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Data on interbirth intervals are reported for two forest-living guenons,Cercopithecus mitis andC. ascanius, from a western Kenyan site. Measured intervals for females whose first offspring survived varied from 24 to 54 months (median 47,N=10) forC. mitis, and from 49 to 60 months (median 52,N=3) forC. ascanius. Intervals were shorter when the first of two offspring died. These results are supported by data on estimated intervals, in which the date of the first of two births was estimated, and incomplete intervals. Our measurements exceed previous estimates of interbirth intervals in wild populations and measured intervals of captive animals. Compared to closely related species inhabiting unpredictable and seasonal environments, these forest guenons breed very slowly indeed.  相似文献   

Life history data are presented for a population of vervets, Cercopithecusaethiops sabaeus, in Barbados, West Indies. The data were obtained from two habituated troops and from vervets captured during a large-scale trapping program. Individuals of known age from one troop were weighed periodically, and separate growth curves generated for males and females. The mean weight of captured adult females was 3.3 kg; that of adult males, 5.3 kg. The average age at sexual maturity is estimated at 34 months for females and 60 months for males. Vervets give birth throughout the year, but most infants are born between April and July. The average interbirth interval following a surviving infant is 11.8 months. The mortality of juveniles is heaviest between birth and 2 years of age and decreases thereafter. Males emigrate from their natal troops at sexual maturity and one incident of a juvenile female emigrating is reported.  相似文献   

Many studies of sex differences in primates have been based on small experimental groups of peers in which only a limited range of social behavior could be expressed. In addition, the first few months of life are often the focus of such studies, with relatively little attention paid to older juveniles. In this study, 11 male and 9 female juvenile patas monkeys, living in a captive social group with all age-sex classes available, were observed between 1 and 4 years of age. A subset of seven patas monkeys was also observed between birth and 1 year of age. Here, we report the development of sex differences in independence, play, grooming, positioning behavior, and aggression over the juvenile period. Juvenile male patas monkeys played more and in longer bouts than females, but wrestling (rough-and-tumble play) was not more common among males. There were few differences in behaviors directed to male and female juveniles by other group members. Distinct differences emerged only in the behaviors of the juveniles themselves, with females being more active participants in social and aggressive interactions than males. In general, sex differences in patas monkeys show a mixture of patterns, some of which are predictive of adult sex differences and some of which appear to be specific to the particular demands of the juvenile period in this species  相似文献   

When colonies of swarm-founding wasps lose their nests to predation or accident, the entire adult population escapes, emigrates as an absconding swarm, and renests elsewhere. Such an event causes a reduction in the adult population due to losses during the emigration itself and to adult attrition without replacement during the subsequent preemergence growth period in the new nest. We addressed the first of these sources of mortality for 27 absconding swarms of Polybia occidentalis in Costa Rica. Adult mortality over the day that included swarm emigration averaged 0.044 ± 0.039 (SD) of the original population and was a weak positive function of distance moved, but not of swarm size. A larger data set showed that emigration distance increased with swarm size. This is the first study to measure mortality rates during emigration in a swarm-founding social insect.  相似文献   

We examine demographic patterns from a long-term study (1987–1996) of the population of ring-tailed lemurs in the Beza-Mahafaly Special Reserve, in southwestern Madagascar. In particular, we focus on the effects that a severe drought in 1991 and 1992 had on the population. The population of adult animals peaked in 1991 but decreased rapidly during the subsequent drought and immediate postdrought years. In the 1992 birth season (and second year of the drought) infant mortality reached 80%, and 20.8% of all adult females in the reserve died. The following year, adult female mortality reached a high of 29.9%. Juvenile mortality in 3 intensively studied groups was 57% during the second year of the drought. We compare these data with infant, juvenile, and adult female mortality in non-drought years. We are not able to calculate adult male mortality, as they often emigrate from the reserve to the adjacent forest; however, in the same 3 intensively studied groups, 89% of the males disappeared during the 2 immediate postdrought years. By 1996, the population had begun to recover after the decline that correlated with the drought conditions. Annual reproduction, high birth rates (.80–.86 annually), early sexual maturity, and dietary adaptability may be contributing factors to the recovery. Effects of and recovery from this type of natural disaster in the Beza Mahafaly ring-tailed lemur population parallel responses of some species of macaques and baboons with respect to the adaptability of edge species.  相似文献   

