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Microanatomy of the peptidergic hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system in the ground squirrels, C. erythrogenys and C. undulatus, is similar to that of other rodents, but differs in details. Bundles of neurosecretory fibres with single neurosecretory cells along their course connect the hypothalamic neurosecretory centers into the one system. The dorso-caudal portions of the NPV reach the level of the columna fornix. The NPO is a special indepedent formation and appears to have some specific functions in the HHNS. The infundibular recess penetrates deeply ihto the hypophysial stem, but does not reach the posterior pituitary. The glandular epithelium of the tuberal portions of the adenohypophysis surrounds the median eminence and a considerable part of the lateral surface of the tuber cinereum. Different functional types of neurosecretory cells reflect certain phases of their secretory cycle. Correlations between their size, structure and the content of NSM are found. A low activity of the HHNS is observed in both C. erythrogenys and C. undulatus during December-January. A higher activity of the HHNS in torpid C. undulatus than in C. erythrogenys is established. This correlates with a difference in deepness of torpor in C. erythrogenys and C. undulatus. An important role of the HHNS in hibernation, i.e. in realization of adaption of species in ontogenesis is suggested.  相似文献   

The keeping of guinea pigs in a thermochamber at 37 degrees C for 3 days resulted in increased releasing of neurohormones of the posterior lobe of the hypophysis. By the end of the 3d day there was no substantial difference between the average logarhythm of the volume of cell nuclei of the supraoptic nucleus of experimental animals and that of intact animals. Injection of ACTH after a preliminary three-day presence of the animal in the thermochamber caused a pronounced inhibition of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal neurosecretory system (HHNS). The HHNS of animals subjected to 3-day-long continuous exposure to high temperature, in contrast to the HHNS of intact animals is not capable to increase its activity in responses to stress (immobilization).  相似文献   

Big gerbils, inhabitants of desert, were found to have indices of an increased functional activity of HHNS: low content of neurosecretory material all over the system, relatively large volumes of neurosecretory cell nuclei and nucleoli, hyperemia. Under the condition of a seven-day dehydration, the neurosecretory material reduction in all links of HHNS, enlargement of neurosecretory cell nuclei and nucleoli, intensification of hyperemia were found. With the increase in dehydration time to 23 days a progressive reduction of neurosecretory material in cell processes and hypophysis are seen. However, the decrease in nuclear size takes place under the condition of continuing increase in nucleolar size both in supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. Extremely intensive hyperemia of all regions of HHNS is seen. The activation of HHNS under the water-salt regime change, seen in big gerbils, is not as pronounced as in albino rats. This is, evidently, due to a specificity of the function and their osmoregulating system.  相似文献   

Injury of individual nuclei of the anterior and the middle portions of the hypothalamus in rabbits by electrocoagulation through the preliminarily implanted electrodes was accompanied by the change in the morpho-functional condition of the hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system (HHNS). The nearer the focus of injury to the region of the supraoptic nuclei -- the greater the functional activity of the HHNS. In combining the injuries of individual hypothalamic nuclei with the atherogenic diet there occurred marked morpho-functional changes both in the HHNS and in the adrenal glands; as to animals with experimental atherosclerosis, it acquired under these conditions a more severe form than in the animals on the atherogenic diet alone. Results of investigations pointed to the presence of a close association of the genesis of the atherosclerotic process with the neurogenic factors.  相似文献   

Histochemical and cytometric analyses of the hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system (HHNS), suprachiasmatic and arcuate nuclei, as well as the pineal gland in mature female silver foxes during oestrus revealed activation of peptidergic and monoaminergic neurosecretory units alongside with activation of the glial and vascular components. The increase of the secretory activity of the HHNS and pineal gland was more evident in domesticated animals. The data obtained show more intense production and excretion of neurohormones which are involved in regulation of reproduction, in domesticated foxes. These peculiarities may account for changes in the oestral cycle in domesticated animals.  相似文献   

