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Summary Five lines of Drosophila melanogaster that reached an extreme phenotype after long-term selection for increased dorsocentral bristle number, were analysed for the presence of lethals. Seven chromosome II and three chromosome III lethal types were detected in four of the lines, at frequencies ranging from between 6% and 36%. No lethal had any demonstrable effect over the selected trait. In one line, where almost every chromosome II was a lethal carrier, it was shown that the main lethal (at a frequency of 36%) was associated with the transmission ratio distortion in males. The processes which could lead to the accumulation of this lethal and others linked in disequilibrium to it is discussed. Some results suggest similar mechanisms for the accumulation of lethals in the other lines. These findings show that causes other than the direct effect of artificial selection must be taken into account when trying to explain the accumulation of lethals in selected lines.  相似文献   

The Drosophila inner photoreceptors R7 and R8 are responsible for color vision and their differentiation starts at the third instar larval stage. Only a handful of genes with R7 or R8-cell-specific expression are known. We performed an enhancer-trap screen using a novel piggyBac transposable element, pBGay, carrying a Gal4 sequence under the control of the P promoter to identify novel genes expressed specifically in R7 or R8 cells. From this screen, three lines were analyzed in detail: piggyBacAC109 and piggyBacAC783 are expressed in R8 cells and piggyBacAC887 is expressed in R7 cells at the third instar larval stage and pupal stages. Molecular analysis showed that the piggyBac elements were inserted into the first intron of CG14160 and CG7985 genes and the second intron of unzipped. We show the expression pattern in the developing eye imaginal disc, pupal retina as well as the adult retina. The photoreceptor-specific expression of these genes is reported for the first time and we propose that these lines are useful tools for studying the development of the visual system.  相似文献   

Martin F  Kim MS  Gomez-Diaz C  Hovemann B  Alcorta E 《Genetica》2006,128(1-3):359-372
Enhancer trap P-element insertion has become a common method for generating new mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. When this method is used to isolate mutants for quantitative traits, an appropriate control must be established to define normal and mutant phenotypes. Considering that enhancer-trap lines are generated by crossing several strains, usually with no homogeneous genetic background, no clear control strain can be selected. Previous reports tried to overcome this problem by homogenizing the genetic background of the original lines. However, this is not the most common scenario, especially when functional phenotypes are studied in previously generated lines. Without such caution, is it possible to identify functional mutants among P-element insertion lines? We tested this for olfactory preference, a quantitative trait. Using as control measurement the average phenotype of 30 simultaneously generated P-element insertion lines with preferential reporter-gene expression in olfactory reception organs, we found that 25 of the lines exhibited mutant phenotypes in response to one or several of 5 tested odorants. Additional tests showed that the efficiency of the method for detecting olfactory mutations exceeded 60% even for such a small number of tested odorants. According to these results this approach greatly facilitates the identification of putative abnormal phenotypes, which must be extensively confirmed afterwards.  相似文献   

The lymph gland is the major site of hematopoiesis in Drosophila. During late larval stages three types of hemocytes are produced, plasmatocytes, crystal cells, and lamellocytes, and their differentiation is tightly controlled by conserved factors and signaling pathways. JAK/STAT is one of these pathways which have essential roles in vertebrate and fly hematopoiesis. We show that Stat has opposing cell-autonomous and non-autonomous functions in hemocyte differentiation. Using a clonal approach we established that loss of Stat in a set of prohemocytes in the cortical zone induces plasmatocyte maturation in adjacent hemocytes. Hemocytes lacking Stat fail to differentiate into plasmatocytes, indicating that Stat positively and cell-autonomously controls plasmatocyte differentiation. We also identified the GATA factor pannier (pnr) as a downstream target of Stat. By analyzing the phenotypes resulting from clonal loss and over-expression of pnr in lymph glands, we find that Pnr is positively regulated by Stat and specifically required for the differentiation of plasmatocytes. Stat and Pnr represent two essential factors controlling blood cell maturation in the developing lymph gland and exert their functions both in a cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous manner.  相似文献   

