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Living organisms have developed a multitude of timing mechanisms--"biological clocks." Their mechanisms are based on either oscillations (oscillatory clocks) or unidirectional processes (hourglass clocks). Oscillatory clocks comprise circatidal, circalunidian, circadian, circalunar, and circannual oscillations--which keep time with environmental periodicities--as well as ultradian oscillations, ovarian cycles, and oscillations in development and in the brain, which keep time with biological timescales. These clocks mainly determine time points at specific phases of their oscillations. Hourglass clocks are predominantly found in development and aging and also in the brain. They determine time intervals (duration). More complex timing systems combine oscillatory and hourglass mechanisms, such as the case for cell cycle, sleep initiation, or brain clocks, whereas others combine external and internal periodicities (photoperiodism, seasonal reproduction). A definition of a biological clock may be derived from its control of functions external to its own processes and its use in determining temporal order (sequences of events) or durations. Biological and chemical oscillators are characterized by positive and negative feedback (or feedforward) mechanisms. During evolution, living organisms made use of the many existing oscillations for signal transmission, movement, and pump mechanisms, as well as for clocks. Some clocks, such as the circadian clock, that time with environmental periodicities are usually compensated (stabilized) against temperature, whereas other clocks, such as the cell cycle, that keep time with an organismic timescale are not compensated. This difference may be related to the predominance of negative feedback in the first class of clocks and a predominance of positive feedback (autocatalytic amplification) in the second class. The present knowledge of a compensated clock (the circadian oscillator) and an uncompensated clock (the cell cycle), as well as relevant models, are briefly re viewed. Hourglass clocks are based on linear or exponential unidirectional processes that trigger events mainly in the course of development and aging. An important hourglass mechanism within the aging process is the limitation of cell division capacity by the length of telomeres. The mechanism of this clock is briefly reviewed. In all clock mechanisms, thresholds at which "dependent variables" are triggered play an important role.  相似文献   

Most organisms display oscillations of approximately 24 hours in their physiology. In higher organisms, these circadian oscillations in biochemical and physiological processes ultimately control complex behavioral rhythms that allow an organism to thrive in its natural habitat. Daily and seasonal light cycles are mainly responsible for keeping the circadian system properly aligned with the environment. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the control of the circadian clock have been explored in a number of systems. Interestingly, the circadian oscillations that are responsive to environmental stimuli are present very early during development. This review focuses on the advantages of using the zebrafish to study the development of the vertebrate circadian system and light-dependent signaling to the clock.  相似文献   

Living organisms have developed a multitude of timing mechanisms— “biological clocks.” Their mechanisms are based on either oscillations (oscillatory clocks) or unidirectional processes (hourglass clocks). Oscillatory clocks comprise circatidal, circalunidian, circadian, circalunar, and circannual oscillations—which keep time with environmental periodicities—as well as ultradian oscillations, ovarian cycles, and oscillations in development and in the brain, which keep time with biological timescales. These clocks mainly determine time points at specific phases of their oscillations. Hourglass clocks are predominantly found in development and aging and also in the brain. They determine time intervals (duration). More complex timing systems combine oscillatory and hourglass mechanisms, such as the case for cell cycle, sleep initiation, or brain clocks, whereas others combine external and internal periodicities (photoperiodism, seasonal reproduction). A definition of a biological clock may be derived from its control of functions external to its own processes and its use in determining temporal order (sequences of events) or durations. Biological and chemical oscillators are characterized by positive and negative feedback (or feedforward) mechanisms. During evolution, living organisms made use of the many existing oscillations for signal transmission, movement, and pump mechanisms, as well as for clocks. Some clocks, such as the circadian clock, that time with environmental periodicities are usually compensated (stabilized) against temperature, whereas other clocks, such as the cell cycle, that keep time with an organismic timescale are not compensated. This difference may be related to the predominance of negative feedback in the first class of clocks and a predominance of positive feedback (autocatalytic amplification) in the second class. The present knowledge of a compensated clock (the circadian oscillator) and an uncompensated clock (the cell cycle), as well as relevant models, are briefly reviewed. Hourglass clocks are based on linear or exponential unidirectional processes that trigger events mainly in the course of development and aging. An important hourglass mechanism within the aging process is the limitation of cell division capacity by the length of telomeres. The mechanism of this clock is briefly reviewed. In all clock mechanisms, thresholds at which “dependent variables” are triggered play an important role. (Chronobiology International, 18(3), 329–369, 2001)  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are believed to be an evolutionary adaptation to daily environmental cycles resulting from Earth's rotation about its axis. A trait evolved through a process of natural selection is considered as adaptation; therefore, rigorous demonstration of adaptation requires evidence suggesting evolution of a trait by natural selection. Like any other adaptive trait, circadian rhythms are believed to be advantageous to living beings through some perceived function. Circadian rhythms are thought to confer advantage to their owners through scheduling of biological functions at appropriate time of daily environmental cycle (extrinsic advantage), coordination of internal physiology (intrinsic advantage), and through their role in responses to seasonal changes. So far, the adaptive value of circadian rhythms has been tested in several studies and evidence indeed suggests that they confer advantage to their owners. In this review, we have discussed the background for development of the framework currently used to test the hypothesis of adaptive significance of circadian rhythms. Critical examination of evidence reveals that there are several lacunae in our understanding of circadian rhythms as adaptation. Although it is well known that demonstrating a given trait as adaptation (or setting the necessary criteria) is not a trivial task, here we recommend some of the basic criteria and suggest the nature of evidence required to comprehensively understand circadian rhythms as adaptation. Thus, we hope to create some awareness that may benefit future studies in this direction. (Author correspondence: or )  相似文献   

