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Development of a control strategy for thrips attacking nectarine trees depends on an understanding of their phenology, distribution, and life history as related to characteristics of nectarine orchards. To this end, we compared the overwintering behavior, distribution, and abundance of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), among 11 nectarine orchards located in the dry central interior of British Columbia, Canada, during 1993 and 1994. Western flower thrips emerged from areas not previously used for agriculture (wild areas) and from within orchards before trees were out of dormancy. Flight of thrips within and around orchards peaked during early bud development, with a second major peak several weeks later after husk fall as the next generation emerged. Orchards protected from wild areas by other orchards had the lowest densities of thrips in buds. Density estimates of western flower thrips on trees were not affected by location of trees within orchards or buds within trees, but most thrips were found in the most developed buds on a tree at any one time. Thrips were not found within buds until petal was first visible on the buds. Larval feeding on buds at early petal fall resulted in serious surface russetting of fruit.  相似文献   

Thrips were sampled from six nectarine orchards in the Dry Central Interior, British Columbia, Canada, between April and June 1993 using yellow sticky cards on posts spaced around the perimeter of each orchard. Although 12 identified species of thrips were captured, >90% of individuals were the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande). The flight patterns and abundances of western flower thrips were compared between orchards located in two differently oriented valleys (N-S and E-W) and between orchards located close to or far from areas of wild land. Results indicate that densities of western flower thrips entering orchards, and their direction of movement, were related more to the external vegetation than either location within the two different valleys or general wind flow patterns. Western flower thrips tended to move into orchards close to ground level in early spring (late April and early May) but flew higher as ground cover grew taller and temperatures increased. Densities of western flower thrips at ground level were highest in an orchard with the densest dandelion ground cover. We conclude that the location of nectarine orchards in relation to wild areas is a major determinate of western flower thrips densities.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Hourly flight patterns of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysan., Thripidae) were assessed over a 24 h period in two nectarine orchards located in the Similkameen Valley, British Columbia, on 13 separate occasions between March and October 1994. The numbers of western flower thrips (male or female, dark or pale morphs) trapped per hour at between four to eight heights (0.25–2.00 m) were compared with temperature, wind speed, time of year and location of trap placement. Traps were placed within orchards, at the border of orchards and adjacent wild land, and within wildlands. Temperature and wind speed thresholds are defined, although the effect of wind speed varied with height of flight. Height of flight was affected by both the height of prevalent vegetation and temperature, with mean height of flight increasing linearly with temperature. Numbers of thrips in flight decreased with height of sticky trap from the ground. The pale morph was generally more common than the dark morph of western flower thrips. Males were not present until after emergence of the first generation in May, and were found at an approximate ratio of 4 : 1 (F : M) for the rest of the year. There were no differences between sexes or morphs of western flower thrips for location, height or daily patterns of flight.  相似文献   

Modeling the effect of temperature on the sustainability of insect-plant interactions requires assessment of both insect and plant performance. We examined the effect of temperature on western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), a generalist herbivore with a high reproductive rate, and chrysanthemum inflorescences, a high quality but relatively fixed, ephemeral resource for thrips population growth. We hypothesized that different thrips versus plant responses to temperature result in significant statistical interaction of temperature with thrips abundance and flower damage attributes over time. Experiments were conducted at five temperatures between 20.7 and 35.3 degrees C, with thrips infestation and time after infestation as main effects. Only minor, uncontrolled variations in relative humidity and light intensity may otherwise have influenced the results. High temperatures lead to an initially rapid increase in density of thrips followed by abrupt declines in abundance. The rate of floral senescence increased with temperature and thrips infestation, as indicated by a reduced fresh biomass and greater leaching of yellow pigments. Multiple regression indicated that indices of plant damage responded more directly to thrips density at low than high temperature, supporting the conclusion that temperature affected the outcome beyond what was predictable simply from differential plant and insect optima. The relative intensity of damage caused by individual thrips decreased with increasing temperature, likely caused by thrips competition and reduced survival, growth, and fecundity on depleted inflorescences. Reduced per capita damage at high temperature may be common in insects exploiting fixed plant resources that exhibit an accelerated rate of deterioration at high temperatures.  相似文献   

