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Hunt AN 《Journal of cellular biochemistry》2006,97(2):244-251
Once nuclear envelope membranes have been removed from isolated nuclei, around 6% of mammalian cell phospholipid is retained within the nuclear matrix, which calculations suggest may occupy 10% of the volume of this subcellular compartment. It is now acknowledged that endonuclear phospholipid, largely ignored for the past 40 years, provides substrate for lipid-mediated signaling events. However, given its abundance, it likely also has other as yet incompletely defined roles. Endonuclear phosphatidylcholine is the predominant phospholipid comprising distinct and highly saturated molecular species compared with that of the whole cell. Moreover, this unusual composition is subject to tight homeostatic maintenance even under conditions of extreme dietary manipulation, presumably reflecting a functional requirement for highly saturated endonuclear phosphatidylcholine. Recent application of new lipidomic technologies exploiting tandem electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in conjunction with deuterium stable isotope labeling have permitted us to probe not just molecular species compositions but endonuclear phospholipid acquisition and turnover with unparalleled sensitivity and specificity. What emerges is a picture of a dynamic pool of endonuclear phospholipid subject to autonomous regulation with respect to bulk cellular phospholipid metabolism. Compartmental biosynthesis de novo of endonuclear phosphatidylcholine contrasts with import of phosphatidylinositol synthesized elsewhere. However, irrespective of the precise temporal-spatial-dynamic relationships underpinning phospholipid acquisition, derangement of endonuclear lipid-mediated signaling from these parental phospholipids halts cell growth and division indicating a pivotal control point. This in turn defines the manipulation of compartmentalized endonuclear phospholipid acquisition and metabolism as intriguing potential targets for the development of future antiproliferative strategies. 相似文献
定量蛋白质组学是对蛋白质组进行精确的定量和鉴定的学科,突破了传统蛋白质组研究集中于对蛋白质的分离和鉴定,着重于定性定量解析细胞蛋白质的动态变化信息,更真实地反映了细胞功能、过程机制等综合信息。以同位素为内标的质谱分析新技术的提出,显示出可同时自动鉴定和精确定量的能力,代表了目前定量蛋白质组研究的主要发展方向。对近年来定量蛋白质组学同位素标记技术和应用研究所取得的重要进展以及最新的发展动态进行了综述。 相似文献
Katja Bernfur Gudrun Rutsdottir Cecilia Emanuelsson 《Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society》2017,26(9):1773-1784
The small heat shock protein (sHsp) chaperones are crucial for cell survival and can prevent aggregation of client proteins that partially unfold under destabilizing conditions. Most investigations on the chaperone activity of sHsps are based on a limited set of thermosensitive model substrate client proteins since the endogenous targets are often not known. There is a high diversity among sHsps with a single conserved β‐sandwich fold domain defining the family, the α‐crystallin domain, whereas the N‐terminal and C‐terminal regions are highly variable in length and sequence among various sHsps and conserved only within orthologues. The endogenous targets are probably also varying among various sHsps, cellular compartments, cell type and organism. Here we have investigated Hsp21, a non‐metazoan sHsp expressed in the chloroplasts in green plants which experience huge environmental fluctuations not least in temperature. We describe how Hsp21 can also interact with the chloroplast thylakoid membranes, both when isolated thylakoid membranes are incubated with Hsp21 protein and when plants are heat‐stressed. The amount of Hsp21 associated with the thylakoid membranes was precisely determined by quantitative mass spectrometry after metabolic 15N‐isotope labeling of either recombinantly expressed and purified Hsp21 protein or intact Arabidopsis thaliana plants. We found that Hsp21 is among few proteins that become associated with the thylakoid membranes in heat‐stressed plants, and that approximately two thirds of the pool of chloroplast Hsp21 is affected. We conclude that for a complete picture of the role of sHsps in plant stress resistance also their association with the membranes should be considered. 相似文献
《Expert review of proteomics》2013,10(4):503-512
