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The tumor suppressor PTEN is disrupted in a large proportion of cancers, including in HER2-positive breast cancer, where its loss is associated with resistance to therapy. Upon genotoxic stress, ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is activated and phosphorylates PTEN on residue 398. To elucidate the physiological role of this molecular event, we generated and analyzed knock-in mice expressing a mutant form of PTEN that cannot be phosphorylated by ATM (PTEN-398A). This mutation accelerated tumorigenesis in a model of HER2-positive breast cancer. Mammary tumors in bi-transgenic mice carrying MMTV-neu and Pten398A were characterized by DNA damage accumulation but reduced apoptosis. Mechanistically, phosphorylation of PTEN at position 398 is essential for the proper activation of the S phase checkpoint controlled by the PI3K–p27Kip1–CDK2 axis. Moreover, we linked these defects to the impaired ability of the PTEN-398A protein to relocalize to the plasma membrane in response to genotoxic stress. Altogether, our results uncover a novel role for ATM-dependent PTEN phosphorylation in the control of genomic stability, cell cycle progression, and tumorigenesis.Subject terms: Tumour-suppressor proteins, Molecular biology  相似文献   

Cdc14-regulated midzone assembly controls anaphase B   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Spindle elongation in anaphase of mitosis is a cell cycle-regulated process that requires coordination between polymerization, cross-linking, and sliding of microtubules (MTs). Proteins that assemble at the spindle midzone may be important for this process. In this study, we show that Ase1 and the separase-Slk19 complex drive midzone assembly in yeast. Whereas the conserved MT-bundling protein Ase1 establishes a midzone, separase-Slk19 is required to focus and center midzone components. An important step leading to spindle midzone assembly is the dephosphorylation of Ase1 by the protein phosphatase Cdc14 at the beginning of anaphase. Failure to dephosphorylate Ase1 delocalizes midzone proteins and delays the second, slower phase of anaphase B. In contrast, in cells expressing nonphosphorylated Ase1, anaphase spindle extension is faster, and spindles frequently break. Cdc14 also controls the separase-Slk19 complex indirectly via the Aurora B kinase. Thus, Cdc14 regulates spindle midzone assembly and function directly through Ase1 and indirectly via the separase-Slk19 complex.  相似文献   

Cells divide with remarkable fidelity, allowing complex organisms to develop and possess longevity. Checkpoint controls contribute by ensuring that genome duplication and segregation occur without error so that genomic instability, associated with developmental abnormalities and a hallmark of most human cancers, is avoided. S-phase checkpoints prevent cell division while DNA is replicating. Budding yeast Mec1p and Rad53p, homologues of human checkpoint kinases ATM/ATR and Chk2, are needed for this control system. How Mec1p and Rad53p prevent mitosis in S phase is not known. Here we provide evidence that budding yeasts avoid mitosis during S phase by regulating the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) specificity factor Cdc20p: Mec1p and Rad53p repress the accumulation of Cdc20p in S phase. Because precocious Cdc20p accumulation causes anaphase onset and aneuploidy, Cdc20p concentrations must be precisely regulated during each and every cell cycle. Catastrophic mitosis induced by Cdc20p in S phase occurs even in the absence of core APC components. Thus, Cdc20p can function independently of the APC.  相似文献   

The checkpoint protein Chfr delays entry into mitosis, in the presence of mitotic stress (Scolnick, D.M., and T.D. Halazonetis. 2000. Nature. 406:430-435). We show here that Chfr is a ubiquitin ligase, both in vitro and in vivo. When transfected into HEK293T cells, Myc-Chfr promotes the formation of high molecular weight ubiquitin conjugates. The ring finger domain in Chfr is required for the ligase activity; this domain auto-ubiquitinates, and mutations of conserved residues in this domain abolish the ligase activity. Using Xenopus cell-free extracts, we demonstrated that Chfr delays the entry into mitosis by negatively regulating the activation of the Cdc2 kinase at the G2-M transition. Specifically, the Chfr pathway prolongs the phosphorylated state of tyrosine 15 in Cdc2. The Chfr-mediated cell cycle delay requires ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation, because inactivating mutations in Chfr, interference with poly-ubiquitination, and inhibition of proteasomes all abolish this delay in mitotic entry. The direct target of the Chfr pathway is Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1). Ubiquitination of Plk1 by Chfr delays the activation of the Cdc25C phosphatase and the inactivation of the Wee1 kinase, leading to a delay in Cdc2 activation. Thus, the Chfr pathway represents a novel checkpoint pathway that regulates the entry into mitosis by ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis.  相似文献   

In vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos show both cell cycle and developmental arrest. We previously showed oxidative damage activates the ATM?→?Chk1?→?Cdc25B/Cdc25C cascade to mediate G2/M cell cycle arrest for repair of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced oxidative damage in sperm. However, the mechanisms underlying the developmental delay of zygotes are unknown. To develop a model of oxidative-damaged zygotes, we treated mouse zygotes with different concentrations of H2O2 (0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05 mM), and evaluated in vitro zygote development, BrdU incorporation to detect the duration of S phase. We also examined reactive oxygen species level and used immunofluorescence to detect activation of γH2AX, Cdc2, and Cdc25. Oxidatively damaged zygotes showed a delay in G2/M phase and produced a higher level of ROS. At the same time, γH2AX was detected in oxidatively damaged zygotes as well as phospho-Cdc25B (Ser323), phospho-Cdc25C (Ser216), and phospho-Cdc2 (Tyr15). Our study indicates that oxidative stress-induced DNA damage of mouse zygotes triggers the cell cycle checkpoint, which results in G2/M cell cycle arrest, and that phospho-Cdc25B (Ser323), phospho-Cdc25C (Ser216), and phospho-Cdc2 (Tyr15) participate in activating the G2/M checkpoint.  相似文献   

The Cdc14 family of serine-threonine phosphatases antagonizes CDK activity by reversing CDK-dependent phosphorylation events. It is well established that the yeast members of this family bring about the M/G1 transition. Budding yeast Cdc14 is essential for CDK inactivation at the end of mitosis and fission yeast Cdc14 homologue Flp1/Clp1 down-regulates Cdc25 to ensure the inactivation of mitotic CDK complexes to trigger cell division. However, the functions of human Cdc14 homologues remain poorly understood. Here we have tested the hypothesis that Cdc14A might regulate Cdc25 mitotic inducers in human cells. We found that increasing levels of Cdc14A delay entry into mitosis by inhibiting Cdk1-cyclin B1 activity. By contrast, lowering the levels of Cdc14A accelerates mitotic entry. Biochemical analyses revealed that Cdc14A acts through key Cdk1-cyclin B1 regulators. We observed that Cdc14A directly bound to and dephosphorylated Cdc25B, inhibiting its catalytic activity. Cdc14A also regulated the activity of Cdc25A at the G2/M transition. Our results indicate that Cdc14A phosphatase prevents premature activation of Cdk1 regulating Cdc25A and Cdc25B at the entry into mitosis.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 is required for a sustained G(2) arrest after activation of the DNA damage checkpoint. Here we have addressed the mechanism by which p21 can contribute to this arrest in G(2). We show that p21 blocks the activating phosphorylation of Cdc2 on Thr(161). p21 does not interfere with the dephosphorylation of two inhibitory phosphorylation sites on Cdc2, Thr(14) and Tyr(15), indicating that p21 targets a different event in Cdc2 activation as the well described DNA damage checkpoint pathway involving Chk1 and Cdc25C. Taken together our data show that a cell is equipped with at least two independent pathways to ensure efficient inhibition of Cdc2 activity in response to DNA damage, influencing both positive and negative regulatory phosphorylation events on Cdc2.  相似文献   

The G2-phase DNA-damage checkpoint   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
DNA damage causes cell-cycle delay before S phase, during replication and before mitosis. This involves a number of highly conserved proteins that sense DNA damage and signal the cell-cycle machinery. Kinases that were initially discovered in yeast model systems have recently been shown to regulate the regulators of cyclin-dependent kinases and to control the stability of p53. This shows the importance of checkpoint proteins for maintaining genome stability. Here, we discuss recent data from yeast and metazoans that suggest a remarkable conservation of the organization of the G2 DNA-damage checkpoint pathway.  相似文献   

