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The rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) has resulted in extensive research efforts to understand its impact on terrestrial ecosystems, especially carbon balance. Despite these efforts, there are relatively few data comparing net ecosystem exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and the biosphere (NEE), under both ambient and elevated Ca. Here we report data on annual sums of CO2 (NEEnet) for 19 years on a Chesapeake Bay tidal wetland for Scirpus olneyi (C3 photosynthetic pathway)‐ and Spartina patens (C4 photosynthetic pathway)‐dominated high marsh communities exposed to ambient and elevated Ca (ambient + 340 ppm). Our objectives were to (i) quantify effects of elevated Ca on seasonally integrated CO2 assimilation (NEEnet = NEEday + NEEnight, kg C m?2 y?1) for the two communities; and (ii) quantify effects of altered canopy N content on ecosystem photosynthesis and respiration. Across all years, NEEnet averaged 1.9 kg m?2 y?1 in ambient Ca and 2.5 kg m?2 y?1 in elevated Ca, for the C3‐dominated community. Similarly, elevated Ca significantly (P < 0.01) increased carbon uptake in the C4‐dominated community, as NEEnet averaged 1.5 kg m?2 y?1 in ambient Ca and 1.7 kg m?2 y?1 in elevated Ca. This resulted in an average CO2 stimulation of 32% and 13% of seasonally integrated NEEnet for the C3‐ and C4‐dominated communities, respectively. Increased NEEday was correlated with increased efficiencies of light and nitrogen use for net carbon assimilation under elevated Ca, while decreased NEEnight was associated with lower canopy nitrogen content. These results suggest that rising Ca may increase carbon assimilation in both C3‐ and C4‐dominated wetland communities. The challenge remains to identify the fate of the assimilated carbon.  相似文献   

We used eddy covariance and biomass measurements to quantify the carbon (C) dynamics of a naturally regenerated longleaf pine/slash pine flatwoods ecosystem in north Florida for 4 years, July 2000 to June 2002 and 2004 to 2005, to quantify how forest type, silvicultural intensity and environment influence stand‐level C balance. Precipitation over the study periods ranged from extreme drought (July 2000–June 2002) to above‐average precipitation (2004 and 2005). After photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), vapor pressure deficit (VPD) >1.5 kPa and air temperature <10 °C were important constraints on daytime half‐hourly net CO2 exchange (NEEday) and reduced the magnitude of midday CO2 exchange by >5 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1. Analysis of water use efficiency indicated that stomatal closure at VPD>1.5 kPa moderated transpiration similarly in both drought and wet years. Night‐time exchange (NEEnight) was an exponential function of air temperature, with rates further modulated by soil moisture. Estimated annual net ecosystem production (NEP) was remarkably consistent among the four measurement years (range: 158–192 g C m?2 yr?1). In comparison, annual ecosystem C assimilation estimates from biomass measurements between 2000 and 2002 ranged from 77 to 136 g C m?2 yr?1. Understory fluxes accounted for approximately 25–35% of above‐canopy NEE over 24‐h periods, and 85% and 27% of whole‐ecosystem fluxes during night and midday (11:00–15:00 hours) periods, respectively. Concurrent measurements of a nearby intensively managed slash pine plantation showed that annual NEP was three to four times greater than that of the Austin Cary Memorial Forest, highlighting the importance of silviculture and management in regulating stand‐level C budgets.  相似文献   

Invasive insects impact forest carbon dynamics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Invasive insects can impact ecosystem functioning by altering carbon, nutrient, and hydrologic cycles. In this study, we used eddy covariance to measure net CO2 exchange with the atmosphere (NEE), and biometric measurements to characterize net ecosystem productivity (NEP) in oak‐ and pine‐dominated forests that were defoliated by Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Three years of data were used to compare C dynamics; 2005 with minimal defoliation, 2006 with partial defoliation of the canopy and understory in a mixed stand, and 2007 with complete defoliation of an oak‐dominated stand, and partial defoliation of the mixed and pine‐dominated stands. Previous to defoliation in 2005, annual net CO2 exchange (NEEyr) was estimated at ?187, ?137 and ?204 g C m?2 yr?1 at the oak‐, mixed‐, and pine‐dominated stands, respectively. Annual NEP estimated from biometric measurements was 108%, 100%, and 98% of NEEyr in 2005 for the oak‐, mixed‐, and pine‐dominated stands, respectively. Gypsy moth defoliation strongly reduced fluxes in 2006 and 2007 compared with 2005; NEEyr was ?122, +103, and ?161 g C m?2 yr?1 in 2006, and +293, +129, and ?17 g C m?2 yr?1 in 2007 at the oak‐, mixed‐, and pine‐dominated stands, respectively. At the landscape scale, Gypsy moths defoliated 20.2% of upland forests in 2007. We calculated that defoliation in these upland forests reduced NEEyr by 41%, with a 55% reduction in the heavily impacted oak‐dominated stands. ‘Transient’ disturbances such as insect defoliation, nonstand replacing wildfires, and prescribed burns are major factors controlling NEE across this landscape, and when integrated over time, may explain much of the patterning of aboveground biomass and forest floor mass in these upland forests.  相似文献   