Mortality patterns are thought to be strong selective forces on life history traits, with high adult mortality and low immature mortality favoring early and rapid reproduction. Patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) have the highest potential rates of population increase for their body size of any haplorhine primate because they reproduce both earlier and more often. We report here 10 yr of comparative demographic data on a population of patas monkeys and a sympatric population of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), a closely related species differing in aspects of social system, ecology, and life history. The data reveal that 1) adult female patas monkeys have significantly higher mortality than adult female vervets; 2) infant mortality in patas monkeys is relatively low compared to the norm for mammals because it is not significantly different from that of adult female patas monkeys; and 3) infant mortality is significantly higher than adult female mortality in vervets. For both species, much of the mortality could be attributed to predation. An epidemic illness was also a major contributor to the mortality of adult female patas monkeys whereas chronic exposure to pathogens in a cold and damp microenvironment may have contributed to the mortality of infant vervets. Both populations experienced large fluctuations during the study period. Our results support the prediction from demographic models of life history evolution that high adult mortality relative to immature mortality selects for early maturation.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of a small group of wild chimpanzees at Bossou, Guinea, were studied during a 6.5-year period between 1976 and 1983. The natality rate (0.23 births/female/year) was higher and the interbirth interval (4.3–4.4 years/female) was shorter than those of chimpanzees at East African study sites (the Gombe and Mahale National Parks). The infant mortality for the first 3 years (0.06–0.18/year) was lower than those in East Africa. However, the population had remained almost stable since 1967 (growth rate: 0.985/year). The increase in number by births was offset by the disappearance (perhaps emigration) of adolescent chimpanzees. Adult males immigrated and disappeared (perhaps emigrated) but adult females rarely did.  相似文献   

We investigated intra- and interspecific differences in life history and reproductive parameters in bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). We compare the parameters of wild and captive females in order to shed light on the influence of habitat or specific differences or both on reproduction. We present new and additional information on reproductive parameters from captive bonobos and chimpanzees. Captive chimpanzees birth more live offspring and have a shorter interbirth interval, but experience higher infant mortality than captive bonobos. Although captive bonobo females tend to start reproduction at a younger age than chimpanzees, this is effectively only so for wild-born females of both species. Ultimately both species reach the same rate of production of offspring surviving to 5 yr. These results contrast with data from the wild. Wild bonobos tend to have higher reproductive success, a higher fertility rate and a shorter interbirth interval than wild chimpanzees. Reproduction is similar for wild and captive bonobos, which suggests that they are producing at their maximum under both conditions. Overall captive chimpanzees perform better than their wild conspecifics, probably because of lower feeding competition. Infant survival is the only specific difference not affected by captivity. Bonobo infants survive better, which suggests that chimpanzee infants are more at risk. We argue that the interspecific variation in reproductive parameters in captivity is related to the different influence of captivity on reproduction and different pressures of external sources of infant and juvenile mortality.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study on the introduced, free-ranging patas monkey population of Southwestern Puerto Rico (SWPR). It describes information on the population size, social group composition, diet, daily ranging patterns, and patas home range during a 3 year period. The patas monkey population in the study area consisted of approximately 120 individuals in four heterosexual groups and several all-male bands. Within their home ranges (26.8 km2), the population density was 4.47 individuals/km2. Home range size among the population's four heterosexual groups varied from 3.72 km2 to 15.39 km2, and minimum daily distance traveled ranged from 0.8–2.0 km. In general, the social structure and mating system of this population parallels what has been described for African populations. However, habitat use, ranging behavior, and the quality of intergroup interactions suggests that patas of this population exhibit territorial behavior. Am. J. Primatol. 45:351–365, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mating behavior and paternity of offspring of wild patas monkeys were studied at Kala Maloue National Park, Cameroon. Observation of patas groups over three years revealed that multi-male situations occurred after takeover of the position of a resident male. Direct observation of behavior showed that resident males (harem males) occupied only 31% of mating in multi-male situations and 100% in one-male situations. DNA-typing revealed that resident males sired two of four of infants in the one-male situation and four of five in the multi-male situation. Under the two years cycle of the one-male situation and the multi-male situation, calculation shows that resident males sired more offspring than sneakers both in observation and paternity testing. Sneak mating occurred during both one-male and multi-male situations, and resident males performed compensatory mating, with dilution of sneaker sperm; these activities explain the discrepancy found between observation of mating and results of paternity discrimination.  相似文献   

Data from a 2-year field study of patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) in Kenya support our earlier suggestion that diurnal births are a species-typical pattern of patas. In this respect patas are very unusual, as all existing information shows that nocturnal births are typical of both captive and freeranging monkeys. Patas do not give birth at night because to do so would render ineffective their night-resting strategy which reduces vulnerability to predation at night. Giving birth during the day, however, does not eliminate the risk of being preyed on; nor are all times of day equally favorable for giving birth. Our field data suggest that a patas female gives birth at those times of day when she is least likely to lose contact with her group or to encounter predators.  相似文献   

