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The bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei causes melioidosis, a rare but serious illness that can be fatal if untreated or misdiagnosed. Species-specific PCR assays provide a technically simple method for differentiating B. pseudomallei from near-neighbor species. However, substantial genetic diversity and high levels of recombination within this species reduce the likelihood that molecular signatures will differentiate all B. pseudomallei from other Burkholderiaceae. Currently available molecular assays for B. pseudomallei detection lack rigorous validation across large in silico datasets and isolate collections to test for specificity, and none have been subjected to stringent quality control criteria (accuracy, precision, selectivity, limit of quantitation (LoQ), limit of detection (LoD), linearity, ruggedness and robustness) to determine their suitability for environmental, clinical or forensic investigations. In this study, we developed two novel B. pseudomallei specific assays, 122018 and 266152, using a dual-probe approach to differentiate B. pseudomallei from B. thailandensis, B. oklahomensis and B. thailandensis-like species; other species failed to amplify. Species specificity was validated across a large DNA panel (>2,300 samples) comprising Burkholderia spp. and non-Burkholderia bacterial and fungal species of clinical and environmental relevance. Comparison of assay specificity to two previously published B. pseudomallei-specific assays, BurkDiff and TTS1, demonstrated comparable performance of all assays, providing between 99.7 and 100% specificity against our isolate panel. Last, we subjected 122018 and 266152 to rigorous quality control analyses, thus providing quantitative limits of assay performance. Using B. pseudomallei as a model, our study provides a framework for comprehensive quantitative validation of molecular assays and provides additional, highly validated B. pseudomallei assays for the scientific research community.  相似文献   

李坏死环斑病毒(Prunus necrotic ringspot virus, PNRSV)是世界部分范围内分布的有害生物, 亦是我国重点关注的检疫对象。根据PNRSV各株系衣壳蛋白基因的保守序列, 设计特异性引物和TaqMan荧光探针, 进行了探针、引物和Mg2+浓度等反应体系和条件的优化实验, 确定最佳的引物浓度为400 nmol/L、探针浓度为333 nmol/L、Mg2+离子浓度为5 mmol/L和dNTPs浓度为0.43 mmol/L时, 其灵敏度达23个拷贝数。利用建立的实时荧光RT-PCR检测方法对PNRSV樱桃分离物进行了成功检测。这个方法具有灵敏、准确、简便、快速的特点, 适合于李坏死环斑病毒的检测和鉴定。  相似文献   

Real-time PCR data analysis for quantification has been the subject of many studies aimed at the identification of new and improved quantification methods. Several analysis methods have been proposed as superior alternatives to the common variations of the threshold crossing method. Notably, sigmoidal and exponential curve fit methods have been proposed. However, these studies have primarily analyzed real-time PCR with intercalating dyes such as SYBR Green. Clinical real-time PCR assays, in contrast, often employ fluorescent probes whose real-time amplification fluorescence curves differ from those of intercalating dyes. In the current study, we compared four analysis methods related to recent literature: two versions of the threshold crossing method, a second derivative maximum method, and a sigmoidal curve fit method. These methods were applied to a clinically relevant real-time human herpes virus type 6 (HHV6) PCR assay that used a minor groove binding (MGB) Eclipse hybridization probe as well as an Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) PCR assay that used an MGB Pleiades hybridization probe. We found that the crossing threshold method yielded more precise results when analyzing the HHV6 assay, which was characterized by lower signal/noise and less developed amplification curve plateaus. In contrast, the EBV assay, characterized by greater signal/noise and amplification curves with plateau regions similar to those observed with intercalating dyes, gave results with statistically similar precision by all four analysis methods.  相似文献   

Listeriosis is a serious food-borne infection with mortality rates approaching 30%. Therefore, the rapid, cost-effective, and automated detection of Listeria monocytogenes throughout the food chain continues to be a major concern. Here we describe three novel quantitative real-time PCR assays for L. monocytogenes based on amplification of a target hlyA gene with SYBR Green I chemistry and hydrolysis probe (TaqMan MGB probe). In order to offer sensitive, rapid and robust tool of additional economical value the real-time PCR assays were designed and optimized to only 5 μl-reactions. All assays were evaluated by using different non-reference Listeria strains isolated from various food matrices. Results demonstrated specificity to L. monocytogenes with accurate quantification over a dynamic range of 5-6 log units with R2 higher than 0.98 and amplification efficiencies reaching above 92%. The detection and quantification limits were as low as 165 genome equivalents. Comparison of novel assays to commercially available TaqMan® Listeria monocytogenes Detection Kit and previously published studies revealed similar specificity, sensitivity and efficiency, but greater robustness and especially cost-efficiency in the view of smaller reaction volumes and continuous increase in sample throughput.  相似文献   

