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The developmental fate of cells in the epiblast of early-primitive-streak-stage mouse embryos was assessed by studying the pattern of tissue colonisation displayed by lac Z-expressing cells grafted orthotopically to nontransgenic embryos. Results of these fate-mapping experiments revealed that the lateral and posterior epiblast contain cells that will give rise predominantly to mesodermal derivatives. The various mesodermal populations are distributed in overlapping domains in the lateral and posterior epiblast, with the embryonic mesoderm such as heart, lateral, and paraxial mesoderm occupying a more distal position than the extraembryonic mesoderm. Heterotopic grafting of presumptive mesodermal cells results in the grafted cells adopting the fate appropriate to the new site, reflecting a plasticity of cell fate determination before ingression. The first wave of epiblast cells that ingress through the primitive streak are those giving rise to extraembryonic mesoderm. Cells that will form the mesoderm of the yolk sac and the amnion make up a major part of the mesodermal layer of the midprimitive-streak-stage embryo. Cells that are destined for embryonic mesoderm are still found within the epiblast, but some have been recruited to the distal portion of the mesoderm. By the late-primitive-streak-stage, the mesodermal layer contains only the precursors of embryonic mesoderm. This suggests that there has been a progressive displacement of the midstreak mesoderm to extraembryonic sites, which is reminiscent of that occurring in the overlying endodermal tissue. The regionalisation of cell fate in the late-primitive-streak mesoderm bears the same spatial relationship as their ancestors in the epiblast prior to cell ingression. This implies that both the position of the cells in the proximal-distal axis and their proximity to the primitive streak are major determinants for the patterning of the embryonic mesoderm. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



FGF signalling regulates numerous aspects of early embryo development. During gastrulation in amniotes, epiblast cells undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in the primitive streak to form the mesoderm and endoderm. In mice lacking FGFR1, epiblast cells in the primitive streak fail to downregulate E-cadherin and undergo EMT, and cell migration is inhibited. This study investigated how FGF signalling regulates cell movement and gene expression in the primitive streak of chicken embryos.  相似文献   

The proper formation of a complex multicellular organism requires the precise coordination of many cellular events, including cell proliferation, cell fate specification and differentiation. The C. elegans postembryonic mesodermal lineage, the M lineage, allows us to study mechanisms coordinating these events at single cell resolution. We have identified an HMX homeodomain protein MLS-2 in a screen for factors required for M lineage patterning. The MLS-2 protein is present in nuclei of undifferentiated cells in the early M lineage and in a subset of head neurons. In the M lineage, MLS-2 activity appears to be tightly regulated at the fourth round of cell division, coincident with the transition from proliferation to differentiation. A predicted null allele of mls-2, cc615, causes reduced cell proliferation in the M lineage, whereas a semi-dominant, gain-of-function allele, tm252, results in increased cell proliferation. Loss or overexpression of mls-2 also affects cleavage orientation and cell fate specification in the M lineage. We show that the increased cell proliferation in mls-2(tm252) mutants requires CYE-1, a G1 cell cycle regulator. Furthermore, the C. elegans Myod homolog HLH-1 acts downstream of mls-2 to specify M-derived coelomocyte cell fates. Thus MLS-2 functions in a cell type-specific manner to regulate both cell proliferation and cell fate specification.  相似文献   

WTX is an X-linked tumor suppressor targeted by somatic mutations in Wilms tumor, a pediatric kidney cancer, and by germline inactivation in osteopathia striata with cranial sclerosis, a bone overgrowth syndrome. Here, we show that Wtx deletion in mice causes neonatal lethality, somatic overgrowth, and malformation of multiple mesenchyme-derived tissues, including bone, fat, kidney, heart, and spleen. Inactivation of Wtx at different developmental stages and in primary mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) reveals that bone mass increase and adipose tissue deficiency are due to altered lineage fate decisions coupled with delayed terminal differentiation. Specification defects in MPCs result from aberrant β-catenin activation, whereas alternative pathways contribute to the subsequently delayed differentiation of lineage-restricted cells. Thus, Wtx is a regulator of MPC commitment and differentiation with stage-specific functions in inhibiting canonical Wnt signaling. Furthermore, the constellation of anomalies in Wtx null mice suggests that this tumor suppressor broadly regulates MPCs in multiple tissues.  相似文献   

Animal body plan arises during gastrulation and organogenesis by the coordination of inductive events and cell movements. Several signaling pathways, such as BMP, FGF, Hedgehog, Nodal, and Wnt have well-recognized instructive roles in cell fate specification during vertebrate embryogenesis. Growing evidence indicates that BMP, Nodal, and FGF signaling also regulate cell movements, and that they do so through mechanisms distinct from those that specify cell fates. Moreover, pathways controlling cell movements can also indirectly influence cell fate specification by regulating dimensions and relative positions of interacting tissues. The current challenge is to delineate the molecular mechanisms via which the major signaling pathways regulate cell fate specification and movements, and how these two processes are coordinated to ensure normal development.  相似文献   

