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Nest-site selection by species is expected to be adaptive and lead to improved breeding productivity, but in some settings, there exist mismatches between preferred nesting habitat and breeding productivity. We tested the expectation that nest-site selection is adaptive in a sample of 63 nests of a long-lived social species that breeds and forages in groups: the critically endangered white-backed vulture (Gyps africanus). By studying breeding groups in the same area, we controlled for landscape-level effects on habitat selection and investigated how fine-scale nest-site characteristics affect breeding productivity. We developed models to assess how nine characteristics of nest sites selected by breeding vultures compared with 70 random trees and tested associations between these characteristics and breeding productivity. White-backed vultures selected nest sites in taller trees (>7 m), but neither tree height nor any other nest-site characteristics had a clear effect on breeding productivity. Vultures selected nest trees closer to each other than random trees, and the associations between nest density, nearest neighbour distance and breeding success were all positive. These positive associations and the absence of an observable effect between nest-site characteristics and breeding productivity suggest that for this semi-colonial breeder, the social imperative of proximity to conspecifics (i.e., nesting near other vultures and group foraging) may be more important than individual nest-site selection.  相似文献   

Human activities impact upon natural habitats used by birds for breeding and foraging, and lead to changes in the composition and spatial distribution of predator communities, mainly through loss, fragmentation and disturbance of formerly pristine habitat. Yet possible fitness consequences of such changes through impacts on bird nest-site selection remain poorly known. Here we study nest-site selection and reproductive success of Placid Greenbuls Phyllastrephus placidus in the Taita Hills, southeast Kenya. We show that habitat features associated with nest-site selection by this insectivorous, open-cup-nesting bird species vary among forest fragments that are exposed to different levels of habitat disturbance. Such differences in sites selected for breeding result from a plastic response to fragment-specific conditions or may be driven by fragment-specific variation in the distribution and availability of certain habitat features. Given the overall high nest predation rates in our study area, we expected variation in nest-site selection to correlate with reproductive success and nestling condition, but detected no such relationship. Because predator density and nest predation rates may vary strongly in space and time, a better understanding of spatio-temporal variation in predator communities is needed to assess the possible adaptive value of nest-site selection strategies for reducing the high predation rates that are typical for this and many other open-cup-nesting tropical passerines.  相似文献   

Conspecific nesting density affects many aspects of breeding biology, as well as habitat selection decisions. However, the large variations in breeding density observed in many species are yet to be fully explained. Here, we investigated the settlement patterns in a colonial species with variable breeding density and where resource distribution could be manipulated. The zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata, is a classic avian model in evolutionary biology but we know surprisingly very little about nest site selection strategies and nesting densities in this species, and in fact, in nomadic species in general. Yet, important determinants of habitat selection strategies, including temporal predictability and breeding synchrony, are likely to be different in nomadic species than in the non‐nomadic species studied to date. Here, we manipulated the distribution of nesting sites (by providing nest boxes) and food patches (feeders) to test four non‐exclusive habitat selection hypotheses that could lead to nest aggregation: 1) attraction to resources, 2) attraction to breeding conspecifics, and 3) attraction to successful conspecifics and 4) use of private information (i.e. own reproductive success on a site). We found that wild zebra finches used conspecific presence and possibly reproductive success, to make decisions over where to locate their nests, but did not aggregate around water or food within the study areas. Moreover, there was a high degree of inter‐individual variation in nesting density preference. We discuss the significance of our results for habitat selection strategy in nomadic species and with respect to the differential selection pressures that individuals breeding at different densities may experience.  相似文献   