The life-stage variations in insecticide resistance of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), to selective insecticides (acrinathrin, formetanate, and methiocarb) were studied using resistant laboratory strains. In each strain, the second-instar larva was less susceptible to the insecticides tested than the adults. The lower the resistance level of the adults, the higher the difference between larva and adult susceptibility: 32-fold to methiocarb, 15.4-fold to formetanate, and 180-fold to acrinathrin in the reference strain. In laboratory-selected resistant strains, these differences were much lower: 5.8-fold to methiocarb, 4.8-fold to formetanate, and 2.0-fold to acrinathrin. In selected strains, higher resistance levels for each insecticide were found, both for larvae and adults, compared with the reference strain. These results show that after insecticide resistance selection in adults, the resistance is carried over to the larvae, but at lower levels.  相似文献   

The systemic effects of neem on the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), were investigated in laboratory trials using green bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., in arena and microcosm experiments. In arena experiments, systemic effects of neem against western flower thrips larvae on primary bean leaves were observed with maximum corrected mortality of 50.6%. In microcosm experiments using bean seedlings, higher efficacy in the control of western flower thrips were observed with soil applications of neem on a substrate mixture (i.e., Fruhstorfer Erde, Type P, and sand) in a 1:1 ratio (93% corrected mortality) compared with application on the commercial substrate only (76% corrected mortality). However, longer persistence of neem was observed with soil application on the commercial substrate, which showed effects against thrips for up to 6 d after application. In addition to systemic effects observed on all foliage-feeding stages of western flower thrips, mortality on contact and repellent effects were observed on soil-inhabiting stages after soil applications of neem. Finally, bean seedlings grown from seeds pregerminated for 3 d in neem emulsion were also toxic to western flower thrips.  相似文献   

Low, medium and high densities of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), were established in three greenhouses at the Greenhouse and Processing Crops Research Centre, Ontario, Canada, in 1996 and 1998 to develop economic injury levels for thrips on greenhouse cucumber. Thrips densities were monitored weekly using yellow sticky traps and flower counts. Fruit was harvested twice a week, graded for size, weighed, and rated for thrips damage using three damage categories. Significant yield reduction was detected 4 wk after severe fruit damage was observed in the high and medium thrips density treatments in 1996 and 7 wk in 1998. Percentage of severe damaged fruit (P(F3)) has significant linear relationships with the adult thrips density (x) that was sampled by sticky traps 1 wk before harvest (P(F3) = -0.2533 + 0.0828x) and that was sampled by flower counts 2 wk before harvest (P(F3) = -0.2025 + 0.5490x). Based on the regression equations, economic injury levels, expressed as adult thrips per sticky trap per day or adult thrips per flower, were calculated for various combinations of control costs, yield potential and fruit prices. The economic injury levels for F. occidentalis ranged from 20 to 50 adults per sticky trap per day or 3 to 7.5 per flower as determined under average greenhouse production conditions in Ontario, Canada.  相似文献   

The development of cost-effective and reliable sampling programs for the management of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), on greenhouse cucumbers is important for getting growers to adopt economic injury levels and economic thresholds. The objectives of this study were to develop two sequential sampling plans. A fixed-precision sequential sampling plan was designed for estimating F. occidentalis adult density at a fixed-precision level on cucumber flowers. Also, a sequential sampling plan for classifying thrips population levels as below or above economic thresholds was developed to assist in decision making for the timing of pesticide applications. Both sequential sampling plans were validated using a resampling simulation technique on nine independent data sets ranging in density from 1.25 to 12.95 adults per flower. With the fixed-precision sampling plan, average means obtained in 100 repeated simulation runs were within the 95% CI of the estimated mean for all data sets. Appropriate levels of precision for the different population densities were recommended based on the simulation results. With sequential sampling for classifying the population levels of thrips in terms of an economic threshold, it has the advantage of requiring smaller sample sizes to determine the population status when the population densities differ greatly from the critical density (i.e., economic threshold). However, this plan needs a great number of samples when population density is close to the critical density. In this case, use of a combination of both sampling plans is recommended.  相似文献   

The fitness costs of spinosad and acrinathrin resistance was investigated in the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Fitness studies were conducted on susceptible and resistant strains of F. occidentalis. Resistant females were significantly more fecund (number of eggs per female) than susceptible females. The hatching rate (fertility) for both susceptible and acrinathrin-resistant strains was significantly lower than in the spinosad-resistant strain. Mean developmental time from egg to adult did not differ between thrips populations. Similarly, female longevity did not differ between populations. These data suggest that lack of fitness costs related to insecticide resistance may accelerate the development of insecticide resistance in populations of F. occidentalis from southeastern Spain.  相似文献   

