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Two overlapping cDNA clones that cover the complete length of the mRNA for human type III procollagen were characterized. The data provided about 2500 base pairs of sequence not previously defined for human type III procollagen. Two tripeptide sequences of -Gly-Xaa-Yaa- were identified that were not detected previously by amino acid sequencing of human type III collagen. The two additional tripeptide units, together with three previously detected, establish that the alpha 1 (III) chain is 15 amino acids longer than either the alpha 1 (I) or alpha 2 (I) chains of type I collagen. The additional tripeptide units made hydropathy plots of the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of type III collagen distinctly different from those of type I collagen. The data also demonstrated that human type III procollagen has the same third base preference in codons for glycine, proline and alanine that was previously found with human and chick type I procollagen. In addition, comparison of two cDNA clones from the same individual revealed a variation in structure in that the codon for amino acid 880 of the alpha 1 (III) chain was -CTT- for leucine in one clone and -TTT- for phenylalanine in the other.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA clone for the human prepro alpha 1(I) chain of type I procollagen was characterized. Nucleotide sequencing of the first 1500 nucleotide residues of the 5'-end of the cDNA clone provided 729 nucleotide residues and the codons for 243 amino acid residues not previously defined from any species. The data made it possible, for the first time, to compare completely codon usage for the human alpha 1(I) and alpha 2(I) chains.  相似文献   

A bovine cDNA library constructed from fetal cartilage RNA was screened with a pro alpha 1(II) collagen specific chicken cDNA. A recombinant clone (Bc 7), with an insert of 1 kb, was identified and shown to contain sequences exhibiting 85% homology with the chicken pro alpha 1(II) collagen C-propeptide. Interspecies comparison strongly suggested that one potential glycosylation site present in the avian C-propeptide is not utilized, since this site is absent in the bovine chain. In addition, two overlapping genomic clones (Pal 3 and Pal 4) were isolated and partially characterized. These clones span 23 kb of DNA and contain approximately 17 kb of the pro alpha 1(II) calf gene. Sequencing of exon 1 has determined the length of the 3' untranslated region and the exact location of the polyadenylation attachment site.  相似文献   

The conversion of type I procollagen to type I collagen was studied by cleaving the protein with partically purified type I procollagen N-proteinase from chick embryos. Examination of the reaction products after incubation for varying times at 30 degrees C indicated that, during the initial stages of the reaction, pro alpha 1(I) and pro alpha 2(I) chains were cleaved at about the same rate. As a result, all the pro alpha 2(I) chains were converted to pC alpha 2(I) chains well before all the pro alpha 1 chains were cleaved. When the reaction products were examined by gel electrophoresis without reduction of interchain disulfide bonds, a distinct band of an intermediate was detected. The same intermediate was seen when the reaction was carried out at 35, 37, and 40 degrees C. The data established that over two-thirds of the type I procollagen was converted to the intermediate and that this intermediate was then slowly converted to the final product of pCcollagen. The kinetics for the reaction, however, did not fit a simple model for precursor-product relationship among substrate, intermediate, and product. Examination of the reaction products with a two-step gel procedure demonstrated that the intermediate consisted of three polypeptide chains in which the N propeptide was cleaved from one pro alpha 1 chain and one pro alpha 2(I) chain but the N propeptide was still present on one of the pro alpha 1(I) chains. In further experiments it was demonstrated that a similar intermediate was seen when a homotrimer of pro alpha 1(I) chains was partially cleaved by the enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences were determined for cloned cDNAs encoding for more than half of the pro alpha 2 chain of type I procollagen from man. Comparisons with previously published data on homologous cDNAs from chick embryos made it possible to examine evolution of the gene in two species which have diverged for 250-300 million years. The amino acid sequence of the alpha-chain domain supported previous indications that there is a strong selective pressure to maintain glycine as every third amino acid and to maintain a prescribed distribution of charged amino acids. However, there is little apparent selective pressure on other amino acids. The amino acid sequence of the C-propeptide domain showed less divergence than the alpha-chain domain. The 5' end or N terminus of the human C-propeptide, however, contained an insert of 12 bases coding for 4 amino acids not found in the chick C-propeptide. About 100 amino acid residues from the N terminus, two residues found in the chick sequence were missing from the human. In the second half of the C-propeptide, there was complete conservation of a 37 amino acid sequence and conservation of 50 out of 51 amino acids in the same region, an observation which suggested that the region serves some special purpose such as directing the association of one pro alpha 2(I) C-propeptide with two pro alpha 1(I) C-propeptides so as to produce the heteropolymeric structure of type I procollagen. In addition, comparison of human and chick DNAs for pro alpha 2(I) revealed three different classes of conservation of nucleotide sequence which have no apparent effect on the structure of the protein: a preference for U on the third base position of codons for glycine, proline, and alanine; a high degree of nucleotide conservation in the 51 amino acid highly conserved region of the C-propeptide; a high degree of nucleotide conservation in the 3'-noncoding region. These three classes of nucleotide conservation may reflect unusual features of collagen genes, such as their high GC content or their highly repetitive coding sequences.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone from a human placental library was found to consist of an essentially full-length cDNA of 4.6 kb for the prepro alpha 2(I) chain of type I procollagen. Nucleotide sequencing of the 5'-end of the cDNA provided a sequence of 1617 nucleotide residues and codons for 539 amino acid residues not previously defined. Comparison of the complete structure of the prepro alpha 2(I) cDNA with previously reported sequences for the chicken pro alpha 2(I) gene indicated that 83% of 1366 total amino acid residues were conserved. In the alpha-chain domain 84% of 1014 amino acid residues were conserved. Also, there was conservation of the previously noted preference for U and C in the third position of codons for glycine, proline and alanine. One major difference between the human and the chicken prepro alpha 2(I) chain was that the human chain contained 21 fewer proline residues, an observation that probably explains why the triple helix of human type I procollagen unfolds at temperatures that are 1-2 degrees C lower. In parallel experiments, sequencing of intron-exon boundaries for nine exons of genomic subclones confirmed and extended previous observations that the pro alpha 2(I) gene, like other genes from fibrillar collagens, has an unusual 54-base pattern of exon sizes that is highly conserved through evolution.  相似文献   