Progenitors of the zebrafish pronephros, red blood and trunk endothelium all originate from the ventral mesoderm and often share lineage with one another, suggesting that their initial patterning is linked. Previous studies have shown that spadetail (spt) mutant embryos, defective in tbx16 gene function, fail to produce red blood cells, but retain the normal number of endothelial and pronephric cells. We report here that spt mutants are deficient in all the types of early blood, have fewer endothelial cells as well as far more pronephric cells compared to wildtype. In vivo cell tracing experiments reveal that blood and endothelium originate in spt mutants almost exclusive from the dorsal mesoderm whereas, pronephros and tail originate from both dorsal and ventral mesoderm. Together these findings suggest possible defects in posterior patterning. In accord with this, gene expression analysis shows that mesodermal derivatives within the trunk and tail of spt mutants have acquired more posterior identity. Secreted signaling molecules belonging to the Fgf, Wnt and Bmp families have been implicated as patterning factors of the posterior mesoderm. Further investigation demonstrates that Fgf and Wnt signaling are elevated throughout the nonaxial region of the spt gastrula. By manipulating Fgf signaling we show that Fgfs both promote pronephric fate and repress blood and endothelial fate. We conclude that Tbx16 plays an important role in regulating the balance of intermediate mesoderm fates by attenuating Fgf activity.  相似文献   

According to the three-signal model of mesoderm patterning in Xenopus, all mesoderm, with the exception of the Spemann organizer, is originally specified as ventral type, such as lateral plate and primary blood islands. It is proposed that the blood islands become restricted to the ventralmost mesoderm because they are not exposed to the BMP-inhibiting activity of the Spemann organizer. We present evidence here that, contrary to predictions of this model, the blood islands remain ventrally restricted even in the absence of Spemann organizer signaling. We further observed that inhibition of FGF signaling with a dominant negative receptor resulted in the expansion of the blood island-forming territory with a concomitant loss of somite. The requirement for FGF signaling in specifying somite versus blood island territories was observed as early as midgastrulation. The nonoverlapping expression domains of Xnr-2 and Xbra in the gastrula marginal zone appear to mark presumptive blood island and somite, respectively. Inhibition of FGF signaling with dominant negative receptor leads to an expansion of Xnr-2 expression and to a corresponding reduction in Xbra expression. On the other hand, we found no evidence that manipulation of BMP signaling, either positively or negatively, altered the expression domains of Xnr-2 and Xbra. These results suggest that FGF signaling, rather than BMP-inhibiting activity, is essential for restriction of the ventral blood islands to ventral mesoderm.  相似文献   

Urodeles begin gastrulation with much of their presumptive mesoderm in the superficial cell layer, all of which must move into the deep layers during development. We studied the morphogenesis of superficial mesoderm in the urodeles Ambystoma maculatum, Ambystoma mexicanum, and Taricha granulosa. In all three species, somitic, lateral, and ventral mesoderm move into the deep layer during gastrulation, ingressing through a "bilateral primitive streak" just inside the blastopore. The mesodermal epithelium appears to slide under the endodermal epithelium by a mechanism we term "subduction." Subduction removes the large expanse of superficial presumptive somitic and lateral-ventral mesoderm that initially separates the sub-blastoporal endoderm from the notochord, leaving the endoderm bounding the still epithelial notochord along the gastrocoel roof. Subduction may be a common feature of urodele gastrulation, differing in this regard from anurans. Subducting cells constrict their apices and become bottle-shaped as they approach the junction of the mesodermal and endodermal epithelia. Subducting bottle cells endocytose apical membrane and withdraw the tight junctional component cingulin from the contracting circumferential tight junctions. Either in conjunction with or immediately after subducting, the mesodermal cells undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. The mechanism by which epithelial cells release their apical junctions to become mesenchymal, without disrupting the integrity of the epithelium, remains mysterious, but this system should prove useful in understanding this process in a developmental context.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in developmental biology is how does an undifferentiated field of cells acquire spatial pattern and undergo coordinated differentiation? The development of the vertebrate limb is an important paradigm for understanding these processes. The skeletal and connective tissues of the developing limb all derive from a population of multipotent progenitor cells located in its distal tip. During limb outgrowth, these progenitors segregate into a chondrogenic lineage, located in the center of the limb bud, and soft connective tissue lineages located in its periphery. We report that the interplay of two families of signaling proteins, fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and Wnts, coordinate the growth of the multipotent progenitor cells with their simultaneous segregation into these lineages. FGF and Wnt signals act together to synergistically promote proliferation while maintaining the cells in an undifferentiated, multipotent state, but act separately to determine cell lineage specification. Withdrawal of both signals results in cell cycle withdrawal and chondrogenic differentiation. Continued exposure to Wnt, however, maintains proliferation and re-specifies the cells towards the soft connective tissue lineages. We have identified target genes that are synergistically regulated by Wnts and FGFs, and show how these factors actively suppress differentiation and promote growth. Finally, we show how the spatial restriction of Wnt and FGF signals to the limb ectoderm, and to a specialized region of it, the apical ectodermal ridge, controls the distribution of cell behaviors within the growing limb, and guides the proper spatial organization of the differentiating tissues.  相似文献   