Western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), occur on most wildflowers, weed and ground cover flowers in the southern interior of B.C., Canada. Preference by WFT for naturally occurring ground cover blooms was determined in a series of choice trials aimed to examine the potential of using such flowers as trap crops under nectarine trees. The effect of height of flowers above ground level within an orchard was also examined to determine whether this may affect flower attractiveness. Although WFT showed consistent preferences for various flower types, no ground cover grown presently in this region appeared to have potential as an effective trap crop. The density of WFT landing on less preferred flower types was not reduced when more attractive flowers also were present, and WFT were found to distribute evenly over all flowers available. Western flower thrips responded to the density of flowers only in response to highly scented flowers, and were attracted equally to mixtures of colours and single colours of flowers. There was a consistent preference by WFT in the spring for flowers located at ground level.  相似文献   

西花蓟马的SCAR分子检测技术   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)是一种世界性入侵害虫,寄主范围广,危害严重,2003年首次在我国发生危害,并有进一步扩散蔓延的趋势。针对蓟马类害虫虫体微小、形态相似,难以准确快速区分的问题,采用特征序列扩增区域(SCAR)标记技术,以西花蓟马及与之同域发生的其他种类蓟马为对象,筛选出1对西花蓟马特异性引物(FOMF/FOMR),其扩增片段大小为320 bp。种特异性检测结果显示,该对引物只对西花蓟马的基因组DNA具有扩增能力,对同域发生的花蓟马F. intonsa (Trybom)、禾花蓟马F. tenuicornis (Uzel)、烟蓟马Thrips tabaci L. 等41种蓟马不具有扩增效果。该对引物不仅对不同虫态的西花蓟马具有扩增能力,而且在西花蓟马发生地的寄主植物组织内亦检测到了其卵的存在。同时,该检测技术灵敏度高,对成虫的最低检出阈值为1/160头。本检测技术在口岸检疫以及花卉、蔬菜和种苗调运中的害虫检测和监测中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

入侵害虫西花蓟马及其他8种常见蓟马的分子鉴定   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用PCR产物直接测序法对入侵害虫西花蓟马和其他8种蓟马的线粒体 COⅠ基因433 bp片段测序,获得62个个体的序列。分子数据分析显示: 种内个体间平均遗传距离在0~0.005之间,2003年在北京发现的西花蓟马与欧洲等地区报导的西花蓟马不存在明显的遗传差异; 9种蓟马种间平均遗传距离为0.213。构建的NJ树可以很好的显示蓟马的聚类,物种各单元型最初分支自展值均达到100%。结果表明,基于PCR及直接测序技术的分子鉴定可以达到准确鉴定蓟马物种之目的。  相似文献   

The spread of the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), has resulted in the world‐wide destabilization of established integrated pest management programs for many crops. It is hypothesized that frequent exposure to insecticides in intensive agriculture selected for resistant populations, which allowed invasive populations in the eastern USA to overcome biotic resistance from the native community of species. Research conducted in Florida to understand the role of biotic factors in limiting the abundance of the western flower thrips is reviewed. Orius spp. (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) are effective predators that suppress populations of thrips on crop and non‐crop hosts in southern and northern Florida. Orius are more effective predators of the western flower thrips than the native flower thrips, F. tritici (Fitch) and F. bispinosa (Morgan). The native species are competitors of the western flower thrips. Excessive fertilization and the use of broad‐spectrum insecticides in crop fields further enhances populations of the western flower thrips. Interactions with native species clearly limit the abundance of western flower thrips in Florida, but populations are abundant in fertilized crop fields where application of insecticides excludes predators and competitor species.  相似文献   

In a search for a pyrethroid resistance diagnostic marker, a partial sequence of the para-like sodium channel gene was obtained from 78 diploid females of the arrhenotokous insect pest species Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), the western flower thrips. Although all the insects analyzed came from a single laboratory population, nine different haplotypes were obtained. Two haplotypes did have the well-known L to F kdr mutation, but only one of these could be statistically linked to pyrethroid resistance in our population. This haplotype did not have the superkdr mutation, but did have a unique mutation a few amino acids downstream, at a position already linked to resistance in Plutella. Although this para-like locus seemed to have a role in pyrethroid resistance in our population, other resistance mechanisms were also probably involved. The fact that our laboratory population, open to migration, contained ahigh genetic diversity forthis selected gene shows that "pest tourism" is a major factor for resistance dynamics in this greenhouse pest. This, with the possible occurrence of an original resistance mutation, might preclude the use of very specific approaches for resistance monitoring in the field in this species.  相似文献   

