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The characteristics of the carbamoylation of pig brain tubulin were examined by using the modification conditions with cyanate described previously [Mellado, Slebe + Maccioni (1980) Biochem. Int. I, 584--590]. The carbamoylation reaction resulted in an inhibition of microtubule assembly, which was dependent on the concentration of the modifying agent. This tubulin modification appears to inhibit the growth of microtubules. The presence of GTP did not protect tubulin against this inhibition. Electron microscopy showed a marked decrease in the number of tubules after carbamoylation, but no alterations were observed in the microtubule morphology. The incorporation of KN14CO into alpha- and beta-subunits with similar kinetics was also shown, and the carbamoylated residues were identified as epsilon-N-carbamoyl-lysine residues.  相似文献   

The central spindle forms between segregating chromosomes during anaphase and is required for cytokinesis. Although anaphase-specific bundling and stabilization of interpolar microtubules (MTs) contribute to formation of the central spindle, it remains largely unknown how these MTs are prepared. Using live imaging of MT plus ends and an MT depolymerization and regrowth assay, we show that de novo MT generation in the interchromosomal region during anaphase is important for central spindle formation in human cells. Generation of interchromosomal MTs and subsequent formation of the central spindle occur independently of preanaphase MTs or centrosomal MT nucleation but require augmin, a protein complex implicated in nucleation of noncentrosomal MTs during preanaphase. MTs generated in a hepatoma up-regulated protein (HURP)-dependent manner during anaphase also contribute to central spindle formation redundantly with preanaphase MTs. Based on these results, a new model for central spindle assembly is proposed.  相似文献   

Modification of pig brain tubulin with 2,3-butanedione, an arginine-specific reagent, resulted in a decrease of its microtubule formation capacity, with apparent first-order kinetics. However, microtubules already assembled were not affected by the reagent. The relation between the polymerization inhibition rate constant and the butanedione concentration followed a saturation curve whereas the colchicine binding activity remained unchanged over that concentration range. GTP partially prevented the decrease of tubulin polymerization induced by the butanedione treatment. This protective effect of GTP was increased by glycerol. The butanedione inhibition of tubulin polymerization appears to be related to the modification of no more than three arginyl residues. These data suggest that at least one of the arginyl residues plays an essential role in tubulin polymerization, probably through its interaction with the negatively charged phosphate moiety of the nucleotide.  相似文献   

The centrosome is the main MT organizing center in animal cells, and has traditionally been regarded as essential for organization of the bipolar spindle that facilitates chromosome segregation during mitosis. Centrosomes are associated with the poles of the mitotic spindle, and several cell types require these organelles for spindle formation. However, most plant cells and some female meiotic systems get along without this organelle, and centrosome‐independent spindle assembly has now been identified within some centrosome containing cells. How can such observations, which point to mutually incompatible conclusions regarding the requirement of centrosomes in spindle formation, be interpreted? With emphasis on the functional role of centrosomes, this article summarizes the current models of spindle formation, and outlines how observations obtained from spindle assembly assays in vitro may reconcile conflicting opinions about the mechanism of spindle assembly. It is further described how Drosophila mutants are used to address the functional interrelationships between individual centrosomal proteins and spindle formation in vivo. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Different models have been proposed that link the tubulin heterodimer nucleotide content and the role of GTP hydrolysis with microtubule assembly and dynamics. Here we compare the thermodynamics of microtubule assembly as a function of nucleotide content by van't Hoff analysis. The thermodynamic parameters of tubulin assembly in 30-100 mM piperazine-N,N'-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid), 1 mM MgSO4, 2 mM EGTA, pH 6.9, in the presence of a weakly hydrolyzable analog, GMPCPP, the dinucleotide analog GMPCP plus 2 M glycerol, and GTP plus 2 M glycerol were obtained together with data for taxol-GTP/GDP tubulin assembly (GMPCPP and GMPCP are the GTP and GDP nucleotide analogs where the alpha beta oxygen has been replaced by a methylene, -CH2-). All of the processes studied are characterized by a positive enthalpy, a positive entropy, and a large, negative heat capacity change. GMPCP-induced assembly has the largest negative heat capacity change and GMPCPP has the second largest, whereas GTP/2 M glycerol- and taxol-induced assembly have more positive values, respectively. A large, negative heat capacity is most consistent with the burial of water-accessible hydrophobic surface area, which gives rise to the release of bound water. The heat capacity changes observed with GTP/2 M glycerol-induced and with taxol-induced assembly are very similar, -790 +/- 190 cal/mol/k, and correspond to the burial of 3330 +/- 820 A2 of nonpolar surface area. This value is shown to be very similar to an estimate of the buried nonpolar surface in a reconstructed microtubule lattice. Polymerization data from GMPCP- and GMPCPP-induced assembly are consistent with buried nonpolar surface areas that are 3 and 6 times larger. A linear enthalpy-entropy and enthalpy-free energy plot for tubulin polymerization reactions verifies that enthalpy-entropy compensation for this system is based upon true biochemical correlation, most likely corresponding to a dominant hydrophobic effect. Entropy analysis suggests that assembly with GTP/2 M glycerol and with taxol is consistent with conformational rearrangements in 3-6% of the total amino acids in the heterodimer. In addition, taxol binding contributes to the thermodynamics of the overall process by reducing the delta H degree and delta S degree for microtubule assembly. In the presence of GMPCPP or GMPCP, tubulin subunits associate with extensive conformational rearrangement, corresponding to 10% and 26% of the total amino acids in the heterodimer, respectively, which gives rise to a large loss of configurational entropy. An alternative, and probably preferable, interpretation of these data is that, especially with GMPCP-tubulin, additional isomerization or protonation events are induced by the presence of the methylene moiety and linked to microtubule assembly. Structural analysis shows that GTP hydrolysis is not required for sheet closure into a microtubule cylinder, but only increases the probability of this event occurring. Sheet extensions and sheet polymers appear to have a similar average length under various conditions, suggesting that the minimum cooperative unit for closure of sheets into a microtubule cylinder is approximately 400 nm long. Because of their low level of occurrence, sheets are not expected to significantly affect the thermodynamics of assembly.  相似文献   