Methane oxidation in soils is mostly accomplished by methanotrophic bacteria. Little is known about the abundance of methanotrophs in soils, since quantification by cultivation and microscopic techniques is cumbersome. Comparison of 16S ribosomal DNA and pmoA (alpha subunit of the particulate methane monooxygenase) phylogenetic trees showed good correlation and revealed five distinct groups of methanotrophs within the alpha and gamma subclasses of Proteobacteria: the Methylococcus group, the Methylobacter/Methylosarcina group, the Methylosinus group, the Methylocapsa group, and the forest clones group (a cluster of pmoA sequences retrieved from forest soils). We developed quantitative real-time PCR assays with SybrGreen for each of these five groups and for all methanotrophic bacteria by targeting the pmoA gene. Detection limits were between 10(1) and 10(2) target molecules per reaction for all assays. Real-time PCR analysis of soil samples spiked with cells of Methylococcus capsulatus, Methylomicrobium album, and Methylosinus trichosporium recovered almost all the added bacteria. Only the Methylosinus-specific assay recovered only 20% of added cells, possibly due to a lower lysis efficiency of type II methanotrophs. Analysis of the methanotrophic community structure in a flooded rice field soil showed (5.0 +/- 1.4) x 10(6) pmoA molecules g(-1) for all methanotrophs. The Methylosinus group was predominant (2.7 x 10(6) +/- 1.1 x 10(6) target molecules g(-1)). In addition, bacteria of the Methylobacter/Methylosarcina group were abundant (2.0 x 10(6) +/- 0.9 x 10(6) target molecules g of soil(-1)). On the other hand, pmoA affiliated with the forest clones and the Methylocapsa group was below the detection limit of 1.9 x 10(4) target molecules g of soil(-1). Our results showed that pmoA-targeted real-time PCR allowed fast and sensitive quantification of the five major groups of methanotrophs in soil. This approach will thus be useful for quantitative analysis of the community structure of methanotrophs in nature.  相似文献   

Monoacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 (MGAT2) is a membrane-bound lipid acyltransferase that catalyzes the formation of diacylglycerol using monoacylglycerol and fatty acyl CoA as substrates. MGAT2 is important for intestinal lipid absorption and is an emerging target for the treatment of metabolic diseases. In the current study, we identified and characterized four classes of novel MGAT2 inhibitors. We established both steady state and kinetic binding assay protocols using a novel radioligand, [3H]compound A. Diverse chemotypes of MGAT2 inhibitors were found to compete binding of [3H]compound A to MGAT2, indicating the broad utility of [3H]compound A for testing various classes of MGAT2 inhibitors. In the dynamic binding assays, the kinetic values of MGAT2 inhibitors such as Kon, Koff, and T1/2 were systematically defined. Of particular value, the residence times of inhibitors on MGAT2 enzyme were derived. We believe that the identification of novel classes of MGAT2 inhibitors and the detailed kinetic characterization provide valuable information for the identification of superior candidates for in vivo animal and clinical studies. The current work using a chemical probe to define inhibitory kinetics can be broadly applied to other membrane-bound acyltransferases.  相似文献   

