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Recreational boats are a dominant feature of estuarine waters in the United States. Boat strike injury and mortality may have a detrimental effect on populations of diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin), a keystone species in estuarine ecosystems. In Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, 11% of terrapins (n = 2,644) have scars consistent with injuries from boats. Conservative estimates of injury rates from boats increased from 2006 to 2011. When exposed to playback recordings of approaching boat engines of varying sizes and speeds in situ, terrapins did not significantly change their behavior in response to sounds of boat engines of different sizes. The lack of behavioral response of terrapins to boat sounds helps explain high rates of injury and mortality of terrapins and may threaten the viability of terrapin populations. Boater education courses that discuss impacts of boats to wildlife, combined with closure of areas of high terrapin densities to boating, are necessary to protect terrapins and other aquatic species from injury and mortality caused by motorized boats.  相似文献   

Aquatic turtles worldwide are plagued with habitat loss due to development and shoreline alteration that destroys the terrestrial–aquatic linkage which they must cross to reproduce successfully. Furthermore, nesting habitat loss can concentrate nesting, increasing nest predator efficiency. We describe how the Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project at Poplar Island created nesting habitat for Malaclemys terrapin (Diamondback Terrapin), and document nesting success in response to construction progress and the absence of raccoons and foxes, the primary nest predators. We monitored terrapin nests throughout the nesting seasons from 2002 to 2011 to determine overall and within‐nest survivorship. Female terrapins began nesting on the restoration project within 1 year but planned construction during the study eliminated some nesting areas and opened previously inaccessible areas. Overall, nest survivorship was considerably higher than mainland nesting areas due to the absence of raccoons and foxes on the island and within‐nest survivorship was similar. Egg size, hatchling size, and the frequency of shell scute anomalies were similar to other terrapin populations, suggesting normal developmental conditions on the island. We documented annual variation in hatchling size that correlated negatively with mean air temperature during the incubation season. Our results indicate that restored or created isolated island habitat can be located rapidly by terrapins and can become an important source of recruitment in regions where nesting habitat is limited and predation is high. Poplar Island illustrates how habitat loss and restoration can affect turtle populations by revealing the changes in nesting patterns and success in newly created, predator‐free habitat.  相似文献   