Daily rhythms in sleep and waking performance are generated by the interplay of multiple external and internal oscillators. These include the light-dark and social cycles, a circadian hypothalamic oscillator oscillating virtually independently of behavior, and a homeostatic oscillator driven primarily by sleep-wake behavior. Both internal oscillators contribute to variation in many aspects of sleep and wakefulness (e.g., sleep timing and duration, REM sleep, non-REM sleep, REM density, sleep spindles, slow-wave sleep, electroencephalographic oscillations during wakefulness and sleep, and performance parameters, including attention and memory). The relative contribution of the oscillators varies greatly between these variables. Sleep and performance cannot be predicted by either oscillator independently but critically depend on their phase relationship and amplitude. The homeostatic oscillator feeds back onto the central pacemaker or its outputs. Thus, the amplitude of observed circadian variation in sleep and performance depends on how long we have been asleep or awake. During entrainment to external 24-h cycles, the opposing interplay between circadian and homeostatic changes in sleep propensity consolidates sleep and wakefulness. Some physiological correlates and mediators of both the circadian process (e.g., melatonin and hypocretin rhythms) and the homeostat (e.g., EEG, slow-wave activity, and adenosine release) have been established, offering targets for the development of countermeasures for circadian sleep and performance disorders. Interindividual differences in sleep timing, duration, and morning or evening preference are associated with changes of circadian or sleep homeostatic processes or both. Molecular genetic correlates, including polymorphisms in clock genes, of some of these interindividual differences are emerging.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks are intracellular molecular mechanisms that allow the cell to anticipate the time of day. We have previously reported that the intact rat heart expresses the major components of the circadian clock, of which its rhythmic expression in vivo is consistent with the operation of a fully functional clock mechanism. The present study exposes oscillations of circadian clock genes [brain and arylhydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like protein 1 (bmal1), reverse strand of the c-erbaalpha gene (rev-erbaalpha), period 2 (per2), albumin D-element binding protein (dbp)] for isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes in culture. Acute (2 h) and/or chronic (continuous) treatment of cardiomyocytes with FCS (50% and 2.5%, respectively) results in rhythmic expression of circadian clock genes with periodicities of 20-24 h. In contrast, cardiomyocytes cultured in the absence of serum exhibit dramatically dampened oscillations in bmal1 and dbp only. Zeitgebers (timekeepers) are factors that influence the timing of the circadian clock. Glucose, which has been previously shown to reactivate circadian clock gene oscillations in fibroblasts, has no effect on the expression of circadian clock genes in adult rat cardiomyocytes, either in the absence or presence of serum. Exposure of adult rat cardiomyocytes to the sympathetic neurotransmitter norephinephrine (10 microM) for 2 h reinitiates rhythmic expression of circadian clock genes in a serum-independent manner. Oscillations in circadian clock genes were associated with 24-h oscillations in the metabolic genes pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (pdk4) and uncoupling protein 3 (ucp3). In conclusion, these data suggest that the circadian clock operates within the myocytes of the heart and that this molecular mechanism persists under standard cell culture conditions (i.e., 2.5% serum). Furthermore, our data suggest that norepinephrine, unlike glucose, influences the timing of the circadian clock within the heart and that the circadian clock may be a novel mechanism regulating myocardial metabolism.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are endogenous oscillations that occur with a period close to 24 h in nearly all living organisms. These rhythms originate from the negative autoregulation of gene expression. Deterministic models based on such genetic regulatory processes account for the occurrence of circadian rhythms in constant environmental conditions (e.g., constant darkness), for entrainment of these rhythms by light-dark cycles, and for their phase-shifting by light pulses. When the numbers of protein and mRNA molecules involved in the oscillations are small, as may occur in cellular conditions, it becomes necessary to resort to stochastic simulations to assess the influence of molecular noise on circadian oscillations. We address the effect of molecular noise by considering the stochastic version of a deterministic model previously proposed for circadian oscillations of the PER and TIM proteins and their mRNAs in Drosophila. The model is based on repression of the per and tim genes by a complex between the PER and TIM proteins. Numerical simulations of the stochastic version of the model are performed by means of the Gillespie method. The predictions of the stochastic approach compare well with those of the deterministic model with respect both to sustained oscillations of the limit cycle type and to the influence of the proximity from a bifurcation point beyond which the system evolves to stable steady state. Stochastic simulations indicate that robust circadian oscillations can emerge at the cellular level even when the maximum numbers of mRNA and protein molecules involved in the oscillations are of the order of only a few tens or hundreds. The stochastic model also reproduces the evolution to a strange attractor in conditions where the deterministic PER-TIM model admits chaotic behaviour. The difference between periodic oscillations of the limit cycle type and aperiodic oscillations (i.e. chaos) persists in the presence of molecular noise, as shown by means of Poincaré sections. The progressive obliteration of periodicity observed as the number of molecules decreases can thus be distinguished from the aperiodicity originating from chaotic dynamics. As long as the numbers of molecules involved in the oscillations remain sufficiently large (of the order of a few tens or hundreds, or more), stochastic models therefore provide good agreement with the predictions of the deterministic model for circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

