction. We have previously reported data suggesting an aerobic metabolism in OS, which would largely account for the light-stimulated ATP need of the photoreceptor.Here, by oxymetry and biochemical analyses we show that: (i) disks isolated by Ficoll flotation consume O2 in the presence of physiological respiring substrates either in coupled or uncoupled conditions; (ii) OS homogenates contain the whole biochemical machinery for the degradation of glucose, i.e. glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle), consistently with the results of our previous proteomic study. Activities of the 8 TCA cycle enzymes in OS were comparable to those in retinal mitochondria-enriched fractions. Disk and OS preparations were subjected to TEM analysis, and while they can be considered free of inner segment contaminants, immunogold with specific antibodies demonstrate the expression therein of both the visual pigment rhodopsin and FoF1-ATP synthase. Finally, double immunofluorescence on mouse retina sections demonstrated a colocalization of some respiratory complex mitochondrial proteins with rhodopsin in rod OS.Data, suggestive of the exportability of the mitochondrial machinery for aerobic metabolism, may shed light on those retinal pathologies related to energy supply impairment in OS and to mutations in TCA enzymes.  相似文献   

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