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Nuclear changes in tongue epithelial cells following panoramic radiography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study aimed to investigate the effect of radiation from panoramic radiographs on the cells of the lateral border of the tongue by evaluating nuclear changes. Forty-two patients were included: 22 had one radiograph (Group I), and 20 required a repeat radiograph due to error in the first exposure (Group II). Material for the cytopathologic evaluation was collected before radiographs and 10 days later. Smears were stained with the Feulgen reaction and micronuclei, buds, broken eggs, karyorrhexis and binucleate cells were scored. The comparison of nuclear changes before and after radiation exposure in both groups revealed a statistically higher number of broken eggs, buds, karyorrhexis and binucleate cells 10 days after exposure (P=0.01). The number of karyorrhexis and binucleate cells was greater in group II (P=0.01). There was no change in the frequency of micronuclei before and after the radiographs. Radiation emitted during panoramic radiographs increased the number of nuclear anomalies (except micronuclei) in exfoliated cells of the lateral border of the tongue. This effect was more pronounced when the patients were exposed to a repeat radiograph, without however implying increased risk of irreversible tissue damage.  相似文献   

Micronuclei are formed from chromosomes and chromosomal fragments that lag behind in anaphase and are left outside daughter nuclei in telophase. They may also be derived from broken anaphase bridges. Nuclear buds, micronucleus-like bodies attached to the nucleus by a thin nucleoplasmic connection, have been proposed to be generated similarly to micronuclei during nuclear division or in S-phase as a stage in the extrusion of extra DNA, possibly giving rise to micronuclei. To better understand these phenomena, we have characterized the contents of 894 nuclear buds and 1392 micronuclei in normal and folate-deprived 9-day cultures of human lymphocytes using fluorescence in situ hybridization with pancentromeric and pantelomeric DNA probes. Such information has not earlier been available for human primary cells. Surprisingly, there appears to be no previous data on the occurrence of telomeres in micronuclei (or buds) of normal human cells in general. Our results suggest that nuclear buds and micronuclei have partly different mechanistic origin. Interstitial DNA without centromere or telomere label was clearly more prevalent in nuclear buds (43%) than in micronuclei (13%). DNA with only telomere label or with both centromere and telomere label was more frequent in micronuclei (62% and 22%, respectively) than in nuclear buds (44% and 10%, respectively). Folate deprivation especially increased the frequency of nuclear buds and micronuclei harboring telomeric DNA and nuclear buds harboring interstitial DNA but also buds and micronuclei with both centromeric and telomeric DNA. According to the model we propose, that micronuclei in binucleate lymphocytes primarily derive from lagging chromosomes and terminal acentric fragments during mitosis. Most nuclear buds, however, are suggested to originate from interstitial or terminal acentric fragments, possibly representing nuclear membrane entrapment of DNA that has been left in cytoplasm after nuclear division or excess DNA that is being extruded from the nucleus.  相似文献   

The HeLa cells were treated with 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 microM acyclovir (ACV) for 8 h duration and the growth kinetics, cell survival and micronuclei induction were determined. Treatment of HeLa cells with various concentrations of ACV resulted in a concentration-dependent decline in growth kinetics, cell proliferation indices and cell survival. ACV, 100 microM, completely inhibited cell division, where no appreciable changes in cell number were observed from 1 to 5 days post-treatment. This is reflected in cell survival, where the surviving fraction of cells was reduced to 1/2 at 100 microM ACV. Conversely, the frequency of micronuclei showed a concentration-dependent elevation at 20, 30 and 40 h post-treatment. ACV not only induced one micronuclei-bearing binucleate cell but also binucleate cells bearing two and multiple micronuclei in a concentration-dependent manner. The micronuclei frequency increased with time up to 30 h post-treatment and declined thereafter. The relationship between micronuclei induction and cell survival was determined by plotting the former on Y- and the latter on X-axes, respectively. The surviving fraction of cells declined with the elevation in micronuclei frequency and a best fit was observed for linear quadratic formalism.  相似文献   

