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Summary In the field, Spinachia fed on four types of prey; copepods, isopods, mysids and amphipods. As fish size increased, mysids gradually succeeded amphipods as the most important food type in the diet. Prey dimensions and morphometry of the fish's mouth most accurately predicted capture efficiency for amphipods, whereas for mysids capture efficiency was determined by the prey's escape response and the fish's fast-start capability. Responses to model prey revealed the ability of fish to differentiate among contrasting prey characteristics, resulting in the adoption of appropriate predatory tactics. Amphipods were associated with a shorter gut evacuation time than mysids, although approximately equal proportions of energy were absorbed from each. Similar rations of mysids and amphipods were required to satiate fish. The lower energy content per unit dry mass of amphipods was off set by their lower water content. From pre-digestive behaviour, we predicted that mysids were more profitable than amphipods, and this was reflected in the fish's choice. Conversely, incorporating the net rate of energy uptake by the gut led us to predict that amphipods were more profitable. Although physiological constraints clearly influence the net rate of energy uptake, it appears that dietary preferences are based on pre-digestive predatory behaviour and hence on time minimisation.  相似文献   

Two parasitoid flies,Physocephala rufipes andSicus ferrugineus (Diptera, Conopidae), and their hosts,Bombus spp., coexist at various locations in northwestern Switzerland. A detailed field study showed that both conopid species use the hostB. pascuorum to a similar degree, while the hostB. terr-luc (a pooled category ofB. terrestris andB. lucorum) is more frequently parasitised than expected byS. ferrugineus. The hostB. lapidarius in turn is exclusively used byP. rufipes. Furthermore, hosts ofB. terr-luc andB. pascuorum parasitised byS. ferrugineus were larger than hosts parasitised byP. rufipes, or than those not parasitised. The findings suggest thatS. ferrugineus selects larger hosts and may displaceP. rufipes. Pupal weight, a predictor of adult body size and parasitoid fecundity, is positively correlated with host size and larger pupae are more likely to emerge, while host species had no effect on the probability of emergence in either conopid species. Host species affected pupal weight inS. ferrugineus, but not inP. rufipes, althoughP. rufipes grew larger in hosts of a given size. Daughters emerged from larger pupae than males, but this did not correlate with larger host sizes. These observations add to the scarce knowledge of dipteran parasitoids.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a mathematical model in which any number of competing species can coexist on four resources which regenerate according to an algebraic relationship. We show that previous attempts to prove that n species cannot coexist on fewer that n resources (the “competitive exclusion principle”) all make use of the very restrictive assumption that the specific growth rates of all competing species are linear functions of resource densities. When this restriction is relaxed, it becomes possible to find situations in which n species can coexist on fewer than n resources. On the basis of this and other observations we conclude that the competitive exclusion principle should be considered to apply only to coexistence at fixed densities.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):418-424
This study was conducted to address the effect of different constant temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C) on the functional response of the parasitoid wasps Diglyphus isaea Walker and Hemiptarsenus zilahisebessi Erdös to different densities of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard (2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 larvae) under laboratory conditions. The results revealed the Type II functional response for both parasitoids at different temperatures. The highest searching efficiency for D. isaea and H. zilahisebessi occurred at 25 °C (0.926 ± 0.211 h−1) and 30 °C (1.012 ± 0.241 h−1), respectively. In addition, the shortest handling time for D. isaea and H. zilahisebessi were observed at 25 °C (0.063 ± 0.008 h) and 30 °C (0.058 ± 0.008 h), respectively. These results demonstrated that H. zilahisebessi is more efficient at higher temperatures than D. isaea. Both parasitoids had higher parasitism performance when temperature increased (4.67 parasitized hosts/day at 15 °C vs 15.87 parasitized hosts/day at 25 °C for D. isaea and 3.89 parasitized hosts/day at 15 °C vs 17.24 parasitized hosts/day at 30 °C for H. zilahisebessi). In addition, a quadratic regression was found between handling time and temperature as well as between number of the parasitized larvae and temperature in D. isaea and H. zilahisebessi at different densities of L. sativae. This study provided a preliminary information on the parasitic behavior of these parasitoids and that D. isaea and H. zilahisebessi can be used properly beside other non-chemical approaches to manage L. sativae damage at a temperature range of 25–30 °C, respectively.  相似文献   