Nest-site characteristics can have a strong impact on reproductive success in birds. Nest sites should simultaneously protect from predators, offer shelter and provide a favourable microclimate. We studied the relationship between three agents of natural selection (predators [i.e. Adders and birds/mammals], snowfall and microclimate), nest-site characteristics and reproductive success to determine whether these influenced preference for specific nest-site characteristics in the Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta . Pooled over all nests, the relative importance as agents of natural selection decreased from mammalian/avian predation (15% of all nests) through Adder predation (12%) to snowfall (7%), but there were clear differences in space and time. Predation by Adders selected for nest sites surrounded by few medium-sized shrubs. Selection by mammalian and avian predators favoured no specific nest-site characteristics. Protection from snowfall was best in nests surrounded by relatively few medium-sized shrubs. Microclimate had a strong influence on nestling survival and duration of nestling period. In nests on ENE-facing slopes, where maximum temperatures were reached in the morning, nestling survival was higher than on WSW-facing slopes, where temperature maxima occurred in the afternoon. Our results indicate that weak, but significant, directional selection is acting on preference for certain nest-site characteristics through effects on survival and development of nestlings. As predation and snowfall are unpredictable, the evolution of an optimal nest placement strategy is unlikely on a small scale. On a larger scale, however, choice of one breeding area over another may be favoured because of predictable differences between locations in terms of survival and nestling development.  相似文献   

Choice of nest site has important consequences for nest survival. We examined nest-site characteristics relative to nest success in Karoo Prinias breeding in coastal dwarf shrubland, where high nest predation is the main cause of nest failure. Initially, we compared nests that failed during the building, laying, incubation and nestling stages and those from which young were successfully raised, to test whether nests that survived to progressive stages in the nesting cycle differed in their nest-site characteristics. Subsequently, we compared the characteristics of successful nests with those of unsuccessful nests. The nest-site characteristics considered included nest height, nest-plant height, nest-plant species, distance from lateral foliage edge, nest concealment, nest-patch heterogeneity and vegetation cover at four different heights. We were unable to distinguish between the nest-site characteristics of nests that failed during the various stages of the nesting cycle. Concealment was the main nest-site characteristic that differentiated successful nests from unsuccessful nests, with successful nests being located in more concealed sites. The other variables that contributed to the discrimination between successful and unsuccessful nests by discriminant function analysis included nest-plant type and distance from edge, which are also directly related to concealment. This suggests that nest concealment is the most important variable influencing nesting success at this site, which has a preponderance of visually-oriented predators.  相似文献   

When opposing evolutionary selection pressures act on a behavioural trait, the result is often stabilizing selection for an intermediate optimal phenotype, with deviations from the predicted optimum attributed to tracking a moving target, development of behavioural syndromes or shifts in riskiness over an individual''s lifetime. We investigated nest-site choice by female golden-winged warblers, and the selection pressures acting on that choice by two fitness components, nest success and fledgling survival. We observed strong and consistent opposing selection pressures on nest-site choice for maximizing these two fitness components, and an abrupt, within-season switch in the fitness component birds prioritize via nest-site choice, dependent on the time remaining for additional nesting attempts. We found that females consistently deviated from the predicted optimal behaviour when choosing nest sites because they can make multiple attempts at one fitness component, nest success, but only one attempt at the subsequent component, fledgling survival. Our results demonstrate a unique natural strategy for balancing opposing selection pressures to maximize total fitness. This time-dependent switch from high to low risk tolerance in nest-site choice maximizes songbird fitness in the same way a well-timed switch in human investor risk tolerance can maximize one''s nest egg at retirement. Our results also provide strong evidence for the adaptive nature of songbird nest-site choice, which we suggest has been elusive primarily due to a lack of consideration for fledgling survival.  相似文献   

