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The present study has been finalized to perform the content of Zn, Cu, Cr, Se, Mn, F, Mo, Ni, and B in the preterm human milk over 21 d of lactation. Trace element (TE) contents were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-MS), and median concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cr, Se, Mn, and F observed in preterm milk did not demonstrate significant differences in comparison to levels shown in term milk. A statistical significant difference (p<0.05) has been found among Mo, Ni, and B content in preterm milk for every stage of lactation. TE content of infant blood founded concentrations of Mo in preterm babies significantly (p<0.01) lower than in term offsprings. Similar values of other TE content were obtained in blood of preterm, and term newborns. These findings point to the need for a considerable reassessment of the existing dietary recommendation for Mo content in infant feeding.  相似文献   

Human milk samples were analyzed by neutron activation analysis (NAA) for three essential trace elements (Cu, Se, and Zn). Mothers' milk samples were collected from 25 lactating mothers from the Central Hospital, Tripoli, Libya. The average concentration level of Cu, Se, and Zn declined from 0.84 +/- 0.06 mg/L, 104 +/- 9.46 microg/L, and 16.1 +/- 2.67 mg/L at d 0 to 0.39 +/- 0.045 mg/L, 41.8 +/- 6.66 microg/L, and 4.95 +/- 1.3 mg/L, respectively, at d 20 of lactation. Copper and Zn levels in the Libyan mothers' milk were in agreement with reported levels from other countries, whereas Se was at a higher level. The Cu daily intake level is slightly higher than the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) value. Selenium and Zn have higher intake levels than the RDA values but within the tolerable upper intake levels.  相似文献   

Jennet milk production during the lactation in a Sicilian farming system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In Italy, the interest for jennet milk production has recently developed. An 18-month-long experiment was carried out on a jennet farm near Milo (CT), where 24 jennets, which derived from the Ragusana breed, were tested for milk yield and composition over an entire lactation period. The jennets were fed with hay and concentrate in a large paddock. From the 28th post-foaling day to the end of the lactation, the jennets were machine-milked twice a day with an in-between milking interval of 5 h. The milk amount from each jennet was recorded every 3 weeks and individual samples were collected and analyzed for fat, protein, casein, non-proteic nitrogen, lactose and somatic cell count. This study showed that jennets at Sicilian latitudes are not seasonal polyestrous. The daily milk yield, the length of lactation and the milk characteristics varied depending on the foaling season. The total average milk production was 490 ± 36 kg in 295 ± 12 post-foaling days, considering two milking records per day. During the lactation, milk yield decreased constantly from 1.98 to 1.28 kg/jennet per day. When looking at the jennet milk quality during lactation, the percentage of fat and protein decreased, while the lactose percentage increased, according to a tendency apparently unique for equines when compared to the ruminants. When looking at the productive season, spring generally gave the best qualitative and quantitative results. Based on these results, jennet milk yield and quality could be improved; furthermore, jennet milk production may turn out to be a profitable business.  相似文献   

The serum concentrations of copper, zinc, iron, and cobalt and copper/zinc ratio were investigated in horses infected with equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1). Nine horses were naturally infected with the virus and nine healthy horses served as controls. The concentrations of copper, zinc, iron, and cobalt were determined spectrophotometrically in the blood serum of all horses. The results were (expressed in micrograms per deciliters) copper 2.80 ± 0.34 vs 1.12 ± 0.44, zinc 3.05 ± 0.18 vs 0.83 ± 0.06, iron 2.76 ± 0.17 vs 3.71 ± 0.69, cobalt 0.19 ± 0.37 vs 0.22 ± 0.45, and copper/zinc ratio 0.72 ± 0.38 vs 1.41 ± 0.36 for control vs infected group, respectively. In conclusion, copper and zinc concentrations of the infected group were lower than the control group (p < 0.001), whereas iron concentration and the copper/zinc ratio of the infected group were higher than the control group (p < 0.05 and p < 0.001). The cobalt concentration was not found to be statistically different between two groups. It might be emphasized that copper/zinc ratio was significantly affected by the EHV-1 infection, so it could be taken into consideration during the course of infection. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

