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  • 1 Males of Hermetia comstocki Williston compete for territorial control of certain agaves and yuccas. Winners copulate with females that visit these plants solely to acquire a mate.
  • 2 Males vary in body weight by more than an order of magnitude and larger flies almost always defeat smaller ones in aerial contests for control of landmark territories.
  • 3 The mean body size (as measured by wing-length) was significantly greater for males retaining residency at a site for at least one hour compared to males unable to do so. Likewise, males able to return to a perch site in the study area on more than one day were larger on average than males unable to do so.
  • 4 Male preferences for landmark territories remained similar across years. Large males dominated the perch landmarks most likely to be occupied by males and most likely to be visited by females.
  • 5 Despite the fighting and territorial advantages enjoyed by large males, the mean size of males found mating with females was not significantly larger than that of the general population.
  • 6 The apparent failure of large males to secure a statistically significant mating advantage may be a statistical consequence of the small sample size of males observed mating. On the other hand, any mating advantage of large males may be reduced because (a) receptive females visit many different landmarks, (b) females mate with the first male they encounter at a landmark, regardless of his size, (c) there are usually many vacant landmarks available for smaller males, and (d) even popular territories are often open to small males, thanks to the low site-tenacity of territory owners.

Large males of the tarantula hawk wasp Hemipepsis ustulata appear to have an advantage in the competition for mates. Large males are more likely to acquire perch territories used to scan for incoming receptive females and territorial males appear more likely to mate than non‐territorial males. In addition, among the males that do secure a mate, those that intercept a female on a territory are larger than those that do so elsewhere. Despite the mating advantages apparently enjoyed by larger males of this species, average male size has remained essentially constant over the last 25 yr. Moreover, larger males are not seen to employ certain competitive tactics that might otherwise enhance their reproductive success. Thus, larger males did not preferentially visit the most popular landmark territory compared to a site that attracted fewer visitors overall. Nor were larger males more likely to return to potential territories after marking, capture, and release, either immediately or on a subsequent day. Finally, although large males made up a significantly greater proportion of the males captured at two territories as the 2005 flight season progressed, over all the years of the study, receptive females have not been concentrated in the latter part of the flight seasons.  相似文献   

Territorial males of the pompilid wasp Hemipepsis ustulata occupy their landmark territories for from less than 1 day to several weeks. Variation in territory tenure could arise if territories differ in their value and cost to defend (the tradeoff hypothesis). If superior sites attract more male competitors, raising the cost ofterritorial defense of these locations, we would expect (1) tenure times to be shorter at top-ranked sites and (2) tenure times to decline in years of high male density and competition. Although mean tenure times for males able to hold territories for at least 2 days were shorter at top-ranked sites, the difference was only statistically significant in one of three years. In the year of highest male density, a significantly higher proportion of all territorial males failed to hold the top-ranked sites for more than a single day; however, mean tenure duration at all occupied sites did not decline in this year. Thus, the tradeoff hypothesis received only partial support. An alternative hypothesis is that variation in male resource holding power, as reflected in male size or wing condition, contributes to differences in territorial tenure. However, although larger males were more likely to become territorial residents at the top-ranked sites, the duration of tenure at these locations was not positively correlated with body size. In addition, although wing condition declined throughout the flight season in concert with a sharp decrease in the duration of tenure at the top-ranked sites, males with fresher wings did not hold territories longer than males whose wings were in poorer condition when they assumed control of a site.  相似文献   

Territorial behavior of overwintered individuals of Metrocoris histriowas observed in an upstream area. Adults of both sexes held territories, but male territories were larger than those of females. Severe competition occurred among males for territories which give them access to receptive females. The effects of male body length and midleg length on establishment of territories were not significant. The effect of female midleg length on activity of females entering preferred foraging sites was equally not significant. Instead, territorial behavior increased with male age and males stayed longer at prime sites. Females of intermediate age were likely to occupy prime sites. Females had longer territory residence time than males. The sexes were dimorphic with respect to midleg length, and dimorphism in M. histriomay be related to a difference in life history, in that sexual selection may be relaxed due to asynchronous adult emergence patterns.  相似文献   

