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In the headwaters of the New River in western North Carolina, the dominant crayfish species changes with increasing stream size. One transition occurs between third- and fourth-order streams. Cambarus chasmodactylus is the dominant species in third-order tributaries. Orconectes cristavarius is the dominant species in the fourth-order South Fork of the New River. While adult C. chasmodactylus are present in the South Fork, the young-of-the-year (YOY) of this species are absent despite evidence of reproduction. In this study we evaluated the factors that may be responsible for the absence of C. chasmodactylus YOY from the South Fork. A field experiment was used to evaluate the role of abiotic factors and competition with YOY O. cristavarius. There was no significant effect of either of these factors on mortality or growth of C. chasmodactylus YOY. The growth rate of O. cristavarius was 3× faster than that of C. chasmodactylus in this experiment. Since neither abiotic factors nor competition appeared responsible for the exclusion of C. chasmodactylus YOY from the South Fork we evaluated the potential importance of selective predation by rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris), a fish species that is common in the South Fork but virtually absent in the tributaries. In a laboratory experiment, C. chasmodactylus YOY experienced significantly higher mortality than O. cristavarius YOY in the presence of rock bass. Field observations and a laboratory experiment suggest that the two crayfish species differ in their anti-predator behaviors. Cambarus chasmodactylus was less likely to swim when initially disturbed and swam shorter distances than O. cristavarius. The differences in escape behavior and growth rate may contribute to the differences in the vulnerability of the two species to rock bass predation. Our results suggest that intense predation pressure exerted by the rock bass may contribute to the virtual exclusion of C. chasmodactylus YOY from the fourth-order South Fork. Handling editor: J. Trexler  相似文献   

We consider a survival game of gregarious individuals, in which the aim of the players is survival to reproductive age under predator attacks. The survivor’s dilemma (shortly: SVD) game consists in the following: a group member either surely survives alone by fleeing, while its defensive mate may be killed; or tries to save its mate’s life, risking to get killed. The dilemma is that, in every single attack, fleeing ensures maximal survival probability, but if its mate survives by fighting both, and they remain together, its risk to be killed at the next attack will be lower. We show that, if defense is successful enough, then the one-attack game is a prisoner’s dilemma (PD), where fleeing is the strict ESS. We have additively decomposed the SVD game, according to the survival of the group mate of the focal prey, into two games: the aim of the “collective game” is survival of the group of prey. Counter-wise, the aim of the “hostile game” is survival alone (focal prey survives and its mate is killed by the predator). We obtain the following results: if the attack number is large enough, the multi-attack SVD game is dominated by the “collective game” in the sense that each individual can ensure its own maximal survival probability by maximizing the group survival probability in each attack. In the hostile game, the only strict ESS is the fleeing strategy. In the collective game there are two different cases: either defense is a unique strict ESS, or the collective game is bistable, i.e. fleeing and defense are local strict ESS’s. If defense is the only strict ESS in the collective game, and the attack number is large enough, defense replaces fleeing strategy in the multi-attack SVD game. However, in the bistable case, defense cannot invade into the fleeing population. It is shown that, if the interaction between relatives is frequent enough, than defense can replace fleeing strategy, in spite of the fact that in the well-mixed population the collective game is bistable.  相似文献   

DNA microarray experiments have become a widely used tool for studying gene expression. An important, but difficult, part of these experiments is deciding on the appropriate number of biological replicates to use. Often, researchers will want a number of replicates that give sufficient power to recognize regulated genes while controlling the false discovery rate (FDR) at an acceptable level. Recent advances in statistical methodology can now help to resolve this issue. Before using such methods it is helpful to understand the reasoning behind them. In this Research Focus article we explain, in an intuitive way, the effect sample size has on the FDR and power, and then briefly survey some recently proposed methods in this field of research and provide an example of use.  相似文献   

Extraction of the fluid lipid fraction from rat reticulocyte plasma membranes by phospholipase/BSA treatment leads to a reduction in the percentage of -adrenoreceptors complexed with the regulatory N-proteins and to a decrease of adenylate cyclase stimulation with a -agonist. Analysis of the data obtained on the basis of the percolation theory suggests that proteins of the adenylate cyclase complex move along the whole membrane.  相似文献   

