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U6 spliceosomal RNA has a complex secondary structure that includes a highly conserved stemloop near the 3' end. The 3' stem is unwound when U6 RNA base-pairs with U4 RNA during spliceosome assembly, but likely reforms when U4 RNA leaves the spliceosome prior to the catalysis of splicing. A mutation in yeast U6 RNA that hyperstabilizes the 3' stem confers cold sensitivity and inhibits U4/U6 assembly as well as a later step in splicing. Here we show that extragenic suppressors of the 3' stem mutation map to the gene coding for splicing factor Prp24. The suppressor mutations are located in the second and third of three RNA-recognition motifs (RRMs) in Prp24 and are predicted to disrupt RNA binding. Mutations in U6 RNA predicted to destabilize a novel helix adjacent to the 3' stem also suppress the 3' stem mutation and enhance the growth defect of a suppressor mutation in RRM2 of Prp24. Both phenotypes are reverted by a compensatory mutation that restores pairing in the novel helix. These results are best explained by a model in which RRMs 2 and 3 of Prp24 stabilize an extended intramolecular structure in U6 RNA that competes with the U4/U6 RNA interaction, and thus influence both association and dissociation of U4 and U6 RNAs during the splicing cycle.  相似文献   

Prp24 was previously isolated as a suppressor of a cold-sensitive U4 mutation and is required for at least the first step of splicing in vitro. Our investigation of the in vitro RNA binding properties of the purified Prp24 protein shows that it binds preferentially to the U4/U6 hybrid snRNAs compared to other snRNAs. The interaction between Prp24 and the U4/U6 hybrid appears to involve two regions in the RNA: the 39-57 region of U6 and stem II of the U4/U6 hybrid. Interestingly, some U4 mutations, which destabilize stem II, increase the affinity of Prp24 for the U4/U6 RNAs compared to the wild type. This suggests that the binding of Prp24 to the U4/U6 RNAs may involve some destabilization of the RNA duplex. We also found that Prp24 can stimulate the annealing of U4 and U6, suggesting that Prp24 participates in both the formation and disassembly of the U4/U6 hybrid during splicing.  相似文献   

The essential splicing factor Prp24 contains four RNA Recognition Motif (RRM) domains, and functions to anneal U6 and U4 RNAs during spliceosome assembly. Here, we report the structure and characterization of the C-terminal RRM4. This domain adopts a novel non-canonical RRM fold with two additional flanking α-helices that occlude its β-sheet face, forming an occluded RRM (oRRM) domain. The flanking helices form a large electropositive surface. oRRM4 binds to and unwinds the U6 internal stem loop (U6 ISL), a stable helix that must be unwound during U4/U6 assembly. NMR data indicate that the process starts with the terminal base pairs of the helix and proceeds toward the loop. We propose a mechanistic and structural model of Prp24's annealing activity in which oRRM4 functions to destabilize the U6 ISL during U4/U6 assembly.  相似文献   

