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CLC-ec1, a bacterial homologue of the CLC family’s transporter subclass, catalyzes transmembrane exchange of Cl and H+. Mutational analysis based on the known structure reveals several key residues required for coupling H+ to the stoichiometric countermovement of Cl. E148 (Gluex) transfers protons between extracellular water and the protein interior, and E203 (Gluin) is thought to function analogously on the intracellular face of the protein. Mutation of either residue eliminates H+ transport while preserving Cl transport. We tested the role of Gluin by examining structural and functional properties of mutants at this position. Certain dissociable side chains (E, D, H, K, R, but not C and Y) retain H+/Cl exchanger activity to varying degrees, while other mutations (V, I, or C) abolish H+ coupling and severely inhibit Cl flux. Transporters substituted with other nonprotonatable side chains (Q, S, and A) show highly impaired H+ transport with substantial Cl transport. Influence on H+ transport of side chain length and acidity was assessed using a single-cysteine mutant to introduce non-natural side chains. Crystal structures of both coupled (E203H) and uncoupled (E203V) mutants are similar to wild type. The results support the idea that Gluin is the internal proton-transfer residue that delivers protons from intracellular solution to the protein interior, where they couple to Cl movements to bring about Cl/H+ exchange.  相似文献   

Ganoth A  Alhadeff R  Kohen D  Arkin IT 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e26115
Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that historically accounts for the Black Death epidemics, has nowadays gained new attention as a possible biological warfare agent. In this study, its Na/H antiporter is investigated for the first time, by a combination of experimental and computational methodologies. We determined the protein''s substrate specificity and pH dependence by fluorescence measurements in everted membrane vesicles. Subsequently, we constructed a model of the protein''s structure and validated the model using molecular dynamics simulations. Taken together, better understanding of the Yersinia pestis Na/H antiporter''s structure-function relationship may assist in studies on ion transport, mechanism of action and designing specific blockers of Na/H antiporter to help in fighting Yersinia pestis -associated infections. We hope that our model will prove useful both from mechanistic and pharmaceutical perspectives.  相似文献   

Transport of Na+ and K+ ions through the plasma membrane of intact cells of the halotolerant microalga Dunaliella maritima Massjuk was studied. Ion fluxes through the plasma membrane were induced by hyperosmotic shock (uptake of Na+ by the cells is transformed into extrusion of Na+) or by addition of K+ to a suspension of K+-deficient cells (uptake of K+ by the cells is associated with extrusion of Na+). The pathway of Na+ extrusion from the D. maritima cells does not depend on the direction or value of the proton gradient on the plasma membrane. In particular, the efficiency of Na+ extrusion was not changed at extracellular pH values varying from 6.0 to 8.0. The protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) (20 microM) and the H+-ATPase inhibitor N,N-dicyclohexyl carbodiimide (DCCD) (25 and 100 microM) inhibited accumulation of K+ by the cells but did not influence Na+ extrusion. Significant acidification of the medium did not induce a net current of Na+ from the cells through a Na+/H+ antiporter. The data indicate that the Na+/H+ antiporter of the plasma membrane of D. maritima is not responsible for Na+ extrusion from the cells. These results can be explained by the involvement of a primary electrogenic Na+ pump (a Na+-transporting ATPase) in Na+ transfer through the plasma membrane of this alga.  相似文献   

Chloride-transporting membrane proteins of the CLC family appear in two distinct mechanistic flavors: H+-gated Cl channels and Cl/H+ antiporters. Transmembrane H+ movement is an essential feature of both types of CLC. X-ray crystal structures of CLC antiporters show the Cl ion pathway through these proteins, but the H+ pathway is known only inferentially by two conserved glutamate residues that act as way-stations for H+ in its path through the protein. The extracellular-facing H+ transfer glutamate becomes directly exposed to aqueous solution during the transport cycle, but the intracellular glutamate E203, Gluin, is buried within the protein. Two regions, denoted “polar” and “interfacial,” at the intracellular surface of the bacterial antiporter CLC-ec1 are examined here as possible pathways by which intracellular aqueous protons gain access to Gluin. Mutations at multiple residues of the polar region have little effect on antiport rates. In contrast, mutation of E202, a conserved glutamate at the protein–water boundary of the interfacial region, leads to severe slowing of the Cl/H+ antiport rate. An X-ray crystal structure of E202Y, the most strongly inhibited of these substitutions, shows an aqueous portal leading to Gluin physically blocked by cross-subunit interactions; moreover, this mutation has only minimal effect on a monomeric CLC variant, which necessarily lacks such interactions. The several lines of experiments presented argue that E202 acts as a water-organizer that creates a proton conduit connecting intracellular solvent with Gluin.  相似文献   

