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Cross-linking of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellar membrane glycoproteins results in the directed movements of these glycoproteins within the plane of the flagellar membrane. Three carbohydrate-binding reagents (FMG-1 monoclonal antibody, FMG-3 monoclonal antibody, concanvalin A) that induce flagellar membrane glycoprotein crosslinking and redistribution also induce the specific dephosphorylation of a 60- kD (pI 4.8-5.0) flagellar phosphoprotein (pp60) that is phosphorylated in vivo on serine. Ethanol treatment of live cells induces a similar specific dephosphorylation of pp60. Affinity adsorption of flagellar 32P-labeled membrane-matrix extracts with the FMG-1 monoclonal antibody and concanavalin A demonstrates that pp60 binds to the 350-kD class of flagellar membrane glycoproteins recognized by the FMG-1 monoclonal antibody. In vitro, protein phosphatase 2B (calcineurin) removes 60% of the 32P from pp60; this correlates well with previous observations that directed flagellar glycoprotein movements are dependent on micromolar calcium in the medium and are inhibited by calcium channel blockers and calmodulin antagonists. The data reported here are consistent with the dephosphorylation of pp60 being a step in the signaling pathway that couples flagellar membrane glycoprotein cross-linking to the directed movements of flagellar membrane glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Mutations in Hydin cause hydrocephalus in mice, and HYDIN is a strong candidate for causing hydrocephalus in humans. The gene is conserved in ciliated species, including Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. An antibody raised against C. reinhardtii hydin was specific for an approximately 540-kD flagellar protein that is missing from axonemes of strains that lack the central pair (CP). The antibody specifically decorated the C2 microtubule of the CP apparatus. An 80% knock down of hydin resulted in short flagella lacking the C2b projection of the C2 microtubule; the flagella were arrested at the switch points between the effective and recovery strokes. Biochemical analyses revealed that hydin interacts with the CP proteins CPC1 and kinesin-like protein 1 (KLP1). In conclusion, C. reinhardtii hydin is a CP protein required for flagellar motility and probably involved in the CP-radial spoke control pathway that regulates dynein arm activity. Hydrocephalus caused by mutations in hydin likely involves the malfunctioning of cilia because of a defect in the CP.  相似文献   

Radial spokes are a conserved axonemal structural complex postulated to regulate the motility of 9 + 2 cilia and flagella via a network of phosphoenzymes and regulatory proteins. Consistently, a Chlamydomonas radial spoke protein, RSP3, has been identified by RII overlays as an A-kinase anchoring protein (AKAP) that localizes the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) holoenzyme by binding to the RIIa domain of PKA RII subunit. However, the highly conserved docking domain of PKA is also found in the N termini of several AKAP-binding proteins unrelated to PKA as well as a 24-kDa novel spoke protein, RSP11. Here, we report that RSP11 binds to RSP3 directly in vitro and colocalizes with RSP3 toward the spoke base near outer doublets and dynein motors in axonemes. Importantly, RSP11 mutant pf25 displays a spectrum of motility, from paralysis with flaccid or twitching flagella as other spoke mutants to wildtype-like swimming. The wide range of motility changes reversibly depending on the condition of liquid media without replacing defective proteins. We postulate that radial spokes use the RIIa/AKAP module to regulate ciliary and flagellar beating; absence of the spoke RIIa protein exposes a medium-sensitive regulatory mechanism that is not obvious in wild-type Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

Wild-type Chlamydomonas reinhardtii carry two flagella per cell that are used for both motility and mating. We describe a mutant, vfl-1, in which the biflagellate state is disrupted such that the number of flagella per cell ranges from 0 to as many as 10. vfl-1 cells possess the novel ability to assemble new flagella throughout the G1 portion of the cell cycle, resulting in an average increase of about 0.05 flagella per cell per hour. Such uncoupling of the flagellar assembly cycle from the cell cycle is not observed in other mutants with abnormal flagellar number. Rather than being located in an exclusively apical position characteristic of the wild type, vfl-1 flagella can be at virtually any location on the cell surface. vfl-1 cells display abnormally wide variations in cell size, probably owing to extremely unequal cell divisions. Various ultrastructural abnormalities in the flagellar apparatus are also present, including missing or defective striated fibers and reduced numbers of rootlet microtubules. The pleiotropic defects observed in vfl-1 result from a recessive Mendelian mutation mapped to Chromosome VIII.  相似文献   