Aims:  The aim of this study was to develop a sensitive and an effective method suitable for large-scale detection and quantification of Ralstonia solanacearum in soil.
Methods and Results:  Based on the specific sequence of R. solanacearum strain G1000, the primer pair R.sol1-R.sol2 and the TaqMan probe Rs-pro were designed, and specific and sensitive PCR detection methods were successfully established. The detection limit was 100 fg μl−1 DNA in conventional PCR and 1·2 fg μl−1 in real-time PCR. By combining real-time PCR with the modified protocols to extract DNA from soil, it was possible to achieve real-time detection of R. solanacearum in soil, and the degree of sensitivity was 100 fg μl−1. To detect inhibition in soil samples, an exogenous internal positive control (IPC) was included preventing false negative results, and IPC was successfully amplified from all samples tested. The methodology developed was used to detect the presence of R. solanacearum in tobacco fields in China.
Conclusions:  The real-time PCR combined with the protocol to extract DNA from soil led to the development of a specific, sensitive and rapid detection method for R. solanacearum in soil.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The real-time PCR improves the detection sensitivity and specificity and provides an important tool for routine detection of R. solanacearum in soil samples and for epidemiological and ecological studies.  相似文献   

Pfiesteria complex species are heterotrophic and mixotrophic dinoflagellates that have been recognized as harmful algal bloom species associated with adverse fish and human health effects along the East Coast of North America, particularly in its largest (Chesapeake Bay in Maryland) and second largest (Albermarle-Pamlico Sound in North Carolina) estuaries. In response to impacts on human health and the economy, monitoring programs to detect the organism have been implemented in affected areas. However, until recently, specific identification of the two toxic species known thus far, Pfiesteria piscicida and P. shumwayae (sp. nov.), required scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM is a labor-intensive process in which a small number of cells can be analyzed, posing limitations when the method is applied to environmental estuarine water samples. To overcome these problems, we developed a real-time PCR-based assay that permits rapid and specific identification of these organisms in culture and heterogeneous environmental water samples. Various factors likely to be encountered when assessing environmental samples were addressed, and assay specificity was validated through screening of a comprehensive panel of cultures, including the two recognized Pfiesteria species, morphologically similar species, and a wide range of other estuarine dinoflagellates. Assay sensitivity and sample stability were established for both unpreserved and fixative (acidic Lugol's solution)-preserved samples. The effects of background DNA on organism detection and enumeration were also explored, and based on these results, we conclude that the assay may be utilized to derive quantitative data. This real-time PCR-based method will be useful for many other applications, including adaptation for field-based technology.  相似文献   

We performed a real-time PCR assay to detect herpes simplex virus (HSV) DNA, and compared it prospectively with a nested PCR assay in 164 clinical samples (109 cerebrospinal fluid and 55 sera) from patients suspected of having neonatal HSV infection or HSV encephalitis. In 25 of 164 samples, HSV DNA was detected by the nested PCR assay. All samples positive for HSV DNA in the nested PCR assay were also positive in the real-time PCR assay, and all but two samples negative for HSV DNA in the nested assay were negative in the real-time assay. The real-time PCR assay thus had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 99%, when compared with the nested assay. Sequential assays in a case of disseminated HSV showed that a decrease in HSV DNA paralleled clinical improvement. Quantification of HSV DNA by real-time PCR was useful for diagnosing and monitoring patients with HSV encephalitis and neonatal HSV infection.  相似文献   

The formation and maintenance of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) are essential parts of many processes involving DNA. For example, strand separation of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) is catalyzed by helicases, and this exposure of the bases on the DNA allows further processing, such as replication, recombination, or repair. Assays of helicase activity and probes for their mechanism are essential for understanding related biological processes. Here we describe the development and use of a fluorescent probe to measure ssDNA formation specifically and in real time, with high sensitivity and time resolution. The reagentless biosensor is based on the ssDNA binding protein (SSB) from Escherichia coli, labeled at a specific site with a coumarin fluorophore. Its use in the study of DNA manipulations involving ssDNA intermediates is demonstrated in assays for DNA unwinding, catalyzed by DNA helicases.  相似文献   