Federally endangered interior least terns (Sternula antillarum) nest on bare or sparsely vegetated sandbars on midcontinent river systems. Loss of nesting habitat has been implicated as a cause of population declines, and managing these habitats is a major initiative in population recovery. One such initiative involves construction of mid-channel sandbars on the Missouri River, where natural sandbar habitat has declined in quantity and quality since the late 1990s. We evaluated nest-site habitat selection by least terns on constructed and natural sandbars by comparing vegetation, substrate, and debris variables at nest sites (n = 798) and random points (n = 1,113) in bare or sparsely vegetated habitats. Our logistic regression models revealed that a broader suite of habitat features was important in nest-site selection on constructed than on natural sandbars. Odds ratios for habitat variables indicated that avoidance of habitat features was the dominant nest-site selection process on both sandbar types, with nesting terns being attracted to nest-site habitat features (gravel and debris) and avoiding vegetation only on constructed sandbars, and avoiding silt and leaf litter on both sandbar types. Despite the seemingly uniform nature of these habitats, our results suggest that a complex suite of habitat features influences nest-site choice by least terns. However, nest-site selection in this social, colonially nesting species may be influenced by other factors, including spatial arrangement of bare sand habitat, proximity to other least terns, and prior habitat occupancy by piping plovers (Charadrius melodus). We found that nest-site selection was sensitive to subtle variation in habitat features, suggesting that rigor in maintaining habitat condition will be necessary in managing sandbars for the benefit of least terns. Further, management strategies that reduce habitat features that are avoided by least terns may be the most beneficial to nesting least terns. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We compared the breeding phenology and clutch size of Choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in three Spanish areas that differed in feeding habitat, breeding environmental conditions and the distribution and availability of different nesting sites (cliffs or artefacts). The variation in the timing of laying seemed to be related to differences in climatic conditions determined by the altitude. The variation in clutch size was associated with the different use that Choughs made of the feeding areas because of the contrasting availability and distribution of their nesting sites. Within southeastern Madrid, clutch size of the Chough decreased and its variance increased at high nest densities on cliff sites, suggesting that density dependence in fecundity arises from habitat heterogeneity rather than by interference. At high densities, individuals, territories, nest sites or a combination of these may differ in quality, thus promoting differences and increasing the variance in the initial investment of reproductive effort. The syncronization of the onset of laying at increased breeding densities suggests that social influences arising from communal foraging or avoidance of predation by early warning and predator swamping may be acting also. We suggest that nest-site availability and distribution have a major influence on the social organization of Choughs through their breeding and foraging strategies.  相似文献   

Animal movement and habitat selection behavior are important considerations in ecology, and remain a major issue for successful animal reintroductions. However, simple rules are often used to model movement or focus only on intrinsic environmental cues, neglecting recent insights in behavioral ecology on habitat selection processes. In particular, social information has been proposed as a widespread source of information for habitat evaluation.
We investigated the role of explicit breeding habitat selection strategies on the establishment pattern of reintroduced populations and their persistence. We considered local movement at the scale of a single population. We constructed a spatially-implicit demographic model that considered five breeding habitat selection rules: 1) random, 2) intrinsic habitat quality, 3) avoidance of conspecifics, 4) presence of conspecifics and 5) reproductive success of conspecifics. The impact of breeding habitat selection was examined for different release methods under various levels of environmental heterogeneity levels, for both long and short-lived monogamous species.
When heterogeneity between intrinsic habitat patch qualities is high, the persistence of reintroduced populations strongly depends on habitat selection strategies. Strategies based on intrinsic quality and conspecific reproductive success lead to a lower reintroduction failure risk than random, conspecific presence or avoidance-based strategies. Conspecific presence or avoidance-based strategies may aggregate individuals in suboptimal habitats. The release of adults seems to be more efficient independent of habitat selection strategy.
We emphasize the crucial role of oriented habitat selection behavior and non ideal habitat selection in movement modeling, particularly for reintroduction.  相似文献   

To nest in the same breeding area, territory or even nest-site in successive years may provide a possibility to look at mechanisms involved in breeding habitat selection and could also be an important tool for conservation, management and restoration attempts. In this study we examine site fidelity towards the breeding area as well as the nesting site in a dense and stable population of the Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor, a long-distance migrant and highly endangered passerine species, at its present northern border of its breeding range. Overall we recovered 48 out of 146 (32.8%) adults between 1996 and 2000. Recovery rate is significantly higher for males (31 of 77, 40.25%) than for females (17 of 69, 24.6%). Recovery rate of nestlings is much lower since only 51 of 790 (6.5%) were recovered and there is no significant sex difference. Furthermore, our results from 1989 to 2000 revealed that more than 30% (97/319) of the nests were built in the same nest tree in successive years and more than half (183/319 = 57.4%) of the nests in the same or neighboring trees (up to 20 m), but very seldom by the same individuals. The fact that nest reuse in successive years is almost exclusively done by different individuals suggests habitat copying and public information of individual birds. Due to optimal ecological breeding conditions other parameters like inbreeding avoidance or increased genetic variability could be important factors in nest-site selection strategies and consequently result in a “disperse over stay strategy”.  相似文献   

