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In this study, the genetic epidemiology of enteroviruses (EVs) in Korean surface water was evaluated by conducting phylogenetic analyses of the nucleotide sequences of the 5' non-coding region (5' NCR), which was determined by RT-PCR analysis of total culturable virus assay-positive samples. The results showed that the nucleotide sequences of the EVs could be classified into 4 genetic clusters, and that the predominant presence of Korea EVs were very similar to echoviruses type 30. Interestingly, two nucleotide sequences were very similar to those of coxsackievirus type B1 isolated from aseptic meningitis patients in Seoul, Korea, implying the possibility of a common source for the viruses circulated in water systems and humans. In addition, 3 nucleotide sequences clustered strongly with the nucleotide sequences from China or Japan, and one fell into the same cluster as echovirus type 11 from Taiwan, which suggests that EVs in Asia may have evolved in a region-specific manner. Taken together, the results of this study revealed that EVs from Korea surface waters could be genetically classified as coxsackieviruses or echoviruses, and that they evolved in Asia in a region-specific manner.  相似文献   

Aims:  To compare bacterial populations and antimicrobial resistance patterns between clinical and sewage isolates from a regional hospital in northern Taiwan. The dissemination of antibiotic-resistant bacteria from hospital compartments to the hospital sewage treatment plant was examined.
Methods and Results:  A total of 1020 clinical isolates and 435 sewage isolates were collected between July and September 2005. The percentages of Gram-negative bacteria from the clinical and sewage isolates were 87·2% and 91·0%, respectively ( P  =   0·033). Escherichia coli were the leading bacterial isolates in both groups. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing showed a significant difference ( P  <   0·001) in resistance to ampicillin (85·6% vs 94·1%), ampicillin/sulbactam (31·7% vs 55·4%), cefazolin (29·2% vs 71·5%) and cefuroxime (20·7% vs 61·9%) between clinical and sewage coliform isolates, respectively.
Conclusions:  The sewage isolates had higher antimicrobial resistance rates than the clinical isolates from the same hospital.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The low efficacy of the hospital sewage treatment may contribute to the dissemination of multidrug resistant bacteria from this hospital compartments to the environment. Practices which limit the disposal of antimicrobial agents into the wastewater system may be the possible measure to prevent the selection of multidrug-resistant bacteria from sewage treatment plants.  相似文献   

Aims: Update information regarding occurrence and levels of culturable enteroviruses in several types of surface polluted waters in north‐eastern Spain and determine the proportion of the different species and serotypes. Methods and Results: The best procedures on hand in our laboratory for concentrating and quantifying culturable enteroviruses from different water sample types were used. Sequencing was used for typing the virus isolates. Geometric means of enteroviruses densities expressed in plaque forming units per litre were 968 in raw sewage, 12·51 in secondary effluents, 0·017 in tertiary effluents, 0·4 in river water and 0·36 in seawater. Enterovirus densities in wastewater revealed certain seasonality with a maximum at the end of spring – beginning of the summer. Coxsackievirus B, and amid them serotype CB4, were the most abundant species and serotypes detected. Conclusions: Densities of enteroviruses in different north‐eastern Spain surface waters are similar to those present in industrialized countries with temperate climate. No wild polioviruses were detected. Distribution of species showed a clear prevalence of coxsackieviruses. Significance and Impact of the Study: Information regarding enteroviruses in this geographical area provides valuable information to estimate the risk of enteroviruses transmission through water and for complementing clinical epidemiological data.  相似文献   

Traditional taxonomy of hyphomycetes has been based on conidial morphology and development. In order to confirm species level for the detection and identification of the entomopathogenic fungus, we analysed the species-specific fingerprints to investigate molecular characteristics within isolates of six species and to resolve morphologically atypical isolates. The extent of fingerprint profile observed by RAPD was sufficient to confirm the species level of all the isolates. The genetic similarity among morphologically identified isolates of each species was considerably higher, allowing us to conclude that all the isolates are of same species. These results establish a molecular framework for further taxonomic, phylogenetic and comparative biological investigations.  相似文献   

