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Neuman KC  Nagy A 《Nature methods》2008,5(6):491-505
Single-molecule force spectroscopy has emerged as a powerful tool to investigate the forces and motions associated with biological molecules and enzymatic activity. The most common force spectroscopy techniques are optical tweezers, magnetic tweezers and atomic force microscopy. Here we describe these techniques and illustrate them with examples highlighting current capabilities and limitations.  相似文献   

We present an endoscopic probe that combines three distinct optical fibre technologies including: A high-resolution imaging fibre for optical endomicroscopy, a multimode fibre for time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, and a hollow-core fibre with multimode signal collection cores for Raman spectroscopy. The three fibers are all enclosed within a 1.2 mm diameter clinical grade catheter with a 1.4 mm end cap. To demonstrate the probe's flexibility we provide data acquired with it in loops of radii down to 2 cm. We then use the probe in an anatomically accurate model of adult human airways, showing that it can be navigated to any part of the distal lung using a commercial bronchoscope. Finally, we present data acquired from fresh ex vivo human lung tissue. Our experiments show that this minimally invasive probe can deliver real-time optical biopsies from within the distal lung - simultaneously acquiring co-located high-resolution endomicroscopy and biochemical spectra.  相似文献   

Initiation of bacterial spore germination   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
To investigate the problem of initiation in bacterial spore germination, we isolated, from extracts of dormant spores of Bacillus cereus strain T and B. licheniformis, a protein that initiated spore germination when added to a suspension of heat-activated spores. The optimal conditions for initiatory activity of this protein (the initiator) were 30 C in 0.01 to 0.04 m NaCl and 0.01 m tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (pH 8.5). The initiator was inhibited by phosphate but required two co-factors, l-alanine (1/7 of K(m) for l-alanine-inhibited germination) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (1.25 x 10(-4)m). In the crude extract, the initiator activity was increased 3.5-fold by heating the extract at 65 C for 10 min, but the partially purified initiator preparation was completely heat-sensitive (65 C for 5 min). Heat stability could be conferred on the purified initiator by adding 10(-3)m dipicolinic acid. A fractionation of this protein that excluded l-alanine dehydrogenase and adenosine deaminase from the initiator activity was developed. The molecular weight of the initiator was estimated as 7 x 10(4). The kinetics of germination in the presence of initiator were examined at various concentrations of l-alanine and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.  相似文献   

Dynamic processes during wet-heat treatment of individual spores of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, and Bacillus subtilis at 80 to 90°C were investigated using dual-trap Raman spectroscopy, differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy, and nucleic acid stain (SYTO 16) fluorescence microscopy. During spore wet-heat treatment, while the spores' 1:1 chelate of Ca(2+) with dipicolinic acid (CaDPA) was released rapidly at a highly variable time T(lag), the levels of spore nucleic acids remained nearly unchanged, and the T(lag) times for individual spores from the same preparation were increased somewhat as spore levels of CaDPA increased. The brightness of the spores' DIC image decreased by ~50% in parallel with CaDPA release, and there was no spore cortex hydrolysis observed. The lateral diameters of the spores' DIC image and SYTO 16 fluorescence image also decreased in parallel with CaDPA release. The SYTO 16 fluorescence intensity began to increase during wet-heat treatment at a time before T(lag) and reached maximum at a time slightly later than T(release). However, the fluorescence intensities of wet-heat-inactivated spores were ~15-fold lower than those of nutrient-germinated spores, and this low SYTO 16 fluorescence intensity may be due in part to the low permeability of the dormant spores' inner membranes to SYTO 16 and in part to nucleic acid denaturation during the wet-heat treatment.  相似文献   

Nucleoprotein filament formation by recombinases is central to homologous recombination. To follow this process, we used fluorescent human Rad51 recombinase to visualize the interactions with double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). Fluorescence imaging revealed that Rad51 filament formation on dsDNA initiates from multiple nucleation points, resulting in Rad51-dsDNA nucleoprotein filaments interspersed with regions of bare DNA. The elastic properties of such heterogeneously coated DNA molecules were assessed by combining force-extension measurements using optical traps with fluorescence microscopy. This combination of single-molecule techniques allows discrimination of segments within an individual DNA molecule and determination of their elastic properties. The nonfluorescent zones of DNA-Rad51 constructs showed the well-known (over)stretching behavior of bare DNA. In contrast, the fluorescent, Rad51-coated zones did not overstretch and Rad51 remained stably bound in a structure that was approximately 50% longer than bare DNA. These results illustrate the power of adding sensitive fluorescence imaging to optical tweezers instrumentation.  相似文献   

