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Inter-annual variation in the gonad cycle of the mackerel icefish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spawning by Antarctic fish is generally considered to be seasonal and restricted to a brief period during the autumn and winter. Arising from this it has been assumed that the gonadal maturation cycle is also closely associated with the time of year. The gonad maturation cycle of the mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari was investigated using data collected during research surveys and from sampling the commercial fishery. Spawning appears to occur at the same time each year, but the timing of gonadal development is subject to a considerable inter-annual variation. The implications of this variation are discussed with respect to feeding conditions.  相似文献   

Mackerel icefish have a widespread distribution in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean sectors of the low-Antarctic region. Biological characteristics differ considerably between populations in the southern Scotia Arc and those living further to the north. Fish living in the north mature 1 year earlier than in the south. They have a much shorter life span and die after they have spawned two to three times. The number of eggs produced per gram of body mass is higher in the north. Stocks have declined in most parts of the distributional range due to the impact of fishing and due to natural causes. Increases in populations of Antarctic fur seals at South Georgia and parts of the Indian Ocean appear to have led to increased predation on stocks of icefish. Shifts in hydrological regimes in the northern part of the distributional range have either started to lead or will lead to deteriorating living conditions for mackerel icefish in the near future. Fish stock assessment needs to take these constraints into consideration when providing advice on total allowable catches for fisheries management.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(4):842-850.e4
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The sea water temperature off the Norwegian coast was lower in 1994 than in 1992 and 1993. RNA/DNA ratios of Norwegian spring spawning herring increased with increasing larval dry weight all years, except for larvae sampled south of 62°N in 1994. The RNA/DNA ratios indicated that each year, only a small portion ( 0.7%) of the larvae were starving. RNA/DNA ratios and temperature were negatively correlated in 1992, but in other years no significant correlations were found. Residuals of In RNA v . In DNA and In W v. L s were poorly correlated in all years, but residuals of In RNA v. In DNA and In DNA v. In W were negatively correlated in all years. Principal component analysis showed that the RNA/DNA ratio and DNA (% of weight) were correlated with different axes. Abundance data for herring at the early larval and 0-group stages in 1992–1994 indicated higher mortality in 1994 compared with the other years. The data do not indicate that average larval condition was poorer in 1994 than in other years. However, the variability in larval condition was higher in 1994 than in other years, and the condition of later larval stages was relatively lower in 1994 than in other years.  相似文献   

The mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg E (1905) The Fishes of the Swedish South Polar Expedition. Wiss. Ergebnisse Schwedische Südpol- Exped. 1901–1903, vol 5, p 37 is widely distributed south of the Antarctic convergence and over shelf areas surrounding sub-Antarctic Islands. In order to evaluate global population structure in this species, we examined DNA sequence variation in four mitochondrial regions and four nuclear genes in icefish from four locations in the Atlantic Ocean sector and one location in the Indian Ocean. Despite small sample sizes, mitochondrial and nuclear gene data indicated the existence of at least three genetically distinct stocks: Heard Island, South Shetland Islands, and the remaining Atlantic populations (Shag Rocks, South Georgia, and Bouvet Island). The mitochondrial and nuclear SNP markers developed here will be useful for more extensive analyses of population structure in this species.  相似文献   

Age and growth of ocellated icefish, Chionodraco rastrospinosus, were investigated using counts of annual growth increments from sagittal otoliths. Samples were collected during research surveys by benthic trawl carried out around Elephant and South Shetland Islands in January–February 2002 and December 2006–January 2007. A total of 290 specimens were selected for the study, consisting of 120 females and 170 males. The age of fish was estimated by counting annuli on transverse sections obtained by grinding and polishing whole otoliths embedded in epoxy resin. The precision-of-age estimates within and between readers were tested applying both the average percent error (APE) and the coefficient of variation (CV). The estimated age-range was 1–12 for both sexes of C. rastrospinosus. Applying the von Bertalanffy growth function to the age–length data, a growth curve was obtained for each sex. The estimated values of VB growth parameters L and k were, respectively, 47.9 cm and 0.28 for females and 42.9 cm and 0.36 for males. Compared to other congeneric species, the growth performance of C. rastrospinosus was relatively high, being 2.82 and 2.81 in males and females, respectively. Age at sexual maturity was estimated to be about 4 years in both sexes. C. rastrospinosus captured in the studied area consisted mainly of adult specimens between 3 and 8 years, with few older fish.  相似文献   