The strong need for quantitative information in proteomics has fueled the development of mass spectrometry-based analytical methods that are able to determine protein abundances. This article reviews mass spectrometry experiments aimed at providing an absolute quantification of proteins. The experiments make use of the isotope-dilution concept by spiking a known amount of synthetic, isotope-labeled reference peptide into the analyte sample. Quantification is achieved by comparing the mass spectrometry signal intensities of the reference with an endogenous peptide that is generated upon proteolytic cleavage of the target protein. In an analogous manner, the level of post-translational modification at a distinct residue within a target protein can be determined. Among the strengths of absolute quantification are low detection limits reaching subfemtomole levels, a high dynamic range spanning approximately five orders of magnitude, low requirements for sample clean-up, and a fast and straightforward method development. Recent studies have demonstrated the compatibility of absolute quantification with various mass spectrometry readout techniques and sample purification steps such as 1D gel electrophoresis, size-exclusion chromatography, isoelectric peptide focusing, strong cation exchange and reversed phase or affinity chromatography. Under ideal conditions, quantification errors and coefficients of variation below 5% have been reported. However, the fact that at the start of the experiment the analyte is a protein and the internal standard is a peptide, severe quantification errors may result due to the selection of unsuitable reference peptides and/or imperfect protein proteolysis. Within the ensemble of mass spectrometry-based quantification methods, absolute quantification is the method of choice in cases where absolute numbers, many repetitive experiments or precise levels of post-translational modifications are required for a few, preselected species of interest. Consequently, prominent application areas include biomarker quantification, the study of post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation or ubiquitination and the comparison of concentrations of interacting proteins. 相似文献
Quantitative proteomics and its applications for systems biology 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
细胞培养稳定同位素标记技术(SILAC)是在细胞培养过程中,利用稳定同位素标记的氨基酸结合质谱技术,对蛋白表达进行定量分析的一种新技术。它不仅可以对蛋白质进行定性分析,还可通过质谱图上一对轻-重稳定同位素峰的比例来反映对应蛋白在不同状态下的表达水平,实现对蛋白质的精确定量。SILAC结合质谱技术在定量蛋白质组学中发挥了巨大的作用,其应用范围从细胞系扩展到亚细胞器、组织与动物整体水平,具体的应用策略也在不断完善发展。我们总结评述了SILAC技术在差异表达蛋白质组、蛋白质翻译后修饰、药物蛋白质组和蛋白质相互作用等方面的应用与进展。 相似文献
Heparan sulfate (HS) interacts with numerous proteins at the cell surface and orchestrates myriad biological events. Unraveling the mechanisms of these events at the molecular level calls for the structural analysis of these negatively charged and highly heterogeneous biopolymers. However, HS is often available only in small quantities, and the task of structural analysis necessitates the use of ultra-sensitive methods, such as mass spectrometry. Sequence heterogeneity within HS chains required us to identify critical functional groups and their spacing to determine structure-function relationships for HS. We carried out structural analysis of HS isolated from wild type, 3-OST-1, 3-OST-3A, or 3-OST-5 sulfotransferase-transduced Chinese hamster ovary cells and also from various tissues. In the context of tissue-specific HS, the data allowed us to map the biosynthetic pathways responsible for the placement of critical groups. As a means of determining the distance between critical groups within a motif, we determined the spacing of the rare GlcNAc-GlcA disaccharide sequence in the completely desulfated re-N-sulfated porcine intestinal heparin. These disaccharides are biosynthetic regulatory markers for 3-OST-1 modification and the partial structure of the antithrombin III binding site. They occur only at the distance of hexasaccharide, octasaccharide, decasaccharide, or dodecasaccharide. Thus this approach allowed us to map both the biosynthetic pathways for generating critical functional groups and their spacing within HS. Our new strategy removes two obstacles to rapid progress in this field of research. 相似文献
Robert J Beynon 《Briefings in Functional Genomics and Prot》2005,3(4):382-390
Quantitative proteomics captures the steady-state amount of a protein in a cell but does not explain how a change in protein amount is manifest -- whether through a change in synthesis or a change in degradation. If we are to understand the changes in the proteome, we will need to define such processes. In this brief review, strategies for the determination of intracellular protein dynamics on a proteome-wide scale are discussed. 相似文献
