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That trade-offs result from the allocation of limited resources is a central concept of life history evolution. We quantified trade-offs between sexual and clonal reproduction in the aquatic plant, Butomus umbellatus, by experimentally manipulating sexual investment in two distinct nutrient environments. Increasing seed production caused a significant but nonlinear trade-off. Pollinating half of all flowers strongly reduced clonal bulbil production, but pollinating the remaining flowers did not cause any further trade-off. Trade-offs were not stronger under low nutrient conditions that clearly limited plant growth. Experimentally induced trade-offs were not reflected in negative phenotypic correlations between sexual and clonal allocation among plants within eight populations grown in a uniform greenhouse environment. Diminishing effects of increased sexual allocation plus a lack of accord between experimental manipulations and phenotypic correlations suggest that trade-offs between sexual and clonal reproduction are unlikely to constrain the evolution of reproductive strategy in this species.  相似文献   

Long-distance colonization and rapid range expansion associated with biological invasion may have major evolutionary consequences via both stochastic processes and selection. Using large-scale population genetic surveys, we demonstrate a major shift in the relative frequency of sexually fertile diploid versus sexually sterile triploid populations associated with the invasion of North America by a clonal aquatic plant, Butomus umbellatus. Most populations across the native European range were triploid (84% of 108), whereas most introduced populations were diploid (71% of 136). We evaluated the roles of stochastic processes versus natural selection in causing this shift by surveying predominantly neutral genetic variation at 28 RAPD loci. In Europe (EU) we detected 47 distinct genotypes among 142 plants sampled from 71 populations, whereas in North America (NA) we detected only six genotypes among 138 plants from 69 populations. Of the six NA genotypes, a set of four closely related genotypes were found only in triploid populations and a pair of closely related genotypes were found only in diploid populations, and these were genetically divergent from the triploid genotypes. This result is consistent with severe founder effect. Because sex creates genotypic variation and produces offspring with greater dispersal potential than those produced clonally, we tested the hypothesis that sexual reproduction characteristic of diploids has given them a colonization advantage that accounts for their high frequency in NA. However, we found little or no evidence of sexual recruitment in introduced diploids. One very widespread heterozygous genotype occurred in 95% of 38 introduced diploid populations (i.e., 72 of 76 plants surveyed) suggesting predominant clonal reproduction. Moreover genotypic diversity was not higher within or among diploid than triploid populations in either the native or introduced range. Low genetic diversity in diploid populations was also supported by a comparison of within-population quantitative variation for plant size under a common greenhouse environment. Thus, diploids have not been favored during colonization owing to their sexual fertility. However, concurrent studies have shown that NA diploids exhibit a much higher capacity for clonal reproduction, via small vegetative bulbils, than NA triploids, which almost never produce bulbils. The same difference in clonal capacity is not a consistent feature of the native EU populations. Taken together, these results suggest that strong founder effect has set the stage for a major increase in diploid frequency due to the particular, and possibly idiosyncratic, features of the diploid and triploid lineages introduced to North America.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in organisms with sexual and asexual reproduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genetic variation in a partially asexual organism is investigated by two models suited for different time scales. Only selectively neutral variation is considered. Model 1 shows, by the use of a coalescence argument, that three sexually derived individuals per generation are sufficient to give a population the same pattern of allelic variation as found in fully sexually reproducing organisms. With less than one sexual event every third generation, the characteristic pattern expected for asexual organisms appear, with strong allelic divergence between the gene copies in individuals. At intermediary levels of sexuality, a complex situation reigns. The pair-wise allelic divergence under partial sexuality exceeds, however, always the corresponding value under full sexuality. These results apply to large populations with stable reproductive systems. In a more general framework, Model 2 shows that a small number of sexual individuals per generation is sufficient to make an apparently asexual population highly genotypically variable. The time scale in terms of generations needed to produce this effect is given by the population size and the inverse of the rate of sexuality.  相似文献   