Kuhn AN  Li Z  Brow DA 《Molecular cell》1999,3(1):65-75
The pre-mRNA 5' splice site is recognized by the ACAGA box of U6 spliceosomal RNA prior to catalysis of splicing. We previously identified a mutant U4 spliceosomal RNA, U4-cs1, that masks the ACAGA box in the U4/U6 complex, thus conferring a cold-sensitive splicing phenotype in vivo. Here, we show that U4-cs1 blocks in vitro splicing in a temperature-dependent, reversible manner. Analysis of splicing complexes that accumulate at low temperature shows that U4-cs1 prevents U4/U6 unwinding, an essential step in spliceosome activation. A novel mutation in the evolutionarily conserved U5 snRNP protein Prp8 suppresses the U4-cs1 growth defect. We propose that wild-type Prp8 triggers unwinding of U4 and U6 RNAs only after structurally correct recognition of the 5' splice site by the U6 ACAGA box and that the mutation (prp8-201) relaxes control of unwinding.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae PRP17-null mutants are temperature-sensitive for growth. In vitro splicing with extracts lacking Prp17 are kinetically slow for the first step of splicing and are arrested for the second step at temperatures greater than 34 degrees C. In the present study we show that these stalled spliceosomes are compromised for an essential conformational switch that is triggered by Prp16 helicase. These results suggest a plausible mechanistic basis for the second-step arrest in prp17Delta extracts and support a role for Prp17 in conjunction with Prp16. To understand the association of Prp17 with spliceosomes we used a functional epitope-tagged protein in co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Examination of co-precipitated snRNAs (small nuclear RNAs) show that Prp17 interacts with U2, U5 and U6 snRNPs (small nuclear ribonucleoproteins) but it is not a core component of any one snRNP. Prp17 association with in-vitro-assembled spliceosome complexes on actin pre-mRNAs was also investigated. Although the U5 snRNP proteins Prp8 and Snu114 are found in early pre-spliceosomes that contain all five snRNPs, Prp17 is not detectable at this step; however, Prp17 is present in the subsequent pre-catalytic A1 complex, containing unspliced pre-mRNA, formed after the dissociation of U4 snRNP. Thus Prp17 joins the spliceosome prior to both catalytic reactions. Our results indicate continued interactions in catalytic spliceosomes that contain reaction intermediates and in post-splicing complexes containing the lariat intron. These Prp17-spliceosome association analyses provide a biochemical basis for the delayed first step in prp17Delta and explain the previously known multiple genetic interactions between Prp17, factors of the Prp19-complex [NTC (nineteen complex)], functional elements in U2 and U5 snRNAs and other second-step splicing factors.  相似文献   

A mutation (U4-G14C) that destabilizes the base-pairing interaction between U4 and U6 snRNAs causes the accumulation of a novel complex containing U4, U6 and Prp24, a protein with RNA binding motifs. An analysis of suppressors of this cold-sensitive mutant led to the hypothesis that this complex is normally a transient intermediate in the annealing of U4 and U6. It was proposed that Prp24 must be released to form a fully base-paired U4/U6 snRNP. By using a chemical probing method we have tested the prediction that nucleotides A40-C43 in U6 mediate the binding of Prp24. Consistent with the location of recessive suppressors in U6, we find that residues A40-C43 are protected from chemical modification in U4/U6 complexes from the U4-G14C mutant but not from the wild-type or suppressor strains carrying mutations in U6 or PRP24. Furthermore, we find that base-pairing is substantially disrupted in the mutant complexes. Notably, the base-paired structure is restored in recessive suppressors despite the presence of a mismatched base-pair at the U4-G14C site. Our results support the model that Prp24 binds to U6 to promote its association with U4, but must dissociate to allow complete annealing.  相似文献   

Prp8 is a critical pre-mRNA splicing factor. Prp8 is proposed to help form and stabilize the spliceosome catalytic core and to be an important regulator of spliceosome activation. Mutations in human Prp8 (hPrp8) cause a severe form of the genetic disorder retinitis pigmentosa, RP13. Understanding the molecular mechanism of Prp8's function in pre-mRNA splicing and RP13 has been hindered by its large size (over 2000 amino acids) and remarkably low-sequence similarity with other proteins. Here we present the crystal structure of the C-terminal domain (the last 273 residues) of Caenorhabditis elegans Prp8 (cPrp8). The core of the C-terminal domain is an alpha/beta structure that forms the MPN (Mpr1, Pad1 N-terminal) fold but without Zn(2+) coordination. We propose that the C-terminal domain is a protein interaction domain instead of a Zn(2+)-dependent metalloenzyme as proposed for some MPN proteins. Mapping of RP13 mutants on the Prp8 structure suggests that these residues constitute a binding surface between Prp8 and other partner(s), and the disruption of this interaction provides a plausible molecular mechanism for RP13.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of the small and large ribosomal subunits requires modification, processing, and folding of pre-rRNA to yield mature rRNA. Here, we report that efficient biogenesis of both small- and large-subunit rRNAs requires the DEAH box ATPase Prp43p, a pre-mRNA splicing factor. By steady-state analysis, a cold-sensitive prp43 mutant accumulates 35S pre-rRNA and depletes 20S, 27S, and 7S pre-rRNAs, precursors to the small- and large-subunit rRNAs. By pulse-chase analysis, the prp43 mutant is defective in the formation of 20S and 27S pre-rRNAs and in the accumulation of 18S and 25S mature rRNAs. Wild-type Prp43p immunoprecipitates pre-rRNAs and mature rRNAs, indicating a direct role in ribosome biogenesis. The Prp43p-Q423N mutant immunoprecipitates 27SA2 pre-rRNA threefold more efficiently than the wild type, suggesting a critical role for Prp43p at the earliest stages of large-subunit biogenesis. Consistent with an early role for Prp43p in ribosome biogenesis, Prp43p immunoprecipitates the majority of snoRNAs; further, compared to the wild type, the prp43 mutant generally immunoprecipitates the snoRNAs more efficiently. In the prp43 mutant, the snoRNA snR64 fails to methylate residue C2337 in 27S pre-rRNA, suggesting a role in snoRNA function. We propose that Prp43p promotes recycling of snoRNAs and biogenesis factors during pre-rRNA processing, similar to its recycling role in pre-mRNA splicing. The dual function for Prp43p in the cell raises the possibility that ribosome biogenesis and pre-mRNA splicing may be coordinately regulated.  相似文献   