GTP hydrolysis during microtubule assembly   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The GTP cap model of dynamic instability [Mitchison, T., & Kirschner, M.W. (1984) Nature (London) 312, 237] postulates that a GTP cap at the end of most microtubules stabilizes the polymer and allows continuing assembly of GTP-tubulin subunits while microtubules without a cap rapidly disassemble. This attractive explanation for observed microtubule behavior is based on the suggestion that hydrolysis of GTP is not coupled to assembly but rather takes place as a first-order reaction after a subunit is assembled onto a polymer end. Carlier and Pantaloni [Carlier, M., & Pantaloni, D. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 1918] reported a lag of hydrolysis behind microtubule assembly and a first-order rate constant for hydrolysis (kh) of 0.25/min. A lag has not been demonstrated by other investigators, and a kh value that specifies such a slow rate of hydrolysis is difficult to reconcile with reported steady-state microtubule growth rates and frequencies of disassembly. We have looked for a lag using tubulin free of microtubule-associated protein at concentrations of 18.5-74 microM, assembly with and without glycerol, and two independent assays of GTP hydrolysis. No lag was observed under any of the conditions employed, with initial rates of hydrolysis increasing in proportion to rates of assembly. If hydrolysis is uncoupled from assembly, we estimate that kh must be at least 2.5/min and could be much greater, a result that we argue may be advantageous to the GTP cap model. We also describe a preliminary model of assembly coupled to hydrolysis that specifies formation and loss of a GTP cap, thus allowing dynamic instability.  相似文献   

The kinetics of assembly were studied for bovine and pig microtubule protein in vitro over a range of conditions of pH, temperature, nucleotide and protein concentration. The kinetics are in general biphasic with two major processes of similar amplitude but separated in rate by one order of magnitude. Rates and amplitudes are complex functions of solution conditions. The rates of the fast phase and the slow phase attain limiting values as a function of increasing protein concentration, and are more stringently limited at pH 6.5 than pH 6.95. Such behaviour indicates that mechanisms other than the condensation polymerization of tubulin dimer become rate-limiting at higher protein concentration. The constancy of the wavelength-dependence of light-scattering and ultrastructural criteria indicate that microtubules of normal morphology are formed in both phases of the assembly process. Electrophoretic analysis of assembling microtubule protein shows that MAP- (microtubule-associated-protein-)rich microtubules are formed during the fast phase. The rate of dissociation of oligomeric species on dilution of microtubule protein closely parallels the fast-phase rate in magnitude and temperature-dependence. We propose that the rate of this process constitutes an upper limit to the rate of the fast phase of assembly. The kinetics of redistribution of MAPs from MAP-rich microtubules may be a factor limiting the slow-phase rate. A working model is derived for the self-assembly of microtubule protein incorporating the dissociation and redistribution mechanisms that impose upper limits to the rates of assembly attainable by bimolecular addition reactions. Key roles are assigned to MAP-containing fragments in both phases of microtubule elongation. Variations in kinetic behaviour with solution conditions are inferred to derive from the nature and properties of fragments formed from oligomeric species after the rapid temperature jump. The model accounts for the limiting rate behaviour and indicates experimental criteria to be applied in evaluating the relative contributions of alternative pathways.  相似文献   