Mole (MSR) and fractional (FSR) synthesis rates of proteins during C2C12 myoblast differentiation are investigated. Myoblast cultures supplemented with D2O during 0–24 h or 72–96 h of differentiation are analyzed by LC‐MS/MS to calculate protein FSR and MSR after samples are spiked with yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH1). Profiling of 153 proteins detected 70 significant (p ≤ 0.05, FDR ≤ 1%) differences in abundance between cell states. Early differentiation is enriched by clusters of ribosomal and heat shock proteins, whereas later differentiation is associated with actin filament binding. The median (first–third quartile) FSR (%/h) during early differentiation 4.1 (2.7–5.3) is approximately twofold greater than later differentiation 1.7 (1.0–2.2), equating to MSR of 0.64 (0.38–1.2) and 0.28 (0.1–0.5) fmol h?1 µg?1 total protein, respectively. MSR corresponds more closely with abundance data and highlights proteins associated with glycolytic processes and intermediate filament protein binding that are not evident among FSR data. Similarly, MSR during early differentiation accounts for 78% of the variation in protein abundance during later differentiation, whereas FSR accounts for 4%. Conclusively, the interpretation of protein synthesis data differs when reported in mole or fractional terms, which has consequences when studying the allocation of cellular resources. 相似文献
L-Kynurenine and quinolinic acid are neuroactive L-tryptophan-kynurenine pathway metabolites of potential importance in pathogenesis and treatment of neurologic disease. To identify precursors of these metabolites in brain, [(2)H(3) ]-L-kynurenine was infused subcutaneously by osmotic pump into three groups of gerbils: controls, CNS-localized immune-activated, and systemically immune-activated. The specific activity of L-kynurenine and quinolinate in blood, brain and systemic tissues at equilibrium was then quantified by mass spectrometry and the results applied to a model of metabolism to differentiate the relative contributions of various metabolic precursors. In control gerbils, 22% of L-kynurenine in brain was derived via local synthesis from L-tryptophan/formylkynurenine versus 78% from L-kynurenine from blood. Quinolinate in brain was derived from several sources, including: local tissue L-tryptophan/formylkynurenine (10%), blood L-kynurenine (35%), blood 3-hydroxykynurenine/3-hydroxyanthranilate (7%), and blood quinolinate (48%). After systemic immune-activation, however, L-kynurenine in brain was derived exclusively from blood, whereas quinolinate in brain was derived from three sources: blood L-kynurenine (52%), blood 3-hydroxykynurenine or 3-hydroxyanthranilate (8%), and blood quinolinate (40%). During CNS-localized immune activation, > 98% of both L-kynurenine and quinolinate were derived via local synthesis in brain. Thus, immune activation and its site determine the sources from which L-kynurenine and quinolinate are synthesized in brain. Successful therapeutic modulation of their concentrations must take into account the metabolic and compartment sources. 相似文献
《Expert review of proteomics》2013,10(1):87-95
The advent of high-throughput proteomic technologies for global detection and quantitation of proteins creates new opportunities and challenges for those seeking to gain greater understanding of the cellular machinery. Here, recent advances in high-resolution capillary liquid chromatography coupled to Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry are reviewed along with its potential application to high-throughput proteomics. These technological advances combined with quantitative stable isotope labeling methodologies provide powerful tools for expanding our understanding of biology at the system level. 相似文献
Nathaniel W. Snyder Sankha S. Basu Andrew J. Worth Clementina Mesaros Ian A. Blair 《Journal of lipid research》2015,56(1):142-150
Metabolism of propionate involves the activated acyl-thioester propionyl-CoA intermediate. We employed LC-MS/MS, LC-selected reaction monitoring/MS, and LC-high-resolution MS to investigate metabolism of propionate to acyl-CoA intermediates. We discovered that propionyl-CoA can serve as a precursor to the direct formation of a new six-carbon mono-unsaturated acyl-CoA. Time course and dose-response studies in human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells demonstrated that the six-carbon mono-unsaturated acyl-CoA was propionate-dependent and underwent further metabolism over time. Studies utilizing [13C1]propionate and [13C3]propionate suggested a mechanism of fatty acid synthesis, which maintained all six-carbon atoms from two propionate molecules. Metabolism of 2,2-[2H2]propionate to the new six-carbon mono-unsaturated acyl-CoA resulted in the complete loss of two deuterium atoms, indicating modification at C2 of the propionyl moiety. Coelution experiments and isotopic tracer studies confirmed that the new acyl-CoA was trans-2-methyl-2-pentenoyl-CoA. Acyl-CoA profiles following treatment of HepG2 cells with mono-unsaturated six-carbon fatty acids also supported this conclusion. Similar results were obtained with human platelets, mouse hepatocellular carcinoma Hepa1c1c7 cells, human bronchoalveolar carcinoma H358 cells, and human colon adenocarcinoma LoVo cells. Interestingly, trans-2-methyl-2-pentenoyl-CoA corresponds to a previously described acylcarnitine tentatively described in patients with propionic and methylmalonic acidemia. We have proposed a mechanism for this metabolic route consistent with all of the above findings. 相似文献