InNannophya pygmaea, ovipositing females were frequently disturbed by conspecific males. Disturbed females often copulated with one of these males or flew away from the pool. Females which flew away from the pool due to male disturbance often returned later the same day and mated with different males. A territorial male would guard his ovipositing mate by hovering above her, presumably trying to prevent her from moving out of his territory. A non-territorial male would also guard his mate in a similar way, both at a vacant water area which was not occupied by any territorial males, or within the territory of a resident male. In addition, both territorial and non-territorial males chased intruding males in an attempt to prevent their mates from being stolen. Territorial males defended their mates better than non-territorial males. Both males and females often mated more than once in the course of a single day. Some territorial males copulated with a new female while another mate oviposited in their territories. This observation supported the “multiple mating hypothesis” proposed by Alcock (1979) and Uéda (1979) but other evidence suggested that this is an inadequate explanation for the non-contact guarding ofN. pygmaea.  相似文献   

Males of the tachinid fly Leschenaultia adusta perch on small trees and shrubs on the highest parts of Usery Peak in central Arizona. Individuals select twig perches on the downwind side of these plants and fly out spontaneously from time to time or in response to another passing insect. Conspecific males elicit chases that on occasion escalate into elaborate, high-speed pursuit flights that go back and forth near the plant for several minutes. Although several males sometimes perch together briefly in the same plant, typically only one individual remains at a site for more than an hour on any given day. These site-faithful males can be considered territorial residents; they constituted about one-quarter of the males marked during the study. More than half of these residents returned to the same perch plant for two or more days. Perch plants varied in their attractiveness to male flies; male preferences were largely consistent across two years of study. Given that females were occasionally observed mating at male-occupied plants, we place the mating system of L. adusta within the hilltopping territorial category in which males compete for landmark perching sites attractive to receptive females. As is true for other hilltopping insects, receptive females of L. adusta appear to be rare and widely distributed.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogastermales initiated aggressive behavior toward other males and defended territories several hours after they were able to court and mate females. Males that were 3 days or more posteclosion were more successful at holding territories than younger males. Three-day-old males established territories more readily and escalated more often against territory residents than males that were 1 day old. Residents did not usually force young males from territories until they were a few hours posteclosion. The development of territorial behavior was not affected by familiarity or prior exposure to females. Males held in isolation established territories more quickly and behaved more aggressively than males held in groups. Males that previously held territories were more likely to reestablish them after a disturbance.  相似文献   

Males of the damselfly,Mnais pruinosa costalis, exhibit wing color dimorphism: one form has orange wings, and the other hyaline wings which resemble female wings. The former is usually territorial and the latter uses sneaky mate securing tactics. When orange-winged males failed to establish territory, they became floaters that day. Hyaline-winged males perched around their territories and often, formed in tandem without any apparent courtship behavior when they found females. Their copulation frequency was higher and copulation duration longer than those of territorial males. A few females oviposited without remating. Total oviposition duration of females with which a hyaline-winged male mated was more than 32 min per male on average in a day Females that copulated with hyaline-winged males often remated with orange-winged residents before oviposition. Total duration of oviposition bouts of females after mating with floaters was short (15 min), while that with territorial residents was long (66 min). As a result, total oviposition duration of females with which an orange-winged male mated was about 40 min in a day. The reproductive success of the hyaline-winged males may be similar to that of the orange-winged males.  相似文献   

