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用呼吸道合胞病毒R6(武汉地方株)活毒滴鼻加用戍二醛固定的病毒感染的Hela细胞免疫BALB/C鼠,取脾细胞与小鼠骨髓瘤SP_2/0细胞融合,培育出分泌抗呼吸道合胞病毒单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞13株,这些细胞的染色体数为94至104条,其分泌的抗体分别属于鼠IgC_1、IgG_(2a)、IgG_(2b)亚类。腹水荧光抗体滴度为1:10000~1:100000。其中五株单抗有中和病毒作用,尤其是两株中和放价达1:128。应用免疫转印法证实了这些单抗分别能识别RSV6种主要结构蛋白,用7株识别不同病毒结构蛋白的单抗对12株合胞病毒进行抗原性分析,可将这些病毒区分为二个血清型,即A亚型和B亚型。  相似文献   

The Gram-positive species Streptococcus pneumoniae is a human pathogen causing severe local and life-threatening invasive diseases associated with high mortality rates and death. We demonstrated recently that pneumococcal endopeptidase O (PepO) is a ubiquitously expressed, multifunctional plasminogen and fibronectin-binding protein facilitating host cell invasion and evasion of innate immunity. In this study, we found that PepO interacts directly with the complement C1q protein, thereby attenuating the classical complement pathway and facilitating pneumococcal complement escape. PepO binds both free C1q and C1 complex in a dose-dependent manner based on ionic interactions. Our results indicate that recombinant PepO specifically inhibits the classical pathway of complement activation in both hemolytic and complement deposition assays. This inhibition is due to direct interaction of PepO with C1q, leading to a strong activation of the classical complement pathway, and results in consumption of complement components. In addition, PepO binds the classical complement pathway inhibitor C4BP, thereby regulating downstream complement activation. Importantly, pneumococcal surface-exposed PepO-C1q interaction mediates bacterial adherence to host epithelial cells. Taken together, PepO facilitates C1q-mediated bacterial adherence, whereas its localized release consumes complement as a result of its activation following binding of C1q, thus representing an additional mechanism of human complement escape by this versatile pathogen.  相似文献   

目的:结合临床甲型流感病例分析流感病毒可能的致病机理。方法:收集87份陕西省2009年甲型H1N1流感重症,危重症及死亡病例的血常规参数,对其淋巴细胞、红细胞和血小板三个指标分析。制备针对甲型H1N1的单克隆抗体,采用抗体亚类鉴定试剂盒分析其抗体轻链和重链的亚型,通过血凝活性实验检测三株抗体的血凝抑制活性,通过ELISA检测三株抗体与人和小鼠的血红蛋白、红细胞、白细胞膜和血小板膜的反应,通过免疫组化分析三株流感病毒抗体与正常小鼠肺组织的结合。结果:流感病毒感染后的死亡病例中淋巴细胞、红细胞和血小板均明显降低。三株抗体与人和小鼠的淋巴细胞、红细胞和血小板均有不同程度的交叉反应;免疫组化结果同时也证实三株HA抗体与小鼠的肺组织有不同的结合力。结论:流感病毒致病的原因可能与流感病毒感染机体后产生的抗体可与血液和组织中的成分结合有关。  相似文献   

Recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns by pattern recognition receptors of the innate immune system is crucial for the initiation of innate and adaptive responses and for immunological memory. We investigated the role of TLR7 in the induction of adaptive immunity and long-term memory following influenza virus infection and vaccination in C57BL/6 mice. During infection with influenza A/PR8/34 virus, the absence of either TLR7 or MyD88 leads to reduced virus-specific antibodies in the serum and antibody-secreting cells in their secondary lymphoid organs, particularly in bone marrow. In spite of this, the absence of TLR7/MyD88 signaling did not impair the production of protective antibodies. Following immunization with the 2009 pandemic inactivated split vaccine, TLR7(-/-) mice had significantly lower levels of germinal center formation, antibody-secreting cells, and circulating influenza virus-specific antibodies than control animals. Consequently, TLR7(-/-) mice failed to develop protective immunological memory upon challenge. Furthermore, the immunogenicity of the split vaccine was likely due to TLR7 recognition of virion RNA, as its removal from the split vaccine significantly reduced the levels of influenza virus-specific antibodies and compromised the vaccine protective efficacy in mice. Taken together, our data demonstrate that TLR7 plays an important role in vaccine-induced humoral immune responses to influenza virus through the interaction with viral RNA present in the split vaccine.  相似文献   

