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The ADAMs are transmembrane proteins implicated in proteolysis and cell adhesion. Forty gene members of the family have been identified, of which 21 are believed to be functional in humans. As proteases, their main substrates are the ectodomains of other transmembrane proteins. These substrates include precursor forms of growth factors, cytokines, growth factor receptors, cytokine receptors and several different types of adhesion molecules. Although altered expression of specific ADAMs has been implicated in different diseases, their best-documented role is in cancer formation and progression. ADAMs shown to play a role in cancer include ADAM9, ADAM10, ADAM12, ADAM15 and ADAM17. Two of the ADAMs, i.e., ADAM10 and 17 appear to promote cancer progression by releasing HER/EGFR ligands. The released ligands activate HER/EGFR signalling that culminates in increased cell proliferation, migration and survival. Consistent with a causative role in cancer, several ADAMs are emerging as potential cancer biomarkers for aiding cancer diagnosis and predicting patient outcome. Furthermore, a number of selective ADAM inhibitors, especially against ADAM10 and ADAM17, have been shown to have anti-cancer effects. At least one of these inhibitors is now undergoing clinical trials in patients with breast cancer.  相似文献   

The increased expression of the Disintegrin and Metalloprotease ADAM12 has been associated with human cancers, however its role remain unclear. We have previously reported that ADAM12 expression is induced by the transforming growth factor, TGF-β and promotes TGF-β-dependent signaling through interaction with the type II receptor of TGF-β. Here we explore the implication of ADAM12 in TGF-β-mediated epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), a key process in cancer progression. We show that ADAM12 expression is correlated with EMT markers in human breast cancer cell lines and biopsies. Using a non-malignant breast epithelial cell line (MCF10A), we demonstrate that TGF-β-induced EMT increases expression of the membrane-anchored ADAM12L long form. Importantly, ADAM12L overexpression in MCF10A is sufficient to induce loss of cell-cell contact, reorganization of actin cytoskeleton, up-regulation of EMT markers and chemoresistance. These effects are independent of the proteolytic activity but require the cytoplasmic tail and are specific of ADAM12L since overexpression of ADAM12S failed to induce similar changes. We further demonstrate that ADAM12L-dependent EMT is associated with increased phosphorylation of Smad3, Akt and ERK proteins. Conversely, inhibition of TGF-β receptors or ERK activities reverses ADAM12L-induced mesenchymal phenotype. Together our data demonstrate that ADAM12L is associated with EMT and contributes to TGF-β-dependent EMT by favoring both Smad-dependent and Smad-independent pathways.  相似文献   

Nectin-1 is known to undergo ectodomain shedding by α-secretase and subsequent proteolytic processing by γ-secretase. How secretase-mediated cleavage of nectin-1 is regulated in neuronal cells and how nectin-1 cleavage affects synaptic adhesion is poorly understood. We have investigated α-and γ-secretase-mediated processing of nectin-1 in primary cortical neurons and identified which protease acts as a α-secretase. We report here that NMDA receptor activation, but not stimulation of AMPA or metabotropic glutamate receptors, resulted in robust α- and γ-secretase cleavage of nectin-1 in mature cortical neurons. Cleavage of nectin-1 required influx of Ca2+ through the NMDA receptor, and activation of calmodulin, but was not dependent on calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) activation. We found that ADAM10 is the major secretase responsible for nectin-1 ectodomain cleavage in neurons and the brain. These observations suggest that α- and γ-secretase processing of nectin-1 is a Ca2+/calmodulin-regulated event that occurs under conditions of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity and ADAM10 and γ-secretase are responsible for these cleavage events.  相似文献   