Human activities, including the harvesting of natural resources and land development, place substantial pressure on wildlife. The diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is a small, estuarine species of emydid turtle in decline and at risk due to a suite of human activities. Vehicle-induced mortality from increasing coastal traffic and bycatch mortality in crab pots have been recognized as 2 of the primary conservation concerns for terrapins. We used mark-recapture estimates of terrapin density and sex ratio from repeated seining samples of 29 randomly stratified selected tidal creeks to evaluate the current relationships between road and crabbing pressures and the abundance, sex ratio, and size distribution of terrapin populations along the Georgia coast. We obtained 2005 captures of 1,547 individual terrapins among 29 tidal creeks sampled. Population density estimates ranged from 0 to 1,040 terrapins/km among tidal creeks with a median density of 65 terrapins/km. Among all sites, terrapin density declined with increasing crabbing activity within the creek, but was not related to proximity to roads. Sex ratios did not vary significantly with crabbing activity or proximity to roads; however, we found a significantly larger proportion of smaller-sized terrapins in creeks with no crabbing activity. Although roads may have significant localized effects on terrapin populations, we found no measurable association between proximity to roads and current variation in terrapin density along the Georgia coast. However, we did find that terrapin density and the proportion of smaller sized individuals within the population were negatively associated with crabbing activities. Bycatch from commercial and recreational activities threaten many species. We add to a growing body of research showing crabbing activities are affecting diamondback terrapin populations across much of the species' range. States committed to the conservation of terrapins and coastal species should focus on reducing bycatch risk; for example by regulating soak times and locations, requiring the use of bycatch reduction devices, and removing abandoned or lost crab pots from coastal habitats. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The initial discovery in May 2009 of eelgrass (Zostera marina) seeds in fecal samples of wild-caught northern diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) was the first field evidence of eelgrass seed ingestion in this species. This finding suggested the potential of terrapins as seed dispersers in eelgrass beds, which we sampled for two additional years (2010 and 2011). Seeds were only found in feces of terrapins captured prior to June 8 in all three years, coinciding with eelgrass seed maturation and release. Numbers of seeds in terrapin feces varied annually and decreased greatly in 2011 after an eelgrass die off in late 2010. The condition of seeds in terrapin feces was viable-mature, germinated, damaged, or immature. Of terrapins captured during time of seed release, 97% were males and juvenile females, both of which had head widths <30 mm. The fraction of individuals with ingested seeds was 33% for males, 35% for small females, and only 6% for large (mature) females. Probability of seed ingestion decreased exponentially with increasing terrapin head width; only males and small females (head width <30 mm) were likely to be vectors of seed dispersal. The characteristic that diamondback terrapins have well-defined home ranges allowed us to estimate the number of terrapins potentially dispersing eelgrass seeds annually. In seagrass beds of the Goodwin Islands region (lower York River, Virginia), there were 559 to 799 terrapins, which could disperse between 1,341 and 1,677 eelgrass seeds annually. These would represent a small proportion of total seed production within a single seagrass bed. However, based on probable home range distances, terrapins can easily traverse eelgrass meadow boundaries, thereby dispersing seeds beyond the bed of origin. Given the relatively short dispersion distance of eelgrass seeds, the diamondback terrapin may be a major source of inter-bed seed dispersal and genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Chronic by-catch of diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) pots is a concern for terrapin conservation along the United States Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts. Despite the availability of by-catch reduction devices (BRDs) for crab pots, adoption of BRDs has not been mandated and by-catch of terrapins continues. We conducted experimental fishing studies in North Carolina's year-round blue crab fishery from 2000 to 2004 to evaluate the ability of various BRDs to reduce terrapin by-catch without a concomitant reduction in the catch of blue crabs. In 4,822 crab pot days fished, we recorded only 21 terrapin captures. Estimated capture rates were 0.003 terrapins/pot per day in hard crab experimental fishing and 0.008 terrapins/pot per day in peeler experimental fishing. All terrapin captures occurred from April to mid-May within 321.4 m of the shoreline. Longer soak times produced more dead terrapins, with 4 live and 4 dead during hard crab experimental fishing and 11 live and 2 dead during peeler experimental fishing. The 4.0-cm BRDs in fall and 4.5-cm and 5.0-cm BRDs in spring reduced the catch of legal-sized male hard crabs by 26.6%, 21.2%, and 5.7%, respectively. Only the 5.0-cm BRDs did not significantly affect the catch of legal-sized hard male crabs. However, BRDs had no measurable effect on catch of target crabs in the peeler crab fishery. Our results identify 3 complementary and economically feasible tools for blue crab fishery managers to exclude terrapins from commercially fished crab pots in North Carolina: 1) gear modifications (e.g., BRDs); 2) distance-to-shore restrictions; and 3) time-of-year regulations. These measures combined could provide a reduction in terrapin by-catch of up to 95% without a significant reduction in target crab catch. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Nesting ecology and population studies indicate that diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) exhibit nest site fidelity and high habitat fidelity. However, genetic studies indicate high levels of gene flow. Because dispersal affects the genetics and population dynamics of a species, we used six highly polymorphic microsatellite markers to investigate sex-biased dispersal and natal philopatry of M. terrapin in Barnegat Bay, NJ. We compared results of spatial autocorrelation analysis, assignment methods and Wright's F(ST) estimators to a mark-recapture analysis. Mark-recapture analysis over a 4-year period indicated that most individuals have relatively small home ranges (<2 km), with mature females displaying greater home ranges than males. Goodness of fit analysis of our mark-recapture study indicated that some juvenile males were likely transient individuals moving through our study location. Mean assignment indices and first-generation migrant tests indicated that mature males were more prone to disperse than mature females, but first-generation migrant tests indicated that per capita there are more female than male dispersers. Thus, the relative importance of males and females on gene flow in terrapin populations may change in relation to population sex ratios. Spatial autocorrelation analysis indicated that mature females exhibited natal philopatry to nesting beaches, but first-generation migrant tests indicated that a small number of females failed to nest on natal beaches. Finally, we discuss the important conservation implications of male-biased dispersal and natal philopatry in the diamondback terrapin.  相似文献   

Total and fecal coliform bacteria were isolated from the cloaca and feces of the estuarine diamondback terrapin. The majority of samples contained fecal coliforms. Escherichia coli was the predominant fecal coliform species isolated, and members of the genus Salmonella were isolated from 2 of 39 terrapins. Fecal coliform numbers are used to regulate shellfish harvests, and diamondback terrapins inhabit the brackish-water habitats where oyster beds are found; therefore, these findings have implications for the efficacy of current regulatory parameters in shellfishing waters.  相似文献   