To examine longitudinal and gestational effects of mineral content in human milk, we analyzed human milk from lactating mothers of premature (PRT,n = 24, < 2000g birth weight, < 37 wk gestation) and fullterm (FT,n = 19, > 2500g, 39–41 wk gestation), living in Newfoundland, Canada. Samples were collected once a week for 8 wk with one final sample collected at 3 mo. Milk samples collected in acid-washed containers were wet ashed with concentrated HNO3, and barium, cadmium, calcium, cesium, cobalt, copper, cerium, lanthanum, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, lead, rubidium, tin, strontium, and zinc were measured using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Data were analyzed using standard multiple-regression procedures with correlated data analyses to take account of the relationship between successive weeks. Results indicated lower Ca and Pb in PRT milk. Calcium was the only nutritionally significant element to differ between groups. Molybdenum in both PRT and FT milk showed a definite decrease with time, suggesting that the Mo content in milk is homeostatically regulated. However, Ce, La, Ba, and Sn did not display any pattern indicative of biological regulation and potential human requirement.  相似文献   

Sodium selenate has been supplemented to all agricultural fertilizers used in Finland since 1984. We followed the changes in selenium, cadmium, zinc and copper content in Finnish human milk between the years 1987 and 1993-1995. A total of 257 milk samples was collected, four weeks after delivery, in two areas: In Helsinki, an urban area, and in Kuopio, a rural area, where elevated copper concentrations have been found in the bedrock. Direct atomic absorption spectrophotometric methods without digestion were used for the analyses. The dependence of trace element content on study time, living area, smoking habits, fish eating frequency, and parity of mothers was studied by analysis of covariance. Inter-element correlations and correlations with mothers' age and fat content in milk were studied by partial correlation. Significant increases were observed in mean selenium (16.4 microg/l and 18.9 microg/l, p < 0.001) and in fat contents (3.4% and 4.0%, p < 0.001), whereas significant decreases were seen in mean zinc (3.00 mg/l and 1.47 mg/l, p < 0.001), copper (0.52 mg/l and 0.43 mg/l, p < 0.001) and cadmium contents (0.095 microg/l and 0.062 microg/l, p < 0.01). In 1987, zinc had a positive correlation with copper and fat. Copper correlated inversely with the mothers' age. In 1993-1995, selenium correlated positively with copper, and zinc correlated inversely with mothers' age. Mothers living area had an effect on copper content in milk. Our results confirm that selenium supplementation to fertilizers in Finland has increased the selenium level in human maternal milk and most likely it also has an effect on the zinc and copper concentrations in maternal milk.  相似文献   

Using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) based analytical procedures, the concentration of several trace elements (Mn, As, Pb, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Se) was determined in human milk samples collected from a group of healthy lactating Portuguese women (n=44), both on the 2nd day postpartum (i.e., colostrum; n=34) and at 1 month postpartum (i.e., mature milk; n=19). Blood samples (n=44), collected on the 2nd day after parturition, were also analyzed for the same trace elements. No major correlations were observed between the levels of the analyzed trace elements in blood and colostrum samples. All the studied elements, except for Co, Pb and Ni, showed a significant trend for a decrease in concentration in milk during the first month of lactation. This trend was more pronounced for Zn and Se, whose levels decreased to approximately 23% and 44% of their initial mean concentration, respectively. With the exception of Co (r=0.607) and Zn (r=0.487), no significant correlations were observed when comparing the levels of each trace element between samples of colostrum and mature milk. Several inter-element correlations were found within each type of milk sample. The most significant were: (i) Se vs Cu (r=0.828) and Se vs Co (r=0.605) in colostrum samples and (ii) Ni vs Pb (r=0.756), Ni vs Mn (r=0.743) and Se vs Co (r=0.714) in mature milk samples. An inverse correlation between Zn and Se was also found in both types of milk sample; however, it only reached statistical significance for mature milk (r=-0.624).  相似文献   