Hairu Yang 《Fly》2016,10(3):115-122
Several signaling pathways, including the JAK/STAT and Toll pathways, are known to activate blood cells (hemocytes) in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. They are believed to regulate the immune response against infections by parasitoid wasps, such as Leptopilina boulardi, but how these pathways control the hemocytes is not well understood. Here, we discuss the recent discovery that both muscles and fat body take an active part in this response. Parasitoid wasp infection induces Upd2 and Upd3 secretion from hemocytes, leading to JAK/STAT activation mainly in hemocytes and in skeletal muscles. JAK/STAT activation in muscles, but not in hemocytes, is required for an efficient encapsulation of wasp eggs. This suggests that Upd2 and Upd3 are important cytokines, coordinating different tissues for the cellular immune response in Drosophila. In the fat body, Toll signaling initiates a systemic response in which hemocytes are mobilized and activated hemocytes (lamellocytes) are generated. However, the contribution of Toll signaling to the defense against wasps is limited, probably because the wasps inject inhibitors that prevent the activation of the Toll pathway. In conclusion, parasite infection induces a systemic response in Drosophila larvae involving major organ systems and probably the physiology of the entire organism.  相似文献   

Two leucine aminopeptidases from Drosophila melanogaster larvae have been partially purified. The LAP A and D enzymes have similar biochemical characteristics including molecular weights of 280,000 daltons, Michaelis-Menten constants of 0.05 mM, associations with metal cofactors, and specificities toward natural and chromogenic substrates. They differ in their pH optima and spatial distributions. If the closely linked genes that code for these enzymes have resulted from a tandem gene duplication event, it is suggested that there has been subsequent evolutionary divergence. This would provide Drosophila larvae with two related, but functionally distinct enzymes.Virginia K. Walker was supported by an NRC Predoctoral Scholarship and a Killam Merit Scholarship.  相似文献   

  • 1 In Drosophila melanogaster, the cold-shock tolerance of adult flies at -7°C increased 22% after a prior 2h exposure to 4°C as measured by LD50, the dose (degree minutes of exposure to subzero temperature) which resulted in 50% mortality.
  • 2 Cold-shock tolerance was further significantly increased by selecting cold resistant lines by exposure of adults (1) to 4°C for 2 h (short-term chilling), or (2) to -7°C for 80–120 min (cold shock), or (3) to short-term chilling followed by cold-shock.
  • 3 After ten generations of selection, the greatest increase in cold-shock tolerance was found in flies selected using the combined exposure of short-term chilling and cold shock. LD50s increased 33% in comparison with the unselected control strain when no chilling pre-treatment was given prior to cold shock at -7°C.
  • 4 The rapid cold-hardening response increased 82% in the line selected by the short-term chilling and cold-shock regime.
  • 5 The enhanced cold-shock tolerance was relatively stable since no decrease was observed after four generations without selection.
  • 6 This report shows the role of short-term adaptation as well as selection in the capacity to survive low temperatures in non-diapausing stages of insects.

Summary Four synthetic lines of D. melanogaster selected for low sternopleural bristle number for 50 generations were screened for lethals on chromosome III when their mean score equalled 2.5. Each line originated from a cross between line M (previously selected for the same trait during 130 generations) and a different unselected cage population. Line M was already known to carry a recessive lethal on chromosome III affecting the selected trait, such that the bristle score of the lethal heterozygote was lower than that of the viable homozygote. Tests revealed 18 lethals, 15 of these present in at least two lines. Each line carried from 10 to 16 lethals. All lines carried groups of lethals present on the same chromosome, and at least six lethals in each line were included in such an association with a frequency of 0.18 or higher. It appears that the lethal affecting bristle score in line M has protected a segment of chromosome III from natural selection and that the remaining 14 lethals have accumulated later in that line.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity is essential for ethanol tolerance, but its role may not be restricted to alcohol metabolism alone. Here we describe ADH activity and Adh expression level upon selection for increased alcohol tolerance in different life-stages of D. melanogaster lines with two distinct Adh genotypes: Adh(FF) and Adh(SS). We demonstrate a positive within genotype response for increased alcohol tolerance. Life-stage dependent selection was observed in larvae only. A slight constitutive increase in adult ADH activity for all selection regimes and genotypes was observed, that was not paralleled by Adh expression. Larval Adh expression showed a constitutive increase, that was not reflected in ADH activity. Upon exposure to environmental ethanol, sex, selection regime life stage and genotype appear to have differential effects. Increased ADH activity accompanies increased ethanol tolerance in D. melanogaster but this increase is not paralleled by expression of the Adh gene.  相似文献   