UV‐absorbing films and nets are frequently used as covering materials for netted greenhouses and film tunnels in protected cultivation systems. This study explored the effects of such materials on the dispersal behaviour of western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis, in flight cages under greenhouse conditions with additional artificial UV‐A light sources. The study involved release–recapture experiments in choice and no‐choice layouts. Different trapping methods were compared (blue sticky cards, plants and transparent cards) for recapture of thrips. In choice experiments, insects were released from a black box compartment between two tunnels covered with either UV‐transmitting or UV‐absorbing materials. A significantly higher proportion of (82–98%) WFT was recaptured in UV‐transmitting tunnels compared with UV‐absorbing tunnels. In no‐choice experiments, WFT were found to infiltrate the tunnels at different rates depending on the trap type used and experimental layout. In small‐scale dispersal experiments using blue sticky cards and plants as traps, infiltration was not significantly different between UV‐absorbing and UV‐transmitting tunnels, whereas when using transparent cards, WFT penetrated further into the UV‐transmitting plastic film tunnels. In larger‐scale dispersal experiments, plants or blue sticky cards were arranged in concentric circles around a source plant at the release point. Dispersal was found to differ depending on the method of release, but WFT tended to exhibit reduced dispersal from source plants under UV‐deficient conditions. In conclusion, our data support the hypothesis that manipulation of spectral light properties using UV‐absorbing cladding materials for protected crop stands interferes with the orientation and host finding of WFT, resulting in reduced dispersal into and within plant stands in UV‐deficient environments.  相似文献   

温度对西花蓟马生长发育、 繁殖和种群增长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)是一种入侵我国的重要害虫, 温度是决定蓟马能否建立稳定种群的最基本因素。为明确温度对西花蓟马种群增长的影响, 本研究在室内观察了西花蓟马在15℃, 20℃, 25℃, 30℃和35℃温度条件下的生长发育、 存活与繁殖能力, 并计算各温度条件下的种群增长参数。结果表明: 在35℃条件下, 西花蓟马不能完成发育, 其他温度条件下西花蓟马从卵孵化至蛹羽化成成虫, 以20℃条件下的存活率最高, 为62.8%。西花蓟马发育速率随温度升高明显加快, 在15℃下, 完成发育需要近30 d; 而在30℃下, 西花蓟马完成发育仅需10 d 左右。西花蓟马成虫寿命随温度的升高而明显缩短, 在15℃下, 平均寿命为36 d, 最长寿命达60 d; 在30℃下, 西花蓟马的平均寿命为10 d。西花蓟马在 15℃, 20℃和25℃条件下的平均繁殖力差异不显著, 分别为37.70, 32.56, 37.80头1龄若虫/雌, 但显著高于30℃条件下的平均繁殖力(9.36头1龄若虫/雌)。西花蓟马的种群增长参数净生殖率(R0)、 内禀增长率(rm), 在25℃时达最高值, 分别为20.10和0.178 d-1, 而在15℃下分别仅为18.67和0.096 d-1。据此得出, 20~25℃是最适宜西花蓟马生长发育和繁殖温度范围, 温度过高或过低都不利于西花蓟马种群增长。西花蓟马的发育起点温度为7.4℃, 充分完成发育所需的有效积温为208.0日·度。不考虑其他阻碍生长发育因素的情况下, 华南、 华中、 华北和东北地区的年发生代数分别为24~26, 16~18, 13~14和1~4代, 西南地区昆明与丽江分别为13~15和8~10代。  相似文献   