Zinc, copper, and iron metabolism during porcine fetal development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zinc, copper, and iron levels in maternal and fetal pig tissues and fluids were measured starting on d 30 of gestation and continuing to term (d 114) at 10-d intervals. Fetal hematocrit increased from a low of 19% on d 30 to 32% by d 50, after which it remained above 30% to term. Amniotic fluid zinc, copper, and iron all reached maximal levels by d 60 of gestation. Maternal serum zinc levels fluctuated little during gestation, but fetal serum zinc concentration was significantly elevated above maternal levels during the second trimester. Fetal serum copper levels were significantly lower than maternal values throughout gestation and this was also the case for ceruloplasmin oxidase activity. Maternal serum iron reached its lowest level by d 80 of gestation when rate of transfer of iron to the developing fetuses was high. Fetal serum iron declined throughout gestation, reaching its lowest level on d 100. In general, fetal liver concentrations of zinc, copper, and iron were higher than the corresponding maternal values throughout gestation. Distinct increases were noted for fetal hepatic zinc and copper concentrations during the second trimester of pregnancy and these were accompanied by increases in cytosolic and metallothionein-bound zinc and copper levels. Maternal hepatic iron declined during the second trimester, reaching its lowest point on d 80, indicative of the shunting of maternal iron reserves to fetal tissues. Fetal kidney metal levels did not demonstrate any distinctive developmental patterns with respect to zinc, copper, or iron concentrations, but a general accumulation of each metal was observed as gestation progressed. The results of this study highlight some of the distinct changes occurring in the metabolism of zinc, copper, and iron in both maternal and fetal tissues and fluids during gestation in the pig. Mention of a trade name, proprietary product, or specific equipment does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other suitable products.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish the possible effects of the sampling protocol (between-breast, within-feed, and diurnal differences) and the mother’s personal factors (age, parity, iron supple-mentation, smoking habits, and lactation period) on the copper, iron, and zinc contents in human milk. One hundred thirty-six human milk samples identified by their origin and sampling conditions were analyzed. The samples were obtained from the 2nd to 15th d postpartum from 62 women. The data on the individuals required for the study were available. Mineral determinations were analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry following a standarized protocol. The results showed that iron contents were higher in hind-milk samples and at the nighttime feeding and depended on the breast from which the sample was taken. The copper and zinc concentrations showed no significant variations. There was no significant relationship among the mothers’ age, parity, smoking habits, iron supplementation, and copper content. Milk from older women had lower zinc contents than that of younger women. Increased amounts of iron were found in multiparous women. Between colostrum and transitional milk, a sharp decrease in zinc content was observed, whereas copper and iron contents remained constant. All of these results make it clear that standardized sampling protocols are needed in order to obtain comparable values.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine serum Cu, Zn, Mn, K, and Mg levels before and during pregnancy and during the lactation period of sheep and cattle and to determine the relationships between periods. For this purpose, blood samples of 14 healthy, pregnant Brown Swiss cows fed under normal condition and 36 Karakaş (İvesi × Akkaraman) sheep were used. Blood samples were analyzed using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. There were significant differences between before pregnancy and during pregnancy, and during pregnancy and the lactation period for serum Zn concentration; also before pregnancy and during pregnancy, and before pregnancy and the lactation period for serum K concentration in cows (p<0.05). There were significant differences between before pregnancy and the lactation period for serum Cu concentration, and before pregnancy and during pregnancy for serum K concentration; also pregnancy and the lactation period for serum Mg concentration in sheep (p<0.05).  相似文献   

The toxic milk (tx) mouse is a rodent model for Wilson disease, an inherited disorder of copper overload. Here we assessed the effect of copper accumulation in the tx mouse on zinc and iron metabolism. Copper, zinc and iron concentrations were determined in the liver, kidney, spleen and brain of control and copper-loaded animals by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Copper concentration increased dramatically in the liver, and was also significantly higher in the spleen, kidney and brain of control tx mice in the first few months of life compared with normal DL mice. Hepatic zinc was increased with age in the tx mouse, but zinc concentrations in the other organs were normal. Liver and kidney iron concentrations were significantly lower at birth in tx mice, but increased quickly to be comparable with control mice by 2 months of age. Iron concentration in the spleen was significantly higher in tx mice, but was lower in 5 day old tx pups. Copper-loading studies showed that normal DL mice ingesting 300 mg/l copper in their diet for 3 months maintained normal liver, kidney and brain copper, zinc and iron levels. Copper-loading of tx mice did not increase the already high liver copper concentrations, but spleen and brain copper concentrations were increased. Despite a significant elevation of copper in the brain of the copper-loaded tx mice no behavioural changes were observed. The livers of copper-loaded tx mice had a lower zinc concentration than control tx mice, whilst the kidney had double the concentration of iron suggesting that there was increased erythrocyte hemolysis in the copper-loaded mutants.  相似文献   