The social gliding behaviour of Myxococcus xanthus has previously been associated with the presence of polar pili. A Tn 5 transposon insertion was isolated which introduces a defect in social gliding and is genetically linked to a known sgl locus; this insertion was found also to cause a piliation defect. A 2.7 kb section of DNA was isolated from either side of this transposon and sequenced, revealing three genes which encode amino acid sequences with substantial similarity to components of the Type IV pilus biogenesis pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa . The myxococcal pilA gene encodes a putative pilin precursor with a short signal sequence and processing site similar to those of other Type IV pilins. Myxococcal pilS and pilR encode amino acid sequences with similarity to PilS and PilR of P. aeruginosa , as well as to other members of the NtrB/C family of two-component regulators. Mutations within pilR and pilA that have no polar effect were demonstrated to be responsible for pilus and social motility defects. These results indicate that the pili of M. xanthus belong to the Type IV family of pili, and demonstrate that these pili are actually required for social motility.  相似文献   

A new mutant strain of Chlamydomonas, ptx1, has been identified which is defective in phototaxis. This strain swims with a rate and straightness of path comparable with that of wild-type cells, and retains the photoshock response. Thus, the mutation does not cause any gross defects in swimming ability or photoreception, and appears to be specific for phototaxis. Calcium is required for phototaxis in wild- type cells, and causes a concentration-dependent shift in flagellar dominance in reactivated, demembranated cell models. ptx1-reactivated models are defective in this calcium-dependent shift in flagellar dominance. This indicates that the mutation affects one or more components of the calcium-dependent axonemal regulatory system, and that this system mediates phototaxis. The reduction or absence of two 75-kD axonemal proteins correlates with the nonphototactic phenotype. Axonemal fractionation studies, and analysis of axonemes from mutant strains with known structural defects, failed to reveal the structural localization of the 75-kD proteins within the axoneme. The proteins are not components of the outer dynein arms, two of the three types of inner dynein arms, the radial spokes, or the central pair complex. Because changes in flagellar motility ultimately require the regulation of dynein activity, cell models from mutant strains defective in specific dynein arms were reactivated at various calcium concentrations. Mutants lacking the outer arms, or the I1 or I2 inner dynein arms, retain the wild-type calcium-dependent shift in flagellar dominance. Therefore, none of these arms are the sole mediators of phototaxis.  相似文献   

Efficient motility of the eukaryotic flagellum requires precise temporal and spatial control of its constituent dynein motors. The central pair and its associated structures have been implicated as important members of a signal transduction cascade that ultimately regulates dynein arm activity. To identify central pair components involved in this process, we characterized a Chlamydomonas motility mutant (pf6-2) obtained by insertional mutagenesis. pf6-2 flagella twitch ineffectively and lack the 1a projection on the C1 microtubule of the central pair. Transformation with constructs containing a full-length, wild-type copy of the PF6 gene rescues the functional, structural, and biochemical defects associated with the pf6 mutation. Sequence analysis indicates that the PF6 gene encodes a large polypeptide that contains numerous alanine-rich, proline-rich, and basic domains and has limited homology to an expressed sequence tag derived from a human testis cDNA library. Biochemical analysis of an epitope-tagged PF6 construct demonstrates that the PF6 polypeptide is an axonemal component that cosediments at 12.6S with several other polypeptides. The PF6 protein appears to be an essential component required for assembly of some of these polypeptides into the C1-1a projection.  相似文献   

The ATPase activities in Chlamydomonas axonemes were compared between wild type and a mutant (oda) that lacks entire outer dynein arms, at various ionic strengths and pH values, and in the presence of different concentrations of high-molecular-mass dextran. Over a 0-0.2 M KCl concentration range, the ATPase activity of oda axonemes was found to be 5-12 times lower than that of the wild-type axonemes. The low activity in oda is surprising since outer arm-depleted axonemes of sea urchin sperm have been reported to retain about 50% of the normal activity. In both wild type and oda, the ATPase activity of dynein was higher when contained within the axoneme than when released from it with 0.6 M KCl. The ATPase activation within the wild-type axoneme was inhibited by high ionic strengths or by the presence of dextran. The activation in oda axonemes, on the other hand, was not inhibited by these factors. These significantly different ATPase properties suggest that the inner and outer dynein arms perform somewhat different functions in this organism.  相似文献   