Interspecific relations between wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) and two species of guenons (Cercopithecus wolfi andC. ascanius) were studied at Wamba in the Central Zaire Basin from September 1989 to January 1990. Data on the guenons were collected while following parties of bonobos or when searching for them. The guenons were observed directly 59 times during the study period. In about half of these observations, the guenons were found within 20 m from the bonobo parties. The encounters between the bonobos and the guenons sometimes lasted over an hour. The guenons mainly initiated the encounters by approaching the bonobos. During the encounters, no aggressive interactions were observed between the bonobos and the guenons. Evidence of hunting by wild bonobos has been restricted to small mammals, and there has been no evidence of hunting of primates by wild bonobos. These findings and the results of the present study strongly suggest that wild bonobos do not hunt sympatric primates.  相似文献   

A study of the population structure of olive baboons {Papio anubis (J. P. Fischer)) was conducted near Rumuruti and Nanyuki in the Laikipia District of Kenya during 1969. The overall male: female ratio was 96:100 for all animals captured. The sex ratio of immature baboons favoured males, while adult females outnumbered adult males. Male baboons demonstrated an increased mortality during the juvenile stage primarily due to exploratory behaviour. Female baboons demonstrated an increased mortality incurred during the first pregnancy or birth early in the adult stage. About 50 % of adult females had an infant offspring, while about 75% had a juvenile offspring. Adult female baboons in their native environment produce an offspring every 2.5-3.0 years. No birth peak was discernable and births occurred throughout the year.  相似文献   

An habituated group of wild patas monkeys was observed in Kenya for 550 h in 1984. Observations were made primarily during an interval that, as previous studies at the same site had demonstrated, coincided with the annual mating and conception periods. Earlier field studies of patas at other sites had reported that heterosexual patas groups had only a single resident adult male and that mating was harem-polygynous. At the Kenya site, by contrast, as many as six males were simultaneously resident and mated in the group during the conception period. Males adopted a variety of tactics to gain access to receptive females, ranging from opportunistic mating to attempts at sequestration that resembled consort behavior in other cercopithecoids such as savanna baboons and rhesus macaques. Aggressive competition for access to females took place among the males, although the number of completed copulations per male did not bear a positive relation to agonistic dominance rank. For patas monkeys, harem polygyny is only one available option within an overall mating system that is best described as a form of promiscuous polygyny, especially during periods when conception is most likely.  相似文献   

Comparative data from wild populations are necessary to understand the evolution of primate life history strategies. We present demographic data from a 29-yr longitudinal study of 8 groups of individually recognized wild blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni). We provide estimates of life history variables and a life table for females. Most females had their first infant at 7 yr. The mean interbirth interval was 28 mo, and decreased from 31 to 18 mo if the first infant died within a year. Interbirth intervals did not differ according to infant sex, but females had longer intervals after their first vs. subsequent births. Infant mortality was 23% and did not differ strongly by sex or mother’s parity. Maximal female lifespan was 32.5–34.5 yr. Across the lifespan, both survivorship and fecundity showed typical primate patterns. Survivorship was lowest in infants, leveled off among juveniles, and then decreased gradually with increasing age in later life. Fecundity was highest among young females and decreased among older females. Births were seasonal, with 64% occurring within 3 mo at the end of the dry season and beginning of the wet season. Survival to 12 mo was higher for infants born during drier months. Birth season timing is plausibly related to thermoregulation of infants, weanling foods, or maternal energy demand. Blue monkeys are a forest-dependent species with a very slow life history and relatively low immature and adult mortality rates compared to closely related guenons living in open habitats. Even among cercopithecines as a whole, they appear to have an exceptionally slow life history relative to body size. Differences in life history “speed” between blue monkeys and their close relatives seem to be related to lower juvenile and adult mortality in forests relative to more open habitats.  相似文献   