Complex activities require precise coordination of their components for successful action. The genetic basis underlying coordination of traits may range from relatively static pleiotropic associations to more flexible genetic associations that recombine in phenotypes under continuous selective modification by the environment. Successful flight in insects depends on the precise integration of numerous component physiological processes. Here we examine the genetic basis of two of its components, flight duration and rate. To study flight we created recombinant inbred populations from stocks of this laboratory known for their significantly longer duration flights. A heritable basis for these traits was found and determined to be positively correlated between sexes. Correlations of flight length with rate were negative within sexes, suggesting a trade-off, but were significant in males only. Composite interval mapping using the recombinant inbred (RI2) design was used to locate the QTLs for these traits and test for pleiotropy. Four QTLs affecting duration or wing beat rate were found on chromosomes II and III. Tests for pleiotropy showed some effects on traits of QTLs were common to both sexes while others were sex-specific. No QTL was pleiotropic for both traits, suggesting that correlations between flight duration and rate of wing beat are determined by a combination of linkage and environmental factors.  相似文献   

(1) Lines of Drosophila melanogaster were “laboratory naturally” or artificially selected under five thermal regimes. (2) Hsp70 expression per unit protein after heat hardening and heat-shock resistance with and without prior hardening were measured. (3) Differences between the selection regimes in the responses of these traits suggest that thermal resistance can be changed independently of inducible Hsp70 expression. (4) Adult males had higher survival than females but did not differ in inducible Hsp70 expression per unit protein after heat hardening. (5) Larvae expressed less Hsp70 per unit protein than adults after heat hardening.  相似文献   

Isofemale lines of two populations of Drosophila melanogaster, originating from France and Tanzania, were examined over a range of temperatures. Morphological traits showed distinct patterns in phenotypic plasticity; flies of the two populations differed in shape. Genotype-by-Environment (G*E) interactions were frequently found in the Tanzania population, but were hardly present in the France population. If G*E interaction was present over temperature, estimates of additive genetic variance and additive genetic covariance were made to compare theoretical models with our data. The conclusion is that in France Drosophila melanogaster has been selected over a wider range of temperatures, resulting in parallel reaction norms of more optimal slope. In contrast, selection must have taken place over a narrower temperature range in Tanzanian flies, and will have exerted no direct influence on the slope of the reaction norm.  相似文献   

Neuropeptides affect an extremely diverse set of physiological processes. Neuropeptides are often coreleased with neurotransmitters but, unlike neurotransmitters, the neuropeptide target cells may be distant from the site(s) of secretion. Thus, it is often difficult to measure the amount of neuropeptide release in vivo by electrophysiological methods. Here we establish an in vivo system for studying the developmental expression, processing, transport, and release of neuropeptides. A GFP‐tagged atrial natriuretic factor fusion (preproANF‐EMD) was expressed in the Drosophila nervous system with the panneural promoter, elav. During embryonic development, proANF‐EMD was first seen to accumulate in synaptic regions of the CNS in stage 17 embryos. By the third instar larval stage, highly fluorescent neurons were evident throughout the CNS. In the adult, fluorescence was pronounced in the mushroom bodies, antennal lobe, and the central complex. At the larval neuromuscular junction, proANF‐EMD was concentrated in nerve terminals. We compared the release of proANF‐EMD from synaptic boutons of NMJ 6/7, which contain almost exclusively glutamate‐containing clear vesicles, to those of NMJ 12, which include the peptidergic type III boutons. Upon depolarization, approximately 60% of the tagged neuropeptide was released from NMJs of both muscles in 15 min, as assayed by decreased fluorescence. Although the elav promoter was equally active in the motor neurons that innervate both NMJs 6/7 and 12, NMJ 12 contained 46‐fold more neuropeptide and released much more proANF‐EMD during stimulation than did NMJ 6/7. Our results suggest that peptidergic neurons have an enhanced ability to accumulate and/or release neuropeptides as compared to neurons that primarily release classical neurotransmitters. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 49: 159–172, 2001  相似文献   