Stallard N 《Biometrics》2003,59(2):402-409
This article describes an approach to optimal design of phase II clinical trials using Bayesian decision theory. The method proposed extends that suggested by Stallard (1998, Biometrics 54, 279-294) in which designs were obtained to maximize a gain function including the cost of drug development and the benefit from a successful therapy. Here, the approach is extended by the consideration of other potential therapies, the development of which is competing for the same limited resources. The resulting optimal designs are shown to have frequentist properties much more similar to those traditionally used in phase II trials.  相似文献   

We present a design to quantify fitness consequences of jasmonate-induced responses in plants that are competing for limited resources with a conspecific. Under both high and low nitrogen supply rates, uninduced (control) Nicotiana attenuata plants growing next to a plant induced with 250 μg methyl jasmonate (MJ) yielded more seed capsules than control plants competing with another control plant. We conclude that there is a opportunity benefit for control plants growing next to an induced plant. Initially, MJ-induced plants grew more slowly, but by senescence they had produced the same number of seed capsules as control plants that had competed with another control plant. Replacement series showed that the fitness of MJ-induced plants is not influenced by the competitive status of their neighbour plant. We argue that competitive designs are useful tools for evaluating the phenotypic costs of ecologically important traits.  相似文献   

We show the existence of a periodic solution in which four species coexist in competition for three essential resources in the standard model of resource competition. By assuming that species i is limited by resource i for each i near the positive equilibrium, and that the matrix of contents of resources in species is a combination of cyclic matrix and a symmetric matrix, we obtain an asymptotically stable periodic solution of three species on three resources via Hopf bifurcation. A simple bifurcation argument is then employed which allows us to add a fourth species. In principle, the argument can be continued to obtain a periodic solution adding one new species at a time so long as asymptotic stability can be assured at each step. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate our analytical results. The results of this paper suggest that competition can generate coexistence of species in the form of periodic cycles, and that the number of coexisting species can exceed the number of resources in a constant and homogeneous environment.  相似文献   

The Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is an economically important pest of corn. Finding simple, cheap, and suitable rearing techniques of O. furnacalis is an urgent need to support research for management of this insect. This research aimed to determine the suitability of a read bean and rice bran-based artificial diet used for mass rearing of this insect since 2009.The tested artificial diet was compared with the natural diet (sweet corn kernel) and each diet was tested in individual rearing method (one larva in each vial). The criteria used to justify the quality of diet and mass rearing procedure were based on the fitness of O. furnacalis. The degree of fitness was based on life history, growth, and development. In general, the fitness parameteres observed from O. furnacalis reared in the artificial diet at 25.7?±?1.6?°C with 57.7?±?3.8% RH, and L12:D12 were similar than those in the natural diet.Therefore, the existing artificial diet and rearing procedure were considered suitable and qualified for O. furnacalis. It is important to periodically check the laboratory colony to ensure that they have similar fitness to those found in the natural population.  相似文献   

An ordinary differential equation model for two competing populations with genetic variation in one population is presented. The degree of frequency dependence needed to produce various configurations of stable equilibria is discussed. For example, if the fitnesses are frequency independent then there may exist stable polymorphism although the genetically varying population becomes extinct in each fixation plane. Stable polymorphism where the genetically invariant population becomes extinct in each fixation plane requires frequency dependence in the fitness of the genetically invariant population.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Determining the way in which deleterious mutations interact to effect fitness is crucial to numerous areas in evolutionary biology. For example, if each additional mutation leads to a greater decrease in log fitness than the last, termed synergistic epistasis, then sex and recombination provide an advantage because they enable deleterious mutations to be eliminated more efficiently. However, there is a severe shortage of relevant empirical data, especially of the form that can help test mutational explanations for the widespread occurrence of sex. Here, we test for epistasis in the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis , examining the fitness consequences of chemically induced deleterious mutations. We examine two components of fitness, both of which are thought to be important in natural populations of parasitic wasps: longevity and egg production. Our results show synergistic epistasis for longevity, but not for egg production.  相似文献   