Real-time multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with internal positive control (IPC) was developed for simultaneous detection of adenoviruses (AV), enteroviruses (EV) and hepatitis A virus (HAV). Primes and probes labeled with different fluorophores (FAM, R6G, ROX, and Cy5) and able to detect up to four viral RNAs (DNAs) with high specificity in a single tube in real-time PCR were designed. Sensitivity and specificity of the method was estimated using cultural strains of 8 serotypes of EV, 5 serotypes of AV and 2 clinical specimens containing HAV. Sensitivity of the method for detection of polioviruses types 1, 2, and 3 (Sabin vaccine strains) was 0.5--1 TCID50 per reaction mixture. Thirty clinical specimens were analyzed by the multiplex PCR with and without IPC, and by mono-specific PCR. Comparison of these methods with cultural one revealed results agreement in 86.7% in case of multiplex PCR with IPC and in 100% in case of multiplex PCR without IPC and mono-specific PCR. This method can be used for rapid diagnostics of enteric viral infections as well as for determination of viral contamination level of water. As intermediate results of the study the methods for quantitative assessment of HAV, AV, and EV nucleic acids were developed which are convenient tools for the control of antiviral therapy effectiveness.  相似文献   

Abstract Cells of B. subtilis are able to synthesize cAMP in response to oxygen limitation. Several methods were used to characterize cAMP in cell extracts. Using [3H]adenosine, cAMP synthesis could also be detected under in vivo conditions. Furthermore, activities of phosphodiesterase and adenylate cyclase were measured in extracts of B. subtilis cells and in membrane fractions. We suggest that in B. subtilis cAMP is synthesized only under special physiological conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, 15 Acanthamoeba isolates from AK patients and 10 environmental samples (water, soil and animal-origin samples) were classified at the genotype level based on the sequence analysis of the Diagnostic Fragment 3 (DF3) of Acanthamoeba small subunit rRNA gene. The obtained results revealed that most of these Acanthamoeba strains belonged to genotype T4 both in clinical and environmental samples. The presence T11 genotype in clinical samples was also revealed after the genotyping analysis and to our knowledge this is the first report of T11 genotype in Iran. Moreover, the isolation of T4 genotype from cow faeces in this study highlights a possible transmission of Acanthamoeba through animal faeces in Iran.Overall, the widespread distribution of pathogenic Acanthamoeba T4 across the environmental sources and the increasing number of contact lens wearers in Iran, demands more awareness within the public and health professionals as this pathogen is emerging as a risk for human health in Iran and worldwide.  相似文献   

The genetic variation among nine soybean-originating isolates of Colletotrichum truncatum from different Brazilian states was studied. Nitrate non-utilizing (nit) mutants were obtained with potassium chlorate and used to characterize vegetative compatibility reactions, heterokaryosis and RAPD profile. Based on pairings of nit mutants from the different isolates, five vegetative complementation groups (VCG) were identified, and barriers to the formation of heterokaryons were observed among isolates derived from the same geographic area. No complementation was observed among any of the nit mutants recovered from the isolate A, which was designed heterokaryon-self-incompatible. Based on RAPD analysis, a polymorphism was detected among the wild isolate C and their nit1 and NitM mutants. RAPD amplification, with five different primers, also showed polymorphic profiles among Brazilian C. truncatum isolates. Dendrogram analysis resulted in a similarity degree ranging between 0.331 and 0.882 among isolates and identified three RAPD groups. Despite the lack of a correlation between the RAPD analysis and the vegetative compatibility grouping, results demonstrated the potential of VCG analysis to differentiate C. truncatum isolates genotypically similar when compared by RAPD.  相似文献   

沈阳西部污灌水中有机污染物的分析刘海玲,张丽珊,姚家彪,于殿臣,朱岩,可夫,姜萍(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)AnalysisofOrganicPollutantsinIrrigatedsewageInWesternShenyang....  相似文献   

