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Gel precipitation and immunoelectrophoresis tests tests demonstrated the presence of thermostable antigens in dimethylbenzanthracene-induced malignant tumours of the muscle tissues of Wistar rats. These antigens were relatively tissue-specific for the tumours, amniotic fluid and the uterus on the one hand, and for the lung, spleen, and the serum on the other hand. The thermostable antigens of the tumours and the amniotic fluid had the electrophoretic mobility in the zone of alpha and alpha1-globulins.  相似文献   

We have developed a procedure to isolate the ciliary membranes of Paramecium and have analysed the membrane proteins by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels containing either Triton X-100 or sodium dodecyl sulphate. The electrophoretic pattern on gels containing sodium dodecyl sulphate showed 12-15 minor bands of mol.wt. 25 000-150 000 and on major band of mol.wt. 200 000-300 000 that contained approximately three-quarters of the total membrane protein. 2. We present evidence that the major membrane protein is related to, but not identical with, the immobilization antigen (i-antigen), which is a large (250 000 mol.w.), soluble, surface protein of Paramecium. The similarity of the i-antigen and the major membrane protein was shown by immunodiffusion and by the electrophoretic mobilities in sodium dodecyl sulphate of these two proteins from Paramecium of serotypes A and B. The non-identity of these two proteins was shown by their different electrophoretic mobilities on Triton X-100 containing gels and their different solubilities. 3. We propose that the major membrane protein and the i-antigen have a precursor-product relationship.  相似文献   

Antigens of plasma membranes in hepatocytes from regenerating rat liver were studied. Immunochemical investigation with polyvalent rabbits antiserum against plasma membrane proteins in hepatocytes from regenerating and normal rat liver have shown that liver regeneration processes are accompanied by the increase of proteins number with molecular weight of--80 kDa, 62 kDa, 40 kDa and 27 kDa. It is not excluded that protein with molecular weight of 27 kDa is the tissue-specific peripheral protein. The influence of antibodies against proteins of hepatocytes plasmatic membranes on histostructure of pathologically changed liver tissue has been studied. The data obtained testify to a possibility of participation of the above mentioned proteins in the regulation of rat liver regeneration processes.  相似文献   

The appearance of antibodies to cancer-associated antigens in biological fluids (particularly, in blood sera) of cancer patients is now a well-established fact, and their detection by immunochemical methods is a promising approach to diagnostics of malignant neoplasms. In this review, we consider some immunobiological aspects of the most extensively studied cancer-associated B-cell antigens, various applications of autoantibodies as cancer biomarkers, and prospects for the use of antigen arrays for improving diagnostic sensitivity.  相似文献   

Purified erythroid progenitor cells (CFU-E) were used to study in vitro the production of the proteins present in the plasma membrane and the membrane skeleton. At different stages of erythropoiesis incorporation of [35S]methionine was measured and membranes were isolated. Whereas incorporation in the total protein mass of the cells increased during erythropoiesis, the labeling of the membrane protein fraction decreased. The major erythrocyte membrane proteins were synthesized already in the CFU-E and continued to be made till the orthochromatic erythroblast stage. Band 3 protein, however, was made at a much lower rate. The incorporation in the late stages was only 5% of that in the CFU-E. The major changes in the protein composition of the membrane and its adherent skeleton occurred at the enucleation step.  相似文献   

The distributions of ankyrin, spectrin, band 3, and glycophorin A were examined in Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes by immunoelectron microscopy to determine whether movement of parasite proteins and membrane vesicles between the parasitophorous vacuole membrane and erythrocyte surface membrane involves internalization of host membrane skeleton proteins. Monospecific rabbit antisera to spectrin, band 3 and ankyrin and a mouse monoclonal antibody to glycophorin A reacted with these erythrocyte proteins in infected and uninfected human erythrocytes by immunoblotting. Cross-reacting malarial proteins were not detected. The rabbit sera also failed to immunoprecipitate [3H]isoleucine labeled malarial proteins from Triton X-100 and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) extracts of infected erythrocytes. These three antibodies as well as the monoclonal antibody to glycophorin A bound to the membrane skeleton of infected and uninfected erythrocytes. The parasitophorous vacuole membrane was devoid of bound antibody, a result indicating that this membrane contains little, if any, of these host membrane proteins. With ring-, trophozoite- and schizont-infected erythrocytes, spectrin, band 3 and glycophorin A were absent from intracellular membranes including Maurer's clefts and other vesicles in the erythrocyte cytoplasm. In contrast, Maurer's clefts were specifically labeled by anti-ankyrin antibody. There was a slight, corresponding decrease in labeling of the membrane skeleton of infected erythrocytes. A second, morphologically distinct population of circular, vesicle-like membranes in the erythrocyte cytoplasm was not labeled with anti-ankyrin antibody. We conclude that membrane movement between the host erythrocyte surface membrane and parasitophorous vacuole membrane involves preferential sorting of ankyrin into a subpopulation of cytoplasmic membranes.  相似文献   