We present an exercise for counting trematode cysts on mudsnails that can be implemented as a field‐based project in course work by students or by volunteers. The exercise involves the digenetic trematode Pleurogonius malaclemys, which infects diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) as its definitive host, and eastern mudsnails (Tritia obsoleta) as its intermediate host. The trematode forms macroscopic metacercarial cysts on the shells and opercula of the mudsnails, and the life cycle is completed when terrapins ingest the intermediate hosts with cysts. Previous research has suggested that quantifying cysts on mudsnails can be a relatively simple method to estimate terrapin population sizes where terrapins co‐occur with mudsnails. Three non‐professional scientist groups (including students and volunteers) were tested in their estimates of prevalence and intensity data compared to verified cyst counts. Prevalence data were relatively accurate (~76–78%) and reliable (68–89%) across the groups. The intensity of cysts (on shells and opercula of mudsnails) were mostly within 12% of the verified counts (total mean intensity of 1.81–2.97 cysts/parasitized mudsnail) but varied significantly in two cases due to false positives (likely due to sand grains or debris scored as cysts) or negatives (likely due to missed cysts behind the operculum). The exercise can be completed as a lab or series of labs in courses, and data from such projects could be used in terrapin conservation efforts, particularly in helping scientists determine where terrapins occur. We discuss modification of the exercise for other trematode species in regions around the world and hope this expands recognition by the public of the important role of parasites in ecosystems.  相似文献   

Humans have greatly altered the natural distribution of species, making it difficult to distinguish between natural and introduced populations. This is a problem for conservation efforts because native or introduced status can determine whether a species is afforded protection or persecuted as an invasive pest. Holocene colonization events are especially difficult to discern, particularly when the species in question is a naturally good disperser and widely transported by people. In this study, we test the origin of such a species, the diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin), on Bermuda using a combination of palaeontologic (fossil, radiometric and palaeoenvironmental) and genetic data. These lines of evidence support the hypothesis that terrapins are relatively recent (between 3000 and 400 years ago) natural colonizers of Bermuda. The tiny population of Bermudian terrapins represents the second naturally occurring non-marine reptile that still survives on one of the most densely populated and heavily developed oceanic islands in the world. We recommend that they should be given protection as a native species.  相似文献   

In a very dry year, when aquatic habitats were scarce, we observed exceptionally massive corixid oviposition on terrapin shells in Doñana National Park, southwestern Spain. Most terrapins inhabiting a large pond devoid of aquatic vegetation exhibited a dense cover of corixid eggs, whilst terrapins from vegetated ponds had no egg cover. Corixid oviposition had also been observed on terrapin shells in previous periods of severe drought. Considering that terrapins frequently alternate between aquatic and terrestrial environments, we experimentally assessed the viability of corixid eggs in varying degrees of dry-exposure. A significant proportion of corixid eggs did not hatch when they were occasionally dried under sun exposure, but egg mortality was lower when they were dried in the shade. The massive oviposition on terrapin shells was probably a consequence of the limited availability of adequate oviposition sites, and it might increase the odds of egg survival when terrapins migrate to other ponds.  相似文献   

We examined the population genetic structure of the diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin), within and among estuaries. Based on mark-recapture studies, these estuarine turtles have high site fidelity that is likely to make them vulnerable to local extinctions. We tested if observed site fidelity of adults would be reflected in intraestuarine population genetic structure of six highly polymorphic microsatellite loci (five tetranucleotide and one dinucleotide). No evidence was found for population structuring within the Charleston estuary nor among three different estuaries in South Carolina. We then examined four other terrapin populations from North Carolina to New York, as well as from the Florida Keys and from Texas. With increasing geographical distance, genetic differentiation increased from South Carolina through New York, but overall values were low. The dinucleotide locus contributed significantly more to the genetic differentiation of some population comparisons than any of the other loci. Interestingly, terrapins from South Carolina to New York were much more genetically similar to those from Texas (rho = 0.154) than to those from Florida (rho = 0.357). We attribute this pattern to extensive translocations of terrapins during the early 20th century to replenish diminished populations and to provide turtle farms with stocks. Terrapins collected in Texas were especially sought for shipment to the northeastern US because of their larger size. Our study indicates no population structure within or among adjacent estuaries. Thus, the mark-recapture information from adult and subadult feeding locations is a poor predictor of population genetic structure. Additionally, it appears that past human activities may have drastically altered the genetics of current populations. Finally, our data suggest that translocation of eggs or head starting of terrapins within estuaries or among adjacent estuaries is acceptable from a genetic standpoint.  相似文献   