For many years, heat shock or stress proteins have been regarded as intracellular molecules that have a range of housekeeping and cytoprotective functions, only being released into the extracellular environment in pathological situations such as necrotic cell death. However, evidence is now accumulating to indicate that, under certain circumstances, these proteins can be released from cells in the absence of cellular necrosis, and that extracellular heat shock proteins have a range of immunoregulatory activities. The capacity of heat shock proteins to induce pro-inflammatory responses, together with the phylogenetic similarity between prokaryotic and eukaryotic heat shock proteins, has led to the proposition that these proteins provide a link between infection and autoimmune disease. Indeed, both elevated levels of antibodies to heat shock proteins and an enhanced immune reactivity to heat shock proteins have been noted in a variety of pathogenic disease states. However, further evaluation of heat shock protein reactivity in autoimmune disease and after transplantation has shown that, rather than promoting disease, reactivity to self-heat shock proteins can downregulate the disease process. It might be that self-reactivity to heat shock proteins is a physiological response that regulates the development and progression of pro-inflammatory immunity to these ubiquitously expressed molecules. The evolving evidence that heat shock proteins are present in the extracellular environment, that reactivity to heat shock proteins does not necessarily reflect adverse, pro-inflammatory responses and that the promotion of reactivity to self-heat shock proteins can downregulate pathogenic processes all suggest a potential role for heat shock proteins as therapeutic agents, rather than as therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Urocortin (UCN) and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) are members of CRF family. Though CRF is mainly distributed in central nervous system (CNS), UCN has been reported to play biologically diverse roles in several systems such as cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, stress, immunologic system, etc. UCN and CRF bind to two known receptors, CRFR1 and CRFR2, to function. Both CRF receptors are distributed in CNS and periphery tissues, and their expression in cancer tissues has been reported. Now there are many documents indicating UCN/CRF play an important role in the regulation of carcinogenesis. There is also evidence indicating UCN/CRF have anticancer effects via CRFRs. This paper will review the effects of CRF family in cancers.  相似文献   

Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes - The sustained integrity of the mitochondrial population of a cell is critical for maintained cell health, and disruption of that integrity is linked...  相似文献   

Papain-like lysosomal cysteine proteases are processive and digestive enzymes that are expressed in organisms from bacteria to humans. Increasing knowledge about the physiological and pathological roles of cysteine proteases is bringing them into the focus of drug discovery research. These proteases have rather short active-site clefts, comprising three well defined substrate-binding subsites (S2, S1 and S1') and additional broad binding areas (S4, S3, S2' and S3'). The geometry of the active site distinguishes cysteine proteases from other protease classes, such as serine and aspartic proteases, which have six and eight substrate-binding sites respectively. Exopeptidases (cathepsins B, C, H and X), in contrast with endopeptidases (such as cathepsins L, S, V and F), possess structural features that facilitate the binding of N- and C-terminal groups of substrates into the active-site cleft. Other than a clear preference for free chain termini in the case of exopeptidases, the substrate-binding sites exhibit no strict specificities. Instead, their subsite preferences arise more from the specific exclusion of substrate types. This presents a challenge for the design of inhibitors to target a specific cathepsin: only the cumulative effect of an assembly of inhibitor fragments will bring the desired result.  相似文献   

Research involving mesenchymal multipotent/stem/progenitor/stromal/marrow cells (MSCs) have translated to clinical trials at an extraordinary pace. By the time of this review, the public clinical trials database (http://clinicaltrials.gov) has 394 clinical trials listed using MSCs for a very wide range of therapeutic applications. Unexpectedly, the explanation for the increase in clinical trials using MSCs does not lie on a well-defined therapeutic mechanism – dramatic results have been demonstrated in a variety of studies involving different animal models of diseases, often describing discrete therapeutic mechanisms exerted by MSCs. This review will focus on recent data suggesting the involvement of hyaluronic acid (HA) in the beneficial effects of MSCs, evaluate the potential of MSC as modulators of HA and the implications of this modulation for disease therapy.  相似文献   