Variation in nest concealment is puzzling given the expected strong selection for safe nest sites. Selecting a concealed nest may decrease the risk of clutch predation but hinder parents from escaping predators, providing a possible solution to this paradox. Because the relative value of current versus future reproduction may vary with breeder age or state, nest concealment may also vary as a function of these attributes. We tested four predictions of the female and clutch safety trade-off hypothesis in eiders (Somateria mollissima): (1) nest concealment is negatively related to escape possibilities, (2) our capture rate of females is higher in covered nests, (3) egg predation is higher in open nests, and (4) overall nest success is unrelated to nest habitat. We also analysed nest microhabitat preferences and nest success relative to breeder age and body condition, controlling for nest spatial centrality. As expected, nest concealment and potential escape angle were negatively related, and capture by us, indicating female predation vulnerability, increased with nest cover. Clutch size was smaller in open nests, suggesting higher partial clutch predation, while it was larger among experienced and good-condition breeders. The probability of successful hatching was unrelated to nest habitat, positively associated with breeder experience, and negatively associated with hatching date. Experienced females selected more concealed and centrally located nests without sacrificing potential escape angles. The age-specific spatial distribution of nests on islands was unrelated to nest initiation dates, indicating no apparent competition. The age-specific preference of eiders for concealed nests may reflect declining reproductive value with age or confidence in surviving despite selecting a concealed nest. The apparently positive relationship between female age and survival and fecundity in eiders refutes the former alternative. Individual improvement in choosing safe nest sites, coupled with differential survival of individuals performing well, most likely explains age-specific nest-site preference and success.  相似文献   

Predation, the most important source of nest mortality in altricial birds, has been a subject of numerous studies during past decades. However, the temporal dynamics between changing predation pressures and parental responses remain poorly understood. We analysed characteristics of 524 nests of European reed warblers monitored during six consecutive breeding seasons in the same area, and found some support for the shifting nest predation refuge hypothesis. Nest site characteristics were correlated with nest fate, but a nest with the same nest-site attributes could be relatively safe in one season and vulnerable to predation in another. Thus nest predation refuges were ephemeral and there was no between-season consistency in nest predation patterns. Reed warblers that lost their first nests in a given season did not disperse farther for the subsequent reproductive attempt, compared to successful individuals, but they introduced more changes to their second nest sites. In subsequent nests, predation risk remained constant for birds that changed nest-site characteristics, but increased for those that did not. At the between-season temporal scale, individual birds did not perform better with age in terms of reducing nest predation risk. We conclude that the experience acquired in previous years may not be useful, given that nest predation refuges are not stable.  相似文献   

Birds selecting a nest site have to find the best compromise between the risk of encountering predation, the availability of food near to the nest and microclimatic requirements. As the optimal solution of this problem will vary with changes in predator abundance, we ask whether birds are capable of assessing such changes and of adjusting their nest-site choice accordingly. The reproductive success of dusky warblers Phylloscopus fuscatus , breeding in a mosaic of bushland and tundra habitat in the Russian Far East, varied greatly depending on the abundance of a nest predator, the Siberian chipmunk Tamias sibiricus . Using artificial nests we analysed which strategies dusky warblers should follow to avoid nest predation by chipmunks. We then compared the nest sites which dusky warblers actually had chosen in years with very high chipmunk densities (1998 and 1999) with those chosen in 1997, when chipmunks were almost absent from the study area. We found that safe nest-sites were preferred over those offering other advantages (microclimate, proximity to food) when the risk of predation was high, and we could not detect any confounding factor that might alternatively have caused these striking between-year differences. Our study suggests that even a short-lived passerine may be capable of choosing its nest site according to the actual predation risk. We show that such behavioural plasticity can lead to a paradoxical situation where better-protected nest-sites (selected in years and areas with high risk), on average, suffer greater predation than sites offering low safety. Thus, behavioural plasticity, if undetected, may result in serious misinterpretation of nest-predation patterns. A review of the literature suggests that adaptive plasticity in nest placement may be more widespread than is currently recognized.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of nest-site quality and bird quality on breeding performance in male and female Merlins Falco columbarius from a long-term study in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. In addition, we tested whether nest-site quality was associated with survival, as well as lifetime reproductive success (LRS). For females, nest-site quality had little influence on any of the measures of breeding performance or survival. Even so, when females switched nest-sites, they tended to move to better ones. Hatch date was repeatable for the same females occupying different nest-sites but not for the same sites occupied by different females. Among males, birds surviving past each age category tended to occupy nest-sites of higher quality, and LRS was positively correlated with nest-site quality. The relationship between nest-site quality and LRS was heavily influenced by the poorest nest-sites. When males switched nest-sites, they too tended to move to ones of higher quality. In addition, chick hatch date was repeatable neither for the same males occupying different sites nor for the same sites occupied by different males. As with most other raptors, male Merlins provide most of the food for the pair and their young during the breeding season, and differences in nest-site quality may have affected the effort needed by males to secure food. Female Merlins, however, appear still to have considerable control over the timing of breeding.  相似文献   