Motor activity is among the non-photic stimuli that act on the internal clock. We have tested the role of motor activity in the circadian pattern of rats under conditions near the lower limits of entrainment, that induce circadian rhythm dissociation. Three groups of 8 rats each were used: a) rats kept individually in 25×25×15 cm cages, b) rats in 50×25×15 cm cages, and c) rats in 50×25×15 cm cages with access to a running wheel. All the rats were kept under light-dark cycles of 22 hours (T22, 11L:11D) for 50 days, after which they were transferred to constant darkness. All the rats without a running wheel showed a motor activity pattern with two statistically significant circadian rhythms in the periodogram of Sokolove and Bushell: one circadian component entrained by the LD cycle, and another free-running. The rats with access to a running wheel showed several patterns: 5 rats showed only one rhythm entrained to the LD cycle, 2 rats showed circadian rhythm dissociation, and 1 showed only a free running rhythm. We believe that the simultaneous manifestation of two circadian components reflects the functional dissociation of the oscillators population that constitutes the circadian pacemaker, of the rat. Physical exercise acts on the pacemaker reinforcing the strongest group of oscillators, which, depending on the structure of the circadian system of the rat, is usually the one entrained to the LD cycle. This study supports the hypothesis that motor activity couples the oscillators that form the circadian system of the rat.  相似文献   

Motor activity is among the non-photic stimuli that act on the internal clock. We have tested the role of motor activity in the circadian pattern of rats under conditions near the lower limits of entrainment, that induce circadian rhythm dissociation. Three groups of 8 rats each were used: a) rats kept individually in 25×25×15 cm cages, b) rats in 50×25×15 cm cages, and c) rats in 50×25×15 cm cages with access to a running wheel. All the rats were kept under light-dark cycles of 22 hours (T22, 11L:11D) for 50 days, after which they were transferred to constant darkness. All the rats without a running wheel showed a motor activity pattern with two statistically significant circadian rhythms in the periodogram of Sokolove and Bushell: one circadian component entrained by the LD cycle, and another free-running. The rats with access to a running wheel showed several patterns: 5 rats showed only one rhythm entrained to the LD cycle, 2 rats showed circadian rhythm dissociation, and 1 showed only a free running rhythm. We believe that the simultaneous manifestation of two circadian components reflects the functional dissociation of the oscillators population that constitutes the circadian pacemaker, of the rat. Physical exercise acts on the pacemaker reinforcing the strongest group of oscillators, which, depending on the structure of the circadian system of the rat, is usually the one entrained to the LD cycle. This study supports the hypothesis that motor activity couples the oscillators that form the circadian system of the rat.  相似文献   

When confined to novel running wheels or when given injections of triazolam in their home cages, old hamsters do not become as active as young hamsters. Therefore, lack of nonphotic phase shifting following such manipulations may stem from insufficient activity or arousal. Phase advances can be obtained in some 10-month-old animals when wheel running during the pulse is increased by the presence of females in estrous condition and in most 18-month-old hamsters by combining confinement to a novel wheel with triazolam injections. These data suggest that there is relatively little if anything wrong in aging hamsters with the nonphotic phase-shifting mechanism itself. The reason why in certain situations old hamsters do not shift appears to be because the nonphotic inputs to these shifting mechanisms are not strong enough. However, when running in novel wheels is increased by carrying out the tests at cold temperatures, most old animals did not show subsequent phase shifts. Evidently it is not running per se that is critical for phase shifts, but probably the motivational context for such running.  相似文献   

When confined to novel running wheels or when given injections of triazolam in their home cages, old hamsters do not become as active as young hamsters. Therefore, lack of nonphotic phase shifting following such manipulations may stem from insufficient activity or arousal. Phase advances can be obtained in some 10-month-old animals when wheel running during the pulse is increased by the presence of females in estrous condition and in most 18-month-old hamsters by combining confinement to a novel wheel with triazolam injections. These data suggest that there is relatively little if anything wrong in aging hamsters with the nonphotic phase-shifting mechanism itself. The reason why in certain situations old hamsters do not shift appears to be because the nonphotic inputs to these shifting mechanisms are not strong enough. However, when running in novel wheels is increased by carrying out the tests at cold temperatures, most old animals did not show subsequent phase shifts. Evidently it is not running per se that is critical for phase shifts, but probably the motivational context for such running.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic-hypophysial neurosecretory system (HHNS) was studied in the human foetuses from the age of 8 weeks till birth. The hypothalamus of 8 weeks old foetuses is weakly differentiated, no individual cell groups, so-called nuclei, are identified. The supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei are identified from the age of 12 weeks on. The size of cell nuclei increases with the age. The Homori-positive granules were first found in some SON and PVN cell and in neurohypophysis in the 18 weeks old foetuses. It was shown under the electron microscope that the neurohypophysis of 8 weeks old foetuses consisted mainly of pituicytes with axons among the cytoplasmic processes of the latter. After the age of 10 weeks, the area of parenchyma of the neurohypophysis occupied by axons increased and typical elementary neurosecretory granules appeared in them. The data obtained are discussed with respect to the participation of HHNS in the regulation of water metabolism in the human foetuses.  相似文献   