A stochastic approach is utilized to develop a model equation capable of describing the time course of germination in a sample of bacterial spores. The time required by a spore to complete the change characteristic of germination consists of an initial interval of no change followed immediately by the duration of the change itself. The experimental basis of the proposed model is the observation that each of these time intervals is distributed over a range of values in a spore sample. Mixed continuous and discrete probabilities are employed in arriving at an average single-spore germination curve which, to a different scale, describes the sample in time.  相似文献   

The absorbance of a suspension of germinating bacterial spores describes a sigmoidal time dependence. This behavior is accurately described by a model which considers that the spore must pass through an intermediate state before reaching its final, germinated state. By attributing to each of these three states a characteristic turbidity coefficient, it is possible to write an expression for the absorbance of the suspension at any time after initiation of germination. The transition between neighboring states is characterized by a probability coefficient which is a function of the experimental variables, but which is independent of time. It is thus possible to separate the underlying time dependence of germination itself, characterized by the changes of state, from the observed manifestation of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Abstract To clarify the molecular mechanisms that trigger spore germination of Bacillus subtilis , the location of GerA proteins (GerAA, GerAB and GerAC), which were reported to be putative gene products of a receptor for one of the germinants, l-alanine, was investigated by immunological techniques using anti-GerA peptide antibodies. Four antibodies were raised against the corresponding epitopes, two in GerAA, one in GerAB and the other in GerAC molecules. The binding of all four antibodies to the inner surface of the cortex-less spore coat fragments could be seen by scanning immunoelectron microscopy with colloidal gold particles. The result agreed with the fact, previously reported, that the colloidal gold particles were visualized just inside the spore coat layer by transmission immunoelectron microscopy using another anti-GerAB peptide antibody.  相似文献   

We use optical tweezers in conjunction with an optical position-sensing system, which spectrally filters signals generated by a trapped fluorescent microsphere to study plasma membrane (PM) mechanics and its interactions with cytoskeleton. We dynamically measure the PM tethering force on human embryonic kidney cells that are a standard cultured cell line. Recorded tethering force vs. PM displacement profiles, revealed the tether formation process, initiated with linear deformation of the PM, followed by a nonlinear regime and terminated with the local separation of PM. Tethering force vs. displacement profiles were used to estimate tether formation force and stiffness parameter of the PM. Integration of the force-displacement profiles yielded the work of tether formation, including linear and nonlinear components. Our results demonstrate that spectral filtering of the optically trapped fluorescent microsphere image formed on the position-sensing system overcomes the artifacts introduced by the transillumination imaging and allows accurate measures of PM mechanics before and during the initial stages of tether formation.  相似文献   

Continuous fluorescence microphotolysis (CFM) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) permit measurement of molecular mobility and association reactions in single living cells. CFM and FCS complement each other ideally and can be realized using identical equipment. So far, the spatial resolution of CFM and FCS was restricted by the resolution of the light microscope to the micrometer scale. However, cellular functions generally occur on the nanometer scale. Here, we develop the theoretical and computational framework for CFM and FCS experiments using 4Pi microscopy, which features an axial resolution of ∼100 nm. The framework, taking the actual 4Pi point spread function of the instrument into account, was validated by measurements on model systems, employing 4Pi conditions or normal confocal conditions together with either single- or two-photon excitation. In all cases experimental data could be well fitted by computed curves for expected diffusion coefficients, even when the signal/noise ratio was small due to the small number of fluorophores involved.  相似文献   

Electroporation of single NG108-15 cells with carbon-fiber microelectrodes was characterized by patch-clamp recordings and fluorescence microscopy. To minimize adverse capacitive charging effects, the patch-clamp pipette was sealed on the cell at a 90(o) angle with respect to the microelectrodes where the applied potential reaches a minimum. From transmembrane current responses, we determined the electric field strengths necessary for ion-permeable pore formation and investigated the kinetics of pore opening and closing as well as pore open times. From both patch-clamp and fluorescence microscopy experiments, the threshold transmembrane potentials for dielectric breakdown of NG108-15 cells, using 1-ms rectangular waveform pulses, was approximately 250 mV. The electroporation pulse preceded pore formation, and analyte entry into the cells was dictated by concentration, and membrane resting potential driving forces. By stepwise moving a cell out of the focused field while measuring the transmembrane current response during a supramaximal pulse, we show that cells at a distance of approximately 30 microm from the focused field were not permeabilized.  相似文献   