A recombinant human DNA library was screened using probes corresponding to the chick alpha 1 (II) procollagen gene. This resulted in the isolation of 2 different genomic clones, LgHCol(II)a and LgHCol(II)b. LgHCol(II)a was identified as corresponding to the alpha 1(II) gene by comparative hybridization and DNA sequence analysis. DNA sequence established that LgHCol(II)a extends at least from amino acid 694 of the triple helix through 54 amino acids of the COOH-propeptide. Hybridization with a probe containing only the exon at the 3' end of the chicken gene suggests that the clone contains the 3' end of the human gene. Thus LgHCol(II)a contains approximately 40% of the coding sequences of the human type II collagen gene.  相似文献   

Syrian hamster embryo fibroblasts transformed by 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (NQT-SHE cells) failed to synthesize the pro-alpha 1(I) subunit of type I procollagen but continued to synthesize altered forms of the other subunit, pro-alpha 2(I) (Peterkofsky, B., and Prather, W. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 16818-16826). This was unusual, since synthesis of the two subunits generally is coordinately regulated. Present experiments using cell-free translation and hybridization of RNA from normal and transformed Syrian hamster fibroblasts with labeled pro-alpha 1(I) DNA probes show that mRNA for pro-alpha 1(I) is absent from the transformant. In contrast, dot-blot and Southern blot hybridizations of cellular DNAs with pro-alpha 1(I) DNA probes demonstrated that the transformed cells contained pro-alpha 1(I) gene sequences and that the gross structure of the gene was unchanged by transformation. mRNA for the other type I procollagen subunit, pro-alpha 2(I), was present in transformed cells and the major collagenous polypeptide translated from this RNA migrated like the normal pro-alpha 2 subunit during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The translated procollagen chain was cleaved to an alpha 2(I)-sized collagen chain by pepsin at 4 degrees C. These studies provide a molecular basis for the observed collagen phenotype of NQT-SHE cells.  相似文献   

