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Conditions for efficient ion heating in the interaction of lower hybrid waves with plasma are experimentally determined. Experiments show that efficient lower hybrid heating stimulates a transition to the improved confinement mode. The formation of internal and external transport barriers is associated with strong central ion heating, which results in a change of the radial electric field E r and an increase in the shear of the poloidal plasma velocity. The improved confinement mode in the central region of the discharge is attained under the combined action of lower hybrid heating and an additional rapid increase in the plasma current. A new mechanism for the generation of an additional field E r is proposed to explain the formation of a transport barrier.  相似文献   

The velocity of macroscopic rotation of an ensemble of charged particles in a tokamak in the presence of an electric field has been calculated in a collisionless approximation. It is shown that the velocity of toroidal rotation does not reduce to a local velocity of electric drift and has opposite directions on the inner and outer sides of the torus. This result is supplemented by an analysis of the trajectories of motion of individual particles in the ensemble, which shows that the passing and trapped particles of the ensemble acquire in the electric field, on the average, different toroidal velocities. For the trapped particles, this velocity is equal to that of electric drift in the poloidal magnetic field, while the velocity of passing particles is significantly different. It is shown that, although the electric-field-induced shift of the boundaries between trapped and passing particles in the phase space depends on the particle mass and charge and is, in the general case, asymmetric, this does not lead to current generation.  相似文献   

The effect of plasma density variations along ion drift trajectories on the ion velocity distribution function at a given point on a tokamak magnetic surface is studied. The observed distortion of the distribution function can be interpreted as a poloidal (or toroidal) plasma rotation that is additional to the neoclassical rotation. Due to this additional rotation, the velocity of the toroidal plasma rotation is different on the low-and high-field sides of the same magnetic surface. In the case of large ion density gradients, the poloidal rotation velocity on the same magnetic surface can have different signs at different poloidal angles.  相似文献   

Charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) based on a diagnostic neutral beam has been developed at the T-10 tokamak. The diagnostics allows one to measure the ion temperature profile in the cross section of the plasma column. In T-10 experiments, the measurement technique was adjusted and the elements of the CXRS diagnostics for ITER were tested. The used spectroscopic equipment makes it possible to reliably determine the ion temperature from the Doppler broadening of impurity lines (helium, carbon), as well as of the spectral lines of the working gas. The profiles of the plasma ion temperature in deuterium and helium discharges were measured at different plasma currents and densities, including with the use of active Doppler measurements of lines of different elements. The validity and reliability of ion temperature measurements performed by means of the developed CXRS diagnostics are analyzed.  相似文献   

Results are presented from numerical simulations that show that, in a plasma with well-developed turbulence, the radial electric field can be positive in the region where the gradients of the plasma parameters are steep. In a plasma in which the turbulence is suppressed (as is the case with auxiliary lower hybrid heating), the radial electric field is found to exhibit a nearly neoclassical behavior during the formation of a transport barrier and transition to the H-mode.  相似文献   

Measurements of plasma rotation and electric field are crucial for the study of plasma confinement and transport. The present paper is devoted to experimental observations of poloidal asymmetry in perpendicular plasma rotation with correlation reflectometry on TEXTOR. Published in Russian in Fizika Plazmy, 2008, Vol. 34, No. 9, pp. 798–802. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

A pulsed time-of-flight refractometer was developed and tested to determine the mean plasma density in the T-11M tokamak by measuring the propagation time of nanosecond microwave pulses in plasma. Later, it was also proposed to use such an instrument to measure and control the mean plasma density in the ITER tokamak by probing the plasma with an extraordinary wave, the electric field of which is perpendicular to the magnetic field in plasma, in the transparency window at frequencies of 50–100 GHz. To avoid the effect of the density profile shape on the measurement results in the nonlinear mode of refractometer operation (near the cutoff), a system operating at two different probing frequencies was developed and tested. Such a system provides two values of the time delay, which can be used to estimate the peaking factor of the density distribution α and correctly determine the linear density 〈Nl〉, regardless of the density profile (assuming a smooth density profile of the form of N(ρ) = N(0)(1 − ρ2)α, where N(0) is the central plasma density and ρ = r/a is the normalized plasma radius). The first experiments on density measurements in the FTU tokamak performed with this refractometer are described, and results from these experiments are presented. The formation of a thin dense plasma layer in the zone of a strong magnetic field (the so-called MARFE layer) at a relatively low (for FTU) plasma density of ∼6 × 1019 m−3 was detected. The thickness of this layer, determined from the refractometry data, agrees well with the data obtained using a digital camera.  相似文献   