The vertebrate pituitary gland is a key endocrine control organ that contains six distinct hormone secreting cell types. In this study, we analyzed the role of direct cell-to-cell Delta-Notch signaling in zebrafish anterior pituitary cell type specification. We demonstrate that initial formation of the anterior pituitary placode is independent of Notch signaling. Later however, loss of Notch signaling in mind bomb (mib) mutant embryos or by DAPT treatment leads to increased numbers of lactotropes and loss of corticotropes in the anterior pars distalis (APD), increased number of thyrotropes and loss of somatotrope cell types in the posterior pars distalis (PPD), and fewer melanotropes in the posterior region of the adenohypophysis, the pars intermedia (PI). Conversely, Notch gain of function leads to the opposite result, loss of lactotrope and thyrotrope cell specification, and an increased number of corticotropes, melanotropes, and gonadotropes in the pituitary. Our results suggest that Notch acts on placodal cells, presumably as a permissive signal, to regulate progenitor cell specification to hormone secreting cell types. We propose that Notch mediated lateral inhibition regulates the relative numbers of specified hormone cell types in the three pituitary subdomains.  相似文献   

The cell populations and morphogenetic movements that contribute to the formation of the avian primitive streak and organizer-Hensen's node-are poorly understood. We labeled selected groups of cells with fluorescent dyes and then followed them over time during formation and progression of the primitive streak and formation of Hensen's node. We show that (1) the primitive streak arises from a localized population of epiblast cells spanning the caudal midline of Koller's sickle, with the mid-dorsal cells of the primitive streak arising from the midline of the epiblast overlying Koller's sickle and the deeper and more lateral primitive streak cells arising more laterally within the epiblast overlying the sickle, from an arch subtending about 30 degrees; (2) convergent extension movements of cells in the epiblast overlying Koller's sickle contribute to formation of the initial primitive streak; and (3) Hensen's node is derived from a mixture of cells originating both from the epiblast just rostral to the incipient (stage 2) primitive streak and later from the epiblast just rostral to the elongating (stage 3a/b) primitive streak, as well as from the rostral tip of the progressing streak itself. Collectively, these results provide new information on the formation of the avian primitive streak and organizer, increasing our understanding of these important events of early development of amniotes.  相似文献   

The patterned branching in the Drosophila tracheal system is triggered by the FGF-like ligand Branchless that activates a receptor tyrosine kinase Breathless and the MAP kinase pathway. A single fusion cell at the tip of each fusion branch expresses the zinc-finger gene escargot, leads branch migration in a stereotypical pattern and contacts with another fusion cell to mediate fusion of the branches. A high level of MAP kinase activation is also limited to the tip of the branches. Restriction of such cell specialization events to the tip is essential for tracheal tubulogenesis. Here we show that Notch signaling plays crucial roles in the singling out process of the fusion cell. We found that Notch is activated in tracheal cells by Branchless signaling through stimulation of &Dgr; expression at the tip of tracheal branches and that activated Notch represses the fate of the fusion cell. In addition, Notch is required to restrict activation of MAP kinase to the tip of the branches, in part through the negative regulation of Branchless expression. Notch-mediated lateral inhibition in sending and receiving cells is thus essential to restrict the inductive influence of Branchless on the tracheal tubulogenesis.  相似文献   