Complement proteins in blood recognize charged particles. The anionic phospholipid (aPL) cardiolipin binds both complement proteins C1q and factor H. C1q is an activator of the complement classical pathway, while factor H is an inhibitor of the alternative pathway. To examine opposing effects of C1q and factor H on complement activation by aPL, we surveyed C1q and factor H binding, and complement activation by aPL, either coated on microtitre plates or in liposomes. Both C1q and factor H bound to all aPL tested, and competed directly with each other for binding. All the aPL activated the complement classical pathway, but negligibly the alternative pathway, consistent with accepted roles of C1q and factor H. However, in this system, factor H, by competing directly with C1q for binding to aPL, acts as a direct regulator of the complement classical pathway. This regulatory mechanism is distinct from its action on the alternative pathway. Regulation of classical pathway activation by factor H was confirmed by measuring C4 activation by aPL in human sera in which the C1q:factor H molar ratio was adjusted over a wide range. Thus factor H, which is regarded as a down-regulator only of the alternative pathway, has a distinct role in downregulating activation of the classical complement pathway by aPL. A factor H homologue, β2-glycoprotein-1, also strongly inhibits C1q binding to cardiolipin. Recombinant globular domains of C1q A, B and C chains bound aPL similarly to native C1q, confirming that C1q binds aPL via its globular heads.  相似文献   

Seasonal and highly infectious strains of the influenza A and influenza B viruses cause millions of cases of severe complications in elderly people, children, and patients with immune diseases each year. Immunoglobulin A (IgA), which is an active component of humoral immunity, can prevent the spread of the virus in the upper respiratory tract. The preparation and study of the properties of recombinant virus-specific IgA could be an important approach to finding new means of preventing and treating influenza. Based on CHO DG44 cells, we developed stable monoclonal cell lines that produce monomeric and dimeric antibodies FI6-IgA1 and FI6-IgA2m1 to hemagglutinin (HA) of the influenza A virus. When studying the productivity, growth, and stability of the obtained clones, we found that the dimeric form of antibodies of IgA1 isotype is superior to other forms. The dimeric form of IgA antibodies plays a key role in mucosal immunity. Recognizing the prospects of using dimeric IgA as prophylactic and therapeutic mucosal drugs for viral infections, we studied their virus-neutralizing and antiviral activities on MDCK cell culture and compared them with the antibodies of the IgG1 isotype. This study presents the data on antiviral and virus-neutralizing activities of the FI6-IgA1 dimers to seasonal and highly infectious strains of influenza A virus.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - The aim of this work was to evaluate novel three-domain antibodies consisting of two domains specific for human tumor necrosis factor (hTNF), and of the...  相似文献   

