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Pyrococcus furiosus ferredoxin contains a single [4Fe-4S] that exists in both S = 1/2 (20%) and S = 3/2 (80%) ground states in the reduced protein. We report here on the temperature-dependent potentiometric properties of the two spin forms, their stability, and on the structural features that differentiate them. The midpoint potential (Em) of the cluster in either spin state was determined at -365 mV (30 degrees C, pH 8.0). By rapidly freezing samples for EPR analyses, it was shown that the Em values of both spin states appear to change by -1.7 mV/degrees C over the range 20 degrees-80 degrees C, and by -6 mV/degrees C between 80 and 89 degrees C. The Em values and the relative amounts of the S = 1/2 and S = 3/2 forms of the cluster were unaffected by pH (6.8-10.5), even at 85 degrees C, and were unchanged by the presence of NaCl (1.0 M), sodium dodecyl sulfate (10%, w/v) or ethylene glycol (50%, v/v), even at 80 degrees C. The S = 1/2 form of the [4Fe-4S]+ cluster was found to exhibit a strongly coupled 1H ENDOR resonance (A = 22 MHz) that was exchangeable with the solvent. Such a large coupling has not been observed in any other iron-sulfur protein. Since a unique feature of this 4Fe-ferredoxin is that only 3 cysteinyl residues appear to be coordinated to the [4Fe-4S] cluster, the ENDOR data are consistent with an H2O molecule being a ligand to the unique Fe site. The S = 3/2 form of the [4Fe-4S]+ cluster exhibited a similar, strongly coupled 1H ENDOR resonance, but in this spin state it was not exchangeable with the solvent. This suggests that the [4Fe-4S]+ cluster exhibiting the S = 3/2, but not the S = 1/2 ground state, is "shielded" from the solvent, presumably by neighboring amino acid residues. In view of the pH dependence of the midpoint potential of the two spin states, the fourth ligand to the cluster and the source of the strongly coupled 1H ENDOR resonance is probably an OH- rather than H2O molecule.  相似文献   

Xiao Y  Tan ML  Ichiye T  Wang H  Guo Y  Smith MC  Meyer J  Sturhahn W  Alp EE  Zhao J  Yoda Y  Cramer SP 《Biochemistry》2008,47(25):6612-6627
We have used (57)Fe nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy (NRVS) to study the Fe(2)S(2)(Cys)(4) sites in oxidized and reduced [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins from Rhodobacter capsulatus (Rc FdVI) and Aquifex aeolicus (Aa Fd5). In the oxidized forms, nearly identical NRVS patterns are observed, with strong bands from Fe-S stretching modes peaking around 335 cm(-1), and additional features observed as high as the B(2u) mode at approximately 421 cm(-1). Both forms of Rc FdVI have also been investigated by resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy. There is good correspondence between NRVS and Raman frequencies, but because of different selection rules, intensities vary dramatically between the two kinds of spectra. For example, the B(3u) mode at approximately 288 cm(-1), attributed to an asymmetric combination of the two FeS(4) breathing modes, is often the strongest resonance Raman feature. In contrast, it is nearly invisible in the NRVS, as there is almost no Fe motion in such FeS(4) breathing. NRVS and RR analysis of isotope shifts with (36)S-substituted into bridging S(2-) ions in Rc FdVI allowed quantitation of S(2-) motion in different normal modes. We observed the symmetric Fe-Fe stretching mode at approximately 190 cm(-1) in both NRVS and RR spectra. At still lower energies, the NRVS presents a complex envelope of bending, torsion, and protein modes, with a maximum at 78 cm(-1). The (57)Fe partial vibrational densities of states (PVDOS) were interpreted by normal-mode analysis with optimization of Urey-Bradley force fields. Progressively more complex D(2h) Fe(2)S(2)S'(4), C(2h) Fe(2)S(2)(SCC)(4), and C(1) Fe(2)S(2)(Cys)(4) models were optimized by comparison with the experimental spectra. After modification of the CHARMM22 all-atom force field by the addition of refined Fe-S force constants, a simulation employing the complete protein structure was used to reproduce the PVDOS, with better results in the low frequency protein mode region. This process was then repeated for analysis of data on the reduced FdVI. Finally, the degree of collectivity was used to quantitate the delocalization of the dynamic properties of the redox-active Fe site. The NRVS technique demonstrates great promise for the observation and quantitative interpretation of the dynamical properties of Fe-S proteins.  相似文献   