Previous observations with type I collagen from a proband with lethal osteogenesis imperfecta demonstrated that type I collagen containing a substitution of cysteine for glycine alpha 1-748 copolymerized with normal type I collagen (Kadler, K. E., Torre-Blanco, A., Adachi, E., Vogel, B. E., Hojima, Y., and Prockop, D. J. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 5081-5088). Here, three preparations containing normal type I procollagen and type I procollagen with a substitution of cysteine for glycine alpha 1-175, glycine alpha 1-691, or glycine alpha 1-988 were purified from cultured skin fibroblasts from probands with osteogenesis imperfecta. The procollagens were then used as substrates in a system for assaying the self-assembly of type I collagen into fibrils. The cysteine-substituted collagens in all three preparations were incorporated into fibrils. The cysteine alpha 1-175 and cysteine alpha 1-691 collagens were shown to increase the lag time and decrease the propagation rate constant for fibril assembly. All three preparations containing cysteine-substituted collagens formed fibrils with diameters that were two to four times the diameter of fibrils formed under the same conditions by normal type I collagen. Also, the three preparations containing cysteine substituted collagens had higher solubilities than normal type I collagen. The results, therefore, demonstrated that the three cysteine-substituted collagens copolymerized with normal type I collagen. The effects of the mutated collagens on fibril assembly can be understood in terms of a recently proposed model of fibril growth from symmetrical tips by assuming that the mutated monomers partially inhibit tip growth but not lateral growth of the fibrils. Of special interest was the observation that the Cys alpha 1-175 collagen from a proband with a non-lethal variant of osteogenesis imperfecta had quantitatively less effect on several parameters of fibril assembly at 37 degrees C than cysteine-substituted collagens from three probands with lethal variants of the disease.  相似文献   

A new procedure for the synthesis of double stranded cDNA, based upon release of mRNA by "in vitro" translation, was used to clone type IV collagen. Collagen synthesizing polysomes selectively isolated from a mouse parietal yolk sac carcinoma (PYS-2) were used for translation in an heterologous cell-free system. Translation products were collagenase-sensitive and displayed an electrophoretic mobility correspondent to type IV collagen. Translation released mRNA was employed to construct a 100 base pairs long cDNA clone which hybridized to a 7,800 nucleotides long mRNA. Peptides synthesized by "in vitro" translation of hybrid selected mRNA displayed an electrophoretic mobility compatible with that of alpha 1 (IV) collagen, were sensitive to collagenase and were immunoprecipitated by anti-type IV collagen antibody.  相似文献   

The alpha 1(VI) and alpha 2(VI) chains, two of the three constituent chains of type VI collagen, are highly similar in size and domain structure. They are encoded by single-copy genes residing in close proximity on human chromosome 21. To study the evolution of the type VI collagen genes, we have isolated and characterized genomic clones coding for the triple-helical domains of the human alpha 1(VI) and alpha 2(VI) chains, which consist of 336 and 335 amino acid residues, respectively. Nucleotide sequencing indicates that, in both genes, the exons are multiples of 9 bp in length (including 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, and 90 bp) except for those encoding for regions with triple-helical interruptions. In addition, the introns are positioned between complete codons. The most predominant exon size is 63 bp, instead of 54 bp as seen in the fibrillar collagen genes. Of particular interest is the finding that the exon structures of the alpha 1(VI) and alpha 2(VI) genes are almost identical. A significant deviation is that a segment of 30 amino acid residues is encoded by two exons of 54 and 36 bp in the alpha 1(VI) gene, but by a single exon of 90 bp in the alpha 2(VI) gene. The exon arrangement therefore provides further evidence that the two genes have evolved from tandem gene duplication. Furthermore, comparison with the previously reported gene structure of the chick alpha 2(VI) chain indicates that the exon structure for the triple-helical domain of the alpha 2(VI) collagen is strictly conserved between human and chicken.  相似文献   

Renal basement membranes are believed to contain five distinct type IV collagens. An understanding of the specific roles of these collagens and the specificities of their interactions will be aided by knowledge of their comparative structures. Genes for alpha 1(IV), alpha 2(IV), alpha 3(IV), and alpha 5(IV) have been cloned and the deduced peptide sequences compared. A fifth chain, alpha 4(IV), has been identified in glomerular and other basement membranes. Using a polymerase chain reaction-based strategy and short known peptide sequences from the noncollagenous domain (NC1), we have cloned and characterized partial bovine cDNAs of alpha 4(IV). Sequence analysis shows that this molecule has characteristic features of type IV collagens including an NH2-terminal Gly-X-Y domain which is interrupted at several points and a COOH-terminal NC1 domain with 12 cysteine residues in positions identical to those of other type IV collagens. Within the NC1 domain bovine alpha 4(IV) has 70, 59, 58, and 53% amino acid identity with human alpha 2(IV), alpha 1(IV), alpha 5(IV), and alpha 3(IV), respectively. Alignment of the peptides also shows that alpha 4(IV) is most closely related to alpha 2(IV). Nevertheless, in the extreme COOH-terminal region of the NC1 domain there are structural features that are unique to alpha 4(IV). Cloning of the region of alpha 4(IV) that encodes the NC1 domain allows comparison of all five type IV collagens and highlights certain regions that are likely to be important in the specificities of NC1-NC1 interactions and in other discriminant functions of these molecules.  相似文献   