The HeLa cells were treated with 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 μM acyclovir (ACV) for 8 h duration and the growth kinetics, cell survival and micronuclei induction were determined. Treatment of HeLa cells with various concentrations of ACV resulted in a concentration-dependent decline in growth kinetics, cell proliferation indices and cell survival. ACV, 100 μM, completely inhibited cell division, where no appreciable changes in cell number were observed from 1 to 5 days post-treatment. This is reflected in cell survival, where the surviving fraction of cells was reduced to 1/2 at 100 μM ACV. Conversely, the frequency of micronuclei showed a concentration-dependent elevation at 20, 30 and 40 h post-treatment. ACV not only induced one micronuclei-bearing binucleate cell but also binucleate cells bearing two and multiple micronuclei in a concentration-dependent manner. The micronuclei frequency increased with time up to 30 h post-treatment and declined thereafter. The relationship between micronuclei induction and cell survival was determined by plotting the former on Y- and the latter on X-axes, respectively. The surviving fraction of cells declined with the elevation in micronuclei frequency and a best fit was observed for linear quadratic formalism.  相似文献   

We have examined the relationship between checkpoint adaptation (mitosis with damaged DNA) and micronuclei. Micronuclei in cancer cells are linked to genomic change, and may induce chromothripsis (chromosome shattering). We measured the cytotoxicity of the cancer drug cisplatin in M059K (glioma fibroblasts, IC50 15 μM). Nearly 100% of M059K cells were positive for histone γH2AX staining after 48 h treatment with a cytotoxic concentration of cisplatin. The proportion of micronucleated cells, as confirmed by microscopy using DAPI and lamin A/C staining, increased from 24% to 48%, and the total micronuclei in surviving cells accumulated over time. Promoting entry into mitosis with a checkpoint inhibitor increased the number of micronuclei in cells whereas blocking checkpoint adaptation with a Cdk inhibitor reduced the number of micronuclei. Interestingly, some micronuclei underwent asynchronous DNA replication, relative to the main nuclei, as measured by deoxy-bromo-uracil (BrdU) staining. These micronuclei stained positive for histone γH2AX, which was linked to DNA replication, suggesting that micronuclei arise from checkpoint adaptation and that micronuclei may continue to damage DNA. By contrast the normal cell line WI-38 did not undergo checkpoint adaptation when treated with cisplatin and did not show changes in micronuclei number. These data reveal that the production of micronuclei by checkpoint adaptation is part of a process that contributes to genomic change.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were treated with a single dose (10 μg/ml) of cis-diammino-dichloroplatinum (II) (cisplatin) for 1 h and the effect of the drug on the kinetics of proliferation of the cultures was studied. It was found that the drug produces a delay in the proliferation rates of the treated cultures.The induction of micronuclei and binucleated cells (BC) at different times after treatment have also been studied, and the ability of these cells to undergo DNA synthesis (measured as the ability to incorporate [3H]thymidine) is shown.It was found that cisplatin induced a particular type of BC that contains one or more micronuclei rather than a pure population of BC. The results obtained show a possible relationship between micronuclei and BC. The possibility that some of the micronucleated cells evolve in subsequent cell divisions to BC with micronuclei is suggested.  相似文献   

Age-related alterations in the size of human hepatocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Age-related alterations in the size of human hepatocytes (both mononuclear and binucleate forms), were studied in histological sections and in separated cells and nuclei using cytophotometrical and microspectrophotometrical methods. The following results were obtained: 1. The volume of nuclear DNA increased in proportion to nuclear size. The increase occurred in a group pattern reflecting nuclear polyploidization. 2. Cell size increased in proportion to nuclear size. Tetraploid cells (4C) were roughly two times greater than diploid cells (2C). 3. In most of the binucleate cells examined, the ploidy class of the two nuclei in a binucleate cell was observed to be equal. Heterogeneity of the ploidy class among the nuclei of a binucleate cell was present in less than 1% of total binucleate cells examined. The nuclear DNA volume of individual nuclei in binucleate cells appeared to be the same as that of mononuclear cells. 4. The cell size of binucleate cells corresponded with that of mononuclear cells whose ploidy class was the same as the sum of the ploidy classes of two nuclei of a binucleate cell. 5. The incidence of binucleate cells in the lobular periphery was about 4 to 6% in the third decade, and increased slightly with age up to 5 to 7% in the tenth decade. 6. The incidence of binucleate cells in the liver at different ages followed a similar pattern to that observed in mononuclear cells whose ploidy class was half of the sum of ploidy classes of the two nuclei of the binucleate cell.  相似文献   

