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When dissociated cells of neural retinae of 8-day-old chick embryos were cultured, monolayer sheets of epithelial cells were obtained. These cells proliferated actively. After about 30 days of culture, both lentoid bodies and pigment cells were differentiated in all plates. In the second and the third generation cultures, both differentiations were also observed. Lentoid bodies showed positive immunofluorescence for fluorescein-isothiocyanate-conjugated antiserum against δ-crystallin. Molecular constituents of lentoid bodies were very similar to those of lenses developing in situ, as revealed by immunodiffusion tests. Several lines of evidence for the “neural retinal” origin of lentoid bodies, as opposed to their being derived from lens cells inadvertently included in the original culture inocula are given. Some implications of the present results for the problem of “determination” are discussed.  相似文献   

Dissociated cells of neural retinas of 3.5-day-old chick embryos (stages 20–21) were cultured as a monolayer in order to examine their differentiation in vitro. These cells started to grow actively soon after inoculation and formed a confluent sheet within which neuroblast-like cells with long cytoplasmic processes were differentiated by 8 days. At about 16 days the differentiation of both lentoid bodies and foci of pigment cells was observed, while neuronal structure disappeared. The numbers of lentoid bodies and foci of pigmented cells continued to increase up to 30 days, when primary cultures were terminated. The increase in δ-crystallin content, as measured by quantitative immunoelectrophoresis assay using rabbit antiserum against δ-crystallin, was consistent with the increase in the number of lentoid bodies in cultures. The amount of α-crystallin per culture, estimated by the same technique as above, reached a maximum at 16 days and decreased slightly during further culture. The differentiation of both lentoid bodies and pigment cells was observed also in cultures of the second generation. The results demonstrate that cells of the undifferentiated neuroepithelium of 3.5-day-old embryonic retinas can achieve at least three differentiations, neuronal, lens, and pigment cells, in vitro. We discuss several differences between the present results and the previous ones from in vitro cultures of 8- to 9-day-old embryonic neural retinas.  相似文献   

本研究探讨体外诱导鸡胚胎生殖细胞(EGCs)分化为神经干细胞(NSCs)的可能性.EGCs经类胚体(EB)阶段,以维生素A酸(RA)等进行诱导,在NSCs选择性培养基中筛培养扩增7 d,观察形态变化;采用RT-PCR法检测nestin基因表达及免疫细胞化学法检测nestin等NSCs特异性标志物,并对其扩增及分化能力进行观察.结果显示:EGCs经初级诱导,NSCs选择性培养基筛选培养7 d后,形成大量神经球样结构,可扩增传代;绝大部分神经球样结构呈nestin抗原阳性,表达nestin基因,且可分化为神经上皮样及少突胶质细胞.研究结果表明:RA等诱导的EGCs,经选择性培养基筛选培养可获得NSCs,有望为眼部神经变性疾病的治疗提供新的技术参考.  相似文献   

Y-family DNA polymerases can replicate past a variety of damaged bases in vitro but, with the exception of DNA polymerase eta (poleta), which is defective in xeroderma pigmentosum variants, there is little information on the functions of these polymerases in vivo. Here, we show that DNA polymerase iota (poliota), like poleta, associates with the replication machinery and accumulates at stalled replication forks following DNA-damaging treatment. We show that poleta and poliota foci form with identical kinetics and spatial distributions, suggesting that localization of these two polymerases is tightly co-ordinated within the nucleus. Furthermore, localization of poliota in replication foci is largely dependent on the presence of poleta. Using several different approaches, we demonstrate that poleta and poliota interact with each other physically and that the C-terminal 224 amino acids of poliota are sufficient for both the interaction with poleta and accumulation in replication foci. Our results provide strong evidence that poleta targets poliota to the replication machinery, where it may play a general role in maintaining genome integrity as well as participating in translesion DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Y-family DNA polymerases can replicate past a variety of damaged bases in vitro but, with the exception of DNA polymerase eta (poleta), which is defective in xeroderma pigmentosum variants, there is little information on the functions of these polymerases in vivo. Here, we show that DNA polymerase iota (poliota), like poleta, associates with the replication machinery and accumulates at stalled replication forks following DNA-damaging treatment. We show that poleta and poliota foci form with identical kinetics and spatial distributions, suggesting that localization of these two polymerases is tightly co-ordinated within the nucleus. Furthermore, localization of poliota in replication foci is largely dependent on the presence of poleta. Using several different approaches, we demonstrate that poleta and poliota interact with each other physically and that the C-terminal 224 amino acids of poliota are sufficient for both the interaction with poleta and accumulation in replication foci. Our results provide strong evidence that poleta targets poliota to the replication machinery, where it may play a general role in maintaining genome integrity as well as participating in translesion DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Elevated mistranslation induces a mutator response termed translational stress‐induced mutagenesis (TSM) that is mediated by an unidentified modification of DNA polymerase III. Here we address two questions: (i) does TSM result from direct polymerase corruption, or from an indirect pathway triggered by increased protein turnover? (ii) Why are homologous recombination functions required for the expression of TSM under certain conditions, but not others? We show that replication of bacteriophage T4 in cells expressing the mutA allele of the glyV tRNA gene (Asp→Gly mistranslation), leads to both increased mutagenesis, and to an altered mutational specificity, results that strongly support mistranslational corruption of DNA polymerase. We also show that expression of mutA, which confers a recA‐dependent mutator phenotype, leads to increased lambdoid prophage induction (selectable in vivo expression technology assay), suggesting that replication fork collapse occurs more frequently in mutA cells relative to control cells. No such increase in prophage induction is seen in cells expressing alaVGlu tRNA (Glu→Ala mistranslation), in which the mutator phenotype is recA‐independent. We propose that replication fork collapse accompanies episodic hypermutagenic replication cycles in mutA cells, requiring homologous recombination functions for fork recovery, and therefore, for mutation recovery. These findings highlight hitherto under‐appreciated links among translation, replication and recombination, and suggest that translational fidelity, which is affected by genetic and environmental signals, is a key modulator of replication fidelity.  相似文献   