A significant difficulty faced by the pharmaceutical industry is the initial identification and selection of macromolecular targets upon which de novo drug discovery programs can be initiated. A drug target should have several characteristics: known biological function; robust assay systems for in vitro characterization and high-throughput screening; and be specifically modified by and accessible to small molecular weight compounds in vivo. Ion channels have many of these attributes and can be viewed as suitable targets for small molecule drugs. Potassium (K+) ion channels form a large and diverse gene family responsible for critical functions in numerous cell types, tissues and organs. Recent discoveries, facilitated by genomics technologies combined with advanced biophysical characterization methods, have identified novel K+ channels that are involved in important physiologic processes, or mutated in human inherited disease. These findings, coupled with a rapidly growing body of information regarding modulatory channel subunits and high resolution channel structures, are providing the critical information necessary for validation of K+ channels as drug targets.  相似文献   

Metabolic coupling, between mitochondria in cancer cells and catabolism in stromal fibroblasts, promotes tumor growth, recurrence, metastasis, and predicts anticancer drug resistance. Catabolic fibroblasts donate the necessary fuels (such as L-lactate, ketones, glutamine, other amino acids, and fatty acids) to anabolic cancer cells, to metabolize via their TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). This provides a simple mechanism by which metabolic energy and biomass are transferred from the host microenvironment to cancer cells. Recently, we showed that catabolic metabolism and “glycolytic reprogramming” in the tumor microenvironment are orchestrated by oncogene activation and inflammation, which originates in epithelial cancer cells. Oncogenes drive the onset of the cancer-associated fibroblast phenotype in adjacent normal fibroblasts via paracrine oxidative stress. This oncogene-induced transition to malignancy is “mirrored” by a loss of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) and an increase in MCT4 in adjacent stromal fibroblasts, functionally reflecting catabolic metabolism in the tumor microenvironment. Virtually identical findings were obtained using BRCA1-deficient breast and ovarian cancer cells. Thus, oncogene activation (RAS, NFkB, TGF-β) and/or tumor suppressor loss (BRCA1) have similar functional effects on adjacent stromal fibroblasts, initiating “metabolic symbiosis” and the cancer-associated fibroblast phenotype. New therapeutic strategies that metabolically uncouple oxidative cancer cells from their glycolytic stroma or modulate oxidative stress could be used to target this lethal subtype of cancers. Targeting “fibroblast addiction” in primary and metastatic tumor cells may expose a critical Achilles’ heel, leading to disease regression in both sporadic and familial cancers.  相似文献   

《Bioscience Hypotheses》2008,1(3):172-173
Viral interference exists between different viral hepatitis. Acute Hepatitis C virus (HCV) super-infection on Hepatitis B virus (HBV) chronic carriers showed an inhibition of the HBV genome. And acute HBV super-infection on HCV chronic carriers indicated a similar interaction. In these cases, if the acute liver viral super-infection presents a self-limited course, the patients may be free from both viral infections or at least with undetectable underlying chronic viremia. The mechanism of viral interference is still undefined. Anyway this still leads to the hypothesis of using one hepatitis virus (live attenuated vaccine) to treat another hepatitis virus.  相似文献   

This introductory article to the review series entitled “The Cancer Cell’s Power Plants as Promising Therapeutic Targets” is written while more than 20 million people suffer from cancer. It summarizes strategies to destroy or prevent cancers by targeting their energy production factories, i.e., “power plants.” All nucleated animal/human cells have two types of power plants, i.e., systems that make the “high energy” compound ATP from ADP and P i . One type is “glycolysis,” the other the “mitochondria.” In contrast to most normal cells where the mitochondria are the major ATP producers (>90%) in fueling growth, human cancers detected via Positron Emission Tomography (PET) rely on both types of power plants. In such cancers, glycolysis may contribute nearly half the ATP even in the presence of oxygen (“Warburg effect”). Based solely on cell energetics, this presents a challenge to identify curative agents that destroy only cancer cells as they must destroy both of their power plants causing “necrotic cell death” and leave normal cells alone. One such agent, 3-bromopyruvate (3-BrPA), a lactic acid analog, has been shown to inhibit both glycolytic and mitochondrial ATP production in rapidly growing cancers (Ko et al., Cancer Letts., 173, 83–91, 2001), leave normal cells alone, and eradicate advanced cancers (19 of 19) in a rodent model (Ko et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 324, 269–275, 2004). A second approach is to induce only cancer cells to undergo “apoptotic cell death.” Here, mitochondria release cell death inducing factors (e.g., cytochrome c). In a third approach, cancer cells are induced to die by both apoptotic and necrotic events. In summary, much effort is being focused on identifying agents that induce “necrotic,” “apoptotic” or apoptotic plus necrotic cell death only in cancer cells. Regardless how death is inflicted, every cancer cell must die, be it fast or slow.  相似文献   