CLC anion transporters form dimers that function either as Cl channels or as electrogenic Cl/H+ exchangers. CLC channels display two different types of “gates,” “protopore” gates that open and close the two pores of a CLC dimer independently of each other and common gates that act on both pores simultaneously. ClC-7/Ostm1 is a lysosomal 2Cl/1H+ exchanger that is slowly activated by depolarization. This gating process is drastically accelerated by many CLCN7 mutations underlying human osteopetrosis. Making use of some of these mutants, we now investigate whether slow voltage activation of plasma membrane-targeted ClC-7/Ostm1 involves protopore or common gates. Voltage activation of wild-type ClC-7 subunits was accelerated by co-expressing an excess of ClC-7 subunits carrying an accelerating mutation together with a point mutation rendering these subunits transport-deficient. Conversely, voltage activation of a fast ClC-7 mutant could be slowed by co-expressing an excess of a transport-deficient mutant. These effects did not depend on whether the accelerating mutation localized to the transmembrane part or to cytoplasmic cystathionine-β-synthase (CBS) domains of ClC-7. Combining accelerating mutations in the same subunit did not speed up gating further. No currents were observed when ClC-7 was truncated after the last intramembrane helix. Currents and slow gating were restored when the C terminus was co-expressed by itself or fused to the C terminus of the β-subunit Ostm1. We conclude that common gating underlies the slow voltage activation of ClC-7. It depends on the CBS domain-containing C terminus that does not require covalent binding to the membrane domain of ClC-7.  相似文献   

CLC-5 is a H+/Cl exchanger that is expressed primarily in endosomes but can traffic to the plasma membrane in overexpression systems. Mutations altering the expression or function of CLC-5 lead to Dent’s disease. Currents mediated by this transporter show extreme outward rectification and are inhibited by acidic extracellular pH. The mechanistic origins of both phenomena are currently not well understood. It has been proposed that rectification arises from the voltage dependence of a H+ transport step, and that inhibition of CLC-5 currents by low extracellular pH is a result of a reduction in the driving force for exchange caused by a pH gradient. We show here that the pH dependence of CLC-5 currents arises from H+ binding to a single site located halfway through the transmembrane electric field and driving the transport cycle in a less permissive direction, rather than a reduction in the driving force. We propose that protons bind to the extracellular gating glutamate E211 in CLC-5. It has been shown that CLC-5 becomes severely uncoupled when SCN is the main charge carrier: H+ transport is drastically reduced while the rate of anion movement is increased. We found that in these conditions, rectification and pH dependence are unaltered. This implies that H+ translocation is not the main cause of rectification. We propose a simple transport cycle model that qualitatively accounts for these findings.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of glycolate oxidase from spinach has been determined to 5.5 Å resolution, using two isomorphous heavy-atom derivatives and their anomalous contributions. In the electron density map the boundaries of the octameric molecules are clearly seen. The subunit molecular weight is 37,000. Two protomers are in very close contact around one of the crystallographic 2-fold axes. Four such dimers are in contact around the 4-fold axis, so that the glycolate oxidase molecules are arranged as octamers with 422 symmetry in the crystal lattice. The roughly spherical octameric molecules have a diameter of approximately 100 Å. These octamers are arranged in a network, such that large solvent channels, approximately 60Å in diameter, pass right through the crystal lattice.The secondary structure of two-thirds of the subunit density has been interpreted in terms of eight consecutive β strand-α-helix units forming a cylinder very similar to the structure of triose phosphate isomerase. This interpretation is based on the very characteristic arrangement of the eight helices which form such a cylinder. The binding site of a substrate analogue, thioglycolate, has been localized in a deep cleft of the subunit at one end of the βα-barrel close to its axis.  相似文献   