During CNS development, pluripotency neuronal progenitor cells give rise in succession to neurons and glia. Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), a major signal that maintains neural progenitors in the undifferentiated state, is also thought to influence the transition from neurogenesis to gliogenesis. Here we present evidence that FGF receptors and underlying signaling pathways transmit the FGF-2 signals that regulate astrocyte specification aside from its mitogenic activity. Application of FGF-2 to cortical progenitors suppressed neurogenesis whereas treatment with an FGFR antagonist in vitro promoted neurogenesis. Introduction of chimeric FGFRs with mutated tyrosine residues into cortical progenitors and drug treatments to specifically block individual downstream signaling pathways revealed that the overall activity of FGFR rather than individual autophosphorylation sites is important for delivering signals for glial specification. In contrast, a signal for cell proliferation by FGFR was mainly delivered by MAPK pathway. Together our findings indicate that FGFR activity promotes astrocyte specification in the developing CNS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: FGF (fibroblast growth factor) signalling is known to be required for many aspects of mesoderm formation and patterning during Xenopus development and has been implicated in regulating genes required for the specification of both blood and skeletal muscle lineages. RESULTS: In the present study, we have specifically knocked down the expression of FGF4 using AMO (antisense morpholino oligonucleotide)-mediated inhibition and demonstrate that FGF4 acts in the dorsal marginal zone to restrict blood development and promote the development of skeletal muscle. In addition, we used a drug inhibitor of FGF signalling and an inducible form of FGFR1 (FGF receptor 1) to identify a period of competence during late blastula and gastrula stages when FGF signalling acts to regulate blood versus muscle specification. Notably, we found that it is the dorsal activity of FGF that is required to restrict the expression of SCL (stem cell leukaemia) to the ventral blood island. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that FGF4 is a key organizer-derived signal involved in the process of dorsoventral patterning of the mesoderm.  相似文献   

The auditory sensory epithelium (organ of Corti), where sound waves are converted to electrical signals, comprises a highly ordered array of sensory receptor (hair) cells and nonsensory supporting cells. Here, we report that Sprouty2, which encodes a negative regulator of signaling via receptor tyrosine kinases, is required for normal hearing in mice, and that lack of SPRY2 results in dramatic perturbations in organ of Corti cytoarchitecture: instead of two pillar cells, there are three, resulting in the formation of an ectopic tunnel of Corti. We demonstrate that these effects are due to a postnatal cell fate transformation of a Deiters' cell into a pillar cell. Both this cell fate change and hearing loss can be partially rescued by reducing Fgf8 gene dosage in Spry2 null mutant mice. Our results provide evidence that antagonism of FGF signaling by SPRY2 is essential for establishing the cytoarchitecture of the organ of Corti and for hearing.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins, via activation of Trk receptor tyrosine kinases, serve as mitogens, survival factors and regulators of arborization during retinal development. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and TrkB regulate neuronal arborization and survival in late retinal development. However, TrkB is expressed during early retinal development where its functions are unclear. To assess TrkB/BDNF actions in the early chick retina, replication-incompetent retroviruses were utilized to over-express a dominant negative truncated form of TrkB (trunc TrkB), or BDNF and effects were assessed at E15. Clones expressing trunc TrkB were smaller than controls, and proliferation and apoptosis assays suggest that decreased clone size correlated with increased cell death when BDNF/TrkB signaling was impaired. Analysis of clonal composition revealed that trunc TrkB over-expression decreased photoreceptor numbers (41%) and increased cell numbers in the middle third of the inner nuclear layer (INL) (23%). Conversely, BDNF over-expression increased photoreceptor numbers (25%) and decreased INL numbers (17%). Photoreceptors over-expressing trunc TrkB demonstrated no increase in apoptosis nor abnormalities in lamination suggesting that TrkB activation is not required for photoreceptor cell survival or migration. These studies suggest that TrkB signaling regulates commitment to and/or differentiation of photoreceptor cells from retinal progenitor cells, identifying a novel role for TrkB/BDNF in regulating cell fate decisions.  相似文献   

In angiosperms, the first zygotic division usually gives rise to two daughter cells with distinct morphologies and developmental fates, which is critical for embryo pattern formation; however, it is still unclear when and how these distinct cell fates are specified, and whether the cell specification is related to cytoplasmic localization or polarity. Here, we demonstrated that when isolated from both maternal tissues and the apical cell, a single basal cell could only develop into a typical suspensor, but never into an embryo in vitro. Morphological, cytological and gene expression analyses confirmed that the resulting suspensor in vitro is highly similar to its undisturbed in vivo counterpart. We also demonstrated that the isolated apical cell could develop into a small globular embryo, both in vivo and in vitro, after artificial dysfunction of the basal cell; however, these growing apical cell lineages could never generate a new suspensor. These findings suggest that the initial round of cell fate specification occurs at the two‐celled proembryo stage, and that the basal cell lineage is autonomously specified towards the suspensor, implying a polar distribution of cytoplasmic contents in the zygote. The cell fate transition of the basal cell lineage to the embryo in vivo is actually a conditional cell specification process, depending on the developmental signals from both the apical cell lineage and maternal tissues connected to the basal cell lineage.  相似文献   

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