Mass production is necessary to ensure the availability of biological control agents for the suppression of target pests. Many rearing hosts need to be sterilized to prevent development. Host egg sterilization also allows their storage for a longer period. Ephestia kuehniella eggs are frequently used as hosts for Trichogramma parasitoïds but they must be sterilized to prevent larvae from emerging and eating the unhatched parasitized eggs. Three sterilization methods were examined: UV irradiation, freezing at −15 °C and vitrification (liquid nitrogen submersion). The dosage and exposure duration to provide egg sterilization were determined and then the suitability of hosts sterilized by the different methods were compared. E. kuehniella eggs abortion was achieved after 15 min by UV irradiation, 4 h by freezing at −15 °C and 30 s by vitrification. Vitrification resulted in significantly lower parasitoids production with a global emergence rate of 28.7%, compared to UV irradiation (75.1%), freezing at −15 °C (77.4%) and control (80.9%). Host eggs sterilization method did not affect sex-ratio, occurrence of malformation in adults, and female walking speed. Fecundity was significantly reduced in the females emerging from UV irradiated (37.2 offsprings) and vitrified (36.9 offsprings) eggs, compared to control (43.1 offsprings).  相似文献   

Alberto Basset  Donald L. Angelis 《Oikos》2007,116(8):1363-1377
Body size is a major phenotypic trait of individuals that commonly differentiates co-occurring species. We analyzed inter-specific competitive interactions between a large consumer and smaller competitors, whose energetics, selection and giving-up behaviour on identical resource patches scaled with individual body size. The aim was to investigate whether pure metabolic constraints on patch behaviour of vagile species can determine coexistence conditions consistent with existing theoretical and experimental evidence. We used an individual-based spatially explicit simulation model at a spatial scale defined by the home range of the large consumer, which was assumed to be parthenogenic and semelparous. Under exploitative conditions, competitive coexistence occurred in a range of body size ratios between 2 and 10. Asymmetrical competition and the mechanism underlying asymmetry, determined by the scaling of energetics and patch behaviour with consumer body size, were the proximate determinant of inter-specific coexistence. The small consumer exploited patches more efficiently, but searched for profitable patches less effectively than the larger competitor. Therefore, body-size related constraints induced niche partitioning, allowing competitive coexistence within a set of conditions where the large consumer maintained control over the small consumer and resource dynamics. The model summarises and extends the existing evidence of species coexistence on a limiting resource, and provides a mechanistic explanation for decoding the size-abundance distribution patterns commonly observed at guild and community levels.  相似文献   

Competing risks data are commonly encountered in randomized clinical trials and observational studies. This paper considers the situation where the ending statuses of competing events have different clinical interpretations and/or are of simultaneous interest. In clinical trials, often more than one competing event has meaningful clinical interpretations even though the trial effects of different events could be different or even opposite to each other. In this paper, we develop estimation procedures and inferential properties for the joint use of multiple cumulative incidence functions (CIFs). Additionally, by incorporating longitudinal marker information, we develop estimation and inference procedures for weighted CIFs and related metrics. The proposed methods are applied to a COVID-19 in-patient treatment clinical trial, where the outcomes of COVID-19 hospitalization are either death or discharge from the hospital, two competing events with completely different clinical implications.  相似文献   

Summary Two laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the ovipositional preferences of the egg parasitoidOoencyrtus nezarae Ishii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) for parasitized and unparasitizedMegacopta punctatissimum Montandon (Hemiptera: Plataspidae). Females that had never oviposited or that had not oviposite for 3 days preferred recently parasitized hosts more than unparasitized hosts. The preference for recently parasitized hosts appeared to be mediated by the punctures in already parasitized hosts made by the ovipositor of the first female. Survival of the parasitoid progeny was lower in recently parasitized hosts than in unparasitized hosts. However, handling time of parasitized hosts was extremely short relative to that of unparasitized hosts, because the superparasitizing female could use the punctures made by the previous females. It is concluded that the females preferred the parasitized hosts over unparasitized hosts because the benefit of saving time and energy for drilling was more than the cost of progeny survival.  相似文献   