Designing monitoring with adequate certainty to evaluate management actions can be challenging, especially for elusive species in relatively inaccessible habitats. The diamond-backed terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is considered a high priority species for management in all states within its range. Among key threats to terrapin populations is bycatch mortality in crab pots, prompting states throughout the species' range to consider crabbing regulations and creating a need for a monitoring approach able to evaluate the success of any new crabbing regulations to benefit terrapins. Because terrapins occupy extensive and often difficult to access estuarine habitat, it is hard to collect sufficient data to estimate population responses accurately and precisely for management. To assist state managers with decisions regarding monitoring bycatch reduction regulations, we modeled 12 years of terrapin capture-recapture data. We used estimates from those models to simulate capture-recapture data pre- and post-implementation of bycatch reduction that resulted in a 0.20 absolute increase in mean apparent survival probability. Results indicated weak reliability of a monitoring approach using only manual seining of tidal creeks to detect a real management effect, with a positive management effect detected at the 95% certainty level only 34% of the time. When we considered 85% and 75% certainty thresholds, we detected a positive effect on survival among 61% and 75% of simulations, respectively. Low within-year recapture probability and the effect of tide amplitude on terrapin availability indicate there is low feasibility of improving monitoring precision at a single site, requiring monitoring of more sites to improve confidence in the detection of the management effect. The number of sites monitored depends on the acceptable level of certainty. We recommend that researchers and management entities that use seining assess the level of certainty they require to evaluate management actions and increase the number of sites sampled to meet that level of certainty. Additionally, the use of multiple monitoring methods and integrated models should be explored to reduce uncertainty and to allow for easier monitoring of more populations over broader spatial scales.  相似文献   

I evaluated standard metabolic rates (SMR) of hatchling northern diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) across a range of salinities (salinity = 1.5, 4, 8, 12, and 16 psu) that they may encounter in brackish habitats such as those in the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay, U.S.A. Consumption of O2 and production of CO2 by resting, unfed animals served as estimates of SMR. A peak in SMR occurred at 8 psu which corresponds closely with the salinity at which hatchling growth was previously shown to be maximized (salinity ∼ 9 psu). It appears that SMR is influenced by growth, perhaps reflecting investments in catabolic pathways that fuel anabolism. This ecophysiological information can inform environmental conservation and management activities by identifying portions of the estuary that are bioenergetically optimal for growth of hatchling terrapins. I suggest that conservation and restoration efforts to protect terrapin populations in oligo-to mesohaline habitats should prioritize protection or creation of habitats in regions where average salinity is near 8 psu and energetic investments in growth appear to be maximized.  相似文献   

We describe polymerase chain recation (PCR) primers and conditions to amplify one dinucleotide and five tetranucleotide microsatellite DNA loci isolated from the Diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin). The PCR primers were tested on 21 terrapins from Cape Romain, SC, USA. The microsatellite primers developed yielded a high number of alleles (8–14) and high observed heterozygosities (0.57–1.0).  相似文献   

Measuring the thermal conditions of aquatic reptiles with temperature dataloggers is a cost-effective way to study their behavior and habitat use. Temperature dataloggers are a particularly useful and informative approach to studying organisms such as the estuarine diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) that inhabits a dynamic environment often inaccessible to researchers. We used carapace-mounted dataloggers to measure hourly carapace temperature (Tc) of free-ranging terrapins in South Carolina from October 2007 to 2008 to examine the effects of month, sex, creek site, and tide on Tc and to determine the effects of month, sex, and time of day on terrapin basking frequency. Simultaneous measurements of environmental temperatures (Te; shallow mud, deep mud, water) allowed us to make inferences about terrapin microhabitat use. Terrapin Tc differed significantly among months and creek and between sexes. Terrapin microhabitat use also varied monthly, with shallow mud temperature being the best predictor of Tc November–March and water temperature being the best predictor of Tc April–October. Terrapins basked most frequently in spring and fall and males basked more frequently than females. Our study contributes to a fuller understanding of terrapin thermal biology and provides support for using dataloggers to investigate behavior and habitat use of aquatic ectotherms inhabiting dynamic environments.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Egg size and nest site selection are two potentialeffects that can have a persistent influence on the phenotypeof offspring. In this paper, I develop the maternal condition-dependentchoice hypothesis for the maintenance of environmental sex determination.The hypothesis stipulates three conditions: 1) there must bevariation in the maternal effect, 2) the variation in the maternaleffect must influence fitness of the offspring differently betweenthe sexes, and 3) female reproductive behavior is determinedby her condition or how her condition will influence her offspring'sfitness. Females with the ability to recognize environmentsthat have a higher probability of producing the sex that wouldbenefit the most from maternal condition will have an advantage.Using egg size as a maternal effect, I test this hypothesisin the diamondback terrapin, an emydid turtle with temperature-dependentsex determination. Terrapins have large variation in egg sizeamong clutches and little variation within clutches. Egg massis the primary determinant of hatchling mass and can resultin as much as a three year difference in reaching minimum sizeof first reproduction in females, but may not affect age orsize of first reproduction in males. Finally, terrapins selectopen nesting sites with warmer incubation conditions and placelarger eggs there. Females place smaller eggs in cooler sites.Terrapin reproduction is consistent with the prediction of thematernal condition-dependent nest site choice hypothesis. Themodel and supporting data demonstrate how maternal effects canbe an important factor to consider in studies of environmentalsex determination.  相似文献   

