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Life history theory suggests that long-lived, pond-breeding amphibians should have low and highly variable early life-stage survival rates, but this theoretical expectation is often untested and the causes of variation are usually unknown. We evaluated the impact of hydroperiod, presence of a pathogen (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis [Bd]), presence of a potential predator (cutthroat trout Oncorhychus clarki stomias), and whether animals had been reintroduced into a site on survival of early life stages of boreal toads (Anaxyrus boreas boreas). We used a multistate mark-recapture framework to estimate survival of boreal toad embryos from egg to metamorphosis at four sites over 5 years. We found substantial spatial and temporal variation in survival to metamorphosis and documented some evidence that monthly tadpole survival was lower in sites with Bd, without trout, and at permanent sites. Our results support theories of amphibian life history, aid in the management of this species of conservation concern, and contribute to our knowledge of the ecology of the species. Additionally, we present methodology that allows practitioners to account for different lengths of time between sampling periods when estimating survival probabilities which is especially applicable to organisms with distinct biological stages.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA evolution in themelanogaster species subgroup ofDrosophila   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Detailed restriction maps (40 cleavage sites on average) of mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from the eight species of the melanogaster species subgroup of Drosophila were established. Comparison of the cleavage sites allowed us to build a phylogenetic tree based on the matrix of nucleotide distances and to select the most parsimonious network. The two methods led to similar results, which were compared with those in the literature obtained from nuclear characters. The three chromosomally homosequential species D. simulans, D. mauritiana, and D. sechellia are mitochondrially very related, but exhibit complex phylogenetic relationships. D. melanogaster is their closest relative, and the four species form a monophyletic group (the D. melanogaster complex), which is confirmed by the shared unusual length of their mt genomes (18-19 kb). The other four species of the subgroup (D. yakuba, D. teissieri, D. erecta, and D. orena) are characterized by a much shorter mt genome (16-16.5 kb). The monophyletic character of the D. yakuba complex, however, is questionable. Two species of this complex, D. yakuba and D. teissieri, are mitochondrially indistinguishable (at the level of our investigation) in spite of their noticeable allozymic and chromosomal divergence. Finally, mtDNA distances were compared with the nuclear-DNA distances thus far established. These sequences seem to evolve at rather similar rates, the mtDNA rate being barely double that of nuclear DNA.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction site maps for nine species of theDrosophila obscura subgroup and forDrosophila melanogaster were established. Taking into account all restriction enzymes (12) and strains (45) analyzed, a total of 105 different sites were detected, which corresponds to a sample of 3.49% of the mtDNA genome. Based on nucleotide divergences, two phylogenetic trees were constructed assuming either constant or variable rates of evolution. Both methods led to the same relationships. Five differentiated clusters were found for theobscura subgroup species, one Nearctic, represented byDrosophila pseudoobscura, and four Palearctic, two grouping the related triads of speciesDrosophila subobscura, Drosophila madeirensis, Drosophila guanche, andDrosophila ambigua, Drosophila obscura, Drosophila subsilvestris, and two more represented by one species each,Drosophila bifasciata, andDrosophila tristis. The different Palearctic clusters are as distant between themselves as with the Nearctic one. For the related speciesD. subobscura, D. madeirensis, andD. guanche, the pairD. subobscura-D. madeirensis is the closest one. The relationships found by nucleotide divergence were confirmed by differences in mitochondrial genome size, with related species sharing similar genome lengths and differing from the distant ones. The total mtDNA size range for theobscura subgroup species was from 15.5 kb forD. pseudoobscura to 17.1 forD. tristis.  相似文献   