Hepcidin, the key hormone of iron homeostasis is responsible for lowering the serum iron level through its interaction with iron exporter ferroportin. Thus, hepcidin agonists provide a promising opportunity in the treatment of iron disorders caused by lacking or decreased hepcidin expression. We investigated the importance of each of the eight highly conserved cysteines for the biological activity of hepcidin. Eight cysteine mutants were created with site directed mutagenesis. The binding ability of these hepcidin mutants to the hepcidin receptor ferroportin was determined using bacterial two-hybrid system and WRL68 human hepatic cells. The biological activity of hepcidin mutants was determined by western blot analysis of ferroportin internalization and ferroportin ubiquitination. To investigate the effect of mutant hepcidins on the iron metabolism of the WRL68 cells, total intracellular iron content was measured with a colorimetric assay. The stability of M6 hepcidin mutant was determined using ELISA technique. Our data revealed that serine substitution of the sixth cysteine (M6) yielded a biologically active but significantly more stable peptide than the original hormone. This result may provide a promising hepcidin agonist worth testing in animal models.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We have reinvestigated whether surface immunoglobulin (sIg) on Trypanosoma lewisi is antibody directed toward parasite antigen by using flow cytometry to analyze parasites stained with fluoresceinated F(ab′)2 fragments of antibodies to rat IgG and IgM. We have confirmed that IgG antibody to the parasites is present both in the serum of rats and on the surface of parasites between the fourth and twentieth days of infection, that the amount of sIg per cell increases as the infection progresses, and that considerably more IgG is present on parasites harvested from intact rats than on those from rats that had been immunosuppressed by whole body γ-irradiation. In addition sIgM was detected on trypanosomes from intact, but not on parasites from irradiated rats. We have also made two observations suggesting that not all sIg is specific antibody made in response to T. lewisi. First, a low but significant amount of sIgG was detected on parasites throughout infection in irradiated rats; no sIgM was detected on these parasites. Second, when parasites harvested from immunosuppressed rats were incubated in normal rat serum, the amount of both sIgG and sIgM detected by flow immunofluorescence increased. Parasites harvested from intact animals bound IgM but not IgG from normal rat serum. These results suggest either that natural antibody to the trypanosomes is present in the serum of uninfected rats or that some rat immunoglobulins bind to structures on the trypanosome surface in ways that do not depend on usual antigen-antibody interactions. Finally, flow immunofluorescence was also used to detect complement component C3 on the surface of both intact and trypsinized bloodstream forms harvested from intact or immunosuppressed rats. The amount of sC3 per cell did not increase until late in the infection and consequently did not correlate with the increase of sIgG. Therefore, T. lewisi avoids destruction by the immune system although immune effector molecules, IgG, IgM, and C3, are on its surface.  相似文献   

Several studies have suggested the implication of the classical complement pathway in the early stages of prion disease pathogenesis. To explore this hypothesis, surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy was used to test the ability of human C1q to recognize mouse PrP immobilized on a sensor chip. In this configuration, C1q bound avidly to PrP, with a K(D) of 5.4 nM (k(on) = 2.4 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1); k(off) = 1.3 x 10(-3) s(-1)). The isolated C1q globular domain also bound to immobilized PrP, although with a higher K(D) (238 nM), due to a decreased k(on) (4.2 x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1)). Interaction was strongly enhanced by Cu(2+) ions, with a 10-fold increase in overall binding in the presence of 10 microM CuSO(4), without significant modification of the kinetic parameters. In contrast, using the same technique, no interaction was detected between immobilized C1q and soluble PrP. Likewise, gel filtration and chemical cross-linking analyses yielded no evidence for an interaction between these proteins in solution. Comparative analysis of the antigenic reactivity of soluble and immobilized PrP was performed by ELISA and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy, respectively, using anti-PrP monoclonal antibodies. This analysis provides evidence that immobilized PrP undergoes a major conformational change in the sequence stretch 141GNDWEDRYYRENMYRYPNQ159 located in its C-terminal globular domain. It is concluded that immobilized PrP undergoes structural modifications that possibly mimic the conformational changes occurring during conversion to the pathological isoform and that C1q represents a natural sensor of these changes. Pathological implications of this recognition property are discussed in light of recent reports.  相似文献   