The 5' and 3' domains of yeast U6 snRNA contain sequences that are thought to be important for binding to Prp24 and Lsm proteins. By extensive mutational analysis of yeast U6 snRNA, we confirmed that the 3' terminal uridine tract of U6 snRNA is important for U6 binding to Lsm proteins in yeast. Binding of Prp24 protein to U6 RNA is dependent on or is strongly enhanced by U6 binding of Lsm proteins. This supports a model for U6 snRNP assembly in which U6 RNA binds to the Lsm2-8 core prior to binding Prp24 protein. Using compensatory base-pairing analysis, we show that at least half of the recently identified U6 telestem as well as a nucleotide sequence in the other half of the telestem are important for binding of U6 RNA to Prp24 protein. Surprisingly, disruption of base pairing in the unconfirmed half of the telestem enhanced U6-Prp24 binding. Truncation of the entire 3' terminal domain or nearly the entire 5' terminal domain of yeast U6 allowed for detectable levels of splicing to proceed in vitro. In addition to gaining knowledge of the function of the 5' and 3' domains of yeast U6, our results help define the minimal set of requirements for yeast U6 RNA function in splicing. We present a revised secondary structural model of yeast U6 snRNA in free U6 snRNPs.  相似文献   

J Heino 《Matrix biology》2000,19(4):319-323
Distinct collagen subtypes are recognized by specific cell surface receptors. Two of the best known collagen receptors are members of the integrin family and are named alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta1. Integrin alpha1beta1 is abundant on smooth muscle cells, whereas the alpha2beta1 integrin is the major collagen receptor on epithelial cells and platelets. Many cell types, such as fibroblasts, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, endothelial cells, and lymphocytes may concomitantly express both of the receptors. We have studied the cell biology of these integrins at two levels. First, we have analyzed their ligand binding mechanism and specificity. Second, we have studied their signaling function inside three-dimensional collagen gels. This mini-review summarizes our most recent results. In conclusion, our data indicate that alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta1 integrins have differences in their ligand binding specificity. Furthermore, the two receptors are connected to distinct signaling pathways and their ligation may lead to opposite cellular responses.  相似文献   

We showed previously that the WW domain of the prolyl isomerase, Ess1, can bind the phosphorylated carboxyl-terminal domain (phospho-CTD) of the largest subunit of RNA Polymerase II. Analysis of phospho-CTD binding by four other WW domain-containing Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins indicates the splicing factor, Prp40, and the RNA polymerase II ubiquitin ligase, Rsp5, can also bind the phospho-CTD. The identification of Prp40 as a phospho-CTD binding protein represents the first demonstration of direct interaction between a documented splicing factor and the phospho-CTD. Domain dissection studies reveal that phospho-CTD binding occurs at multiple locations in Prp40, including sites in both the WW and FF domain regions. Because the conserved repeats of the CTD make it an ideal ligand for multi-site binding events, the implications of multi-site binding are discussed. Our data suggest a mechanism by which the phospho-CTD of elongating RNA polymerase II facilitates commitment complex formation by juxtaposing the 5' and 3' splice sites.  相似文献   