Microsatellite measures of inbreeding: a meta-analysis   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Abstract Meta-analyses of published and unpublished correlations between phenotypic variation and two measures of genetic variation at microsatellite loci, multilocus heterozygosity (MLH) and mean d2, revealed that the strength of these associations are generally weak (mean r < 0.10). Effects on life-history trait variation were significantly greater than zero for both measures over all reported effect sizes ( r = 0. 0856 and 0.0479 for MLH and mean d 2, respectively), whereas effects on morphometric traits were not ( r = 0.0052 and r = 0.0038), which is consistent with the prediction that life-history traits exhibit greater inbreeding depression than morphometric traits. Effect sizes reported using mean d 2 were smaller and more variable than those reported using MLH, suggesting that MLH may be a better metric for capturing inbreeding depression most of the time. However, analyses of paired effect sizes reported using both measures from the same data did not differ significantly. Several lines of evidence suggest that published effects sizes are upwardly biased. First, effect sizes from published studies were significantly higher than those reported in unpublished studies. Second, fail-safe numbers for reported effect sizes were generally quite low, with the exception of correlations between MLH and life-history traits. Finally, the slope of the regression of effect size on sample size was negative for most sets of traits. Taken together, these results suggest that studies designed to detect inbreeding depression on a life-history trait using microsatellites will need to sample in excess of 600 individuals to detect an average effect size ( r = 0.10) with reasonable statistical power (0.80). Very few published studies have used samples sizes approaching this value.  相似文献   

应用种群动态控制的状态空间分析法,通过生命表参数模拟美洲斑潜蝇种群数量动态,通过输入不同的控制措施(施用非嗜食植物次生化合物即马缨丹乙醇提取物、施用机油乳剂和释放美洲斑潜蝇寄生性天敌)对美洲斑潜蝇种群动态控制的作用,研究这些控制措施的组合对美洲斑潜蝇种群动态的控制,模拟结果表明,在美洲斑潜蝇成虫产卵高峰期施用马缨丹乙醇提取物(1g·100ml^-1和机油乳剂(300X),在幼虫高峰期释放寄生蜂(2000头·100m^-2),可以达到控制美洲斑潜蝇种群增长的效果,起到保护菜豆免害的作用。  相似文献   

We consider a model of competition between plasmid-bearing and plasmid-free organisms for two complementary nutrients in a chemostat. We assume that the plasmid-bearing organism produces an allelopathic agent at the cost of its reproductive abilities which is lethal to plasmid-free organism. Our analysis leads to different thresholds in terms of the model parameters acting as conditions under which the organisms associated with the system cannot thrive even in the absence of competition. Local stability of the system is obtained in the absence of one or both the organisms. Also, global stability of the system is obtained in the presence of both the organisms. Computer simulations have been carried out to illustrate various analytical results.  相似文献   

Nine small radiation shields made to adhere to the case of mobile phones were tested at 914 and 1880 MHz. Five popular products were tested because advertisements typically claim they are up to 99% effective in blocking radio frequency (RF) radiation emitted from mobile phones. Also, four other conceptually unusual products were tested because advertisements typically claim they emit oscillations that counteract the RF radiation from mobile phones. Each shield was tested on the same mobile phone, and measurements were made to compare the absorption of RF energy in the head with and without each shield attached to the phone. The phone was positioned against a head model, and an automated measurement process was used to determine specific absorption rate (SAR) in the same way it is used at Motorola to test the compliance of mobile phones with respect to human exposure limits. The location of the peak SAR was not observed to change with any of the shields attached to the phone, and the 1 g, peak spatial average SAR did not change by any statistically significant amount. These results indicate the small shields are ineffective in reducing the exposure of the head to RF energy emitted by a mobile phone.  相似文献   

We consider a model of competition between plasmid-bearing and plasmid-free organisms for two complementary nutrients in a chemostat. We assume that the plasmid-bearing organism produces an allelopathic agent at the cost of its reproductive abilities which is lethal to plasmid-free organism. Our analysis leads to different thresholds in terms of the model parameters acting as conditions under which the organisms associated with the system cannot thrive even in the absence of competition. Local stability of the system is obtained in the absence of one or both the organisms. Also, global stability of the system is obtained in the presence of both the organisms. Computer simulations have been carried out to illustrate various analytical results.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the effects of starvation and previous diet on the response of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans to alternative resources in the field by simultaneously releasing flies from different laboratory treatments then comparing the proportions captured on two different types of bait. Starvation altered response in all field releases. In conjunction with each release of starved and unstarved flies, the quality of the alternative resources as feeding and breeding sites was tested in the laboratory. Different kinds of tests often produced different rankings, making it difficult to rank resource quality unambiguously. Tentative rankings could be assigned when a resource that was slightly inferior by one criterion was greatly superior by another. Based on these rankings, two of three sets of resource comparisons support the hypothesis that unstarved flies are captured relatively more frequently on better resources than are starved flies. We also tested the effect of prior adult exposure to one of two alternative rotted fruits by comparing the proportions captured on each fruit in the field. Unlike previous studies, we found no systematic effects.  相似文献   

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