Plasmids encoding the measles virus hemagglutinin (HA) and nucleoprotein (NP) proteins inoculated into the skin of BALB/c mice by the gene gun method induced both humoral and cytotoxic lymphocyte class I-restrict- ed immune responses. Although intramuscular immunization induces the immunoglobulin G2a (IgG2a) antibody isotype for both antigens, with gene gun immunization, the NP still generated mainly IgG2a and the major isotype induced by the HA was IgG1. Interestingly, gene gun coimmunization of HA and NP plasmids resulted in a dominant IgG1 HA response and the switching of antibodies generated against the NP to the IgG1 isotype.The initial studies showing that injection of DNA into muscle induces an immune response to the encoded protein opened a new approach to vaccination (for reviews, see references 19 and 22). Recent studies suggest that inoculated muscle cells probably act only as a source of antigen and that immune priming takes place elsewhere in the body (14). For example, excision of an injected muscle a few minutes after DNA inoculation did not affect antibody and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses (21). Thus, it may be interesting to examine other DNA delivery systems to study how the immune system responds to DNA vaccination. One alternative system involves precipitating DNA onto gold beads which are then propelled into the skin by means of pressurized helium gas (12). When such a system is used, less DNA is required, but unlike the case with intramuscular inoculations, the response is Th2-like, generating immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) antibodies (17). More recent observations suggest that this is probably due to the mode of inoculation rather than the route (10). We have been studying DNA vaccination against the paramyxovirus measles virus (MV). This disease is one of the primary causes of infant mortality in developing countries, and there is an urgent need for an effective vaccine in infants, as the present live attenuated vaccine is inefficient in the presence of maternal antibodies. Our previous studies established that in a mouse model at least three MV proteins play a role in protection (23). Both glycoproteins, hemagglutinin (HA) and fusion, induce neutralizing antibodies (9, 11), and HA and nucleoprotein (NP) induce CTLs (3, 4), which do not protect against infection but help in recovery (5). In our previous study on DNA vaccination, we showed that intramuscular inoculation of DNAs coding for the MV HA and NP (pV1J-HA and pV1J-NP [6]) induced class I-restricted CTLs and a humoral response corresponding to a Th1 response (6). In the present study, we have extended our observations to compare the same plasmids’ ability to induce an immune response when they are delivered into the skin by a gene gun (Bio-Rad, Ivry sur Seine, France). Gold beads were coated with DNA as follows: approximately 30 mg of gold powder (1.0-μm gold beads; Bio-Rad) was mixed with 100 μl of 0.1 M spermidine (Sigma, L’Isle D’Abeau, France). After sonication, 0.5, 2, or 5 μg of plasmid DNA was added per mg of gold powder, and then 200 μl of 2.5 M CaCl2 was added to the mixture, with gentle vortexing. Pellets were washed three times and suspended in cold 100% ethanol. Tubes containing dried DNA-coated gold beads were stored at 4°C.

Immune response to MV HA DNA.

Six- to eight-week-old female BALB/c mice (Iffa-Credo, Domaine des Oncins, France) were immunized via the shaved abdominal epidermis one to three times at 21-day intervals with 0.5, 2, or 5 μg of pV1J-HA DNA/mg of gold beads. Two gene gun inoculations (each containing 0.5 mg of gold beads) were given for each dose. The antibody levels measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, as previously described (6), reached a plateau after two inoculations and did not significantly increase with a third inoculation (result not shown).Our previous studies with intramuscular inoculation established that pV1J-HA induced IgG2a antibodies which are associated with a Th1-type response. When we studied the antibody isotype induced in BALB/c by the gene gun immunization, we observed that it was mainly IgG1 (Fig. (Fig.1).1). These data are similar to those described for influenza hemagglutinin by Feltquate et al. (10). The antibody isotype did not vary with time after immunization, number of immunizations, or the amount of plasmid used (data not shown) and was not influenced by genetic background, as pV1J-HA-immunized DBA/2 (H-2d), C3H (H-2k), and C57/Black (H-2b) mice induced mainly the IgG1 isotype (Fig. (Fig.11).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1Anti-MV HA isotype of antibodies induced in BALB/c, DBA/2 (H-2d), C3H (H-2k), and C57/Black (H-2b) mice immunized with 0.5, 2, or 5 μg of pV1J-HA by epidermal gene gun. Sera were collected 3 weeks after the immunization. Sera from mice immunized with a control pV1J had means ± standard deviations of 158 ± 198 ng/ml for IgG1 anti-HA antibodies (n = 11) and 10 ± 18 ng/ml for IgG2a anti-HA antibodies (n = 11). Data represent individual animals. To study CTL activity, spleen cells from the immunized mice were stimulated in vitro and analyzed in a cytolytic assay as previously described (6). Despite the apparent Th2-type response, good memory CTL responses were obtained with all protocols used, even when responses were measured just 8 days after a single immunization (Fig. (Fig.2),2), and persisted for several months. Open in a separate windowFIG. 2Anti-MV HA and NP CTL response after immunization with pV1J-HA or -NP, respectively. BALB/c mice were immunized with 0.5 (circle), 2 (triangle), or 5 (square) μg of pV1J-HA by epidermal gene gun one (a, d), two (b, e), or three (c, f) times at 3-week intervals. The spleen cells were removed 3 weeks (continuous line) or 8 days (dotted line) after the last immunization. After in vitro stimulation with P815-HA or -NP cells, respectively, lysis was measured on P815-HA or -NP cells, and P815 cells were used as a negative control. The results show the specific lysis of targets at graded effector/target ratios. Each curve represents an individual animal.

