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A family with four male and three female heterozygotes for a three-way translocation (9;12;13) (q22; q22; q32) in three generations was ascertained through a chromosomally imbalanced newborn with an additional derivative chromosome 9 resulting from nondisjunction. Three heterozygous males from two generations with apparent differences in their fertility status were investigated using pachytene spreads and testicular histology. Pachytene analysis in all three individuals, the fertile (II-2) as well as the subfertile (III-7) and infertile (III-9), showed a hexavalent with central nonpairing around the translocation breakpoints in nearly all spermatocytes. Thus, the observed hexavalent configurations in pachytene do not seem to have caused impaired fertility. This rather may have been the result of sperm carrying unbalanced chromosome sets. However, the observed difference in fertility between the heterozygous fertile male in generation II and his two heterozygous sons remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Summary The abortus of a woman who had had three miscarriages and no normal pregnancies had a 46,XX,D-,t(DqDq)+karyotype. The mother was shown to carry the translocation in balanced state; Giemsa banding demonstrated the abnormal chromosome to be t(13q13q)
Zusammenfassung Die Abortfrucht einer Frau mit 3 Fehlgeburten und keiner normal ausgetragenen Schwangerschaft hat einen Karyotyp 46,XX,D-,t(DqDq)+.Die Mutter hat die gleiche Translokation im balancierten Zustand. Mit Hilfe der Giemsafärbung erwies sich das abnorme Chromosom als t(13q13q).

We describe an eleven day-old boy and his first degree double cousin who both have distal trisomy 10q syndrome. Their cytogenetic analysis using GTG-banding showed an unbalanced translocation 46, XY, -20, +der(20), t(10;20)(q22.3, p11) mat and 46, XX, -20, +der(20), t(10;20)(q22.3, p11) mat. The translocation was confirmed by FISH. We have found balanced translocation t(10;20)(q22.3; p11) with cytogenetic and FISH studies in the mothers and maternal grandfather of these children. Our cases had typical craniofacial and visceral anomalies of this syndrome. However case 1 had an agenesia of corpus callosum which was not previously described and case 2 had hypertrophied cardiomyopathy and cliteromegaly which were previously described as rare anomalies for this syndrome.  相似文献   

A female patient with moderate psychomotor retardation, minor anomalies and proximal trisomy 14q due to segregation of a maternal translocation is reported.  相似文献   

Two brothers trisomic for the distal two thirds of 10p are reported. Trisomy results from the malsegregation of a familial translocation rcp (10;18)(p13;q23) present in the father, a half-brother and the grand-father of the propositi. The phenotype is comparable to that of other 10p trisomic patients reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Summary A 12 month-old male patient with a karyotype 46, XY,-15,+der(15),t(13;15)(q22;q26)pat is presented. His stillborn sib showed malformations compatible with the 13q deletion syndrome, probably due to a 46,XY, der(13) karyotype. Phenotypic analysis of 41 cases from the literature with partial distal 13q (D13q) trisomies indicate that the segment 13q22 qter in trisomy with or without another concomitant aneusomy is sufficient to produce the majority of the trisomy 13 syndrome features, some of which (cleft palate, increased HbF and projections in PMN) are present in different non-overlapping partial 13q trisomies. About 82% of the D13q trisomies are inherited, more frequently from the mother.  相似文献   

Summary A newborn infant with the clinical features of the Patau syndrome was found to have excess chromosome 13 material present as a tandem translocation involving the short arm of chromosome 6 and the long arm of an extra chromosome 13: 46,XY,t(6;13)(p24;q12). The major part of the long arm of the extra chromosome 13 was attached linearly (tandem translocation) to the short arm of chromosome 6. Both parents were phenotypically and karyotypically normal.  相似文献   

