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Phosphonamidates as transition-state analogue inhibitors of thermolysin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
P A Bartlett  C K Marlowe 《Biochemistry》1983,22(20):4618-4624
Six phosphorus-containing peptide analogues of the form Cbz-NHCH2PO2--L-Leu-Y (Y = D-Ala, NH2, Gly, L-Phe, L-Ala, L-Leu) have been prepared and evaluated as inhibitors of thermolysin. The Ki values for these compounds range from 1.7 microM to 9.1 nM and correlate well with the Km/kcat values for the corresponding peptide substrates [Morihara, K., & Tsuzuki, H. (1970) Eur. J. Biochem. 15, 374-380] but not with the Km values alone. The correlation noted between inhibitor Ki and substrate Km/kcat is the most extensive one of this type, providing strong evidence that the phosphonamidates are transition-state analogues and not simply multisubstrate ground-state analogues. Cbz-NH2CH2PO2--L-Leu-L-Leu (Ki = 9.1 nM) is the most potent inhibitor yet reported for thermolysin.  相似文献   

The mode of binding to thermolysin of the unsubstituted phosphoramidate inhibitor N-phosphoryl-L-leucinamide (P-Leu-NH2) has been determined crystallographically and refined at high resolution (R = 17.9% to 0.16-nm resolution). The mode of binding of the naturally occurring thermolysin inhibitor phosphoramidon reported previously [Weaver, L. H., Kester, W. R. and Matthews, B. W. (1977) J. Mol. Biol. 114, 119-132] has also been confirmed by crystallographic refinement (R = 17.4% to 0.23-nm resolution). Phosphoramidon binds to the enzyme with a single oxygen of the phosphoramidate moiety as a zinc ligand. Together with three ligands to the metal from the protein the resultant complex has approximately tetrahedral geometry. However, in the case of P-Leu-NH2, two of the phosphoramidate oxygens interact with the zinc to form a complex that tends towards pentacoordinate. In this respect, P-Leu-NH2 appears to be a better transition-state analog than is phosphoramidon. In addition, the phosphorus-nitrogen bond length in P-Leu-NH2 is 0.18 nm, suggesting that the nitrogen is protonated whereas the same bond in phosphoramidon is much shorter (0.15 nm) suggesting that the nitrogen does not carry a charge. In phosphoramidon the distance from the phosphoramide nitrogen to Glu-143 is 0.39 nm whereas in P-Leu-NH2 this distance decreases to 0.34 nm. Taken together, these observations provide additional evidence in support of the participation of pentacoordinate intermediates in the mechanism of action of thermolysin [Holmes, M. A. and Matthews, B. W. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 6912-6920] and the role of Glu-143 in first promoting the attack of a water molecule on the carbonyl carbon of the scissile bond and subsequently acting as a 'proton shuttle' to transfer the proton to the leaving nitrogen [Monzingo, A. F. and Matthews, B. W. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 5724-5729; Hangauer, D. G., Monzingo, A. F. and Matthews, B. W. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 5730-5741].  相似文献   