Infanticide by males has been hypothesized to be a naturally selected behavioral strategy that increases the infanticidal male's reproductive success. The sexual selection hypothesis has been challenged via alternative, nonadaptive hypotheses that dispute its empirical and theoretical bases. Two of the most widely recognized alternatives are the social pathology hypothesis, in which infanticide results from overcrowding or recent human disturbance, and the generalized aggression hypothesis, in which infanticide is an epiphenomenon of increased male aggression. We report the first case of infanticide in wild, seasonally breeding patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) living at a low population density in a stable habitat, conditions which do not support the social pathology hypothesis. Its exceptional occurrence is consistent with the sexual selection hypothesis: over a 7-year period the infanticidal male was the only one of 13 resident males that was not present during the actual conception season but was present during the following birth season. Also consistent with this hypothesis, mothers were differentially targeted for male aggression, which increased sevenfold during the days surrounding the infanticide and then decreased to baseline levels after the infanticide. Aggression targeted at mothers does not support the generalized aggression hypothesis. As predicted by the sexual selection hypothesis, females began soliciting mating immediately after the infanticide, despite its occurrence in the nonconceptive season.  相似文献   

I examined seasonal, sex, and interspecific differences in activity time budgest and diets of patas (Erythrocebus patas) and sympatric tantalus monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops tantalus) on the basis of 5-day data sets collected in three and two different seasons, respectively, by the method of focal animal sampling. The seasons included species-specific mating and birth seasons. As compared with not only the birth season but also conspecific females, both patas resident male and tantalus male spent less time feeding and more time resting, day and night, in their respective mating seasons. Given that day-resting time includes time for vigilance for non-resident males and receptive females, this may reflect that males should minimize time spent feeding to allow maximum participation in other fitness-increasing activities such as mating-relating activities asSchoener (1971) predicted. In both species, the males consumed fruits containing less protein but more calories and showed a high feeding rate to compensate for the shorter time spent feeding in the mating season. In contrast, females consumed protein-rich food types (i.e. animals, protein-rich seeds, leaves, and flowers) in the birth season to meet the high demand for protein due to pregnancy and lactation. Given that the season for males was considered to be not a calendar but a reproductive “season” (i.e. mating or birth season), both sexes of patas spent more time moving and less time day- and night-resting than did the tantalus counterparts irrespective of the “season”. Patas subsisted on fruits, gums, and supplementarily lipid-rich seeds as an energy source and animal matters and protein-rich seeds as a protein source. In contrast, tantalus subsisted on fruits and lipid-rich seeds as energy and flowers and leaves as protein.  相似文献   

Observations of the sexual harassment occurring within a captive group of patas monkeys are reported. Immature males performed most harassing attacks, while immature and adult females were infrequent harassers. The adult male of the group appeared to be the object of the majority of attacks, and on occasion the male’s copulatory behavior was modified by harassment. It is hypothesized that the harassing attacks performed by immature patas monkeys may be based upon (a) the excitatory effect of witnessing adult sexual interactions, and (b) the approach/withdraw conflict experienced during close approach to the adult male. The preservation of the one-male group structure is suggested as a possible function of sexual harassment.  相似文献   

We examined agonistic interactions between adult females in wild, unprovisioned patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) and vervets (Cercopithecus aethiops). The dominance hierarchy of patas is far less clear than that of vervets. Patas had fewer interactions per dyad, fewer dyads with interactions, and a high percentage (18%) of reversals in which lower-ranking females won in agonistic interactions with higher-ranking females. Although the rank ordering of the kinds of interactions patas and vervets displayed is similar, with avoidance being the most frequently observed agonistic response to approaches by other females, patas were chased and supplanted more often than vervets were. The resources over which females were supplanted also differ between species. Supplants over food comprise smaller proportion of total supplants patas than for vervets. Patas appear to feed on less usurpable foods than vervets. We conclude that (1) Erythrocebus and Cercopithecus spp., except C. aethiops, should not be categorized with other Cercopithecinae, and C. aethiops should not be categorized with other Cercopithecus spp. and Erythrocebus, in discussions and analyses of relationships between females within groups and (2) ecological conditions, i.e., usurpability of foods, can override phylogenetic history as the selective pressure determining the nature of female competitive relationships within groups.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(2):502-509
Following intra-group aggression, obvious conciliatory displays are absent from the behavioural repertoire of patas monkeys, Erythrocebus patas, while many other Old World primate species show special reconciliation gestures. When 10-min focal-animal samples that began after spontaneous aggression were compared with matched-control samples, captive adult female patas followed up on aggressive interactions, interacting sooner and more often with former opponents during post-conflict observations than during matched-control observations. Almost one-third of post-conflict observations included affiliative behaviour between former opponents, which is termed reconciliation. Matrilineally related opponents were more likely to reconcile with one another than were unrelated animals. No effect of the dominance hierarchy on tendency to reconcile was found. Thus, patas monkeys showed general patterns in post-conflict behaviour that were similar to those seen in other primates previously investigated.  相似文献   

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