Passive antibody prophylaxis against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has been accomplished in primates, suggesting that this strategy may prove useful in humans. While antibody specificity is crucial for neutralization, other antibody characteristics, such as subclass, have not been explored. Our objective was to compare the efficiencies of immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclasses from polyclonal human HIV immune globulin (HIVIG) in the neutralization of HIV-1 strains differing in coreceptor tropism. IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 were enriched from HIVIG by using protein A-Sepharose. All three subclasses bound major HIV-1 proteins, as shown by Western blot assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In HIV-1 fusion assays using X4, R5, or X4R5 envelope-expressing effector cells, IgG3 more efficiently blocked fusion. In neutralization assays with cell-free viruses using X4 (LAI, IIIB), R5 (BaL), and X4R5 (DH123), a similar hierarchy of neutralization was found: IgG3 > IgG1 > IgG2. IgG3 has a longer, more flexible hinge region than the other subclasses. To test whether this is important, IgG1 and IgG3 were digested with pepsin to generate F(ab')(2) fragments or with papain to generate Fab fragments. IgG3 F(ab')(2) fragments were still more efficient in neutralization than F(ab')(2) of IgG1. However, Fab fragments of IgG3 and IgG1 demonstrated equivalent neutralization capacities and the IgG3 advantage was lost. These results suggest that the IgG3 hinge region confers enhanced HIV-neutralizing ability. Enrichment and stabilization of IgG3 may therefore lead to improved HIVIG preparations. The results of this study have implications for the improvement of passive immunization with polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies and suggest that HIV-1 vaccines which induce high-titer IgG3 responses could be advantageous.  相似文献   

To assess the relative capacity of the human delta opioid receptor to activate closely related G proteins, fusion proteins were constructed in which the alpha-subunits of either G(i1) or G(o1), containing point mutations to render them insensitive to the actions of pertussis toxin, were linked in-frame with the C-terminus of the receptor. Following transient and stable expression in HEK 293 cells, both constructs bound the antagonist [(3)H]naltrindole with high affinity. D-ala(2),D-leu(5) Enkephalin effectively inhibited forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in intact cells in a concentration-dependent, but pertussis toxin-insensitive, manner. The high-affinity GTPase activity of both constructs was also stimulated by D-ala(2),D-leu(5) enkephalin with similar potency. However, enzyme kinetic analysis of agonist stimulation of GTPase activity demonstrated that the GTP turnover number produced in response to D-ala(2),D-leu(5) enkephalin was more than three times greater for G(i1)alpha than for G(o1)alpha. As the effect of agonist in both cases was to increase V:(max) without increasing the observed K:(m) for GTP, this is consistent with receptor promoting greater guanine nucleotide exchange, and thus activation, of G(i1)alpha compared with G(o1)alpha. An equivalent fusion protein between the human mu opioid receptor-1 and G(i1)alpha produced a similar D-ala(2),D-leu(5) enkephalin-induced GTP turnover number as the delta opioid receptor-G(i1)alpha fusion construct, consistent with agonist occupation of these two opioid receptor subtypes being equally efficiently coupled to activation of G(i1)alpha.  相似文献   

The fractionation of fetal calf tendon messenger RNA in 85 percent formamide sucrose gradients shows a separation of the mRNAs coding for pro α1(I) and pro α2 chains of type I collagen. This difference in sedimentation in denaturing gradients suggests that pro α2 mRNA is approxmately 1000 bases shorter than pro α1(I) mRNA. However, such a size difference is significantly greater than would be predicted from consideration of the size of the polypeptide chains coded for by these mRNAs, and thus, residual secondary structure in the mRNAs may contribute to these apparent size differences.  相似文献   

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