31P and 15N chemical shifts and 31P-15N bond lengths have been measured with solid-state NMR techniques in two inhibitors of thermolysin, carbobenzoxy-Glyp-L-Leu-L-Ala (ZGpLA) and carbobenzoxy-L-Phep-L-Leu-L-Ala (ZFpLA), both as free lithium salts and when bound to the enzyme. Binding of both inhibitors to thermolysin results in large changes in the 31P chemical shifts. These changes are more dramatic for the tighter binding inhibitor ZFpLA, where a approximately 20 ppm downfield movement of the 31P isotropic chemical shift (sigma iso) is observed. This shift is due to changes in the shift tensor elements sigma 11 and sigma 22, while sigma 33 remains essentially constant. We observed a similar pattern for ZGpLA, but only a approximately 5 ppm change occurs in sigma iso. The changes in the 15N chemical shifts for both inhibitors are small upon binding, amounting to downfield shifts of 2 and 4 ppm for ZGpLA and ZFpLA, respectively. This indicates that there are no changes in the protonation state of the 15N in either the ZFpLA- or the ZGpLA-thermolysin complex. NMR distance measurements yield a P-N bond length rP-N = 1.68 +/- 0.03 A for the tight binding inhibitor ZFpLA both in its free lithium salt form and in its thermolysin-ZFpLA complex, a distance that is much shorter than the 1.90-A distance reported by X-ray crystallography studies [Holden et al. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 8542-8553].(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A F Monzingo  B W Matthews 《Biochemistry》1984,23(24):5724-5729
The mode of binding of the specific thermolysin inhibitor N-(1-carboxy-3-phenylpropyl)-L-leucyl-L-tryptophan (KI approximately 5 X 10(-8) M) [Maycock, A. L., DeSousa, D. M., Payne, L. G., ten Broeke, J., Wu, M. T., & Patchett, A. A. (1981) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 102, 963-969] has been determined by X-ray crystallography and refined to an R value of 17.1% at 1.9-A resolution. The inhibitor binds to thermolysin with both oxygens of the N-carboxymethyl group liganded to the zinc to give overall pentacoordination of the metal. The bidentate ligation of the inhibitor differs from the monodentate binding seen previously for carboxylate-zinc interactions in thermolysin and is closer to the bidentate geometry observed for the binding of hydroxamates [Holmes, M. A., & Matthews, B. W. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 6912-6920]. The geometry of the inhibitor and its interactions with the protein have a number of elements in common with the presumed transition state formed during peptide hydrolysis. The observed zinc ligation supports the previous suggestion that a pentacoordinate intermediate participates in the mechanism of catalysis. However, the alpha-amino nitrogen of the inhibitor is close to Glu-143, suggesting that this residue might accept a proton from an attacking water molecule (as proposed before) and subsequently donate this proton to the leaving nitrogen. By analogy with thermolysin, it is proposed that a related mechanism should be considered for peptide cleavage by carboxypeptidase A.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A series of ketone-substrate analogues has been synthesized for the two classes of collagenases from Clostridium histolyticum and shown to be competitive inhibitors. These compounds have sequences that match those of specific peptide substrates for these enzymes. The best inhibitor is the ketone analogue of cinnamoyl-Leu-Gly-Pro-Pro, which has a KI value of 18 nM for epsilon-collagenase, a class II enzyme. This is the tightest binding inhibitor reported for any collagenase to date. Plots of log KI for the inhibitors vs log KM/kcat for the matched substrates for both collagenases are linear with slopes near unity, indicating that the ketones are transition-state analogues. This strongly implies that the ketone carbon atoms of these inhibitors are tetrahedral when bound to the enzymes.  相似文献   

M K Jain  W J Tao  J Rogers  C Arenson  H Eibl  B Z Yu 《Biochemistry》1991,30(42):10256-10268
More than 100 amphiphilic phosphoesters, possible tetrahedral transition-state analogues capable of coordinating to the calcium ion at the active site of phospholipase A2, were designed, synthesized, and tested as inhibitors for the hydrolysis of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphomethanol vesicles in the scooting mode. This assay system permits the study of structurally diverse inhibitors with phospholipase A2S from different sources, and it is not perturbed by factors that change the quality of the interface. As a prototype, 1-hexadecyl-3-trifluoroethylglycero-2-phosphomethanol (MJ33) was investigated in detail. Only the (S)-(+) analogue of MJ33 is inhibitory, and it is as effective as the sn-2 phosphonate or the sn-2 amide analogues of sn-3 phospholipids. The inhibitory potencies of the various phosphoesters depended strongly on the stereochemical and structural features, and the mole fractions of inhibitors required for 50% inhibition, X1(50), ranged from more than 1 to less than 0.001 mole fraction. The affinity of certain inhibitors for enzymes from different sources differed by more than 200-fold. The inhibitors protected the catalytic site residue His-48 from alkylation in the presence of calcium but not barium as expected if the formation of the EI complex is supported only by calcium. The equilibrium dissociation constant for the inhibitor bound to the enzyme at the interface was correlated with the XI(50) values, which were different if the inhibition was monitored in the pseudo-zero-order or the first-order region of the progress curve. These results show that the inhibitors described here interfered only with the catalytic turnover by phospholipase A2's bound to the interface, their binding to the enzyme occurred through calcium, and the inhibitors did not have any effect on the dissociation of the enzyme bound to the interface.  相似文献   