Soil CO2 efflux was measured in clear‐cut and intact plots in order to quantify the impact of harvest on soil respiration in an intensively managed Eucalyptus plantation, and to evaluate the increase in heterotrophic component of soil respiration because of the decomposition of harvest residues. Soil CO2 effluxes showed a pronounced seasonal trend, which was well related to the pattern of precipitation and soil water content and were always significantly lower in the clear‐cut plots than in the intact plots. On an annual basis, soil respiration represented 1.57 and 0.91 kgC m?2 yr?1 in intact and clear‐cut plots, respectively. During the first year following harvest, residues have lost 0.79 kgC m?2 yr?1. Our estimate of heterotrophic respiration was calculated assuming that it was similar to soil respiration in the clear‐cut area except that the decomposition of residues did not occur, and it was further corrected for differences in soil water content between intact and clear‐cut plots and for the cessation of leaf and fine root turnover in clear cut. Heterotrophic respiration in clear‐cut plots was estimated at 1.18 kgC m?2 yr?1 whereas it was only 0.65 kgC m?2 yr?1 in intact plots (41% of soil respiration). Assumptions and uncertainties with these calculations are discussed.  相似文献   

Efforts to characterize carbon (C) cycling among atmosphere, forest canopy, and soil C pools are hindered by poorly quantified fine root dynamics. We characterized the influence of free‐air‐CO2‐enrichment (ambient +200 ppm) on fine roots for a period of 6 years (Autumn 1998 through Autumn 2004) in an 18‐year‐old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation near Durham, NC, USA using minirhizotrons. Root production and mortality were synchronous processes that peaked most years during spring and early summer. Seasonality of fine root production and mortality was not influenced by atmospheric CO2 availability. Averaged over all 6 years of the study, CO2 enrichment increased average fine root standing crop (+23%), annual root length production (+25%), and annual root length mortality (+36%). Larger increase in mortality compared with production with CO2 enrichment is explained by shorter average fine root lifespans in elevated plots (500 days) compared with controls (574 days). The effects of CO2‐enrichment on fine root proliferation tended to shift from shallow (0–15 cm) to deeper soil depths (15–30) with increasing duration of the study. Diameters of fine roots were initially increased by CO2‐enrichment but this effect diminished over time. Averaged over 6 years, annual fine root NPP was estimated to be 163 g dw m?2 yr?1 in CO2‐enriched plots and 130 g dw m?2 yr?1 in control plots (P= 0.13) corresponding to an average annual additional input of fine root biomass to soil of 33 g m?2 yr?1 in CO2‐enriched plots. A lack of consistent CO2× year effects suggest that the positive effects of CO2 enrichment on fine root growth persisted 6 years following minirhizotron tube installation (8 years following initiation of the CO2 fumigation). Although CO2‐enrichment contributed to extra flow of C into soil in this experiment, the magnitude of the effect was small suggesting only modest potential for fine root processes to directly contribute to soil C storage in south‐eastern pine forests.  相似文献   

