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In humans, voice pitch is thought to be a cue of underlying quality and an important criterion for mate choice, but data from non-Western cultures have not been provided. Here we test attributions to and preferences for voices with raised and lowered pitch in hunter–gatherers. Using a forced-choice playback experiment, we found that both men and women viewed lower pitched voices in the opposite sex as being better at acquiring resources (e.g. hunting and gathering). While men preferred higher pitched women''s voices as marriage partners, women showed no overall preference for voice pitch in men. However, women who were currently breastfeeding had stronger preferences for higher pitched male voices whereas women not currently breastfeeding preferred lower pitched voices. As testosterone is considered a costly signal associated with dominance, heritable immunity to infection and low paternal investment, women''s preferences potentially reflect a trade-off between securing good genes and paternal investment. Men''s preferences for higher pitched female voices are probably due to an evolved preference for markers of fecundity, reflected in voice pitch.  相似文献   

The relatedness of human groups has important ramifications for kin (group) selection to favor more collective action and invites the potential for more exploitation by political leaders. Endogamous marriages among kin create intensive kinship systems with high group relatedness, while exogamous marriages among nonrelatives create extensive kinship with low group relatedness. Here, a sample of 58 societies (7,565 adults living in 353 residential groups) shows that average group relatedness is higher in lowland horticulturalists than in hunter–gatherers. Higher relatedness in horticulturalists is remarkable given that village sizes are larger, harboring over twice the average number of adults than in hunter–gatherer camps. The relatedness differential between subsistence regimes increases for larger group sizes. Large and dense networks of kin may have favored an increased propensity for some forms of in-group cooperation and political inequality that emerged relatively recently in human history, after the advent of farming.  相似文献   

Hunting is a characteristic feature of early human subsistence, and many theories of evolution have emphasized the role of hunting in hominization. Still today hunting ability continues to be selected for in extant foragers with better hunters experiencing greater reproductive success. Yet little is known about the traits that comprise a successful hunter traits that are presupposed to also be under selection. Two complementary empirical analyses were conducted to examine this question using data collected from Hadza hunter–gatherers in Tanzania. First, data on upper-body strength, running speed, target precision and visual and auditory acuity were collected to examine the traits that predict hunting reputation in men. Second, interview data were collected from Hadza informants regarding the traits they deem important for hunting. Results from the first study implicate upper-body strength as the strongest and most consistent predictor of men's hunting reputation. Hadza conventional wisdom also accord with these findings. Although informants stressed the importance of non-physical traits, such as “intelligence” and “heart”, strong arms were cited as the most important physical trait for hunting. Finally, men with stronger upper-bodies experienced greater reproductive success, a result that is largely mediated by hunting reputation. These findings suggest that selection for hunting ability may have acted on men's upper-bodies. Nevertheless, the importance of effort on strength and hunting success cannot be dismissed. This is also discussed.  相似文献   

Identifying factors that influence technological evolution in small-scale societies is important for understanding human evolution. There have been a number of attempts to identify factors that influence the evolution of food-getting technology, but little work has examined the factors that affect the evolution of other technologies. Here, we focus on variation in technological richness (total number of material items and techniques) among recent hunter–gatherers from western North America and test three hypotheses: (i) technological richness is affected by environmental risk, (ii) population size is the primary determinant of technological richness, and (iii) technological richness is constrained by residential mobility. We found technological richness to be correlated with a proxy for environmental risk—mean rainfall for the driest month—in the manner predicted by the risk hypothesis. Support for the hypothesis persisted when we controlled for shared history and intergroup contact. We found no evidence that technological richness is affected by population size or residential mobility. These results have important implications for unravelling the complexities of technological evolution.  相似文献   

Cooperative breeding in birds is much more prevalent than has been previously realized, occurring in 18.5% of oscine passerines known to have biparental care, and is the predominant social system of some ancient oscine clades. Cooperation is distributed unevenly in clades that contain both cooperative and pair breeders, and is usually confined to a few related genera in which it can be ubiquitous. Cooperative clades are species poor compared with pair-breeding clades, because pair breeders evolve migratory habits, speciate on oceanic islands and are more likely to have distributions spread across more than one biogeographic region. These differences reflect the increased capacity for colonization by pair breeders because their young disperse. Thus cooperative breeding has macroevolutionary consequences by restricting rates of speciation and macroecological implications by influencing the assembly of island and migrant faunas.  相似文献   