Males of the European elm scale, Gossyparia spuria (Erioccoccidae) have two Malphigian tubules, each made up of mononucleate and binucleate cells. Both types of cells may contain heterochromatic (H) chromosomes which form an H body. The cells with H bodies (H cells) usually appeared singly anywhere along the tubule. However, when two or more H cells were present they tended to be closer to each other than would be expected by chance. The possible origin of this tendency is discussed. Following squashing, the nuclei of the binucleate cells were much larger than those of most other somatic cells, suggesting that they were highly endopolyploid. However, the H bodies of the cells of the tubules were of about the same size as those of the other cells. These observations suggested that the H chromosomes of the binucleate cells did not replicate while the euchromatic chromosomes of these cells replicated several times. The great majority of the nuclei of the H cells contained a single H body per nucleus. An analysis of the number of H bodies in binucleate cells indicated that when two H bodies were present in the same nucleus they usually did not fuse. Thus, they were believed also not to fuse in the mononucleate cells. Since almost all the mononucleate H cells had only a single H body (rather than 2) it was concluded that they did not originate from binucleate cells by nuclear fusion.  相似文献   

Lung fibroblasts from BD-exposed mice have been analysed for the occurrence of micronuclei. Primary cultures set up 24h after the end of exposure were treated with cytochalasin B and micronuclei scored in binucleate cells. A three-fold statistically significant increase of micronucleated cells was detected after exposure to 500ppm, the lowest tested concentration. A linear dose effect relationship was observed between 500 and 1300ppm. Immunofluorescent staining of kinetochore proteins was applied to distinguish between acentric micronuclei produced by chromosome breaks and micronuclei containing a centromeric region, most likely induced by chromosome loss. A statistically significant increase of both types of MN in 1300ppm-exposed females and a significant increase in centromeric MN in 500ppm-exposed males were detected. These data demonstrate that an intermediate of BD metabolism with a potential for clastogenic and aneugenic effects is active in lung cells after inhalation exposure. These effects can play a role in the initiation and promotion of BD-induced lung tumours.  相似文献   

The frequency of micronucleated cells in isolated 72-h human lymphocyte cultures treated with cytochalasin B (Cyt-B; 1.5-6 micrograms/ml for the last 28 h) was 9-21 times higher (mean 14.6 times) among multinucleate than binucleate cells. At 3 micrograms/ml, the concentration of Cyt-B originally recommended for the human lymphocyte micronucleus assay, the frequency of micronucleated multinucleate cells was 8.5%, while 0.7% of the binucleate cells had a micronucleus. Although no dose-dependent induction of micronuclei could be observed for either of the cell types, increase in the concentration of Cyt-B was associated with a decrease in the ratio of multinucleate to binucleate cells. Treatment with Cyt-B (1.5-12 micrograms/ml) increased the frequency of anaphase cells with aberrations, especially lagging chromatids. This finding was explained by a dose-dependent increase in multipolar (greater than or equal to 3 poles) divisions which had a high frequency of anaphase aberrations (39-53%), irrespective of the concentration of Cyt-B. Bipolar anaphases did not show a significant increase in aberrant cells, although a suggestive dependence on the concentration of Cyt-B was observed. The findings indicate that the high frequency of micronuclei in multinucleate lymphocytes produced by Cyt-B is due to mitotic errors arising when bi- (and multi-) nuclear cells divide. To avoid possible artifactually high micronucleus frequencies due to inclusion of cells that have divided greater than or equal to 2 times in the presence of Cyt-B, it is recommended that, in the human lymphocyte micronucleus assay using the cytokinesis-block method, the cell culture time is reduced to minimize the frequency of such cells and that only good preparations and regularly shaped binucleates are included in the analysis.  相似文献   