The Cdc14p-like phosphatase Flp1p (also known as Clp1p) is regulated by cell cycle-dependent changes in its subcellular localization. Flp1p is restricted to the nucleolus and spindle pole body until prophase, when it is dispersed throughout the nucleus, mitotic spindle, and medial ring. Once released, Flp1p antagonizes Cdc2p/cyclin activity by reverting Cdc2p-phosphorylation sites on Cdc25p. On replication stress, ataxia-telangiectasia mutated/ATM/Rad3-related kinase Rad3p activates Cds1p, which phosphorylates key proteins ensuring the stability of stalled DNA replication forks. Here, we show that replication stress induces changes in the subcellular localization of Flp1p in a checkpoint-dependent manner. Active Cds1p checkpoint kinase is required to release Flp1p into the nucleus. Consistently, a Flp1p mutant (flp1-9A) lacking all potential Cds1p phosphorylation sites fails to relocate in response to replication blocks and, similarly to cells lacking flp1 (Deltaflp1), presents defects in checkpoint response to replication stress. Deltaflp1 cells accumulate reduced levels of a less active Cds1p kinase in hydroxyurea (HU), indicating that nuclear Flp1p regulates Cds1p full activation. Consistently, Deltaflp1 and flp1-9A have an increased percentage of Rad22p-recombination foci during HU treatment. Together, our data show that by releasing Flp1p into the nucleus Cds1p checkpoint kinase modulates its own full activation during replication stress.  相似文献   

DNA damage induced by the carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene dihydrodiol epoxide (BPDE) induces a Chk1-dependent S-phase checkpoint. Here, we have investigated the molecular basis of BPDE-induced S-phase arrest. Chk1-dependent inhibition of DNA synthesis in BPDE-treated cells occurred without detectable changes in Cdc25A levels, Cdk2 activity, or Cdc7/Dbf4 interaction. Overexpression studies showed that Cdc25A, cyclin A/Cdk2, and Cdc7/Dbf4 were not rate-limiting for DNA synthesis when the BPDE-induced S-phase checkpoint was active. To investigate other potential targets of the S-phase checkpoint, we tested the effects of BPDE on the chromatin association of DNA replication factors. The levels of chromatin-associated Cdc45 (but not soluble Cdc45) were reduced concomitantly with BPDE-induced Chk1 activation and inhibition of DNA synthesis. The chromatin association of Mcm7, Mcm10, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen was unaffected by BPDE treatment. However, the association between Mcm7 and Cdc45 in the chromatin fraction was inhibited in BPDE-treated cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses demonstrated reduced association of Cdc45 with the beta-globin origin of replication in BPDE-treated cells. The inhibitory effects of BPDE on DNA synthesis, Cdc45/Mcm7 associations, and interactions between Cdc45 and the beta-globin locus were abrogated by the Chk1 inhibitor UCN-01. Taken together, our results show that the association between Cdc45 and Mcm7 at origins of replication is negatively regulated by Chk1 in a Cdk2-independent manner. Therefore, Cdc45 is likely to be an important target of the Chk1-mediated S-phase checkpoint.  相似文献   

Upon prolonged activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint, cells escape from mitosis through a mechanism called adaptation or mitotic slippage, which is thought to underlie the resistance of cancer cells to antimitotic drugs. We show that, in budding yeast, this mechanism depends on known essential and nonessential regulators of mitotic exit, such as the Cdc14 early anaphase release (FEAR) pathway for the release of the Cdc14 phosphatase from the nucleolus in early anaphase. Moreover, the RSC (remodel the structure of chromatin) chromatin-remodeling complex bound to its accessory subunit Rsc2 is involved in this process as a novel component of the FEAR pathway. We show that Rsc2 interacts physically with the polo kinase Cdc5 and is required for timely phosphorylation of the Cdc14 inhibitor Net1, which is important to free Cdc14 in the active form. Our data suggest that fine-tuning regulators of mitotic exit have important functions during mitotic progression in cells treated with microtubule poisons and might be promising targets for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