Zinc, copper, and magnesium concentrations in hair were measured in groups of children varying in one condition—protein-energy malnutrition, ricketts, thalassemia, malignancy, cardiac failure, or after prolonged infection and in healthy controls. As compared with controls, copper and magnesium concentrations were low in all groups, whereas higher values were obtained for hair zinc. These results showed that a generalized copper and magnesium deficiency were observed in the southeastern part of Turkey. However, zinc deficiency couldn’t be detected as far as the hair zinc values were concerned, although all of the subjects fell within the 50 percentile limits for their age-appropriate weights and heights.  相似文献   

Alterations in the milk constituents throughout the lactation cycle have been studied in 20 Karan-Fries cross-bred cows (Holstein Fresian x Tharparkar) divided into two groups, viz. elite (n = 10) and non-elite (n = 10). About 100 ml of composite milk samples (from all the quarters) were collected through hand milking in sterile tubes from the day of calving at 15-day interval till 300 days of lactation cycle. Different milk constituents (viz. fat, protein, lactose, Solid not fat) were estimated by automatic milk analyzer. The daily milk yield varied significantly (p < 0.01) between group and different days of lactation cycle. Milk fat percentage of milk did not differ significantly between groups and different days of lactation cycle. Milk protein and lactose percentage did not differ significantly between groups but differed significantly (p < 0.001) between days. Solid not fat (SNF) percentage of milk was significantly (p < 0.01) higher in elite cows compared to non-elite cows and also varied significantly (p < 0.05) during different days of lactation cycle. In both the group of cows, milk protein, fat, and SNF percentage was highest and lactose percentage was lowest up to 1st week of lactation cycle and rapidly declined thereafter due to the transition of the colostrum into milk. After 2nd week of lactation, all the milk constituents under study were almost remained unaltered till the end of the cycle. The above stated investigation not only substantiates the already existing information of lactation stage-specific alteration in milk constituents but also depict the exact point of transition of these constituents during the lactation cycle so the nutritional and managemental interventions could be carried out in proper time.  相似文献   

Post-weaning performance of piglets from systems where lactation is disrupted (e.g. from multisuckling systems) is superior to conventionally reared piglets. The objective of this study was to establish whether restricted growth prior to weaning caused by disruption of suckling was an important factor in post-weaning performance and also whether there were related changes in gastro-intestinal development. Ten litters of eight piglets were used in a split-plot design. Half of each litter (limited suckling, LS) had suckling disrupted by separation from their dam for 7 h/day from day 14 to 28 after farrowing. The remainder of each litter was allowed to suck normally (normal suckling, NS). The same amount of creep feed was offered to LS piglets as consumed by NS littermates on the previous day. There were no differences in weight between LS and NS piglets at 14 days of age, but restricting access to the sow reduced weaning weight at 28 days of age (7.96 v. 9.00 kg; LS v. NS; P < 0.01; s.e.d. 0.23). Feed intakes were greater for LS than NS piglets over the first 28 days post weaning, particularly in the 1st week after weaning when feed efficiency was also improved (0.91 v. 0.62 kg gain per kg feed; P < 0.01; s.e.d. 0.08). As a result, LS piglets grew more rapidly in the first 28 days post weaning, particularly in the first 7 days after weaning. Subsequent performance to 8 weeks was similar for both groups. Digestive organ weights were not different at 2 and 9 days after weaning; nor were small intestine specific enzyme activities significantly different ( P>0.05). Pancreatic trypsin activity was, however, greater ( P < 0.01) for LS pigs on both days 2 and 9 post weaning. In conclusion the restriction of growth as a result of limited suckling itself is an important factor in determining post-weaning performance and may be related to development of pancreatic trypsin activity.  相似文献   