PECAM-1 is a recently described member of the immunoglobulin gene (Ig) superfamily that is expressed on the surface on platelets, several leukocyte subsets, and at the endothelial cell intracellular junction. Recent studies have shown that the extracellular domain of PECAM-1, which is comprised of 6 Ig-like homology units, participates in mediating cell-cell adhesion, plays a role in initiating endothelial cell contact, and may later serve to stabilize the endothelial cell monolayer. PECAM-1 also has a relatively large 108 amino acid cytoplasmic domain, with potential sites for phosphorylation, lipid modification, and other posttranslational events that could potentially modulate its adhesive function or regulate its subcellular distribution. Virtually nothing is known about the contribution of the intracellular region of the PECAM-1 molecule to either of these cellular processes. Using human platelets as a model, we now demonstrate that PECAM-1 becomes highly phosphorylated in response to cellular activation, and coincident with phosphorylation associates with the cytoskeleton of activated, but not resting, platelets. The engagement of PECAM-1 with the platelet cytoskeleton enables it to move large distances within the plane of the membrane of fully-spread, adherent platelets. This redistribution may similarly account for the ability of PECAM-1 to localize to the intracellular borders of endothelial cells once cell-cell contact has been achieved.  相似文献   

The membrane skeleton of nonerythroid cells may be involved in a variety of processes, including the formation and maintenance of specific membrane-cytoskeletal domains. Although much has been learned about the ultrastructure and protein chemistry of the membrane skeleton, there are few direct tests of the in vivo functions of the constituent proteins of the membrane skeleton. Recent advances in molecular genetic analysis provide techniques for studying the membrane skeleton and its components in vivo. Considered here in brief detail are a variety of genetic techniques that have already been used to study cytoskeletal proteins. These techniques should also prove useful for future study of the membrane skeleton.  相似文献   

Two established techniques for analysis of plasma membranes, namely, lactoperoxidase catalyzed surface radioiodination of intact cells and bulk membrane isolation following disruption of cells by shear forces, were applied in studies of membrane proteins of continuously cultured cells of the monoclonal T lymphoma line WEHI-22. It was found that macromolecular 125I-iodide incorporated into plasma membrane proteins of intact cells was at least as good a marker for the plasma as was the commonly used enzyme 5'-nucleotidase. T lymphoma plasma membrane proteins were complex when analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulphate-containing buffers and more than thirty distinct components were resolved. More than fifteen of the components observed on a mass basis were also labelled with 125I-iodide. Certain bands, however, exhibited a degree of label disproportionate to their staining properties with Coomassie Blue. This was interpreted in terms of their accessibility to the solvent in the intact cells.  相似文献   

When intact platelets are incubated at 37 degrees C with Concanavalin A (ConA), the two major surface membrane proteins GPIIb and III become associated with the Triton-insoluble cytoskeleton. Preincubation of platelets with a variety of metabolic inhibitors, including cytochalasin B, 2-deoxy-D-glucose, and antimycin A or lidocaine, had no effect on the ability of ConA to produce this effect. These results suggested that the ConA-induced anchorage of GPIIb and III to the Triton-insoluble cytoskeleton is a passive process requiring clustering of GPIIb-III molecules but not requiring the metabolic energy of an intact cell. This was supported by experiments that showed that ConA binding to plasma membrane-rich fractions at 37 degrees C could induce association of GPIIb and III with a sedimentable actin-rich, Triton-insoluble membrane matrix. Similar results were obtained when membranes were first isolated from ConA-treated cells. Adding DNAse I, an actin depolymerizing agent, into the Triton extraction buffer inhibited the ConA-induced sedimentation of GPIIb-III and actin by 50% in the presence of Mg2+-ATP. Treatment of ConA-treated membranes with dimethyl-3,3'-dithiobispropiomidate, a bifunctional, reducible protein crosslinking agent, produced Triton-insoluble crosslinked species of discrete molecular weights. When these cross-linked species were analyzed by SDS-PAGE in the presence of beta-mercaptoethanol, they were found to be composed of a 180-200 K dalton protein, GPIIb, GPIII, and actin. Crosslinking of these components was equally effective after Triton treatment and indicated as well that the species crosslinked in the intact membrane was stable after Triton extraction. Addition of crosslinker to membranes not treated with ConA produced similar crosslinked species. Analysis of their composition on reduced gels revealed that the amounts of GPIIb and III were reduced greatly (less than 10% of the total input GPIIb and III) but that the 180-200 k dalton protein and actin content were similar to that seen with ConA-treated membranes. These results are consistent with the notion that ConA clusters mobile, unanchored molecules of GPIIb-III (approximately 90-95% of the total) around a small fraction of IIb-III that is associated with a submembranous cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Surface membrane proteins and glycoproteins of procyclic Trypanosoma rhodesiense were labeled with 125I by the use of the insoluble catalyst Iodo-Gen. Autoradiography of whole solubilized procyclic trypanosomes after sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) showed a minimum of 25 surface components to have incorporated radioactivity. These components ranged in m.w. from approximately 10,000 to approximately 285,000. Immunoprecipitation with rabbit antisera of Triton X-100 extracts of radiolabeled trypanosomes revealed a subset of at least 14 surface antigens. Two of these antigens (m.w. of 63,000 and 96,000) showed heavy incorporation of label and may be major proteins of the procyclic membrane. Sera from trypanosome-infected mice recognized an overlapping but different subset of surface antigens, including a doublet of very high m.w. Lectin precipitation using antilectin conjugates or bead-bound lectins indicated that many of the labeled surface components are glycoproteins including the two major proteins precipitated by rabbit antisera. Radiolabeled glycoproteins identified by these methods bear alpha-methyl-mannopyranoside and/or galactose residues but not N-acetyl glucosamine or fucose residues in quantity. The use of these methods in identifying potentially pathogenic trypanosomal antigens is suggested.  相似文献   