M Muehlbacher  C D Poulter 《Biochemistry》1988,27(19):7315-7328
Seven analogues of isopentenyl diphosphate (1) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (2) containing fluorine, epoxy, and ammonium functional groups irreversibly inhibited isopentenyl-diphosphate:dimethylallyl-diphosphate isomerase (EC from the mold Claviceps purpurea. Inactivation kinetics, substrate protection studies, and labeling experiments demonstrated that the analogues interacted stoichiometrically with the active site of the enzyme. Radioactive enzyme-inactivator complexes were stable to extended dialysis and treatment with chaotropic reagents. The complexes resulting from inactivation of isomerase by 3-(fluoromethyl)-3-buten-1-yl diphosphate (3) and 3,4-epoxy-3-methyl-1-butyl diphosphate (4) were also stable to ion-exchange chromatography and gel electrophoresis. Stoichiometric release of fluoride ion occurred during inactivation of isomerase with 3. This observation is consistent with SN2 or SN2' displacement of fluorine by an active-site nucleophile with concomitant covalent attachment of the inactivator to the enzyme. 2-(Dimethylamino)ethyl diphosphate (9) formed a stable noncovalent complex with isomerase with Kdis less than 1.2 x 10(-10) M. The enzyme-inhibitor complex was stable in 6 M urea, but the inhibitor was partially released upon treatment with SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol at 37 degrees C for 1 h. The results indicate that 9 is a transition-state/reactive intermediate analogue where the positively charged ammonium group mimics a tertiary carbocationic species in the enzyme-catalyzed reaction.  相似文献   

Inhibitors that are structurally related to the transition-state model of the proposed SN1-type mechanism of sialyl transfer, exhibit particularly high binding affinities to alpha(2-6)sialyltransferases. Furthermore, replacing the neuraminyl residue with a simple aryl or hetaryl ring and substituting the carboxylate group for a phosphonate moiety, improves both binding affinity and synthetic accessibility. Herein we report on the synthesis and inhibition of a wide range of novel, potent transition-state analogue based alpha(2-6)sialyltransferase inhibitors comprising a planar anomeric carbon, an increased distance between the anomeric carbon and the CMP leaving group, and at least two negative charges. We also present a short, efficient asymmetric synthesis of the most promising benzyl inhibitors, providing rapid access to large quantities of highly potent, stereochemically-pure (>96% de) inhibitors for further biological investigation (e.g.(R)-3b, Ki = 70 nM).  相似文献   