Male Polistes canadensis and P. carnifex aggregate along crests of prominent ridges in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. At these sites males of both species defend territories (trees and shrubs) by chasing conspecific rivals. Territories do not contain nests or resources that are collected by females. Chasing by territorial males reduces the amount of time spent by intruders in a territory. I describe and contrast male territorial behavior of both species. Some male P. canadensis are territorial while others in the same area exhibit patrolling behavior, flying from one occupied territory to another. Males of P. carnifex exhibit territoriality only. Patrolling in P. canadensis is an outcome of relatively high male density along the ridge, rendering territories in short supply, as shown by the observation that experimentally vacated territories are seized rapidly by formerly patrolling males. Due to a high intraspecific intrusion rate, territorial male P. canadensis spend less time perching and more time flying and chasing intruders from their territories than do male P. carnifex. Males of these two species also differ in the placement of their territories along the ridgeline; P. canadensis occupy territories in saddles while P. carnifex occupy those at peaktops. I show that this divergent spatial pattern is not maintained by competitive exclusion of either species by the other, and I discuss alternative explanations for their separate spatial distributions. Comparative data suggest that males are territorial because females restrict matings to within territories, and I discuss alternative hypotheses to explain this bias in female behavior.  相似文献   

The territorial and mating behavior of two Xylocopaspecies X. fimbriataF. and X. gualanensisCockerell from Costa Rica are described. Male territorial activity was common during February through April in the higher areas of a dry forest savanna. Both species maintained territories at the same location within hollows in the foliage of Ardesia revolutaH.B.K., a small evergreen tree which occurs commonly in the dry forest. Xylocopa fimbriatamaintained territories during early morning hours, whereas the territorial period for X. gualanensisoccurred during late afternoon. Males of both species infrequently marked territories. It is suggested that a secretion released from their mesosomal glands is wiped onto their legs during frequent leg-body and leg rubbing which occurs while males hover. The secretion is occasionally applied to marking points on vegetation by their secretion-contaminated legs. Males repeatedly marked select locations when females were near their territories regardless of whether females were searching nearby branches for nesting sites, gathering provisions, or passing through their areas. Some females oriented to and entered certain male territories. An example of female mate choice in selection of male territories is provided. Females flew into male territories from 2–4 cm down-wind of male scent-marked locations. As females approached these locations, males hovered downwind in close proximity to the females' approach path. As females hovered a few centimeters downwind of the scented focal point, males approached from downwind and mounted. The males behavior and the role of scent-marking in the reproductive behavior of lek polygyny is discussed.  相似文献   

Many territorial insects use specific perches, or lookout posts, from which they perceive and react to conspecific males and females. We investigated the lookout post choice of territorial male amberwing dragonflies (Perithemis tenera). An observational study indicated that males rarely perched directly at their oviposition site; rather, they perched farther out from shore than, and within 2 m from, their oviposition site. In an experimental study, we provided an array of perches at different distances from the shore and oviposition site to eliminate perch limitation as a factor in perch choice. The results of the experimental study confirmed the patterns evident in the observational study; males perched farther from shore than their oviposition site was located. Interestingly, in both the observational and the experimental study, when neighbors were close, a male perched away from his closest neighbor, which usually resulted in his oviposition site being closer to his neighbor than he was. Thus, male amberwings apparently alter their perch choice within their territories in response to the location of other males. These lookout post locations may provide the best opportunity for the territorial male to perceive passing females and intruding males, while minimizing conflict with their neighbors.  相似文献   

A single population of a common pond dragonfly, Libellula luctuosa, was studied at a site where the density of males increased dramatically during the breeding season. Early in the summer one active male was found on each territory on the pond. Satellite males were only occasionally found on the territories. Later in the season the number of males per territory increased so that two or more males simultaneously defended on many of the territories, and several satellite males occupied each of the territories. The number and rate of female visitations per day did not change over the summer. These factors resulted in a change in the operational sex ratio with variations in male density. Male behavior was also altered with increasing population density. As male density increased, males were less likely to be seen perching on their territories and more likely to be seen performing aggressive acts such as chasing nearby territorial males and chasing intruders. At high male density, the duration of territorial behaviors was shorter than at low male density. Thus, the percent of a time budget spent in any one activity did not change despite the change in number of males present. Male activity in L. luctuosa is not strictly determined by the opportunity for aggression. Costs of aggression associated with territoriality are minimized by maintaining flexible territorial behaviors.  相似文献   