Distyly is a sexual polymorphism in which plant populations contain two floral morphs differing in morphology and physiology. The dimorphism serves to promote animal-mediated cross-pollination between the floral morphs. Clonal propagation can interfere with the functioning of distyly by compromising intermorph pollinations, resulting in reduced fertility. Here, we investigate the relations between clonal growth and sexual reproduction in the aquatic macrophyte Nymphoides peltata (Menyanthaceae). Surveys of morph representation in 30 populations from five regions of China revealed that most populations exhibited strongly biased morph ratios and 30% contained a single floral morph. Experimental pollinations indicate that N. peltata possesses a strong dimorphic incompatibility system preventing self and intramorph fertilizations. An experiment involving the manipulation of morph ratios in an experimental population and an investigation in a natural population with strong morph substructure both provided evidence that compatible pollen dilution limits fertility. Despite constraints on the functioning of distyly in N. peltata we found no evidence for evolutionary changes to the heterostylous syndrome, as reported in Nymphoides, including populations of N. peltata in other parts of its geographical range.  相似文献   

The mode of reproduction may influence the spread of invasive species by affecting evolutionary potential and dispersal ability. We sampled 51 introduced North American populations of the clonal aquatic plant Butomus umbellatus L. (flowering rush) and found extreme variation in sexual fertility caused by polyploidy. Populations consisted of diploids that produced thousands of viable seeds or of sexually sterile triploids. Although a trade-off between sexual and clonal reproduction predicts that the sexual sterility of triploids would be compensated for by greater clonal reproduction, a greenhouse experiment involving eight diploid and 10 triploid populations showed that diploid plants not only invest substantially in sexual structures but also make hundreds of tiny clonal bulbils on both rhizomes and inflorescences. In contrast, triploids do not make bulbils and have very limited scope for clonal multiplication and dispersal. Diploid populations were more frequent than triploid populations, especially in the Great Lakes region. This is probably because of the difference between cytotypes in clonal rather than sexual reproduction, as genetic analyses indicate a general lack of sexual recruitment in North America. Although triploids were less common, they have a wider geographical distribution. This could be due to a greater ecological tolerance resulting from polyploidy. However, genetic evidence suggests that triploids have become widespread via their use in and escape from horticulture. North America is being colonized by two distinct forms of B. umbellatus that differ strongly in reproductive strategy as well as the vectors and pathways of invasion.  相似文献   

Flower color polymorphlsm exhibited by natural populations provides an opportunity for understanding the evolutionary mechanisms contributing to the diversity of floral morphology.However,little is known about the color polymorphism of female organs in flowering plants.Here we report gynoecium color polymorphism in Butomus umbellatus (Butomaceae),an emergent,aquatic monocot.Populations from Mishan,northeastern China comprised two morphs; gynoecia are either pink,as observed in other areas,or white.We measured floral traits and female fecundity in the two gynoecium color morphs in the field.There was no significant difference in plant height,pedicel length,and flower size including petal,sepal and gynoecium between the two morphs,but plants with pink gynoecia had wider inflorescence stalks,larger inner whorl anthers and produced more pollen and ovules than those with white gynoecia.Correspondingly,we found that seed production was significantly higher in the pink than in the white morph.This new finding suggested selection against white gynoecia in part because of low fecundity,consistent with the rarity of the white gynoecium morph in this species.  相似文献   

Aims Phenotypic optimality models neglect genetics. However, especially when heterozygous genotypes are fittest, evolving allele, genotype and phenotype frequencies may not correspond to predicted optima. This was not previously addressed for organisms with complex life histories.Methods Therefore, we modelled the evolution of a fitness-relevant trait of clonal plants, stolon internode length. We explored the likely case of an asymmetric unimodal fitness profile with three model types. In constant selection models (CSMs), which are gametic, but not spatially explicit, evolving allele frequencies in the one-locus and five-loci cases did not correspond to optimum stolon internode length predicted by the spatially explicit, but not gametic, phenotypic model. This deviation was due to the asymmetry of the fitness profile. Gametic, spatially explicit individual-based (SEIB) modeling allowed us relaxing the CSM assumptions of constant selection with exclusively sexual reproduction.Important findings For entirely vegetative or sexual reproduction, predictions of the gametic SEIB model were close to the ones of spatially explicit non-gametic phenotypic models, but for mixed modes of reproduction they approximated those of gametic, not spatially explicit CSMs. Thus, in contrast to gametic SEIB models, phenotypic models and, especially for few loci, also CSMs can be very misleading. We conclude that the evolution of traits governed by few quantitative trait loci appears hardly predictable by simple models, that genetic algorithms aiming at technical optimization may actually miss the optimum and that selection may lead to loci with smaller effects in derived compared with ancestral lines.  相似文献   

