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Hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) is a potentially lethal inborn error in metabolism caused by mutations in the aldolase B gene, which is critical for gluconeogenesis and fructose metabolism. The most common mutation, which accounts for 53% of HFI alleles identified worldwide, results in substitution of Pro for Ala at position 149. Structural and functional investigations of human aldolase B with the A149P substitution (AP-aldolase) have shown that the mutation leads to losses in thermal stability, quaternary structure, and activity. X-ray crystallography is used to reveal the structural basis of these perturbations. Crystals of AP-aldolase are grown at two temperatures (4 degrees C and 18 degrees C), and the structure solved to 3.0 angstroms resolution, using the wild-type structure as the phasing model. The structures reveal that the single residue substitution, A149P, causes molecular disorder around the site of mutation (residues 148-159), which is propagated to three adjacent beta-strand and loop regions (residues 110-129, 189-199, 235-242). Disorder in the 110-129-loop region, which comprises one subunit-subunit interface, provides an explanation for the disrupted quaternary structure and thermal instability. Greater structural perturbation, particularly at a Glu189-Arg148 salt bridge in the active-site architecture, is observed in the structure determined at 18 degrees C, which could explain the temperature-dependent loss in activity. The disorder revealed in these structures is far greater than that predicted by homology modeling and underscores the difficulties in predicting perturbations of protein structure and function by homology modeling alone. The AP-aldolase structure reveals the molecular basis of a hereditary disease and represents one of only a few structures known for mutant proteins at the root of the thousands of other inherited disorders.  相似文献   

Hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) is a potentially fatal autosomal recessive disease resulting from the catalytic deficiency of fructose 1-phosphate aldolase (aldolase B) in fructose-metabolizing tissues. The A149P mutation in exon 5 of the aldolase B gene, located on chromosome 9q21.3-q22.2, is widespread and the most common HFI mutation, accounting for 57% of HFI chromosomes. The possible origin of this mutation was studied by linkage to polymorphisms within the aldolase B gene. DNA fragments of the aldolase B gene containing the polymorphic marker loci from HFI patients homozygous for the A149P allele were amplified by PCR. Absolute linkage to a common PvuII RFLP allele was observed in 10 A149P homozygotes. In a more informative study, highly heterozygous polymorphisms were detected by direct sequence determination of a PCR-amplified aldolase B gene fragment. Two two-allele, single-base-pair polymorphisms, themselves in absolute linkage disequilibrium, in intron 8 (C at nucleotide 84 and A at nucleotide 105, or T at 84 and G at 105) of the aldolase B gene were identified. Mendelian segregation of these polymorphisms was confirmed in three families. Allele-specific oligonucleotide (ASO) hybridizations with probes for both sequence polymorphisms showed that 47% of 32 unrelated individuals were heterozygous at these loci; the calculated PIC value was .37. Finally, ASO hybridizations of PCR-amplified DNA from 15 HFI patients homozygous for the A149P allele with probes for these sequence polymorphisms revealed absolute linkage disequilibrium between the A149P mutation and the 84T/105G allele. These results are consistent with a single origin of the A149P allele and subsequent spread by genetic drift.  相似文献   

Osmolytes of the polyol series are known to accumulate in biological systems under stress and stabilize the structures of a wide variety of proteins. While increased surface tension of aqueous solutions has been considered an important factor in protein stabilization effect, glycerol is an exception, lowering the surface tension of water. To clarify this anomalous effect, the effect of a series of polyols on the thermal stability of a highly thermolabile two domain protein yeast hexokinase A has been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and by monitoring loss in the biological activity of the enzyme as a function of time. A larger increase in the T(m) of domain 1 compared with that of domain 2, varying linearly with the number of hydroxyl groups in polyols, has been observed, sorbitol being the best stabilizer against both thermal as well as urea denaturation. Polyols help retain the activity of the enzyme considerably and a good correlation of the increase in T(m) (DeltaT(m)) and the retention of activity with the increase in the surface tension of polyol solutions, except glycerol, which breaks this trend, has been observed. However, the DeltaT(m) values show a linear correlation with apparent molal heat capacity and volume of aqueous polyol solutions including glycerol. These results suggest that while bulk solution properties contribute significantly to protein stabilization, interfacial properties are not always a good indicator of the stabilizing effect. A subtle balance of various weak binding and exclusion effects of the osmolytes mediated by water further regulates the stabilizing effect. Understanding these aspects is critical in the rational design of stable protein formulations.  相似文献   