Summary TheDrosophila nasuta group consists of about 12 closely related species distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific region. They are of great interest because of their evolutionary idiosyncrasies including little morphological differentiation, the ability to intercross in the laboratory often producing fertile offspring, and substantial chromosomal evolution. Studies of metric traits, reproductive isolation, and chromosomal and enzyme polymorphisms have failed to resolve the phylogeny of the species. We report the results of a survey of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction patterns of the species. The phylogeny obtained is consistent with other available information and suggests thatD. albomicans may represent the ancestral lineage of the group. The amount of polymorphism in local populations (=1.0% per site) is within the typical range observed in other animals, includingDrosophila. The degree of differentiation between species is, however, low: the origin of the group is tentatively dated about 6–8 million years ago. This study confirms the usefulness of mtDNA restriction patterns for ascertaining the phylogeny of closely related species.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis has been used to evaluate mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in 12 sibling species forming the Drosophila virilis species group. The variation thresholds corresponding to the interspecific and interstrain levels have been determined. The results indicate that interspecific hybridization has significantly contributed to the evolutionary history of the virilis species group.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA evolution in the genus Equus   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Employing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-endonuclease maps as the basis of comparison, we have investigated the evolutionary affinities of the seven species generally recognized as the genus Equus. Individual species' cleavage maps contained an average of 60 cleavage sites for 16 enzymes, of which 29 were invariant for all species. Based on an average divergence rate of 2%/Myr, the variation between species supports a divergence of extant lineages from a common ancestor approximately 3.9 Myr before the present. Comparisons of cleavage maps between Equus przewalskii (Mongolian wild horse) and E. caballus (domestic horse) yielded estimates of nucleotide sequence divergence ranging from 0.27% to 0.41%. This range was due to intraspecific variation, which was noted only for E. caballus. For pairwise comparisons within this family, estimates of sequence divergence ranged from 0% (E. hemionus onager vs. E. h. kulan) to 7.8% (E. przewalskii vs. E. h. onager). Trees constructed according to the parsimony principle, on the basis of 31 phylogenetically informative restriction sites, indicate that the three extant zebra species represent a monophyletic group with E. grevyi and E. burchelli antiquorum diverging most recently. The phylogenetic relationships of E. africanus and E. hemionus remain enigmatic on the basis of the mtDNA analysis, although a recent divergence is unsupported.   相似文献   

The four species that comprise the Bufo boreas group of toads are critically imperiled in all or portions of their geographical ranges. We present data from 16 microsatellite loci isolated from B. boreas that cross‐amplify in these four species. These markers have proven useful in the analyses of population structure and conservation genetics, and provide a powerful tool for future researchers who seek to understand the conservation genetics of these rare toad species. Polymorphism was assessed for 339 individuals from seven populations representing the four species. All loci were polymorphic (X? = 8, range of four to 19 alleles). Three loci were not in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) in one population, and one of these loci was out of HWE in a second population (P < 0.003 after Bonferroni correction for multiple tests). However, there were no systematic deviations from HWE across all study populations. Small populations in fragmented habitat appear to explain the existing HWE deviations.  相似文献   

For the past seven years or so, much discussion and controversy in the field of human evolution has revolved around the application and interpretation of studies of human mitochondrial DNA variation, particularly the hypothesis that all mtDNA types in contemporary populations can be traced back to a single African ancestor who lived about 200,000 years ago. In this review I describe the evidence that led to this hypothesis, subsequent work, and where things stand now, particularly with respect to recent criticisms concerning the adequacy of phylogenetic analyses of the mtDNA data. I also describe a new method of analyzing mtDNA data that suggests that all human populations underwent a dramatic expansion some 40,000 years ago, possibly in association with revolutionary advances in human behavior, as well as an important implication of population expansions for mtDNA disease studies.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA evolution in the Montium-species subgroup of Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-site maps for six species (10 strains) of the Drosophila montium subgroup were established. A total of 50 restriction sites were mapped, corresponding to 1.67% of the mtDNA genome. On the basis of differences in the restriction sites, nucleotide divergence (delta) was calculated for each pair of species (strains), and phylogenetic trees were constructed by using distance- matrix and parsimony methods. Comparison of the resultant phylogenetic trees shows that the sibling species D. auraria and D. quadraria are closely related. At the other extreme, considerable divergence was observed between the two strains of D. serrata and between D. serrata and D. birchii, a finding that contrasts with their grouping within the same species complex. Nevertheless, our data indicate that these six oriental montium species are rather closely related.   相似文献   