We explore the potential role of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) on isoprene emissions using a global coupled land–atmosphere model [Community Atmospheric Model–Community Land Model (CAM–CLM)] for recent (year 2000, 365 ppm CO2) and future (year 2100, 717 ppm CO2) conditions. We incorporate an empirical model of observed isoprene emissions response to both ambient CO2 concentrations in the long‐term growth environment and short‐term changes in intercellular CO2 concentrations into the MEGAN biogenic emission model embedded within the CLM. Accounting for CO2 inhibition has little impact on predictions of present‐day global isoprene emission (increase from 508 to 523 Tg C yr?1). However, the large increases in future isoprene emissions typically predicted in models, which are due to a projected warmer climate, are entirely offset by including the CO2 effects. Projected global isoprene emissions in 2100 drop from 696 to 479 Tg C yr?1 when this effect is included, maintaining future isoprene sources at levels similar to present day. The isoprene emission response to CO2 is dominated by the long‐term growth environment effect, with modulations of 10% or less due to the variability in intercellular CO2 concentration. As a result, perturbations to isoprene emissions associated with changes in ambient CO2 are largely aseasonal, with little diurnal variability. Future isoprene emissions increase by more than a factor of two in 2100 (to 1242 Tg C yr?1) when projected changes in vegetation distribution and leaf area density are included. Changing land cover and the role of nutrient limitation on CO2 fertilization therefore remain the largest source of uncertainty in isoprene emission prediction. Although future projections suggest a compensatory balance between the effects of temperature and CO2 on isoprene emission, the enhancement of isoprene emission due to lower ambient CO2 concentrations did not compensate for the effect of cooler temperatures over the last 400 thousand years of the geologic record (including the Last Glacial Maximum).  相似文献   

In the sporadic permafrost zone of northwestern Canada, boreal forest carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes will be altered directly by climate change through changing meteorological forcing and indirectly through changes in landscape functioning associated with thaw‐induced collapse‐scar bog (‘wetland’) expansion. However, their combined effect on landscape‐scale net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEELAND), resulting from changing gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER), remains unknown. Here, we quantify indirect land cover change impacts on NEELAND and direct climate change impacts on modeled temperature‐ and light‐limited NEELAND of a boreal forest–wetland landscape. Using nested eddy covariance flux towers, we find both GPP and ER to be larger at the landscape compared to the wetland level. However, annual NEELAND (?20 g C m?2) and wetland NEE (?24 g C m?2) were similar, suggesting negligible wetland expansion effects on NEELAND. In contrast, we find non‐negligible direct climate change impacts when modeling NEELAND using projected air temperature and incoming shortwave radiation. At the end of the 21st century, modeled GPP mainly increases in spring and fall due to reduced temperature limitation, but becomes more frequently light‐limited in fall. In a warmer climate, ER increases year‐round in the absence of moisture stress resulting in net CO2 uptake increases in the shoulder seasons and decreases during the summer. Annually, landscape net CO2 uptake is projected to decline by 25 ± 14 g C m?2 for a moderate and 103 ± 38 g C m?2 for a high warming scenario, potentially reversing recently observed positive net CO2 uptake trends across the boreal biome. Thus, even without moisture stress, net CO2 uptake of boreal forest–wetland landscapes may decline, and ultimately, these landscapes may turn into net CO2 sources under continued anthropogenic CO2 emissions. We conclude that NEELAND changes are more likely to be driven by direct climate change rather than by indirect land cover change impacts.  相似文献   