According to the "habitat copying" hypothesis, animals use thereproductive performance of conspecifics to assess habitat suitabilityand choose their future breeding site. This is because conspecificsshare ecological needs and thus indicate habitat suitability.Here, we propose the "heterospecific habitat copying" hypothesis,which states that animals should use public information (i.e.,information derived from the performance of others) from con-and heterospecifics sharing ecological needs. In a correlationalapproach we test some assumptions and predictions of this hypothesiswith a data set from two sympatric bird populations, rollers(Coracias garrulus) and kestrels (Falco tinnunculus), usingthe same nest-boxes and exploiting similar food resources. Sincekestrels are residents and breed earlier, we assumed that theyare dominant over rollers for nest-box acquisition. The environmentappears to be patchy for both species and temporally predictablefor kestrels only. Two results suggest that the use of heterospecificpublic information in breeding habitat selection may be at work:(1) an increase in the reoccupancy probability by kestrels ofprevious roller nests with increasing nest success, and (2)an increase in roller breeding population with increasing localkestrel success. Most of the other observed patterns could beexplained by alternative mechanisms such as natal philopatry,breeding fidelity, conspecific attraction, intraspecific habitatcopying, and the effect of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Capsule Predation is a major factor influencing the breeding success of Red-breasted Flycatchers under natural conditions.

Aims To examine the breeding success of Red-breasted Flycatchers in relation to nest-site characteristics and time of breeding.

Methods Data were collected during seven breeding seasons under natural conditions in Bia?owie?a National Park. We used survival time analysis to estimate changes in survival probability over time and breeding success in relation to first-egg date and nest-site characteristics.

Results Offspring fledged successfully from 51% of clutches, but the Kaplan–Meier estimate of survival was lower at 0.43. Of the unsuccessful clutches, 82% were lost to predators. The highest probability of loss was during egg-laying and in the second half of incubation. Breeding success was influenced by the height of the nest above the ground, but no relation to other nest-site characteristics was found.

Conclusion To avoid predation Red-breasted Flycatchers build nests in various sites that are more open than most cavity-nesting species. The position of the nest-sites allows the sitting female to observe her surroundings and to escape rapidly from the nest, giving the chance for a replacement clutch.  相似文献   

Numerous hypotheses have been proposed to explain variation in reproductive performance and local recruitment of animals. While most studies have examined the influence of one or a few social and ecological factors on fitness traits, comprehensive analyses jointly testing the relative importance of each of many factors are rare. We investigated how a multitude of environmental and social conditions simultaneously affected reproductive performance and local recruitment of the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio (L.). Specifically, we tested hypotheses relating to timing of breeding, parental quality, nest predation, nest site selection, territory quality, intraspecific density and weather. Using model selection procedures, predictions of each hypothesis were first analysed separately, before a full model was constructed including variables selected in the single-hypothesis tests. From 1988 to 1992, 50% of 332 first clutches produced at least one fledgling, while 38.7% of 111 replacement clutches were successful. Timing of breeding, nest site selection, predation pressure, territory quality and intraspecific density influenced nest success in the single-hypothesis tests. The full model revealed that nest success was negatively associated with laying date, intraspecific density, and year, while nest success increased with nest concealment. Number of fledglings per successful nest was only influenced by nest concealment: better-camouflaged nests produced more fledglings. Probability of local recruitment was related to timing of breeding, parental quality and territory quality in the single-hypothesis tests. The full models confirmed the important role of territory quality for recruitment probability. Our results suggest that reproductive performance, and particularly nest success, of the red-backed shrike is primarily affected by timing of breeding, nest site selection, and intraspecific density. This study highlights the importance of considering many factors at the same time, when trying to evaluate their relative contributions to fitness and life history evolution.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