We studied isozyme variation in two annual species that produce bulbils, Sedum rosulato-bulbosum , which includes both sexually reproducing plants and obligate clonal plants that result from triploidy (fertile and sterile S. rosulato-bulbosum , respectively), and an obligate clonal plant, Sedum bulbiferum , to examine the relationship between reproductive mode and isozyme variation. The sterile S. rosulato-bulbosum population exhibited no genotypic variation, but showed high genetic variation (gene diversity, H e  = 0.60) because five of the six loci that we analyzed were heterozygous. Almost all ramets of S. bulbiferum across 20 populations shared an identical isozyme phenotype, although we could not identify the genetic basis of the phenotype. In contrast, fertile S. rosulato-bulbosum exhibited genotypic variation across the species, but comprised genotypically uniform and polymorphic populations whose genotypic variations correlated positively with the genetic variations within the populations ( H e at the genet level per population ranged from 0.08 to 0.37). Genetic drift and habitat conditions inhibiting seedling recruitment may have caused this among-population variation. The results for sterile and fertile S. rosulato-bulbosum suggest that exclusive clonal reproduction causes low genotypic variation, but maintains genetic variation within individuals. Factors that affect the maintenance of genetic variation in these plants are discussed on the basis of these findings.  相似文献   

Most plants can reproduce both sexually and asexually (or vegetatively),and the balance between the two reproductive modes may vary widely between and within species.Extensive clonal growth may affect the evolution of life history traits in many ways.First,in some clonal species,sexual reproduction and sex ratio vary largely among populations.Variation in sexual reproduction may strongly affect plant's adaptation to local environments and the evolution of the geographic range.Second,clonal growth can increase floral display,and thus pollinator attraction,while it may impose serious constraints and evolutionary challenges on plants through geitonogamy that may strongly influence pollen dispersal.Geitonogamous pollination can bring a cost to plant fitness through both female and male functions.Some co-evolutionary interactions,therefore,may exist between the spatial structure and the mating behavior of clonal plants.Finally,a trade-off may exist between sexual reproduction and clonal growth.Resource allocation to the two reproductive modes may depend on environmental conditions,competitive dominance,life span,and genetic factors.If different reproductive modes represent adaptive strategies for plants in different environments,we expect that most of the resources should be allocated to sexual reproduction in habitats with fluctuating environmental conditions and strong competition,while clonal growth should be dominant in stable habitats.Yet we know little about the consequence of natural selection on the two reproductive modes and factors which control the balance of the two reproductive modes.Future studies should investigate the reproductive strategies of clonal plants simultaneously from both sexual and asexual perspectives.  相似文献   