Analogues of tri- and tetrapeptide substrates of carboxypeptidase A in which the scissile peptide linkage is replaced with a phosphonate moiety (-PO2--O-) were synthesized and evaluated as inhibitors of the enzyme. The inhibitors terminated with either L-lactate or L-phenyllactate [designated (O) Ala and (O) Phe, respectively] in the P1' position. Transition-state analogy was shown for a series of 14 tri- and tetrapeptide derivatives containing the structure RCO-AlaP-(O)Ala [RCO-AP(O)A, AP indicates the phosphonic acid analogue of alanine] by the correlation of the Ki values for the inhibitors and the Km/kcat values for the corresponding amide substrates. This correlation supports a transition state for the enzymatic reaction that resembles the tetrahedral intermediate formed upon addition of water to the scissile carbonyl group. The inhibitors containing (O) Phe at the P1' position proved to be the most potent reversible inhibitors of carboxypeptidase A reported to date: the dissociation constants of ZAFP(O)F, ZAAP(O)F, and ZFAP(O)F are 4, 3, and 1 pM, respectively. Because of the high affinity of these inhibitors, their dissociation constants could not be determined by steady-state methods. Instead, the course of the association and dissociation processes was monitored for each inhibitor as its equilibrium with the enzyme was established in both the forward and reverse directions. A phosphonamidate analogue, ZAAPF, in which the peptide linkage is replaced with a -PO2-NH- moiety, was prepared and shown to hydrolyze rapidly at neutral pH (t1/2 = 20 min at pH 7.5). This inhibitor is bound an order of magnitude less tightly than the corresponding phosphonate, ZAAP(O)F, a result that contrasts with the 840-fold higher affinity of phosphonamidates for thermolysin [Bartlett, P. A., & Marlowe, C. K. (1987) Science 235, 569-571], a zinc peptidase with a similar arrangement of active-site catalytic residues.  相似文献   

Published in 2003. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The structures of the transition states for a variety of enzyme-catalyzed ribosyl group transfer reactions, determined by computational evaluation of multiple tritium and heavy atom kinetic isotope effects on these enzymatic reactions, have been found to show a considerable variation in the extent of bond cleavage at the ribosyl anomeric carbon. The calculated transition-state structures have been used to guide the design of high-affinity transition-state analogue inhibitors for 5'-methylthioadenosine nucleosidases with potential as therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

The structure of the thermolysin inhibitor phosphoramidon (N-(α-l-rhamnopyranosyl-oxyhydroxyphosphinyl)-l-leucyl-l-tryptophan bound to the crystalline enzyme has been determined to a resolution of 2.3 Å by X-ray crystallography. The study shows that the complex of phosphoramidon with thermolysin resembles that of the presumed catalytic transition state inferred from the geometry of binding of dipeptide inhibitors. Also, the study reveals the mode of binding of thermolysin substrates extended on the imino side of the scissile peptide bond.The crystallographic results are consistent with a variety of other studies on the catalytic activity of thermolysin, and suggest a mechanism of action which is analogous to one of the two alternative mechanisms proposed by Lipscomb and co-workers (1968) for carboxypeptidase A. Key features of the proposed mechanism are that the substrate is initially bound to the enzyme with the carbonyl oxygen of the scissile peptide liganded to the zinc; that Glu143 promotes the nucleophilic attack of a buried water molecule on the carbonyl carbon, forming a tetrahedral intermediate; and that His231 acts as a proton donor. The observed binding of phosphoramidon to thermolysin provides further evidence supporting the mechanism in which Glu143 acts as a general base, promoting the attack of water on the carbonyl carbon, rather than the alternative mechanism in which Glu143 attacks the carbonyl carbon directly, forming an anhydride intermediate.  相似文献   