Sex differences in adult mortality may be responsible for male‐skewed adult sex ratios and male‐skewed parental care in some birds. Because a surplus of breeding males has been reported in serially polyandrous populations of Snowy Plover Charadrius alexandrinus, we examined sex ratio, early‐season nesting opportunities, adult survival and annual reproductive success of a Snowy Plover population at Monterey Bay, California. We tested the hypotheses that male adult survival was greater than female survival and that a sex difference in adult survival led to a skewed adult sex ratio, different mating opportunities and different annual productivity between the sexes. Virtually all females left chicks from their first broods to the care of the male and re‐nested with a new mate. As a result, females had time to parent three successful nesting attempts during the lengthy breeding season, whereas males had time for only two successful attempts. Among years, the median population of nesting Plovers was 96 males and 84 females (median difference = 9), resulting in one extra male per eight pairs. The number of potential breeders without mates during the early nesting period each year was higher in males than in females. Adult male survival (0.734 ± 0.028 se) was higher than female survival (0.693 ± 0.030 se) in top‐ranked models. Annually, females parented more successful clutches and fledged more chicks than their first mates of the season. Our results suggest that in C. alexandrinus a sex difference in adult survival results in a male‐skewed sex ratio, which creates more nesting opportunities and greater annual productivity for females than for males.  相似文献   

Understanding how reproductive tradeoffs act in concert with abiotic elements to affect survival is important for effective management and conservation of wildlife populations, particularly for at-risk or harvested species. Wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) are a high-interest species for consumptive and non-consumptive uses, and female survival is a primary factor influencing turkey population dynamics. We radio-tracked and collected survival data on 140 female Merriam's wild turkeys (M. g. merriami) in the northern Black Hills, South Dakota, USA, 2016–2018. We developed and compared a set of candidate models to evaluate how nest incubation, brood rearing, and precipitation could be associated with female survival. Increased time spent incubating was associated with reduced female survival. Additionally, daily precipitation was associated with reduced survival of incubating females. Seasonal survival was lowest during spring and winter. A female that did not incubate a nest was predicted to have a higher rate of annual survival (0.53, 85% CI = 0.48–0.59) than a female that incubated a single nest (0.47, 85% CI = 0.42–0.53). Despite the relative proximity of population segments, we estimated that annual survival for nesting and non-nesting females was lower in the northern Black Hills compared to annual female survival in the southern Black Hills, underscoring the need for region-specific data when possible. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

There is widespread concern regarding the impacts of anthropogenic activities on connectivity among populations of plants and animals, and understanding how contemporary and historical processes shape metapopulation dynamics is crucial for setting appropriate conservation targets. We used genetic data to identify population clusters and quantify gene flow over historical and contemporary time frames in the Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin). This species has a long and complicated history with humans, including commercial overharvesting and subsequent translocation events during the early twentieth century. Today, terrapins face threats from habitat loss and mortality in fisheries bycatch. To evaluate population structure and gene flow among Diamondback Terrapin populations in the Chesapeake Bay region, we sampled 617 individuals from 15 localities and screened individuals at 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Our goals were to demarcate metapopulation structure, quantify genetic diversity, estimate effective population sizes, and document temporal changes in gene flow. We found that terrapins in the Chesapeake Bay region harbour high levels of genetic diversity and form four populations. Effective population sizes were variable. Among most population comparisons, estimates of historical and contemporary terrapin gene flow were generally low (m ≈ 0.01). However, we detected a substantial increase in contemporary gene flow into Chesapeake Bay from populations outside the bay, as well as between two populations within Chesapeake Bay, possibly as a consequence of translocations during the early twentieth century. Our study shows that inferences across multiple time scales are needed to evaluate population connectivity, especially as recent changes may identify threats to population persistence.  相似文献   

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