The structure and ultrastructure of the following regions of the hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system (HHNS) in the population cycle of lemming were studied: supraoptic (SON), paraventricular (PVN) and arcuate nuclei (AN), the median eminence (ME) and posterior pituitary (PP). Being compared to the state of endocrine glands and gonads, and the level of reproduction stress in the population cycle of the lemming described earlier, the obtained data revealed a certain regularity. First, at the stages of decrease, increase and in the first period of the stage of population peak the activity of the SON-PP complex and AN is gradually increased. This coincides with intensified reproduction, intensified functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal cortex. Second, while the population is decreasing, all the above functions become depressed, except that of the thyroid gland which, on the contrary, becomes active. In the second period of the stage of population peak, when reproduction stops abruptly, this regularity, however, does not hold, the activity of SON-PP complex and AN is sharply lowered, whereas that of PVN becomes very high. The structure of the thyroid damaged as a result of previous hyperfunction, is restored, and the adrenal cortex shows signs of hypercorticism. The present work is devoted to specificity of the HHNS functioning at the stage of population peak, referred to as crucial, and the pathways and mechanisms by which neurohormones produced by this system can affect the endocrine glands. In addition, the causes likely to lead to the mass death of animals at this stage, and biological significance of this fact are also given attention to.  相似文献   

Summary Monthly observations of the Gomori-positive hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system (HHNS) of the ground squirrel, Citellus erythrogenys Brandt, were carried out light microscopically using several quantitative methods. From the beginning of hibernation, formation of neurosecretory material (NSM) in the neurosecretory cells (NSC) progressively decreases and release of neurohormones from the HHNS is almost fully inhibited. A maximal accumulation of NSM in the perikarya of the NSC and in the posterior pituitary (PP) is found in December. By this time the volume of the cell nuclei and nucleoli is at a minimum. Signs of activation of the HHNS appear and become more conspicuous as the time of arousal from torpor approaches. The amount of NSM in the NSC and the PP decreases simultaneously with the increase in volume of the NSC. Hyperemia and activation of glial elements is visible throughout the HHNS. The morphological signs of activation reach their peak in March. After reproduction is completed (April to beginning of May), the NSC and the PP are almost devoid of NSM. Beginning with June and during the summer and autumn months a progressive accumulation of NSM in the NSC and the PP parallels gradual diminution in the volume of the NSC structures and the glial cells. Mechanisms and effector pathways by which the HHNS influences seasonal adaptation of the organism and reproduction are discussed.  相似文献   

Physical cage enrichment—exercise devices for rodents in the laboratory—often includes running wheels. This study compared responses of mice in enriched physical and social conditions and in standard social conditions to wheel running, individual housing, and open-field test. The study divided into 6 groups, 48 female BALB/c mice group housed in enriched and standard conditions. On alternate days, the study exposed 2 groups to individual running wheel cages. It intermittently separated from their cage mates and housed individually 2 groups with no running wheels; 2 control groups remained in enriched or standard condition cages. There were no significant differences between enriched and standard group housed mice in alternate days' wheel running. Over time, enriched, group housed mice ran less. Both groups responded similarly to individual housing. In open-field test, mice exposed to individual housing without running wheel moved more and faster than wheel running and home cage control mice. They have lower body weights than group housed and wheel running mice. Intermittent withdrawal of individual housing affects the animals more than other commodities. Wheel running normalizes some effects of intermittent separation from the enriched, social home cage.  相似文献   