Angiosarcomas are rare soft-tissue sarcomas of endothelial cell origin. They can be sporadic or caused by therapeutic radiation, hence secondary breast angiosarcomas are an important subgroup of patients. Assessing the molecular biology of angiosarcomas and identify specific targets for treatment is challenging. There is currently great interest in the role of angiogenesis and of angiogenic factors associated with tumor pathogenesis and as targets for treatment of angiosarcomas. A primary cell line derived from a skin fragment of a irradiation-induced angiosarcoma patient was obtained and utilized to evaluate cell biomarkers CD31, CD34, HIF-1alpha and VEGFRs expression by immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence, drugs cytotoxicity by cell counting and VEGF release by ELISA immunoassay. In addition to previous biomarkers, FVIII and VEGF were also evaluated on tumor specimens by immunohistochemistry to further confirm the diagnosis. We targeted the VEGF–VEGFR-2 axis of tumor angiogenesis with two different class of vascular targeted drugs; caprelsa, the VEGFR-2/EGFR/RET inhibitor and bevacizumab the anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody. We found the same biomarkers expression either in tumor specimens and in the cell line derived from tumor. In vitro experiments demonstrated that angiogenesis plays a pivotal role in the progression of this tumor as cells displayed high level of VEGFR-2, HIF-1 alpha strongly accumulated into the nucleus and the pro-angiogenic factor VEGF was released by cells in culture medium. The evaluation of caprelsa and bevacizumab cytotoxicity demonstrated that both drugs were effective in inhibiting tumor proliferation. Due to these results, we started to treat the patient with pazopanib, which was the unique tyrosine kinase inhibitor available in Italy through a compassionate supply program, obtaining a long lasting partial response. Our data suggest that the study of the primary cell line could help physicians in choosing a therapeutic approach for patient that almost in vitro shows chances of success and that the anti-angiogenetic agents are a reliable therapeutic opportunity for angiosarcomas patients.  相似文献   

In Chagas disease, during the acute phase, the establishment of inflammatory processes is crucial for Trypanosoma cruzi control in target tissues and for the establishment of host/parasite equilibrium. However, in about 30% of the patients, inflammation becomes progressive, resulting in chronic disease, mainly characterized by myocarditis. Although several hypothesis have been raised to explain the pathogenesis of chagasic myocardiopathy, including the persistence of the parasite and/or participation of autoimmune processes, the molecular mechanisms underlying the establishment of the inflammatory process leading to parasitism control but also contributing to the maintenance of T. cruzi-elicited chronic myocarditis remain unsolved. Trying to shed light on these questions, we have for several years been working with murine models for Chagas disease that reproduce the acute self-resolving meningoencephalitis, the encephalitis resulting of reactivation described in immunodeficient individuals, and several aspects of the acute and chronic myocarditis. In the present review, our results are summarized and discussed under the light of the current literature. Furthermore, rational therapeutic intervention strategies based on integrin-mediated adhesion and chemokine receptor-driven recruitment of leukocytes are proposed to control T. cruzi-elicited unbalanced inflammation.  相似文献   

Local control remains a major issue for patients with unresectable, locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC). The role of radiation therapy in the management of LAPC represents an area of some controversy. Stereotactic body radiotherapy is an emerging treatment option for LAPC as it can provide a therapeutic benefit with significant advantages for patients’ quality of life over standard conventional chemoradiation. The objective of this review is to present the rationale for stereotactic body radiotherapy in LAPC, as well as to discuss the potential limitations and caveats of the currently available studies.  相似文献   

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