The properties of the [4Fe-4S]2+/+ cluster in wild-type and the A33Y variant of Pyrococcus furiosus ferredoxin have been investigated by the combination of EPR, variable-temperature magnetic circular dichroism (VTMCD) and resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopies. The A33Y variant involves the replacement of an alanine whose alpha-C is less than 4 A from one of the cluster iron atoms by a tyrosine residue. Although the spectroscopic results give no indication of tyrosyl cluster ligation, the presence of a tyrosine residue in close proximity to the cluster results in a 38-mV decrease in the midpoint potential of the [4Fe-4S]2+/+ couple and has a marked effect on the ground state properties of the reduced cluster. The mixed spin [4Fe-4S]+ cluster in the wild-type protein, 80% S = 3/2 (E/D = 0.22, D = +3.3 cm(-1)) and 20% S = 1/2 (g = 2.10, 1.87, 1.80), is converted into a homogeneous S = 3/2 (E/D = 0.30, D = -0.7 cm(-1)) form in the A33Y variant. As the first example of a pure S = 3/2 [4Fe-4S]+ cluster in a ferredoxin, this variant affords the opportunity for detailed characterization of the excited electronic properties via VTMCD studies and demonstrates that the protein environment can play a crucial role in determining the ground state properties of [4Fe-4S]+ clusters.  相似文献   

The properties of [Fe(3)S(4)](+,0) clusters in wild-type and mutant forms of Pf Fd with Asp, Ser, Cys, Val, His, Asn, and Tyr residues occupying position 14, i.e., proximal to the three micro(2)-S atoms of the cluster, have been investigated by the combination of EPR, variable-temperature magnetic circular dichroism (VTMCD), and resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopies. Two distinct types of [Fe(3)S(4)] clusters are identified on the basis of the breadth of the S = (1)/(2) [Fe(3)S(4)](+) EPR resonances and the marked differences in the VTMCD spectra of the S = 2 [Fe(3)S(4)](0) clusters. On the basis of the available NMR data for [Fe(3)S(4)](+, 0) clusters in ferredoxins, the distinctive properties of these two types of [Fe(3)S(4)] clusters are interpreted in terms of different locations of the more strongly coupled pair of irons in the oxidized clusters and the valence-delocalized pair in the reduced clusters. Near-IR VTMCD measurements indicate the presence of S = (9)/(2) valence-delocalized pairs in both types of [Fe(3)S(4)](0) clusters, and the spin-dependent delocalization energies associated with the Fe-Fe interactions were determined to be approximately 4300 cm(-)(1) in both cases. We conclude that the nature of the residue at position 14 in Pyrococcus furiosus ferredoxin is an important determinant of the location of the reducible pair of irons in a [Fe(3)S(4)](+,0) cluster, and the redox properties of the wild-type and mutant ferredoxins are discussed in light of these new results.  相似文献   

57Fe, 33S, and 14N electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) studies have been performed to characterize the [4Fe-4S]+ cluster at the active site of aconitase. Q-band 57Fe ENDOLR of isotopically enriched enzyme, both substrate free and in the enzyme-substrate complex, reveals four inequivalent iron sites. In agreement with M?ssbauer studies [Kent et al. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 6371-6881], one of the iron ions, Fea, which is easily removed by oxidation to yield the [3Fe-4S]+ cluster of inactive aconitase, shows a dramatic change in the presence of substrate. The remaining iron sites, Feb1,2,3, show minor changes when substrate is bound. Methods devised by us for analyzing and simulating ENDOR spectra of a randomly oriented paramagnet have been used to determine the principal values and orientation relative to the g tensor for the hyperfine tensors of three of the four inequivalent iron sites of the [4Fe-4S]+ cluster, Fea, Feb2, and Feb3, in the substrate-free enzyme and the enzyme-substrate complex. The full tensor for the fourth site, Feb1, could not be obtained because its signal is seen only over a limited range of the EPR envelope. 33S ENDOR data for the enzyme-substrate complex using enzyme reconstituted with 33S show that the four inorganic bridging sulfide ions of the [4Fe-4S]+ cube have isotropic hyperfine couplings of A(S) less than 12 MHz, and analysis indicates that they can be divided into two pairs, one with couplings of A(S1) approximately less than 1 MHz and the other with A(S2) approximately 6-12 MHz; the analysis further places these pairs within the cube relative to the iron sites. 33S data for substrate-free enzyme is qualitatively similar and can be completely simulated by two types of S2- ion, with A(S1) approximately 7.5 and A(S2) approximately 9 MHz; the full hyperfine tensors have been determined. The hyperfine values for the two enzyme forms correspond to surprisingly small unpaired spin density on S2-. 14N ENDOR at Q-band reveals a nitrogen signal that does not change upon substrate binding.  相似文献   