Immune response to MV NP DNA.

BALB/c mice were immunized with pV1J-NP with the gene gun and a similar schedule of immunizations. The antibody response with the different number of doses and different plasmid concentrations was similar to that observed for HA, i.e., increased levels after one boost. Similar antibody levels were induced in the range of 0.5 to 5 μg of DNA (data not shown). As was previously shown by intramuscular inoculation (6), the antibody isotype induced was mainly IgG2a (Fig. (Fig.3),3), in contrast to the HA results. One explanation for this could be that as the NP is a cytosolic protein and the HA is membrane bound, the potential processing and presentation of the two proteins may be different. However, the same argument would be valid for intramuscular inoculation. Furthermore, it has been reported that gene gun immunization with influenza NP induces a Th2 response (17), so clearly the directed differentiation of T cells is more complicated than a simple distinction between cytosol and membrane-bound proteins. The two methods of immunization (intramuscular versus gene gun) target different cell types, possibly influencing the T-cell response. Furthermore, 9 weeks after immunization, one-third of the 18 mice analyzed showed increased levels of anti-NP IgG1 over IgG2a, regardless of the quantity of DNA injected or the number of inoculations (data not shown). CTL responses were also high, even after a single inoculation (Fig. (Fig.2).2). Open in a separate windowFIG. 3Anti-MV NP antibody response as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in BALB/c mice immunized with 5 μg of pV1J-NP by epidermal gene gun. Sera were collected 3 weeks after immunization. Each pair of bars represents an individual animal. Sera from mice immunized with a control pV1J had means ± standard deviations of 13 ± 45 ng/ml of IgG1 anti-NP antibodies (n = 11) and 83 ± 276 ng/ml of IgG2a anti-NP antibodies (n = 11).

Coimmunization of HA and NP DNA.