The role of the intergeniculate leaflet of the thalamus (IGL) in photoperiod responsiveness was examined in a laboratory-selected line of photoperiod nonresponsive (NR) Siberian hamsters. NR hamsters fail to exhibit typical winter-type responses (i.e., gonadal regression and development of winter-type pelage) when exposed to short day lengths (e.g., 10 h of light/day). Earlier studies revealed that NR hamsters will exhibit winter-type responses when exposed to short photoperiod if they are given free access to a running wheel. The present study tested the hypothesis that this locomotor activity-induced reversal of phenotype is dependent on the IGL. Male NR hamsters underwent destruction of the IGL prior to being housed in short day lengths in cages equipped with running wheels. Activity rhythms were monitored for 8 weeks, after which time pelage response and paired testes weights were obtained. In contrast to sham-operated NR animals given access to running wheels, IGL-ablated animals showed no increase in the duration of nocturnal running wheel activity and became active later in the night than sham-lesioned animals. Lesioned animals also failed to exhibit the typical short photoperiod-induced gonadal regression and pelage molt. The results implicate the IGL in the mechanism by which running wheel activity can influence photoperiodic responses.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are highly important not only for the synchronization of animals and humans with their periodic environment but also for their fitness. Accordingly, the disruption of the circadian system may have adverse consequences. A certain number of animals in our breeding stock of Djungarian hamsters are episodically active throughout the day. Also body temperature and melatonin lack 24-h rhythms. Obviously in these animals, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) as the central pacemaker do not generate a circadian signal. Moreover, these so-called arrhythmic (AR) hamsters have cognitive deficits. Since motor activity is believed to stabilize circadian rhythms, we investigated the effect of voluntary wheel running. Hamsters were bred and kept under standardized housing conditions with food and water ad libitum and a 14 L/10 D lighting regimen. AR animals were selected according to their activity pattern obtained by means of passive infrared motion detectors. In a first step, the daily activity behavior was investigated for 3 weeks each without and with running wheels. To estimate putative photic masking effects, hamsters were exposed to light (LPs) and DPs and also released into constant darkness for a minimum of 3 weeks. A novel object recognition (NOR) test was performed to evaluate cognitive abilities both before and after 3 weeks of wheel availability. The activity patterns of hamsters with low wheel activity were still AR. With more intense running, daily patterns with higher values in the dark time were obtained. Obviously, this was due to masking as LPs did suppress and DPs induced motor activity. When transferred to constant darkness, in some animals the daily rhythm disappeared. In other hamsters, namely those which used the wheels most actively, the rhythm was preserved and free-ran, what can be taken as indication of a reconstitution of circadian rhythmicity. Also, animals showing a 24-h activity pattern after 3 weeks of extensive wheel running were able to recognize the novel object in the NOR test but not so before. The results show that voluntary exercise may reestablish circadian rhythmicity and improve cognitive performance.  相似文献   

Institutional animal care committees may one day require for the welfare of captive hamsters more floor space and the introduction of tunnels and toys. As hamsters are popular animal subjects in chronobiological research, and as clock phase is usually measured through running wheel activity, it is important to determine what effect cage enrichment might have on daily wheel use. Here the daily number of wheel revolutions, the daily duration of the running activity phase, the phase relationship between lights-off and onset of running activity, and the free-running period of circadian activity rhythms were measured in Syrian hamsters, Mesocricetus auratus, housed in single cages or in multiple cages linked by tunnels and supplied with commercial wooden toys. Free-running periodicity was not affected by cage enrichment. In multiple-cage systems, there were fewer daily revolutions, shorter wheel-running activity phases, and delayed running activity onsets. These effects, however, were small as compared to interindividual and week-to-week variation. They were statistically significant only under a light:dark cycle, not in constant darkness, and only when interindividual variation was eliminated through a paired design or when the number of cages was increased to five (the maximum tested). Daily wheel use is thus affected by cage enrichment, but only slightly.  相似文献   