Tishchenko VM 《Biofizika》2011,56(4):602-608
It has been shown by a variety of methods (circular dichroism, viscosimetry, intrinsic fluorescence, and fluorescence of labels) that, as in the case of small globular proteins the folding-unfolding transition in the Caf1(13-149) subunit under the action of two denaturants (urea and 1,3-dimethylurea) occurs between two major states (unfolded and compact). However, the free energy of the compact structure is only 8/9-9/2 kJ/mol (similar values for single-domain small proteins are in the range of 21-63 kJ/mol).  相似文献   

Replacement of a cis-proline by glycine at position 114 in ribonuclease A leads to a large decrease in thermal stability and simplifies the refolding kinetics. A crystallographic approach was used to determine whether the decrease in thermal stability results from the presence of a cis glycine peptide bond, or from a localized structural rearrangement caused by the isomerization of the mutated cis 114 peptide bond. The structure was solved at 2.0 A resolution and refined to an R-factor of 19.5% and an R(free) of 21.9%. The overall conformation of the protein was similar to that of wild-type ribonuclease A; however, there was a large localized rearrangement of the mutated loop (residues 110-117-a 9.3 A shift of the Calpha atom of residue 114). The peptide bond before Gly114 is in the trans configuration. Interestingly, a large anomalous difference density was found near residue 114, and was attributed to a bound cesium ion present in the crystallization experiment. The trans isomeric configuration of the peptide bond in the folded state of this mutant is consistent with the refolding kinetics previously reported, and the associated protein conformational change provides an explanation for the decreased thermal stability.  相似文献   

Carbon-carbon bond forming enzymes offer great potential for organic biosynthesis. Hence there is an ongoing effort to improve their biocatalytic properties, regarding availability, activity, stability, and substrate specificity and selectivity. Aldolases belong to the class of C-C bond forming enzymes and play important roles in numerous cellular processes. In several hyperthermophilic Archaea the 2-keto-3-deoxy-(6-phospho)-gluconate (KD(P)G) aldolase was identified as a key player in the metabolic pathway. The carbohydrate metabolism of the hyperthermophilic Crenarchaeote Thermoproteus tenax, for example, has been found to employ a combination of a variant of the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway and an unusual branched Entner-Doudoroff pathway that harbors a nonphosphorylative and a semiphosphorylative branch. The KD(P)G aldolase catalyzes the reversible cleavage of 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDPG) and 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate (KDG) forming pyruvate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate or glyceraldehyde, respectively. In T. tenax initial studies revealed that the pathway is specific for glucose, whereas in the thermoacidophilic Crenarchaeote Sulfolobus solfataricus the pathway was shown to be promiscuous for glucose and galactose degradation. The KD(P)G aldolase of S. solfataricus lacks stereo control and displays additional activity with 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate (KDPGal) and 2-keto-3-deoxygalactonate (KDGal), similar to the KD(P)G aldolase of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. To address the stereo control of the T. tenax enzyme the formation of the two C4 epimers KDG and KDGal was analyzed via gas chromatography combined with mass spectroscopy. Furthermore, the crystal structure of the apoprotein was determined to a resolution of 2.0 A, and the crystal structure of the protein covalently linked to a pathway intermediate, namely pyruvate, was determined to 2.2 A. Interestingly, although the pathway seems to be specific for glucose in T. tenax the enzyme apparently also lacks stereo control, suggesting that the enzyme is a trade-off between required catabolic flexibility needed for the conversion of phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated substrates and required stereo control of cellular/physiological enzymatic reactions.  相似文献   

Summary A decondensed site at band q26 of the X chromosome was found in a male baby with growth and developmental retardation and a dysmorphic syndrome, as well as in his phenotypically normal mother, without using any special culture conditions.  相似文献   

Menkes disease is a fatal disease that can be induced by various mutations in the ATP7A gene, leading to unpaired uptake of dietary copper. The ATP7A gene encodes a copper(I)-translocating ATPase. Here the disease-causing A629P mutation, which occurs in the last of the six copper(I)-binding soluble domains of the ATPase (hereafter MNK6), was investigated. To understand why this apparently minor amino acid replacement is pathogenic, the solution structures and dynamics on various time-scales of wild-type and A629P-MNK6 were determined both in the apo- and copper(I)-loaded forms. The interaction in vitro with the physiological ATP7A copper(I)-donor (HAH1) was additionally studied. The A629P mutation makes the protein beta-sheet more solvent accessible, possibly resulting in an enhanced susceptibility of ATP7A to proteolytic cleavage and/or in reduced capability of copper(I)-translocation. A small reduction of the affinity for copper(I) is also observed. Both effects could concur to pathogenicity.  相似文献   