Pyrococcus furiosus ferredoxin (Fd) contains a single [Fe(4)S(4)] cluster coordinated by three cysteine (at positions 11, 17, and 56) and one aspartate ligand (at position 14). In this study, the spectroscopic, redox, and functional consequences of D14C, D14C/C11S, D14S, D14C/C17S, and D14C/C56S mutations have been investigated. The four serine variants each contain a potential cluster coordination sphere of one serine and three cysteine residues, with serine ligation at each of the four Fe sites of the [Fe(4)S(4)] cluster. All five variants were expressed in Escherichia coli, and each contained a [Fe(4)S(4)](2+,+) cluster as shown by UV-visible absorption and resonance Raman studies of the oxidized protein and EPR and variable-temperature magnetic circular dichroism (VTMCD) studies of the as-prepared, dithionite-reduced protein. Changes in both the absorption and resonance Raman spectra are consistent with changing from complete cysteinyl cluster ligation in the D14C variant to three cysteines and one oxygenic ligand in each of the four serine variants. EPR and VTMCD studies show distinctive ground and excited state properties for the paramagnetic [Fe(4)S(4)](+) centers in each of these variant proteins, with the D14C and D14C/C11S variants having homogeneous S = (1)/(2) ground states and the D14S, D14C/C17S, and D14C/C56S variants having mixed-spin, S = (1)/(2) and (3)/(2) ground states. The midpoint potentials (pH 7.0, 23 degrees C) of the D14C/C11S and D14C/C17S variants were unchanged compared to that of the D14C variant (E(m) = -427 mV) within experimental error, but the potentials of D14C/C56S and D14S variants were more negative by 49 and 78 mV, respectively. Since the VTMCD spectra indicate the presence of a valence-delocalized Fe(2. 5+)Fe(2.5+) pair in all five variants, the midpoint potentials are interpreted in terms of Cys11 and Cys17 ligating the nonreducible valence-delocalized pair in D14C. Only the D14S variant exhibited a pH-dependent redox potential over the range of 3.5-10, and this is attributed to protonation of the serinate ligand to the reduced cluster (pK(a) = 4.75). All five variants had similar K(m) and V(m) values in a coupled assay in which Fd was reduced by pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (POR) and oxidized by ferredoxin NADP oxidoreductase (FNOR), both purified from P. furiosus. Hence, the mode of ligation at each Fe atom in the [Fe(4)S(4)] cluster appears to have little effect on the interaction and the electron transfer between Fd and FNOR.  相似文献   

To characterize the binding of substrate to aconitase, we have made 17O electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) measurements on reduced active ([4Fe-4S]1+) beef heart aconitase, both in H216O and H217O, in the presence of substrate and the inhibitors, tricarballylate, trans-aconitate, and 1-hydroxy-2-nitro-1, 3-propanedicarboxylate, referred to here as nitroisocitrate; the hydroxyl of the latter also was isotypically labeled with 17O. The hydroxyl oxygen of citrate and isocitrate is exchanged with solvent water by aconitase, but the hydroxyl of nitroisocitrate is not. Thus, the isotopic composition of nitroisocitrate can be chemically controlled, allowing direct identification of any 17O ENDOR signal associated with it. 17O ENDOR signals were observed from Hx17O (mean = 1 or 2) bound to the [4Fe-4S]1+ cluster in samples prepared with trans-aconitate and unlabeled nitroisocitrate. 17O-Labeled nitroisocitrate in H216O bound to the cluster showed a signal from the 17OH group; in H217O it showed 17O ENDOR resonances due to both Hx17O and 17OH of substrate. This result demonstrates that the cluster participates in substrate binding and can simultaneously coordinate the hydroxyl of a substrate (or analogue) and water (or hydroxyl). The sample with citrate in H217O showed only the Hx17O signal, although aconitase exchanges the hydroxyl of substrate with solvent water. The mechanism of action of aconitase is discussed in light of this observation. Comparison shows the ENDOR study to be in agreement with previous M?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopic results.  相似文献   