Synopsis Social organization and spawning in the sharpnose pufferCanthigaster rostrataere studied on a reef in the San Blas Islands, Panama. Sexes were dimorphic. In mixed coral and rubble habitat, females defended territories against other females and small males. From one to six female territories were included within the territories of certain large males. These haremic males visited their females and patrolled their territories throughout the day. Smaller, non-haremic males occupied territories or home ranges within or adjacent to those of haremic males or were wanderers. Spawning between a haremic male and a territorial female occurred within the female's territory. The female prepared an algal nest into which demersal eggs were deposited. There was no parental care. Eggs were spherical, translucent, and measured approximately 0.66 mm in diameter. Larvae were about 1.4 mm TL and closely resembled those of other species ofCanthigaster.  相似文献   

To evaluate the spawning success of male Japanese minnows,Pseudorasbora parva, and female mate choice, spawning behaviour was observed under both artificial and experimental conditions. Larger males had larger territories and greater reproductive success. The body weight of territorial males decreased during the maintenance of territories, while that of non-territorial males increased significantly. When the weight of non-territorial males exceeded that of territorial males, the former began to establish new territories on the substrate, suggesting a conditional strategy by non-territorial males to trade off immediate reproductive success with growth and hence improve future reproductive success. Females chose males with larger body size, probably based on dominance rank rather than the quality (or size) of territory. It was concluded that females choose males of higher dominance rank and that males compete for large territories, both of which play an important part in male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Gunnar Rehfeldt 《Oecologia》1992,89(4):550-556
Summary Predation by orb-weaving spiders and crab spiders on the damselfly Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis was studied at a small stream in Southern France. One species of orb-weaving spider, Larinioides folium, caught 76% of the damselflies which fell prey to spiders. Displacement experiments on spiders on sections of bank and the positioning of webs in male territories show that the density and distribution of damselflies is not influenced by orbweb density or by the position of webs. Predation rates corresponded to orb-web density, but neither for sex nor for stage was there a relationship with damselfly density. Mean daily predation rates ranged between 0.9% for females and 4.1% for adult males. Predation risk to adult damselflies by orb-weaving spiders was male biased, whereas among tenerals there was no bias. Males were captured more frequently at territories near the water. Captures show a maximum at noon when territorial disputes of adult males were most frequent. After orbwebs were placed within territories predation rate of males was strongly increased. Predation risk to adult females in the direct vicinity of the stream was less than in the bank vegetation where they perch close to orbwebs. The risk of predation by crab spiders, which catch damselflies at their perching sites, was not sex-biased.  相似文献   

We studied foraging site partitioning between the sexes in Neolamprologus tetracanthus, a shrimp-eating Tanganyikan cichlid with harem-polygyny. Females maintained small territories against heterospecific food competitors within large territories of males, foraging exclusively at the inner side of their own territories (foraging areas). Males fed as frequently as females in their own territories, but mostly outside female foraging areas, although they frequently entered female territories and repelled food competitors from the territories. Soon after removal of the resident females, however, harem males, as well as many food competitors, invaded the vacant territories and intensively devoured prey of female foraging areas. This indicates that although female foraging areas appear to contain more food than outside the areas, harem males refrained from foraging there when the resident females were present. We suggest that harem males will attempt to keep female foraging areas in good condition, whereby they may get females to reside in male territories and/or promote female gonadal maturation.  相似文献   

The occurrence of polygyny requires specific environmental conditions such as female aggregation or patchy resource distribution. However, it is difficult to determine the factors responsible for polygyny in species in which the territories of both sexes overlap. To overcome this, we performed female removal experiments in the polygynous triggerfish Sufflamen chrysopterum (Balistidae) in the Okinawa coral reef. Both sexes defended their territories exclusively against consexuals of the same species, and female aggregation was absent. Each male territory included 1–3 female territories, and nonterritorial males were significantly smaller than territorial males. Further, the body size of territorial males was positively correlated with that of the largest female in their territories, and larger males tended to mate with more females. The results of the female removal experiments (n = 10 females) indicated that females competed for better territories rather than larger mates. In contrast, males abandoned the territories once the females emigrated. These results strongly suggest that males defend females rather than sites and compete for larger and a greater numbers of females. Thus, in S. chrysopterum, female defense polygyny occurs in the absence of female aggregation.  相似文献   