The diet self-regulation ability of goats during late lactation has been studied with regard to their production level. Two groups of seven Girgentana goats producing 1100 ± 157 g/day (H group) and 613 ± 138 g/day (L group) were housed in individual pens and were given alfalfa pelleted hay (1.5 kg), whole grains of maize (0.5 kg), barley (0.5 kg), faba bean (0.5 kg) and pelleted sunflower cake (0.5 kg) on a daily basis. During a 7-day pre-experimental period, goats received a mixed ration based on the same feeds used during the experimental period (1.5 kg of hay and 0.4 kg of each concentrate). Individual choice of feeds was continuously recorded for 7 days using a 24-h IR video surveillance system equipped with four video cameras. The nutrient intake in both groups was much higher than needed. Goats in the H group ate more (2016.3 v. 1744.3 g dry matter (DM)/day) and selected less hay (26.9% v. 34.6% DM), more high-protein feeds (faba bean and sunflower cake: 14.0% and 15.9% v. 8.8% and 7.9% DM, respectively) and less maize (21.5% v. 25.0% DM), reaching a higher CP concentration in the diet (17.3% v. 15.0% DM) compared with the goats in the L group. During the 24-h trial period, hay was more constantly selected (on average never reaching <20% of the total hourly basis feeding time, apart from the first hour after feed administration) compared with concentrate feeds. This feeding behaviour has probably exercised a ‘curative’ effect that enabled the goats to continue to take in very high levels of starch and protein, without manifesting any symptom of metabolic disease. Shifting goats from the pre-experimental diet, based on a mixture of the same feeds used during the experimental period, to the free-choice feeding caused more than 20% increase in milk production in both groups. From the results of the intake, we are unable to conclude that the goats can select their diet to meet their requirements, as goats consumed much more than needed. However, when free to choose their diet, the animals improved milk performance, despite the late-lactation stage.  相似文献   

The large-scale production of recombinant biopharmaceutical glycoproteins in the milk of transgenic animals is becoming more widespread. However, in comparison with bacterial, plant cell, or cell culture production systems, little is known about the glycosylation machinery of the mammary gland, and hence on the glycosylation of recombinant glycoproteins produced in transgenic animals. Here the influence is presented of several lactation parameters on the N-glycosylation of recombinant C1 inhibitor (rhC1INH), a human serum glycoprotein, expressed in the milk of transgenic rabbits. Enzymatically released N-glycans of series of rhC1INH samples were fluorescently labeled and fractionated by HPLC. The major N-glycan structures on rhC1INH of pooled rabbit milk were similar to those on native human C1 inhibitor and recombinant human C1 inhibitor produced in transgenic mouse milk, with only the degree of sialylation and core fucosylation being lower. Analyses of individual animals furthermore showed slight interindividual differences; a decrease in the extent of sialylation, core fucosylation, and oligomannose-type glycosylation with the progress of lactation; and a positive correlation between expression level and oligomannose-type N-glycan content. However, when large quantities of rhC1INH were isolated for preclinical and clinical studies, highly consistent N-linked glycan profiles and monosaccharide compositions were found.  相似文献   

We have determined the plasma concentrations of copper, zinc, copper/zinc ratio, and carbonic anhydrase activity in horses infected with Babesia equi. The study was conducted in 14 horses with the disease and 10 healthy animals that served as controls. The infection was confirmed by the clinical manifestations of the disease and by Giemsa staining of thin blood smears showing the parasites inside red blood cells. The horses with piroplasmosis had lower plasma levels of zinc, elevated copper, and increased activity of carbonic anhydrase. Consequently, the copper/zinc ratio was also higher than in the healthy controls.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1):663-668
An acute ethanol load (50mmol/kg, i.p.) induces an increase in the total non-heme iron and in the low-molecular-weight non-heme iron complexes (LMW-Fe) content both in liver and cerebellum. This increase in LMW-Fe is associated with a decrease in some essential trace elements (selenium, zinc, copper) playing a role in the anti-oxidant system. These changes could contribute to the enhancement in lipid peroxidation which occurs at the hepatic and cerebellar level following the ethanol administration.

The administration of allopurinol prior to the ethanol load prevents the changes in non-heme iron and trace elements. This prevention may contribute to the protective effects of allopurinol on the ethanol-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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