The molecular structures of three phosphorus-based peptide inhibitors of aspartyl proteinases complexed with penicillopepsin [1, Iva-L-Val-L-Val-StaPOEt [Iva = isovaleryl, StaP = the phosphinic acid analogue of statine [(S)-4-amino-(S)-3-hydroxy-6-methylheptanoic acid] (IvaVVStaPOEt)]; 2, Iva-L-Val-L-Val-L-LeuP-(O)Phe-OMe [LeuP = the phosphinic acid analogue of L-leucine; (O)Phe = L-3-phenyllactic acid; OMe = methyl ester] [Iva VVLP(O)FOMe]; and 3, Cbz-L-Ala-L-Ala-L-LeuP-(O)-Phe-OMe (Cbz = benzyloxycarbonyl) [CbzAALP(O)FOMe]] have been determined by X-ray crystallography and refined to crystallographic agreement factors, R ( = sigma parallel to F0 magnitude of - Fc parallel to/sigma magnitude of F0), of 0.132, 0.131, and 0.134, respectively. These inhibitors were designed to be structural mimics of the tetrahederal transition-state intermediate encountered during aspartic proteinase catalysis. They are potent inhibitors of penicillopepsin with Ki values of 1, 22 nM; 2, 2.8 nM; and 3, 1600 nM, respectively [Bartlett, P. A., Hanson, J. E., & Giannousis, P. P. (1990) J. Org. Chem. 55, 6268-6274]. All three of these phosphorus-based inhibitors bind virtually identically in the active site of penicillopepsin in a manner that closely approximates that expected for the transition state [James, M. N. G., Sielecki, A.R., Hayakawa, K., & Gelb, M. H. (1992) Biochemistry 31, 3872-3886]. The pro-S oxygen atom of the two phosphonate inhibitors and of the phosphinate group of the StaP inhibitor make very short contact distances (approximately 2.4 A) to the carboxyl oxygen atom, O delta 1, of Asp33 on penicillopepsin. We have interpreted this distance and the stereochemical environment of the carboxyl and phosphonate groups in terms of a hydrogen bond that most probably has a symmetric single-well potential energy function. The pro-R oxygen atom is the recipient of a hydrogen bond from the carboxyl group of Asp213. Thus, we are able to assign a neutral status to Asp213 and a partially negatively charged status to Asp33 with reasonable confidence. Similar very short hydrogen bonds involving the active site glutamic acid residues of thermolysin and carboxypeptidase A and the pro-R oxygen of bound phosphonate inhibitors have been reported [Holden, H. M., Tronrud, D. E., Monzingo, A. F., Weaver, L. H., & Matthews, B. W. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 8542-8553; Kim, H., & Lipscomb, W. N. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 8171-8180].(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Inhibition of phosphatase and sulfatase by transition-state analogues   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The inhibition constants for vanadate, chromate, molybdate, and tungstate have been determined with Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase, potato acid phosphatase, and Helix pomatia aryl sulfatase. Vanadate was a potent inhibitor of all three enzymes. Inhibition of both phosphatases followed the order WO4(2-) greater than MoO4(2-) greater than CrO4(2-). The Ki values for potato acid phosphatase were about 3 orders of magnitude lower than those for alkaline phosphatase. Aryl sulfatase followed the reverse order of inhibition by group VI oxyanions. Phenol enhanced inhibition of alkaline phosphatase by vanadate and chromate but did not affect inhibition of acid phosphatase. Phenol enhanced inhibition of aryl sulfatase by metal oxyanions in all cases following the order H2VO4- greater than CrO4(2-) greater than MoO4(2-) greater than WO4(2-), and N-acetyltyrosine ethyl ester enhanced inhibition of aryl sulfatase by H2VO4- and CrO4(2-) more strongly than did phenol. It is apparent that the effectiveness of metal oxyanions as inhibitors of phosphatases and sulfatases can be selectively enhanced in the presence of other solutes. The relevance of these observations to the effects of transition metal oxyanions on protein phosphatases in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

The CBP (CREB (cAMP responsive element binding protein) binding protein) bromodomain (BRD) could recognize and bind with acetyl K382 of human tumor suppressor protein p53 which the mutation of encoding gene might cause human cancers. CBP-BRD serves as a promising drug target for several disease pathways and a series of effective drug have been discovered. In this study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and molecular mechanics generalized born surface area (MM-GB/SA) approaches were performed to investigate the different binding modes between five inhibitors with CBP-BRD. Based on the energy and conformation analyses, a potent core fragment is chosen to act as the starting point for new inhibitor design by means of LUDI and rational drug design approaches. Then, T.E.S.T and molinspirition were applied to evaluate oral bioavailability and drug promiscuity of the new molecules. These results shed light on the idea for further inhibitor design.  相似文献   