The toroidal inhomogeneity of the poloidal magnetic field—the so-called error fields that arise due to imperfections in manufacturing and assembling of the electromagnetic system-was measured in the Globus-M spherical tokamak. A substantial inhomogeneity corresponding to the n = 1 mode, which gave rise to a locked mode and led to discharge disruption, was revealed. After compensation of this inhomogeneity with the help of special correction coils, the discharge duration increased and the global plasma parameters improved substantially. A technique for determining and compensating the n = 1 mode inhomogeneity is described, the measured dependences of the penetration threshold of the m = 2/n = 1 mode on the plasma parameters are given, and results of experiments in which record parameters for the Globus-M tokamak were achieved after correction of the poloidal magnetic field are presented.  相似文献   

The influence of resonant charge exchange for ion-atom interaction on the viscosity of partially ionized plasma embedded in the magnetic field is investigated. The general system of equations used to derive the viscosity coefficients for an arbitrary plasma component in the 21-moment approximation of Grad’s method is presented. The expressions for the coefficients of total and partial viscosities of a multicomponent partially ionized plasma in the magnetic field are obtained. As an example, the coefficients of the parallel and transverse viscosities for the ionic and neutral components of the partially ionized hydrogen plasma are calculated. It is shown that the account for resonant charge exchange can lead to a substantial change of the parallel and transverse viscosity of the plasma components in the region of low degrees of ionization on the order of 0.1.  相似文献   

Electric field-induced charge recombination in Photosystem II (PS II) was studied in osmotically swollen spinach chloroplasts (blebs) by measurement of the concomitant chlorophyll luminescence emission (electroluminescence). A pronounced dependence on the redox state of the two-electron gate QB was observed and the earlier failure to detect it is explained. The influence of the QB/QB oscillation on electroluminescence was dependent on the redox state of the oxygen evolving complex; at times around one millisecond after flash illumination a large effect was observed in the states S2 and S3, but not in the state S4 (actually Z+S3). The presence of the oxidized secondary electron donor, tyrosine Z+, appeared to prevent expression of the QB/QB effect on electroluminescence, possibly because this effect is primarily due to a shift of the redox equilibrium between Z/Z+ and the oxygen evolving complex.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - EDTA ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid - EL electroluminescence - FCCP carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethyloxyphenyl-hydrazone - HEPESI 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - I primary electron acceptor - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino) propane sulfonic acid - P680 primary electron donor of Photosystem II - P700 primary electron donor of Photosystem I - QA and QB secondary and tertiary electron acceptors of Photosystem II - Z secondary electron donor (D1 Tyr 161)  相似文献   

A set of linear integrodifferential equations is presented for the plasma displacement components that minimize the Kruskal-Oberman functional of the potential energy of an MHD perturbation. Marginal stability results when the smallest eigenvalue of this set of equations is zero.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional evolution equation for the angle-averaged poloidal momentum of the tokamak plasma is derived in the framework of reduced magnetohydrodynamics with allowance for density inhomogeneity and diamagnetic drift of ions. In addition to fluctuations of the E × B drift velocity, the resulting turbulent Reynolds stress tensor includes fluctuations of the ion density and ion pressure, as well as turbulent radial fluxes of particles and heat. It is demonstrated numerically by using a particular example that the poloidal velocity calculated using the refined one-dimensional evolution equation differs substantially from that provided by the simplified model. When passing to the new model, both the turbulent Reynolds force and the Stringer-Winsor force increase, which leads to an increase in the amplitude of the ion poloidal velocity. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in turbulent fluxes of particles and heat due to the effect of shear decorrelation.  相似文献   