Cells of Flavobacterium johnsoniae glide rapidly over surfaces by an unknown mechanism. Seven genes (gldA, gldB, gldD, gldF, gldG, gldH, and ftsX) that are required for gliding motility have been described. Complementation of the nonmotile mutants UW102-41, UW102-85, and UW102-92 identified another gene, gldI, that is required for gliding motility. gldI mutants formed nonspreading colonies, and individual cells were completely nonmotile. They were also resistant to bacteriophages that infect wild-type cells, and they failed to digest chitin. Introduction of wild-type gldI on a plasmid restored colony spreading, cell motility, phage sensitivity, and the ability to digest chitin to the gldI mutants. gldI encodes a predicted 199-amino-acid protein that localized to the membrane fraction. Labeling studies with [(3)H]palmitate indicated that GldI is a lipoprotein. GldI is similar to peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans-isomerases of the FK506-binding protein family and may be involved in folding cell envelope protein components of the motility machinery.  相似文献   

Cells of Flavobacterium johnsoniae move rapidly over surfaces by gliding motility. The mechanism of this form of motility is not known. Six genes (gldA, gldB, gldD, gldF, gldG, and ftsX) that are required for gliding have been described. Tn4351 mutagenesis was used to identify another gene, gldH, which is required for cell movement. GldH mutants formed nonspreading colonies, and individual cells lacked the cell movements and ability to propel latex spheres along their surfaces that are characteristic of wild-type cells. gldH mutants also failed to digest chitin and were resistant to bacteriophages that infect wild-type cells. Introduction of pMM293, which carries wild-type gldH, restored to the gldH mutants colony spreading, cell motility, the ability to move latex spheres, phage sensitivity, and the ability to digest chitin. gldH encodes a predicted 141-amino-acid protein that localized to the membrane fraction. Labeling studies with [3H]palmitate demonstrated that GldH is a lipoprotein. GldB and GldD, which were previously described, also appear to be lipoproteins. GldH does not exhibit significant amino acid similarity to proteins of known function in the databases. Putative homologs of gldH of unknown function are found in motile (Cytophaga hutchinsonii) and apparently nonmotile (Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Bacteroides fragilis, Tannerella forsythensis, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Prevotella intermedia) members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group.  相似文献   

A mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with a variable number of flagella per cell has been used to investigate flagellar size control. The mutant and wild-type do not differ in cell size nor in flagellar length, yet the size of the intracellular pool of flagellar precursor protein can differ dramatically among individual mutant cells, with, for example, triflagellate cells having three times the pool of monoflagellate cells. Because cells of the same size, but with very different pool sizes, have flagella of identical length, it appears that the concentration of the unassembled flagellar precursor protein pool does not regulate flagellar length. The relation between cell size, pool size, and flagellar length has also been investigated for wild-type cells of different sizes and ploidies. Again, flagellar length appears to be maintained independent of pool size or concentration.  相似文献   

Nguyen RL  Tam LW  Lefebvre PA 《Genetics》2005,169(3):1415-1424
Flagellar length is tightly regulated in the biflagellate alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Several genes required for control of flagellar length have been identified, including LF1, a gene required to assemble normal-length flagella. The lf1 mutation causes cells to assemble extra-long flagella and to regenerate flagella very slowly after amputation. Here we describe the positional cloning and molecular characterization of the LF1 gene using a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. LF1 encodes a protein of 804 amino acids with no obvious sequence homologs in other organisms. The single LF1 mutant allele is caused by a transversion that produces an amber stop at codon 87. Rescue of the lf1 phenotype upon transformation was obtained with clones containing the complete LF1 gene as well as clones that lack the last two exons of the gene, indicating that only the amino-terminal portion of the LF1 gene product (LF1p) is required for function. Although LF1 helps regulate flagellar length, the LF1p localizes almost exclusively in the cell body, with <1% of total cellular LF1p localizing to the flagella.  相似文献   