Hunter–gatherer Pygmies from Central Africa are described as being extremely mobile. Using neutral genetic markers and population genetics theory, we explored the dispersal behaviour of the Baka Pygmies from Cameroon, one of the largest Pygmy populations in Central Africa. We found a strong correlation between genetic and geographical distances: a pattern of isolation by distance arising from limited parent–offspring dispersal. Our study suggests that mobile hunter–gatherers do not necessarily disperse over wide geographical areas.  相似文献   

In some species, including humans, parents receive help with offspring care. A new comparative study suggests that birds breed cooperatively when environmental conditions vary. Further empirical and theoretical work will be required to understand the evolutionary significance of this insight.  相似文献   

Mesic grasslands in North America and South Africa share many structural attributes, but less is known of their functional similarities. We assessed the control of a key ecosystem process, aboveground net primary production (ANPP), by interannual variation in precipitation amount and pattern via analysis of data sets (15- and 24-year periods) from long-term research programs on each continent. Both sites were dominated by C4 grasses and had similar growing season climates; thus, we expected convergence in precipitation–ANPP relationships. Lack of convergence, however, would support an alternative hypothesis—that differences in evolutionary history and purportedly greater climatic variability in South Africa fundamentally alter the functioning of southern versus northern hemisphere grasslands. Neither mean annual precipitation nor mean ANPP differed between the South African and North American sites (838 vs. 857 mm/year, 423.5 vs. 461.4 g/m2 respectively) and growing season precipitation–ANPP relationships were similar. Despite overall convergence, there were differences between sites in how the seasonal timing of precipitation affected ANPP. In particular, interannual variability in precipitation that fell during the first half of the growing season strongly affected annual ANPP in South Africa (P < 0.01), but was not related to ANPP in North America (P = 0.098). Both sites were affected similarly by late season precipitation. Divergence in the seasonal course of available soil moisture (chronically low in the winter and early spring in the South African site vs. high in the North American site) is proposed as a key contingent factor explaining differential sensitivity in ANPP to early season precipitation in these two grasslands. These long-term data sets provided no support for greater rainfall, temperature or ANPP variability in the South African versus the North American site. However, greater sensitivity of ANPP to early season precipitation in the South African grassland suggests that future patterns of productivity may be more responsive to seasonal changes in climate compared with the North American site.  相似文献   

A total of 1,159 mitochondrial DNA samples from two Mongolian, two Siberian, and 25 South Native American populations was surveyed for the presence of the C16278T mutation, frequently found in haplogroup X. Material from 25 carriers of that mutation was then sequenced for the hypervariable segment I (HVS-I) control region, and those that still were not classifiable in classical Amerindian haplogroups were further studied. The tests involved all the control region, as well as the presence of characteristic mutations in seven coding fragments, totalling 5,760 base pairs. The results indicate that haplogroup X is not present in these samples.  相似文献   

The idea that hunter–gatherer societies experience more frequent famine than societies with other modes of subsistence is pervasive in the literature on human evolution. This idea underpins, for example, the ‘thrifty genotype hypothesis’. This hypothesis proposes that our hunter–gatherer ancestors were adapted to frequent famines, and that these once adaptive ‘thrifty genotypes’ are now responsible for the current obesity epidemic. The suggestion that hunter–gatherers are more prone to famine also underlies the widespread assumption that these societies live in marginal habitats. Despite the ubiquity of references to ‘feast and famine’ in the literature describing our hunter–gatherer ancestors, it has rarely been tested whether hunter–gatherers suffer from more famine than other societies. Here, we analyse famine frequency and severity in a large cross-cultural database, in order to explore relationships between subsistence and famine risk. This is the first study to report that, if we control for habitat quality, hunter–gatherers actually had significantly less—not more—famine than other subsistence modes. This finding challenges some of the assumptions underlying for models of the evolution of the human diet, as well as our understanding of the recent epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   


