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Communication between the cytoplasm and the nucleus is a fundamental feature of eukaryotic cells. Bidirectional transport of macromolecules across the nuclear envelope is typically mediated by receptors and occurs exclusively through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). The components and molecular mechanisms regulating nucleocytoplasmic trafficking and signalling processes are well studied in animals and yeast but are poorly understood in plants. Current work shows that components of the NPC and the nuclear import and export machinery play essential roles in plant innate immunity. Translocation of defence regulators and Resistance (R) proteins between the cytoplasm and the nucleus are recently uncovered aspects of plant defence responses against pathogens. Future studies will reveal more details on the spatial and temporal dynamics and regulation of this process.  相似文献   

Should I stay or should I go? Ephs and ephrins in neuronal migration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In neuroscience, Ephs and ephrins are perhaps best known for their role in axon guidance. It was first shown in the visual system that graded expression of these proteins is instrumental in providing molecular coordinates that define topographic maps, particularly in the visual system, but also in the auditory, vomeronasal and somatosensory systems as well as in the hippocampus, cerebellum and other structures. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the role of these proteins in regulating cell-cell interactions also has an impact on cell mobility, with evidence that Eph-ephrin interactions segregate cell populations based on contact-mediated attraction or repulsion. Consistent with these studies, evidence has accumulated that Ephs and ephrins play important roles in the migration of specific cell populations in the developing and adult brain. This review focusses on two examples of neuronal migration that require Eph/ephrin signalling - radial and tangential migration of neurons in cortical development and the migration of newly generated neurons along the rostral migratory stream to the olfactory bulb in the adult brain. We discuss the challenge involved in understanding how cells determine whether they respond to signals by migration or axon guidance.  相似文献   

Drawing on fieldwork conducted among Roma living in Turin (Northern Italy), this paper analyses the processes surrounding the exit routes taken by Roma out of nomad camps. Starting with the overview of national policy to face the disadvantaged housing situation, it explores the agency and the active strategy of Roma in the improvement of their disadvantaged living condition. Housing careers are the centre of the analysis in a comparative perspective: those of Roma leaving informal slums are compared with those of Roma leaving municipality camps. The article focuses on different factors and social mechanisms that explain different pathways, in the frame of constraints and opportunities. Individual preferences and resources, as well as institutional and structural constrains are part of the explanation. The results show the complexity of the universe of preferences and opportunities, stressing advantages and weaknesses of governmental policy and other external constraints in the decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Our increasing comprehension of neural crest cell development has reciprocally advanced our understanding of cadherin expression, regulation, and function. As a transient population of multipotent stem cells that significantly contribute to the vertebrate body plan, neural crest cells undergo a variety of transformative processes and exhibit many cellular behaviors, including epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition (EMT), motility, collective cell migration, and differentiation. Multiple studies have elucidated regulatory and mechanistic details of specific cadherins during neural crest cell development in a highly contextual manner. Collectively, these results reveal that gradual changes within neural crest cells are accompanied by often times subtle, yet important, alterations in cadherin expression and function. The primary focus of this review is to coalesce recent data on cadherins in neural crest cells, from their specification to their emergence as motile cells soon after EMT, and to highlight the complexities of cadherin expression beyond our current perceptions, including the hypothesis that the neural crest EMT is a transition involving a predominantly singular cadherin switch. Further advancements in genetic approaches and molecular techniques will provide greater opportunities to integrate data from various model systems in order to distinguish unique or overlapping functions of cadherins expressed at any point throughout the ontogeny of the neural crest.  相似文献   

Capsule: Corncrake Crex crex males shift their territories and change habitat preferences across the breeding season as a consequence of anthropogenic pressure and/or to enhance the chances of reproduction through sequential polygamy.

Aims: To examine how habitat structure changed during the breeding season, whether Corncrake males responded to those changes and which habitat features were crucial when males settled and occupied territories.

Methods: Calling male Corncrakes were surveyed six times during the breeding season. In each location where a calling male was recorded, the habitat and vegetation structure was described from one to three times during the season.