B Schwer  C H Gross 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(7):2086-2094
In order to assess the role of Prp22 in yeast pre-mRNA splicing, we have purified the 130 kDa Prp22 protein and developed an in vitro depletion/reconstitution assay. We show that Prp22 is required for the second step of actin pre-mRNA splicing. Prp22 can act on pre-assembled spliceosomes that are arrested after step 1 in an ATP-independent fashion. The requirement for Prp22 during step 2 depends on the distance between the branchpoint and the 3' splice site, suggesting a previously unrecognized role for Prp22 in splice site selection. We characterize the biochemical activities of Prp22, a member of the DExH-box family of proteins, and we show that purified recombinant Prp22 protein is an RNA-dependent ATPase and an ATP-dependent RNA helicase. Prp22 uses the energy of ATP hydrolysis to effect the release of mRNA from the spliceosome. Thus, Prp22 has two distinct functions in yeast pre-mRNA splicing: an ATP-independent role during the second catalytic step and an ATP-requiring function in disassembly of the spliceosome.  相似文献   

T-cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1) regulates developmental and stress-responsive pathways through distinct activities at the levels of alternative pre-mRNA splicing and mRNA translation. The TIA-1 polypeptide contains three RNA recognition motifs (RRMs). The central RRM2 and C-terminal RRM3 associate with cellular mRNAs. The N-terminal RRM1 enhances interactions of a C-terminal Q-rich domain of TIA-1 with the U1-C splicing factor, despite linear separation of the domains in the TIA-1 sequence. Given the expanded functional repertoire of the RRM family, it was unknown whether TIA-1 RRM1 contributes to RNA binding as well as documented protein interactions. To address this question, we used isothermal titration calorimetry and small-angle X-ray scattering to dissect the roles of the TIA-1 RRMs in RNA recognition. Notably, the fas RNA exhibited two binding sites with indistinguishable affinities for TIA-1. Analyses of TIA-1 variants established that RRM1 was dispensable for binding AU-rich fas sites, yet all three RRMs were required to bind a polyU RNA with high affinity. Small-angle X-ray scattering analyses demonstrated a "V" shape for a TIA-1 construct comprising the three RRMs and revealed that its dimensions became more compact in the RNA-bound state. The sequence-selective involvement of TIA-1 RRM1 in RNA recognition suggests a possible role for RNA sequences in regulating the distinct functions of TIA-1. Further implications for U1-C recruitment by the adjacent TIA-1 binding sites of the fas pre-mRNA and the bent TIA-1 shape, which organizes the N- and C-termini on the same side of the protein, are discussed.  相似文献   

The U2 auxiliary factor large subunit (U2AF65) is an essential pre-mRNA splicing factor for the initial stages of spliceosome assembly. Tandem RNA recognition motifs (RRM)s of U2AF65 recognize polypyrimidine tract signals adjacent to 3' splice sites. Despite the central importance of U2AF65 for splice site recognition, the relative arrangement of the U2AF65 RRMs and the energetic forces driving polypyrimidine tract recognition remain unknown. Here, the solution conformation of the U2AF65 RNA binding domain determined using small angle x-ray scattering reveals a bilobal shape without apparent interdomain contacts. The proximity of the N and C termini within the inter-RRM configuration is sufficient to explain the action of U2AF65 on spliceosome components located both 5' and 3' to its binding site. Isothermal titration calorimetry further demonstrates that an unusually large enthalpy-entropy compensation underlies U2AF65 recognition of an optimal polyuridine tract. Qualitative similarities were observed between the pairwise distance distribution functions of the U2AF65 RNA binding domain and those either previously observed for N-terminal RRMs of Py tract-binding protein that lack interdomain contacts or calculated from the high resolution coordinates of a U2AF65 deletion variant bound to RNA. To further test this model, the shapes and RNA interactions of the wild-type U2AF65 RNA binding domain were compared with those of U2AF65 variants containing either Py tract-binding protein linker sequences or a deletion within the inter-RRM linker. Results of these studies suggest inter-RRM conformational plasticity as a possible means for U2AF65 to universally identify diverse pre-mRNA splice sites.  相似文献   