Chemical rescue of site-modified amino acids using externally supplied organic molecules represents a powerful method to investigate structure-function relationships in proteins. Here we provide definitive evidence that aryl and alkyl thiolates, reagents typically used for in vitro iron-sulfur cluster reconstitutions, serve as rescue ligands to a site-specifically modified [4Fe-4S]1+,2+ cluster in PsaC, a bacterial dicluster ferredoxin-like subunit of Photosystem I. PsaC binds two low-potential [4Fe-4S]1+,2+ clusters termed FA and FB. In the C13G/C33S variant of PsaC, glycine has replaced cysteine at position 13 creating a protein that is missing one of the ligating amino acids to iron-sulfur cluster FB. Using a variety of analytical techniques, including non-heme iron and acid-labile sulfur assays, and EPR, resonance Raman, and Mössbauer spectroscopies, we showed that the C13G/C33S variant of PsaC binds two [4Fe-4S]1+,2+ clusters, despite the absence of one of the biological ligands. 19F NMR spectroscopy indicated that the external thiolate replaces cysteine 13 as a substitute ligand to the FB cluster. The finding that site-modified [4Fe-4S]1+,2+ clusters can be chemically rescued with external thiolates opens new opportunities for modulating their properties in proteins. In particular, it provides a mechanism to attach an additional electron transfer cofactor to the protein via a bound, external ligand.  相似文献   

Chemical rescue of site-modified amino acids using externally supplied organic molecules represents a powerful method to investigate structure-function relationships in proteins. Here we provide definitive evidence that aryl and alkyl thiolates, reagents typically used for in vitro iron-sulfur cluster reconstitutions, serve as rescue ligands to a site-specifically modified [4Fe-4S](1+,2+) cluster in PsaC, a bacterial dicluster ferredoxin-like subunit of Photosystem I. PsaC binds two low-potential [4Fe-4S](1+,2+) clusters termed F(A) and F(B). In the C13G/C33S variant of PsaC, glycine has replaced cysteine at position 13 creating a protein that is missing one of the ligating amino acids to iron-sulfur cluster F(B). Using a variety of analytical techniques, including non-heme iron and acid-labile sulfur assays, and EPR, resonance Raman, and M?ssbauer spectroscopies, we showed that the C13G/C33S variant of PsaC binds two [4Fe-4S](1+,2+) clusters, despite the absence of one of the biological ligands. (19)F NMR spectroscopy indicated that the external thiolate replaces cysteine 13 as a substitute ligand to the F(B) cluster. The finding that site-modified [4Fe-4S](1+,2+) clusters can be chemically rescued with external thiolates opens new opportunities for modulating their properties in proteins. In particular, it provides a mechanism to attach an additional electron transfer cofactor to the protein via a bound, external ligand.  相似文献   

17O electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) studies at X-band (9-GHz) and Q-band (35-GHz) microwave frequencies reveal that the [4Fe-4S]+ cluster of substrate-free aconitase [citrate (isocitrate) hydro-lyase, EC] binds solvent, HxO (x = 1, 2). Previous 17O ENDOR studies [Telser et al. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 4840-4846] had disclosed that Hx17O binds to the enzyme-substrate complex and also to complexes of enzyme with the substrate analogues trans-aconitate and nitroisocitrate (1-hydroxy-2-nitro-1,3-propanedicarboxylate). We have used 1H and 2H ENDOR to characterize these solvent species. We propose that the fourth ligand of Fea in substrate-free enzyme is a hydroxyl ion from the solvent; upon binding of substrate or substrate analogues at this Fea site, the solvent species becomes protonated to form a water molecule. Previous 17O and 13C ENDOR studies [Kennedy et al. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 8854-8858] showed that only a single carboxyl, at C-2 of the propane backbone of cis-aconitate or at C-1 of the inhibitor nitroisocitrate, coordinates to the cluster. Together, these results imply that enzyme-catalyzed interconversion of citrate and isocitrate does not involve displacement of an endogenous fourth ligand, but rather addition of the anionic carboxylate ligand and a change in protonation state of a solvent species bound to Fea. We further report the 17O hyperfine tensor parameters of the C-2 carboxyl oxygen of substrate bound to the cluster as determined by the field dependence of the 17O ENDOR signals. 17O ENDOR studies also show that the carboxyl group of the inhibitor trans-aconitate binds similarly to that of substrate.  相似文献   

The development of density functional theory (DFT) methods for the calculation of vibrational circular dichroism (VCD), electronic circular dichroism (ECD), and transparent spectral region optical rotation (OR) has revolutionized the determination of the absolute configurations (ACs) of chiral molecules using these chiroptical properties. We report the concerted application of DFT calculations of VCD, ECD, and OR to the determination of the ACs of the isoschizozygane alkaloid natural products, isoschizogaline, and isochizogamine, whose ACs have not previously been determined. The ACs of naturally occurring (-)-isoschizogaline and (-)-isoschizogamine, are both determined definitively to be 2R, 7R, 20S, 21S.  相似文献   

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