A validated PCR-based Salmonella method targeting a 94-bp sequence of the ttr gene was used as a model to compare six different combinations of reporter and quencher dyes of a TaqMan probe, on three different instruments, to improve the detection limit in a real-time PCR assay with the aim of a same-day analysis. The use of locked nucleic acids (LNA) and Scorpion probes were also tested. The combination FAM-BHQ1 or Cy5-BHQ3, both dark quenchers, gave the best results (Cycle threshold (Ct) of 25.42+/-0.65 and 24.47+/-0.18 at 10(3) DNA copies). When comparing different probe technologies, the LNA probe (FAM-BHQ1) was the most sensitive with the strongest fluorescence signal (dR last 48066), resulting in 0.6 to 1.1 lower Ct values than a DNA TaqMan probe, and 1.9 to 4.0 lower Ct than the Scorpion system (FAM-BHQ1). The RotorGene real-time PCR instrument gave 0.4-1.0 lower Ct values (more sensitive) than the Mx3005p, and 1.5-3.0 lower than the ABI 7700. Using the LNA in a RotorGene instrument, we detected the following Salmonella DNA copies in 1-ml pre-enriched samples: fishmeal (100 copies), chicken rinse (100 copies) and pig feces (10 copies). The detection probability of the final assay on inoculated fecal samples was 100% at 2x10(4) copies per ml. In conclusion, the LNA probe with annealing temperature of 65 degrees C could be useful for more sensitive detection limits.  相似文献   

A quantitative real-time TaqMan PCR assay for detection of human adenoviruses (HAdV) was developed using broadly reactive consensus primers and a TaqMan probe targeting a conserved region of the hexon gene. The TaqMan assay correctly identified 56 representative adenovirus prototype strains and field isolates from all six adenovirus species (A to F). Based on infectious units, the TaqMan assay was able to detect as few as 0.4 and 0.004 infectious units of adenovirus serotype 2 (AdV2) and AdV41, respectively, with results obtained in less than 90 min. Using genomic equivalents, the broadly reactive TaqMan assay was able to detect 5 copies of AdV40 (which had zero mismatches with the PCR primers and probe), 8 copies of AdV41, and 350 copies of AdV3 (which had the most mismatches [seven] of any adenovirus serotype tested). For specific detection and identification of F species serotypes AdV40 and AdV41, a second real-time PCR assay was developed using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) probes that target the adenovirus fiber gene. The FRET-based assay had a detection limit of 3 to 5 copies of AdV40 and AdV41 standard DNA and was able to distinguish between AdV40 and AdV41 based on melting curve analysis. Both the TaqMan and FRET PCR assays were quantitative over a wide range of virus titers. Application of these assays for detection of adenoviruses and type-specific identification of AdV40 and AdV41 will be useful for identifying these viruses in environmental and clinical samples.  相似文献   

A recently developed TaqMan real-time PCR assay for detection of apple proliferation phytoplasma was evaluated in comparison to four conventional PCR-based methods with the aim to assess its potential for research and routine applications. All five protocols were tested in parallel on the same DNA isolates obtained from orchard trees. The performance of the methods was evaluated by means of sensitivity, specificity, susceptibility to inhibition, handling effort, testing time, assay expenses, and potential risk for operator and environment. Compared to the conventional PCR methods, the TaqMan real-time PCR procedure combined the highest test sensitivity with the highest test specificity and was, above all, not susceptible to PCR inhibition. Furthermore, TaqMan real-time PCR had the simplest and fastest testing process, involving a minimum of handling steps. Its disadvantage is the high cost of consumables and reagents, exceeding that of a standard PCR procedure up to four-fold. However, the higher material costs could be compensated by considerably lower personnel costs and by saving expenses for hazardous waste disposal. Due to the simple testing procedure and the output of results as numeric data the TaqMan real-time PCR assay has a high potential for automation, and seems to represent the currently most suitable method for large-scale testing procedures.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to establish a system of real-time polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) for the specific detection of Yersinia pestis using the LightCycler (LC) instrument. Twenty-five strains of Y. pestis, 94 strains of other Yersinia species and 33 clinically relevant bacteria were investigated. Assays for the 16S rRNA gene target and the plasminogen activator gene (resides on the 9.5-kb plasmid) and for the Y. pestis murine toxin gene and the fraction 1 antigen gene (both on the 100-kb plasmid) were combined for the use in two multiplex assays including an internal amplification control detecting bacteriophage lambda-DNA. Applying these multiplex assays, Y. pestis was selectively identified; other bacteria yielded no amplification products. The lower limit of detection was approximately 0.1 genome equivalent. Rat or flea DNA had no inhibitory effects on the detection of Y. pestis. The results obtained using the multiplex real-time assays showed 100% accuracy when compared with combinations of conventional PCR assays. We developed and evaluated a highly specific real-time PCR strategy for the detection of Y. pestis, obtaining results within 3 h including DNA preparation.  相似文献   

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