A protein with a molecular mass of 42 kDa (P42) from Mycoplasma mobile, one of several mycoplasmas that exhibit gliding motility, was shown to be a novel NTPase (nucleoside triphosphatase). Although the P42 protein lacks a common ATP-binding sequence motif (Walker A), the recombinant proteins expressed in Escherichia coli certainly hydrolysed some nucleoside triphosphates, including ATP. The results of photoaffinity labelling by an ATP analogue supported that the P42 protein contains a specific binding site for ATP (or another nucleoside triphosphate). In the M. mobile genome, the P42 gene is located downstream of gli123, gli349 and gli521 genes, and they have been reported to be polycis-tronically transcribed. As the huge proteins encoded by gli123, gli349 and gli521 play a role in gliding motility of M. mobile, P42 might also have some kind of function in the gliding motility. The gliding motility of M. mobile is driven directly by ATP hydrolysis, but the key ATPase has not been identified. Our results showed that, among these four proteins, only P42 exhibited ATPase activity. Biochemical characteristics--optimal conditions for activity, substrate specificities, and inhibiting effects by ATP analogues--of the recombinant P42 proteins were very similar to those of a putative ATPase speculated from a previous analysis with a gliding 'ghost' whose cell membrane was permeabilized by Triton X-100. These results support the hypothesis that the P42 protein is the key ATPase in the gliding motility of M. mobile.  相似文献   

Nonmotile mutants of the gliding bacterium Cytophaga johnsonae were examined to identify proteins that might be involved in gliding motility. Wild-type and mutant cell proteins were solubilized and fractionated by using Triton X-114, and the proteins that partitioned into the aqueous phase or the detergent phase were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for proteins that differed between wild-type and mutant cells. Seventeen proteins, ranging in size from 16 to 150 kilodaltons, were implicated by this technique as having some relationship to gliding and were designated Gld-1 through Gld-17. All Gld proteins behaved as integral membrane proteins, partitioning into the detergent phase. All 56 mutants examined exhibited changes in 1 or more of the Gld proteins, with the number of proteins altered in any mutant varying from 1 to 11. Several lines of evidence suggested that proteins Gld-12 through Gld-15 are glycoproteins. Analysis of banding patterns of detergent-fraction proteins of motile revertants supported the idea that the Gld proteins have a role in gliding motility.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas has two actin genes: one encoding a conventional actin (90% amino acid identity with mammalian actin) and the other a highly divergent actin (NAP; 64% identity). The expression of the two genes is regulated in a mutually exclusive manner. Thus, ida5, a mutant that lacks the conventional actin (CrA) gene, expresses NAP abundantly, whereas wild-type cells express NAP only negligibly under normal conditions. To explore the physiological significance of the two actins, chimeric genes with the 5' upstream region of one gene replaced by that of the other were constructed and used to transform ida5. The transformant (TF5) with a chimeric clone comprising the 5'-untranslated region from the NAP gene and the CrA-encoding sequence recovered the dyneins missing in ida5 and showed almost normal motility. After deflagellation of this transformant, however, only about 30% of cells grew flagella, unlike wild-type cells, >80% of which displayed reflagellation. Transformant TF10, which contains the CrA upstream region and NAP coding region, underwent reflagellation normally, as did the parent strain, ida5. In TF5, the mRNA level of both CrA and NAP was increased greatly during reflagellation. In light of the recent finding that NAP mRNA is expressed transiently upon reflagellation in wild-type cells, the described results suggest that 1) the expression of NAP mRNA is indispensable for flagellation and 2) robust expression of CrA may inhibit proper flagellation by interfering with the function of NAP in the early stages of reflagellation.  相似文献   

Flux of K+ and changes in intracellular Ca2+ in the sperm of salmonid fishes were measured with spectrophotometry, ion electrode, microscopic fluorometry, and radioisotope accumulation. Release of K+ occurred at the initiation of sperm motility which is induced by decrease in external K+ and the K+ efflux and sperm motility were inhibited by K+ channel blockers. Intracellular Ca2+ increased within a short period in K+- free condition, and the accumulation of 45Ca in sperm cells was higher in motile sperm than that in immotile sperm. The efflux of K+ and the increase in intracellular Ca2+ were suppressed when external K+ concentration increased, i.e., sperm remained immotile. These results suggest that efflux of K+ through K+ channel and subseqent increase in intracellular Ca2+ are prerequisite for the initiation of sperm motility. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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