Asexual and sexual reproductive strategies in clonal plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most plants can reproduce both sexually and asexually (or vegetatively), and the balance between the two reproductive modes may vary widely between and within species. Extensive clonal growth may affect the evolution of life history traits in many ways. First, in some clonal species, sexual reproduction and sex ratio vary largely among populations. Variation in sexual reproduction may strongly affect plant’s adaptation to local environments and the evolution of the geographic range. Second, clonal growth can increase floral display, and thus pollinator attraction, while it may impose serious constraints and evolutionary challenges on plants through geitonogamy that may strongly influence pollen dispersal. Geitonogamous pollination can bring a cost to plant fitness through both female and male functions. Some co-evolutionary interactions, therefore, may exist between the spatial structure and the mating behavior of clonal plants. Finally, a trade-off may exist between sexual reproduction and clonal growth. Resource allocation to the two reproductive modes may depend on environmental conditions, competitive dominance, life span, and genetic factors. If different reproductive modes represent adaptive strategies for plants in different environments, we expect that most of the resources should be allocated to sexual reproduction in habitats with fluctuating environmental conditions and strong competition, while clonal growth should be dominant in stable habitats. Yet we know little about the consequence of natural selection on the two reproductive modes and factors which control the balance of the two reproductive modes. Future studies should investigate the reproductive strategies of clonal plants simultaneously from both sexual and asexual perspectives. Translated from Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2006, 20(1): 174–183 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

Genetic variation in sexual and clonal lineages of a freshwater snail   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sexual reproduction within natural populations of most plants and animals continues to remain an enigma in evolutionary biology. That the enigma persists is not for lack of testable hypotheses but rather because of the lack of suitable study systems in which sexual and asexual females coexist. Here we review our studies on one such organism, the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray). We also present new data that bear on hypotheses for the maintenance of sex and its relationship to clonal diversity. We have found that sexual populations of the snail are composed of diploid females and males, while clonal populations are composed of a high diversity of triploid apomictic females. Sexual and asexual individuals coexist in stable frequencies in many ‘mixed’ populations; genetic data indicate that clones from these mixed populations originated from the local population of sexual individuals without interspecific hybridization. Field data show that clonal and sexual snails have completely overlapping life histories, but individual clonal genotypes are less variable than individuals from the sympatric sexual population. Field data also show segregation of clones among depth‐specific habitat zones within a lake, but clonal diversity remains high even within habitats. A new laboratory experiment revealed extensive clonal variation in reproductive rate, a result which suggests that clonal diversity would be low in nature without some form of frequency‐dependent selection. New results from a long‐term field study of a natural, asexual population reveal that clonal diversity remained nearly constant over a 10‐year period. Nonetheless, clonal turnover occurs, and it occurs in a manner that is consistent with parasite‐mediated, frequency‐dependent selection. Reciprocal cross‐infection experiments have further shown that parasites are more infective to sympatric host snails than to allopatric snails, and that they are also more infective to common clones than rare clones within asexual host populations. Hence we suggest that sexual reproduction in these snails may be maintained, at least in part, by locally adapted parasites. Parasite‐mediated selection possibly also contributes to the maintenance of local clonal diversity within habitats, while clonal selection may be responsible for the distribution of clones among habitats. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2003, 79 , 165–181.  相似文献   

Polyploidy and gametophytic apomixis are two important and associated processes in plants. Many hawthorn species are polyploids and can reproduce both sexually and apomictically. However, the population genetic structure of these species is poorly understood. Crataegus douglasii is represented exclusively by self-compatible tetraploid pseudogamous apomicts across North America, whereas Crataegus suksdorfii found in the Pacific Northwest is known to include self-incompatible diploid sexuals as well as polyploid apomicts. We compare population structure and genetic variability in these two closely related taxa using microsatellite and chloroplast sequence markers. Using 13 microsatellite loci located on four linkage groups, 251 alleles were detected in 239 individuals sampled from 15 localities. Within-population multilocus genotypic variation and molecular diversity are greatest in diploid sexuals and lowest in triploid apomicts. Apart from the isolation of eastern North American populations of C. douglasii , there is little evidence of isolation by distance in this taxon. Genetic diversity in western populations of C. douglasii suggests that gene flow is frequent, and that colonization and establishment are often successful. In contrast, local populations of C. suksdorfii are more markedly differentiated. Gene flow appears to be limited primarily by distance in diploids and by apomixis and self-compatibility in polyploids. We infer that apomixis and reproductive barriers between cytotypes are factors that reduce the frequency of gene flow among populations, and may ultimately lead to allopatric speciation in C. suksdorfii . Our findings shed light on evolution in woody plants that show heterogeneous ploidy levels and reproductive systems.  相似文献   