The anaphase-promoting complex (APC) regulates the eukaryotic cell cycle by targeting specific proteins for proteasomal degradation. Its activity must be strictly controlled to ensure proper cell cycle progression. The co-activator proteins Cdc20 and Cdh1 are required for APC activity and are important regulatory targets. Recently, budding yeast Acm1 was identified as a Cdh1 binding partner and APC(Cdh1) inhibitor. Acm1 disappears in late mitosis when APC(Cdh1) becomes active and contains conserved degron-like sequences common to APC substrates, suggesting it could be both an inhibitor and substrate. Surprisingly, we found that Acm1 proteolysis is independent of APC. A major determinant of Acm1 stability is phosphorylation at consensus cyclin-dependent kinase sites. Acm1 is a substrate of Cdc28 cyclin-dependent kinase and Cdc14 phosphatase both in vivo and in vitro. Mutation of Cdc28 phosphorylation sites or conditional inactivation of Cdc28 destabilizes Acm1. In contrast, inactivation of Cdc14 prevents Acm1 dephosphorylation and proteolysis. Cdc28 stabilizes Acm1 in part by promoting binding of the 14-3-3 proteins Bmh1 and Bmh2. We conclude that the opposing actions of Cdc28 and Cdc14 are primary factors limiting Acm1 to the interval from G(1)/S to late mitosis and are capable of establishing APC-independent expression patterns similar to APC substrates.  相似文献   

Cdc2-cyclin E complexes regulate the G1/S phase transition   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1) is known as a negative regulator of cell-cycle progression and as a tumour suppressor. Cdk2 is the main target of p27 (refs 2, 3) and therefore we hypothesized that loss of Cdk2 activity should modify the p27(-/-) mouse phenotype. Here, we show that although p27(-/-) Cdk2(-/-) mice developed ovary tumours and tumours in the anterior lobe of the pituitary, we failed to detect any functional complementation in p27(-/-) Cdk2(-/-) double-knockout mice, indicating a parallel pathway regulated by p27. We observed elevated levels of S phase and mitosis in tissues of p27(-/-) Cdk2(-/-) mice concomitantly with elevated Cdc2 activity in p27(-/-) Cdk2(-/-) extracts. p27 binds to Cdc2, cyclin B1, cyclin A2, or suc1 complexes in wild-type and Cdk2(-/-) extracts. In addition, cyclin E binds to and activates Cdc2. Our in vivo results provide strong evidence that Cdc2 may compensate the loss of Cdk2 function.  相似文献   

The Cdc2 protein kinase is a key regulator of the G1-S and G2-M cell cycle transitions in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The activation of Cdc2 at the G2-M transition is triggered by dephosphorylation at a conserved tyrosine residue Y15. The level of Y15 phosphorylation is controlled by the Wee1 and Mik1 protein kinases acting in opposition to the Cdc25 protein phosphatase. Here, we demonstrate that Wee1 overexpression leads to a high stoichiometry of phosphorylation at a previously undetected site in S. pombe Cdc2, T14. T14 phosphorylation was also detected in certain cell cycle mutants blocked in progression through S phase, indicating that T14 phosphorylation might normally occur at low stoichiometry during DNA replication or early G2. Strains in which the chromosomal copy of cdc2 was replaced with either a T14A or a T14S mutant allele were generated and the phenotypes of these strains are consistent with T14 phosphorylation playing an inhibitory role in the activation of Cdc2 as it does in higher eukaryotes. We have also obtained evidence that Wee1 but not Mik1 or Chk1 is required for phosphorylation at this site, that the Mik1 and Chk1 protein kinases are unable to drive T14 phosphorylation in vivo, that residue 14 phosphorylation requires previous phosphorylation at Y15, and that the T14A mutant, unlike Y15F, is recessive to wild-type Cdc2 activity. Finally, the normal duration of G2 delay after irradiation or hydroxyurea treatment in a T14A mutant strain indicates that T14 phosphorylation is not required for the DNA damage or replication checkpoint controls.  相似文献   

Turning off the G2 DNA damage checkpoint   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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