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Lychnis alpina is a perennial caryophyllaceous plant with an amphi-Atlantic distribution. 27 populations are described on the basis of allozyme data from 11 electro-phoretic loci. L. alpina has a relatively low level of genetic variation, 3 of the loci are polymorphic ( P.,%= 20.2%) and the mean expected heterozygosity per indivindual is H3= 0.233 the three polymorphic loci included (H = 0.064, 11 loci included). Despite relatively low level of genetic variation, the genetic diversity among populations is relatively high with FST= 0.51. A hierarchial analysis of genetic diversity demonstrates that most of the genetic diversity exists as interpopulational, intra-regional diversity. Genetic identity is not associated with the intercontinental geographical distribution of the populations, neither is the diversity correspondant to taxonomic relationships.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Among-population differentiation in phenotypic traits and allelic variation is expected as a consequence of isolation, drift, founder effects and local selection. Therefore, investigating molecular and quantitative genetic divergence is a pre-requisite for studies of local adaptation in response to selection under variable environmental conditions. METHODS: Among- and within-population variation were investigated in six geographically separated European populations of the white campion, Silene latifolia, both for molecular variation at six newly developed microsatellite loci and for quantitative variation in morphological and life-history traits. To avoid confounding effects of the maternal environment, phenotypic traits were measured on greenhouse-reared F(1) offspring. Tests were made for clinal variation, and the correlations among molecular, geographic and phenotypic distances were compared with Mantel tests. KEY RESULTS: The six populations of Silene latifolia investigated showed significant molecular and quantitative genetic differentiation. Geographic and phenotypic distances were significantly associated. Age at first flowering increased significantly with latitude and exhibited a Q(st) value of 0.17 in females and 0.10 in males, consistent with adaptation to local environmental conditions. By contrast, no evidence of isolation-by-distance and no significant association between molecular and phenotypic distances were found. CONCLUSIONS: Significant molecular genetic divergence among populations of Silene latifolia, from the European native range is consistent with known limited seed and pollen flow distances, while significant quantitative genetic divergence among populations and clinal variation for age at first flowering suggest local adaptation.  相似文献   

Developmental instability shown by increased fluctuating asymmetry can be caused by either genetic or environmental stress. Genomic coadaptation and heterozygosity are the genetic factors that are commonly assumed to increase the level of developmental stability. Therefore, in hybrid populations the level of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) can be lower due to higher heterozygosity or higher due to disruption of coadapted gene complexes, depending on the degree of divergence between hybridizing taxa. Here I present data on FA in petals from hybrids between Lychnis viscaria (Caryophyllaceae) and Lychnis alpina and from parental species grown in a common garden environment. Petal asymmetry of hybrids was clearly higher than that of either parental species grown in common environment. Between the two parental species petal asymmetry did not differ. The mean size of the petals in hybrids was about the same as in L. viscaria, thus indicating no heterotic effect. Therefore, it seems that hybrids between L. viscaria and L. alpina do suffer from the disruption of coadapted gene complexes as indicated by higher developmental instability.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Cryptogramma crispa, a tetraploid species with a broad circumboreal and alpine distribution, growing mainly in siliceous boulder fields and crevices, was studied in the laboratory by growing gametophytes in plates with both solidified agar media and sterilized soil. In addition, an electrophoretic study of isozymes was carried out on frond samples from five natural populations, as an additional source of evidence concerning the breeding system and the genetic structure of sporophyte populations. Populations throughout the Iberian range of the species were selected for this study, and a Scottish population was included to represent plants from outside our local area and ecology. The morphological development of gametophytes is of the Adiantum type. All multispore cultures developed into a bigametophytic system, consisting in most cases of male and female prothalli. This pattern of sexual expression provides evidence for outcrossing as the main breeding system in this species. Moreover, there is good evidence that the species possesses an antheridiogen system to promote outcrossing. The long time needed by gametophytes to produce gametangia, and afterwards to fertilize and produce sporophytes, might be the primary reason why so few young sporophytes are found in the wild. The values of the percentage of polymorphic loci and the similarity levels obtained from the isozyme analyses indicate a level of genetic variability that would be expected in an outcrossing species. All these characteristics are usually associated with diploid fern species rather than polyploid species.  相似文献   