Summary The Na+/H+ antiporter is a ubiquitous membrane-associated protein that plays an important role in the regulation of intracellular pH. APNH, a gene encoding the antiporter, has been cloned and mapped to the short arm of chromosome 1 by in situ hybridization. Using the polymerase chain reaction, we have amplified a 376 base pair fragment corresponding to the 5 end of APNH. We have detected a polymorphism within this fragment by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Using polymorphisms at other 1p loci (ALPL, the gene for alkaline phosphatase, RH and D1S57), we have been able to map APNH telomeric to D1S57 and close to RH and ALPL by genetic linkage. APNH is a plausible candidate gene for human essential hypertension; the APNH polymorphism combined with a knowledge of its genetic map location allow this candidate to be tested in hypertensive kindreds and sib-pairs.  相似文献   

The role of H+-ATPase in proximal tubule cell pH regulation was studied by microperfusion techniques and by confocal microscopy. In a first series of experiments, proximal S3 segments of rabbit kidney were perfused ``in vitro' while their cell pH was measured by fluorescence microscopy after loading with BCECF. In Na+- and Cl-free medium, cell pH fell by a mean of 0.37 ± 0.051 pH units, but after a few minutes started to rise again slowly. This rise was of 0.17 ± 0.022 pH units per min, and was significantly reduced by bafilomycin and by the Cl channel blocker NPPB, but not by DIDS. In a second series of experiments, subcellular vesicles of proximal tubule cells of S3 segments of mouse kidney were studied by confocal microscopy after visualization by acridine orange or by Lucifer yellow. After superfusion with low Na+ solution, which is expected to cause cell acidification, vesicles originally disposed in the basolateral and perinuclear cell areas, moved toward the apical area, as detected by changes in fluorescence density measured by the NIH Image program. The variation of apical to basolateral fluorescence ratios during superfusion with NaCl Ringer with time was 0.0018 ± 0.0021 min−1, not significantly different from zero (P > 0.42). For superfusion with Na+0 Ringer, this variation was 0.081 ± 0.015 min−1, P < 0.001 against 0. These slopes were markedly reduced by the Cl channel blocker NPPB, and by vanadate at a concentration that has been shown to disrupt cytoskeleton function. These data show that the delayed alkalinization of proximal tubule cells in Na+-free medium is probably due to a vacuolar H+-ATPase, whose activity is stimulated in the presence of Cl, and dependent on apical insertion of subcellular vesicles. The movement of these vesicles is also dependent on Cl and on the integrity of the cytoskeleton. Received: 11 April 2000/Revised: 14 August 2000  相似文献   

MDCK cells display several acid-base transport systems found in intercalated cells, such as Na+-H+ exchange, H+–K+ ATPase and Cl/HCO 3 exchange. In this work we studied the functional activity of a vacuolar H+-ATPase in MDCK cells and its chloride dependence. We measured intracellular pH (pHi) in monolayers grown on glass cover slips utilizing the pH sensitive probe BCECF. To analyze the functional activity of the H+ transporters we observed the intracellular alkalinization in response to an acute acid load due to a 20 mm NH+ 4 pulse, and calculated the initial rate of pHi recovery (dpHi/dt). The cells have a basal pHi of 7.17 ± 0.01 (n= 23) and control dpHi/dt of 0.121 ± 0.006 (n= 23) pHi units/min. This pHi recovery rate is markedly decreased when Na+ was removed, to 0.069 ± 0.004 (n= 16). It was further reduced to 0.042 ± 0.005 (n= 12) when concanamycin 4.6 × 10−8 m (a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar H+-ATPase) was added to the zero Na+ solution. When using a solution with zero Na+, low K+ (0.5 mm) plus concanamycin, pHi recovery fell again, significantly, to 0.023 ± 0.006 (n= 14) as expected in the presence of a H+–K+-ATPase. This result was confirmed by the use of 5 × 10−5 m Schering 28080. The Na+ independent pHi recovery was significantly reduced from 0.069 ± 0.004 to 0.042 ± 0.004 (n= 12) when NPPB 10−5 m (a specific blocker of Cl channels in renal tubules) was utilized. When the cells were preincubated in 0 Cl/normal Na+ solution for 8 min. before the ammonium pulse, the pHi recovery fell from 0.069 ± 0.004 to 0.041 ± 0.007 (n= 12) in a Na+ and Cl free solution. From these results we conclude that: (i) MDCK cells have two Na+-independent mechanisms of pHi recovery, a concanamycin sensitive H+-ATPase and a K+ dependent, Schering 28080 sensitive H+–K+ ATPase; and, (ii) pHi recovery in Na+-free medium depends on the presence of a chloride current which can be blocked by NPPB and impaired by preincubation in Cl–free medium. This finding supports a role for chloride in the function of the H+ ATPase, which might be electrical shunting or a biochemical interaction. Received: 24 October 1997/Revised: 19 February 1998  相似文献   