Results: Corncrake males avoided extremely wet and extremely dry habitats, whereas large sedge and reed communities were much more preferred. There were significant seasonal changes in the density of vegetation and moisture content. Males were more sedentary at the beginning of the breeding season. Males significantly changed habitat preferences in short-periods of time. However, none of the habitat-related features explained whether males stayed or left the territory.

Conclusion: Corncrakes shift their territories during the breeding season in response to anthropogenic pressure (agricultural activity) as well as changes in water levels during the year. However, territorial shifts within seasons might also be caused by the appearance of fertile females in different habitats at different stages of the breeding season.  相似文献   

The question of how much time a foraging herbivore should spend in a patch of food poses a central challenge in classical foraging theory. However, there remains uncertainty about the relevance of the patch paradigm to foraging decisions by large herbivores. This paper examines evidence for successfully predicting and quantifying patch departure decisions for large mammalian herbivores foraging across several spatial and temporal scales. Departure decisions at fine scales are influenced by tradeoffs between maximizing intake rate and food quality. Classical models for departure decisions at larger spatial scales, particularly the marginal value theorem, appear inadequate. We advocate exploring alternative models for predictions of residence time at the patch scale.  相似文献   

A number of techniques are used for testing the anti-biofouling activity of surfaces, yet the correlation between different results is often questionable. In this report, the correlation between initial bacterial deposition (fast tests, reported previously) and biofilm growth (much slower tests) was analyzed on a pristine and a surface-modified reverse osmosis membrane ESPA-1. The membrane was modified with grafted hydrophilic polymers bearing negatively charged, positively charged and zwitter-ionic moieties. Using three different bacterial strains it was found that there was no general correlation between the initial bacterial deposition rates and biofilm growth on surfaces, the reasons being different for each modified surface. For the negatively charged surface the slowest deposition due to the charge repulsion was eventually succeeded by the largest biofilm growth, probably due to secretion of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that mediated a strong attachment. For the positively charged surface, short-term charge attraction by quaternary amine groups led to the fastest deposition, but could be eventually overridden by their antimicrobial activity, resulting in non-consistent results where in some cases a lower biofilm formation rate was observed. The results indicate that initial deposition rates have to be used and interpreted with great care, when used for assessing the anti-biofouling activity of surfaces. However, for a weakly interacting ‘low-fouling’ zwitter-ionic surface, the positive correlation between initial cell deposition and biofilm growth, especially under flow, suggests that for this type of coating initial deposition tests may be fairly indicative of anti-biofouling potential.  相似文献   

Actin- and microtubule-based motors can propel different cargos along filaments. Within cells, they control the distribution of membrane-bound compartments by performing complementary tasks. Organelles make long journeys along microtubules, with class V myosins ensuring their capture and their dispersal in actin-rich regions. Myosin Va is recruited on to diverse organelles, such as melanosomes and secretory vesicles, by a mechanism involving Rab GTPases. The role of myosin Va in the recruitment of secretory vesicles at the plasma membrane reveals that the cortical actin network cannot merely be seen as a physical barrier hindering vesicle access to release sites. In neurons, myosin Va controls the targeting of IP(3) (inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate)-sensitive Ca(2+) stores to dendritic spines and the transport of mRNAs. These defects probably account for the severe neurological symptoms observed in Griscelli syndrome due to mutations in the MYO5A gene.  相似文献   

Pristionchus pacificus has been developed as a model system in evolutionary developmental biology, evolutionary ecology, and population genetics. This species has a well-known ecological association with scarab beetles. Generally, Pristionchus nematodes have a necromenic association with their beetle hosts. Arrested dauer larvae invade the insect and wait for the host's death to resume development. Only one Pristionchus species is known to frequently associate with a non-scarab beetle. Pristionchus uniformis has been isolated from the chrysomelid Leptinotarsa decemlineata, also known as the Colorado potato beetle, in Europe and North America, but is also found on scarab beetles. This unusual pattern of association with two unrelated groups of beetles on two continents requires the involvement of geographical and host range expansion events. Here, we characterized a collection of 81 P. uniformis isolates from North America and Europe and from both scarab beetles and L. decemlineata. We used population genetic and phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial gene nd2 to reconstruct the genetic history of P. uniformis and its beetle association. Olfactory tests on beetles chemical extracts showed that P. uniformis has a unique chemoattractive profile toward its beetle hosts. Our results provide evidence for host range expansion through host-switching events in Europe where P. uniformis was originally associated with scarab beetles and the nematode's subsequent invasion of North America.  相似文献   