P53 protein, Ki67 proliferative associated antigen and DNA content have been studied by flow cytometry in the blood blastic cells from 41 patients with acute leukemia. The results were compared with the F.A.B. classification. Cells were permeabilised and fixed by PLP solution before using the FITC conjugated Ki67 MoAb and the p53 MoAb (clone 1801). Propidium iodide and RNAase has been used in order to determine ploidy. Ki67 and p53 protein were found to be expressed at higher level in leukemia cells than in normal bone marrow cells; however there was no correlation between Ki67 and p53 expression and F.A.B. subtype. In acute leukemia patients the range of positivity of Ki67 was 1.1-52.1% while it ranged from 1.8% to 80.1% for the p53 protein. On the basis of these findings we conclude that the flow cytometry evaluation of Ki67 and p53 represents a useful tool for the study of the biologic characteristics of the leukemic cells in patients with acute leukemia.  相似文献   

Incubation of the human promonocytic cell line U937 with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) for 72 h resulted in differentiation into immature macrophage-like cells and was accompanied by marked morphological and functional changes. U937 cells which normally grow in suspension and show a smooth surface, extended pseudopodia and became adherent to each other and to the surface of the culture vessel. Concomitant with the TPA-induced adherence U937 cells ceased to proliferate. Our results show that phorbol ester-treated U937 cells exhibited markedly increased levels of fibronectin and of the cytoskeletal proteins actin, myosin and vimentin including a reorganization of actin and vimentin filaments. The induction of both cellular adherence and growth inhibition were accompanied by a significantly reduced level of cells expressing transferrin receptors and changes in cell surface antigen expression. Here, the expression of the leukocytefunction antigens (LFA-1), including CD11 and CD18 was markedly enhanced during phorbol ester-induced differentiation. TPA-treatment, however, failed to enhance the small amount of U937 cells expressing the monocyte/macrophage-specific CD14 antigen or expressing MHC class-II antigens. A detailed analysis of the CD14 cluster by 7 differential antibodies resulted in an induction of TM1, UCHM1, MEM15, My4, and 3C10, whereas the epitopes recognized by TM2 and Mo2 remained unaltered. Neither indomethacin nor interferon-gamma were capable of inducing a marked expression of these antigen epitopes in TPA-treated cells. Although these data demonstrate that during phorbol ester-induced differentiation U937 cells acquire many properties typically associated with macrophages, the failure to express marked levels of macrophage-specific cell surface antigens suggests a transition of U937 cells from a promonocytic to an immature macrophage intermediate state rather than into mature macrophage-like cells.  相似文献   