Atmospheric measurements and land‐based inventories imply that terrestrial ecosystems in the northern hemisphere are taking up significant amounts of anthropogenic cabon dioxide (CO2) emissions; however, there is considerable disagreement about the causes of this uptake, and its expected future trajectory. In this paper, we use the ecosystem demography (ED) model to quantify the contributions of disturbance history, CO2 fertilization and climate variability to the past, current, and future terrestrial carbon fluxes in the Eastern United States. The simulations indicate that forest regrowth following agricultural abandonment accounts for uptake of 0.11 Pg C yr?1 in the 1980s and 0.15 Pg C yr?1 in the 1990s, and regrowth following forest harvesting accounts for an additional 0.1 Pg C yr?1 of uptake during both these decades. The addition of CO2 fertilization into the model simulations increases carbon uptake rates to 0.38 Pg C yr?1 in the 1980s and 0.47 Pg C yr?1 in the 1990s. Comparisons of predicted aboveground carbon uptake to regional‐scale forest inventory measurements indicate that the model's predictions in the absence of CO2 fertilization are 14% lower than observed, while in the presence of CO2 fertilization, predicted uptake rates are 28% larger than observed. Comparable results are obtained from comparisons of predicted total Net Ecosystem Productivity to the carbon fluxes observed at the Harvard Forest flux tower site and in model simulations free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments. These results imply that disturbance history is the principal mechanism responsible for current carbon uptake in the Eastern United States, and that conventional biogeochemical formulations of plant growth overestimate the response of plants to rising CO2 levels. Model projections out to 2100 imply that the carbon uptake arising from forest regrowth will increasingly be dominated by forest regrowth following harvesting. Consequently, actual carbon storage declines to near zero by the end of the 21st century as the forest regrowth that has occurred since agricultural abandonment comes into equilibrium with the landscape's new disturbance regime. Incorporating interannual climate variability into the model simulations gives rise to large interannual variation in regional carbon fluxes, indicating that long‐term measurements are necessary to detect the signature of processes that give rise to long‐term uptake and storage.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) were made in a Florida scrub‐oak ecosystem in August 1997 and then every month between April 2000 to July 2001, using open top chambers (NEEO) and eddy covariance (NEEE). This study provided a cross validation of these two different techniques for measuring NEE. Unique characteristics of the comparison were that the measurements were made simultaneously, in the same stand, with large replicated chambers enclosing a representative portion of the ecosystem (75 m2, compared to approximately 1–2 ha measured by the eddy covariance system). The value of the comparison was greatest at night, when the microclimate was minimally affected by the chambers. For six of the 12 measurement periods, night NEEO was not significantly different to night NEEE, and for the other periods the maximum difference was 1.1 µ mol m ? 2s ? 1, with an average of 0.72 ± 0.09 µ mol m ? 2s ? 1. The comparison was more difficult during the photoperiod, because of differences between the microclimate inside and outside the chambers. During the photoperiod, air temperature (Tair) and air vapour pressure deficits (VPD) became progressively higher inside the chambers until mid‐afternoon. In the morning NEEO was higher than NEEE by about 26%, consistent with increased temperature inside the chambers. Over the mid‐day period and the afternoon, NEEO was 8% higher that NEEE, regardless of the large differences in microclimate. This study demonstrates both the uses and difficulties associated with attempting to cross validate NEE measurements made in chambers and using eddy covariance. The exercise was most useful at night when the chamber had a minimal effect on microclimate, and when the measurement of NEE is most difficult.  相似文献   

We report the results of a 2‐year study of effects of the elevated (current ambient plus 350 μmol CO2 mol?1) atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca) on net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) of a scrub–oak ecosystem. The measurements were made in open‐top chambers (OTCs) modified to function as open gas‐exchange systems. The OTCs enclosed samples of the ecosystem (ca. 10 m2 surface area) that had regenerated after a fire, 5 years before, in either current ambient or elevated Ca. Throughout the study, elevated Ca increased maximum NEE (NEEmax) and the apparent quantum yield of the NEE (φNEE) during the photoperiod. The magnitude of the stimulation of NEEmax, expressed per unit ground area, was seasonal, rising from 50% in the winter to 180% in the summer. The key to this stimulation was effects of elevated Ca, and their interaction with the seasonal changes in the environment, on ecosystem leaf area index, photosynthesis and respiration. The separation of these factors was difficult. When expressed per unit leaf area the stimulation of the NEEmax ranged from 7% to 60%, with the increase being dependent on increasing soil water content (Wsoil). At night, the CO2 effluxes from the ecosystem (NEEnight) were on an average 39% higher in elevated Ca. However, the increase varied between 6% and 64%, and had no clear seasonality. The partitioning of NEEnight into its belowground (Rbelow) and aboveground (Rabove) components was carried out in the winter only. A 35% and 27% stimulation of NEEnight in December 1999 and 2000, respectively, was largely due to a 26% and 28% stimulation of Rbelow in the respective periods, because Rbelow constituted ca. 87% of NEEnight. The 37% and 42% stimulation of Rabove in December 1999 and 2000, respectively, was less than the 65% and 80% stimulation of the aboveground biomass by elevated Ca at these times. An increase in the relative amount of the aboveground biomass in woody tissue, combined with a decrease in the specific rate of stem respiration of the dominant species Quercus myrtifolia in elevated Ca, was responsible for this effect. Throughout this study, elevated Ca had a greater effect on carbon uptake than on carbon loss, in terms of both the absolute flux and relative stimulation. Consequently, for this scrub–oak ecosystem carbon sequestration was greater in the elevated Ca during this 2‐year study period.  相似文献   