U6 RNA plays a critical role in pre-mRNA splicing. Assembly of U6 into the spliceosome requires a significant structural rearrangement and base-pairing with U4 RNA. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this process requires the essential splicing factor Prp24. We present the characterization and structure of a complex containing one of Prp24''s four RNA recognition motif (RRM) domains, RRM2, and a fragment of U6 RNA. NMR methods were used to identify the preferred U6 binding sequence of RRM2 (5′-GAGA-3′), measure the affinity of the interaction, and solve the structure of RRM2 bound to the hexaribonucleotide AGAGAU. Interdomain contacts observed between RRM2 and RRM3 in a crystal structure of the free protein are not detectable in solution. A structural model of RRM1 and RRM2 bound to a longer segment of U6 RNA is presented, and a partial mechanism for Prp24''s annealing activity is proposed.  相似文献   

The yeast U1A protein is a U1 snRNP-specific protein. Like its human counterpart (hU1A), it has two conserved RNA binding domains (RBDs). The N-terminal RBD is quite different from the human protein, and a binding site on yeast U1 snRNA is not readily apparent. The C-terminal RBD is of unknown function. Using in vivo dimethyl sulfate (DMS) protection of mutant strains, we defined a region in yeast U1 snRNA as the likely U1A N-terminal RBD binding site. This was confirmed by direct in vitro binding assays. The site is very different from its vertebrate counterpart, but its location within yeast U1 snRNA suggests a conserved structural relationship to other U1 snRNP components. Genetic studies and sensitive in vivo splicing measurements indicate that the yeast U1A C-terminal RBD also functions in pre-mRNA splicing. We propose that the N-terminal RBD serves to tether the splicing-relevant C-terminal RBD to the snRNP.  相似文献   

Kuhn AN  Brow DA 《Genetics》2000,155(4):1667-1682
The highly conserved splicing factor Prp8 has been implicated in multiple stages of the splicing reaction. However, assignment of a specific function to any part of the 280-kD U5 snRNP protein has been difficult, in part because Prp8 lacks recognizable functional or structural motifs. We have used a large-scale screen for Saccharomyces cerevisiae PRP8 alleles that suppress the cold sensitivity caused by U4-cs1, a mutant U4 RNA that blocks U4/U6 unwinding, to identify with high resolution five distinct regions of PRP8 involved in the control of spliceosome activation. Genetic interactions between two of these regions reveal a potential long-range intramolecular fold. Identification of a yeast two-hybrid interaction, together with previously reported results, implicates two other regions in direct and indirect contacts to the U1 snRNP. In contrast to the suppressor mutations in PRP8, loss-of-function mutations in the genes for two other splicing factors implicated in U4/U6 unwinding, Prp44 (Brr2/Rss1/Slt22/Snu246) and Prp24, show synthetic enhancement with U4-cs1. On the basis of these results we propose a model in which allosteric changes in Prp8 initiate spliceosome activation by (1) disrupting contacts between the U1 snRNP and the U4/U6-U5 tri-snRNP and (2) orchestrating the activities of Prp44 and Prp24.  相似文献   

The assembly of the U4 and U6 snRNPs into the U4/U6 di-snRNP is necessary for pre-mRNA splicing, and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires the splicing factor Prp24. We have identified a family of Prp24 homologs that includes the human protein SART3/p110nrb, which had been identified previously as a surface antigen in several cancers. Sequence conservation among the Prp24 homologs reveals the existence of a fourth previously unidentified RNA recognition motif (RRM) in Prp24, which we demonstrate is necessary for growth of budding yeast at 37 degrees C. The family is also characterized by a highly conserved 12-amino-acid motif at the extreme C terminus. Deletion of this motif in Prp24 causes a cold-sensitive growth phenotype and a decrease in base-paired U4/U6 levels in vivo. The mutant protein also has a reduced association with U6 snRNA in extract, and is unable to interact with the U6 Lsm proteins by two-hybrid assay. In vitro annealing assays demonstrate that deletion of the motif causes a defect in U4/U6 formation by reducing binding of Prp24 to its substrate. We conclude that the conserved C-terminal motif of Prp24 interacts with the Lsm proteins to promote U4/U6 formation.  相似文献   

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