The extinct thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) and the extant grey wolf (Canis lupus) are textbook examples of convergence between marsupials and placentals. Craniodental studies confirm the thylacine's carnivorous diet, but little attention has been paid to its postcranial skeleton, which would confirm or refute rare eyewitness reports of a more ambushing predatory mode than the pack-hunting pursuit mode of wolves and other large canids. Here we show that thylacines had the elbow morphology typical of an ambush predator, and propose that the 'Tasmanian tiger' vernacular name might be more apt than the 'marsupial wolf'. The 'niche overlap hypothesis' with dingoes (Canis lupus dingo) as a main cause of thylacine extinction in mainland Australia is discussed in the light of this new information.  相似文献   

Motor endplates in fast and slow skeletal muscles have different functional and morphological characteristics, and for brevity, are termed fast and slow respectively. We have examined the terminal arborization patterns of fast fibular and slow soleus axons 3-4 and 6 months after they reinnervated old preformed endplates or formed new ectopic endplates with denervated rat soleus muscles. Ectopic endplates formed by transplanted fibular and soleus nerves were fast and slow in appearance respectively. Both the fibular and the soleus nerves formed endplates of slow appearance when they reinnervated the original endplates. The fast appearance of ectopic fibular nerve endplates was unaffected by reinnervation of the original endplates by the slow soleus nerve. Dually innervated fibres had intermediate contraction speed compared to the fast fibres reinnervated only by the fibular nerve and the slow fibres reinnervated only by the soleus nerve. Continuous stimulation of the transplanted fibular nerve at 10 Hz for 3-4 months, starting just before the onset of ectopic endplate formation, prevented the increase in contraction speed seen without stimulation. The ectopic endplates of the stimulated axons were much smaller than usual and showed some signs of fast to slow transformation, but the transformation was incomplete and varied in degree between preparations. Transplanted soleus axons were less prone to growing along foreign pathways and to forming ectopic endplates than fibular axons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2000,10(11):R410-R411
High rates of amino-acid sequence evolution have sometimes been considered to be diagnostic for genes undergoing adaptive change. However, two recent studies have shown that rapid evolution of amino-acid sequence can also be congruent with neutrality.  相似文献   

There are many recorded cases of parasites that are capable of altering the behaviour of their host to enhance their transmission efficiency. However, not all of these cases are necessarily the results of the parasites actively manipulating host behaviour; they may rather be the 'by-products' of pathology caused by the parasite's presence. This study investigates the effect of the microphallid trematode Maritrema novaezealandensis on the behaviour of one of its crustacean intermediate hosts, the amphipod Paracalliope novizealandiae. Uninfected amphipods were experimentally infected by exposure to M. novaezealandensis cercariae. The activity level and vertical position of experimentally infected amphipods were compared with uninfected amphipods at 2 weeks and 6 weeks post-infection, i.e. both before and after the parasite achieved infectivity to its definitive host. Infected amphipods were found to exhibit significantly lower levels of activity and to occur significantly lower in the water column than uninfected controls during both periods. Based on the timing of the change in behaviour exhibited by infected amphipods, the results suggest that the altered behaviour exhibited by P. novizealandiae infected with M. novaezealandensis is most likely due to pathology caused by the parasite rather than a case of active, and adaptive, behavioural manipulation.  相似文献   