Microtubules are dynamic cytoskeletal polymers present in all eukaryotic cells. In animal cells, they are organized by the centrosome, the major microtubule-organizing center. Many centrosomal proteins act coordinately to modulate microtubule assembly and organization. Our previous work has shown that Cep70, a novel centrosomal protein regulates microtubule assembly and organization in mammalian cells. However, the molecular details remain to be investigated. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanism of how Cep70 regulates microtubule assembly using purified proteins. Our data showed that Cep70 increased the microtubule length without affecting the microtubule number in the purified system. These results demonstrate that Cep70 could directly regulate microtubule assembly by promoting microtubule elongation instead of microtubule nucleation.  相似文献   

Tau is a neuronal microtubule-associated protein that promotes microtubule assembly, stability, and bundling in axons. Two distinct regions of tau are important for the tau-microtubule interaction, a relatively well-characterized "repeat region" in the carboxyl terminus (containing either three or four imperfect 18-amino acid repeats separated by 13- or 14-amino acid long inter-repeats) and a more centrally located, relatively poorly characterized proline-rich region. By using amino-terminal truncation analyses of tau, we have localized the microtubule binding activity of the proline-rich region to Lys215-Asn246 and identified a small sequence within this region, 215KKVAVVR221, that exerts a strong influence on microtubule binding and assembly in both three- and four-repeat tau isoforms. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicate that these capabilities are derived largely from Lys215/Lys216 and Arg221. In marked contrast to synthetic peptides corresponding to the repeat region, peptides corresponding to Lys215-Asn246 and Lys215-Thr222 alone possess little or no ability to promote microtubule assembly, and the peptide Lys215-Thr222 does not effectively suppress in vitro microtubule dynamics. However, combining the proline-rich region sequences (Lys215-Asn246) with their adjacent repeat region sequences within a single peptide (Lys215-Lys272) enhances microtubule assembly by 10-fold, suggesting intramolecular interactions between the proline-rich and repeat regions. Structural complexity in this region of tau also is suggested by sequential amino-terminal deletions through the proline-rich and repeat regions, which reveal an unusual pattern of loss and gain of function. Thus, these data lead to a model in which efficient microtubule binding and assembly activities by tau require intramolecular interactions between its repeat and proline-rich regions. This model, invoking structural complexity for the microtubule-bound conformation of tau, is fundamentally different from previous models of tau structure and function, which viewed tau as a simple linear array of independently acting tubulin-binding sites.  相似文献   

Nucleotide specificity in microtubule assembly in vitro   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A procedure is described for removing most of the GDP bound at the exchangeable GTP binding site (E site) of tubulin. Microtubule protein containing substoichiometric amounts of GDP at the E site is found to polymerize in response to: (a) two nonhydrolyzable ATP analogues, adenylyl imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) and adenylyl beta, gamma-methylenediphosphonate (AMP-PCP); and (b) substoichiometric levels of GTP or dGTP. The results are interpreted as suggesting that: (1) when GDP is removed from tubulin, the E site shows broad specificity for nucleoside triphosphates: (2) microtubule assembly can be induced by the binding of substoichiometric amounts of nucleoside triphosphate to the E site.  相似文献   

Chicken erythrocyte tubulin containing a unique beta tubulin variant polymerizes with greater efficiency (lower critical concentration) but at a slower rate than chicken brain tubulin. In a previous study we demonstrated that the low net rate of assembly is partly due to the presence of large oligomers and rings which reduce the initial rate of subunit elongation on microtubule seeds (Murphy, D.B., and Wallis, K.T. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 12293-12301). In this study we show that erythrocyte tubulin oligomers also retard the rate of microtubule nucleation and the net rate of self-assembly. The inhibitory effect is most likely to be due to the increased stability of erythrocyte tubulin oligomers, including a novel polymer of coiled rings that forms during the rapid phase of microtubule polymerization. The slow rate of dissociation of rings and coils into dimers and small oligomers appears to limit both the nucleation and elongation steps in the self-assembly of erythrocyte microtubules.  相似文献   