During the early ontogeny of fishes, the timing and duration of key events such as larval hatching and the switch from endogenous to exogenous feeding largely determine the offspring viability and survival. The aim of the present study was to investigate the life history traits of the early larvae of the mackerel icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari, collected in summer south of the South Shetland Islands in the Bransfield Strait and north of Elephant Island. Through the analysis of sagittal otolith microstructure, we assessed the timing and duration of egg incubation, larval hatching, first exogenous feeding, rate of yolk resorption and body growth rate. Compared to populations living further north (i.e. around South Georgia and Kerguelen Islands), mackerel icefish in the southern Scotia Arc exhibits longer egg incubation (lasting 90–120 days from winter to summer) and delayed hatching time spread over a relatively short period lasting 26 days between January and February. The first exogenous feeding takes place between 13 and 24 days after hatching still in the presence of the yolk-sac, indicating a prolonged mixed feeding afterward. The specific growth rate or daily percentage change in size (G) was 1.9 % SL day?1, corresponding to a daily growth rate at mean size of 0.31 mm day?1. While showing significant differences in early life history traits across their geographical distribution, C. gunnari populations share a common strategy, spawning a small number of large eggs that hatch in relatively large-sized larvae, at a time which may be independent of the timing of pack-ice retreat and onset of the production cycle.  相似文献   

Bathymetric and regional variation in condition of Icelandic cod Gadus morhua in autumn is compared to that previously observed in spring. Once again, contradicting patterns in the hepato-somatic index and a morphometric index of fish condition were observed. The relevance of this persistent spatial variation in condition in relation to emerging evidence of behavioural types is discussed.  相似文献   

Aim A lack of genetic structure is predicted for Antarctic fish due to the duration of pelagic larval stages and the strength of the currents in the Southern Ocean, particularly the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. In this study we explored the population structure of the ocellated icefish, Chionodraco rastrospinosus, by means of analysing a total of 394 individuals collected at four geographical areas off the Antarctic Peninsula in the period 1996–2006. Location Elephant Island, southern South Shetlands, Joinville Island and South Orkneys in the Southern Ocean. Methods The spatio‐temporal genetic structure of Chionodraco rastrospinosus was explored using seven microsatellite loci. Existence and direction of gene flow across sampling locations were investigated using the isolation‐by‐migration procedure. Results Microsatellite data showed a lack of genetic structuring in the area studied, with no differences found at both the geographical or temporal level, and an eastward unidirectional gene flow among sites. This suggested a lack of genetic barriers for this species, attributable to larval dispersal following the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, which fits well with the predicted pattern for Antarctic fish. Re‐examination of genetic data of the closely related icefish Chaenocephalus aceratus, with similar larval duration but displaying genetically structured populations, indicated a weak but significant bidirectional gene flow. Main conclusions Our results point to a relationship that is more complex than expected between potential for dispersal and realized gene flow in the marine environment. In addition to ocean circulation and larval dispersal, other major life‐history traits might be driving connectivity, particularly larval retention.  相似文献   

Rapid assessment techniques are commonly used for measuring vegetation condition at sites. Techniques for measuring site condition need to be quantitative, repeatable, rapid and simple. The key challenge is achieving a balance between simple techniques and adequate discrimination of condition between sites. This study compared a grassland condition index with the existing BioMetric condition index and showed that (i) the grassland index provided a strong measure of the relationship of temperate montane grassland sites with disturbance level, and differentiated condition of sites to a high degree and (ii) the simpler BioMetric index provided a strong measure of the relationship of the grassland sites with disturbance and differentiated their condition to a moderate degree. The choice of index to assess grassland condition should depend on purpose, cost and capacity.  相似文献   

Body mass components (dry mass, lean dry mass, water mass, fat mass) in each sex correlate strongly with body mass and pronotum length in Gryllus texensis and Acheta domesticus. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression underestimates the scaling relationship between body mass and structural size (i.e., pronotum length) in both cricket species compared with standard major axis (SMA) regression. Standardized mass components correlate more strongly with scaled mass index () than with residual body mass (Ri). Ri represents the residuals from an OLS regression of log body mass against log pronotum length. Neither condition index predicts energy stores (i.e., fat content) in G. texensis. Ri is not correlated with energy stores in A. domesticus whereas is negatively correlated. A comparison of condition index methods using published data showed that neither sex nor diet quality affected body condition at adulthood in G. texensis when using the scaled mass index. However, the residual index suggested that sex had a significant effect on body condition. Further, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) suggested that diet quality significantly affects body mass while statistically controlling for body size (i.e., body condition). We conclude that the statistical assumptions of condition index methods must be met prior to use and urge caution when using methods that are based on least squares in the y‐plane (i.e., residual index ANCOVA).  相似文献   

Evaluating animal body condition is a necessary component of many ecological studies. Although many methods for assessing animal body condition have been developed, relatively few can be used for estimating condition on live animals. Noninvasive body condition scoring techniques have been developed for assessing condition in livestock and more recently such techniques have been applied to wild ungulates. In this study, we examined the reliability of a body condition scoring technique for assessing condition in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer). We compared a body condition score (BCS) based on visual assessment and manual palpation of an animal’s body to two standard metrics of condition widely used in mammals: kidney fat index (KFI) and haematocrit (HCT). Across all buffalo, BCS was significantly and positively correlated with both KFI and HCT. For HCT, this pattern was observed among adults, juveniles, males and females; and in the wet season but not in the dry season. For KFI, BCS was significantly and positively correlated with KFI among adults, juveniles and males, but not in females. Overall, our results suggest that the BCS technique can serve as a useful method for estimating body condition in buffalo.  相似文献   