This article examines how racial and gendered images of South Asia were played out in performance at the American circus around 1900. These representations reinforced the Anglo‐American construct of a racial hierarchy in which South Asians were depicted to be static, and unable to keep pace with the Anglo‐American “race”. American circus spectacles featuring Indian subjects glorified British imperialism and helped to popularize the common colonialist stereotype that a minority of English officials were needed to rule millions of Indians. The American circus, as the most popular form of American public entertainment in an era before movies and television, helped to form a constellation of racial and sexual stereotypes concerning South Asia which continue to this day.  相似文献   


We investigate a discrete-time predator–prey system with cooperative hunting in the predators proposed by Chow et al. by determining local stability of the interior steady states analytically in certain parameter regimes. The system can have either zero, one or two interior steady states. We provide criteria for the stability of interior steady states when the system has either one or two interior steady states. Numerical examples are presented to confirm our analytical findings. It is concluded that cooperative hunting of the predators can promote predator persistence but may also drive the predator to a sudden extinction.  相似文献   



Malignant cerebral artery strokes have a poor prognosis, with nearly 80% of mortality in some series despite intensive care. After a large randomized trial, decompressive hemicraniectomy has been performed more often in stroke patients. Here, we describe patients in a tertiary teaching hospital in Brazil, emphasizing the impact of age on outcomes.


A retrospective cohort of patients, with malignant strokes which received a decompressive hemicraniectomy, from paper and electronic medical records, from January 2010 to December 2013 was divided into two groups according to age.


The final analysis included 60 patients. The overall mortality was higher among patients older than 60 yrs (67% vs. 41%; p = 0.039), whose group also had a worse outcome (76% with mRS 5 or 6) at 90 days (OR 3.91 CI95% 1.30–11.74), whereas only 24% had mRS of 0–4 (p = 0.015). All patients who presented with sepsis died (p = 0.003). The incidence of pulmonary infection was very high in the elderly group (76%) with significant intergroup differences (p = 0.027, OR 8.32 CI95% 0.70–98.48).


Older patients present more commonly with infections, more disabilities and a higher mortality, highlighting very poor results in elderly population. These results should be proved with a South American trial, and if confirmed, it can impact on future decisions regarding decompressive craniectomy for acute ischemic stroke in our region.  相似文献   

Based on information obtained from publications, online material and experienced birdwatchers we describe changes in the breeding avifauna of Israel between 2003 and 2016. We provide details on nine species that were found breeding in Israel during this period for the first time (Common Shelduck, Great Cormorant, Black-winged Kite, Caspian Tern, White-cheeked Tern, Common Wood Pigeon, Black Bush Robin, Basra Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff); two species that were found breeding in Israel after they were not documented breeding for more than 50 years (Great Crested Grebe, Pallid Scops Owl), one species that significantly extended its breeding range in Israel (Striated Heron), and two exotic species that have recently established populations in Israel (Monk Parakeet, Vinous-breasted Starling). This brings the number of bird species breeding in Israel in 2016 to 220. We also report here that out of six new breeding species reported in 2003, three species established breeding populations in Israel, while the other species did not continue to breed in Israel regularly.  相似文献   

American mink Mustela vison , originally bred in fur farms, have become established in areas occupied by native endangered Southern river otter Lontra provocax , in Patagonia. In accordance with European experience, this biological invasion in South America raises questions about the interaction between invasive mink and native otter, from the viewpoints of both community assembly and conservation. We set out (1) to find which aspects of habitat structure were related to the distribution of signs of both this invasive species and Southern river otter Lontra provocax , in Argentinean Patagonia and their most common prey and (2) to test general predictions of niche partitioning between these two species. Based on surveys of 447 of 600 m transects for otter and mink scats/footprints along the waterside of lakes and rivers in the Andean Patagonian region, we compared diet composition (from scat analysis) and micro-habitat preferences (from field signs) of the two species. Otters were more specialist than mink in habitat use and diet. Mink used different habitats in other river basins where otters were absent. Where they occurred together in the basin of the Limay River, the distributions of their signs were similar, and mink diet was more similar to that of otters. There was no detectable difference in otter diet before and after mink arrival in the Limay basin. Contrary to the prediction of niche partitioning, and to the findings of European studies, resource use by mink was more similar to that of otters where the species occurred sympatrically than where they were allopatric.  相似文献   

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