L C Kurz  E Weitkamp  C Frieden 《Biochemistry》1987,26(11):3027-3032
We have studied the effects of viscosogenic agents, sucrose and ficoll, on (1) the hydrolysis of adenosine and of 6-methoxypurine riboside catalyzed by adenosine deaminase and (2) the rates of association and dissociation of ground-state and transition-state analogue inhibitors. For adenosine, Vmax/Km is found to be inversely proportional to the relative viscosity with sucrose, an agent affecting the microscopic viscosity, while no effect is found with ficoll, an agent affecting the macroscopic viscosity. Viscosogenic agents have no effect on the kinetic constants for 6-methoxypurine riboside. Thus, the bimolecular rate constant, Vmax/Km = 11.2 +/- 0.8 microM-1 s-1, for the reaction with adenosine is found to be at the encounter-controlled limit while that for the reaction with the poor substrate 6-methoxypurine riboside, 0.040 +/- 0.004 microM-1 s-1, is limited by some other process. Viscosity-dependent processes do not make a significant (less than 10%) contribution to Vmax. The dissociation constants for inhibitors are unaffected by viscosity. The ground-state analogue inhibitor purine riboside appears to bind at a rate comparable to that of adenosine. However, the slower rates of association (0.16-2.5 microM-1 s-1) and dissociation (5 X 10(-6) to 12 s-1) of transition-state analogue inhibitors are affected by the viscosity of the medium to approximately the same extent as the encounter-controlled rates of association and dissociation of adenosine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Optically active N-formyl-N-hydroxy-alpha-phenylalanine methylamide (1) and N-formyl-N-hydroxy-beta-phenylalanine methylamide (2) were evaluated as inhibitors for thermolysin (TLN) to find that while the D-form is more potent than its enantiomer in the case of the hydroxamate of alpha-Phe-NHMe, in the inhibition with hydroxamate of beta-Phe-NHMe, the L-isomer (K(i)=1.66+/-0.05 microM) is more effective than its enantiomer. In order to shed light on the stereochemical preference observed in the inhibitions, X-ray crystallographic analyses of the crystalline TLN.D-1 and TLN.L-2 complexes were performed to the resolution of 2.1A. While L-2 binds TLN like substrate does with its benzyl aromatic ring occupying the S(1)' pocket, the electron density in the S(1)' pocket in the complex of TLN.D-1 is weak and could best be accounted for by the methylcarbamoyl moiety. For both inhibitors, the hydroxamate moiety coordinates the active site zinc ion in a bidentate fashion.  相似文献   

P A Bartlett  C K Marlowe 《Biochemistry》1987,26(26):8553-8561
A number of phosphonamidate and phosphonate tripeptide analogues have been studied as transition-state-analogue inhibitors of the zinc endopeptidase thermolysin. Those with the form Cbz-GlyP(Y)Leu-X [ZGP(Y)LX, X = NH2 or amino acid, Y = NH or O linkage] are potent (Ki = 9-760 nM for X = NH, 9-660 microM for X = O) but otherwise ordinary in their binding behavior, with second-order rate constants for association (kon) greater than 10(5) M-1 s-1. Those with the form Cbz-XP(Y)-Leu-Ala [ZXP(Y)LA,XP = alpha-substituted phosphorus amino acid analogue] are similarly potent (Ki for ZFPLA = 68 pM) but slow binding (kon less than or equal to 1300 M-1 s-1). Several kinetic mechanisms for slow binding behavior are considered, including two-step processes and those that require prior isomerization of inhibitor or enzyme to a rare form. The association rates of ZFPLA and ZFP(O)LA are first order in inhibitor concentration up to 1-2 mM, indicating that any loose complex along the binding pathway must have a dissociation constant above this value. The crystallographic investigation described in the preceding paper [Holden, H. M., Tronrud, D. E., Monzingo, A. F., Weaver, L. H., & Matthews, B. W. (1987) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)] identifies a specific water molecule in the active site that may hinder binding of the alpha-substituted inhibitors. The implication of this observation for a mechanism for slow binding is discussed.  相似文献   

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