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a condition characterized by chronic airway inflammation and remodeling, lung parenchymal inflammation, and destruction resulting in expiratory airflow obstruction, hyperinflation of the lung with loss of elastic recoil, and impairment of gas exchange. Skeletal muscles in individuals with COPD generate free radicals at rest, and production increases during contractile activity. Overproduction of free radicals may result in oxidant-antioxidant imbalance in favor of oxidants. This study evaluated the levels of genetic damage in peripheral blood of patients with COPD using the cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus (CBMN) and the comet assays. The study was conducted with 25 patients with COPD and 25 controls matched for age and sex. Results of both comet and CBMN assays showed an increase in the level of DNA damage. In the group of patients with COPD, the mean frequency of binucleate cells with micronuclei was 6.72+/-3.02, and in the control group, 4.20+/-2.08 (p=0.00233). Mean comet value was 26.84+/-19.61 in patients with COPD and 7.25+/-7.57 in the control group (p=0.00004). The increased frequency of micronuclei in patients with COPD was primarily assigned to clastogenic events and DNA amplification because the frequency of nucleoplasmic bridges and buds was also increased. Oxidative stress in lung cells is a constant source of free radicals that damage genetic material of both lung and circulating cells.  相似文献   

Cytochalasin B influences a variety of cellular events that are associated with the contractile microfilament system and the formation of binucleate cells. Along with the formation of binucleate cells, cytochalasin B also causes an acceleration of cells from G1 to S in the cell cycle. By pulsing the cytochalasin B for 30 minutes and allowing for a previously established lag time (17.5 hours) a stimulation of thymidine incorporation into DNA of proliferative epidermal and dermal cells was found in both control and stripped epidermis. Autoradiographic analysis confirmed that the stimulation was due to an increased number of basal cells accelerated from G1 to S phase. A minimal number of binucleate basal cells, 1 in 300, was observed, which suggests that the stimulated synthesis is independent of binucleate cell formation. The amount of stimulation is maximum with cytochalasin B concentration pulse between 5gamma and 30gamma/ml. The results suggest a possible link in coupling cell membrane and surface events with subsequent increased cell nuclei synthetic activity.  相似文献   

The effects of timing and duration of cytochalasin B (CB) treatment on the kinetics of the initiation of DNA synthesis in mono- and binucleate HeLa cells, synchronized in the G1 phase of the cell cycle by the reversal of a mitotic block (N2O at 80 PSI), were studied. In the control, bi-, tri- and tetranucleate cells entered S phase slightly earlier than the mononucleate cells at a rate proportional to the number of their nuclei. The difference between any two adjacent sub-populations was less than 0.5 h. However, the binucleate cells produced by a 90 min CB treatment immediately after the reversal of the mitotic block exhibited a considerably shorter G1 period as compared to mononucleate cells (a difference of 1.5 h). This exaggerated difference in the duration of G1 period between mono- and binucleate cells disappeared when the CB treatment was delayed by 75 or 90 min indicating that it was an experimental artifact. From this study, we conclude that there is naturally some degree of nuclear cooperation in the multinucleate systems, particularly with regard to the initiation of DNA synthesis, which is not influenced by CB treatment.  相似文献   

Megagametophytes of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco) accumulated storage products following fertilization. As megagametophytes matured, the number of nuclei per cell rose, resulting in syncytial storage cells. Studies carried out on trees in France and Canada confirmed that such previously unreported, free nuclear cells were a normal part of late megagametophyte development. Unfertilized megagametophytes showed that some binucleate cells before degeneration resulted in empty seed. Insect parasitism prevented megagametophyte abortion in unfertilized ovules. Oviposition by a torymid chalcid wasp (Megastigmus spermotrophus Wachtl) early in megagametophyte development resulted in normal megagametophyte development. Around the time of plant egg maturation, binucleate and trinucleate cells were observed. As megagametophytes matured, multinucleate mature storage cells rich in proteins, lipids and starch were formed. The insect was able to induce identical nuclear behaviour in infested, unfertilized megagametophytes, as that of uninfested, fertilized megagametophytes.  相似文献   

An autoradiographic study was performed on binucleate and mitotic cells in the Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) untreated and after treatment with 5-fluorouracil (FU). The number of binucleate cells was greater in the treated tumor than in the controls. It was also observed that the number of labeled mitoses was greater in the Fu-treated tumor. Autoradiographic labeling showed that the cells that proved to be binucleate had previously passed through S-phase; thus, these cells belonged to the proliferative compartment.  相似文献   