A recently identified novel Galphaolf variant, XLGalphaolf, is shown to functionally couple to the human adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR). In Sf9 cells expressing A2AR, beta1, and gamma2, co-expression of XLGalphaolf increased NECA-induced [35S]GTPgammaS binding from approximately 130% to 300% of basal levels. Pharmacological characteristics of A2AR ligands on these cells were evaluated by using [3H]ZM241385- and [35S]GTPgammaS- binding assays. The rank order of the equilibrium binding constants (Kd or Ki) of adenosine receptor ligands were [3H]ZM241385 approximately CGS15943 < MRS1220 < < CV1808 approximately NECA < CGS21680 approximately adenosine < IBMECA < HEMADO approximately CPA approximately CCPA. The rank order of EC50 values for agonists were CV1808 approximately NECA < adenosine approximately CGS26180 < IBMECA < HEMADO approximately CPA approximately CCPA. This pharmacology is consistent with the literature for A2AR and suggests that Sf9 cells co-expressing A2AR, beta1, gamma2, and XLGalphaolf could serve as a heterologous expression system for A2AR drug screening.  相似文献   

The integrity of Photosystem II membranes isolated from chloroplast thylakoids is profoundly affected by the solute environment. Examples are given for stabilizing effects various solutes have on the binding of the 17 and 23 kDa extrinsic polypeptides under conditions conductive to their dissociation. It is concluded that these and many other solute effects on Photosystem II membranes can be accommodated readily in a concept developed by Timasheff and his coworkers according to which the responses of proteins to their solute environment are consequences of interaction preferences among the constituents of the solvent-protein-solute systems.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - MOPS (3-[N-morpholino]propanesulfonic acid) - PS II Photosystem II  相似文献   

Germline mutations in CDKN2A (p16) are commonly found in patients with family history of melanoma or personal history of multiple primary melanomas. The p16 tumor suppressor gene regulates cell cycle progression and senescence through binding of cyclin‐dependent kinases (CDK) and also regulates cellular oxidative stress independently of cell cycle control. We identified a germline missense (c.350T>C, p.Leu117Pro) CDKN2A mutation in a patient who had history of four primary melanomas, numerous nevi, and self‐reported family history of melanoma. This particular CDKN2A mutation has not been previously reported in prior large studies of melanoma kindreds or patients with multiple primary melanomas. Compared with wild‐type p16, the p16L117P mutant largely retained binding capacity for CDK4 and CDK6 but exhibited impaired capacity for repressing cell cycle progression and inducing senescence, while retaining its ability to reduce mitochondrial reactive oxygen species. Structural modeling predicted that the Leu117Pro mutation disrupts a putative adenosine monophosphate (AMP) binding pocket involving residue 117 in the fourth ankyrin domain. Identification of this new likely pathogenic variant extends our understanding of CDKN2A in melanoma susceptibility and implicates AMP as a potential regulator of p16.  相似文献   

Ferroportin (Fpn/IREG1/MTP1) is the only known transporter mediating iron efflux from epithelial cells and macrophages, and thus regulates how much iron is released into the circulation. Consequently, Fpn mutations are associated with haemochromatosis. Fpn itself is post-translationally regulated by hepcidin (Hepc) which induces its redistribution and degradation in a ubiquitin-dependent process. Together, the two proteins appear to be the nexus for iron homeostasis. Here we show that a rare gain-of-function mutation (K240E) that is associated with iron overload, impedes Fpn binding and subcellular trafficking by the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO). Whereas wild-type Fpn is ensconced within vesicular bodies, the FpnK240E mutant appeared diffused within the cell when co-expressed with SUMO. Furthermore, compared with wild type Fpn, the sumoylation-defective mutant was constitutively-active, resulting in a lower intracellular labile iron pool than the former. These findings suggest that SUMO may regulate iron homeostasis by controlling Fpn trafficking.  相似文献   

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP)-dependent aldolases have been widely used for organic synthesis. The major drawback of DHAP-dependent aldolases is their strict donor substrate specificity toward DHAP, which is expensive and unstable. Here we report the development of an in vivo selection system for the directed evolution of the DHAP-dependent aldolase, L-rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase (RhaD), to alter its donor substrate specificity from DHAP to dihydroxyacetone (DHA). We also report preliminary results on mutants that were discovered with this screen. A strain deficient in the L-rhamnose metabolic pathway in Escherichia coli (DeltarhaDAB, DE3) was constructed and used as a selection host strain. Co-expression of L-rhamnose isomerase (rhaA) and rhaD in the selection host did not restore its growth on minimal plate supplemented with L-rhamnose as a sole carbon source, because of the lack of L-rhamnulose kinase (RhaB) activity and the inability of WT RhaD aldolase to use unphosphorylated L-rhamnulose as a substrate. Use of this selection host and co-expression vector system gives us an in vivo selection for the desired mutant RhaD which can cleave unphosphorylated L-rhamnulose and allow the mutant to grow in the minimal media. An error-prone PCR (ep-PCR) library of rhaD gene on the co-expression vector was constructed and introduced into the rha-mutant, and survivors were selected in minimal media with l-rhamnose (MMRha media). An initial round of screening gave mutants allowing the selection strain to grow on MMRha plates. This in vivo selection system allows rapid screening of mutated aldolases that can utilize dihydroxyacetone as a donor substrate.  相似文献   