《Bioorganic chemistry》1986,14(3):249-261
Biotin methyl ester (1), 1′-N-carbomethoxy biotin methyl ester (2) and 1′-N-trifluoroacetylbiotin methyl ester (3) were treated with boron trifluoride etherate and triethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate. Whereas no reaction could be observed in the case of 3, coordination of the electrophiles to the urea oxygen could be deduced from the IR, 1H-NMR, and 13C-NMR spectra of the adducts obtained from 1 and 2. X-Ray analysis of the 1/BF3-adduct (4) confirmed the O-coordination, but showed no transannular sulfur-carbonyl interaction. From comparison of the spectral data obtained for all addition products it is concluded that none of them shows a significant transannular sulfur-carbonyl interaction. Reaction of 3 with SbF5 also formed an O-coordinated adduct (10) without sulfur transannular bonding. In magic acid (FSO3H/SbF5/SO2) both 1 and 3 added a proton to the urea oxygen, to the sulfur atom, and to the ester group, as reported previously for biotin itself. The relationship of these findings to the kinetics of acid-catalyzed NH exchange in biotin, and to possible mechanisms of biochemical biotin-catalyzed reactions, are discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1 Body orientation and wing tilting in Hipparchia semele (L.) have been explained previously both by the need for shadow-minimization (crypsis hypothesis) and by the need to regulate body temperature (thermoregulation hypothesis).
  • 2 This study tests the thermoregulation hypothesis by quantifying butterfly orientation in relation to sun position, using vector analysis, and correlating the data with ambient temperature and time of day.
  • 3 During sunshine, Graylings tend to present a maximal wing area to the sun's rays when the ambient temperature is relatively low, and a minimal area when it is high ('sunning’and‘heat-avoiding’positions respectively).
  • 4 On cool sunny days, butterflies adopt sunning positions throughout the day, whereas on warm sunny days they adopt sunning positions during the outlying periods and heat-avoiding positions in the middle period of the day. Correlations between wing exposure and both ambient temperature and time of day are statistically significant for warm sunny days.
  • 5 During overcast weather, butterfly orientation is very variable and possibly random.
  • 6 Analysis of sunny day data supports the thermoregulation hypothesis. This is discussed in relation to other known types of thermoregulatory behaviour observed in this species: stilting, shade-seeking, ground-hugging and shivering.
  • 7 Conversely, the results do not support the crypsis hypothesis.

Various studies have attempted to estimate the effective population size of HIV-1 to determine the strength of stochastic effects in within-host evolution. The largely discrepant estimates, the complexity of the concept of the effective population size and the resulting uncertainty about the underlying assumptions make the interpretation of these estimates difficult. Here, we explain the concept and critically assess the current estimates. We discuss the biologically relevant factors that affect the estimate and use of the effective population size. We argue that these factors lead to an underestimation of the effective population size and, thus, to an overestimation of the strength of stochastic effects in HIV-1 evolution.  相似文献   

Range shifts of tropical marine species to temperate latitudes are predicted to increase as a consequence of climate change. To date, the research focus on climate‐mediated range shifts has been predominately dealt with the physiological capacity of tropical species to cope with the thermal challenges imposed by temperate latitudes. Behavioural traits of individuals in the novel temperate environment have not previously been investigated, however, they are also likely to play a key role in determining the establishment success of individual species at the range‐expansion forefront. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of shoaling strategy on the performance of juvenile tropical reef fishes that recruit annually to temperate waters off the south east coast of Australia. Specifically, we compared body‐size distributions and the seasonal decline in abundance through time of juvenile tropical fishes that shoaled with native temperate species (‘mixed’ shoals) to those that shoaled only with conspecifics (as would be the case in their tropical range). We found that shoaling with temperate native species benefitted juvenile tropical reef fishes, with individuals in ‘mixed’ shoals attaining larger body‐sizes over the season than those in ‘tropical‐only’ shoals. This benefit in terms of population body‐size distributions was accompanied by greater social cohesion of ‘mixed’ shoals across the season. Our results highlight the impact that sociality and behavioural plasticity are likely to play in determining the impact on native fish communities of climate‐induced range expansion of coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

Many animals benefit from the presence of conspecifics by reducing their rate of scanning for predators while increasing their time spent foraging. This group size effect could arise from a decreased perception of individual risk (dilution hypothesis) and/or an increased ability to detect predators (detection hypothesis). We compared individual and group vigilance of Rocky Mountain elk, Cervus elaphus, in three regions of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A. that varied in their encounter frequency with coyote, Canis latrans, grizzly bear, Ursus arctos, and grey wolf,Canis lupus , predators. Adult females without calves increased scanning and decreased foraging with high encounter risk and small herd size. Adult females with calves increased scanning and decreased foraging with high encounter risk, but showed no decrease in scanning with large herd size. Yearlings increased scanning and decreased feeding with small herd size, but not with high encounter risk. Adult males were least vigilant, fed most and were not influenced by encounter risk or herd size. These age-sex class differences led to significant differences in group vigilance depending on the composition of the herd. Herds with a majority of mothers were significantly more vigilant than herds with a majority of adult males. However, these differences in group vigilance had no influence on the individual scanning of females without calves. Thus, the decrease in individual scanning with herd size may depend more on changes in individual risk than on cooperative detection of predators. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

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