The changes in the state of Bacillus subtilis spores that occur during germination were analyzed using dynamic phase microscopy (DPM). DPM is based on monitoring and analyzing the interference image of a specimen in a coherent laser beam. The optical path difference (the phase thickness of the specimen, PT) depends on the geometrical height of the specimen and its refractive index. We demonstrated that the maximum PT value is a convenient criterion of the physiological state of the organism involved: PT is > or = 80 nm, 40-50 nm, and < or = 0 in dormant, developing (initiated), and heat-killed spores, respectively. We established that (i) heating a spore suspension to 40 degrees C results in a reversible twofold decrease (from 80 to 40 nm) in their PT under conditions that do not promote the development of the bacteria; this decrease is irreversible under growth-promoting conditions; (ii) the PT values of germinating spores oscillate with a considerable fluctuation amplitude (up to 7 nm), in contrast to the limited fluctuation amplitude (within 1 nm) in dormant spores; (iii) activated spores were heterogenous with respect to the PT pattern: a majority of the spores exhibited a usual spatial profile (with a maximum thickness in the center), whereas a minor fraction of them were characterized by an erythrocyte-like profile with a concave center; this implies that the central zone of the spore was more rapidly hydrated (with a decrease in refractive index) than the peripheral zone.  相似文献   

Rhodotorula glutinis is known to accumulate large amounts of carotenoids under certain culture conditions, which have very important industrial applications. So far, the molecular mechanism of regulating carotenogenesis is still not well understood. To better understand the carotenogenesis process, it requires methods that can detect carotenogenesis rapidly and reliably in single live cells. In this paper, a method based on laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS) was developed to directly detect carotenoids, as well as other important biological molecules in single live R. glutinis cells. The data showed that the accumulation of carotenoids and lipids occurred mainly in the late exponential and stationary phases when the cell growth was inhibited by nutrient limitation. Meanwhile, the carotenoid concentration changed together with the concentration of nucleic acids, which increased in the first phase and decreased in the last phase of the culture. These data demonstrate that LTRS is a rapid, convenient, and reliable method to study the carotenogenesis process in vivo.  相似文献   

Compliance of bacterial polyhooks measured with optical tweezers.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
S M Block  D F Blair  H C Berg 《Cytometry》1991,12(6):492-496
In earlier work, a single-beam gradient force optical trap ("optical tweezers") was used to measure the torsional compliance of flagella in wild-type cells of Escherichia coli that had been tethered to glass by a single flagellum. This compliance was nonlinear, exhibiting a torsionally soft phase up to 180 degrees, followed by a torsionally rigid phase for larger angles. Values for the torsional spring constant in the soft phase were substantially less than estimates based on the rigidity determined for isolated flagellar filaments. It was suggested that the soft phase might correspond to wind-up of the flagellar hook, and the rigid phase to wind-up of the stiffer filament. Here, we have measured the torsional compliance of flagella on cells of an E. coli strain that produces abnormally long hooks but no filaments. The small-angle compliance of these cells, as determined from the elastic rebound of the cell body after wind-up and release, was found to be the same as for wild-type cells. This confirms that the small-angle compliance of wild-type cells is dominated by the response of the hook. Hook flexibility is likely to play a useful role in stabilizing the flagellar bundle.  相似文献   

Pulling the trigger: the mechanism of bacterial spore germination   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In spite of displaying the most extreme dormancy and resistance properties known among living systems, bacterial endospores retain an alert environment-sensing mechanism that can respond within seconds to the presence of specific germinants. This germination response is triggered in the absence of both germinant and germinant-stimulated metabolism. Genes coding for components of the sensing mechanism in spores of Bacillus subtilis have been cloned and sequenced. However, the molecular mechanism whereby these receptors interact with germinants to initiate the germination response is unknown. Recent evidence has suggested that in spores of Bacillus megaterium KM, proteolytic activation of an autolytic enzyme constitutes part of the germination trigger reaction.  相似文献   

The germination behaviors of spores of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris, which has been considered to be a causative microorganism of flat sour type spoilage in acidic beverages, were investigated. The spores of A. acidoterrestris showed efficient germination and outgrowth after heat activation (80 degrees C, 20 min) in Potato dextrose medium (pH 4.0). Further, the spores treated with heat activation germinated in McIlvaine buffer (pH 4.0) in the presence of a germinative substance (L-alanine) and commercial fruit juices, although not in phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). Heat activation was necessary for germination. The spores of A. acidoterrestris, which easily survived the heat treatment in acidic conditions, lost their resistance to heat during germination. Our results suggest that the models obtained from spore germination of A. acidoterrestris might be beneficial to determine adequate thermal process in preventing the growth of potential spoilage bacteria in acidic beverages.  相似文献   

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