Our results show that when injected by the gene gun, the different MV proteins induce different antibody isotypes. This phenomenon has been suggested to parallel the induction of Th1 and Th2 pathways (1). The pathway taken has been shown to be influenced by the induction of certain cytokines. To determine if coimmunization of these two plasmids would influence the isotype of the antibody response, BALB/c mice were immunized with a mixture of pV1J-HA and pV1J-NP in ratios of 1:1, 4:1, or 1:4 while the total amount of DNA was kept constant (5 μg).Measurement of the anti-HA isotype antibody in mice vaccinated with the different mixtures showed it to be mainly IgG1, similar to that for HA alone (data not shown). In contrast, the anti-NP antibodies switched from the IgG2a to the IgG1 isotype after coimmunization (Fig. (Fig.4).4). The proximity of expression of the two antigens was not important in this switching effect, as when pV1J-HA and -NP were inoculated separately in different areas of the skin, the antibody response induced 3 weeks later was the same as that induced when the mixture was inoculated (Fig. (Fig.4).4). When analyzed 6 weeks later, only one of six mice showed IgG2a predominance. Open in a separate windowFIG. 4Relationship between the isotype of anti-NP antibodies in sera from mice immunized with 5 μg of pV1J-NP or mixtures of pV1J-HA and pV1J-NP at ratios of 1:1, 4:1, and 1:4 so that the total quantity of DNA/mg gold beads was 5 μg, or pV1J-HA and pV1J-NP injected in different skin area. BALB/c mice were immunized by epidermal gene gun. Sera were collected 3 weeks after immunization. Data are results for individual animals.Cytokines have been used to direct the immune response in several studies. Expression of interleukin-12 either alone or with immunizing antigens can increase protection against microbial pathogens (2) or tumors in animal models (13, 18), in parallel with a Th1 response. Expression or addition of interleukin-4 with the immunogen induces a Th2 response (16, 20). The local concentrations of the cytokines in the initial priming of the immune response are probably critical, as once the T cells have been committed, they cannot be modified. Although some studies have suggested the possibility of Th1 and Th2 switching, a more recent study has shown that once differentiated, T cells cannot switch (15). In agreement with this, Feltquate et al. (10) have shown that initial immunization establishes the Th-cell type of the immune response and that this is not modified by subsequent alternative methods of immunization.Acute viral infections induce a Th1 response, whereas soluble proteins favor a Th2 response (7). When tetanus toxoid was administered 1 day after viral infection, the response to this soluble protein changed from Th2 to Th1 (8). Presumably, this change is due to the domination by the cytokines induced by the viral infection of those produced by the tetanus toxoid. In our studies, we observed that after the coexpression of MV HA and NP, the HA-induced Th2 response was dominant. These observations will obviously have an impact on DNA vaccination, as DNAs coding for several pathogens should ideally be administered concomitantly.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease resulting in progressive cognitive decline. Amyloid plaque deposits consisting specifically of β-amyloid peptides that have formed fibrils displaying β-pleated sheet conformation are associated with activated microglia and astrocytes, are colocalized with C1q and other complement activation products, and appear at the time of cognitive decline in AD. Amyloid precursor protein (APP) transgenic mouse models of AD that lack the ability to activate the classical complement pathway display less neuropathology than do the APPQ+/+ mice, consistent with the hypothesis that complement activation and the resultant inflammation may play a role in the pathogenesis of AD. Further investigation of the presence of complement proteins C3 and C4 in the brain of these mice demonstrate that both C3 and C4 deposition increase with age in APPQ+/+ transgenic mice, as expected with the age-dependent increase in fibrillar β-amyloid deposition. In addition, while C4 is predominantly localized on the plaques and/or associated with oligodendrocytes in APPQ+/+ mice, little C4 is detected in APPQ−/− brains consistent with a lack of classical complement pathway activation because of the absence of C1q in these mice. In contrast, plaque and cell associated C3 immunoreactivity is seen in both animal models and, surprisingly, is higher in APPQ−/− than in APPQ+/+ mice, providing evidence for alternative pathway activation. The unexpected increase in C3 levels in the APPQ−/− mice coincident with decreased neuropathology provides support for the hypothesis that complement can mediate protective events as well as detrimental events in this disease. Finally, induced expression of C3 in a subset of astrocytes suggests the existence of differential activation states of these cells.  相似文献   