The aldolase A binding to the lecithin liposomes (Kd = 2.4 +/- 0.1 X 10(-3) M) has been shown by the fluorescence and tryptophan phosphorescence at the room temperature. The interaction is accompanied by an increase in the phospholipid bilayer microviscosity, and some conformational changes in the hydrophobic part of the enzyme, pronouncing themselves in Trp-147 environment rigidity, decrease. The observation of membrane viscosity vs. incubation time revealed practically instant enzyme-membrane interaction and no gradual incorporation. The accessibility of the NAD-binding domain of aldolase for NADH in the liposome presence remains unaltered.  相似文献   

Stability-enhanced mutants, H44, 11-94, 5A2-84, and F8, of L-threonine aldolase (L-TA) from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) (SCO1085) were isolated by an error-prone PCR followed by a high-throughput screening. Each of these mutant, had a single amino acid substitution: H177Y in the H44 mutant, A169T in the 11-94 mutant, D104N in the 5A2-84 mutant and Fl81 in the F8 mutant. The residual L-TA activity of the wild-type L-TA after a heat treatment for 20 min at 60 degrees C was only 10.6%. However, those in the stability-enhanced mutants were 85.7% for the H44 mutant, 58.6% for the F8 mutant, 62.1% for the 5A2-84 mutant, and 67.6% for the 11-94 mutant. Although the half-life of the wild-type L-TA at 63 degrees C was 1.3 min, those of the mutant L-TAs were longer: 14.6 min for the H44 mutant, 3.7 min for the 11-94 mutant, 5.8 min for the 5A2-84 mutant, and 5.0 min for the F8 mutant. The specific activity did not change in most of the mutants, but it was decreased by 45% in the case of mutant F8. When the aldol condensation of glycine and 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde was studied by using whole cells of Escherichia coli containing the wild-type L-TA gene, L-threo-3,4-dihydroxyphenylserine (L.-threo-DOPS) was successfully synthesized with a yield of 2.0 mg/ml after 20 repeated batch reactions for 100 h. However, the L-threo-DOPS synthesizing activity of the enzyme decreased with increased cycles of the batch reactions. Compared with the wild-type L-TA, H44 L-TA kept its L-threo-DOPS synthesizing activity almost constant during the 20 repeated batch reactions for 100 h, yielding 4.0 mg/ml of L-threo-DOPS. This result showed that H44 L-TA is more effective than the wild-type L-TA for the mass production of L-threo-DOPS.  相似文献   

E Strapazon  T L Steck 《Biochemistry》1976,15(7):1421-1424
Aldolase is a trace protein in isolated human red cell membrane preparations. Following total elution of the endogenous enzyme by a saline wash, the interaction of this membrane with rabbit muscle aldolase was studied. At saturation, exogenous aldolase constituted over 40% of the repleted membrane protein. Scatchard analysis revealed two classes of sites, each numbering approximately 7 X 10(5) per ghost. Specificity was suggested by the exclusive binding of the enzyme to the membrane's inner (cytoplasmic) surface. Furthermore, milimolar levels of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate eluted the enzyme from ghosts, while fructose 6-phosphate and NADH (a metabolite which elutes human erythrocyte glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PD) from its binding site) were ineffectuve. Removing peripheral membrane proteins with EDTA and lithium 3,5-diiodosalicylate did not diminish the binding capacity of the membranes. An aldolase-band 3 complex, dissociable by high ionic strength or fructose 1,6-bisphosphate treatment, was demonstrated in Triton X-100 extracts of repleted membranes by rate zonal sedimentation analysis on sucrose gradients. We conclude that the association of rabbit muscle aldolase with isolated human erythrocyte membranes reflects its specific binding to band 3 at the cytoplasmic surface, as is also true of G3PD.  相似文献   

A rare variant of Factor B exhibiting a mobility intermediate between BF F and BF S was described. After comparison with the mobilities of BF F and F075, this variant was designated BF F025. The allele was transmitted together with C2*C, C4A*3, and C4B*1.  相似文献   

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