Spent mushroom compost (SMC) is the residual by-product of commercial Agaricus spp. cultivation, and it is mainly composed of a thermally treated cereal straw/animal manure mixture colonized by the fungal biomass. Research on the valorization of this material is mainly focusing on its use as soil conditioner and plant fertilizer. An investigation of the bacterial diversity in SMC was performed using molecular techniques in order to reveal the origin of SMC microflora and its potential effect on soil microbial communities after incorporation into agricultural soils. The bacterial population was estimated by the plate count method to a mean of 2.7 109 colony forming units (cfu) per g of dry weight, while the numbers of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were 1.9 109 and 4.9 108 cfu per g dw respectively as estimated by enumeration on semi-selective media. Fifty bacterial isolates were classified into 14 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) following ARDRA-PCR of the 16S rDNA gene. Sequencing of the 16S rDNA amplicon assigned 12 of the 14 OTUs to Gram-positive bacteria, associated with the genera Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Exiguobacterium, Staphylococcus, Desemzia, Carnobacterium, Brevibacterium, Arthrobacter and Microbacterium of the bacterial divisions Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. Two bacterial groups have phylogenetic links with the genera Comamonas and Sphingobacterium, which belong to β-Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes respectively. Two potentially novel bacteria are reported, which are associated with the genera Bacillus and Microbacterium. Most of the bacteria identified are of environmental origin, while strains related to species usually isolated from insects, animal and clinical sources were also detected. It appears that bacterial diversity in SMC is greatly affected by the origin of the initial material, its thermal pasteurization treatment and the potential unintended colonization of the mushroom substrate during the cultivation process.  相似文献   

Genetic variability among 43 isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceri, the chickpea wilt pathogen, collected from nine states of India including the four well-characterized races of the pathogen were assessed using the molecular markers, RAPDs and AFLP. Principal coordinate analysis of the similarity index data generated from the molecular marker studies mostly gave three different clusters: Of these two clusters represented race-1 and race-2, and the third cluster consisted of race-3 and race-4 pathogen isolates. In RAPDs a fourth cluster was seen which did not go with any of the four races of the pathogen. The molecular markers established the distinctness of race-1 and race-2 pathogen isolates and the close similarity of pathogen isolates of race-3 with that of race-4. AFLP was found to be more informative as it differentiated more number of the pathogen isolates with the known races with minimum of outliers. The high levels of DNA polymorphism observed with the molecular markers suggest the rapid evolution of new recombinants of the pathogen in the chickpea growing fields. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to examine two VanA-type vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE) strains that had been isolated from patients resident in mainland China. This is the first molecular analysis of clinical VRE strains being isolated in mainland China. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two VanA-type VRE isolates were isolated from in-patients at hospitals located in the Chinese cities Beijing and Dalian and were designated C264 and I125. The plasmids pC264V (40 kbp) and pI125V (370 kbp) that were isolated from C264 and I125, respectively, carried a Tn1546-like element encoding VanA resistance. The vancomycin-resistant plasmids pC264V and pI125V were transferred by filter mating at frequencies of 10(-7) and 10(-4) respectively. Sequence analysis of pC264V revealed that two IS1216V sequences and an IS1542 sequence were present within the Tn1546-like element. pI125V had two IS1216V insertions in the Tn1546-like element. CONCLUSIONS: The two VanA-type vancomycin-resistant E. faecium (VRE) strains C264 and I125 were isolated from in-patients in Chinese hospitals. The vancomycin-resistant conjugative plasmids pC264V and pI125V plasmids isolated from these strains carried the Tn1546-like element. The Tn1546-like element was found to contain the insertion sequences IS1216V and IS1542. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first molecular analysis of VanA-type VRE strains from patients resident in mainland China.  相似文献   

Brown trout Salmo trutta populations of numerous Swiss rivers are declining. Sewage plant effluents are discussed as a possible cause. To investigate the influence of sewage plant effluents, brown trout as well as rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were exposed to 10% diluted waste water over a period of 12 months. The effects were compared to those on trout kept in commercial tap water. The mortality rate was low and no pathogenic bacteria or viruses were recorded in exposed and tap-water animals. Parasitological examination revealed a mild infestation with Gryodactylus sp. in all groups. Macroscopically and histologically, only minor changes in gills, skin, and kidney of exposed animals were found when compared to fish kept in tap water. Degenerative and inflammatory reactions in the liver of exposed animals were the most prominent findings. Several brown trout caught in the River Langete showed marked proliferative, degenerative and inflammatory lesions of gills, liver, and kidney. The results do not suggest that waste-water effects would explain the decrease of fish populations. However, it is conceivable that the effluents in combination with other factors in the river enhance the development of changes.  相似文献   



Candida tropicalis is an increasingly important human pathogen which usually affects neutropenic oncology patients with common hematogenous seeding to peripheral organs and high mortality rates. Candida pathogenicity is facilitated by several virulence attributes, including secretion of hydrolytic enzymes; however, little is known regarding the C. tropicalis ability to secrete them and their role in the disease.