Eight populations of Silene paradoxa L. (Caryophyllaceae) growing in copper mine deposits, in serpentine outcrops or in uncontaminated soil in central Italy were studied. Genetic diversity was estimated using five polymorphic chloroplast microsatellite loci (cpSSR), identifying 27 different chloroplast haplotypes. The effective number of alleles, the haplotypic diversity and a stepwise mutational model-based parameter (DSH2) were computed. The effective number of alleles observed within populations from copper mine deposits was 20% that of the serpentine neighbouring populations, suggesting the occurrence of a founder effect. Moreover, 13 of the 27 different haplotypes scored were exclusive to only one population, indicating genetic isolation for all tolerant populations. Even the copper-tolerant populations appeared to have evolved independently. Finally, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) of the cpSSR markers gave statistical significance to the grouping of populations according to their geographical location. This study demonstrates that cpSSR markers could be a useful complementary tool to isoenzymes or random amplified polymorphic DNA markers for elucidating the pattern of genetic differentiation in heavy metal-tolerant populations.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic impacts are believed to be the primary threats to the eastern Australian population of grey nurse sharks (Carcharias taurus), which is listed as critically endangered, and the most threatened population globally. Analyses of 235 polymorphic amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) loci and 700 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA control region provide the first account of genetic variation and geographical partitioning (east and west coasts of Australia, South Africa) in C. taurus. Assignment tests, analysis of relatedness and Fst values all indicate that the Australian populations are isolated from South Africa, with negligible migration between the east and west Australian coasts. There are significant differences in levels of genetic variation among regions. Australian C. taurus, particularly the eastern population, has significantly less AFLP variation than the other sampling localities. Further, the eastern Australian sharks possess only a single mitochondrial haplotype, also suggesting a small number of founding individuals. Therefore, historical, rather than anthropogenic processes most likely account for their depauperate genetic variation. These findings have implications for the viability of the eastern Australian population of grey nurse sharks.  相似文献   

Feral oilseed rape populations on roadsides and along other semi-natural habitats contribute to the uncertainty regarding the potential risk of transgene escape from genetically modified (GM) oilseed rape to wild or weedy populations. Knowledge about the underlying mechanism of establishment, persistence, and the evolutionary potential of feral populations is a prerequisite for a successful risk assessment and of high policy relevance. We analysed the origin, persistence, and genetic variation of feral oilseed rape populations in northwest Germany based on a field survey (2004–2007) and nuclear microsatellite markers. A maximum-likelihood approach was used to allocate individuals of feral populations to their source varieties and to hybrids between these varieties. The majority (72%) of the analysed sites was inhabited by oilseed rape for at least 2 years. The proportion of feral populations setting seeds varied between years (30–48%) and was higher than in comparable studies. Within-population genetic diversity of feral oilseed rape populations was higher than that of the common grown varieties studied. Repeated escapes of different varieties and hybridisation between these varieties were identified as the most important sources of genetic variation in feral oilseed rape populations. Up to four different source varieties were identified in feral populations. The detection of three hybrids between different varieties indicates that feral oilseed rape populations may persist via self-recruitment. Our results highlight the evolutionary potential of feral oilseed rape populations and have consequences for approaches to regulate the coexistence of genetically modified and non-GM oilseed rape varieties in the same region. Feral populations may serve as stepping stones for intraspecific and interspecific gene flow and can promote persistence of transgenes outside cultivation. The likelihood of introgressive interspecific hybridisation depends on the abundance of crossing partners, which may vary strongly from region to region.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA was used to investigatelevels of genetic variability in severelyfragmented populations of the geometrictortoise, Psammobates geometricus, themost endangered tortoise on mainland Africa.Eight microsatellite markers were used toassess genetic variability within and betweenthree naturally occurring populations of P. geometricus. These populations areseparated by the Cape Fold mountain ranges inthe western Cape region of South Africa. Levels of variability were quantified usingallelic diversity, genotypic frequencies andheterozygosity. Evidence for populationsub-structuring was examined using Fstatistics, Rst and 2.High levels of variability were found in allthree populations. Low levels of populationdifferentiation were found suggestingsignificant gene flow between the populations.  相似文献   

A total of 892 individuals sampled from a wild soybean population in a natural reserve near the Yellow River estuary located in Kenli of Shandong Province (China) were investigated.Seventeen SSR (simple sequence repeat) primer pairs from cultivated soybeans were used to estimate the genetic diversity of the population and its variation pattern versus changes of the sample size (sub-samples),in addition to investigating the fine-scale spatial genetic structure within the population.The results showed relatively high genetic diversity of the population with the mean value of allele number (A) being 2.88,expected heterozygosity (He) 0.431,Shannon diversity index (/) 0.699,and percentage of polymorphic loci (P) 100%.Sub-samples of different sizes (ten groups) were randomly drawn from the population and their genetic diversity was calculated by computer simulation.The regression model of the four diversity indexes with the change of sample sizes was computed.As a result,27-52 individuals can reach 95% of total genetic variability of the population.Spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed that the genetic patch size of this wild soybean population is about 18 m.The study provided a scientific basis for the sampling strategy of wild soybean populations.  相似文献   