Increasingly, host-associated microbiota are recognized to mediate pathogen establishment, providing new ecological perspectives on health and disease. Amphibian skin-associated microbiota interact with the fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), but little is known about microbial turnover during host development and associations with host immune function. We surveyed skin microbiota of Colorado''s endangered boreal toads (Anaxyrus boreas), sampling 181 toads across four life stages (tadpoles, metamorphs, subadults and adults). Our goals were to (1) understand variation in microbial community structure among individuals and sites, (2) characterize shifts in communities during development and (3) examine the prevalence and abundance of known Bd-inhibitory bacteria. We used high-throughput 16S and 18S rRNA gene sequencing (Illumina MiSeq) to characterize bacteria and microeukaryotes, respectively. Life stage had the largest effect on the toad skin microbial community, and site and Bd presence also contributed. Proteobacteria dominated tadpole microbial communities, but were later replaced by Actinobacteria. Microeukaryotes on tadpoles were dominated by the classes Alveolata and Stramenopiles, while fungal groups replaced these groups after metamorphosis. Using a novel database of Bd-inhibitory bacteria, we found fewer Bd-inhibitory bacteria in post-metamorphic stages correlated with increased skin fungi, suggesting that bacteria have a strong role in early developmental stages and reduce skin-associated fungi.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA variation in human evolution and disease   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
Wallace DC  Brown MD  Lott MT 《Gene》1999,238(1):211-230
Analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation has permitted the reconstruction of the ancient migrations of women. This has provided evidence that our species arose in Africa about 150000 years before present (YBP), migrated out of Africa into Asia about 60000 to 70000 YBP and into Europe about 40000 to 50000 YBP, and migrated from Asia and possibly Europe to the Americas about 20000 to 30000 YBP. Although much of the mtDNA variation that exists in modern populations may be selectively neutral, studies of the mildly deleterious mtDNA mutations causing Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) have demonstrated that some continent-specific mtDNA lineages are more prone to manifest the clinical symptoms of LHON than others. Hence, all mtDNA lineages are not equal, which may provide insights into the extreme environments that were encountered by our ancient ancestor, and which may be of great importance in understanding the pathophysiology of mitochondrial disease.  相似文献   