Arid grassland ecosystems have significant interannual variation in carbon exchange; however, it is unclear how environmental factors influence carbon exchange in different hydrological years. In this study, the eddy covariance technique was used to investigate the seasonal and interannual variability of CO2 flux over a temperate desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, China from 2008 to 2010. The amounts and times of precipitation varied significantly throughout the study period. The precipitation in 2009 (186.4 mm) was close to the long-term average (183.9±47.6 mm), while the precipitation in 2008 (136.3 mm) and 2010 (141.3 mm) was approximately a quarter below the long-term average. The temperate desert steppe showed carbon neutrality for atmospheric CO2 throughout the study period, with a net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE) of −7.2, −22.9, and 26.0 g C m−2 yr−1 in 2008, 2009, and 2010, not significantly different from zero. The ecosystem gained more carbon in 2009 compared to other two relatively dry years, while there was significant difference in carbon uptake between 2008 and 2010, although both years recorded similar annual precipitation. The results suggest that summer precipitation is a key factor determining annual NEE. The apparent quantum yield and saturation value of NEE (NEEsat) and the temperature sensitivity coefficient of ecosystem respiration (Reco) exhibited significant variations. The values of NEEsat were −2.6, −2.9, and −1.4 µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 in 2008, 2009, and 2010, respectively. Drought suppressed both the gross primary production (GPP) and Reco, and the drought sensitivity of GPP was greater than that of Reco. The soil water content sensitivity of GPP was high during the dry year of 2008 with limited soil moisture availability. Our results suggest the carbon balance of this temperate desert steppe was not only sensitive to total annual precipitation, but also to its seasonal distribution.  相似文献   

Eddy covariance was used to measure the net CO2 exchange (NEE) over ecosystems differing in land use (forest and agriculture) in Thuringia, Germany. Measurements were carried out at a managed, even‐aged European beech stand (Fagus sylvatica, 70–150 years old), an unmanaged, uneven‐aged mixed beech stand in a late stage of development (F. sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Acer pseudoplantanus, and other hardwood trees, 0–250 years old), a managed young Norway spruce stand (Picea abies, 50 years old), and an agricultural field growing winter wheat in 2001, and potato in 2002. Large contrasts were found in NEE rates between the land uses of the ecosystems. The managed and unmanaged beech sites had very similar net CO2 uptake rates (~?480 to ?500 g C m?2 yr?1). Main differences in seasonal NEE patterns between the beech sites were because of a later leaf emergence and higher maximum leaf area index at the unmanaged beech site, probably as a result of the species mix at the site. In contrast, the spruce stand had a higher CO2 uptake in spring but substantially lower net CO2 uptake in summer than the beech stands. This resulted in a near neutral annual NEE (?4 g C m?2 yr?1), mainly attributable to an ecosystem respiration rate almost twice as high as that of the beech stands, despite slightly lower temperatures, because of the higher elevation. Crops in the agricultural field had high CO2 uptake rates, but growing season length was short compared with the forest ecosystems. Therefore, the agricultural land had low‐to‐moderate annual net CO2 uptake (?34 to ?193 g C m?2), but with annual harvest taken into account it will be a source of CO2 (+97 to +386 g C m?2). The annually changing patchwork of crops will have strong consequences on the regions' seasonal and annual carbon exchange. Thus, not only land use, but also land‐use history and site‐specific management decisions affect the large‐scale carbon balance.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric CO2 has been predicted to reduce litter decomposition as a result of CO2‐induced reductions in litter quality. However, available data have not supported this hypothesis in mesic ecosystems, and no data are available for desert or semi‐arid ecosystems, which account for more than 35% of the Earth's land area. The objective of our study was to explore controls on litter decomposition in the Mojave Desert using elevated CO2 and interannual climate variability as driving environmental factors. In particular, we sought to evaluate the extent to which decomposition is modulated by litter chemistry (C:N) and litter species and tissue composition. Naturally senesced litter was collected from each of nine 25 m diameter experimental plots, with six plots exposed to ambient [CO2] or 367 μL CO2 L?1 and three plots continuously fumigated with elevated [CO2] (550 μL CO2 L?1) using FACE technology beginning in April 1997. All litter collected in 1998 (a wet, or El Niño year; 306 mm precipitation) was pooled as was litter collected in 1999 (a dry year; 94 mm). Samples were allowed to decompose for 4 and 12 months starting in May 2001 in mesh litterbags in the locations from which litter was collected. Decomposition of litter produced under elevated CO2 and ambient CO2 did not differ. Litter produced in the wetter year showed more rapid initial decomposition (over the first 4 months) than that produced in the drier year (27±2% yr?1 or 7.8±0.7 g m?2 yr?1 for 1998 litter; 18±3% yr?1 or 2.2±0.4 g m?2 yr?1 for 1999 litter). C:N ratios of litter produced under elevated CO2 (wet year: 37±0.5; dry year: 42±2.5) were higher than those of litter produced under ambient CO2 (wet year: 34±1.1; dry year: 35±1.4). Litter production in the wet year (amb. CO2: 25.1±1.1 g m?2 yr?1; elev. CO2: 35.0±1.1 g m?2 yr?1) was more than twice as high as that in the dry year (amb. CO2: 11.6±1.7 g m?2, elev. CO2: 13.3±3.4 g m?2), and contained a greater proportion of Lycium pallidum and a lower proportion of Larrea tridentata than litter produced in the dry year. Decomposition, viewed across all treatments, decreased with increasing C:N ratios, decreased with increasing proportions of Larrea tridentata and increased with increasing proportions of Lycium pallidum and Lycium andersonii. Because litter C:N did not vary by litter production year, and CO2 did not alter decomposition or litter species/tissue composition, it is likely that the impact of year‐to‐year variation in precipitation on the proportion of key plant species in the litter may be the most important way in which litter decomposition will be modulated in the Mojave Desert under future rising atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