Twenty enzymes and three non-enzymatic proteins were examined by electrophoresis in samples of the Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus. The observed phenotypes were attributed to genes at thirty-nine loci. Seven loci were variable giving a mean heterozygosity of 0.049 ± 0.033. Heterozygosity estimates for marine teleosts are discused.  相似文献   

1. Metabolism is the fundamental process that powers life. Understanding what drives metabolism is therefore critical to our understanding of the ecology and behaviour of organisms in nature. 2. Metabolic rate generally scales with body size according to a power law. However, considerable unexplained variation in metabolic rate remains after accounting for body mass with scaling functions. 3. We measured resting metabolic rates (oxygen consumption) of 227 field‐caught wolf spiders. Then, we tested for effects of body mass, species, and body condition on metabolic rate. 4. Metabolic rate scales with body mass to the 0.85 power in these wolf spiders, and there are metabolic rate differences between species. After accounting for these factors, residual variation in metabolic rate is related to spider body condition (abdomen:cephalothorax ratio). Spiders with better body condition consume more oxygen. 5. These results indicate that recent foraging history is an important determinant of metabolic rate, suggesting that although body mass and taxonomic identity are important, other factors can provide helpful insights into metabolic rate variation in ecological communities.  相似文献   

The total mean sample heterozygosity calculated from eight polymorphic loci was 0·172 (0·047 S.E.) (Fst 0·025) for school mackerel Scomberomorus queenslandicus , and for spotted mackerel S. munroi was 0·110 (0·074 S.E.) (Fst 0·038). There was no evidence of temporal variation for either species as significant genetic differences were not detected between months or year classes within areas. Spatially, school mackerel have a complex stock structure, with stocks being associated with large embayments. In contrast, spotted mackerel appear to comprise a single stock in Australian east coast waters. Both species showed a significant pattern of stock structure between Australian east coast and northern (Arafura Sea) samples.  相似文献   

1. Relative body condition (the quantity of stored energy) is an important tool in understanding demographic variation and the ability of a population to respond to environmental stressors, varying food availability and competition. 2. A high-resolution database was used to examine causes of variation in the condition of north-east Arctic cod (Gadus morhua L.) for the period 1967-2004, over annual and monthly timescales. Community dynamics and climate variation were also tested as potential causes. 3. Temperature was shown to have a positive impact on condition at both inter- and intra-annual timescales. Inter-annually, temperature may affect stock distribution, in particular its overlap with the capelin stock. At shorter timescales it is likely that temperature directly affects the metabolism of the cod. 4. Intra-annually, the quantity of capelin in cod stomachs positively affected cod condition in the current and the preceding month for all lengths of cod. This indicated a time lag between a change in food consumption and a subsequent change in condition, or 'latency'. 5. Our study has shown that variation in temperature is a vital determinant of changes in condition, both at inter- and intra-annual timescales. Furthermore, the principle of latency has been demonstrated at the population level. Indirect effects of competition for energy-rich resources have been shown to have a negative effect on condition. This study supplements our knowledge of the implications for condition of changes in climate and in potential food resources.  相似文献   

The variations of the nucleolar characteristics size and number were studied in the gill and liver of Odontesthes bonariensis under different feeding regimes in order to test the hypothesis that functional genomes at the nucleolus, which determine variation of size (heterogeneity) in juvenile fishes, are modulated by environmental factors such as food availability. The programme that controls genetic changes of the nucleolar characteristics of the diploid cells of O. bonariensis was different from that described in the diploid cells of cyprinid fishes. No variations of the mean nucleolar number per nucleus were observed in liver or gill cells in relation to the feeding regime. Conversely, significant reduction of the mean nucleolar volume per nucleus ( V MN) and change in the shape of the frequency distribution of the total nucleolar volume per cell was evident in both cell types in response to starvation or food restriction. Tissue specificity was observed in relation to the absolute values of the nucleolar characteristics; however, the relative behaviour was comparable in digestive and non-digestive tissues. The time-course reduction of V MN in gill and liver cells of restrictively fed fish followed a negative exponential. A good correlation between V MN and the condition index of the fish ( K ) was observed after long-term food restriction; however, a faster response of V MN was observed after short-term fasting events. Results supported the stated hypothesis and showed nucleolar activity as a direct, rapid and sensitive indicator of the nutritional status of the fish.  相似文献   

It may be expected that vertehral anomaties would reduer the viability and reproductive success of fish. In the present study. the relationship of vertebral defects to body mass. Iength, age, condition, gonadosomatic index and growth in fourhorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus quadricornis , in the Gulf of Bothnia was studied. There were no differences in growth between normal and defective lish, for either males or females. While normal and defectives males were similar in age and length. defective females were older and longer than normal females. Defective males and females had a significantly greater somatic mass that normal fish. However defective females may be later than in normal fish. Hence, vertebral defects do not necessarly reduce the reproductive potential of fourhorn sculpin.  相似文献   

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