Rearrangements between homologous chromosomes are extremely rare and manifest mainly as monosomic or trisomic offsprings. There are remarkably few reports of balanced homologous chromosomal translocation t (22q; 22q) and only two cases of transmission of this balanced homohologous rearrangement from mother to normal daughter are reported. Robersonian translocation carriers in non-homologous chromosomes have the ability to have an unaffected child. However, it is not possible to have an unaffected child in cases with Robersonian translocations in homologous chromosomes. Carriers of homologous chromosome 22 translocations with maternal uniparental disomy do not have any impact on their phenotype. We are presenting a family with a history of multiple first trimester miscarriages and an unexpected inheritance of balanced homologous translocation of chromosome 22 with paternal uniparental disomy. There are no data available regarding the impact of paternal UPD 22 on the phenotype. We claim this to be the first report explaining that paternal UPD 22 does not impact the phenotype.  相似文献   

This paper presents the family of a dysmorphic child with the phenotypic features of Turner's syndrome and 5q trisomy, whose parents are both carriers of a balanced translocation. The parents' karyotypes are 46,X,t(X;5)(p11.1;q31) and 45,XY,der(13;14)(q10;q10), respectively.  相似文献   

Complex chromosomal rearrangements (CCRs) are usually associated with infertility or subfertility in male carriers. If fertility is maintained, there is a high risk of abnormal pregnancy outcome. Few male carriers have been identified by children presenting with mental retardation/congenital malformations (MR/CM) or by spontaneous abortions of the spouses. We report a de novo CCR with five breakpoints involving chromosomes 4, 10 and 14 in a male carrier who was ascertained through a son presenting with MR/CM due to an unbalanced karyotype with partial trisomy 14 and partial monosomy 4. The child has a healthy elder brother. In the family history no abortions were reported. No fertility treatment was necessary. Cytogenetic analysis from the affected son showed a reciprocal translocation t(4;10) with additional chromosomal material inserted between the translocation junctions in the derivative chromosome 10. The father showed the same derivative chromosome 10 but had additionally one aberrant chromosome 14. Further molecular cytogenetic analyses determined the inserted material in the aberrant chromosome 10 as derived from chromosome 14 and revealed a small translocation with material of chromosome 4 inserted into the derivative chromosome 14. Thus the phenotype of the son is supposed to be associated with a partial duplication 14q13-->q24.1 and a partial monosomy 4q27-->q28. Including our case we are aware of eleven CCR cases with fertile male carriers. In eight of these families normal offspring have been reported. We propose that exceptional CCRs in fertile male carriers might form comparatively simple pachytene configurations increasing the chance of healthy offspring.  相似文献   

Partial trisomy 10q was observed in an eighteen year old girl with severe mental and physical retardation, microcephaly, a high forehead, microphthalmia, antimongoloid slants, low set ears and severely malformed extremities. A balanced translocation t(10q-;18q+), present in several family members, was identified by fluorescence and thermic denaturation techniques; the break points were 10q25 and 18q23. A comparison made with seven similar cases suggests a common, phenotypical appearance which may be of diagnostic value.  相似文献   

A male infant with partial monosomy 10 q and partial trisomy 11q as a result ofde novo unbalanced translocation between the long arms of chromosomes 10 and 11: der(10)t(10;11)(q26;q13) is described. He had craniofacial dysmorphy, congenital heart defects, urogenital and cerebral anomalies, and severe developmental delay. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of this combination of chromosomal abnormalities.  相似文献   

Summary An underweight male newborn revealed a complex pattern of abnormal findings including severe neurologic dysfunction, a catlike cry, defective ossification of the calvarian bones, hypertelorism, downward slanting palpebral fissures, epicanthal folds, a short and flat nose with a flattened bridge, broad thumbs, clenched fingers 3–5 on the right hand, simian creases, a congenital heart defect, internal hydrocephalus, and bilateral hydronephrosis. He died on day 26 of his life. Chromosome examination disclosed a maternally inherited reciprocal translocation between 5p and 7q, resulting most probably in monosomy of 5q15 and trisomy of 7q32qter (46,XY, der (5), t(5;7)(p15;q32)mat).  相似文献   

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