Another place, another timer: Marine species and the rhythms of life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The marine ecosystem is governed by a multitude of environmental cycles, all of which are linked to the periodical recurrence of the sun or the moon. In accordance with these cycles, marine species exhibit a variety of biological rhythms, ranging from circadian and circatidal rhythms to circalunar and seasonal rhythms. However, our current molecular understanding of biological rhythms and clocks is largely restricted to solar-controlled circadian and seasonal rhythms in land model species. Here, we discuss the first molecular data emerging for circalunar and circatidal rhythms and present selected species suitable for further molecular analyses. We argue that a re-focus on marine species will be crucial to understand the principles, interactions and evolution of rhythms that govern a broad range of eukaryotes, including ourselves.  相似文献   

Endogenous circannual clocks are found in many long-lived organisms, but are best studied in mammal and bird species. Circannual clocks are synchronized with the environment by changes in photoperiod, light intensity and possibly temperature and seasonal rainfall patterns. Annual timing mechanisms are presumed to have important ultimate functions in seasonally regulating reproduction, moult, hibernation, migration, body weight and fat deposition/stores. Birds that live in habitats where environmental cues such as photoperiod are poor predictors of seasons (e.g. equatorial residents, migrants to equatorial/tropical latitudes) rely more on their endogenous clocks than birds living in environments that show a tight correlation between photoperiod and seasonal events. Such population-specific/interspecific variation in reliance on endogenous clocks may indicate that annual timing mechanisms are adaptive. However, despite the apparent adaptive importance of circannual clocks, (i) what specific adaptive value they have in the wild and (ii) how they function are still largely untested. Whereas circadian clocks are hypothesized to be generated by molecular feedback loops, it has been suggested that circannual clocks are either based upon (i) a de-multiplication ('counting') of circadian days, (ii) a sequence of interdependent physiological states, or (iii) one or more endogenous oscillators, similar to circadian rhythms. We tested the de-multiplication of days (i) versus endogenous regulation hypotheses (ii) and (iii) in captive male and female house sparrows (Passer domesticus). We assessed the period of reproductive (testicular and follicular) cycles in four groups of birds kept either under photoperiods of LD 12L:12D (period length: 24h), 13.5L:13.5D (27 h), 10.5L:10.5D (23 h) or 12D:8L:3D:1L (24-h skeleton photoperiod), respectively, for 15 months. Contrary to predictions from the de-multiplication hypothesis, individuals experiencing 27-h days did not differ (i.e. did not have longer) annual reproductive rhythms than individuals from the 21- or 24-h day groups. However, in line with predictions from endogenous regulation, birds in the skeleton group had significantly longer circannual period lengths than all other groups. Birds exposed to skeleton photoperiods experienced fewer light hours per year than all other groups (3285 versus 4380) and had a lower daily energy expenditure, as tested during one point of the annual cycle using respirometry. Although our results are tantalizing, they are still preliminary as birds were only studied over a period of 15 months. Nevertheless, the present data fail to support a 'counting of circadian days' and instead support hypotheses proposing whole-organism processes as the mechanistic basis for circannual rhythms. We propose a novel energy turnover hypothesis which predicts a dependence of the speed of the circannual clock on the overall energy expenditure of an organism.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythm entrainment in flies and mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Circadian rhythms are a fundamental adaptation of living cells to the daily and seasonal fluctuation in light and temperature. Circadian oscillations persist in constant conditions; however, they are also phase-adjusted (entrained) by day-night cycles. It is this entrainability that provides for the proper phasing of the program, to the sequence of external changes that it has evolved to exploit. Synchronization of circadian oscillators with the outside world is achieved because light, temperature, or other external temporal cues, have acute effects on the levels of one or more of the clock's components. The consequences are ripples through the interconnected molecular loops, leading to a stable phase realignment of the endogenous rhythm generator and the external conditions. This review summarized the evolving knowledge of the different types, modes, and molecular processes of entrainment in flies and mammals.  相似文献   


The two dominant environmental oscillations shape biology and survival of species: the day–night cycle and the succession of the seasons in the year. Organisms have adapted to anticipate these variations by evolving internal circadian (ca.- about, diem- day) and circannual clocks. The former enables the organisms to regulate physiological functions on a daily basis, and the latter on the annual basis. In mammals, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus contain master pacemaker and orchestrate peripheral clocks in synchrony with the daily 24 h light-dark cycle, while in birds circadian pacemake is an interacting system principally located in the retina, pineal and the hypothalamus. In this mini review, we discuss the role of circadian clocks in regulation of seasonal timing in higher vertebrates, with reference to birds and mammals.  相似文献   

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