The reproductive success of a population of Blackbirds Turdus merula occupying farmland and woodland was studied over 3 years to investigate the effects of habitat on breeding success. Territory distribution was patchy in both farmland and woodland; some areas were unoccupied, while other areas were occupied at variable densities. Habitat structure appeared to influence occupation: the index of habitat complexity ("cover score") was higher in occupied areas than in unoccupied areas and high-density territories had higher cover scores than low-density territories. However, habitat structure had no significant effect on reproductive success because the cover scores of territories where pairs were successful did not differ significantly from those of territories where there were no successful breeding attempts. There was no evidence of differential mortality rates in adults according to habitat. The height, bulk and exposure of c. 430 nests were measured to determine the effect of nest and nest-site characteristics on reproductive success. Nest exposure was the only feature that differed between successful and failed nests, successful nests being less exposed than failed nests. The major cause of breeding failure was nest predation, but the effect of nest exposure operated only during the laying and incubation period and not during the nestling period. The significance of habitat structure for variation in population densities between habitats is discussed.  相似文献   

To select their future breeding site, individuals usually have to assess local quality by using environmental cues. One optimal cue may be ‘public information’, the local reproductive success of conspecifics in a breeding patch (patch reproductive success) because it integrates the effect of all environmental factors on breeding success. However, the quality of information conveyed by patch reproductive success is likely to depend on (1) environmental predictability and (2) interactions between individuals. We investigated how these two factors, ignored by previous models, affect the performance of individuals using patch reproductive success for breeding habitat selection compared with other information. We built a two-patch, game-theoretical model to compare the success of a strategy of breeding habitat selection based on patch reproductive success relative to four other strategies: (1) random patch choice; (2) philopatry; (3) choice based on the presence of conspecifics the previous year (conspecific attraction); and (4) choice based on intrinsic patch quality the previous year. The results illustrate how the efficiency of strategies in tracking variations in patch quality depend on environmental predictability and costs linked to density dependence, themselves linked to the dynamics of spatial aggregation of individuals. In particular, strategies based on measures of patch reproductive success perform the best for intermediate and high temporal predictability of patch quality, whereas philopatry and conspecific attraction then perform poorly. The ‘conspecific attraction’ strategy always coexists with other strategies by efficiently parasitizing the information they use. We discuss the implications of a better understanding of breeding habitat selection behaviours for evolutionary and conservation biology. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Animals are expected to select a breeding habitat using cues that should reflect, directly or not, the fitness outcome of the different habitat options. However, human‐induced environmental changes can alter the relationships between habitat characteristics and their fitness consequences, leading to maladaptive habitat choices. The most severe case of such nonideal habitat selection is the ecological trap, which occurs when individuals prefer to settle in poor‐quality habitats while better ones are available. Here, we studied the adaptiveness of nest box selection in a tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) population breeding over a 10‐year period in a network of 400 nest boxes distributed along a gradient of agricultural intensification in southern Québec, Canada. We first examined the effects of multiple environmental and social habitat characteristics on nest box preference to identify potential settlement cues. We then assessed the links between those cues and habitat quality as defined by the reproductive performance of individuals that settled early or late in nest boxes. We found that tree swallows preferred nesting in open habitats with high cover of perennial forage crops, high spring insect biomass, and high density of house sparrows (Passer domesticus), their main competitors for nest sites. They also preferred nesting where the density of breeders and their mean number of fledglings during the previous year were high. However, we detected mismatches between preference and habitat quality for several environmental variables. The density of competitors and conspecific social information showed severe mismatches, as their relationships to preference and breeding success went in opposite direction under certain circumstances. Spring food availability and agricultural landscape context, while related to preferences, were not related to breeding success. Overall, our study emphasizes the complexity of habitat selection behavior and provides evidence that multiple mechanisms may potentially lead to an ecological trap in farmlands.  相似文献   

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