1 The clonal cactus Opuntia rastrera shows predominantly sexual reproduction in grasslands (GH) and clonal propagation in nopaleras (NH). We assessed the effects of light, herbivory, water availability and the habitat an offspring came from on the survival and growth of sexual or clonal offspring (i.e. seedlings and cladodes), through 3- and 4-year common garden and short-term greenhouse experiments.
2 Shading by nurse plants increased seedling survival in the field by an order of magnitude, and a small additional advantage due to predator protection by grasses was observed. Strong herbivory transforms a facultative nurse–protégé relationship for seedlings into an obligatory one.
3 In the greenhouse seedlings grew better under shade, but in the field the production of the first cladode was delayed in seedlings in the more shaded GH. Competition for soil resources may be more intense under a dense grass tussock than under a open shrub, thus affecting the nurse–protégé relationship. Seedling survival under nurse plants was similar in GH and NH, but higher plant cover suggests that a larger number of seedlings will establish in GH in the long term.
4 Cladode survival was higher in NH. Cladodes were more successful than seedlings at establishing in intercanopy areas, possibly due to physiological differences as well as their ability to survive partial predation. Cladode survival in intercanopy areas may explain the enhanced clonal propagation in the more open NH scrubland, together with their susceptibility to the flooding which affects GH.
5 The high seedling and cladode survival in the greenhouse experiments contrasted with that observed in the field, indicating that survival is determined by the interaction between herbivores, plants and abiotic conditions rather than the physiological aptitude of the plants.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Titanotrichum oldhamii is a monotypicgenus distributed in Taiwan, adjacent regions of China and theRyukyu Isands of Japan. Its conservation status is vulnerableas most populations are small and widely scattered. Titanotrichumhas a mixed system of reproduction with vegetative bulbils andseeds. The aim of this study was to understand the populationgenetic structure of Titanotrichum in relation to its specificreproductive behaviour and to determine possible implicationsfor conservation strategies. • Methods After an extensive inventory of most wild populationsof Titanotrichum in East Asia, samples from 25 populations withinits major distribution were carried out utilizing RAPD and inter-SSRmolecular fingerprinting analysis. • Key Results The findings support the conclusion thatmany populations reproduce predominantly asexually but thatsome genetic variation still exists within populations. However,significant amounts of variation exist between populations,perhaps reflecting population differentiation by drift. Thispartitioning of genetic diversity indicates that the level ofinter-population gene exchange is extremely low. These findingsare consistent with field observations of very limited seedproduction. The Chinese populations are similar to those ofNorthern Taiwan, while the Ryukyu populations fall within therange of variation of the north-central Taiwan populations.The Taiwanese populations are relatively variable and differentiationbetween north, east and south Taiwan is evident. • Conclusions The distribution of Titanotrichum seems tobe consistent with a former land connection between China, Taiwanand the Ryukyu Islands at a glacial maximum during the Quaternary,followed by progressive fragmentation of the populations. North-centralTaiwan is the centre of genetic diversity, possibly due to theproximity of the former land bridge between the regions, togetherwith the variety of suitable habitats in north Taiwan. The significanceof these findings for conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

Adaptive evolution of phenotypic plasticity requires that plastic genotypes have the highest global fitness. We studied selection by spatial heterogeneity of interspecific competition and flooding, and by temporal heterogeneity of flooding on morphological plasticity of 52 genotypes of the clonal shore plant Ranunculus reptans. Competition reduced clone size, rosette size, leaf length and stolon internode thickness. Flooding had similar effects and reduced competition. Differences in selection between environments imply potential for either local adaptation or for indirect evolution of phenotypic plasticity. We also detected direct selection for plastic reductions in internode length in response to flooding and for a plastic increase in internode length in response to competition. Plastic responses of some morphological traits to flooding were in line with selection thereon, suggesting that they indeed are adaptive and might have evolved in response to direct selection on plasticity.  相似文献   

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