Sea urchins of the genus Arbacia (order Stirodonta) have discontinuous allopatric distributions ranging over thousands of kilometers. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships of four Arbacia species and their geographic populations. There is little evidence of genetic structuring of populations within species, except in two cases at range extremes. The mtDNA sequence differentiation between species suggests that divergence occurred about 4-9 MYA. Gene sequences encoding the sperm protein bindin and its intron were obtained and compared with the mtDNA phylogeny. Sea urchins among the well-studied echinoid order Camarodonta, with degrees of mtDNA divergence similar to those of Arbacia species, are known to have remarkable variation in bindin. However, in Arbacia, little variation in deduced amino acid sequences of bindin was found, indicating that purifying selection acts on the protein. In contrast, bindin intron sequences showed much differentiation, including numerous insertion/deletions. Fertilization experiments performed between a divergent pair of Arbacia species from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans revealed no evidence of blocks to gamete recognition. In Arbacia, fertilization specificities may have evolved relatively slowly as a result of extensive gene flow within species, greater functional constraint on the bindin polypeptide, or reduced selective pressure for species recognition in singly occurring species.   相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA and plumage evolution in the white wagtail Motacilla alba   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyzed sequences of two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene regions (control region and ND2) totaling 1477 base‐pairs from 232 specimens of the white wagtail Motacilla alba obtained from 27 localities throughout Eurasia. Although overall haplotype diversity was relatively low (0.79) and the most common haplotype was shared by 45% of individuals, belonging to six subspecies, a high level of population differentiation was detected. The mtDNA tree revealed three clades: (1) most individuals from Krasnodar (belonging to M. a. alba subspecies), (2) all individuals from Almaty and some from Primor'e (belonging to M. a. personata, M. a. lugens and M. a. leucopsis subspecies), and (3) the remaining individuals (representing all subspecies and all localities except Almaty). We suggest that these three clades represent historically isolated populations that relatively recently came into secondary contact in Krasnodar and Primor'e. None of the six subspecies were reciprocally monophyletic in the mtDNA tree. The Krasnodar population appeared to receive immigrants from other localities, but distinctive haplotypes from this locality did not appear elsewhere, suggesting asymmetric gene flow. Signatures of recent gene flow between northern populations were detected, and there was no evidence of isolation by distance within the northern group of populations. Mismatch distributions for most localities were consistent with population expansions. We also analyzed 12 male plumage characters from 93 study skins sampled from 24 populations. Phylogenetic trees resulting from separate genetic and morphological analyses were incongruent. Plumage evolution seems to be under strong sexual or natural selection, which favors particular phenotypes in various areas irrespective of the mitochondrial background. Dispersal events at different evolutionary times could have obscured the effects of earlier isolation events. The mtDNA data does not support species status for M. a. lugens and M. a. personata, which shared haplotypes with other subspecies of M. alba. We recommend that M. lugens and M. personata are placed as junior synonyms of M. alba.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction endonuclease fragment patterns and patterns of mtDNA hybridized by mitochondrial gene probes were used to study phylogenetic relationships of seven Pennisetum species, including five P. americanum (pearl millet) ecotypes and a reference species from the distantly related genus, Panicum. The restriction patterns of the pearl millet ecotypes were uniform with the exception of the ecotype collected in Ethiopia. The probe hybridization method revealed more variability, with both the Rhodesian and Ethiopian ecotypes differing from the others and from each other. Considerable restriction pattern polymorphism was noted among different species of Pennisetum, and Panicum. Significant relationships were noted of Pennisetum polystachyon to P. pedicellatum and of P. purpureum to P. squamulatum using the restriction pattern method. In addition to those relationships, the hybridization method showed relationships of pearl millet to P. purpureum and to P. squamulatum. The relationships noted between species by the hybridization method agreed more closely to the cytological data than those indicated by the restriction pattern method. Therefore, the hybridization method appeared to be the preferred method for studying species relationships. The mitochondrial genome size of pearl millet was calculated to be 407 kb and the mitochondrial genome sizes of other Pennisetum species ranged from 341 to 486 kb.Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 8485.  相似文献   

The sequences of three regions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of a total length of 5226 bp were used to study the phylogeography of the genus Abies. The mtDNA haplotype network, comprising 36 studied Abies taxa, consisted of two branches; the first represented all American species plus two Asian, and the second included the remaining Eurasian species. Within these clusters, the haplotypes formed nine major groups, generally corresponding to the clades of the previously obtained phylogeny based on chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), but the relationships of these groups were significantly different; species assignment to the particular mtDNA haplotype group was more in line with its geographical distribution. In addition, the mtDNA haplotype network contains cycles indicating the recombination. It is assumed that the incongruence of cpDNA and mtDNA phylogenies is caused by the introgression capture of alien mtDNA during species hybridization and thus contains information about past migrations. The cases of incongruence of mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA suggesting a migration of Abies between Asia and North America are discussed.  相似文献   