Changes in insulin receptors accompanying cell differentiation in human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60) were studied. Cell differentiation was induced by 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, vitamin A, dimethyl sulfoxide, or phorbol esters. 1α,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3 increased the ability of HL-60 cells to bind insulin in a dose-dependent manner. The increase in insulin binding was due to an increase in the number of insulin receptors. Vitamin A, dimethyl sulfoxide and phorbol esters were also effective in increaseing insulin receptors. Thus, the differentiation of HL-60 cells was accompanied by an increase in insulin receptors.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase which is a tissue-specific enzyme in the pigment cells of the brain of the ascidian embryo, is thought to be synthesized with activation of appropriate genes, and the enzyme synthesis begins at the early tailbud stage. If embryos at early cleavage stages up to the 64-cell stage are continuously treated with aphidicolin (a specific inhibitor of DNA synthesis), cleavage of the embryos is arrested and they do not differentiate the enzyme. However, the early gastrulae and embryos at later stage that have been permanently arrested with aphidicolin do produce the enzyme. Alkaline phosphatase, a tissue-specific enzyme of the endodermal cells, has been shown to be synthesized by a preformed maternal mRNA and is first detected histochemically at the late gastrula stage. If embryos at early cleavage stages up to the 16-cell stage are prevented from undergoing further divisions with aphidicolin, the arrested embryos do not form the enzyme. However, embryos at the 32-cell and later stages that have been permanently arrested with aphidicolin are able to differentiate the enzyme activity. These results suggest that several DNA replications are required for the histospecific enzyme development in ascidian embryos.  相似文献   

The regulation of trophectoderm differentiation in mouse embryos was studied by inhibiting DNA synthesis with aphidicolin, a specific inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha. Embryos were exposed to aphidicolin (0.5 micrograms/ml) for 16 h at various preimplantation stages and scored for their ability to form a blastocyst and develop beyond the blastocyst stage. Embryos were most sensitive to aphidicolin at the late 4-cell stage and became progressively less sensitive as they developed. Aphidicolin inhibited blastocyst formation by 70%, 100%, 77%, and 24% after treatment at the 2-cell, 4-cell, noncompacted 8-cell, and compacted 8-cell stages, respectively. Although the inhibitory effect of aphidicolin on blastocyst formation decreased markedly as 8-cell embryos underwent compaction, developmental capacity beyond the blastocyst stage was poor after treatment of either noncompacted or compacted 8-cell embryos. Treatment at the morula and early blastocyst stages was less harmful to embryos than treatment at earlier stages but reduced the number of trophoblast outgrowths by interfering with hatching. Autoradiographic analysis showed that during aphidicolin treatment, incorporation of 3H-thymidine was inhibited over 90% at all stages examined, indicating an inhibition of DNA synthesis. Because inhibition of blastocyst formation by aphidicolin decreased at the compacted 8-cell stage, we suggest that approximately the first half of the fourth DNA replication cycle is critical for subsequent blastocyst formation. Furthermore, the poor further development of blastocysts formed after aphidicolin treatment of compacted 8-cell embryos suggests that the DNA replication requirements for initial trophectoderm differentiation are distinct from requirements for further development of blastocysts in vitro.  相似文献   