Eight cell lines were systematically compared for their permissivity to primary infection, replication, and spread of seven human influenza viruses. Cell lines were of human origin (Caco-2, A549, HEp-2, and NCI-H292), monkey (Vero, LLC-MK2), mink (Mv1 Lu), and canine (MDCK). The influenza viruses included seasonal types and subtypes and a pandemic virus. The MDCK, Caco-2, and Mv1 Lu cells were subsequently compared for their capacity to report neutralization titers at day one, three and six post-infection. A gradient of sensitivity to primary infection across the eight cell lines was observed. Relative to MDCK cells, Mv1 Lu reported higher titers and the remaining six cell lines reported lower titers. The replication and spread of the seven influenza viruses in the eight cell substrates was determined using hemagglutinin expression, cytopathic effect, and neuraminidase activity. Virus growth was generally concordant with primary infection, with a gradient in virus replication and spread. However, Mv1 Lu cells poorly supported virus growth, despite a higher sensitivity to primary infection. Comparison of MDCK, Caco-2, and Mv1 Lu in neutralization assays using defined animal antiserum confirmed MDCK cells as the preferred cell substrate for influenza virus testing. The results observed for neutralization at one day post-infection showed MDCK cells were similar (<1 log2 lower) or superior (>1 log2 higher) for all seven viruses. Relative to Caco-2 and Mv1 Lu cells, MDCK generally reported the highest titers at three and six days post-infection for the type A viruses and lower titers for the type B viruses and the pandemic H9N2 virus. The reduction in B virus titer was attributed to the complete growth of type B viruses in MDCK cells before day three post-infection, resulting in the systematic underestimation of neutralization titers. This phenomenon was also observed with Caco-2 cells.  相似文献   

构建并表达H5N1亚型禽流感病毒血凝素蛋白单链抗体,为禽流感靶向治疗药物的研制制备靶向载体。从分泌血凝素单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株中提取mRNA,采用RT-PCR法扩增出重链和轻链可变区基因,通过SOE-PCR法将重链和轻链通过Linker连接起来构建单链抗体基因,将获得的单链抗体基因装入原核表达载体pET28a(+)中,构建重组质粒并表达,以Western blot鉴定单链抗体的特异性。结果成功构建了单链抗体基因,全长714bp,经原核表达,所构建的单链抗体可与H5亚型禽流感病毒HA蛋白特异结合,为禽流感的靶向治疗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

We have previously reported that in vitro HCV infection of cells of hepatocyte origin attenuates complement system at multiple steps, and attenuation also occurs in chronically HCV infected liver, irrespective of the disease stage. However, none of these regulations alone completely impaired complement pathways. Modulation of the upstream proteins involved in proteolytic processing of the complement cascade prior to convertase formation is critical in promoting the function of the complement system in response to infection. Here, we examined the regulation of C2 complement expression in hepatoma cells infected in vitro with cell culture grown virus, and validated our observations using randomly selected chronically HCV infected patient liver biopsy specimens. C2 mRNA expression was significantly inhibited, and classical C3 convertase (C4b2a) decreased. In separate experiments for C3 convertase function, C3b deposition onto bacterial membrane was reduced using HCV infected patient sera as compared to uninfected control, suggesting impaired C3 convertase. Further, iC3b level, a proteolytically inactive form of C3b, was lower in HCV infected patient sera, reflecting impairment of both C3 convertase and Factor I activity. The expression level of Factor I was significantly reduced in HCV infected liver biopsy specimens, while Factor H level remained unchanged or enhanced. Together, these results suggested that inhibition of C3 convertase activity is an additional cumulative effect for attenuation of complement system adopted by HCV for weakening innate immune response.  相似文献   

C1q is a versatile innate immune molecule that serves as the initiation subcomponent of the classical complement pathway. In addition, it is also a potent pattern recognition molecule, the versatility of which has fuelled its functional flexibility. C1q recognises an array of self, non-self and altered-self ligands. The broad-spectrum ligand-binding potential of C1q is facilitated by the modular organisation of the heterotrimeric globular head region, its ability to change its conformation in a very subtle way, and the manner in which this ancient molecule appears to have evolved to deal with the different types of ligands. Over recent years, molecules that resemble C1q have been put together to form the C1q family. In this review, we briefly summarise complement-dependent and complement-independent functions of C1q, its cognate receptors and key members of the rapidly growing C1q family.  相似文献   

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