The circadian clock of mammals, located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus, has been demonstrated to integrate day length change from long (LP) to short photoperiod (SP). This photoperiodic change induces in Syrian hamsters a testicular regression through melatonin action, a phenomenon that is inhibited when hamsters have free access to a wheel. The intergeniculate leaflets (IGL), which modulate the integration of photoperiod by the SCN, are a key structure in the circadian system, conveying nonphotic information such as those induced by novelty-induced wheel running activity. We tested in hamsters transferred from LP to a cold SP the effects of wheel running activity on a photoperiod-dependent behavior, hibernation. Lesions of the IGL were done to test the role of this structure in the inhibition induced by exercise of photoperiod integration by the clock. We show that wheel running activity actually inhibits hibernation not only in sham-operated animals, but also in hamsters with a bilateral IGL lesion (IGLX). In contrast, IGL-X hamsters without a wheel integrate slower to the SP but hibernate earlier compared with sham-operated animals. Moreover, some hibernation characteristics are affected by IGL lesion. Throughout the experiment at 7 degrees C, IGL-X hamsters were in hypothermia during 18% of the experiment vs. 32% for sham-operated hamsters. Taken together, these data show that the IGL play a modulatory role in the integration of photoperiodic cues and modulate hibernation, but they are not implicated in the inhibition of hibernation induced by wheel running activity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the correlated response of anti-oxidant enzyme activity to selective breeding for increased voluntary wheel running in house mice. Activity of liver superoxide dismutase-2 (Sod-2), a free radical scavenger, was measured in four groups of mice. 'Active' individuals were housed in cages with attached wheels for 8 weeks beginning at weaning; 'sedentary' individuals were housed in cages with attached wheels that were prevented from rotating. Both of these treatments were applied to male and female mice from generation 14 of a replicated artificial selection experiment, which is composed of four lines selected for high wheel running and four randomly bred lines that serve as controls. In females, Sod-2 activity was significantly lower in selected vs control animals, regardless of presence/absence of a free-turning wheel. This difference suggests a trade-off between early-age voluntary wheel-running activity and Sod-2 activity. In males, Sod-2 activity was significantly affected by an interaction between selection group and activity group, with males from selected lines having lower Sod-2 activity relative to control males only in the sedentary treatment. These negative correlated responses of Sod-2 activity to selection on wheel running are discussed in the context of antagonistic pleiotropy models of aging and with respect to potential effects on lifespan.  相似文献   

Physical cage enrichment—exercise devices for rodents in the laboratory—often includes running wheels. This study compared responses of mice in enriched physical and social conditions and in standard social conditions to wheel running, individual housing, and open-field test. The study divided into 6 groups, 48 female BALB/c mice group housed in enriched and standard conditions. On alternate days, the study exposed 2 groups to individual running wheel cages. It intermittently separated from their cage mates and housed individually 2 groups with no running wheels; 2 control groups remained in enriched or standard condition cages. There were no significant differences between enriched and standard group housed mice in alternate days' wheel running. Over time, enriched, group housed mice ran less. Both groups responded similarly to individual housing. In open-field test, mice exposed to individual housing without running wheel moved more and faster than wheel running and home cage control mice. They have lower body weights than group housed and wheel running mice. Intermittent withdrawal of individual housing affects the animals more than other commodities. Wheel running normalizes some effects of intermittent separation from the enriched, social home cage.  相似文献   


The Djungarian hamsters of our breeding colony show unstable daily activity patterns when kept under standard laboratory conditions. Moreover, part of them develops a delayed activity onset (DAO) or an arrhythmic phenotype. In former studies, we have shown that the system of photic entrainment works at its limits. If the period length (tau) increases, which is the case in DAO hamsters, the light-induced phase advances are too small to compensate the daily delay of the activity rhythm caused by tau being longer than 24 h. Accordingly, under natural conditions, there must be further (environmental) factors to enable a stable entrainment. One of these may be the higher level of motor activity. Animals must cover long distances to search for food, sexual partners and others. In the laboratory, hamsters are kept singly in small cages. This does restrict animals’ options for motor activity. Also, there is less need for moving around as the hamsters are fed ad libitum.

In the present study, a series of experiments was performed to investigate the putative effect of the activity level. To begin with, wild type (WT) and DAO animals were given access to running wheels. 50% of DAO hamsters developed a WT activity pattern. As the main reason for the DAO phenomenon is their long tau together with a too weak photic phase response, the effect of wheel running on these parameters was investigated in further experiments. With higher activity level, tau decreased in WT hamsters but increased in DAO animals even though the increase for the activity onset was only close to significance. Moreover, the photic phase responses were weaker though significant only for the activity offset of DAO hamsters.

Based on the assumptions that running wheel activity will affect the phase response and/or the free running period, the results of the present paper do not provide an explanation for why part of DAO hamsters developed a WT phenotype when they had access to running wheels. Obviously, mechanisms downstream from the suprachiasmatic nuclei must be taken into account when investigating the stabilizing, improving circadian entrainment effect of motor activity.  相似文献   

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