To confirm by molecular means the identification of 187 clinical isolates (127 from blood, 52 from urine, and 8 from diverse clinical origins) phenotypically identified as C. tropicalis, and to investigate their in vitro aspartyl proteinase, phospholipase, esterase, hemolysin, DNase and coagulase activities.


The molecular confirmation was performed by ITS sequencing, and the enzymatic determinations were conducted using plate assays with specific substrates, with the exception of coagulase, which was determined by the classical tube test.


The majority of the strains exhibited a very strong or strong activity of aspartyl proteinase, phospholipase and esterase. A 4.7% of the bloodstream isolates were hemolysin producers, and all were negative for the coagulase and DNase assays.


Very strong activities of aspartyl proteinase, phospholipase and esterase profiles were detected, and a statistical association between phospholipase production and blood and urine isolates was found.  相似文献   

浅部真菌病1948份临床标本的真菌学分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
目的 通过对浅部真菌病患者临床送检标本的病原真菌菌种进行系统分析,了解感染及病原真菌的分布情况。方法 采用直接镜检、培养及真菌鉴定等方法对临床送验标本进行检验和鉴定,大部分标本鉴定到种。结果 1948份临床送验标本中,直接涂片镜检阳性率53.41%,培养阳性率40.28%,而镜检+培养的阳性率为66.98%。对上述3种方法的真菌检出率进行比较,均存在显著差异(χ^2检验P均〈0.005)。在培养的1944份标本中,共分离出18个属,36种真菌,其中,红色毛癣菌24.52%、须癣毛癣菌16.48%、白念珠菌12.64%。结论 ①镜检结合培养的阳性率显著高于单一的镜检或培养的阳性率。②在患者即时的真菌镜检阴性时,应选择培养方法进一步检测,不轻易排除浅部真菌病感染可能。③皮肤癣菌居患者浅部真菌病致病菌首位,而白念珠菌及酵母类菌也是重要病原菌。  相似文献   

Sporotrichosis is the most common deep mycosis in Northeast China which is an area of high epidemicity due to contact with reeds or cornstalks. In this study, we have characterized a total of 74 clinical isolates from fixed cutaneous, lymphocutaneous and disseminated clinical forms and from Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning provinces, respectively. All isolates (previously as Sporothrix schenckii) were identified as Sporothrix globosa according to their phenotypic characteristics and calmodulin gene sequences analysis. They were subdivided into two sub-clades (S. globosa I and S. globosa II). Most of our isolates (71/74) presented restricted growth at 37 °C, which differed from a previous report. Up to now, S. globosa is the only pathogenic species in Northeast China, no matter what kind of clinical form and which region it is isolated from. Most of our clinical isolates (68/74) were clustered with three Chinese environmental isolates reported in the literature. The new findings of S. globosa isolates on division and thermotolerance at 37 °C described in this study will help us gain a better understanding of S. globosa.  相似文献   

C Liu  D Shen  J Guo  K Wang  H Wang  Z Yan  R Chen  L Ye 《BMC microbiology》2012,12(1):168
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Several reports have associated Staphylococcus lugdunensis with the incidence of severe infection in humans; however, the frequency and prevalence of this microorganism and thus the propensity of its antimicrobial drug resistance is unknown in China. The objective of the current study was to determine the prevalence of Staphylococcus lugdunensis among six hundred and seventy non-replicate coagulase negative Staphylococcus (CoNS) isolates collected in a 12-month period from clinical specimens in the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army in Beijing, China. RESULTS: Five (0.7%) of the 670 isolates of CoNS were identified as S. lugdunensis. Whereas three isolates were resistant to erythromycin, clindamycin, and penicillin and carried the ermC gene and a fourth one was resistant to cefoxitin and penicillin and carried the mecA gene, one isolate was not resistant to any of the tested antimicrobials. Pulse field gel electrophoretic analysis did not reveal widespread epidemiological diversity of the different isolates. CONCLUSION: Hence, even though S. lugdunensis may be yet unrecognized and undefined in China, it still might be the infrequent cause of infection and profound multi-drug resistance in the same population.  相似文献   

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