This paper describes the physical and chemical properties of purified tau, a protein which is associated with brain microtubules and which induces assembly of microtubules from tubulin. Purified tau is composed of four polypeptides which migrate at positions equivalent to molecular weights between 55,000 and 62,000 during electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gels. These polypeptides are shown to be closely related by peptide mapping and by amnio acid analysis. A comparison by various techniques of the high molecular weight microtubule-associated proteins with the tau polypeptides indicates no apparent relationship. Tau is found by analytical ultracentrifugation and by sedimentation equilibrium to have a sedimentation coefficient of 2.6 S and a native molecular weight of 57,000. Tau, therefore, must be highly asymmetric (an axial ratio of 20:1 using a prolate ellipsoid model), and yet possess little α-helical structure as indicated by circular dichroism. Isoelectric focusing shows tau to be a neutral or slightly basic protein. Tau is also seen to be phosphorylated by a protein kinase which copurifies with microtubules.In the assembly process, tau apparently regulates the formation of longitudinal oligomers from tubulin dimers, and hence promotes ring formation under depolymerizing conditions and microtubule formation under polymerizing conditions. The known asymmetry of the tau molecule suggests that tau induces assembly by binding to several tubulin molecules per tau molecule, thereby effectively increasing the local concentration of tubulin and inducing the formation of longitudinal filaments. The role of tau is discussed in light of reports of polymerization induced by particular non-physiological conditions and by various polycations. The formation of normal microtubules over a wide range of tubulin and tau concentrations under mild buffer conditions suggests that tau and tubulin define a complete in vitro assembly system under conditions which approach physiological.  相似文献   

Effects of DNA on microtubule assembly   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

C M Lin  E Hamel 《Biochemistry》1987,26(22):7173-7182
We previously reported that direct incorporation of GDP (i.e., without an initial hydrolysis of GTP) into microtubules occurs throughout an assembly cycle in a constant proportion. The exact proportion varied with reaction conditions, becoming greater under all conditions in which tubulin-GDP increased relative to tubulin-GTP (low Mg2+ and GTP concentrations, high tubulin concentrations, and in the presence of exogenous GDP). These findings led us to explore further interrelationships of tubulin-GDP and tubulin-GTP in microtubule assembly. We have now determined the minimum amount of tubulin-GTP required for the initiation of microtubule assembly and the relative efficiency with which tubulin-GDP participates in microtubule elongation. When GTP, GDP, and tubulin concentrations were varied at a constant Mg2+ concentration (0.2 mM), initiation of assembly required that 35% of the nucleotide-bearing tubulin be in the form of tubulin-GTP, and incorporation of tubulin-GDP into microtubules during elongation was only 60% as efficient as would be predicted on the basis of its proportional concentration in the reaction mixtures. Very different results were obtained when the Mg2+ concentration was varied. Even though Mg2+ enhances the binding of GTP to tubulin (the equilibrium constant for the exchange of GTP for GDP was 0.2 in the absence of exogenous Mg2+, 3 with 0.2 mM Mg2+, 5 with 0.5 mM Mg2+, and 11 with 2 and 4 mM Mg2+), as Mg2+ was increased the proportion of tubulin-GTP required for the initiation of microtubule assembly rose greatly, and the direct incorporation of tubulin-GDP into microtubules during elongation became progressively more efficient. In the absence of exogenous Mg2+, only 20% tubulin-GTP was required for initiation, and tubulin-GDP was directly incorporated into microtubules half as efficiently as would be predicted on the basis of its concentration in the reaction mixture. At the highest Mg2+ concentration examined (4 mM), 80% tubulin-GTP was required for initiation of assembly, and tubulin-GDP was incorporated into microtubules as efficiently as tubulin-GTP.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric Gproteins participate in signal transduction by transferring signals from cell surface receptors to intracellular effector molecules. Gproteins also interact with microtubules and participate in microtubule-dependent centrosome/chromosome movement during cell division, as well as neuronal differentiation. In recent years, significant progress has been made in our understanding of the biochemical/functional interactions between Gprotein subunits (alpha and betagamma) and microtubules, and the molecular details emerging from these studies suggest that alpha and betagamma subunits of Gproteins interact with tubulin/microtubules to regulate the assembly/dynamics of microtubules, providing a novel mechanism for hormone- or neurotransmitter-induced rapid remodeling of cytoskeleton, regulation of the mitotic spindle for centrosome/chromosome movements in cell division, and neuronal differentiation in which structural plasticity mediated by microtubules is important for appropriate synaptic connections and signal transmission.  相似文献   

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