We have been able to visualize cytoskeletal messenger RNA molecules at high resolution using nonisotopic in situ hybridization followed by whole-mount electron microscopy. Biotinated cDNA probes for actin, tubulin, or vimentin mRNAs were hybridized to Triton-extracted chicken embryo fibroblasts and myoblasts. The cells were then exposed to antibodies against biotin followed by colloidal gold-conjugated antibodies and then critical-point dried. Identification of mRNA was possible using a probe fragmented to small sizes such that hybridization of several probe fragments along the mRNA was detected as a string of colloidal gold particles qualitatively and quantitatively distinguishable from nonspecific background. Extensive analysis showed that when eight gold particles were seen in this iterated array, the signal to noise ratio was greater than 30:1. Furthermore, these gold particles were colinear, often spiral, or circular suggesting detection of a single nucleic acid molecule. Antibodies against actin, vimentin, or tubulin proteins were used after in situ hybridization, allowing simultaneous detection of the protein and its cognate message on the same sample. This revealed that cytoskeletal mRNAs are likely to be extremely close to actin protein (5 nm or less) and unlikely to be within 20 nm of vimentin or tubulin filaments. Actin mRNA was found to be more predominant in lamellipodia of motile cells, confirming previous results. These results indicate that this high resolution in situ hybridization approach is a powerful tool by which to investigate the association of mRNA with the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The sea urchin embryo is a classical model system for studying the role of the cytoskeleton in such events as fertilization, mitosis, cleavage, cell migration and gastrulation. We have conducted an analysis of gene models derived from the Strongylocentrotus purpuratus genome assembly and have gathered strong evidence for the existence of multiple gene families encoding cytoskeletal proteins and their regulators in sea urchin. While many cytoskeletal genes have been cloned from sea urchin with sequences already existing in public databases, genome analysis reveals a significantly higher degree of diversity within certain gene families. Furthermore, genes are described corresponding to homologs of cytoskeletal proteins not previously documented in sea urchins. To illustrate the varying degree of sequence diversity that exists within cytoskeletal gene families, we conducted an analysis of genes encoding actins, specific actin-binding proteins, myosins, tubulins, kinesins, dyneins, specific microtubule-associated proteins, and intermediate filaments. We conducted ontological analysis of select genes to better understand the relatedness of urchin cytoskeletal genes to those of other deuterostomes. We analyzed developmental expression (EST) data to confirm the existence of select gene models and to understand their differential expression during various stages of early development.  相似文献   

The enzymatic carboxyl methyl esterification of erythrocyte membrane proteins has been investigated in three different age-related fractions of human erythrocytes. When erythrocytes of different mean age, separated by density gradient centrifugation, were incubated under physiological conditions (pH 7.4, 37 degrees C) in the presence of L-[methyl-3H]methionine, the precursor in vivo of the methyl donor S-adenosylmethionine, a fourfold increase in membrane-protein carboxyl methylation was observed in the oldest cells compared with the youngest ones. The identification of methylated species, based on comigration of radioactivity with proteins stained with Coomassie blue, analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, shows, in all cell fractions, a pattern similar to that reported for unfractionated erythrocytes. However in the membrane of the oldest erythrocytes the increase in methylation of the cytoskeletal proteins, bands 2.1 and 4.1, appears to be significantly more marked compared with that observed in the other methylated polypeptides. Furthermore the turnover rate of incorporated [3H]methyl groups in the membrane proteins of the oldest cells markedly increases during cell ageing. Particularly in band 4.1 the age-related increase in methyl esterification is accompanied by a significant reduction of the half-life of methyl esters. The activity of cytoplasmic protein methylase II does not change during cell ageing, while the isolated ghosts from erythrocytes of different age show an age-related increased ability to act as methyl-accepting substrates, when incubated in presence of purified protein methylase II and methyl-labelled S-adenosylmethionine, therefore the relevance of membrane structure in determining membrane protein methylation levels can be postulated. Finally the possible correlation of this posttranslational protein modification with erythrocyte ageing is discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual cell fusion occurs between NC4 and HM1, the heterothallic strains in Dictyostelium discoideum. Cells of these strains are fusion incompetent when cultured on agar plates in the light and become fusion competent upon cultivation in a liquid medium in darkness. Two cell-surface components, gp70 and gp138, have been identified and characterized as being relevant to sexual cell fusion. Both are glycoproteins, and the former is detected only in fusion-competent HM1 cells, while the latter is detected both in fusion-competent HM1 and fusion-competent NC4 cells. We therefore suspect gp 70 to be responsible for cell recognition and gp138, for membrane fusion. Therefore, NC4 cells are expected to possess specific surface molecule(s) that can be recognized by HM1 cells. In the present study, we raised monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against membrane fractions of NC4 cells and selected fusion-inhibiting mAbs to identify novel molecules related to sexual cell fusion in D. discoideum. Out of the five mAbs we obtained three, DE1, GG6, and HH9, were characterized. DE1 recognized antigens that specifically existed in fusion-competent NC4 cells but not in fusion-incompetent NC4 or HM1 cells. GG6 recognized cell-surface proteins with approximate molecular weights of 125 and 32 kDa in both fusion-competent NC4 and fusion-competent HM1 cells. In addition GG6 also recognised other proteins commonly present in fusion-incompetent cells. The 125 kDa protein appeared to be the same as gp138. The epitope recognized by HH9 was sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-sensitive.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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