A set of integrodifferential (over the longitudinal coordinate) equations for the transverse components of the plasma displacement minimizing the Kruskal-Oberman functional of the potential energy of MHD perturbations is derived. The stability condition corresponds to the absence of negative eigenvalues of this set for any magnetic surface in plasma.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate the influence of humidity on analyzing electric field exposure using extremely low frequency (ELF) electric field measurements. The study included 322 measurements in a climate room. We used two commercial three‐axis meters, EFA‐3 and EFA‐300, and employed two measurement techniques in the climate room where we varied the temperature from 15 to 25 °C, the relative humidity from 55% to 95%, and the electric field from 1 to 25 kV/m. We calculated Pearson correlations between humidity and percentage errors for all data and for data at different levels of humidity. When the relative humidity was below 70%, the results obtained by the different measurement methods in terms of percentage errors were of the same order of magnitude for the considered temperatures and field strength, but the results were less reliable when the relative humidity was higher than 80%. In the future, it is important to take humidity into account when electric field measurement results will be compared to the values given in different exposure guidelines. Bioelectromagnetics 34:414–418, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The average plasma density in the T-11M tokamak is determined by means of an O-mode time-of-flight refractometer measuring the propagation time τ of microwave pulses through the plasma. Since the front duration τfr of these pulses is shorter than 2 ns, filtering the measured signal cannot reduce the signal-to-noise ratio below a certain level. This circumstance impedes the use of this diagnostics in larger devices, where the signals may be substantially attenuated because of the larger chamber size and larger waveguide losses. There are several ways to overcome these difficulties: to raise the microwave power, to increase the sensitivity of the receivers, etc. In this paper, a technique is described that is based on the differential method for determining the propagation time of a microwave signal through the plasma. In this method, the plasma is probed by two continuous microwaves with close frequencies and the phase difference between them Δφ12 is measured. As long as the condition Δφ12 < 2π is satisfied, the measurements are unambiguous, because there are no phase jumps by a value multiple of 2π, as is usually the case in conventional interferometers at an increased level of MHD activity, in regimes with a rapid density growth, etc. This method allows the signal to be filtered, thereby ensuring an appreciable improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio in comparison with the pulsed methods. The first measurements of the average density along the +3-cm chord were performed with the help of this new differential time-of-flight refractometer in the T-11M tokamak. The refractometry data agree well with the interferometric data and are used to recover the plasma-density profile.  相似文献   

Reaction Centers (RCs) from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides were incorporated in planar bilayers made from monolayers derived from liposomes reconstituted with purified RCs. The photocurrents associated with the charge recombination process between the reduced primary quinone (QA-) and the oxidized bacteriochlorophyll donor (D+) were measured as a function of voltage (-150 mV less than V less than 150 mV) applied across the bilayer. When QA was the native ubiquinone (UQ) the charge recombination was voltage independent. However, when UQ was replaced by anthraquinone (AQ), the recombination time depended on the applied voltage V according to the relation tau = 8.5 X 10(-3) eV/0.175S. These results were explained by a simple model in which the charge recombination from UQ- proceeds directly to D+ while that from AQ occurs via a thermally activated intermediate state, D+I-QA, where I is the intermediate acceptor. The voltage dependence arises from an electric field induced change in the energy gap, delta G0, between the states D+I-QA and D+IQA-. This model is supported by the measured temperature dependence of the charge recombination time, which for RCs with AQ gave a value of delta G0 = 340 +/- 20 meV. In contrast, delta G0 for RCs with UQ as the primary acceptor, is sufficiently large (approximately 550 meV) so that even in the presence of the field, the direct pathway dominates. The voltage dependence shows that the electron transfer from I- to QA is electrogenic. From a quantitative analysis of the voltage dependence on the recombination rate it was concluded that the component of the distance between I and QA along the normal to the membrane is about one-seventh of the thickness of the membrane. This implies that the electron transfer from I to Q contributes at least one-seventh to the potential generated by the charge separation between D+ and QA-.  相似文献   

The possibility is discussed of determining the amplitude and phase of a static resonant error field in a tokamak by means of dynamic magnetic measurements. The method proposed assumes measuring the plasma response to a varying external helical magnetic field with a small (a few gauss) amplitude. The case is considered in which the plasma is probed by square pulses with a duration much longer than the time of the transition process. The plasma response is assumed to be linear, with a proportionality coefficient being dependent on the plasma state. The analysis is carried out in a standard cylindrical approximation. The model is based on Maxwell’s equations and Ohm’s law and is thus capable of accounting for the interaction of large-scale modes with the conducting wall of the vacuum chamber. The method can be applied to existing tokamaks.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic equations describing wall plasma turbulence are analyzed numerically using a two-dimensional four-field model. Turbulent transport coefficients are calculated with consideration of the radial current. Numerical analysis revealed a possible scenario for L-H transitions that is associated with the radial current driven by nonambipolar processes. It is shown that the transition of a plasma to an improved confinement mode can also be triggered by other mechanisms.  相似文献   

A study is made of the effect of the radial plasma profile on the spectra and fields of the surface waves in a plasma waveguide. It is shown that the surface wave is localized in the region where the plasma permittivity vanishes. In waveguides with smoother radial plasma profiles, the region where the surface wave can exist is narrower and may even disappear.  相似文献   

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