We examined the effect of aging on the expression of ubiquitin RNA and the binding of the ubiquitin polypeptide to proteins following heat shock in Drosophila melanogaster. Heat-shocked adult flies transcribe two major RNA species-one of 4.4 kb and one of about 6 kb that hybridize to the polyubiquitin-encoding probe. Several less abundant RNAs were also observed but the 4.4-kb band was present as the major RNA species in both stressed and nonstressed flies of both ages. The 6-kb fragment was more abundant in heat shocked aged flies than in younger flies. The quantitative expression of the polyubiquitin gene increased in proportion to the duration of the heat stress. Moreover, the induction of the polyubiquitin RNA was markedly elevated during aging following heat shock. Hybridization of Northern blots with the monoubiquitin gene probe revealed a band of 0.9 kb that was not significantly affected by heat stress. We also investigated the relationship between the changes in polyubiquitin gene expression and the formation of ubiquitin-protein complexes in aging heat-shocked flies. Heat shock to old flies results in a significant increase in the level of proteins immunoprecipitated by anti-ubiquitin antibodies. In the case of proteins synthesized 2 h before heat shock, most of the ubiquitinated proteins were of high molecular weight. For those proteins synthesized during a 30-min heat shock and the 2 h following heat shock, two major immunoprecipitated bands were observed: an 80-kD and a 70-kD polypeptide. The ubiquitination of a 60 kD protein was also observed in nonstressed flies, but its for mation was drastically reduced following heat shock. For proteins synthesized during and after heat shock from both age groups, the major ubiquitinated polypeptide is 70 kD. In all age groups, more ubiquitin complexes were formed with proteins synthesized before heat shock, than with proteins synthesized either during or after heat shock. This suggests that cellular proteins synthesized at physiological temperatures are more sensitive to heat induced damage than those synthesized during stress. These data support the hypothesis that in aging flies, heat shock induces an unusually high concentration of abnormal proteins which are targeted for degradation by the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic system. © 1993Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster are an excellent material with which to analyze how signaling pathways and Hox genes control growth and pattern formation. The study of one of these discs, the genital disc, offers, in addition, the possibility of integrating the sex determination pathway into this analysis. This disc, whose growth and shape are sexually dimorphic, gives rise to the genitalia and analia, the more posterior structures of the fruit fly. Male genitalia, which develop from the ninth abdominal segment, and female genitalia, which develop mostly from the eighth one, display a characteristic array of structures. We will review here some recent findings about the development of these organs. As in other discs, different signaling pathways establish the positional information in the genital primordia. The Hox and sex determination genes modify these signaling routes at different levels to specify the particular growth and differentiation of male and female genitalia.  相似文献   

Drosophila were genetically transformed with a hobo transgene that contains a terminally truncated but otherwise complete P element fused to the promoter from the Drosophila hsp70 gene. Insertions of this H(hsp/CP) transgene on either of the major autosomes produced the P transposase in both the male and female germlines, but not in the soma. Heat-shock treatments significantly increased transposase activity in the female germline; in the male germline, these treatments had little effect. The transposase activity of two insertions of the H(hsp/CP) transgene was not significantly greater than their separate activities, and one insertion of this transgene reduced the transposase activity of P(ry(+), Delta2-3)99B, a stable P transgene, in the germline as well as in the soma. These observations suggest that, through alternate splicing, the H(hsp/CP) transgene produces a repressor that feeds back negatively to regulate transposase expression or function in both the somatic and germline tissues. The H(hsp/CP) transgenes are able to induce gonadal dysgenesis when the transposase they encode has P-element targets to attack. However, this ability and the ability to induce P-element excisions are repressed by the P cytotype, a chromosomal/cytoplasmic state that regulates P elements in the germline.  相似文献   

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