Variation at 12 pure-repeat dinucleotide microsatellites from Peromyscus maniculatus was analyzed for samples of all species in the P. maniculatus species group and P. leucopus. Except for one locus (Pml08) that amplified a product only for P. maniculatus, these microsatellites yielded reliable estimates of variation across these species; per-locus polymorphism and allele-size distribution were not significantly different among or between any of the species sampled from mainland populations. Significantly lower levels of variation and the distribution of alleles in the two populations of the insular-endemic P. sejugis were consistent with the expectation of substantial founder effect and suggest a lack of recent gene flow between these populations. Phenetic analyses of genetic distances based on shared allele frequencies uniformly produced well-supported trees that were entirely concordant with the a priori corroborated relationships within the P. maniculatus species group; this result was not obtained with analyses of a genetic distance computed from differences in allele sizes. The microsatellite data do not support the hypothesis that P. sejugis should be considered conspecific with P. maniculatus but yield a strongly supported sister-group association between P. sejugis and P. keeni.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was purified from the Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , the brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis , and the lake charr, Salvelinus namaycush , and digested with restriction enzymes Ava II, Hinf I, Eco R V, Pst I and Xba I. Two Arctic charr samples were from natural populations and they represented two different morphotypes of Arctic charr. All other studied populations were hatchery maintained. Eight additional restriction enzymes and double digestions were employed to study morphotypes of Arctic charr. We distinguished two morphotypes with restriction enzyme Nci I. Sequence divergence among mtDNA types was 2.9–3.8% between S. alpinus and S. fontinalis , 3.4–4.6% between S. alpinus and S. namaycush , and 4.7–5.3% between S. fontinalis and S. namaycush . lntraspecific variation was lowest in Arctic charr, the average of nucleon diversity for three populations being 0.179, while for brook charr and for lake charr nucleon diversity was 0.334 and 0.550, respectively. According to the number of mtDNA types, it is obvious that introduction to Finland and hatchery propagation have not greatly affected the mtDNA variation of brook charr or lake charr.  相似文献   

That closely related species often differ by chromosomal inversions was discovered by Sturtevant and Plunkett in 1926. Our knowledge of how these inversions originate is still very limited, although a prevailing view is that they are facilitated by ectopic recombination events between inverted repetitive sequences. The availability of genome sequences of related species now allows us to study in detail the mechanisms that generate interspecific inversions. We have analyzed the breakpoint regions of the 29 inversions that differentiate the chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster and two closely related species, D. simulans and D. yakuba, and reconstructed the molecular events that underlie their origin. Experimental and computational analysis revealed that the breakpoint regions of 59% of the inversions (17/29) are associated with inverted duplications of genes or other nonrepetitive sequences. In only two cases do we find evidence for inverted repetitive sequences in inversion breakpoints. We propose that the presence of inverted duplications associated with inversion breakpoint regions is the result of staggered breaks, either isochromatid or chromatid, and that this, rather than ectopic exchange between inverted repetitive sequences, is the prevalent mechanism for the generation of inversions in the melanogaster species group. Outgroup analysis also revealed evidence for widespread breakpoint recycling. Lastly, we have found that expression domains in D. melanogaster may be disrupted in D. yakuba, bringing into question their potential adaptive significance.  相似文献   

The four genera,Clarkia, Nicotiana, Lathyrus andAllium have widely different geographical distributions and evolutionary patterns, but the nucleardna amounts of species within each genus occur in groups at intervals of approximately 2 or 4 picograms. Diploids with different basic chromosome numbers, and polyploids, can occur in the same group. When anydna group of one genus is paired with the nearestdna group of another genus all other groups of both genera pair exactly in so far as they have a common range of DNA amounts. Hence thedna groups of the four genera are associated in larger groups, or nodes, separated by 2 or 4 picograms forming a progression over all four genera, implying there are favoured, discontinuous,dna amounts, either arisingde novo or subsequently within a continuously varying distribution.  相似文献   

Summary The composition of nuclear DNA in 3 Vicia species are compared. The species V. eriocarpa, V. johannis and V. melanops are from three separate subgeneric sections of Vicia and show a fourfold variation in their amounts of nuclear DNA. DNA melting experiments, buoyant density gradient analysis and Cot reassociation experiments show that the quantitiative change in nuclear DNA between the three species is achieved by changes in the amounts of both repetitive and nonrepetitive DNA sequences. It is suggested that while the increase in the repetitive fraction is achieved by the proliferation of repetitive base sequences the increase in the nonrepetitive fraction is due to the steady accretion of highly diverged base sequences resulting from mutations, deletions, insertions and base sequence rearrangements among families of repetitive sequences.  相似文献   

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