The presence of an electrogenic H+-ATPase has been described in the late distal tubule, a segment which contains intercalated cells. The present paper studies the electrogenicity of this transport mechanism, which has been demonstrated in turtle bladder and in cortical collecting duct. Transepithelial PD (V t ) was measured by means of Ling-Gerard microelectrodes in late distal tubule of rat renal cortex during in vivo microperfusion. The tubules were perfused with electrolyte solutions to which 2 × 10−7 m bafilomycin or 4.6 × 10−8 m concanamycin were added. No significant increase in lumen-negative V t upon perfusion with these inhibitors as compared to control, was observed as well as when 10−3 m amiloride, 10−5 m benzamil or 3 mm Ba2+ were perfused alone or in combination. The effect of an inhibition of electrogenic H+ secretion, i.e., increase in lumen-negative V t by 2–4 mV, was observed only when Cl channels were blocked by 10−5 m 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid (NPPB). This blocker also reduced the rate of bicarbonate reabsorption in this segment from 1.21 ± 0.14 (n= 8) to 0.62 ± 0.03 (8) nmol.cm−2.sec−1 as determined by stationary microperfusion and pH measurement by ion-exchange resin microelectrodes. These results indicate that: (i) the participation of the vacuolar H+ ATPase in the establishment of cortical late distal tubule V t is minor in physiological conditions, but can be demonstrated after blocking Cl channels, thus suggesting a shunting effect of this anion; and, (ii) the rate of H+ secretion in this segment is reduced by a Cl channel blocker, supporting coupling of H+-ATPase with Cl transport. Received: 6 July 1996/Revised: 27 December 1996  相似文献   

Carboxysomes are proteinaceous microcompartments that encapsulate carbonic anhydrase (CA) and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco); carboxysomes, therefore, catalyze reversible HCO3 ? dehydration and the subsequent fixation of CO2. The N- and C-terminal domains of the β-carboxysome scaffold protein CcmM participate in a network of protein–protein interactions that are essential for carboxysome biogenesis, organization, and function. The N-terminal domain of CcmM in the thermophile Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 is also a catalytically active, redox regulated γ-CA. To experimentally determine if CcmM from a mesophilic cyanobacterium is active, we cloned, expressed and purified recombinant, full-length CcmM from Nostoc sp. PCC 7120 as well as the N-terminal 209 amino acid γ-CA-like domain. Both recombinant proteins displayed ethoxyzolamide-sensitive CA activity in mass spectrometric assays, as did the carboxysome-enriched TP fraction. NstCcmM209 was characterized as a moderately active and efficient γ-CA with a k cat of 2.0 × 104 s?1 and k cat/K m of 4.1 × 106 M?1 s?1 at 25 °C and pH 8, a pH optimum between 8 and 9.5 and a temperature optimum spanning 25–35 °C. NstCcmM209 also catalyzed the hydrolysis of the CO2 analog carbonyl sulfide. Circular dichroism and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence analysis demonstrated that NstCcmM209 was progressively and irreversibly denatured above 50 °C. NstCcmM209 activity was inhibited by the reducing agent tris(hydroxymethyl)phosphine, an effect that was fully reversed by a molar excess of diamide, a thiol oxidizing agent, consistent with oxidative activation being a universal regulatory mechanism of CcmM orthologs. Immunogold electron microscopy and Western blot analysis of TP pellets indicated that Rubisco and CcmM co-localize and are concentrated in Nostoc sp. PCC 7120 carboxysomes.  相似文献   

