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Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are considered a recovery success in the United States after rebounding from near extirpation due to widespread use of the insecticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in the twentieth century. Although abundances of bald eagles have increased since DDT was banned, other contaminants have remained in the environment with unknown influence on eagle population trends. Ingestion of spent lead (Pb) ammunition, the source of Pb most available to eagles and other scavengers in the United States, is known to kill individual eagles, but the influence of the contaminant on overall population dynamics remains unclear, resulting in longstanding controversy over the continued legality of the use of Pb in terrestrial hunting ammunition. We hypothesized that mortalities from the ingestion of Pb reduced the long-term growth rate and resiliency of bald eagles in the northeast United States over the last 3 decades. We used Holling's definition of resilience (the ability of a system to absorb changes of state variables, driving variables, and parameters and still persist) to quantify how reduction in survival from Pb-associated mortalities reduced the likelihood of population persistence. We used a population matrix model and necropsy records gathered between 1990 and 2018 from a 7-state area to compare population dynamics under current versus hypothetical Pb-reduced and Pb-free scenarios. Despite a robust increase in eagle abundances in the northeast United States over that period, we estimated that deaths arising from ingestion of Pb was associated with a 4.2% (females) and 6.3% (males) reduction in the asymptotic long-term growth rate (lambda). Comparison between real (current) and counterfactual (Pb-reduced and Pb-free) population dynamics indicated that the deaths from acute Pb poisoning were additive because the mortality events were associated with marked reduction in annual survival performance of hatchlings and reproductive females. These shifts in survival performance were further associated with a reduction in resilience for hatchling (95.4%) and breeding (81.6%) female eagles. Counterintuitively, the current conditions produced an increase in resilience (68.9%) for immature and non-breeding female eagles over hypothetical Pb-free conditions, suggesting that the population of eagles in the northeast United States reorganized (in a population dynamics sense) to ensure population expansion despite additive mortalities associated with Pb. This study can be used by state and federal wildlife managers or non-governmental organizations to inform policy surrounding the use of lead ammunition or to educate hunters on the population-scale effects of their ammunition choices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In accordance with federal regulations, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service developed a postdelisting monitoring plan for the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) designed to detect a change in the number of occupied nests on a national scale. The plan employs a dual-frame approach to the survey design where a list frame (list of known nests) and an area frame (set of survey plots) are used in concert to estimate the number of occupied nests in 5-year intervals over a 20-year period. The plan offers no provisions for changes in list-frame integrity, nor does it contemplate the impact of such changes on survey performance. We used a long-term data set to quantify occupancy patterns for nests in Virginia, USA, and evaluated their influence on integrity of the list frame and performance of the proposed dual-frame monitoring approach. The average annual turnover rate for nests was 0.261, resulting in a rapid decay of the list frame. Decay of the list frame leads to a functional collapse of the dual-frame approach, down to the area-frame survey alone, early within the monitoring time horizon. This early decay of the list frame implies that the area-frame coverage needed to maintain the same statistical power as stated in the monitoring plan would have to be increased by a factor of 3 to 5 beyond that recommended in the current plan. Remedies for this deficiency undermine the cost benefit associated with inclusion of the list frame. We examined response of the dual-frame survey to variation in nest turnover rates and population growth rates and defined a state space where time to collapse is beyond the proposed 20-year time horizon. Because, under realistic estimates of turnover rates, the dual-frame approach collapses to the area frame within the proposed monitoring window, we recommend that the costs of list-frame maintenance be included in the procedure to optimize allocation of survey effort.  相似文献   

Regional monitoring strategies frequently employ a nested sampling design where a finite set of study areas from throughout a region are selected and intensive sampling occurs within a subset of sites within the individual study areas. This sampling protocol naturally lends itself to a hierarchical analysis to account for dependence among subsamples. Implementing such an analysis using a classic likelihood framework is computationally challenging when accounting for detection errors in species occurrence models. Bayesian methods offer an alternative approach for fitting models that readily allows for spatial structure to be incorporated. We demonstrate a general approach for estimating occupancy when data come from a nested sampling design. We analyzed data from a regional monitoring program of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) and spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) in vernal pools using static and dynamic occupancy models. We analyzed observations from 2004 to 2013 that were collected within 14 protected areas located throughout the northeast United States. We use the data set to estimate trends in occupancy at both the regional and individual protected area levels. We show that occupancy at the regional level was relatively stable for both species. However, substantial variation occurred among study areas, with some populations declining and some increasing for both species. In addition, When the hierarchical study design is not accounted for, one would conclude stronger support for latitudinal gradient in trends than when using our approach that accounts for the nested design. In contrast to the model that does not account for nesting, the nested model did not include an effect of latitude in the 95% credible interval. These results shed light on the range‐level population status of these pond‐breeding amphibians, and our approach provides a framework that can be used to examine drivers of local and regional occurrence dynamics.  相似文献   

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