This study analyzes 9 years of eddy‐covariance (EC) data carried out in a Pacific Northwest Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menzesii) forest (58‐year old in 2007) on the east coast of Vancouver Island, Canada, and characterizes the seasonal and interannual variability in net ecosystem productivity (NEP), gross primary productivity (GPP), and ecosystem respiration (Re) and primary climatic controls on these fluxes. The annual values (± SD) of NEP, GPP and Re were 357 ± 51, 2124 ± 125, and 1767 ± 146 g C m?2 yr?1, respectively, with ranges of 267–410, 1592–2338, and 1642–2071 g C m?2 yr?1, respectively. Spring to early summer (March–June) accounted for more than 80% of annual NEP while late spring to early autumn (May–August) was mainly responsible for its interannual variability (~80%). The major drivers of interannual variability in annual carbon (C) fluxes were annual and spring mean air temperatures (Ta) and water deficiency during late summer and autumn (July–October) when this Douglas‐fir forest growth was often water‐limited. Photosynthetically active radiation (Q), and the combination of Q and soil water content (θ) explained 85% and 91% of the variance of monthly GPP, respectively; and 91% and 96% of the variance of monthly Re was explained by Ta and the combination of Ta and θ, respectively. Annual net C sequestration was high during optimally warm and normal precipitation years, but low in unusually warm or severely dry years. Excluding 1998 and 1999, the 2 years strongly affected by an El Niño/La Niña cycle, annual NEP significantly decreased with increasing annual mean Ta. Annual NEP will likely decrease whereas both annual GPP and Re will likely increase if the future climate at the site follows a trend similar to that of the past 40 years.  相似文献   