The tropical damselfly Paraphlebia zoe has two male morphs: a black-winged (BW) male which is associated with territorial defense of oviposition sites; and a hyaline-winged (HW) male similar in appearance to females, and, compared to the black morph, less frequently found defending territories. In a wild population of this species, we first assessed the relationship between phenotypic traits [male morph, size and territorial status (being territorial or non-territorial)], their role on mating success, and the degree to which a particular territory may contribute to male mating success. Second, to relate a physiological basis of being territorial we compared both morphs in terms of muscular fat reserves and thoracic muscle, two key traits related to territory defense ability. Males of both morphs defended territories although the BW males were more commonly found doing this. BW males were larger than HW males and size predicted being territorial but only within HW males (territorial males were larger) but not in BW males. Male mating success was related to territorial status (territorial males achieved a higher mating success), but not to morph or size. Furthermore, territory identity also explained mating success with some territories producing more matings than others. The BW morph stored more fat reserves which may explain why this morph was more likely to secure and defend a place than the HW morph. However, the HW morph showed higher relative muscle mass which we have interpreted as a flexible strategy to enable males to defend a territory. These results are distant to what has been found in another male dimorphic damselfly, Mnais pruinosa, where the advantage of the non-territorial morph relies on its longevity to compensate in mating benefits compared to the territorial morph.  相似文献   

When individuals maintain strong inter‐seasonal philopatry to the same territories, males may be able to re‐establish territory occupancy without intense intra‐sexual aggression, and instead spend more time courting females early in the reproductive season. Furthermore, when some males have prior experience defending the same territories, it may be necessary for young males to exhibit higher levels of aggression because they are establishing a territory for the first time. We tested these hypotheses by examining within‐season (1992 and 1997) temporal variation in the social behavior of adult male collared lizards of known age and prior territorial experience in a population where inter‐season philopatry to territories is high. Contrary to expectations, the frequency of aggression exhibited by males with and without prior territorial experience did not differ. The frequency of intra‐sexual aggression was higher in 1992 than in 1997, perhaps because male competitors were more abundant in 1992. Although there was an interactive effect of year, male display and patrol were low at the beginning of the reproductive season in Apr. and May, reached peaks during midseason in June, and then decreased as reproduction ended in July. The size of territories showed a similar pattern, with males defending larger areas in June. Our data support the philopatry hypothesis in that the establishment of territories occurred without high levels of aggression early in the season, perhaps because territory boundaries have been well defined by high rates of patrol and advertisement during the middle of the previous season. Inter‐sexual interactions were most frequent in June rather than at the beginning of the reproductive season. Adult females are producing their second clutches and yearling females are producing their first clutches in June. The high rate of inter‐sexual encounters in June supports the hypothesis that males allocate more time to courtship when females are receptive because there are more reproductively active females at this time. The temporal pattern of activities in adult Crotaphytus collaris appears to function as a compromise between competing intra‐ and inter‐sexual social demands on males, allowing males to maximize mating opportunities as well as maintain future access to productive territories.  相似文献   

Larry D.  Marshall  John  Alcock 《Journal of Zoology》1981,193(3):315-324
The Carpenter bee, Xylocopa varipuncta , appears to have evolved a dispersed lek mating system. Males leave the natal nest in the late afternoon in March and April to hover for periods of up to two hours in the crowns of non-flowering trees growing in desert washes. Females and other males occasionally visit a hovering male, probably drawn by a sex pheromone. Resident males repel intruders of the same sex and attempt to induce females to alight on foliage, where mating occurs. The hovering territories do not contain nests, or potential nest sites, or food resources for females. Lek territoriality may have evolved in this species because nests are difficult to locate and the food-plants are evenly dispersed over a large area, making economical defence of patches of this resource unfeasible. Males are left with the option of demonstrating social dominance to potential mates through control of a superior landmark territory.  相似文献   

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