Summary The sensitivity of the Ca2+ pumping ATPase of bovine cardiac sarcolemma (SL) to changes in membrane potential was studied in a preparation of sealed SL vesicles. Membrane potential was imposed by preincubating the vesicles in media of defined ion composition (K+, Cl, choline+ and gluconate) and diluting into media of differing ion composition. The durations of the ion gradients and relative ion permeabilities were determined in separate experiments by the dependence of the half time for net K+ (or choline+) movement coupled with these anions (Cl or gluconate), registered by the fluorescence of 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (Chiu, V.C.K., Jaumes. D.H. 1980.J. Membrane Biol. 56:203–218). Relative permeabilities were: 1.0, K+, 10.0, 1 m valinomycin-K+; 4.0, Cl, 0.66, choline+; 0.38, gluconate. Durations of the gradients ranged between 17 sec (KCl, valinomycin) to 195 sec (K+-gluconate). In separate experiments. active Ca2+ uptake was monitored using chlorotetracycline (CTC) fluorescence, a technique validated by 45-Ca2+ measureaments (Dixon, D., Brandt, N., Haynes, D.H. 1984.J. Biol. Chem. 259:13737–13741). Active Ca2+ uptake was initiated in the presence of monovalent ion gradients. The values of the membrane potentials (E m ) imposed by the monovalent ion gradients were calculated using the ion concentrations, their relative permeabilities and the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation. No effect of membrane potential on transport rate was observed (4%, for 5–7%sd) for imposed potentials as extreme as +71 and –67 mV. Formal analysis shows that the above observations are not compatible with models in which the Ca2+ pumping ATPase functions in an electrogenic or charge-uncompensated fashion. Further experimentation showed that the pump rate is slowed when uptake is measured at less-than-adequate concentrations of buffer (5vs. 25mm HEPES/Tris). This, together with further control experiments using nigericin and FCCP, gave evidence that the pump requires a source of counter-transportable H+ in the vesicle lumen. The above experimentation also underlines the need for control of internal pH to obviate erroneous interpretation of ion perturbation experiments. The results are compared with results obtained with the Ca2+ ATPase pump of skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) family is comprised of carboxylesterases and lipases with similarity to mammalian HSL. Thermophilic enzymes of this family have a high potential for use in biocatalysis. We prepared and crystallized a carboxylesterase of the HSL family from Sulfolobus?tokodaii (Sto-Est), and determined its structures in the presence and absence of an inhibitor. Sto-Est forms a dimer in solution and the crystal structure suggests the presence of a stable biological dimer. We identified a residue close to the dimer interface, R267, which is conserved in archaeal enzymes of HSL family and is in close proximity to the same residue from the other monomer. Mutations of R267 to Glu, Gly and Lys were conducted and the resultant R267 mutants were characterized and crystallized. The structures of R267E, R267G and R267K are highly similar to that of Sto-Est with only slight differences in atomic coordinates. The dimerized states of R267E and R267G are unstable under denaturing conditions or at high temperature, as shown by a urea-induced dimer dissociation experiment and molecular dynamics simulation. R267E is the most unstable mutant protein, followed by R267G and R267K, as shown by the thermal denaturation curve and optimum temperature for activity. From the data, we discuss the importance of R267 in maintaining the dimer integrity of Sto-Est. Database The atomic coordinates and structural factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank with accession numbers of PDB: 3AIK for noninhibited Sto-Est, PDB: 3AIL for DEP-bound, PDB: 3AIM for R267E, PDB: 3AIN for R267G, and PDB: 3AIO for R267K Structured digital abstract ? Sto-Es?and?Sto-Es?bind?by?comigration in gel electrophoresis?(View Interaction:?1,?2) ? Sto-Es?and?Sto-Es?bind?by?x-ray crystallography?(View interaction).  相似文献   