Prasad T. Reddy Robert G. Brinson J. Todd Hoopes Colleen McClung Na Ke Lila Kashi 《MABS-AUSTIN》2018,10(7):992-1002
The widespread use of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) as a platform for therapeutic drug development in the pharmaceutical industry has led to an increased interest in robust experimental approaches for assessment of mAb structure, stability and dynamics. The ability to enrich proteins with stable isotopes is a prerequisite for the in-depth application of many structural and biophysical methods, including nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), small angle neutron scattering, neutron reflectometry, and quantitative mass spectrometry. While mAbs can typically be produced with very high yields using mammalian cell expression, stable isotope labeling using cell culture is expensive and often impractical. The most common and cost-efficient approach to label proteins is to express proteins in Escherichia coli grown in minimal media; however, such methods for mAbs have not been reported to date. Here we present, for the first time, the expression and purification of a stable isotope labeled mAb from a genetically engineered E. coli strain capable of forming disulfide bonds in its cytoplasm. It is shown using two-dimensional NMR spectral fingerprinting that the unlabeled mAb and the mAb singly or triply labeled with 13C, 15N, 2H are well folded, with only minor structural differences relative to the mammalian cell-produced mAb that are attributed to the lack of glycosylation in the Fc domain. This advancement of an E. coli-based mAb expression platform will facilitate the production of mAbs for in-depth structural characterization, including the high resolution investigation of mechanisms of action. 相似文献
Van M. Hoang Thomas P. Conrads Timothy D. Veenstra Josip Blonder Atsushi Terunuma Jonathan C. Vogel Robert J. Fisher 《Journal of biomolecular techniques》2003,14(3):216-223
A proteomics-based method using stable isotope labeling to assess the relative abundance of peptides or proteins is described. Bradykinin and carbonic anhydrase were labeled with sulfosuccinimidyl-2-(biotinamido) ethyl-1,3-dithiopropionate, a membrane impermeant reagent that is reactive with primary amines. Specificity of the label to primary amines was demonstrated using tandem mass spectrometry. Also, relative quantitation was achieved by secondary labeling with natural isotopic abundance and stable isotope-labeled methyl iodide. We believe this to be an effective stable isotope-labeling method for quantitative proteomics. 相似文献
Anjana Shenoy 《Expert review of proteomics》2015,12(1):13-19
Stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) has risen as a powerful quantification technique in mass spectrometry (MS)–based proteomics in classical and modified forms. Previously, SILAC was limited to cultured cells because of the requirement of active protein synthesis; however, in recent years, it was expanded to model organisms and tissue samples. Specifically, the super-SILAC technique uses a mixture of SILAC-labeled cells as a spike-in standard for accurate quantification of unlabeled samples, thereby enabling quantification of human tissue samples. Here, we highlight the recent developments in super-SILAC and its application to the study of clinical samples, secretomes, post-translational modifications and organelle proteomes. Finally, we propose super-SILAC as a robust and accurate method that can be commercialized and applied to basic and clinical research. 相似文献
Liset Westera Vera van Hoeven Julia Drylewicz Gerrit Spierenburg Jeroen F. van Velzen Rob J. de Boer Kiki Tesselaar José A. M. Borghans 《Aging cell》2015,14(2):219-227
In healthy humans, lymphocyte populations are maintained at a relatively constant size throughout life, reflecting a balance between lymphocyte production and loss. Given the profound immunological changes that occur during healthy aging, including a significant decline in T‐cell production by the thymus, lymphocyte maintenance in the elderly is generally thought to require homeostatic alterations in lymphocyte dynamics. Surprisingly, using in vivo 2H2O labeling, we find similar dynamics of most lymphocyte subsets between young adult and elderly healthy individuals. As the contribution of thymic output to T‐cell production is only minor from young adulthood onward, compensatory increases in peripheral T‐cell division rates are not required to maintain the T‐cell pool, despite a tenfold decline in thymic output. These fundamental insights will aid the interpretation of further research into aging and clinical conditions related to disturbed lymphocyte dynamics. 相似文献