不同种群海南粗榧(Cephalotaxus mannii)遗传多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用垂直板型凝胶电泳技术 ,对海南粗榧 5个种群的遗传多样性进行了研究 ,结果表明 :海南粗榧遗传多样性水平低 ,多态位点比率 P=0 .3 3 ,等位基因平均数 A=1 .3 3 ,平均期望杂合度为 He=0 .1 3 5 ,观察杂合度 Ho=0 .1 3 9,黎母山种群所具有的相对丰富的遗传多样性使其成为保护和科研的重点  相似文献   

Abstract In order to clarify the genetic diversity and population structure of Ranunculus japonicus , allozymic analysis was conducted on 60 populations in southwestern Japan. Considerable genetic variati ons were detected among the populations of R. japonicus . The genetic diversities within species ( H es = 0.215) and within populations ( H ep = 0.172) were slightly higher than those of other perennial herbs with widespread distribution and outcrossing plants. Significantly higher values of fixation index were detected in some populations, which might have arisen from restricted mating partners. The majority of genetic variation (approx. 80%) resided within a population and a moderate level of genetic differentiation ( G ST = 0.203) was observed among populations. The F ST value (0.203) suggests the existence of a substantial population structure in this species. The highly significant correlation between geographic distance and F ST values indicates that isolation by distance has played an important role in the construction of the genetic structure of this species.  相似文献   

The variability of the Gmo3, Gmo34, Gmo35, Pgmo32, Gmo19 microsatellite DNA loci was examined in the population samples of Pacific cod from different parts of the North Pacific Ocean. The statistical tests showed that the differentiation of the population was the result of different levels of reproductive autonomy of the individual Pacific cod populations, formed in the Pleistocene-Holocene period with the specific features of transgressions and regressions of the World Ocean, and supported by the existing system of currents and the features of the migratory behavior of cod in North Pacific.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is recognized as an important population attribute for both conservation and evolutionary purposes; however, the functional relationships between the environment, genetic diversity, and fitness-related traits are poorly understood. We examined relationships between selected lake parameters and population genetic diversity measures in 46 walleye (Sander vitreus) populations across the province of Ontario, Canada, and then tested for relationships between six life history traits (in three categories: growth, reproductive investment, and mortality) that are closely related to fitness, and genetic diversity measures (heterozygosity, d2, and Wright's inbreeding coefficient). Positive relationships were observed between lake surface area, growing degree days, number of species, and hatchery supplementation versus genetic diversity. Walleye early growth rate was the only life history trait significantly correlated with population heterozygosity in both males and females. The relationship between FIS and male early growth rate was negative and significant (P < 0.01) and marginally nonsignificant for females (P = 0.06), consistent with inbreeding depression effects. Only one significant relationship was observed for d2: female early growth rate (P < 0.05). Stepwise regression models showed that surface area and heterozygosity had a significant effect on female early growth rate, while hatchery supplementation, surface area and heterozygosity had a significant effect on male early growth rate. The strong relationship between lake parameters, such as surface area, and hatchery supplementation, versus genetic diversity suggests inbreeding and outbreeding in some of the populations; however, the weak relationships between genetic diversity and life history traits indicate that inbreeding and outbreeding depression are not yet seriously impacting Ontario walleye populations.  相似文献   