Summary Lateral roots ofVicia faba were treated with a solution of 5-aminouracil (3.93×10–3M) for 6 hours. After 15 hours roots were recovering from the temporary inhibition of mitosis induced by 5-AU and were approaching peak mitotic indices; they were then treated with 0.1% caffeine or 0.1% isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX) for 1 hour. Treatment with methylxanthines when the mitotic index was high gave relatively high yields of binucleate cells, 3.8 to 7.5%. DNA synthesis, cell cycle duration and nuclear growth were determined for binucleate cells. Caffeine induced binucleate cells underwent a marked reduction in nuclear volume, from 1,074 m3 at 1+1 hours to 534 m3 at 1+14 hours. Only 15% of these binucleates entered S phase; those that did so were in mitosis or had divided by 1+14 hours. We conclude that 85% of the binucleate cells are so inhibited by caffeine that their G1 is extended to>14 hours or that they are no longer proliferating cells. IBMX-induced binucleate cells, by contrast, did enter S phase and many of them also divided. Though in IBMX-induced binucleate cells there was also a decrease in nuclear volume up to 1+10 hours, subsequently mean nuclear volume increased e.g. at 1+16 and 1+18 hours. Both caffeine and IBMX treatments resulted in decreases in mean volume of prophase nuclei of mononucleate cells; this is further evidence that both methylxanthines inhibit the macromolecular synthesis required to sustain nuclear growth. It also suggests that nuclear division can be initiated at considerably lower nuclear volumes than those of untreated cells. We suggest that caffeine may act as a mimic of the normal mechanism that regulates the switch from a proliferating to a non-proliferative condition.  相似文献   

Normal human fibroblasts in plateau phase ( congruent with 95% G(1) phase) were stained with the vital nuclear dye Hoechst 33342 (blue fluorescence) or the vital cytoplasmic dye Cell Tracker Orange (orange fluorescence) and plated at a ratio of 1:1. Only the blue-fluorescing nuclei were microbeam-irradiated with a defined number of 90 keV/microm alpha particles. The orange-fluorescing cells were then "bystanders", i.e. not themselves hit but adjacent to cells that were. Hit cells showed a fluence-dependent induction of micronuclei as well as delays in progression from G(1) to S phase. Known bystander cells also showed enhanced frequencies of micronuclei (intermediate between those seen in irradiated and control cells) and transient cell cycle delays. However, the induction of micronuclei in bystander cells did not appear to be dependent on the fluence of the particles delivered to the neighboring hit cells. These are the first studies in which the bystander effect has been visualized directly rather than inferred. They indicate that the phenomenon has a quantitative basis and imply that the target for radiation effects cannot be considered to be the individual cell.  相似文献   

Summary A study of nuclear-budding and micronuclei formation has been performed on bovine fibroblastic cells in serial tissue culture. A comparison was made between control cells and cells morphologically transformed by Rous sarcoma virus and SV 40 virus. It was found that no obvious differences in the frequency of nuclear buds and micronuclei existed between RSV transformed and control cells whereas SV 40 transformed cells showed a high frequency of nuclear buds and micronuclei. There are indications that the frequency of nuclear buds and micronuclei is correlated to chromosomal abnormalities.Supported by grants from the Medical Faculty of the University of Uppsala.  相似文献   

Initial studies of the use of computerised image analysis to determine micronucleus frequencies in human lymphocytes that have completed one nuclear division are described. Two methods, based on (a) bromodeoxyuridine incorporation and (b) cytokinesis blocking with cytochalasin-B, were studied. The former method is directly amenable to automation. Cytokinesis-blocked cells could not be automatically recognised by image analysis but it was possible to obtain the correct micronucleus frequency from the integrated optical density histograms by using the mononucleate/binucleate cell ratio obtained by visual analysis. The mean (+/- 1 S.E.) integrated optical density of X-ray-induced micronuclei was 11.2% (+/- 1.1) of that measured for nuclei of G1 cells.  相似文献   

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