Regulation of DNA replication machinery by Mrc1 in fission yeast   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Faithful replication of chromosomes is crucial to genome integrity. In yeast, the ORC binds replication origins throughout the cell cycle. However, Cdc45 binds these before S-phase, and, during replication, it moves along the DNA with MCM helicase. When replication progression is inhibited, checkpoint regulation is believed to stabilize the replication fork; the detailed mechanism, however, remains unclear. To examine the relationship between replication initiation and elongation defects and the response to replication elongation block, we used fission yeast mutants of Orc1 and Cdc45--orp1-4 and sna41-928, respectively--at their respective semipermissive temperatures with regard to BrdU incorporation. Both orp1 and sna41 cells exhibited HU hypersensitivity in the absence of Chk1, a DNA damage checkpoint kinase, and were defective in full activation of Cds1, a replication checkpoint kinase, indicating that normal replication is required for Cds1 activation. Mrc1 is required to activate Cds1 and prevent the replication machinery from uncoupling from DNA synthesis. We observed that, while either the orp1 or the sna41 mutation partially suppressed HU sensitivity of cds1 cells, sna41 specifically suppressed that of mrc1 cells. Interestingly, sna41 alleviated the defect in recovery from HU arrest without increasing Cds1 activity. In addition to sna41, specific mutations of MCM suppressed the HU sensitivity of mrc1 cells. Thus, during elongation, Mrc1 may negatively regulate Cdc45 and MCM helicase to render stalled forks capable of resuming replication.  相似文献   

UVM is an SOS-independent inducible response characterized by elevated mutagenesis at a site-specific 3, N4-ethenocytosine (epsilonC) residue borne on M13 single-stranded DNA transfected into Escherichia coli cells pretreated with DNA-damaging agents. By constructing and using E. coli strain AM124 (polA polB umuDC dinB lexA1[Ind-]), we show here that the UVM response is manifested in cells deficient for SOS induction, as well as for all four of the 'non-replicative' DNA polymerases, namely DNA polymerase I (polA), II (polB), IV (dinB) and V (umuDC). These results confirm that UVM represents a novel, previously unidentified cellular response to DNA-damaging agents. To address the question as to whether the UVM response is accompanied by an error-prone DNA replication activity, we applied a newly developed in vitro replication assay coupled to an in vitro mutation analysis system. In the assay, circular M13 single-stranded DNA bearing a site-specific lesion is converted to circular double-stranded replicative-form DNA in the presence of cell extracts and nucleotide precursors under conditions that closely mimic M13 replication in vivo. The newly synthesized (minus) DNA strand is selectively amplified by ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction (LM-PCR), followed by a multiplex sequence analysis to determine the frequency and specificity of mutations. Replication of DNA bearing a site-specific epsilonC lesion by cell extracts from uninduced E. coli AM124 cells results in a mutation frequency of about 13%. Mutation frequency is elevated fivefold (to 58%) in cell extracts from UVM-induced AM124 cells, with C --> A mutations predominating over C --> T mutations, a specificity similar to that observed in vivo. These results, together with previously reported data, suggest that the UVM response is mediated through the induction of a transient error-prone DNA replication activity and that a modification of DNA polymerase III or the expression of a previously unidentified DNA polymerase may account for the UVM phenotype.  相似文献   

Magnesium homeostasis in HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells was compared to that in neutrophyl-like HL-60 cells obtained by 1.3% DMSO treatment. Magnesium homeostasis was studied by the characterization of magnesium efflux, the identification of intracellular magnesium pools, and the regulation of intracellular ionized Mg2+. In both undifferentiated and neutrophyl-like HL-60 cells, magnesium efflux occurred via the Na-Mg antiporter which was inhibited by imipramine and stimulated by db cAMP and forskolin. Receptor-mediated signals such as ATP, IFN-α, or PGE1, which can trigger cAMP-dependent magnesium efflux, were ineffective in undifferentiated HL-60 cells but induced 60–70% increase of magnesium efflux in neutrophyl-like HL-60 cells. Selective membrane permeabilization by the cation ionophore A23187 induced a large magnesium release when cells were treated with rotenone. In both cell populations, the addition of glucose to rotenone-treated cells restored magnesium release to the control level. Permeabilization by 0.005% digitonin provoked the release of 90% cell total magnesium in both cell types. Intracellular [Mg2+]i was 0.15 and 0.26 mM in undifferentiated and neutrophyl-like HL-60 cells, respectively. Stimuli that triggered magnesium efflux, such as db cAMP in undifferentiated and IFN-α in neutrophyl-like HL-60 cells, induced a slow but consistent increase of [Mg2+]i which was independent from Ca2+movements. Overall, these data indicate that magnesium homeostasis is regulated by receptor-mediated magnesium efflux which was modified during differentiation of HL-60 cells. Stimulation of magnesium efflux is paralleled by an increase of [Mg2+]i which reflects a release of magnesium from the bound cation pool. J. Cell. Biochem. 71:441–448, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