Necturus gallbladder epithelial cells bathed in 10 mM HCO3/1% CO2 display sizable basolateral membrane conductances for Cl (GCl b) and K + (GK b). Lowering the osmolality of the apical bathing solution hyperpolarized both apical and basolateral membranes and increased the K +/Cl selectivity of the basolateral membrane. Hyperosmotic solutions had the opposite effects. Intracellular free-calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) increased transiently during hyposmotic swelling (peak at ∼30 s, return to baseline within ∼90 s), but chelation of cell Ca2+ did not prevent the membrane hyperpolarization elicited by the hyposmotic solution. Cable analysis experiments showed that the electrical resistance of the basolateral membrane decreased during hyposmotic swelling and increased during hyperosmotic shrinkage, whereas the apical membrane resistance was unchanged in hyposmotic solution and decreased in hyperosmotic solution. We assessed changes in cell volume in the epithelium by measuring changes in the intracellular concentration of an impermeant cation (tetramethylammonium), and in isolated polarized cells measuring changes in intracellular calcein fluorescence, and observed that these epithelial cells do not undergo measurable volume regulation over 10–12 min after osmotic swelling. Depolarization of the basolateral membrane voltage (Vcs) produced a significant increase in the change in Vcs elicited by lowering basolateral solution [Cl], whereas hyperpolarization of Vcs had the opposite effect. These results suggest that: (a) Hyposmotic swelling increases GK b and decreases G Cl b. These two effects appear to be linked, i.e., the increase in G K b produces membrane hyperpolarization, which in turn reduces G Cl b. ( b) Hyperosmotic shrinkage has the opposite effects on GK b and G Cl b. ( c) Cell swelling causes a transient increase in [Ca2+]i, but this response may not be necessary for the increase in GK b during cell swelling.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa is a filamentous fungus that has been extensively studied as a model organism for eukaryotic biology, providing fundamental insights into cellular processes such as cell signaling, growth and differentiation. To advance in the study of this multicellular organism, an understanding of the specific mechanisms for protein transport into the cell nucleus is essential. Importin-α (Imp-α) is the receptor for cargo proteins that contain specific nuclear localization signals (NLSs) that play a key role in the classical nuclear import pathway. Structures of Imp-α from different organisms (yeast, rice, mouse, and human) have been determined, revealing that this receptor possesses a conserved structural scaffold. However, recent studies have demonstrated that the Impα mechanism of action may vary significantly for different organisms or for different isoforms from the same organism. Therefore, structural, functional, and biophysical characterization of different Impα proteins is necessary to understand the selectivity of nuclear transport. Here, we determined the first crystal structure of an Impα from a filamentous fungus which is also the highest resolution Impα structure already solved to date (1.75 Å). In addition, we performed calorimetric analysis to determine the affinity and thermodynamic parameters of the interaction between Imp-α and the classical SV40 NLS peptide. The comparison of these data with previous studies on Impα proteins led us to demonstrate that N. crassa Imp-α possess specific features that are distinct from mammalian Imp-α but exhibit important similarities to rice Imp-α, particularly at the minor NLS binding site.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were performed usingin vitro perfused medullary thick ascending limbs of Henle (MTAL) and in suspensions of MTAL tubules isolated from mouse kidney to evaluate the effects of arginine vasopressin (AVP) on the K+ dependence of the apical, furosemide-sensitive Na+:Cl cotransporter and on transport-related oxygen consumption (QO2). In isolated perfused MTAL segments, the rate of cell swelling induced by removing K+ from, and adding onemm ouabain to, the basolateral solution [ouabain(zero-K+)] provided an index to apical cotransporter activity and was used to evaluated the ionic requirements of the apical cotransporter in the presence and absence of AVP. In the absence of AVP cotransporter activity required Na+ and Cl, but not K+, while in the presence of AVP the apical cotransporter required all three ions.86Rb+ uptake into MTAL tubules in suspension was significant only after exposure of tubules to AVP. Moreover,22Na+ uptake was unaffected by extracellular K+ in the absence of AVP while after AVP exposure22Na+ uptake was strictly K+-dependent. The AVP-induced coupling of K+ to the Na+:Cl cotransporter resulted in a doubling in the rate of NaCl absorption without a parallel increase in the rate of cellular22Na+ uptake or transport-related oxygen consumption. These results indicate that arginine vasopressin alters the mode of a loop diuretic-sensitive transporter from Na+:Cl cotransport to Na+:K+:2Cl cotransport in the mouse MTAL with the latter providing a distinct metabolic advantage for sodium transport. A model for AVP action on NaCl absorption by the MTAL is presented and the physiological significance of the coupling of K+ to the apical Na+:Cl cotransporter in the MTAL and of the enhanced metabolic efficiency are discussed.  相似文献   

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