Aim This study examines the hypothesis that the biogeographic history of a species is reflected in the distribution of molecular genetic diversity and the phylogenies of extant populations. Location Populations of arctic-alpine ground beetle Amara alpina were analysed from Beringia (Alaska and northernmost British Columbia), the Hudson Bay region, the northern Appalachian Mountains, and the central Rocky Mountains of North America. Methods Mitochondrial restriction site variation of specimens from twenty-two populations were assayed by using radioactively labelled mtDNA to probe Southern membranes containing restriction enzyme digested total DNA. Restriction sites were mapped and genetic distances were calculated by pairwise comparison of presence and absence of restriction sites. Genetic distances were used in a molecular analysis of variance and to construct a minimal spanning tree. Parsimony methods were used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships between the haplotypes. These results were compared to an existing model for postglacial dispersal based on fossil and modern occurrences of arctic-alpine beetles. Results Among the twenty-two populations, fifteen haplotypes were detected. Genetic variation within each of the four regions corresponded to that expected from the palaeontologically based model. Beringian populations were the most genetically diverse. In contrast, no restriction site variation was observed in populations from the Hudson Bay region. Intermediate amounts of variation were observed in alpine populations of the Rocky and Appalachian Mountains. Maximum parsimony and cluster analysis provide evidence that at least two ancestral haplotypes existed in the Southern refugium from which the Rocky and the Appalachian Mountains populations were founded. Main conclusions The genetic results are generally consistent with the palaeontologically based model. The diversity of Beringian populations is consistent with this region having been continuously inhabited by Amara alpina throughout the Pleistocene. The Hudson Bay region was not deglaciated until about 6000 years, and its populations have no restriction site variation. The molecular genetic data support the interpretation that the Hudson Bay region was colonized from Beringia based on the occurrence of the same haplotype in both regions.  相似文献   

Isozyme diversity and genetic structure of buckwheat populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic diversity of 35 Fagopyrum populations belonging to thirteen taxa was studied using isozyme variation at 16 loci for nine enzyme systems (ADH, α-AMY, EST, GDH, GOT, IDH, MDH, PGM, and POD). The mean number of alleles per locus (Ap) showed little variation, ranging from 1.38 to 1.71. The mean percentage of polymorphic (P) of the thirteen taxa was high, ranging from 68.75% to 93.75. The mean expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.21 to 0.37. Obvious grouping of populations according to taxonomic species was found in the cluster analysis, confirmed that the thirteen taxa studied were independent, with a clear boundary. Based on the dendrogram, the phylogenic relationship of Fagopyrum species are in agreement with the achene size were found, and it was inferred that southwestern China should be the original center of cultivated buckwheat.  相似文献   

Effects of inbreeding on the genetic diversity of populations   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The study of variability within species is important to all biologists who use genetic markers. Since the discovery of molecular variability among normal individuals, data have been collected from a wide range of organisms, and it is important to understand the major factors affecting diversity levels and patterns. Comparisons of inbreeding and outcrossing populations can contribute to this understanding, and therefore studying plant populations is important, because related species often have different breeding systems. DNA sequence data are now starting to become available from suitable plant and animal populations, to measure and compare variability levels and test predictions.  相似文献   

Alatalo, J. M. & Molau, U. 1995. Effect of altitude on the sex ratio in populations of Silene acaulis. — Nord. J. Bot. 15: 251–256. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
Predicted increase of female frequencies in gynodioecious Silene acaulis was tested along an altitude gradient in northern Sweden. Average female frequencies for the four sites increased with altitude from 42% to 59% within a short geographical distance. This follows the outcrossing hypothesis, that female frequencies should be positively correlated with selfing rates of hermaphrodites in populations. More adverse environmental conditions should favour gynodioecy in areas where reproduction to a greater part relies on vegetative reproduction or selfing. Further, a significant difference in corolla width was found between females and the larger hermaphrodites, but not between sites. Cushion size and the number of flowers per cushion decreased with attitude.  相似文献   

Metal-contaminated sites can occur naturally in serpentine outcrops or as consequence of anthropogenic activities, such as mining deposits, aerial fallout from smelters and industrial processes. Serpentine outcrops are characterized by high levels of nickel, cobalt and chromium and present a typical vegetation which includes endemisms and plants which also live in uncontaminated soils. These latter metal-tolerant populations provide the opportunity to investigate the first steps in the differentiation of plant populations under severe selection pressure and to select plants to be used in the phytoremediation of industrially contaminated soils. In this report eight populations of Silene paradoxa L. (Caryophyllaceae) growing in copper mine deposits, in serpentine outcrops or in noncontaminated soil in central Italy, were analysed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to investigate the pattern of genetic variation. The genetic diversity observed in populations at copper mine deposits was found to be at least as high as that of the neighbouring serpentine populations. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) of the RAPD markers gave high statistical significance to the groupings of populations according: (i) with their geographical location; and (ii) with the metals present in the soil of origin (copper vs. nickel), indicating that RAPD markers detected a polymorphism related to the soil contamination by copper. Finally, two RAPD bands exclusive to copper-tolerant populations were identified.  相似文献   

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