When dissociated cells of neural retinae of 9-day-old chick embryos were cultured in Eagle's minimum essential medium supplemented with dialyzed fetal calf serum, both the proliferation and differentiation of the neural retinal cells were inhibited. These cells remained quiescent and flattened. When ascorbic acid was added to such a medium, the cells started to grow and differentiated into lentoid bodies and pigmented cells after about 10 days.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates are thought to function as tags that mark circulatory glycoproteins for rapid clearance. Scavenger endothelial cells (SECs) play the primary role in clearing glycoproteins via receptor-mediated endocytosis in adult animals. We found that horseradish peroxidase (HRP), a glycoprotein, was removed quickly, mostly by receptor mediation from the chicken embryo circulation, but bovine serum albumin was not. The half-life of HRP in the circulation varied with the embryo stage and fell rapidly from 0.73 h at embryonic day 4 (E4) to 0.23 h at E5, with no great difference among stages after E5. HRP clearance was far slower at E3.5 than at E5, but was obviously suppressed by mannan. These results imply that the function of clearing glycoprotein or waste macromolecules from the circulation via receptor-mediated endocytosis appears early in the embryo.  相似文献   

Dissociated cells of neural retinas of 3.5-day-old chick embryos differentiated into “lentoid bodies” within about 10–12 days when cultured in vitro. Protein synthesis of these cultured cells was studied with the use of SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, affinity chromatography, and autoradiography combined with immunological techniques. Incorporation of [14C]leucine into total proteins, α-crystallin, and δ-crystallin was estimated after increasing times of culture up to about 30 days. Isotope incorporation into δ-crystallin was detected at 9 days, and it increased sevenfold after another 17 days. α-Crystallin was also first detected at 9 days, but its relative content reached a maximum at 12 days and then decreased gradually. The ratio of δ-crystallin synthesis to total protein synthesis increased up to 40% at 26 days, while that of α-crystallin synthesis remained 3% throughout the culture period. These results show that lens differentiation from neural retinal cells is associated with the preferential synthesis of lens crystallins, particularly of δ-crystallin.  相似文献   

DNA methylation plays a central role in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression in vertebrates. Genetic and biochemical data indicated that DNA methyltransferase 1 (Dnmt1) is indispensable for the maintenance of DNA methylation patterns in mice, but targeting of the DNMT1 locus in human HCT116 tumor cells had only minor effects on genomic methylation and cell viability. In this study, we identified an alternative splicing in these cells that bypasses the disrupting selective marker and results in a catalytically active DNMT1 protein lacking the proliferating cell nuclear antigen-binding domain required for association with the replication machinery. Using a mechanism-based trapping assay, we show that this truncated DNMT1 protein displays only twofold reduced postreplicative DNA methylation maintenance activity in vivo. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of this truncated DNMT1 results in global genomic hypomethylation and cell death. These results indicate that DNMT1 is essential in mouse and human cells, but direct coupling of the replication of genetic and epigenetic information is not strictly required.  相似文献   

Synthesis and decay of lambda DNA replication proteins in minicells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The coliphage λ DNA replication proteins, the O- and P-gene products, have been identified by infection of nonpermissive Escherichia coli minicells with the appropriate λ amber mutants as proteins of a molecular weight of about 34000 and 23000, respectively. Proteins of exactly the same size were found in minicells harbouring the plasmid λdv. Both proteins seem to be synthesized at the same rate. In λ-infected minicells, as well as in lambda;dv-harbouring minicells the pulse-and-chase experiments have shown an exceptionally rapid decay of the O-protein.  相似文献   

The geminivirus Tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) replicates in differentiated plant cells using host DNA synthesis machinery. We used 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation to examine DNA synthesis directly in infected Nicotiana benthamiana plants to determine if viral reprogramming of host replication controls had an impact on host DNA replication. Immunoblot analysis revealed that up to 17-fold more BrdU was incorporated into chromosomal DNA of TGMV-infected versus mock-infected, similarly treated healthy leaves. Colocalization studies of viral DNA and BrdU demonstrated that BrdU incorporation was specific to infected cells and was associated with both host and viral DNA. TGMV and host DNA synthesis were inhibited differentially by aphidicolin but were equally sensitive to hydroxyurea. Short BrdU labeling times resulted in some infected cells showing punctate foci associated with host DNA. Longer periods showed BrdU label uniformly throughout host DNA, some of which showed condensed chromatin, only in infected nuclei. By contrast, BrdU associated with viral DNA was centralized and showed uniform, compartmentalized labeling. Our results demonstrate that chromosomal DNA is replicated in TGMV-infected cells.  相似文献   

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