Sternal pores are important features for identification of male thrips, especially within the subfamily Thripinae. They vary in shape, size and distribution even between species of one genus. Their functional role is speculated to be that of sex- and/or aggregation pheromone production. Yet, sexual aggregations are not reported in Echinothrips americanus, known to have sternal pores, while we observed aggregations in Megalurothrips sjostedti, previously reported to lack them.We examined the sternal glands and pores of the thripine species E. americanus and M. sjostedti males, in comparison with those of Frankliniella occidentalis using light microscopy, as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Pore plates of F. occidentalis were ellipsoid and medial on sternites III–VII, while in E. americanus they were distributed as multiple micro pore plates on sternites III–VIII. In M. sjostedti they appeared as an extremely small pore in front of the posterior margin of each of sternites IV–VII. Pore plate and pore plate area were distributed similarly on sternites III–VII in F. occidentalis. However, in E. americanus the total pore plate area increased significantly from sternites III to VIII. Ultrastructure of cells associated with sternal glands showed typical characteristics of gland cells that differ in size, shape and number. The function of sternal glands is further discussed on the basis of morphological comparisons with other thrips species.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. This study evaluated the effect of dispersal on the density and feeding impact of a phytophagous insect in relation to the spatial distribution of its host plants.
2. The interaction between density, dispersal, and feeding impact of western flower thrips on flowering chrysanthemum was quantified at three spatial scales, with infested and uninfested plants either isolated in 0.25 m2 individual cages, or enclosed together in 2.25 m2 communal cages or 75 m2 greenhouses.
3. In individual cages, the rate of dispersal from chrysanthemum plants to blue sticky traps increased with the density of thrips for females but not males. Uninfested plants consistently had fewer thrips when they were individually caged rather than enclosed with plants infested with adults, indicating that dispersal mediates inter-plant distribution of thrips.
4. The feeding impact of thrips on inflorescences was evaluated using the absorbance of ethanol extracts at wavelengths characteristic of yellow carotenoid pigments associated with chrysanthemum inflorescences (415, 445, and 472 nm). Increasing absorbance of extracts with increasing density of thrips per inflorescence suggests that feeding by thrips results in ruptured cells leaching carotenoid pigments.
5. In communal cages, the distribution of thrips was uniform for infested and uninfested plants, whereas the density and feeding impact of thrips in greenhouses were higher for infested than uninfested plants. These results suggest that short-range dispersal by adults homogenises the density and feeding impact of thrips among host plants only on a small spatial scale.  相似文献   

The efficacy of six entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) strains was tested in a laboratory study against soil-dwelling life stages of western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). The EPN strain collections screened included two Heterorhabditis bacteriophora species, i.e., H. bacteriophora HK3 (H.b H) and H. bacteriophora HB Brecan (H.b B), three Steinernema feltiae species, i.e., S. feltiae Sylt (S.f S), S. feltiae OBSIII (S.f O), and S. feltiae strain CR (S.f C), and the S. carpocapsae strain DD136 (S.c D). All soil-dwelling life stages of WFT were susceptible to the tested EPN strains. The most virulent strains were S.f S, S.c D, and H.b H. The S.f O strain was highly virulent against late second instar larvae and prepupae of WFT under high soil moisture conditions, but less effective against pupae under comparatively drier soil conditions. Results from dose rate experiments indicate that a comparatively high concentration of 400 infective juveniles (IJs) per cm(2) was needed to obtain high mortality in all soil-dwelling life stages of WFT. However, dose rates of 100-200 IJs/cm(2) already caused 30-50% mortality in WFT. The chances for combining EPNs with other biological control agents of WFT are discussed.  相似文献   

  1. Frankliniella occidentalis is a pest of horticultural crops, including commercial strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa). Control is challenging because certain populations are resistant to insecticides and, in strawberry, now relies on the application of biocontrols. However, this approach is not always successful if F. occidentalis populations overwhelm biocontrols. We investigated whether targeted spectral modifications to cladding materials could reduce numbers of F. occidentalis, in strawberry flowers.
  2. Five UV-attenuating plastic-film materials were tested in three, 6-week, semi-field tunnel experiments containing strawberry plants. F. occidentalis were introduced into tunnels from a laboratory culture and subsequent numbers that developed in strawberry flowers were recorded.
  3. Limiting UV-A radiation to the crop significantly reduced the numbers of adult and larval F. occidentalis in strawberry flowers. The numbers of adult (and larvae) in flowers were reduced by 42 (47)%, 54 (41)%, 70 (73)%, and 82 (73)% in UV350, UV370, UV400, and UV430-attenuating films, respectively, compared with the UVopen (control) film. However, no damage to strawberry fruits was observed regardless of the film treatment.
  4. Incorporating UV-attenuating films as tunnel cladding can suppress F. occidentalis numbers in strawberry. Reducing populations of F. occidentalis in crops is likely to enable the more successful use of other non-chemical control strategies.

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