Arid ecosystems, which occupy about 35% of the Earth's terrestrial surface area, are believed to be among the most responsive to elevated [CO2]. Net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) was measured in the eighth year of CO2 enrichment at the Nevada Desert Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) Facility between the months of December 2003–December 2004. On most dates mean daily NEE (24 h) (μmol CO2 m?2 s?1) of ecosystems exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2 were similar to those maintained at current ambient CO2 levels. However, on sampling dates following rains, mean daily NEEs of ecosystems exposed to elevated [CO2] averaged 23 to 56% lower than mean daily NEEs of ecosystems maintained at ambient [CO2]. Mean daily NEE varied seasonally across both CO2 treatments, increasing from about 0.1 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in December to a maximum of 0.5–0.6 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in early spring. Maximum NEE in ecosystems exposed to elevated CO2 occurred 1 month earlier than it did in ecosystems exposed to ambient CO2, with declines in both treatments to lowest seasonal levels by early October (0.09±0.03 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1), but then increasing to near peak levels in late October (0.36±0.08 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1), November (0.28±0.03 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1), and December (0.54±0.06 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1). Seasonal patterns of mean daily NEE primarily resulted from larger seasonal fluctuations in rates of daytime net ecosystem CO2 uptake which were closely tied to plant community phenology and precipitation. Photosynthesis in the autotrophic crust community (lichens, mosses, and free‐living cyanobacteria) following rains were probably responsible for the high NEEs observed in January, February, and late October 2004 when vascular plant photosynthesis was low. Both CO2 treatments were net CO2 sinks in 2004, but exposure to elevated CO2 reduced CO2 sink strength by 30% (positive net ecosystem productivity=127±17 g C m?2 yr?1 ambient CO2 and 90±11 g C m?2 yr?1 elevated CO2, P=0.011). This level of net C uptake rivals or exceeds levels observed in some forested and grassland ecosystems. Thus, the decrease in C sequestration seen in our study under elevated CO2– along with the extensive coverage of arid and semi‐arid ecosystems globally – points to a significant drop in global C sequestration potential in the next several decades because of responses of heretofore overlooked dryland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Emissions of N2O were measured during the growth season over a year from grass swards under ambient (360 μL L?1) and elevated (600 μL L?1) CO2 partial pressures at the Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiment, Eschikon, Switzerland. Measurements were made following high (56 g N m?2 yr?1) and low (14 g N m?2 yr?1) rates of fertilizer application, split over 5 re‐growth periods, to Lolium perenne, Trifolium repens and mixed Lolium/Trifolium swards. Elevated pCO2 increased annual emissions of N2O from the high fertilized Lolium and mixed Lolium/Trifolium swards resulting in increases in GWP (N2O emissions) of 179 and 111 g CO2 equivalents m?2, respectively, compared with the GWP of ambient pCO2 swards, but had no significant effect on annual emissions from Trifolium monoculture swards. The greater emissions from the high fertilized elevated pCO2Lolium swards were attributed to greater below‐ground C allocation under elevated pCO2 providing the energy for denitrification in the presence of excess mineral N. An annual emission of 959 mg N2O‐N m?2 yr?1 (1.7% of fertilizer N applied) was measured from the high fertilized Lolium sward under elevated pCO2. The magnitude of emissions varied throughout the year with 84% of the total emission from the elevated pCO2Lolium swards measured during the first two re‐growths (April–June 2001). This was associated with higher rainfall and soil water contents at this time of year. Trends in emissions varied between the first two re‐growths (April–June 2001) and the third, fourth and fifth re‐growths (late June–October 2000), with available soil NO3? and rainfall explaining 70%, and soil water content explaining 72% of the variability in N2O in these periods, respectively. Caution is therefore required when extrapolating from short‐term measurements to predict long‐term responses to global climate change. Our findings are of global significance as increases in atmospheric concentrations of CO2 may, depending on sward composition and fertilizer management, increase greenhouse gas emissions of N2O, thereby exacerbating the forcing effect of elevated CO2 on global climate. Our results suggest that when applying high rates of N fertilizer to grassland systems, Trifolium repens swards, or a greater component of Trifolium in mixed swards, may minimize the negative effect of continued increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations on global warming.  相似文献   

Wetlands can influence global climate via greenhouse gas (GHG) exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). Few studies have quantified the full GHG budget of wetlands due to the high spatial and temporal variability of fluxes. We report annual open‐water diffusion and ebullition fluxes of CO2, CH4, and N2O from a restored emergent marsh ecosystem. We combined these data with concurrent eddy‐covariance measurements of whole‐ecosystem CO2 and CH4 exchange to estimate GHG fluxes and associated radiative forcing effects for the whole wetland, and separately for open‐water and vegetated cover types. Annual open‐water CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions were 915 ± 95 g C‐CO2 m?2 yr?1, 2.9 ± 0.5 g C‐CH4 m?2 yr?1, and 62 ± 17 mg N‐N2O m?2 yr?1, respectively. Diffusion dominated open‐water GHG transport, accounting for >99% of CO2 and N2O emissions, and ~71% of CH4 emissions. Seasonality was minor for CO2 emissions, whereas CH4 and N2O fluxes displayed strong and asynchronous seasonal dynamics. Notably, the overall radiative forcing of open‐water fluxes (3.5 ± 0.3 kg CO2‐eq m?2 yr?1) exceeded that of vegetated zones (1.4 ± 0.4 kg CO2‐eq m?2 yr?1) due to high ecosystem respiration. After scaling results to the entire wetland using object‐based cover classification of remote sensing imagery, net uptake of CO2 (?1.4 ± 0.6 kt CO2‐eq yr?1) did not offset CH4 emission (3.7 ± 0.03 kt CO2‐eq yr?1), producing an overall positive radiative forcing effect of 2.4 ± 0.3 kt CO2‐eq yr?1. These results demonstrate clear effects of seasonality, spatial structure, and transport pathway on the magnitude and composition of wetland GHG emissions, and the efficacy of multiscale flux measurement to overcome challenges of wetland heterogeneity.  相似文献   