Many large and small decisions we make in our daily lives-which ice cream to choose, what research projects to pursue, which partner to marry-require an exploration of alternatives before committing to and exploiting the benefits of a particular choice. Furthermore, many decisions require re-evaluation, and further exploration of alternatives, in the face of changing needs or circumstances. That is, often our decisions depend on a higher level choice: whether to exploit well known but possibly suboptimal alternatives or to explore risky but potentially more profitable ones. How adaptive agents choose between exploitation and exploration remains an important and open question that has received relatively limited attention in the behavioural and brain sciences. The choice could depend on a number of factors, including the familiarity of the environment, how quickly the environment is likely to change and the relative value of exploiting known sources of reward versus the cost of reducing uncertainty through exploration. There is no known generally optimal solution to the exploration versus exploitation problem, and a solution to the general case may indeed not be possible. However, there have been formal analyses of the optimal policy under constrained circumstances. There have also been specific suggestions of how humans and animals may respond to this problem under particular experimental conditions as well as proposals about the brain mechanisms involved. Here, we provide a brief review of this work, discuss how exploration and exploitation may be mediated in the brain and highlight some promising future directions for research.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2011,59(5):762-768
According to life-history theory, long-lived birds should favor their survival over the current reproductive attempt, when breeding becomes too costly. In seabirds, incubation is often associated with spontaneous long-term fasting. Below a threshold in body reserves, hormonal and metabolic shift characteristics of a switch from lipid to protein utilization (phase III, PIII) occur. These metabolic changes are paralleled by nest abandonment and stimulation of refeeding behavior. Parental behavior is then under control of two hormones with opposite effects: corticosterone (CORT) and prolactin which stimulate foraging and incubation behavior, respectively.The aim of this study was to determine the respective role of these two hormones in nest abandonment by Adélie penguins. To this end, plasma hormone levels were measured before egg-laying and at departure from the colony (i.e. when birds were relieved by their partner or abandoned their nest), and related to nutritional state and incubation success.We found that males abandoning their nest in PIII presented high CORT levels and low prolactin levels. Interestingly, males which presented high plasma levels of prolactin in PIII did not abandon. We show that although CORT is the first hormone to be affected by prolonged energy constraints, the combined effects of high CORT and low prolactin levels are necessary for parents to favor self-maintenance and abandon the nest. We provide insights into time-course changes of the endocrine profile as PIII proceeds and report that reaching proteolytic late fasting is not sufficient to induce nest abandonment in a long-lived bird.  相似文献   

According to life-history theory, long-lived birds should favor their survival over the current reproductive attempt, when breeding becomes too costly. In seabirds, incubation is often associated with spontaneous long-term fasting. Below a threshold in body reserves, hormonal and metabolic shift characteristics of a switch from lipid to protein utilization (phase III, PIII) occur. These metabolic changes are paralleled by nest abandonment and stimulation of refeeding behavior. Parental behavior is then under control of two hormones with opposite effects: corticosterone (CORT) and prolactin which stimulate foraging and incubation behavior, respectively.The aim of this study was to determine the respective role of these two hormones in nest abandonment by Adélie penguins. To this end, plasma hormone levels were measured before egg-laying and at departure from the colony (i.e. when birds were relieved by their partner or abandoned their nest), and related to nutritional state and incubation success.We found that males abandoning their nest in PIII presented high CORT levels and low prolactin levels. Interestingly, males which presented high plasma levels of prolactin in PIII did not abandon. We show that although CORT is the first hormone to be affected by prolonged energy constraints, the combined effects of high CORT and low prolactin levels are necessary for parents to favor self-maintenance and abandon the nest. We provide insights into time-course changes of the endocrine profile as PIII proceeds and report that reaching proteolytic late fasting is not sufficient to induce nest abandonment in a long-lived bird.  相似文献   

Army ant colonies do not have permanent nests but frequently move to new patches. Local food depletion is considered the ultimate cause of this nomadic behaviour, but the proximate causes are not well understood. We tested if and how patch departure time of the aboveground-hunting army ant Dorylus molestus under field conditions is influenced by food availability and nest attacks by predators. In the first food supplement experiment, colonies receiving additional food throughout an entire nest stay did not reside in their nests for longer periods than control colonies. However, the distances travelled by colonies after nest stays during which colonies obtained food were shorter than those before these nest stays, indicating that colonies do assess food availability and avoid moving too far away from patches of high food availability. In the second food supplement experiment, in which colonies were given even larger amounts of food in the second half of their nest stay to mimic a rich unpredictable food source that these highly polyphagous predators are likely to encounter sometimes, patch departure times likewise did not differ between treated and control colonies. Either patch departure time is independent of food availability or there is another, as yet unappreciated proximate cause of colony movements in this species which we were unable to control for in our field experiments. One possibility is that encounters between neighbouring colonies influence patch departure time. In the experiment on the effect of predation, colonies responded to simulated nest attacks by mammals by leaving nests almost instantaneously and thus much earlier than control colonies. Rapid nest evacuation is likely a response to minimize the probability of repeat attacks by predators which cannot be repelled in other ways. Future studies will be necessary to definitively determine whether food availability influences patch departure times and to elucidate the consequences of colony encounters.  相似文献   

Dissolution of cell-cell adhesive contacts and increased cell-extracellular matrix adhesion are hallmarks of the migratory and invasive phenotype of cancer cells. These changes are facilitated by growth factor binding to receptor protein tyrosine kinases (RTKs). In normal cells, cell-cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), including some receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs), antagonize RTK signaling by promoting adhesion over migration. In cancer, RTK signaling is constitutive due to mutated or amplified RTKs, which leads to growth factor independence, or autonomy. An alternative route for a tumor cell to achieve autonomy is to inactivate cell-cell CAMs such as RPTPs. RPTPs directly mediate cell adhesion and regulate both cadherin-dependent adhesion and signaling. In addition, RPTPs antagonize RTK signaling by dephosphorylating molecules activated following ligand binding. Both RPTPs and cadherins are downregulated in tumor cells by cleavage at the cell surface. This results in shedding of the extracellular, adhesive segment and displacement of the intracellular segment, altering its subcellular localization and access to substrates or binding partners. In this commentary we discuss the signals that are altered following RPTP and cadherin cleavage to promote cell migration. Tumor cells both step on the gas (RTKs) and disconnect the brakes (RPTPs and cadherins) during their invasive and metastatic journey.  相似文献   

Dissolution of cell-cell adhesive contacts and increased cell-extracellular matrix adhesion are hallmarks of the migratory and invasive phenotype of cancer cells. These changes are facilitated by growth factor binding to receptor protein tyrosine kinases (RTKs). In normal cells, cell-cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), including some receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs), antagonize RTK signaling by promoting adhesion over migration. In cancer, RTK signaling is constitutive due to mutated or amplified RTKs, which leads to growth factor independence or autonomy. An alternative route for a tumor cell to achieve autonomy is to inactivate cell-cell CAMs such as RPTPs. RPTPs directly mediate cell adhesion and regulate both cadherin-dependent adhesion and signaling. In addition, RPTPs antagonize RTK signaling by dephosphorylating molecules activated following ligand binding. Both RPTPs and cadherins are downregulated in tumor cells by cleavage at the cell surface. This results in shedding of the extracellular, adhesive segment and displacement of the intracellular segment, altering its subcellular localization and access to substrates or binding partners. In this commentary we discuss the signals that are altered following RPTP and cadherin cleavage to promote cell migration. Tumor cells both step on the gas (RTKs) and disconnect the brakes (RPTPs and cadherins) during their invasive and metastatic journey.Key words: receptor protein tyrosine kinase, receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase, cadherins, cell adhesion, signal transduction, phospholipase C gamma, protein kinase C, catenins, IQGAP1 protein, regulated intramembrane proteolysis  相似文献   

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