We present the annual patterns of net ecosystem‐atmosphere exchange (NEE) of CO2 and H2O observed from a 447 m tall tower sited within a mixed forest in northern Wisconsin, USA. The methodology for determining NEE from eddy‐covariance flux measurements at 30, 122 and 396 m above the ground, and from CO2 mixing ratio measurements at 11, 30, 76, 122, 244 and 396 m is described. The annual cycle of CO2 mixing ratio in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is also discussed, and the influences of local NEE and large‐scale advection are estimated. During 1997 gross ecosystem productivity (947?18 g C m?2 yr?1), approximately balanced total ecosystem respiration (963±19 g C m?2 yr?1), and NEE of CO2 was close to zero (16±19 g C m?2 yr?1 emitted into the atmosphere). The error bars represent the standard error of the cumulative daily NEE values. Systematic errors are also assessed. The identified systematic uncertainties in NEE of CO2 are less than 60 g C m?2 yr?1. The seasonal pattern of NEE of CO2 was highly correlated with leaf‐out and leaf‐fall, and soil thaw and freeze, and was similar to purely deciduous forest sites. The mean daily NEE of CO2 during the growing season (June through August) was ?1.3 g C m?2 day?1, smaller than has been reported for other deciduous forest sites. NEE of water vapor largely followed the seasonal pattern of NEE of CO2, with a lag in the spring when water vapor fluxes increased before CO2 uptake. In general, the Bowen ratios were high during the dormant seasons and low during the growing season. Evapotranspiration normalized by potential evapotranspiration showed the opposite pattern. The seasonal course of the CO2 mixing ratio in the ABL at the tower led the seasonal pattern of NEE of CO2 in time: in spring, CO2 mixing ratios began to decrease prior to the onset of daily net uptake of CO2 by the forest, and in fall mixing ratios began to increase before the forest became a net source for CO2 to the atmosphere. Transport as well as local NEE of CO2 are shown to be important components of the ABL CO2 budget at all times of the year.  相似文献   

The effects of the new de‐icer potassium carbonate on the growth and species composition of a mixed sward and on the pH and electrical conductivity of the soil were examined in a four‐year field trial and compared with sodium chloride. There were small positive effects of K2CO3 on the biomass yield of the sward at application rates up to 200 g m?2 yr?1, while effects were less negative than those of NaCl at annual application rates of 200 – 400 g m?2 yr?1. The species composition of the sward changed considerably with K2CO3 application, Agropyron repens becoming the dominant species. The pH was elevated slightly more by K2CO3 than by NaCl application. Electrical conductivity as an index of soil salinity was increased by both de‐icers. K2CO3 was more adsorbed to soil colloids than NaCl, so that the rise in E.C. resulting from application of the former was restricted to the uppermost 10 cm of soil.  相似文献   

We develop an approach for estimating net ecosystem exchange (NEE) using inventory‐based information over North America (NA) for a recent 7‐year period (ca. 2000–2006). The approach notably retains information on the spatial distribution of NEE, or the vertical exchange between land and atmosphere of all non‐fossil fuel sources and sinks of CO2, while accounting for lateral transfers of forest and crop products as well as their eventual emissions. The total NEE estimate of a ?327 ± 252 TgC yr?1 sink for NA was driven primarily by CO2 uptake in the Forest Lands sector (?248 TgC yr?1), largely in the Northwest and Southeast regions of the US, and in the Crop Lands sector (?297 TgC yr?1), predominantly in the Midwest US states. These sinks are counteracted by the carbon source estimated for the Other Lands sector (+218 TgC yr?1), where much of the forest and crop products are assumed to be returned to the atmosphere (through livestock and human consumption). The ecosystems of Mexico are estimated to be a small net source (+18 TgC yr?1) due to land use change between 1993 and 2002. We compare these inventory‐based estimates with results from a suite of terrestrial biosphere and atmospheric inversion models, where the mean continental‐scale NEE estimate for each ensemble is ?511 TgC yr?1 and ?931 TgC yr?1, respectively. In the modeling approaches, all sectors, including Other Lands, were generally estimated to be a carbon sink, driven in part by assumed CO2 fertilization and/or lack of consideration of carbon sources from disturbances and product emissions. Additional fluxes not measured by the inventories, although highly uncertain, could add an additional ?239 TgC yr?1 to the inventory‐based NA sink estimate, thus suggesting some convergence with the modeling approaches.  相似文献   

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